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Give me to gay sisters: do video games hurt my chances to pass?
Depends on which ones. Give me your 3x3 or top 10 and I'll tell you which are tranny games.
nah i play video games and am a midshit pass well and it just makes some guys think I'm cool for liking the same nerd shit they do.

Also 2nd from top middle and the 2 on bottom left column are cute as girls.
not OP but
>octopath traveler
>Bravely default
>monster hunter
>dark souls
>fire emblem

is it ogre for jrpg sisters
Super Smash bros melee
Shovel Knight
Paper Mario TTYD
Tony Hawk Pro Skater Underground Pro
Wario Land 4
Mario Odyssey
nintendo adults are about as bad as disney adults
Dark Souls clocks you but otherwise pretty fembrained.

It's over for you tho, this list screams awkward male nerd.
being a childish adult is based tho desu. Disney adults, nintenadults, and marvel adults are all based.

C.S lewis has a quote about how the desire to be adult like is actually childish

and in general the ideal of being the "responsible adult" archetype. Is sinister pssychic projection by deus Matterat to pervert our souls with mechanistic emptiness. And by criticizing childish adults you have only proven how far you have fallen. I pity thee who haft been consumed by the world
Not an expert on CS Lewis but I'd wager he probably meant staying in touch with your sense of wonder and joy.
Which is markedly different from defining yourself through consoomption of a particular brand of plastic slop that happened to get a lot of TV advertisisng when you were 12.
Also not an expert on CS Lewis but one prescient detail I think we could gleam insight from is that he wrote children's fantasy books, you know the kind of media 12 year olds consumed
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fair. He mostly wrote it in context of stories and such. But their isn't anything particularly wrong with like Zelda as an adult or whatever and having some merch. (or in my case team asano jrpgs)
I agree with them anon. I'm sorry to say, there's always something off about adults who base a large part of their identity in a childhood brand. Something always feels strained, or like there's an underlying tension when you're talking with them. Its similar to when you're talking with a religious person and they know they've started to get a little off the rails with the woowoo stuff.

There's a big difference between someone who still enjoys the things they did in childhood and someone who is a literal fanatic.
c s lewis was a paedo freak that killed his characters because he thought it was better than them losing their innocence by growing up
Nobody asked, Not relevant
couldn't possibly be more relevant if lewis' ideas on growing up are supposed to be in any way interesting to us
God I wanna see those hons plap plap plap against some younshits or skinny lesbians
fair I guess.. IDK what are adults supposed to care about then I'm 24 and the main things i care about are nerdy interests and hanging out with my friends just like in high school.

kind of based ngl being an adult sucks royally I hate working.
It's weird how they all dress 5-10 years out of style.
>paedo freak
I meant the killng off the chars so they wouldn't have to live dreary adult working lives blegh. Not being attracted to childs
why would they have to live dreary lives they were rulers of a fantasy land
Often times the obsession comes from escapism I think. It's a comfort thing. Spending more time trying to build your understanding of reality and yourself is something a lot of adults move on to. You'll see it in their tastes in media. They go for more challenging things that make them confront difficult ideas. Getting into nonfiction stuff.

Some get sucked into self improvement shit, looking for someone to give them answers and stroke their ego.
good point idk. I only read the first half of the series desu. i just sort f assumed he'd force them to go back like half the stories in that genre do as a message about escapism or something.

Seems weirder now but their is still that fundamental human desire to stay pure and innocent and undegraded forever so i still see the apeal. Though perhaps using magic to stay kids forever would be better guess aslan didn't like them enough for that
it's not a fundamental desire it's christian morality
seems lame like I like media if more *deep* ideas like evangelion but i also like more childish stuff to.

non fiction still sucks stories abotu reality just exist to drag people into the mud the best stories are fiction because they have better mental resonances and if you obsess over them enough they warp your sense of reality which is a plus
You're like a gooner for escapism lol that's just the energy I was describing
no it's a fundamental desire. Become older and impure means many things we instinctively hate. Toil, sickness, degradation death, depression,nihilistic emptiness etc. Or maybye I'm just slightly messed up and can't see past these things.

