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Why doesn't the Space Force follow the ranking system of the Navy instead of the Air Force?
because space isn't a sea
It also doesn't have air.
and yet spaceships fly, with all the OG astronauts being air force pilots
OP, you're a faggot, and I'm not even going to ask why you're a faggot. Just fuck off.
got that SS swag for a dress uniform.
Why would a branch in the department of the Air Force use Navy ranks? The Marines, in the Department of the Navy, don't even use Navy ranks
Because Trump was an idiot and built the Space Force out of the Air Force instead of the Navy. I mean, we had a chance for Space Marines and he blew it.
What exactly would a space marine do and would you want to be stuck on a spaceship with a marine?
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Building towards a brighter future
>with all the OG astronauts being air force pilots
Why lie? Alan Shepard was the first American in space and he was Navy.
I mean we still don't have any idea how Space Warfare is going to play out in reality, but surely a spaceship crew is going to resemble a ship/submarine crew more than an airforce base.
>spaceships fly,
They don't fly; they're in freefall.
>and yet spaceships fly
They orbit.
I'm so glad the DAF got the Spaceforce. Instead of the DoN. Because if they were under the Navy that would be gay.
Being gay is based
bru thats just logh
Retarded know-nothing faggot. Kill yourself, you stupid nigger.
>Not spaceman
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>these design concepts are not developed or endorsed by the DoD
meanwhile what we ended up
i'm not going to stop posting these until they change the uniform.
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>space force deployed in afghanistan
big kek
Because it spun off from the Air Force.

At this point we're just lucky they don't have lightsaber ceremonies.
It needs silver piping on the breast flap.
Needs riding pants and riding boots.
yeah, that does help.
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Breddy gud, I like it
spock, set coordinates to the DEI sector
I'm not sure why the branch of the military with the highest number of PhD's is would be interested in random opinions on their uniform.
If they are so smart, then why do they look so dumb?
I actually prefer the simple black suit jacket in the OP. >>62916429
The one on the left, open at the top with a white undershirt and tie. Navy ranks are dumb, it's a spinoff of the AF so it only makes sense for the ranks to carry over, but I think that a black or gray version of the current AF dress blues would have been perfect. The asymmetric one they went with is obviously inspired by BSG and TWOK and while those are pretty good for scifi they do look a bit goofy.

It's a moot point though because they aren't going to change it now for a long while and they won't take suggestions from anonymous nobodies on 4chan.

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