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Poland's Aegis Ashore facility for ballistic missile defense is officially open for business and in NATO's hands. This marks the 2nd such site outside of US territory and the completion of Phase 3 of the European Phased Adaptive Approach – an air defense initiative begun under Obama which has seen Aegis-capable ships stationed in Europe, the expansion of THAAD, improved SM interceptors, and new sensors + combat systems.

On this thanksgiving, do the needful. Say "Thanks, Obama!" Then open carry in a national park (thanks AGAIN, obama!!!). https://ac.nato.int/archive/2024/nato-assumes-command-of-aegis-ashore-site-in-poland
Here before the zigger shills come in and start schizo posting
They don't know enough to be mad about this. Kremlezigs have taken note, thoughbeit:

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Japan fucked up by not going for this. So stupid
I like how they made it look like the superstructure of a ship.
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How about some 00s vatnik propaganda. Any bets of the Russian response to the new missile shield?
>Mamasay Mamasa Mamusia
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"Just use VLS, landlubber"
"A house is basically a ship"
>Mk 70 Mod 1
>every new radar installation

naval missile engies are embarrassing the landlocked at this point
too bad drumpf will pull out of Poland because he's putin's bitch
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At least they're still getting the frigates.
>opens with Bob Woodward
I have no direct proof, by the nature of the thing and because who cares except propagandists and their consoomers, but I think Woodward has devolved to just making up quotes.

He might not be fabricating them entirely, but every time he's in the news there's a new hyper-embellished-sounding "bombshell" quote that sounds like the old meme about anime fansubs. People in high-level politics who are never, ever caught talking like this seem to present their ass directly to Bob, and only Bob.
Kill yourself.
How does the VLS reload?
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>triggered by Milquetoast Mati
jesus christ, how embarrassing
Nie, ty się zabij.
I'm not polish, retard. Go make another /gwg/ thread I can filter or something. You're only useful when you're competing with our other spammers.
>so angry he'll start spamming his bbc folder again
i mean he's right. trump will show that usa is unreliable ally and that he will throw poland under the bus
You don't pass. You're also so bad at demoralization that you posted a bare link to a youtube video and thought that would be recognized as westfallen posting
>trumps offensive will save the global south
trump don't have to do anything to help russia
>saaar trump will save rasha saaaaar
Ok thirdie, spam it a bit more and im sure itll unbomb kursk airport
>trump don't
Same as any other Mk 41.
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This thing was kinda cool, though it did cost 3 shots.
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New mission bling
no one wants american troops here
Japan was in a tough position. Of course the AEGIS ashore site was widely popular among the general public, right up until it came time to decide where to build it, and no one wanted the big missile facility to be located near them. So while AEGIS ashore had like 80% approval among the Japanese public, any potential location was met with huge outcry and backlash from the local communities.

The dedicated AEGIS BMD ships they're building are likely more expensive, but a bit more useful since they can be moved around when needed.

They're bigger than frigates. They're being called the Aegis system equipped vessels (ASEV) and they're notionally around 14,000 tons with 128 VLS cells each and the SPY-7(V)1 radar that was originally purchased for the AEGIS ashore facility. This is also the radar proposed for the AEGIS ashore facility in Hawaii.
When at sea, sure.

Makes no sense at a land-based facility where you can just buy a normal crane and lose zero VLS cells.
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>Aegis system equipped vessels (ASEV)
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The same that its always been
Japan has dozens of *actual* aegis ships not this we have aegis at home stuff
It's coming back apparently
no, they have 8, soon to be 10 (assuming they don't decommission the Kongo-class anytime soon).

4 Kongo-class, 2 Atago-class, 2 Maya-class, and the 2 new ASEV-class ships that are starting construction soon.
>Japan has dozens of *actual* aegis ships
As the other anon said, Japan has 8. The only nation with more AEGIS equipped ships than japan, is the US.

Not to mention, Japan and the US are the only ones to operate AEGIS BMD capable ships, all other navies with Aegis ships are only using Aegis for local anti-air capabilities, not for ballistic missile defense, which requires different software and hardware.
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Zegroids are really mad about this AEGIS battery, they claim it can take out their shambolic nukes in the post launch stage.
you can't shoot down a missile with aegis in baltic sea with violating airspace of other countries
^how much cum does poland fart (in US lbs.) per month?
cope zigger
>Bringing up gay sex out of nowhere
Such a time honored tradition
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Yes you can, since all nations concerned will OK it after the fact.