t>. peter pan tranner
>more *deep* ideas like evangelion
so who cares it makes me less terrible and boring like the real adults despite being 24 my attitude and youthful tranny appearance make people think I'm in highschool. Also part of my religion is to reject the reality and fiction duality and to treat fiction as real.
old and impure are different things, you're not talking about what lewis saw as impure (fucking mainly) you're talking about something else
also kinos journey and lain. IDK anime that make me feel sad and existential I like in addition to the ones that are just fun escapism
You're unhinged lol that's fun but often too much drama
anyone who say yes is a retard
what does he see as impure. Is it the impurity of knowledge the great paradox where knowledge/wisdom is useful and keeps us from repeating our mistakes but at the same time can dampen are joy and sense of wonder and mystery if we are not careful and therefore we must learn from knowledge before forgetting once more.
the man was a gross christian morality baby
vice and sex are sort of impure if you think about it they trap humans into the material realm focusing on the mundane aspects of life. One who cares less about material vice has a mind more free to wander the realms of unreality and inexistence. So it is kind of based just not for the reasons Christians think those things are impure.
yeah I'm sure having sex or taking shrooms are never a mind expanding experience and can never serve to cause you to think about things more freely, that's what I've always said intense or extreme experiences really just shut you in
idk I don't think sex it self is impure as much as desiring it. A the desire seems to cause people to act in foolish ways that bring about suffering. If you have sex without being attached to the desire to have sex it's fine.

For drugs the ones i think are icky are alcohol type ones that dull your mind and even those I think are okay in moderation like at the occasional social thing/holiday. But drinking regularly is bad.

Like I guess I see it differently than christoids where I don't think the ct of it itself is impure and instead begin ensnared by desire for the thing/ consuming out of moderation is the impurity. Actually if anything I think total abstinence like the nofap people makes you impure because it causes people to fixate on the thing they deny themselves.
>Give me to gay sisters: do video games hurt my chances to pass?
If you visually pass and trained your voice to pass and you act remotely feminine that's literally all that matters. I like nerdy games like Caves of Qud and I pass, I just don't talk about my interests in front of anyone that I know isn't into that kind of thing
Material realm is the only realm that matters in the end. Anything you do in the spiritual or mental realm has to be channeled into the material realm to have any significance beyond a little thought in your head. In this life at least, if you believe in a soul or something like that.

The spiritual work you do can give you the tools you need to better function in reality. Pointless escapism is fun and healthy as well. Over indulging in escapism will stunt mental, social, material development. You need balance. At the end of the day, doing, experiencing, acting in the world is something we can only do now with these bodies we have. Why waste these bodies by only staying in the mind, consuming the efforts of others through media.
This tbqh, when my coworkers talk about fallout I just keep my mouth shut, it's that easy
>This tbqh, when my coworkers talk about fallout I just keep my mouth shut, it's that easy
Yuppp lmfao I like that kinda nerdy shit I just don't let anyone know that I like it unless I'm really close with them!
hayley can take a good photo
jerrica might pass
alice might be cute in person, 50/50 chance
2/10 is about a distribution you would expect
fair i guess idk. I just over thought about life one day and cracked. like all living things exist through the death and suffering of other even plants are just waiting for us to drop dead so they can eat our nutrients. And then theirs how boring most jobs are. All my jobs except my internship right now which is basically just a class i get paid for made me want to stab myself. So I just daydreamed to cope with the boredom until i got fired for not being friendly to customers, and being slow. So soetimes I wonder if the religious weirdos especially the buddhists are right and we should giveup on reality
sounds like an arbitrary and pointless definition of purity
It's not arbitrary. For me purity is about not being shackled by carnal desires. SO if you can indulge those desires without being beholden to them you are good.
what does that have to do with being pure though, you're just using it to mean when stuff is the way you like it, it's arbitrary
good point.....
nah girls play vidya too it's just that there's malebrained vidya, fembrained vidya and neutral vidya. but different things in neutral vidya can be fembrained or malebrained. like tanking is malebrained, healing is fembrained.
How do you think I got into this mess?
> plays female characters I'm vidya

Not really, they're dressing like the girls they were jealous of before they started hrt. Fashion just moved on without them in the meantime.

One day I will dress like a scene girl from late 2000s early 2010s.
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Sounds like buddhism.
>octopath traveler
>bravely defaul
idk what that is so clocky
>monster hunter
>fire emblem
good choice
>dark souls
I've only seen men play this
Lewis also wrote genre fiction (Out of the Silent Planet), philosophy/theology (Mere Christianity) and memoir (Grief Observed). So to call him a children's author is limiting.
Great quote tho.
i already know the results..

Alina of the Arena
Cultist Simulator
Dead Cells
Lies of P
Opus Magnum
Stardew Valley

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