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Are there actual alt right trannies and or other assorted homosexuals that aren't just larping. Tradcaths, nazis, fascists, monarchists, tell me your story and how you got to where you are, sexuality wise and politically.
>sexuality wise
men are hot and submitting to said men and feminizing myself for them is even hotter
black people are assholes. America would be better if everyone had their own ethnostate with trade interdependence.
I don't advocate for killing anyone because thats ugly.
>I don't advocate for killing anyone because thats ugly.
You're just as good as bl*cks are
TND, fag
I fw this
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the ayatollah said so
nazis are big fucking losers. don't admire them. nazis destroyed tens of millions of White people in their quest to conquer poland and the ussr
>are there any trannys that believe in a movement that is completely antithetical to their very existence??
Im not any of those things. I just recognize the biological reality of race. A liberal society can only work if everyone is white. But I guess you asked for "actual alt right" and I am not that so sorry for bothering if I am not allowed in the whites only club.
Okay well whats the deal? What kind of assorted racist or authoritarian are you?
I've seen it before anon. Just curious. I'm a Catholic Monarchist that's empathetic to actual trans people (so nobody on this board) and was curious. Simple as.
Nah, I want BNWO to be established and for all whitebois to get beatdowns and disposed of :3
I look like this minus the mustache
Can i have the pic without the faceapp? Camo is so cute
not a nazi but damn why do the uniforms have to go so hard?!? low key want one but without the swastikas
pretty sure it's an edit of leaf
i was a nazi for a time. i read some evola and started getting into spengler. but i was breaking down and thinking a lot more about reasons i should kill myself than ways to save the white race. this was also when i became most convicted of vegetarianism and abstinence from alcohol, which i still am.
Any libertarian trannies here?
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TradCath is so funny to me because Catholics are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to practicing what they preach. kek Have you heard of Mexicans and the Irish???
There's no such thing as white people. The "white race" is a lie spread by capitalist sociopaths to obscure the various European tribes' connection to the land and make them useful to colonialism.
...what on earth?
OK, so in the past most if not all "white" European cultures like the Celts, Norse, etc. had nature-based belief systems and felt a strong connection to their native lands, kinda like what a lot of the Native Americans still try to do. Unfortunately Roman imperialism and Christian universalism kinda screwed that all up and it got especially bad in the colonial period as those in power encouraged Europeans to define themselves by what made them different from slaves and indigenous tribes in the "new world" rather than defining themselves by their own land or heritage. It was kind of hit or miss for a while, and some "white" cultures like the Irish, Polish and lower class European jews still got singled out a lot, but the basic idea is there.
My brain registers people as other based on total physiognomy, not just skin tone. I find, for instance, Nordic people to be as weird looking as any African. So "white" solidarity doesn't work for me.
yeh, idk what label i am and idc, i think white race is stupid, there are different ethnicities, not everyone white is the same, but i think we're still all equal. i just think there's a reason god made subsaharan africa surrounded by ocean and an unpassable desert. indians are also weird and disgusting but honestly that's just hinduism, a disgusting pagan religion. i also don't like judaism and especially what's in the talmud, but i think with enough force we can convert them to christianity. i just wanna prevent violence and stuff.
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I dunno about trannies, never met any of these people for prolonged periods of time, but they most likely exist because few people ever can behave in a way that’s moral (consistent with their chosen ideology)
I do know there are some incel to trans pipeline folks who are unironic fascists but they cope by being "femboys" rather than transitioning and present as normal males offline.
I think monarchists are the only conservative movement who could ideologically be compatible with trans people, since a class of people who are both sodomites, don’t breed, and require medical care, are antithetical to Catholicism and fascism. In contrast monarchism has no moral compass, it simply rationalizes government with the concept of a hereditary governing class raised from birth to be competent at the job of governance. As such in a "pure" monarchy untainted by ideologies that aren’t transphobic could theoretically be trans-friendly.
I want to finish what Diocletian started
I was dropped on my head a few times so I now I believe in a king and deporting black people
so the USSR and communism killed tens of millions of white people
and the allied countries should have sided with germany
Im alt-right insofar I want all of Europe to be free from non-Europeans (including Jews). But Im not a cuck and will always be pro-LGBT. At the end of the day I vote alt-right parties and politicians
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Ava was always rumored to be a white supremacist
Restoring the white race is loosing battle. Niggers have better genes (which are also mostly dominant) and attractiveness to modern women.
I help restore the white race because black men cum inside my mouth and ass instead of the pussies of fertile white women.
hi. i am a gay non-binary who believes in White Wellbeing/Go Free. We believe in prioritizing the White race with love, hope, and redemption to recapture our destiny. I came to Go Free through School of the West, and I have been participating in Go Free ever since. To any White trans/homosexual person reading this, I recommend you to Go Free with me. Look up who Jason Kohne is and watch his videos. You can find his book "Go Free" online.
though I do disagree on Kohne's take on Queer people, it's best to not sew division in the White Positive Sphere due to the Band Analogy. Once we recapture our destiny as Westmen, then we can fight for Queer rights, though this would involve us going against God Emperor Kohne.
Kohne is a jew and he kvetches about how being against jews is being against white people. Kys kike shill
Every time. His head shape was a giveaway
being against Jews is being against the White race, since when antiwhites are anti-Jewish, they view Jews as an extension of the White race. Antiwhites don't like Jews because they appear White. I wan worldwide wellbeing for all races.
Why are you here then? https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/134479?hl=en
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sorry more into Asian guys these days guess the white race is over oops
>t. jew
For some reason libertarian trannies are basically nonexistent. It seems the majority of trannies are far left, with a small number of nazis, moderate neolibs, and apoliticals
t. lolbert chaser
Ryan loves cream of sum Yung guy

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