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The russians on assault buggy run over the russian who was trying to warn them about mines.

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Russian retardation will never cease to amaze me.
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that has to be the funniest shit this war has produced
>Only monke can stop me!
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circus tier. they could've worn clown costumes and the effect would've been the same.
they look like the three stooges
This war just keeps on giving, it never fails to amaze.
>out in the open like that
>drone infested skies
He wasn't long for this world anyway
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The cutoff explosion is like a cherry on top of a cake.
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And yet some still wonder why most orcs only look out for their own.
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No one could stop that brave russian soldier from neutralizing that mine with his vehicle.
God speed, motherland.
>we spent 70 years being afraid of these retards
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Trust the plan!
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Can someone please remind me what he said again?
>fuck Pan Am
>total 747 death
>everyone asking "Where Gerasimov!?"
>nobody asking "How Gerasimov?"
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Holy shit this has to be atleast among the top 5 vids from this war together with webm rel.
This must be AI fake.
damn that's a nice barrel roll
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AI thinks logically, it cannot even begin to comprehend or grasp Russian "logic".
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Wait, there's supposed to be a plan?!
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This is still my favorite because it's a head of state releasing classified information by mistake.
how can this nation even function
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About three days, after that I guess they're just winging it like maverick souls they are
>by mistake
I still absolutely believe he did this intentionally because he hoped international backlash would deter monke from going through with it.
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Oil and gas pretty much. Moving more to nuclear and renewables is the way to crumble Russia and Middle Eastern nations while securing our own energy supply.
what's 1st cav's emblem doing there
I would believe it. Lukashenko is his own man and knows fully well Russia won't touch a hair on his head since they need him as an ally.
>Lukashenko is his own man
He is a russian puppet as well as Obran, he's not his own.
>implying monke isn't Luka's puppet
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>Advanced Warfare
This is obviously true, to some extent. Luka is clearly under the russian wing, He will cooperate with Russia when required.
I keep an eye on him because the Suwalki line as well.
This is even better than most "drive directly into obvious mines" videos. I am not sure if it beats the IFV driving directly off a cliff.
>IFV driving directly off a cliff
Haven't seen that one
Being opfor
There's another video of a zigger BMP driving full speed directly into a lake and immediately sinking within seconds.
Very North Korea photoshoot vibe from this pic. All it's missing are the officers writing notes in their pocket notebook
I love how guy in the car just screamed "move away asshole" at poor Valera
It's almost like an elaborate humiliation ritual, why don't we just put them out of their misery?
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I strive to have this man's energy
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Dr. Pavel, I'm KLM.
He didn't say this.
Did the cunt driving intentionally go out of his way to hit the guy trying to save his life?
At least he had safety goggles on
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It's just too beautiful, isn't it
Forget karmic justice, this is just Divine Comedy
Clips that end too soon
He was literally running from the front.
The driver executed him for deserting.
As he should.
This is such a good representation of Russia.
comedy gold.
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Yes he did. Here's the full translated transcript.
Holy fuck russians are retarded
quintessentially russianesque
I wonder if that was pure ego, or if he was on drugs?
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Can anyone explain what what the driver thinking here?
Did he think he was getting chased by a drone or that it was an ambush?
Ego. The dude was a hot-shot headlining pilot of KLM featured in magazines and everything. This was back when being a pilot was hot shit too. He was a practical celebrity in the field and had the ego to match.
The guy was also stressed as fuck.
The Dutch government had recently signed new legislation making it a serious crime for pilots to work too many hours in a row.
He was worried that all the delays would end up getting him convicted of violating the new laws, ending up in prison and having to pay enormous fines.
Anything's possible, really.
Maybe too much vodka in the veins, or vehicles braking power was straight out of ass.
>Da tovarish, in keeping foot on pedal we will be of reaching Kiev in a mere two we- BLYAT!
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>mobik fucking shits outta my way, we gaan

>Holy shit this has to be atleast among the top 5 vids from this war together with webm rel.
the tank commander turned cosmonaut landing on the house and picrel gotta be the other contenders for the top5
Seeing he had no problem running down another Russian trying to flag him down I'm guessing crime is a problem for them.
>be Russian
>get stopped by other Russians
>get robbed / beaten / raped
Your assault time is finally here, and as you prepare to slog through mud to your death your commander puts you in charge of an advanced infantry fighting vehicle.
Then some bandit tries to steal it from you. You earn a medal before you even get to the combat zone.
What is this showing? Them blowing up a hidden weapons cache?
Big-ass pile of BM-21 rockets that the ziggers just left laying haphazardly in the open.
If those buildings were not there the entire town would have gotten mlrs'd.
That would have been an awesome video.
If your standard practice looks like that then it is not haphazard at all.
I legit feel sorry for the guy trying to save his retarded 'comrades', but so cathartic to see the driver get blown up afterwards!
christ almighty my brain was refusing to interpret those as rockets, instead seeing them as logs because of how braindead retarded the alternative was

can't make that shit up
Easy mistake to make.
The rockets are individually packed in long and skinny wooden crates that may look like a stack of planks from a distance.
>If those buildings were not there the entire town would have gotten mlrs'd.
Still, bricks were shat in the surrounding buildings because several went through anyway
>imagine driving in one those cars in the webm and seeing this shit
Damn that guy stood his ground right until the last moment. Looks like he survived, if so good for him and hopefully he’ll be sent home with just broken bones and a story of his good deed and salvation.
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no he fucking didnt. That is some meme text some meme lord cobbled together



