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They say that a richer a person gets, the more bizarre their tastes get. I suppose that's right.

When I was 18, I was into women. Now I'm 24 and rich as an Arab prince due to being a lucky fuck. Where do I find femboys like picrel?

I just need a feminine looking guy who has a feminine physique. Lean. Skinny.

Was on grindr for god knows how long and it's only ugly fat fucks or normal gay fucks there.

Btw, if I just wanted to fuck femboys I’m sure I could find that. But I want to find someone that I can develop a proper, meaningful connection with.
all the money in the world, but he still r*ddit spaces
clearly a phoneposting tourist with a likely fake story.
relationships are compromises anon
femboys don’t exist outside their bedrooms and their twitter
Just go on twitter and pick out the prettiest femboy you see
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They don’t respond to empty profiles, tried it.

lol, how am I supposed to prove it. You’ll just call any proof fake and edited.
hmm, are you the same anon who posted a very similar thread not too long ago? i think i remember something like this…
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Ye posted this yesterday, didn’t get too much attention tho.
interesting. i’m a very eepy tranner so i’ll give a little advice before i pass out. i would suggest advertising yourself a little more clearly. offer a general location, what the femboy can expect to receive from you, and what you expect to receive from the femboy. talk with those who reply and attempt to weed out who is genuine and who isn’t. then give them your discord (most of us use it. if you don’t want to put it on the board try an unsee). good luck out there, if i’m up i’ll reply to any questions.
please post a picture demonstrating ostentatious wealth in order to prove this isnt some cringe larp.
What do you mean a little more clearly? I feel like I’m being pretty blunt. Any more text and the attention span of users will wear off and they’ll go back to jerking to some random thread
You're a bisexual/pedophile.
Unironically red d it
This is an ancient western tradition. Femboys belong to rich aristocratic males
>general location
>what’s in it for you
>what’s in it for me
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Picrel, (you).
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I mean, you’ll say this is edited so who tf cares. Blurring out the number cuz I’ve posted the same SS to a legit site where I’m verified.

You could ask me some other questions that would be harder to fake or lie about like my holdings or some shit.

USA. But travelling to CA soon.

I get a cute femboy that I can develop a meaningful connection with

You get a partner who genuinely wants to know and understand you? Tf kinda question is that. Money ofc plays a part, but if I suspect you only wanna be with me for my money then I’m outta there. It’s a nice bonus though that I’m sure makes me a more appealing candidate.
yeah! like that. funny you mention moving to canada, that’s actually where i am right now. if it weren’t for the fact i am a tranner and not a femboy i probably would be interested in your offer. good night anon, i hope you find the special someone.
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GN. When I said femboy, I just meant anyone that’s cute and has a joystick down there.

Lol, yeah early in the year I was heavy on calls for NVDA. but now I hold no positions on it.
you seem like possibly a fellow low-conscienciousnessfag like myself. tips on getting rich quick? i rather believe in my ability to choose good stocks, i invested heavily in invidia in the belief that ai would become the sort of locus of interest that it did indeed become but because i have crippling adhd work in a kitchen and live with my parents i didnt really make life changing money.
well i certainly wouldn’t call myself cute, but if you drop your tag i’ll add in the morning
If you don’t have confidence in yourself, I ain’t about to be your crutch and boost it for you. But I sure as hell love a challenge

dump more of your femboy pictures faggot
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Who are u callin faggot, faggot
i know what i said about adding in the morning, but i’m just too invested now.
impressive, very nice, you can try going on /b/ for femboys but its risky
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Posted there already lol
qrd on their reaction
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quick run down
eastern europe. you can probably buy one of these in any belarussian village
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Mostl same as here. Not many suitors

Don’t want to buy anyone idiot. I wanna form a meaningful connection.
were the few femboys who you got on discord from there cute
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Nope lol.
what were the dealbreakers for you
*as in what made them not cute
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Not good looking enough, lol. They just looked a normal skinny guy.
so their hips, thighs, and ass were not thick
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I’m not asking for a top tier model femboy, but I’d like a good femboy to be with considering the benefits I have.
how would you make sure that they want to be intimate with you fr or that they just see you as betabuxx deluxe and use you for the cash
>Don’t want to buy anyone idiot. I wanna form a meaningful connection.
why not both?
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I spoke to a few not just one. And all of em were just dudes in thigh highs. I’m not expecting the type of femboys like I’m sending images of, but at least someone who’s putting in a good effort to look cute
think you could post a pic of an actual femboy you would be interested in, so we can get an idea?
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I’d use an ancient technique known as “chatting with the other person”

Eh… don’t see that working out.
Idk. You post some photos and I’ll tell you what I’d rate them, how about that.
are you ok with them being on HRT with small boobs?
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It’d be one hell of a long con, then. Cause I ain’t gonna date on day 1 lol
Yeah. But I’ve seen too many get on hrt and go from being slim, to chubby, to just fat. I don’t want a fat partner who says “oh I’m just curvy.”

