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Would you be ask kind to explain red dot to me?

If I set a base zero to my iron sights on my pistol, so dot is at where my front post is middled between my rear sights...

How is this going to ever change when i hit the range to zero at 15 or 20 yards or wherever? I'm heading to the range in like an hour to zero in jy first red dot and really aren't sure at this point. I'm good with irons, pistol is Falcon 9XC, it's dead-on with the irons. Basically I'm lost as to how this will assist me, AND why I'd need further adjustments if I have the dot co-witnessed with my irons... do angles of view change at different distances? Basically /k, explain why I'd need to adjust further, at what distances yall use, and sell me on how this $330 optic will benefit me to the point of not returning it. This pistol has very tall and bright/night irons so I'm clearly able to use them even with this optic installed. I get it on my rifles where I only have optics to place shots but I'm not yet sold on the dot for pistols yet, at least not this pistol. Inputs appreciated righteous warriors.
>explain why I'd need to adjust further
Assuming you did a good job zeroing you probably won't have to adjust further, if at all; if you do it would just be to correct whatever error you made when you manually zeroed the red dot.

> how this will assist me
the dot is strongly illuminated so it's easier to see than irons. there's also only one thing to see--the single dot--rather than having to align both front and rear sights with the target. it's also much cooler when you post pics of your guns for attention online, people will think you're a real cool guy if you have the latest accessories for your gun.
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Zero your optic at 15-25 yards. Don’t go closer than that, because it will hit high further out. It’s fine to start with your red dot slaved to your irons, but you will probably discover that your red dot will hit more precisely than your irons, so feel free to adjust your dot as necessary to zero it properly.

If you don’t understand the benefits of red dots vis a vis target plane focus, speed, low-light performance, etc., then just return it. You’re likely too much of a brainlet to understand.
Thanks, appreciate the replies. Gonna see how it goes, will zero at 15 and move out 5 yards at a time til I get to at least 25 and see how this affects things.

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