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CAR-15 Edition

Old: >>62913677
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this is a Christian board and a Catholic general, sir
Getting the urge to buy either a PE90 or H&R pencil profile A2 carbine instead of buying suppressors like I know I should.
Resist buying more shitrod toys. They're not going anywhere
I can't even buy guns in this faggot state anymore so I'll just shoot the ones I already have
I thank him for his saarvice
My friend asked for advice on a drippy and upper and I convinced him to buy one of the Clyde armory agency trade-in 6945
if you have each already, post a pic of both on the gun and I can tell you for sure
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Fucking please get a better optic for that.
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Is that a prism optic?
I think the A2 is speaking to me for yours. A1 handguard needs a larger muzzle device or different optic or something to visually balance out
Hopefully my form 1 gets approved soon and I can finish mine

in my heart of hearts I knew this to be true.
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not yet...
What happened to your tripcode?
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My understanding is that the Belgium-made, RCH SCAR16s is superior to the new US-made NRCH model. But is a used Belgium worth $4k?

I'm considering it. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/1069171627
>the Belgium-made, RCH SCAR16s is superior to the new US-made NRCH model
in what way?
It was a necessity to deter schizos when I was posting here too much
>A2 says so

Something about less moving parts, better materials used in the construction, etc.
the man behind me at the convenience store is making me very very racist
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might go to the range this week idk
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>wasnt racist before
cringe (4u)
sometimes his opinions feel mad contrarian tbqhfamalam
all AR15 owners are GAY and want to be TOPPED
that doesnt make what you said untrue but this is a QUEER thread above anything else
>to deter schizos
You're literally one of them
Thank god I own an AUG instead
What are you referring to? At best I'm obtuse and retarded but not schizo
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>wrong pup
I don't get it. It's not even funny
I feel like owning an AUG is massively better than owning AR sbrs. Are bullpups inherently that bad? I don't see a real downside to a 16" barrel in something shorter than a mk18.
anything I will say is just sour grapes but apparently even people who adopt bull pups end up dropping them for a sbr AR EVERY time. See the Jews
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>suppressor clears
>gun store is closed Sunday and Mondays

Of course they are.
suppressors are a fad
>increased backpressure
>increased backflash
>increased parts wear
>horrible flash suppression
>worthless sound suppression (unless you use super duper subsonic rounds which are already subsonic without a suppressor)
>embarrassing "sound redirection"
anyone who "invests" in a suppressor is basically investing in the Cassette tape
in a few years time they will be phased out and be nothing more then a inefficient "aesthetic" from days gone by
These threads aren't even cute.
Rail space and ergos aside (theyre shit), the bullpup will always have a worse trigger than AR's. If pups had only been around for +/- a decade we could argue that improvements are on the way and that the AR should be afraid, but that shipped sailed almost half a century ago. Regardless, the AUG is the only correct bullpup because of aesthetics
>investing in the Cassette tape
bad analogy, analog formats will always be superior to digital
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I mix Lowry's into my reloads to give it that extra bit of flavor
Don't you think this level of shitposting is getting a bit esoteric?
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Nice job anon. That farmed a ton of (you)s
you are talking about the guy who calls the SCAR and "essential food group" as if it's not an absolutely mid overpriced plastic ar180 derivative. New guys who don't know anything should absolutely listen to A2 because he does give good advice, but eventually you'll come to learn he is just another guy with his pet brands and autistic preferences like anyone else here
superior how?
and the comparasin isnt analog to digital
a proper flash hider is also analog
its just analog technology that actually works vs dead end analog technology that is worthless

>Don't you think this level of shitposting is getting a bit esoteric?
what do you even mean by this
also learn to cook maybe insted of using premade gross "seasoned salt" whatever that even means

i dont care about (you)s i am just stating my opinions which are facts
notice everyone is upset but noone has anything to say against me because all i said is facts and truth
suppressors are worthless