Maybe other people are into that. Not me.
i’ve looked, but they fit your description of “dudes in thigh highs” the only ones that don’t fit that description are literally just women, cis or trans. so you want a cute passing transgirl with her penis?
>But I want to find someone that I can develop a proper, meaningful connection with.
not possible considering your lack of empathy, but I suppose in a fatalistic sort of way, predators do have a "meaningful connection" to their prey
add localljack. this isnt them, so its just a referral, but they're a real sweetheart.
post more venti
Well words can be misconstrued. Just post photos and I’ll rate em.

Looks cute. How tall are you and how much do u weigh, if you don’t mind me asking?

This is the mind that’s gotten me to where I am in this world, I’d say it’s worked well enough.
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Forgot to post photo. This is a random photo I found on b once.

I like this physique. It is kind of cheating since their hands are raised, giving the illusion of a thinner waist. But the cuteness is still there.
>How tall are you and how much do u weigh, if you don’t mind me asking?
kek thats not me, its a random femboy from /b/
>This is the mind that’s gotten me to where I am in this world
i thought trading stocks was more of a math thing and less of a manipulation thing
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Anyone who says it isn’t number 2 is not a big enough player yet. Hell, even I’m not big enough yet but I know that even the smallest of markets are manipulated daily.
i thought the manipulation was a mathematical thing? Is it literally social engineering and deceit?
this will help no one but me gain an understanding, but what would my (bitch who added you earlier) rating be? i have a realistic understanding of where on the scale i fall, so i’ll let everyone know if you’re being fair with your expectations or not.
don’t worry about hurting my feelings, i’ve almost definitely been told worse.
oh, and tell me if they accept.
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Well, to avoid getting too deep into that stuff for the sake of thread I’ll give u 1 example that only really deep pocket fucks can do.

1) hot potato is when a large group of buyers will “split” their cash with an even larger network of players and have them make coordinated buy and sell orders. This skews the market in a specific direction based off of the decisions of the people at the top of the chain. The winners will be the ones holding the potato and make huge gains, 7-8 figures. The losers lose money, but the next time around they’ll be the ones holding the potato. In the long term everyone in that group wins. But it is illegal.

This is a mixture of order stuffing and wash trading. Of course, this usually aint some human sitting at a desk. The overall decisions are made by humans, but the actual trades are executed with pinpoint precision via algorithms.

To put it simply, if I wasn’t rich I’d go for you.
Im not super handsome or anything, though I do take good care of myself by working out and dressing well. Only reason I aim higher is because I know I’m worth it now. Call it shallow or vain, but that’s the truth.
Personality is subjective. Some people find emo chicks hot. Others dislike em. It’s all about perspective.
Id rate u 5/10. You’re not super ugly, but you also don’t have anything exceptional about you.
This was posted by Sinwar’s tranny kid who faked their death lol
he’s being fair and reasonable. here’s hoping the hubbub of the discussion draws in the one. good night for real.
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so the manipulation element arises when individual traders coordinate their efforts and communicate, that makes sense
where did you learn the things you do now about trading?
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No, not individual traders.

I’m talking about the market makers who spread their resources across enough people so they can pretend what they’re doing is not blatantly illegal. When I say spread resources, I don’t mean a few people gettin a couple thousand. I mean a few organizations being given several million to 10s of millions to place these trades.

Countless hours spent watching, reading, testing. And also a bit of luck on my part with people I met. But I’d never meet those people if I hadn’t put in the hours to begin with. You could do everying I did and still make a decent amount of money for yourself, you just won’t get as rich as me unless you get lucky.
>traders are insufferable faggots
jee i could'a told you that u dont need to make a thread anon
i see, did you study economics or business in college?
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Hahah. I’m still in university, silly boy :)
Currently studying comp sci.
Like I said, luck + countless hours.
kek why bother at this point tho, you supposedly have enough money for your entire life plus more if you live frugally?
also if i may ask, what are 1-3 books youd recommend on the subject of trading stocks?
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I want to purchase a mansion that costs 19.5 mil all cash. I don’t want to deplete my investments that generate dividend income, so imma keep doing what I do.

