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>Russian YakB 12.7mm rotary machine gun fitted to a technical, likely for anti-drone purposes, it also has a thermal sight and a holographic sight.
>The YakB has an extremely high fire rate of 4000/5000rpm and is one of the few gas-operated Gatling guns, most guns like this are externally powered by a motor.
Isn't this a bit too overkill for quadcopter drones? Also the recoil:
>that fucking recoil
That's underkill.
Functionally useless in that configuration with that level of recoil.
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>spray general area of drone with FMJ and hope one hits
Didnt we invent proximity airburst in WW2?
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>new pidor wünderwaffe
>it's just hollow machismo meant to look impressive to retards
>useless in practice and likely only made/deployed in tiny numbers
this is cool
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Wouldn't it be better to mount that in a proper way so that you can actually fire long bursts? What's the point of AA fire if you have to fire 3 to 5 rounds at a time? You need saturation.
>YakB 12.7mm rotary machine gun
So they just ripped a gun out of a helicopter and decided to use that?

Did anyone tell them that both of their arms suppliers (Iran, DPRK) offer a wide array of rotary guns from 5.45mm to 14.5mm that are specifically designed as after market bolt on AA products?
Only the first round, maybe the second would even be on target out of the burst so it's entirely pointless.
I like orkish nigger-rigged shit so much bros
>aircraft gun
Worse part it is inherently less accurate than most rotary guns, it is recoil operated so it wanders off target in three axis instead of one predictable one like an electric gun.
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this looks like a manual, lower calibre version of a skynex. Why would I trust Ivan to take down the drone instead of the computer?
>Screen and camera becomes useless because of the massive fucking jolt it receives
just so fucking stupid
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Taking wobble to the next level.
I WILL buy several skynex turrets and paint them red/black.
I WILL put them in my front yard inside hidden elevators that reveal the turrets upon activation.
We're going to have to act, if we want to live in a different world.
I want huge AA guns on top of every skyscraper and no i am not joking
Until it wobbles so badly that it manages to shoot itself, the KA-52 will remain the unopposed king of wobble.
why Russians like wobbling guns so much?
Small indie superpower, please understand.
why need secure gun with more bolt when it stay on airplane craft with four bolt?
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I'm nogunz, at this point is it not a legitimate concern for the round to impact the shaking barrel as it's leaving or does it still travel along the barrel while it moves?
It’s probably for something like saturation or cover fire and it doesn’t really matter if half the bullets are a meter out
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more dakka, but also underweight
It's fucking terrible for accuracy, yes. Not only for sustained fire but also for individual shots since the barrel will vibrate and wobble as the bullet is traveling through it, and exit when the barrel is pointed in the wrong spot.
You'll see zigger shills coping hard and making terrible excuses that it's SUPPOSED to wobble like this to deliberately increase the dispersion and create a wider killzone, but that's a blatant lie.
if this thing shoots explosives and it runs the risk of hitting the barrel, couldn't it blow itself up?
Nigger, with this level of wobble we aren't talking about missing by a meter. The aim will be off by entire degrees. That's >60MOA.
Completely unacceptable performance by any standards.
Isn't this the gun which was infamous for breaking the plane every time it was fired?
>entire truck violently shakes after a quarter second burst
that thing is never going to hit anything
it's a 50cal, retard.
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Future tech is within our sights! (briefly)
It's cheaper.

No, it's because its cheaper.
If it is not proximity or computer set time burst it may as well be.

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