>muh loud bulletz
wear earpro
He doesn't call the SCAR an "essential food group" he calls short barrel .308s a food group and uses the 13" SCAR as an example.
It's also the lowest priority "food group" or utility driven firearm with the idea being to have a road map of what to purchase so you don't end up with 5 different versions of the same 5.56 gun.
>he doesn't season his back pressure
As an a1 lover you should stick with the a2 it looks way better on this setup
Everyone here already outgrew A2. There are no more newfags anymore.
I mean he also said that is the closest you can get to a GPR despite hating that term. But who cares right
Yesterday I said I was gonna go shoot today but now I don't wanna
>hating the term GPR
I don't know why people hate this term especially for a 5.56 gun.
We can call it an infantryman rifle but we're not infantry. GPR gets the message across.
If that's your amygdala telling you that, do it anyway.
No it's my brain telling me that
>that extreme exaggerated spread leg stance to try and simulate having any kind of hips at all
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The real question is about what happened to your spicy lower
His last post >>62909803 didn't generate any (You)'s, not even the mass reply >>62908688 It's through for ole A2!
Someone post the tape again.
She is breedable, just check the OF
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It's here. If you missed it I posted a couple webms testing the Strela in full auto on my short upper with a variety of ammo.
Slowly getting there, anon...I'm looking to make it a truck gun, would a prism optic be heresy?
Acog or elcan yes
Primary arms maybe
probably not anything else
top dot on it no matter what tho
id probably just throw a red dot on it, realistically that gun isnt going to be good for distance and if its a truck gun, you could beat it up more with a red dot without worrying about an expensive prism optic on it
you break a $200 red dot and it isnt as big of a deal, lets you treat it more like a truck gun
>CHF is justasgood as button cut
>the 416 is laser accurate
I never thought I’d see the day that fat faggot unironically used “justasgood” in an argument. He’s becoming a fudd.
CHF is better than button cut
416 is accurate
why are you trying to be a contrarian
Thank you anon. For anyone else...I replaced the stock bolt, because it obscured the iron sights. I just installed a headless set screw with loctite. I used a Leupold mount, and screw was 1/4in thick, 3/4in length, and 20 TPI. Now I can see the irons clearly.
I take it as he recommends the SCAR to fill the battle rifle role if mission needs say you need them. For what's out there the SCAR is way better than a FAL, G3, M14, and other 7.62 offering.
That's literally not a justasgood argument, you're just illiterate and belligerent.

CHF can be as accurate or more accurate than button cut. It is entirely about quality control. Same thing goes for chrome lining. You just don't want to hear that because you're a fucking retard who would rather spout easy to understand and repeat platitudes.
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Didn't realize that was you! Not bad, I remember how linear compressors were all the rage 10 years ago
NTA, but Army tests resulted in no appreciable difference between CHF and button rifling https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA591215.pdf
>linear compressors
idk if that's what the Strela is necessarily but they look similar for sure
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seems pretty appreciable to me
they are different
im pretty sure a Strela is a "single baffle flash supressor" and has a single flash chamber
a linear compensator is just a straight tube over the muzzle
>im pretty sure a Strela is a "single baffle flash supressor"
yep although it's more flash hider than suppressor, their website claims 5-10% sound reduction, which is basically nothing considering the decibels scale is logarithmic that's like a single decibel difference practically iirc. That being said based off my own testing of pathetic sample size and p value that the Strela will knock out 90% of the flash vs 99% from a 3 prong on a 10.5" but it's way more consistent
>Strela will knock out 90% of the flash vs 99% from a 3 prong
i know this is true but i still dont understand why