You can't LAUNCH a missile in baltic sea with violating airspace of other countries
I don't see how that matters to my post...

Japan still only has 8, not "dozens".
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this is a "master move" to ziggers, btw kek
>we didn't NEED the Baltic see anyway )))))))))
kinda like the suez right?
They seemed friendly enough when I was there. The fact that the dollar to zloty conversion makes your typical American feel like royalty (and thus much more willing to spend money) probably helped.
The open suez? With trade travelling thru it? Including trade to israel with israeli flags?
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lmfao must be why German coward navy completely avoided it?
must be why gross tonnage that transits the strait is down 60% since pre war levels?

lmfao you fucking clown
>Japan has dozens
They do not.

>It's coming back apparently
It is not.
Foreign military bases on Polish soil again without single fired bullet.
They'll never learn.
when did it happen previously?
Did not let the door hit you, where the good lord split you!

>The Russians tried to impose on Poland the conditions they once did on Finland, meaning de facto the country’s incomplete sovereignty. Their solutions aimed to rob Poland of its freedom in foreign and security matters. However, Polish Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki opposed Russia’s ideas and even placed constraints on Russian military transports from East Germany through Poland to hasten the ongoing negotiations.
Everytime the Polacks take a step forward at improving themselves, the Russians will scream bloody murder. They see the Poles as their little kohai slavs, while they're the superior senpai. It's jealousy but also fear. If a fellow slav (sic) can better themselves, then the Russian proles might start questioning what their government is lacking.
Polaks are bottom tier slavs no matter what.
At this point, they're higher on the totem pole than Russians.
I have stagnant pond water behind my house with a higher development status than Russians, its not a hard thing to beat
>Here's an Aegis destroyer
>Minus all the stuff that isn't the radar and VLS
Ultra shitpost hours would outright to be make it resemble an Aegis vessel in Mikasa's concrete cradle.
Poland must be a place where dreams comes true if you want to work in German owned open pit coal mine or get lung cancer from pollution.
And yet still above russia
I would rather live in Russia than Poland.
Eastern Europe is not my thing.

Lmao even

I would take Poland over Russia every single day of the year.

You think you're gonna be a high society muscovite?
Only advantage of living in Warsaw over Moscow is if you're gay.
everybody here likes zogbots
Really? There's way more homos in russia. The culture is literally based on man ass sex.
No that's being used as a way to discipline your subordinates, so it's not gay.
>man ass sex is totally straight for real no homo
lmao, ok fag
Not bending a knee to a rainbow flag globohomo shills.
Would it be better as an underground bunker? Apart from the sensors etc that obviously need to be raised up.
>Put missiles underground
>You don't need to lift them up in the air to load them, just lift them upright
>The command bunker being underground could be fortified a lot more
>Can have extra facilities hidden underground
Or is this meant to be something that can be built cheaply* and quickly?

I'm sure people with bigger brains than me already considered making it an underground installation and have reasons for not doing so.

*Compared to digging out and sealing in a concrete bunker anyway
Radars need to see shit, minimally you'd need a large structure for the radar arrays and their associated hardware. Everything else likely could be underground at a decently higher cost.
Russians already live their entire life on their knees, no need to get any lower
idk looks like they're resisting globohomo unless you copebelters.
>looks like they're resisting globohomo
Kek because you drank the kool-aid moron.
Kamala lost, it's over for woke movement.
>vertical launcher enclosure
I see the need to elevate Radar, but wouldn't it be wiser to house the launchers underground? And at least tactical-nuke blast radius away from other structures so you can't take entire site out with one nuke.
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So puccia can't even larp as trad now? Not a good look.
Related: the dutch are joining ELSA
Not since they sided with rioters in 2020
>this is from the guy who thinks man ass sex is a very straight activity
Cost and the need to minmax for terrain with suitable radar conditions and distance to relevant flightpaths and protected facilities. At one point, the idea of building a VLS ring around the radar installation was in the aether as well.
Would the Aegis system be able to be fitted on the Polish Zumwalt-mini?
It likely doesn't have the spare power, or space for the computers and other associated hardware required.
You could make the radar smaller but then there isn't much point in having AEGIS if it relies entirely on other assets for targeting data.
It might be possible with the SPY-6 update, but you still have very few VLS. What module spec is
It is physically possible
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Demented graphic from 2021
They must mean Sylver. Meh.
That's an old image (even the one I'm posting now is from 2022).
Yes, I decided not to send more recent slides including that one because they add distractions that aren't relevant for poleanon's minimal problem statement. Seems he left though.
No worries, I just noticed some of the info was out of day (yours says 5x 300 ton AC plants, but they installed 5x 350 ton AC plants
Damn, that radar must eat power.