Also! Books! I never liked books. The systems in place that control the stock market are literally 50x more complex and convoluted than they were a few decades ago. If you put me in the 1950s with the knowledge I have now, I would own the world.

But unfortunately I wasn’t born back then lol.

I’d say reading is good for getting the mindset. But what you really shoul learn is 3 key concepts:

Decide whether to buy or sell the news. Sometimes good news makes a stock go down, bad news makes a stock go up. There’s reasons why that happens. Dig deep and figure it out.

Learn basic chart analysis.

And be a numbers nerd.. be prepared to lose a lot of hours. I tested out well over 40 different strategies before something stuck. People who are “selling” you ways to trade are usually losers. I would never sell my ideas now because they are too valuable.
op what's ur @ im so curious about your life now
Are u a femboy? If not, just sit around. I’ll post the same thread tomorrow again most likely.
im not, but im 18 and hella broke how do u even get this rich bruh
>jannies temp banned me for posting anus
ive been looking for that fucking image!
thanks for the advice, its a complex system that now uses scripts and machine learning to run
what is the appeal of a mansion over a simple house thats easier to manage and clean?
I was 18 when I started. It’s been several years since then.

People always say there’s two types of people; those that are broke and those that are trying to get out of being broke.

I say there’s 3. The other two, yes, but one more which is myself: an innate and extreme hatred of being broke. I’ve found hate drives me far more than just ambition. I absolutely hated being broke. It pissed me off seeing people richer than me, idiots making more money than I was.

I’m not too much older than u, but like I said. Ain’t gonna give out the keys to my castle. Good luck brah
*as in not my anus but cartoon furry anus, salary needs to be quadrupled for such an astute eye
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Wait, posting nsfw is bannable on here? Shheeet

As a status symbol. I like having nice things cuz I’m a bastard who is lustful for money lmao. I’m many things, but a liar I am not.
don't give us the keys, at least tell us the location of ur castle ! !
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Just watch some YouTube videos fatty
sure which vids ! !
>Wait, posting nsfw is bannable on here?
yeah i guess this is what it means to be a blue board
>I like having nice things cuz I’m a bastard who is lustful for money lmao.
thats probably why you got rich in the first place, fair enough, what do you think about flying to japan? Surely they have otokonoko maid cafes or some shit, ripe for boyfriending as a rich fit tourist
Any. Just avoid YouTubers who shill their discords and telegrams. A good starter video actually is this one. You want to be able to identify scammers and losers so when you do watch videos, you know who is legit and who is a liar.

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Well, can’t even delete the nsfw images now. Hope Jannies take pity on me. Lol

I met some Japanese boys online. The cultural differences make it difficult to get things working together. But aside from that, I have no interest in Maid cafes. I want to meet people at least somewhat organically. Not thru a service you pay for.
>Hope Jannies take pity on me.
no butthole visible so its probably fine
>I met some Japanese boys online. The cultural differences make it difficult to get things working together.
damn where did you meet them? It would be interesting to read the specifics on the cultural differences part
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Some are just skinny fat and only looks good from certain angles. Look for twinks that are into either swimming, running, or gymnastics.
I'm an effeminate Twink from Canada. 5'10 135lbs. I can be yours, and I'll take HRT so I can be feminine forever. lmk n drop discord.
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Twitter lol
Why do you think anyone here would form a more meaningful relationship with you than any other femboy you could pick up?

Go ahead.

Yeah that’s kind of what I’m aiming for. But twinks that don’t cross dress or fulfill some of my fantasies is not what I’m interested in.
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Already trying out other avenues, just posting here because I can.
>Ain’t gonna give out the keys to my castle.
you can at least say generally what you did, was it crypto related, stocks etc?
genshin boys are great
have you tried discord?
could we know which other avenues?
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>Yeah that’s kind of what I’m aiming for. But twinks that don’t cross dress or fulfill some of my fantasies is not what I’m interested in.

Crossdressing? Full on dresses or just small things like panties?
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Stocks. Crypto is far too volatile for me to dip into. Too many unknowns.

I’ve tried discord, ye.