having a baffle and flash chamber should make it way more effective

i said a long time ago that strela type devices need to be developed for ARs

i think in the future some kind of Strela 3 prong hybrid will come out and BTFO all supressors (supressing noise is basically pointless)
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>land root wear
>land edge wear
The two lanes merge into one at the end
>cracking and loss of material
>gradual wearing down
is a big difference anon
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>big difference
God knows I pray that's true
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xrayalpha made his website private after getting wrecked continuously due to that focustripp livestream
why are people such gigantic pussies that when they get mean comments they feel they have to 'go private' and lock it down? Holy fuck it's so pathetic.
>guntubers are massive faggots
yeah I don't understand why any of you waste your finite time watching these "people"
Why are navy seals such bitches?
>Say mean things
>Get shocked by consequences
He should consider not drinking and dealing with his internal problems.
Do you own a suppressor to verify this?
and nothing of value was lost
it's still assfags and hopler who look like retards (they are), the boomer can continue living his life unaffected by internet clout
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EMBARRASSING imagine being taken out by brass facts and hop.
not him, I did in the past and thankfully sold them off. Fully agree with what he says. What I find most odd is people still clinging to supersonic rifle suppressors, and almost completely ignoring others. Now that the mystique has been utterly stripped away, people are realizing the actual limitations of suppressors. Anyone can buy one and it doesn't really take that much patience to get your stamp. The process has been simplified greatly, and as a result people actually are beginning to use suppressors en masse. They will soon begin to discard them entirely.

The trend began many years with first smaller, lighter, less effective suppressors. Now it is progressing to exotic materials and construction, again sacrificing performance for reduction in back pressure and weight.

This will progress until people discover the flash hider is the smallest and lightest signature reducing device. I predict this will begin around 2027, and become mainstream by 2030.
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>mfw already rocking unsuppressed 10.3
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Just made 2/12 shots standing/kneeling at 100 yards. It's over. The deer have won
>shoot 10.3 at a class before my suppressor came in
>no one wants to stand next to me
Pretty straight forward if you ask me
some people get it some people dont

i have called the meta on bridged thermals and nvgs forever ago and was told its worthless because its to hard to look through
i called the meta on 12.5 years ago and was told its worthless because "reasons"
i called the meta on adapting Bulgarian 4 piece flash hiders for ARs years ago and was told its worthless for flash supression and now strelas are becoming meta and whatever other 4 piece single baffle designs
i called the meta on supressors being worthless years ago and i will be correct again

the ONLY use a supressor ever had was in redirecting sound to make it difficult to pinpoint fire but thats basically worthless and overrated anyway

i am the Nostradamus of combat development

10.3 is retarded
supressing a 10.3 is extra retarded because you might as well have useable barrel for the length of your suppressor
get a 12.5
What size target? I thought you said yesterday it was g2g
>have kac carbine mod 2 upper (14.5")

Will I regret it if I just get some lower like an LWRC? Should I just spend $2500 on a kac lower?
>it was g2g
It is g2g, it's me that's shit. Don't know the size, they're steel targets the range has. I've only shot it on a bag at a bench
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oh sorry, I didn't realize you were retarded
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>Should I just spend $2500 on a kac lower?
This gonna be your first time going hunting?
10.3, 11.5, 14.5, 16", and 20" are the only barrel sizes that matter and if you disagree it's because you take cocks in the asshole
I don't even care that much about 12.5 but this retard is making me hate them irrationally
Yeah. Maybe I should wait until next year
Don't. Go get a feel for the woods, what to listen for, what to look for (trees, game trails, acorns, food, etc), and learn to focus with your ears. Hunting is kino, getting free meat is a bonus.
>still clinging to supersonic rifle suppressors
Because all of the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. More and more militaries are moving towards cans, as well as civilian shooters. I’ve never met someone who shoots that regretted getting a can. If anything the meta has been moving in the exact opposite way.
>Now it is progressing to exotic materials and construction
This is like saying computers were a dead end in the 90’s because they’re improving. Suppressors are only going to get more and more common and better.
>Bulgarian 4 piece flash hiders for ARs years ago and was told its worthless for flash supression and now strelas are becoming meta
Literally no one is using them in place of a suppressor, they’re using them because for one reason or another they don’t want to put a can on a gun (can’t afford it, don’t like the gun/caliber enough for a can) and they’re neat.
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12.5 is the ideal barrel length both for manuverability agility velocity reliablity and everything else
there is no way to argue anything else unironically for 5.56 and basically every other intermediate caliber

