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i have a shaving question anons.
so i shave my legs, and within about a day i have very faint stubble. not visible really, but enough to snag finely textured fabric a little.
i cant reshave at this stage because the razor wont snag anything and ill make my skin irritated.
so i wait a couple more days to get enough length, and the whole time my legs are catching and snagging and rubbing my pants fabric.

about a week later, I can shave again, but a bunch of follicles look inflamed and red because theyve been irritated by fabrics snagging on shit.

at this point i cant shave without cutting myself open on those spots and bleeding. so i wait for them to heal, and more spots crop up while i wait.

by the time this process finishes my legs are healed up but the hair is long again and ive had to spend the whole time hiding my legs for teen weeks. all for one night of looking good.

does anyone have any ideas or insight? im dying here.
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stop shaving and get an epilator
ive heard so many horror stories about those tho
exfoliate more bitch
>about a week later, I can shave again
I shave once every 3 days. The difference between the stage you describe where that there is a faint stubble to where its actually long enough to shave is a 1 day difference at most.

Do you shave against the grain?
Do you use a good shaving cream?

You might have a skin condition like keratosis pilaris. Might wanna use an AHA treatment 24-48 hours after you shave to help with bumps getting inflamed.
What razor are you using?
Are you shaving in the shower/bath while the hot water has opened your pores while lubricating your skin to prevent irritation and provide a closer shave?
Are you using a razor with lubricating bars on it so it doesn't drag on your skin?
Finally, are you taking your time when shaving and going slow?
A lot of the time this is an issue caused by reckless shaving or using a dull razor so if you answered no to any of those questions then you now know what you need to do.

Also, probably skip the epilator, just saying based on what you've said here you have pretty rigid, thick leg hairs. Using an epilator on thick, stubbly leg hair is an extremely bad idea (it's really, really painful, makes you bleed, and is generally not advised by dermatologists, epilators are intended for velus hair or at least very soft, fine terminal hairs, it's the same reason you're not supposed to use them on beard hair).
I speak from experience here, I passed out the last and only time I tried to use an epilator on my leg hair, that's not even a joke, it was that painful.
would that desensitize my skin or something idk
i usually shave against the grain because it seems to grab the hair more easily
i dont use anything but water and a fresh blade because shaving cream seems to let me miss hairs.
i could try shaving every three days but i worry I might irritate my skin.
no, i only have like ten minutes of warm water usually. i will strive to do better.
Try to take your time while shaving, I know it can be frustrating but you want long, slow strokes with the razor, being careful to follow the curve of your skin without pushing down.
Remember, friction is your enemy, you must minimize it as much as possible.
i may try doing it in a bath instead of a shower, to gain time and let myself relax and slow down.
i feel encouraged a little, thanks
Stop epilating and get a good ipl.
Or just get laser and the. Ipl.
Nair. Things like it. Only thing that's ever fully worked for me with no razor burn.
not using shaving cream is probably ur issue.. just water isnt enough
You need to use shaving cream. There's ones you can get that have more like a conditioner texture, I like them better because it doesn't wash off while you're shaving. but if you use the foamy stuff that's also fine and it shows where you've shawed pretty well. you just need to do it more and you won't miss spots from practice. you should also moisturize after. I shave my legs every other day without issue. just don't do it every day. and gosh you don't need to waste a new raser every time just change it on when it starts feeling catchy. you gotta look at a wikihow article or smth
I once touched an epilator to my face once. Not recommended, but lawd was it smooth for a good minute after that.
It is the most frightening looking contraption for home use I probably own though. It grinds like a metal eel...
After like 2 years on AA I lost like 90% of leg hair, after SRS I lost pretty much the rest of it.

So this may be a short-term problem for you.

When I do have strays anymore, I use an epilator with a big wide contoured top for body hair, it works way better than shaving in terms of avoiding lasting irritation.

And you have to be super diligent about lotion or moisturizer afterwards.

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