Depends on the mood. I think putting my partner into cute outfits is absolutely adorable. Making them wear panties and dresses. How old is that video lol looks like it was shot in 2005
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Try moving to sweden and find a boy into interracial
idk how much money you have, how big is your dick

all the money in the world couldnt make me settle for a “man” with less than 5 inches
im 5’10 155 lbs, 16 months hrt poorshit tranner
sent a friend request but no response :’(
would post a pic but not on board lol
bump for my own purposes
>arab homos lusting after blond boys
Same as it ever was. Back then your ancestors didn't need to flash around oil money though, you simply went and took them.
he says hes as rich AS an arab prince, not that he is one you bonehead
please improve your reading comprehension before you open your mouth again, you might not embarrass yourself next time
Didn’t a muslim wrote books about a white twink?
Oh, well then this scenario is just boring. Who cares about some random rich kid. It's only sexy if he's a Barbary pirate.
Very interesting trade advice. Citidel capital was found out to be doing HFT through AI, but nothing came od it. Some SEA country caught a big firm using AI and fined them into the ground.

Reminiscence of a stock operator is a must read for market trading is you wanna be serious.

I know good places to find femboys, but I wont broadcast here for saturation reasons. Drop a contact method if you want
Upload some pics of you being rich to instagram and dm them or find one with onlyfans and dm there.
OP here, I went to sleep and woke up just now. I’ll accept ur request in the morning. But judging by your height and weight, you don’t seem to be the slim femboy I’m looking for. We’ll see though tomorrow
I never said the people I knew who still do this are based in the US. try more middle eastern. Rich fucks only get richer over there. Already dropped my discord contact here like 10 times, I’ll drop again.

7 inches. Fuck I can’t sleep bro insomnia has me fucked up
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Would you?
Yeah the guy is pretty. But I want to know what he’s like on the inside and I don’t mean his anus.
>They don’t respond to empty profiles, tried it.
why the fuck would they? just like on grindr, an empty and faceless profile is just a sign of shame, being closeted, and/or being ugly
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Because of my work I’m not at liberty to post photos and videos of my body let alone my face online and then hit up femboys on twitter.
Sadly he is already dating a colombian
lol could be a lie. But even then, it’s possible. Femboy gets bought out by rich guy. Happens often.
you can also go the trophy wife route of finding someone with a lot of potential and paying for any cosmetic procedures and like hair/makeup stuff they want. Would require a good eye for potential and mutual interest but yk. Also you seem to still be largely into femininity, it will be difficult to find a cute boy that doesn't eventually age into a man. A good route could be to find a tranner who is 9/10ths of the way there and pay for her FFS and maybe BBL or whatever if people still do that. They aren't going to produce a lot of cum though. You're in a tough spot right now as most people don't look like that and the ones that do (extremely effeminate twink types and mtf) either won't stay that way (twinks) or don't want to look like femboys and often don't like their dicks (mtf). It's a challenging goal for sure.
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Yeah. I mean, I don’t want to deal with the messed up slop of a human being post HRT. that shit is a biological mess.

I would rather get with a femboy, enjoy the few years we have together and then just go full gay and fuck his ass normally. Idc at that point, I just want to enjoy my youth.
oh okay that's fine then, I'm a tranner but when I was younger I was hounded by a few men like you and they were always very delusional. My biggest problem with them was that they spent so much time hunting for that unicorn that they had never thought to make themselves an actually appealing person beforehand. Basically just a lot of very average or below average personalities. I've talked to people who went down this road unsuccessfully for a long time and they didn't seem to ever consider what it would be like for their ultra femboy bf to eventually turn 35. You seem much more sane/nicer than a lot of those kinds of dudes so I hope it works out for you. If you are actually able to be in a long term relationship with a man as you both age then you aren't walking the same doomed path as a lot of those femboy fixated types. glhf
Thanks pookie, I wish u luck as well. I’m assuming you settled down with someone?
yeah I did, it's been good. definitely worth it to put in the effort for a real relationship
you a pastor/priest or something? lmao
can't think of many other lines of work where you're prohibited from being gay
femboys don't exist

No, what I’m saying is id rather keep the relationship between me and my business partners amicable.
would you consider an unsee? or is this just one of those things that poor* people just can’t quite understand.
*average to most, poor by your standards likely
am I femboy enough or what
TF is unsee