all AR15 owners are GAY
worthless garbage to short and any supressor length should just be barrel length
retarded because you lose UP TO 200 FPS FROM 12.5
okay but you are better off adding 2 more inches and running a 18inch for the huge velocity gain or dropping to 12.5 and getting huge weight savings and increase to manuverability for almost no loss
to long 18 inch is the longest a 5.56 should be unless you are running something heaver like .308 and even then you should probably go for a 24 inch barrel if you are going to go 20inch huge already

people have realized flash suppression is the only thing that matters and that supressors (especially modern "flow through" supressors) are HORRIBLE at flash supression
for now the three prong flash hider is probably still the best option but people are trying different things and i think 4 piece flash hiders will become more advanced and completely replace supressors
I swear this guy is pulling a double reverse troll. Everything he says is wrong but I wouldn't otherwise give a shit until he started talking about it. Now I have an irrational hatred for 12.5 and strelas which I otherwise would just say "neat."
>all AR15 owners are GAY
Ah, it's this guy.
> especially modern "flow through" supressors) are HORRIBLE at flash supression
All of the flor through I’ve seen IRL from the last few years have actually had greatly improved flash reduction, on par with a lot of flash hiders. Most suppressors have good flash reduction, and if that’s important to you, just buy a can that prioritizes that.
>i think 4 piece flash hiders will become more advanced
Nigga a more advanced 4 piece flash hider is just a k-sized can. Do you understand how the Bulgarian flash hiders work?
You are a poet of words, I could not have put this any better myself. I was thinking about getting a 12.5 Specwar before this too. I can’t tell if he’s an expert troll or just retarded on the level of that New York retard from 2 years ago.
I don’t like to invoke Donkey-Kong effect but… yeah
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Work on your grammar and spelling you fucking imbecile lmao
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i used an old trailer as a rest for my 30-06 and got my first deer with a lung shot, i believe in u
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Don’t. Go this year. Worst case scenario is you get a nice day walking around in the woods or a peaceful morning in a stand. There were days were I’d just go out and set my gun off to the side and read a book in the stand and just enjoy being outside.
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Great, another schizo wall posting
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I didn't know desert metro did OF.
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On the bright side now I just shoot to the left and not as low with my Glock
>This is like saying computers were a dead end in the 90’s because they’re improving.
Except that all those changes are leading to decreases in performance, not increases. Flow through suppressors have more flash, not less. In the end, we will come to the obvious conclusion: It was all a waste of time.
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>bought m&p 15 from px
>got wuflu, had to order it online in order to not miss black friday sale (they do it 3 weeks early for some reason)
>getting 10 texts and emails a day saying "your order is ready for pickup!"
>gun counter's been closed for 2 weeks because the geriatric old retard that works it apparently just disappears for weeks at a time and they just don't think to hire anyone else
I fucking hate this place
The obvious conclusion is you have no idea what you’re talking about and base all of your opinions off of 5 year old internet talking points and refuse to accept any other viewpoints than the predetermined meta you’ve concocted in your head that has no basis in reality.
>refuse to accept any other viewpoints than the predetermined meta you’ve concocted in your head
Absolutely correct. I am right, you are wrong. You will see me vindicated in your lifetime.
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Seethe nigga seethe, the suppressor is going nowhere
It's ok nearly Adolf, I have no need to seethe. You too will see that I am right in due time.

