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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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This is going to sound weird, bare with me here, but like, the industrial complex benefits from bigotry, right? Like, an outgroup of "subhumans" is baked into the fabric social hierarchy is fashioned by.

The as a gross generalization, the most "useful" form of others to the facist state are ones that are visible and easy to contain to a lower-class state. POC people are, in a very fucked up way, the golden children of the totalitarian's games. White supremacists don't actually want an ethno state, they want slavery--- like, the US directly benefits from immigrants of non-white ethnic groups coming into the country undocumented so they can double dip in both exploiting them for labor with the leverage of their undocumented status and demonize them at the same time. That's why the wall was never about effectively keeping out Mexican citizens, why it didn't matter that it was going to be ridiculously expensive and accomplish literally nothing since planes exist, it's pageantry. Why the state puts so much time and effort into keeping black communities impoverished, full of drugs, guns and crime--- they want black men in prison, where they can use them as slaves. They want black women to keep having children they struggle to raise--- but not too many till the population becomes "unmanageable."

The second most useful "other" is the kind that are totally invisible, and could pop up in any level of the social heiarchy. The kind you can easily accuse someone of being regardless of the truth to destroy them. Gay people are an example of this, but even better is getting to do shit like accuse people of being communists. The lower the burden of proof the better. The hidden boogeyman.

Third are the pitiable "others." The sad kicked puppies who need to be controlled and infantalized into useful tools and props for the state, if not "compassionately taken care of." Women, sometimes the disabled, the mentally ill. The poor things you can use in any way that's convenient.

But then you've kind of got all these other "others" who's otherness need to kind of be massaged into one of these vague catagories to be properly useful.

Jewish people are a closed group of ideological "others", which is great for the facist state in some ways--- but inconvenient in how they have no obvious physical identifiers, but also can't just randomly sprout up out of any background. If you've ever wondered why Jewish caricatures barely look fucking human, let alone at all like any recognizable approximation to what a Jewish person looks like if you're not already conditioned to it, that's why. It's also why there's always some kind of secret cabal that rarely gets any real faces placed to it--- unless there's a convenient known Jewish person to point to. Which, of course, if it was supposed to be a secret Jewish Cabal, being openly Jewish while being a part of it is kind of a bad choice, lol.

Trans people are one of these like, "hard to pigeon hole others" bigots have been struggling with for years. We pretty thoroughly straddle the line of being visible and invisible, everywhere and nowhere, a ideological collective and a diverse group with really only one superficial thing in common, pitiable and boogeyman. At one point we were just Darksouls gays, but that doesn't fly anymore since open homophobia doesn't pull the same. Now we're somehow both poor ol'Yeller who needs to be put out of our collective misery and monsters ready to devour everything you love. We don't exist but we're also fundamentally ruining society. We're an old and new menace. We're everything and nothing at the sand time. The Oops-All-Bigotry. All of this mania sucks ass, don't get me wrong, but the degrees in which the industrial machine is shitting itself trying to take control of us gender menaces is probably what this mod is misidentifying as us getting "special treatment."


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