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Now that everyone realized the AR18 is the superior system and folding stocks are the bees knees why wont a gun company reverse engineer a Daewoo K2 and make a copy that fits on a modded milspec AR lower?
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K2 has a strange design decision like the upper and lower receiver being held together by the tip of the spring rod. Also, the fixed ejector is worse than a simple plunger. Other than that it's okay I guess
Thr ar18 did the same and the brn180 fixed that problem
but its not superior, its heavier, recoils harder and is louder suppressed
>Now that everyone realized the AR18 is the superior system and folding stocks are the bees knees why wont a gun company reverse engineer a Daewoo K2
You have handled neither a K2 or AR18. They have almost nothing in common.
>upper and lower receiver being held together by the tip of the spring rod
That's actually a pretty common design. But I guess everything's exotic if you've only ever seen an ar-15.
>Also, the fixed ejector is worse than a simple plunger.
vaaat? No idea what the K2 ejector is like, but most fixed ejectors are significantly simpler than plungers. There are truly fixed ejectors, and there are toggle "fixed" ejectors.

On the XCR it's just an angled piece of steel attached with two screws, doesn't more at all.
it's not, folding stocks are a meme, the brn180 exists and it's kinda shit for the price and see above.
The problem with the K2 specifically is that they cut the slot for the ejector right through one of the bolt lugs and it's left hanging on with just a tiny little sliver of material.
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Daewoos are fucking kino
Oh, that's pretty dumb. It probably shears bolt lugs faster than an AR then.
>doesn't more at all.
Unless Alex forgets to loctite those screws, which he not-infrequently does.
>>doesn't more at all.
Yeah, I changed the phrasing and forgot to fix it. My point was it's mechanically simpler than the AR plunger.

You don't need to loctite them. You can, and IMO should, but you don't need to, the washers and torque spec (hand-tight+40 degrees IIRC) are enough to prevent them walking.
Galil/AR/CETME hypersex produced this.
>Galil/AR/CETME hypersex produced this.
Except none of them are actually related. It has a DI driven mechanism with an AR-18 style dual recoil spring.
>kinda shit for the price
You're just poor.
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It doesn't really inspire confidence but I also can't find much about them shearing that lug off except for some stuff about the 7.62x39 conversions being prone to it because of the extra material removed.
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>long stroke piston
>AR-style bolt head
>STANAG compatible lower

Already been done. Didn’t sell well, heavy.
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The K2 is an AR15 AK hybrid, see pic related.
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I am vomit. Anyway here's the XCR, very AK like.

Lug 4 has always been the Achilles heel of the AR lug pattern. If you keep it, it causes 1 or 7 to sheer. If you notch it, it sheers.

LMT in their enhanced bolt just relieve the lug on the back to balance the stresses.
unless you're rocking some extremely bottom budget shit and overgasseing the fuck out of it (unfortunately this is not mutually exclusive) it's not a problem and LMT has has some extremely shonkey QC lately making thier civ sale proprietary stuff a liability and not an improvement.
Just buy Kalash and shut up.
Fixed ejector requires more design work to execute but is absolutely a more reliable design. No finicky little springs and it uses the full weight of the bolt carrier to throw the cartridge out.
The lugs opposite to the extractor carry little load.
The 8 lug design is absolutely garbage for force distribution..
There really is so much the XCR got right. Pity about its owner.
Of all the people in the arms business these days, the mormons are some of the least objectionable.
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I will be buying both the K1 and K2 if Kahr arms decides to reproduce them.
>reverse engineer
just buy one? the company already makes the things. just order one and get it shipped.
It angers me that the handguard doesn’t extend to the end of the gas tube. Someday I’ll get one and correct it with some nice custom wood furniture. Pity I couldn’t get the F/A bits too.

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