Although I do want to take a break and say the other guy is a fucking faggot, 12.5 a shit
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Short, cheap, high performance cans like the polo k are the future.
>Centurion sandcutter status: BTFO
>KAK sandcutter status: BTFO
Just buy KAC bros.
>See the Jews
They haven't dropped the X95, and are continuing to produce & issue them
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For the price of one KAC sandcutter, I could get two spare bolts and spend the difference on ammo
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I see 7075 carriers I updoot
yeah I'm just going to run gman bcg's
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everyone makes a polo k. it's just old technology being shilled on leddit for easy sales. If Griffin didn't price themselves out they would eat Polonoium's bottom line but that's just the game. When you're busy making innovations, companies who aren't will beat you all the time.
polo k is just an example. I believe that is the type of can that will be popular going forward. As much suppression as possible in the smallest package for the least money and learn to love the gas.
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Aren't you K-Spec aluminum anon lol
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>bought item saturday
>hasnt shipped yet
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The right carrier in the wrong gun can make all the difference in the world
Yea but a better example would be a surefire mini it's already been out on the market for a decade. It's made out of the same stainless steel and inconel blast chamber. Only difference is that surefire's has the brand tax
>No berm
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[Spoiler]I turned my target for the picture[/Spoiler]
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>he doesnt see the mountain in the background
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Best part of living in the valley desu no matter what direction I shoot it'll be into a berm. Just gotta hope no ones walking in the firing lane
>guys in vietnam were running goon tape camo form before half of /arg/ was born
maybe the gbrs guys are onto something
Nice, what lower?
Well, they lost. So probably not the best people to take advice from.
Hk A5
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Build quality wise it's a wash. The RCH is better because the NRCH system is poorly executed and reciprocating handles are just better or clearing malfs. The belgian guns do have that delicious dark brown tanodize though so that's cool. Not at all worth 4k though.
t. has 1 belgian and 2 burger scars.
Wait times really popping off. Truly the golden era of suppressors.
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I think the H3 solved my gas issue
What was the gas issue? not running?
>he expected shipping over the weekend

Based retard
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thats an lmt lower. kac lowers not worth unless kactism.
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get a faxon gas block so you can make the hole smoller OR ARE YOU A LIL COCKSUCKER?!
why does the faxon logo in the thumbnail look like a basedjak
It's a gassy pig and would sometimes double feed
>what the VC on trAshcord
I got kicked because I never joined the VC
They did you a favor
Nah get a riflespeed
Thanks for letting us know, Michelle.
How retarded is it to mount an M145 with a 249/240 reticle to an AR?
i tried man, maybe if we go to Burgatory i can convince him
Would any lpk work with the lmt lower? I'm thinking about picking a stripped lmt lower soon.
Look up AR-RPK builds, dudes put those sights on and regret it. They aren't even cool looking.
No doxxing allowed
>pretending to be unable to read in order to xope
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I've actually found zoomers to be the most nihilistic and unrepentant when it comes to online bullying.
It's a sad thing that so many people are functionally illiterate. You can read English and understand every word written, yet not understand what it means.
trash is like 30. He's no zoomer
What happened here?
Looks grim
If their brains worked they wouldn't be gobbling up the chfslop in the first place
25y zero at 200y no bags
it's beautiful anon
Looks good.
>I would rather have two bad bolts instead of one good one
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Im thinking about goying up for a repro frogskin uniform for northern florida. Thoughts?
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What does the sandcutter even do that something normal like a cryptic can't?
I think you should pay to have new Crye copies made in frogskin instead
absolutely kill yourself
Absolutely nothing. It has cuts in the rail, that theoretically let sand fall through. That's not a real thing that happens though, so in reality it just costs more as an idiot trap.

Unlike the KAC bolt, the sandcutter carrier does nothing interesting or useful.
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thoughts on the haenel?
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idk but its chrome and cleans up easily.
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this is not frogskin
he said you should for real game end yourself senpai
Who makes that?
>trash is like 30
he is 37
Love the pattern, hate the cut.
Cuxwrx is actual trash.
Nigger that’s titanium
dat nigga at da store tol me it good
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Didn't ask it's an objectively shitty can for an Armalite Rifle.
It's haenous huehuehuehuehuehhebuheubeuehuebuehueheubeu
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Good evening friends, can someone tell me what these screws are called?
This is why im more of a haynes kinda guy
it's dirt cheap to buy you just need a commerical 3d printer
the head? or do you mean if they have a different name than handguard screws
Don’t care, I’ll tell you anyways.
Wrong thread retard.
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they're called dienda bolts
I like how he has to stuff his handgun into his chest rig cause he can't wear a belt
Is that a BCM?
lvpo sisters btfo

