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HELP!!! I need tips on how to voice train so I can evolve from the hon's plane of existence
I'm 20 rn and I think I have the basics of voice training down, like pitch, resonance yada yada yada
if there's any girlies who've been into voice training stuff for a while, I would greatly appreciate help with any tips, things that worked for you, methods and whatnot :3333
Let's hear it
if you can control resonance and pitch then its just physiology of your throat if you have honvoice, something many passoids wont accept and claim its all skill and merit
a lot of it is definitely skill, dedication and habit
That's pretty good! I would recommend doing some semioccluded exercises to control the weight of your voice as well so you don't have to shout to get to that higher range
Other than that you're doing amazing, keep up the good work
thank you anon!!!! are there any specific resources for semioccluded exercises that you think I should check out?
I don't, but I would recommend trying out lip trill (some people call them raspberries) exercises for now, some glissandos and scales and eventually do those same exercises with a straw and a glass of water (look up lax vox) once your voice is stronger
And don't forget to do some breathing exercises as well
got it! thanks!
Oh and I would also recommend singing along to the first minute or so of this to get a feel for that higher, softer tone
No need to know the words, just vocalize the vowels and try to hit some of the notes
How do I control my nassality? I have a schnose, if I try to sound less nasal I feel like I'm going out of breath.
can you help a girlie out?
why doesn't my voice pass yet? :(
Let's hear it
My voice is a long way off where it needs to be so I can’t give too much advice but I recommend Ls voice guide of Reddit. Particularly doing whisper sirens daily until you figure out how to raise your larynx

Doesn't sound particularly nasal to me
I would try going just a little bit higher in pitch though

If this is better I'll have to download it to practice and kind of get used to a new pitch again.
Do my bars pass (Im ftm)
That's perfect!
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is this the voice thread now im trying to make a song about neet losers anyone wanna help me write lyrics n shit
>about neet losers
Yes hello I'm here, do you already have some lyrics
yes i just play it on acoustic tell me is this good or autistic & gimme tweaks

thru all of this its G C Bm Am

he was 5'6
he smelled like shit
hes extremely autistic

his only interests were smoking pot and watching netflix

now hes 26
it finally hits
hes got nothing to show for it

he tells himself its cause he got bullied in high school or some dumbass shit

i want the chorus after this to be about how he like started jerking off on discord. idk do u have a better idea
Good girl, good girl
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I think I want you now
how do you make those miku and len stickers?
as if you would get it can we keep replies to actual visionaries thanks
i think i accidentally voice trained myself at age 14 to appeal to men that were older and nicer to me and i think i really messed up now
no it's bad because i'm not trans
hrt femboy immediately
post 'caroo
im small and light, yet I still sound like a boy, is it my physiology?
You sound good
Can I get some of the voice training resources you used?
I've just started transition, so I'm gonna need to get onto this before the hrtittes grow in.
you don't sound like a boy at all, but the way you talk is a bit odd and you could use more personality implying features because you sound really monotone, everything else sounds fine though
wtf how?
post your body for science
thanks i guess ill try to speak more naturally

wdym how? the weird sound?
the voice
do you look likr a bipedos wet dream?
How do I even get started with voice training? I sound masculine as fuck
i actually made a mistake, for some reason i thought you are
if your voice was this high without intentional voice training that would be odd
i still want to hear it pwetty pwease
Let's hear it
I'll post in like 2,5 hours
0 voice training and idk how to get started
Check out Ls voice guide on Reddit, transvoicelessons on youtube and also this
Thanks a lot anon
Good luck, anonette!
I have no idea how you managed to call me that after hearing my voice lmao
Thanks tho, I appreciate it
I'm rooting for you, anon!!!!
you go, girl!!!
what do i say

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