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>a B-17 bombing run to Berlin could last 20+ hours
where did the crew go to the toilet?
did they serve in-flight meals?
what did they do when they got bored?
Bucket for doodies.
They ate field rations, cold.
They thought about dying when they weren't busy trying not to die.
They had a little to poop thing besides the Ball gunner he is was fucked me
Jack off
Aside from the shit bucket there was, apparently a piss tube on some bombers, but it would reportedly freeze
What did the ball turret gunner do the whole time?
Shitpost on 4chan
scream and piss and shid himself until a german pilot ended his misery
He lived off of fear and adrenaline until the mission's end.
>only 4,500 lb of ordnance, of which 5% were duds, with a CEP of 10 miles
File: Waist-Toilet.jpg (82 KB, 600x461)
82 KB
B-17 had a toilet.
WTF did nav and bomber be 2 guys?

couldn't co-p do radio?
>>a B-17 bombing run to Berlin could last 20+ hours
The usual british bombing runs at Berlin would take aprox 7 hours for the round-trip, and a typical B17 mission to Leipzig would be around 8. Are you confusing max ferry range with mission range?
>feel like pissing
>of to the pissing tube I go
>tube is metal
>my dick freezes to it
>I yell for help
>boys try to unfreeze my dick using coffee from thermos
>suddenly, ze german planes appear
>pilot makes dodging manoeuvres
>I fall and rip my dick off
>thanks, Obama
They would wash him out of the turret with a hose.
I wonder which one is psychologically more fucky
>US Soldier in Normandy, some weeks of frontline duty then rotated out for some time
>Bomber crew, (almost) absolutely safe in your home base with relatively nice comforts, but every third day or so you have a high chance of dying/being wounded/having to bail out in occupied Europe
>20+ hours
Where is the proofs?
OP looked at the max ferry range (extra fuel, no bombs etc), divided that with cruise speed and came to 20h flight-time over Berlin, somehow
Did these bombers have a standard loadout for gunner ammo? Ie, did they have to load an x number of cans, or did they load whatever they had? Determined in mission planning? Would a bomber not sortie if they couldn’t get enough?
Normandy wasn't that bloody
Fap furiously.
Not under fire or with failure. Plus they often got pressed into relief if another position was casualtied.


it's complicated
Imagine the smell
Stop doing drugs.
70k allies died in the Normandy invasion. More then any bomber crews.
That involved millions of men. Meanwhile the 8th airforce suffered almost 50k casualties, half dead, by the end of the war. Consider the fact it had a strength of some 200k men, which includes non-aviatiors and administrative staff, and you can do your own math. In fact that's something like 5% of all US casualties during world war 2.

The only guys that were worse of were submariners.
I think it’s one of those things where it depends on what would traumatise you more
Fighting in normandy I’d imagine your death rate is significantly lower than as a bomber crewman, but you’re gonna be able to experience a lot of fucked up shit during that time even if you don’t die. Whereas if you’re a bomber crew your run’s probably really stressful but you don’t actually see someone get shot or wounded that often, and if you do it’s likely you just die. Ultimately I’m talking out of my ass and would love for a more knowledgeable anon to provide more information on this question
Yeah submarines were fucked up
My great grandfather was actually a french submariner. When the war started he was about sixteen, and he was with the french fleet in Toulon. When they scuttled the french fleet to stop the germans getting their hands on it, he managed to board one of a handful of submarines to make it out of the harbour intact, and ended up joining the free french forces. From there I believe he actually ended up in the pacific somehow from what my dad told me. He himself spoke about it to me when I was a young boy but he died when I was barely a teenager so I didn’t get to ask him properly grown up questions. Fuck me I miss that man, grew to be 95 and he had perfect memory and health. Only died because his wife died first and it just gutted him, he essentially lost his reason to live and died of heartache a couple years after she. I’ve tried to find out more details about his submarine’s exact activities during the war but I haven’t been able to find much at all besides the confirmation that his submarine was one of a small handful to escape and continue fighting.
That's interesting since free France wasnt in the pacific
What a bizarrely false statement
A lot of people shitposts, literally.
take potshots at other b17's in the formation to see how close he could get to hitting them without hitting them then blaming the waist gunner on it
Ah shit anon you’re right. Gonna head to his grave and tell him he lied because some anon doesn’t know basic fucking geography
fleet was stationed in new Caledonia and free french forces fought as commandos in indochina
Best answer
Second best answer

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