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why we hasnt seen this on ukraine?
terrifying and beautiful weapon that could prevent russians from grouping their vehicles
quick connotation
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The Bofors/Nexter Bonus 155mm art shell contains 2 BLU-108 clones, we aren't see air dropped clusters like the CBU-97 or CBU-103 because of heavily contested airspace.
Because it's airdropped.
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>all those typos
I'm not a thirdie, just stupid.
CBU-103 can be a warhead of missle too, so there is no problem
The AGM-154B JSOW carries BLU-108 skeets, the CBU-103 is just a wind corrected CBU-97 gravity bomb.
I don't know if we have given Ukraine any JSOWs but they could really do with them.
but why? is there any non conspiracy theory explanation?
for me its becouse the usa military industrial complex with they democratic allies do everything to prolong this war
with that all the nato countries will buy a lot of equipment with horrible margins
bloody way to transfer taxpayers money to the nwo agenda companies and asset managements
i hope that trump will end that insanity soon
There are two major factors:
Putin only cares about Putin and if he's about to die some are worried he will nook.
The second is the Russian economy is greatly weakened by sanctions and if those sanctions were lifted anyone who invested in Russia would see massive gains, this is what a lot of the political donor class want.
Trump and Musk want to end the war not for any humanitarian reason but because they stand to make a fortune by investing in companies like Gazprom which will drastically increase in value post war.
>tfw no EFP submunition dispensing gf
and why does the russian gas is still floating through the ukrainian pipelines?
whe the russians did not burn with incendiaries and mine with scattered mines ukrainian fields held by western companies?
they are in war but, nope, buisness cant be interrupted
Extremely third world spelling and sentence structure. For the record it's not about supporting the MIC, that's just an added bonus of helping The Great Brown Hope that is russia feed its military stockpiles and population through the mulcher. Our opponent is hanging itself and we're in the rope business.
the reason dosnt matter becouse we can read their mind
but the facts are clear, the war started immidietly as the biden won and all 4 years usa supported them so much they didnt lose, and so little didnt won
they should be prosecuted as especially disgusting warmongers
>they should be prosecuted as especially disgusting warmongers
Agreed but we would need to capture Moscow before the war criminals could be arrested and hung.
War is really, really expensive.
i agree, but everyone knows that they are agressors and war criminals
and on the other hand hardly anyone knows that the west are responsible for this too
these money will be transferred by MIC to the evils like blackrock and spent on propaganda, brainwashing etc
and what? if i were russian i would burn and mine ukrainian fields shortly after realising that the war will last longer that expected
they clearly have silent agreement with latifundia owners
"we dont destroy your crops,you will insist on reduce support for ukraine"
its obvious warmonging and nobody see that
As a western taxpayer I think it's in the best interests of the world and future generations to pay the price today and make it clear that nuclear exportion will not be allowed to succeed.
We can increase the corporate tax rate and increase capital gains tax to recoupe the cost in time but we need to take action today.
woundt be better to just stop that war?
threaten putin if he doesnt stop where his army alredy is, the ukraine will get tons of support, weapons like op relative and the "mercenaries" in serious numbers
>woundt be better to just stop that war?
No, you are calling for what would effectively be the Munich Agreement when the UK and France agreed to let Germany take part of Czechoslovakia based on the stupid assumption that if you give an agressor what they want they'll stop being agressive.
It's better to show every leader on earth that if you start shit you get hit.
thats good option too
so why whey hasnt supported ukraine stronger? dripping the aid will only prolong war and multiply casualities
Countries that border Russia know they are next so are giving plenty but plenty are more worried about the national debt they created with corporate tax cuts.
I'm proud to be an Aussie sending 49 Abrams making the lastest contribution of modern MBTs
We need to ban political donations to end the conflict of interest between doing whats right for the country and doing what political donors want.
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I just think they're neat!
Russians haven't fielded massed armor in a year or so, and the CBU-97 is exclusively air dropped and not a standoff weapon, so it's completely unusable for ukies
Doesn't exist
its not a big problem to put such a warhead into a missle like ATACMS
>whe the russians did not burn with incendiaries and mine with scattered mines ukrainian fields
Because their goal, at least on paper, is to capture that land and make it Russian. Filling the fields with even more UXO would be shooting themselves in the foot even worse than they already have.
they didnt want to capture western ukraine even at the begining so they can mine it as they want
and in the eastern/central they can burn it, it would be no problem with cultivation in the future
Because it is new and useful enough to not give it away to slavs.
Are you esl or something?

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