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What exactly would "Heavy Infantry" tactics look like?
why do you keep making this thread, you always use the worst videogame crap to do so.
Unironic Spetznaz aggressive room clearing stuff.
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Oddly similar to modern mechanized infantry tactics, just more aggressive. Yes, power armor can take a lot more damage but the easiest way to take one out is still traps and ambushes. AMR snipers, HMGs pointed at the only way in, about ten pounds of C4 at ankle level. Power armor wouldn't be invincible, just extremely tough. The best tactics would be to clear rooms quickly before the defenders can set traps and move enough firepower into position.
I love how the "tacticool space marines" completely miss the point and theme of Space Marines.
>oh shit a big blur!(destroys space marine)
>wew it was an Astartes good thing I didn't know what it was!
Transhuman dread is very real and the shock and morale value of 8ft spess knights slamming into your lines at 30+MPH can't be understated. Even in modern times bayonet charges cause hardened troops to break, and that's against other humans. Never mind the other shit in the galaxy, to include the literal spess demons that laugh off firepower but suddenly get serious about someone ramming a sharp thing into their memeform.
hi anon, not OP but I can explain. human beings have this really cool thing called 'imagination' and they really enjoy using it to think about things and come up with stuff. I know it sounds weird to an autistic robot like yourself but if you had an imagination you'd understand why real people like theirs so much.
>I hate fun
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we will know in 2 weeks time
>regurgitating normiefag slop
Nah, you're just a fag.
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>MAC-V-SOG but they're 8ft genetically engineered killing machines and not held back/hampered by CIA retardation
>not scary

Just graduate clown college, Bozo?
Thats cosplay-tier shit.

Fuck I've seen people cosplaying Gundams that looks more impressive by comparison, their costumes having lights and moving parts.
>anything from America during the Veitnam War
>Claims to care about originality
>Wastes time criticizing a thread he doesn't like
Those two lines of text have nothing to do with each other, this isn't even a retort.
Armor looks great besides the upper calve armor. Looks like it would interfere with crouching and squatting.
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It's probably just your autism. The idea that the colors are anything other than an extension and representation of their ethos as a chapter is your narrow minded problem.

>Hurr durr, why do Alpha Legion have a shifty, pearlescent scheme if they want to to stay hidden
Let me think about that one for a minute... NIGGER
heavy = fight and move in formation. defense against "calvary".

light = fight and move on your own initiative. susceptible to "calvary".
Instead of complaining about an existing thread you should be making threads you actually like.
But you don't.
Because you're incapable of originality.
Why? Room clearing is still best done with grenades and autocannons.
You type like a faggot.
>thinks colors don't mean anything in a universe where the most populous species has objective effects on reality due color
You're going to look real fucking stupid when that purple ork cuts your head off.
It's really the fact that most chapters run around in colors like picrel that makes the Raptors look like out of place tryhards. In short, you're both taking this too seriously and assuming 40k makes any sort of sense. 40k isn't that well written, it's really just good at having vibes.

Take that one bit of Space Marine 2 where Titus rallies the Ultramarines around the Banner. Doesn't make a lick of tactical sense. All it does is make the marines a gigantic target.

But the Vibe is Immaculate.
This anon gets it. The whole universe is about feels and loyalty. They even invented aspects to make logic not make sense.
If you're doing a room clearing then it's because you couldn't hit the room with an autocannon.

That being said, recon by grenade is a time honored tradition. Just remember to sweep in afterwards in case the grenade missed someone.
We have this thread every damn day basically please fuck off
>>thinks colors don't mean anything
Learn how to read and comprehend.
If you don't like it, go make your own thread.
Shoo, shoo.
>The best tactics would be to clear rooms quickly before the defenders can set traps and move enough firepower into position.
Or just use your power to bust in from unexpected angles like the Kool aid man!

>Why? Room clearing is still best done with grenades and autocannons.
Because sometimes there's someone in there you want ALIVE!
The Kool Aid Man suit lets you bust in and grab the package, then smush any thing unwanted.
>Transhuman dread is very real
It's just 30k slop for tank shock. Camouflage is the color of cowardice.

There's no such thing in the modern system of warfare. Heavy infantry is mechanized infantry. Panzergrenadiers.
>Or just use your power to bust in from unexpected angles like the Kool aid man!
In some circumstances, absolutely! The problem is that some walls are tougher than others and some are load bearing. Imagine smashing through a wall and then finding out that your rifle now looks like picrel. Or the rest of the house collapsing on top of you. Or just bouncing off like a 'tard.
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Forgot the damn pic. Again.
Gotta sell more toys, yo.
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I am the promise.
I am the light in the darkness.
Against all that seek to take from my kind, I make the choice. The only choice that matters.
The only difference between a hero and a coward is the lengths they will go to not only make a difference. But to matter. Life matters. Light matters. I matter.
And when I choose to walk into the dark, you will see what kind of man I am.
Wait for the flash.
See me shine.
For the Emperor…
>The problem is that some walls are tougher than others and some are load bearing.
Well that's the other great part about using these more for special ops; Loading them up with sensors and imaging processors so your insertion crew can get a good idea of how the building is laid out!
Honestly, I'd just try to put some bullets through the wall in question. It'll give you a good idea of what the wall is made of and a rough idea of how thick it is.
With the energy requirements and modern battery energy density, the only use I see for them is room clearing. Drive them up to a building in a truck, they pile out of the truck, walk into the building and kill everyone inside before their battery runs out in 15 minutes or a half hour or whatever it is. As long as they're armored enough to be immune to small arms fire it's pretty valuable.
You could even charge the suits off the trukk, sorry, the truck's alternator. This 40k talk is getting to me.
>Honestly, I'd just try to put some bullets through the wall in question.
And then you've accidentally plugged the Package...

I'd rather some kind of heavy VTOL as their battle taxi, but somebody on here was claiming they've gotten up to 8 hours of battery life on Exoskeletons.
Raptors are a chapter that developed their tactics after getting lamenters-style BTFO when they were acting like more traditional space marines. They actually still do the charging into lines routine, but they have a very large scout core that softens targets first so that it can be an easy shit-stomp.
What makes the raptors special is more that they adopted their olive-green colors as more "official" colors before the replacing it with camo for whatever planet they are in, which pisses off most other chapters.
I prefer Space Marine chapters who specialize in using other chapter's relics and gear.

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