They're adding 3MW (going from 9MW to 12MW) of power generation capacity and STILL have to remove ODIN/HELIOS laser systems for the Flight III to have enough power to run the SPY-6 radar.
> Replacing Halon with HFP
is it cheaper or better or something? Can't see why else they'd spend time/money redesigning the fire suppression system to use a different agent.
nta but integrated systems just tickle my 'tism
Thankfully they went back to a normal destroyer design a year or two later.
Ameribros are cool. I've been to MSPO last year and talked to a himars crew. They took me in behind the fences to take a closer look at the launcher and I got to take a photo on top of an Abrams turret. I hope that our retarded governments don't mess up US-Poland relations, I'd like to see more of you guys here
Isn't producing halon illegal? Also water doesn't suffocate people who are there
To the US military? Lol.
it's illegal to produce (at least I think so) which is a potential logistical problem I imagine
Halon's still used in the aviation industry.
It's illegal to produce new, but it's not illegal to recycle existing halon, of which there is quite a large supply.

It's envisioned to still be in use in the civilian aviation industry for at least the next 20-40 years and there doesn't seem to be any real panic regarding the availability of halon.
>Thanks, Obama
Nah, fuck this degenerate for the "russian reset", for "red line in Syria" and for looking the other way when shit hit the fan in Ukraine in 2014
What is the mission of those?

It doesnt seem to have the scale to stop the Full Send, so it is for limited nuclear war? For point defense? Or is it for offense?
It's mainly to counter rouge nuke usage by Korea or Iran, bonus points is it prevents russia from threatening anything outside full scale nuclear war.
Russian losses last 24 hours and totals personnel is Russians killed and does not include wounded
Tanks — 9486 (+8)
Armored fighting vehicle — 19419 (+22)
Artillery systems — 20976 (+23)
MLRS — 1253
Anti-aircraft warfare — 1019
Planes — 369
Helicopters — 329
UAV — 19917 (+31)
Cruise missiles — 2855 (+3)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Cars and cisterns — 30666 (+60)
Special equipment — 3627 (+8)
Military personnel — aprx. 745700 people (+1780)

>Artillery systems — 20976 (+23)

unchanged analysis
81.90% of ISS 'themilitarybalance' estimates of 25609 Russian towed and self propelled artillery and mortars, active and reserve Feb 2022 are destroyed approximately 4,633 remain. Tanks 7-.3, AFV 66.4% Many remaining Russian guns in depots have had their barrels removed to be used as replacements for worn barrels. Russia's chronic vehicle shortage now has a companion chronic artillery shortage, leaving daily increasing areas of reduced artillery in portions of the Russian front lines . Russia can only use air power , or drastically shorten its lines to retain the same level of artillery cover. I expect it to try and use air power, the consequence will be increased air combat and looses of Russian air frames and an escalating artillery crisis in the Russian forces. There will be an increased mix of begging threats and other PR stunts by the Kremlin to try and get a ceasefire as they have lost this war. Russia will no longer be able to mount any mechanized offensive operations or offensive operation with artillery support (basically all) by spring and Russia will be effectively defenseless against its neighbors if they advance onto Russian territory.

Why economic collapse will force Putin to end the war
Norway is stepping up its support for Ukraine by providing air defence for a critical logistics hub in Poland. Beginning in December 2024, Norwegian forces will protect the airspace over Rzeszów airport, a key transit point for civilian and military supplies destined for Ukraine.

The operation, conducted within NATO’s integrated air and missile defence framework, will include the deployment of 100 soldiers, NASAMS air defence systems, and F-35 fighter jets. The mission will run from December to Easter and aims to ensure the secure delivery of aid to Ukraine amidst ongoing conflict.
I thought Poland was supposed to get GBIs before Obama killed that and gave them Aegis as a booby prize?
no they're not. and they have to act nice on MSPO
>AEGIS ashore site was widely popular among the general public
>any potential location was met with huge outcry and backlash from the local communities.
East Asian countries are notoriously home to mega-NIMBYs.
Oh look helmettard *still* doesn't know how the shipping industry works and why he makes that obvious every time he copes lmao
Also in case NATO decides to go for a first strike, they have some interceptors available to clean up anything they miss
Yea they've got no balls for that though

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