hex screw is the type of screw
Hi Bunni
I agree but it breaks my heart because I was so set on doing a heckin north Hollywood build prior to this and then I finally put the furniture on and was kinda underwhelmed and missed the A2's ribbing for my pleasure. Maybe when I get a new optic for this gun the A1 will come together and by then I will have time to figure out if it needs some wrap and definitely a couple stickers
I always think that red dot shit on the far end is pants on head retarded
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what top?
if he didn't have that suppressor it would be like seeing an atom split
MM-14 camo in its intended environment: shit
jokes on you then high speed low drag
That's the tarp they use to cover ACPs.
no u
Topped on Grindr
Railscales G10 XOS covers any good?
Yes, minidot
this isn't me
no u
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Question for the guys with more experience than me (which is everyone because it's my first AR build).
There isn't enough room on the receiver for my rear BUIS, even trying to put it in front with the ACOG all the way back. Which option is less retarded?
>rear sight mounted on receiver backwards
>rear sight mounted at the back of the handguard normal
>no BUIS at all
I will have an RMR on top (waiting for it to arrive) so the BUIS might be redundant. But they don't add much weight so I would like to have them if possible. I'm already running the acog as far back as possible and will not compromise acog position for iron sights. In hindsight, a different mount probably would have resolved this.
How you have it right now is perfectly fine
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>no BUIS at all
Correct, whatever might compromise both an ACOG and its RMR will certainly bend your guard (compromising the front sight) especially if the MCMR is 13-15 inches long
Thanks, that would be with it backwards. For whatever reason, Magpul says you can run the front sight backwards but not the rear sight. I'll try it at the range and see how usable it is.
I understand that logic, unless it's a critical failure with the mount itself, which would take down both optics. I also read a post of someone who fell off a mountain and it shattered the acog so he had to run his irons.
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>northern florida.
join me in tropic supremacy, brother.
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>shattered the acog
Impossibru, the reticle is etched for precisely such a fall
Don't get scope bit
How much you weigh
>scope bite
>on 5.56
there's no way this is possible. Even if you have terrible form and noodle arms that let the gun recoil into you, it doesn't have enough force to 'bite' in the first place. The embarrassment would hurt more than the eyepiece gently squishing into you.
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the mbus 3 will fit under and behind an acog on the very last rail slot. i have my rear backup sight behind my acog which is moved forward and just go nose to charging handle and im happy with the position. if you wont compromise on moving your acog then just toss your buis entirely because if your rmr breaks in a warzone you have bigger problems than where your irons are.
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>critical failure with the mount itself
Yeah, that's why I don't even bother with a QD. The TA51 is stronk as it gets
If that's your preferred acog placement that's great, but I don't think it makes sense to have a slightly worse main optic position for a slightly better BUIS position
Yeah, the more I read the more I feel like I feel for the QD hype
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Live and learn as they say, which reticle did you opt for?
it just depends on how big you are and how long your arms are but i have no issues with the position of my acog. if i move it back it becomes uncomfortable and i have to pull the stock out which throws off my balance and handling. you should at least try it before sating it is inferior because it really just is user preference.
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Finally getting a pair of super gains, gonna do RPNVG.
Red crosshair. Deltathirtyfour has some extensive videos that convinced me. And I'll probably go back to the stock mount. Considering my backup RMR is on top, QD will be kinda pointless.
I will give it a try, although it's hard to imagine having it further away is preferable with how short the eye relief is.
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>Red crosshair. Deltathirtyfour
He convinced me too, what a coincidence! Welcome to the club, newCOG and goodnight everybody
Dude what the fuck is "backflash" lol

>nothing about large diameter

Phoenix or Tuscon? I just drove through Tuscon. Seemed like an okay place.
Where the fuck can I get a real C79?

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