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Or do the US pilots not care at all about losing the simulated combat.
Meanwhile brazilian pilots are coping by winning at anything because they know they are pleb tier, "we may have shit tier airplanes, but at least we won the simulated combats".


>Brazilian Gripen defeats the "undefeated" F-15 in simulated combat

I smell brown
The Gripen would defeat a F-22 if it was piloted by me.
But it's still the worst euro plane. Cute, but worst.
monkey pilots are just too quick on reaction time
You gotta stop taking these simulations at face value. And I can tell by the thumbnail on that youtube video that there's a 90% chance it's AI slop.
Anyone can win a simulation because it's all based around how the rules were set up. Reformers claimed that the F-5 beat the F-14 in simulated combat so cheap and simple aircraft are better. Not so fast - the simulations were ran exhaustively to force the F-14s to lose. Such as requiring visual ID before firing. So F-14s would be looking at F-5s on their radar but not allowed to shoot until they came close. They got beat until the Tomcat pilots developed counters. Then they weren't allowed to use radar. Again they got beat by experienced Aggressor pilots - until they found ways to coordinate and scan the skies visually. The point is the learning experience, not see "who wins".
Same shit with attack helicopters and A-10s beating fighters in simulated combat. The fighters had to go low and slow and fight them in their element rather than just fire a missile from above.
Any joint exercise is also going to draw the chest beating retards. The Brits are still cheering for that Royal Marines vs US exercise, where they also conveniently won't mention that the Red team also had Americans working alongside the Royal Marines.
>Is the gripen really good?
Kinda, it defeated F15 and F22 serval times during Nato exercises but nevertheless most of combat went EW spam and meteor missiles, it was more of testament of Swedish skills, ingenuity and clever asymmetric tactics rather than a impressive display of technology, literally any 4th generation plane can do that.
Who do countries buys Gripen over other planes? It’s cheap, reliable and it lends itself well to asymmetric conflicts
>Who do countries buys Gripen over other planes?
Almost nobody buys Gripens.
Purchasing an aircraft isn't as easy as just dumping a bag of money on a defense company and asking "60 F-35s, please". Some nations are flat out not trusted to receive high tech fighters, there's tech transfer matters, and planned delivery dates. If an aircraft manufacturer is already contracted to make a fuckload of planes you're gonna get in line and wait.
In Brazil's case their elections are won by their leftist turdie party so often they can't be trusted with top shelf Locksneed hardware. The French aren't too picky about who they sell to, but the Dassault Rafale is already backlogged with orders for themselves, Indonesia, UAE, Egypt and India wants to place an order too.
Saab is desperate for sales, willing to do the tech transfer and have Gripens assembled at Embraer's facilities in Brazil. So you have a match made in heaven because Brazil can't get a 4.5 gen worth a shit from anywhere else and Saab can't afford to turn away a customer. The actual aircraft doesn't matter.
Wow if only someone had figured out a way for less maneuvable planes to beat more maneuverable ones
All exercises are designed to stress test or intentionally set up no win scenarios for US pilots. They can achieve flawless victory real world engagements which teach the pilots nothing or they can get something meaningful out of it.
No anon the Gripen has won several contracts including in Thailand and the Philippines were they beaten American fighters
beaten them in price and delivery schedules?
brazilian monkeys are filthy cheaters, that's probably why.
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>6 Gripens and a potential 12 more
>memorandum of understanding for 12 Gripens
Brazil's contract is the only noteworthy contract with a planned second batch and a trade of 14x Gripens for 4x Embraer C-390 cargo aircraft
no most likely the low cost of flying and low logistic footprint won them the contract
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People have a short memory.
Pajeet had a big head over their Su-30s beating F-15s back in 2004. It was literally called Cope India.

These scenarios are designed for America to lose.

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