Idk. Looks is half the ordeal. Didn’t see how wide ur hips are
unsee is a web site that converts a picture into a link that self destructs after a certain time. it is often used here to post without one’s pictures being permanently on the archive. you just set it to “after time has past” (it starts by self destructing after the first view) then post the link. be sure to delete the “.” though, otherwise the message won’t send.
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So what exactly am I posting there? My own body? The image can still be saved by others can it not
i believe it can be screenshotted yes, but there is an option to add water marks so others can’t pretend to be you, and to remove direct saving.
i guess body and face would be nice, if not then just like a good picture of yourself? alternatively you could avoid posting face cause even i’m not crazy enough to do that on 4chan
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Nah ain’t posting face EVER lmao. That’s a death wish.
… you won’t be posting anything will you? it’s fair i won’t lie, you already have a hook, in this case wealth, to get people interested. it’s also an insanely good deal for the femboy, like lots probably have issues sustaining themselves, so a partner who genuinely cares for them AND is loaded is incredible. don’t know why more haven’t reached out to you.
I hate you int /mena/fags so much
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Here you said hrt femboys would be ok as long as they remain thin but here >>35500371 you said you don't want to deal with that at all.
I've been on hrt for 7 years, do you consider this fat? I don't think I am, especially by American standards. I'm probably too old for you though :(
why are boys
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Maybe I will but not today. I’m sleepy as fuck , I’m running on 200mg of caffeine and 4 hours of sleep. Probably gonna sleep early, but tomorrow I’ll make the same thread again.

What’s that.

How old are u? And you look normal, not fat.

fug it posting my discord in here why not
he already posted his discord, see;>>35497408 good luck
35 y/o
i literally posted a pic of myself (i was the hi guy)
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Oh. That remains to be seen. Looks are 60% of the battle

Cougar material lmfao. I don’t mind age to a certain extent. How come you haven’t found a partner despite being that age? Something I should be worried about or what lol
kek im a femboy, investor too
added ya
Nice. Small time or big time?
I'm telling you over discord
you are going to dump this poor twink as soon as he hits 25 and this is why i cannot be within this thread
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Did you read my posts lol. As long as both of us can enjoy our youth, I don’t mind. I understand that all femboys and twinks inevitably just age into normal guys, but you can still stay slim. And by then I’ll have fallen in love with the mind of the person and I’ll just go full gay.
add me on telegram @flan_chan x)
im guessing you have just had like 20 4chan twinks throw themselves at you anyway right
You are just a perverted prison staggot. Leave guys alone.
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Don’t use it pal

Not that many. And it’s just me normally conversing with them, nothing lewd. A lot of em aren’t my type anyway.

Hahahah. You seem happy with life
im yookay anyway so i dont know good luck
im on discord too^^ @oav
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Add me then
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oomf directed me to this post. im @bunnyluvr7 now but i am an hrt femboy :p and i have an almost *too* slim frame
Any luck from those who added you in the thread yet?
nope, none. they're all sweet but not what im looking for.

i dont know who that is. TOO slim frame is interesting, why do you say that?
cause my bmi is like sub 17, maybe i dont look it. anyway u can have these cause theyve already been posted, my face is all over the archives too
nta, but when did you get on hrt? you look really nice and i’m jealous
my 16th birthday. well the day after
That's pretty sweet, I'm surprised. Usually people on HRT end up being a bit.. chubbier lol.

You seem to have feminine facial features as well. What's your background, if you don't mind me asking?

My bmi is around 20 now. I dislike the BMI scale of a lot of reasons, mainly being that if youre muscular the BMI will make u seem average purely because muscle is heavier. So in photos I look quite lean and nice, but looking at my numbers you'd think I was average.
would you mind adding me on disc, the one i posted? i could tell you here but its not really ideal
midshits will always turbomog lateshits i suppose. i hope things work out between the two of you, keep us posted.
this one is a grindr slut btw

only time will tell. the body is only 60% of the battle.

yeah? how do u know this.
would post pics of hookups dicks. one on their face even
is this actually true, lmfao
yeah just ignore them desu. if you want to find femboys unironically look at femboy/gay subreddits. 4chan doesn't have much just twinks
Tried that. Those are full of OF shills now lmao
did things end poorly with >>35506279 or are you just trying to cast a wide net?
it's only been like.. 2 hours since i added them. not even.

Things won't move that quickly, I like to take things slow and properly get to know a person inside and out .
gonna bump a bit more, but im sleeping early tonight. Thread will likely die.

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