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is there any way to give myself schizophrenia? im very bored 90% of the time and itd be a nice distraction while playing runescape if some demonic entity could accompany me while i play..
i love the touhou mouse girl she's so fun looking. if you're someone who is bored you'll probably never get schizophrenia it's kind of hte result of being unable to be bored. you could do a ton of drugs and deprive yourself of contact and food and resources and hurt yourself any time you have certain impulses if you want to try to force it tho
That sounds like too much work so i guess i wont be able to have schizophrenia any time soon..
I guess maybe im just tired of being so lonely
well why not try making more friends meow..... you can find people if you post abt interests and stuff on frengen
create a tulpa
some a lot of cannabis, preferably daily
cannabis, bambisleep, both heavy use, good luck and enjoy

also if you want a real schizo trial run, just don't sleep for +4 days, after 4th day it gets really crazy, your brain makes up shit, but still makes up stories to make it all convincing to you, thinking patterns change, etc.
it's legit schizophrenia demo run, also dangerous to your health past 5th day, but hey, so is being schizo


enjoy your ride anon! :-)
add me on discord plz ineed someone to help me get into osrs :3c
tag: mydisease
Im not schizo but when my mental was really bad I would sometimes see black entities and even my runescape character standing beside me once lmao, it wasnt fun and scared me a lot. Id also see tears in the fabric of reality, it was a weird time in my life
Some ideas I had on how I would do this if my life went to shit and I just wanted to NEETbux maxx

Do you react well to SSRIs if no buy ST.Johns wart and take everyday. And you might give yourself a manic episode it isn't schizo but better than schizo because no negative symptoms yay.

Meditation, for really long periods like when people go on retreats causes some people to lose it and go schizo

Also if you dabble in the occult their is a risk of spiritual psychosis. Highly recommend shamanism I had to stop reading about it because I became scared my daydreams were real and had a nervous break down.

Abuse DXM. Ignore all the safety rules for spacing it and such. Had a trans friend on discord who did this got HPPD schizo and also determined kind of sad don't recommend.

Another great thing to do is Jungs active imagination technique. Basically picture something anything and just explore that image/world without controlling it for 20ish minutes. And you sort of go deeper and deeper into a trance state that really makess me disassociated. And when I do it regularly enough I start to have more subconscious imagery rush into my head. Which combined with either drug method might turn into a psychosis.
Also the active imagination tech ique is especially potent paired with shamanism because it's 90% the same and basically reading about shamanism causes you to question if the surge of subconscious imagery is real or not until your crying in a corner about whether you accidentally hexed your self by having the wrong daydream.
This I pulled 2 all nighters on Prozac in highschool and ended up in a mental hospital because I ended up in some weird spiritual psychosis and wanted to go on a dark quest like in my daydreams irl. Hypomanic episode they said

Anyways ended up in a loony bin teaching 14 yr olds what I knew about summoning demons. And also me and this trans guy somehow accidentally social contained all the girls into coming out as trans guys so then I had to sit alone at lunch because they divided lunch by gender and I was the only girl...
All in all schizophrenia sounds very scary i want to hallucinate friends and nice things that dont make me extremely scared and stuff, im not sure im smart enough for tulpa or anything though my brain takes a lotta effort to think proper..
sorry anon but i have bpdemon tendencies sometimes
abuse stims and nmda antagonists (magnesium glycinate, ketamine etc).

guaranteed psychotic break.
every person I know went insane on prozac, including me
herbal medicine is a meme and psyop
nah like st.johns wart's ssri effects are strong enough that actual medicines have to put it down as a contraindication because it will give you serotonin syndrome just like if you combined anti depressants. So presumably could same issue as prozac especially combined with lack of sleep.

literally should be banned the psych meds they through at me in highschool literally just made me more mentally ill permanently. Like

>"oh noo this tranny is sad because everyone bullies her fro being trans. Must be a chemical imbalance"

SO then they fried my brain wit h prozac benzos and anti psychotics for some reason. While i begged my mom to stop forcing me to take them and she just forced it on me until i got enough trust to take them myself and promptly flushed them away
>SO then they fried my brain wit h prozac benzos and anti psychotics for some reason
same, i got so retarded I couldn't even get out of bed let alone focus on anything. everyone was like: "no! 1 year is not enough you need 3 years until the meds start working". the same people were shocked that I tried to kill myself and landed in hospital because of it. thankfully I escaped out of this people reach. it all happened when I was a teen. sadly now I have to take ritalin because I still didn't regain normal focus but it works pretty well and I can live with that. oh and I started diy right after I was on my own, with these people I could only dream of touching hrt.
i started prozac 4 months ago, is it over for me?
agony is awaiting for when you need to get off it, the good effects (if you have any) won't last forever
well i got on them cuz i ran out of ideas on how to help my OCD on my own and i was severely messed up from that
its helped to decrease the panic from the OCD so I can think thru things better before doing any compulsions
its that fucking rat again

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