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What are the other classic blunders, besides getting involved in a land war in Asia and going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line?
>What are the other classic blunders, besides getting involved in a land war in Asia and going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line?
Winter war in Russia?
having holds barred during a war in the pacific
raiding the Beaker Ducks in fire season
That game is so shit. I had ancestors who loved raiding or something so I kept stealing land from other tribes which gave me infinite mana and then you just click all the myths you wanna do
There's absolutely no substance at all to the strategy side
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Assuming that your troops will be able to maneuver faster by subsisting mostly off foraging in a region with a hostile population who support the enemy.
>Winter war in Russia?
That's one example of a "land war in Asia"
Neither Hitler nor Napoopan ever made it to the Asian parts
trusting a jew
People actually underestimate this little gnome, if you stop listening to what he's saying as if he's being totally earnest and just think about the game, he picked the logical best outcome, really his *only* theoretically winning strategy.

1. The man in black would never willingly drink poison, if I guess right he'll just take his chances and attack me. Thus if I guess wrong, I die, and if I guess right, he'll attack me.
2. If the safe cup is in front of him, I have to reach over and take it, which would be his best chance of grabbing me if I "win" the game.
3. Thus the poison is in my cup, and I have to get the man in black to mix up the cups, because if I reach for his he'll kill me.
>if I guess right he'll just take his chances and attack me
Absolute fucking bullshit, within the mythology of the movie it's presented that both will agree to the outcome of the battle of wits (to the death). If he though the mosquito man would just break the terms, he would have fucked off with princess buttercup instead of agreeing to the battle of wits
>Absolute fucking bullshit, within the mythology of the movie it's presented that both will agree to the outcome of the battle of wits
You have to be the dumbest gorilla nigger on the site right now.
The winning move would be to just kill buttercup long before wesley ever caught up to them and failing that stabbing him while his back was turned
Two problems.
1st. that means not getting paid.
2nd, Weasley kills the Sicillian in the most painful way imaginable out of vengence.

Realistically, the best solution is to ask if it's possible to become immune to Iocane powder and then surrender.
#1, neglecting your logistics.
#2, getting exhausted before the fight even started
#3, forgetting that in a shell game the coin was never under the shells, it was in the dealer's hand the entire time.
Maxim #7. If the food is good enough, the grunts will stop complaining about the incoming fire.
Israeli carry

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