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Any new guns your looking forward to?
Not what people think of as a "gun" traditionally, but I'm awaiting Dragonfire laser in Ukrainian service.
*awaiting the
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besides that which is coming in the mail, nothing i can think of
there hasn't really seemed to be anything new that i've been looking towards, guncons are just showing $10,000 suppressors, shit thats already been on the market for a decade, sights that cost more than an acog (yet are worse), and guns that aren't even available in the USA, all with the occasional "thats legit super cool, but i wouldn't buy it for even a 4th of the price"
New gun releases tend to piss me off more than anything.
Take the new Savage lever gun. I'd kill for a new 99. Instead they make some piece of shit .22 and try to horn in on Henry's market.
>but it would cost too much
Then charge that much and don't make a lot of them. Problem solved. I'd still buy one unless it was just a complete piece of shit.
I am hoping for more imports like that Indonesian FNC. I do not really give a fuck about a "new" AR priced at 4k
Maybe leltech will come out with something interesting in the future I'll be intrigued by and maybe get. Same goes for Standard Mfg too. I don't know. Most of shot show is vaporware, so it's hard to get excited about anything coming out of there, and we are only about two months from the next one.
It's also hard to say what I would even want or be cool to see and get. I've already got most of what I want. I have at least have one good gun from every category and type I'd want, and some beaters to boot. I've already bought into two memes for cheap (heritage 16" barrel and a sub2000), and well I don't regret those purchases, I don't see myself doing it again unless it was really cheap or interesting to me.
>new AR
>look inside
>its just a chinesium grade copy of a geissele AR from 2015
it was funny how hard .30sc was shilled on here
No, it's not. It was shilled everywhere, and there was no reason for it not to be shilled here too. Every guntuber shilled it, every publication shilled it, and every store that had displays had a gay banner or the two S&Ws in 30SC on the top shelf. I can't imagine the money it cost federal to try and make that pos a thing.
I want PSA's .308 JAKL in a bullpup chassis something fierce. Should only be a couple of years.
>inb4 it gets stg'd
Wasn't nearly as bad here as it was everywhere else.
Also, auspicious dubs. Maybe the 99 is coming.
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Why would anyone care about what's coming out when we have a century of good guns to pick from?
The Alien is the only novel gun concept I have seen since PWDs 30 years ago.
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every new gun costs $2,000 and looks like this
so, no
Anything in .30 pooper carry, an FPC in .40 s&w, otherwise idk its more of the same nothing new and exciting
it may be a good concept, but its a dogshit price
My pet theory is that they somehow were trying to get rid of the bullets they had left over from their OTHER flop, .327 federal.
Oh yeah, I would like one but not at that price. Catch is they got a patent so its 20 years until we get cheaper clones.
They shilled the hell out of it yet it was released in 3 guns to start, a fucking $4000 1911 that maybe 5 people bought, a shitty meme "starter' pistol, and a micro pistol which is still the only decent gun its chambered in. Idk why s&w didnt just make a shield plus, compact m&p 2.0 and full size m&p 2.0 in it. Theyre trying to give away the EZ still because why the fuck would anyone buy that?
>not Marcus or John
Freeman a pussy and the Combine is a piss weak faction.
>OTHER flop, .327 federal
I'm going to say that 327 is fine. I have no issue with it, because even if you bought a 327 FED firearm today and they stopped making the ammo tomorrow, you could still shoot it. It's just a lengthened 32 H&R Mag. It's not a completely new thing that leaves whatever you may buy a brick when/if it's finally killed.
>t. Yeah, I bought a Taurus 327 and I've never bought 327 FED ammo for it
I'm going to convert a Remington Model 81 to 6.5 Grendel with a custom barrel. Does that count as new?
wake me up when it isn't an endless stream of ARs and AR derivatives
Don't forget the Hi Point 3095 Carbine. A 30SC firearm that has no capacity advantage over the 9mm and even the 40S&W/10mm offerings. I seriously do not understand how hi-point could not have added another round or two to a single stack mag with the same length as the 9mm/380ACP version.
>Theyre trying to give away the EZ still because why the fuck would anyone buy that?
I don't even know why the EZ is offered in 9mm. I like the pistol, my father with arthritic hands has one and it's an easy to operate, reliable pistol. 380 is the max for the people that the EZ is marketed towards. We tried both the 380 and 9mm versions at an indoor range, and the 9mm was far too hard to manage the recoil on for him. If you can't pull back a normal slide and load a standard mag comfortably, you're not going to be getting a follow-up shot or anywhere near your target in 9mm. The same goes for 30SC.
>they got a patent
what a retarded thing, it might as well just be a P7 with the action above the barrel, instead of under
i wish more guns used the bergmann system, like the arsenal strike one, but nooooo, its gotta either be some super patented $10,000 racegun or a fucking glock

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