I know narcotics have been normalized in burgerland but in most of the other civilized world being under influence of some garbage is not okay. If he had done that he would have been removed from cockpit and fired before they even departed from europe. He was in a hurry since they had already been diverted to a secondary airport and waited hours for fueling+clearance while he wanted to get back to the europe home before the day was over

simple as that
Lol they don't send soldiers home.
>I know narcotics have been normalized in burgerland but in most of the other civilized world being under influence of some garbage is not okay.
He's Dutch...
>If he had done that he would have been removed from cockpit and fired before they even departed from europe.
It's not like there's a drugs check every flight. But yeah, I agree it's unlikely. But still a valid question. Stranger things have happened.
>those warning signs were for everybody else
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Lukashenko has been trolling Putin ever since he got snubbed for his chance to be Tsar

>leaking the warplans on the day before the invasion
>gifting Putin a tractor on his birthday after all his tanks got stolen by farmers
>mediating that humiliating "Mercenary Uprising" and saving the day
>shooting down Russian drones that cross into Belarus territory
>all the while your country basically exists only to grift russia for gibs and smuggled goods

Lukashenko is a god tier troll on the world stage
captcha 0r8tr
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That's what monke gets for refusing the humble potato farmer uncle Luka repeated requests to be made a Soviet Colonel.
>shooting down Russian drones that cross into Belarus territory
Huh? What have i missed?
they shot down a shahed once, russia retaliated by embargoing their potato snack imports or something
>>gifting Putin a tractor on his birthday after all his tanks got stolen by farmers
It's a nice tractor
Did Russia finally establish mobile ICBM's in Belarus?
>slaps roof
>this bad boy can tow so many T-72s
imagine how much of shit like this doesn't get recorded. russian losses are surely well above a million by this point.
No idea about the new tractors, but the old Soviet-built Belarus-brand tractors were genuinely good.
They're also extremely easy to repair and work on because the Soviets engineers knew the machines would end up being serviced by 65-IQ alcoholic illiterates.
That's how driving in 1990s Russia was like
They were good because they were Italian designed with the use of German parts.
>Oil and gas pretty much
bruh what are they gonna do when drumpf starts drilling for oil bigly again
>no he fucking didnt. That is some meme text some meme lord cobbled together
Fuck off you liar. That's the factual actual transcript of what happened. Why the fuck is some Russian disinfo operative trying to lie about an airport disaster like this?
party like it's '91 of course
>>gifting Putin a tractor on his birthday after all his tanks got stolen by farmers
I would be VERY surprised if Putin was familiar enough with the situation on the ground to know about the "tractors stealing tanks" videos.
Fucking clown college disguised as a military
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Hey, Clown schools are some of the most difficult schools in existance. It's harder to get in than into Ivy league, and they have beigger drop-out rate than many special forces.

And honestly, clowns would very probably do a lot better fighting a war than Russian military.
Please do not compare the two.
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Imagine a little hand grenade drone flying up to you and exploding. Horrifying.
>Have massive empty concrete structure
>Store your missiles in the open courtyard
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He's drawing dicks, isn't he?
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>sent home
It turns out his military career is just getting started, actually!
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>putin somehow not aware that he had to leave hundreds of tanks behind in his failed bumrush of kiev

doubt it
Fucking grim
>trying to manouver long missiles into an incomplete concrete apartment building with walls and partitions
Nyet spasibo, get some other mobik to do it.
Who is that guy?
Dodamere Butin
If you brake for a pedestrian you become the unit's brake for pedestrians bitch.
It could have been a pyramid disguised as a russian.
>No idea about the new tractors, but the old Soviet-built Belarus-brand tractors were genuinely good.
Fun shit, the best of the soviet Belarus tractors was designed by an Ukrainian MISSILE plant
Turns out that guys that make space rockets and ballistic missiles make better tractors than the T-80 tank guys (because they also made tractors in the ussr) and the tractor dudes themselves since they designed it with way bigger safety margins and better precision during production
There are like 8 different Putin's. All lookalikes. He's super paranoid, so the idea is Putin's will be all over the place so you can't be assassinated easily.
If I were to guess, they either assumed the guy in the road was a Ukrainian, or were panicking about getting blown up by drones/artillery/etc if they slowed down
gotta keep up with the boris johnsons
Driver was heading towards the front lines while the pedestrian was clearly running away from it, which is inexcusable for any reason. and as such he took it upon himself to punish the traitor.
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Apparently, the rushit who was filming and the one who was run over were planting these mines.
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Wait so to top off the stupid it was friendly fire?
Yes, that's why they were being warned.
I can find a ton of combat footage of vehicles or drones or door kicking but so very little of urban snipers. Is there an archive or compilation of ukranians with .308s blasting off zigger heads from 500-1000 yards?
Apparently /pol/ didn't take this particularly well, shall we show our not-texan friend some dedovschina and the refusenik pits at his thread?
He's colouring in the bulldog clip.
I love the transformer shortouts during the big boom.
Of course military police are grabbing draft dodgers, I don't like drafts but that's how they work anywhere on earth.
it's actually funny how those retards love to say that the military should be like in the old days with no women allowed and shit and yet they think the draft is bad.

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