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>can't do makeup
>can't braid my hair
>have no dress sense
>don't understand female social dynamics
I'm never going to make it, cis women get taught all this shit at birth whereas if you're a tranny you're out at sea
cis women dont get this shit taught "at birth". They learn from their family, their friends and their mentors in life.

You are just seething because you dont have any cute tranner friends who will teach you.

>don't understand female social dynamics
case in point
I meant 'from birth', which is what you describe
did you consider that you might not be a woman?
You don't look like that THOUGH
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just make friends anon. im sure there are people in your city who have transitioned longer than you
I don't know how to make friends
>>can't do makeup
>>can't braid my hair
>>have no dress sense
Youtube it like all the other awkward gen z girls.
>>don't understand female social dynamics
This one you can't learn. Pro tip though, neither can cis women apparently so they have friendship drama all the fucking time. It's not supposed to make sense and trying to make it is genuinely malebrained. It's ALL about the vibes here, sister.
no if you're a tranny you intuitively already behave and speak like how cis women do because you grew up oriented toward performing those behaviors and mannerisms from the jump. if you have to study and learn and pretend to be a woman, you're not already a woman
often that gets bullied out of you by parents and other kids who notice young, cis people try very hard to enforce gender stereotypes without even knowing
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my eyebrow stylist is adopting me as her gay and taking me shopping. Fantastic because I'm socially inept and still repressing emotions
how long are you gonna let that be an excuse mf loser
aggression does not help the social anxiety especially that anxiety is driven by self-hatred.

go to pride group or lgbt club or whatever. You can just ASK about hair or shopping. Girls a lot more willing to talk because I'm openly queer. Just say you're not into women (if you're transbian then LIE and get a non-sexual friend and NEVER ask them for sex). Somebody may latch onto you.
Contain your cringe, because there will be plenty, and you will also be cringe. I had to take effort to remove my internalized shame and talk to flamboyant guys normally. Also TheyFABs are actually cool IRL and will help social transition.
My daughter came out a princess, I just spoiled her.
no. for actual women the behaviors and mannerisms are so deeply ingrained it cannot be bullied out of them. it would be like trying to bully someone out of having two eyes and one nose, it is a fundamental element of their neurology that no amount of repression or attempts at conversion can ever overcome. which is why so many of these actual girls are hurt so badly growing up, they cannot hide it and protect themselves and if they make it to teenage or adulthood they have to transition and will give up everything and do anything for it because they are women there is no other option. unsupportive and/or violent family? run away live on the streets if you have to, do sex work if you have to. that is how strongly etched into themselves this is. they cannot pretend, they cannot hide, they just already are.
if you have to learn how to be a woman you aren't one
>it is a fundamental element of their neurology
source? well the andrew tate university of course
>aggression does not help the social anxiety especially that anxiety is driven by self-hatred.
i dont care about helping u lmao youd probably just go "i cant", or "thats too hard"
>You are just seething because you dont have any cute tranner friends who will teach you.
Learning from other trannies is dumb, all that does is teach you how to dress like a tranny. Make friends with women instead and they can teach you how to dress like a woman.
The reallocation of the physical world’s status comes about because of the asymmetrical structure of universal consciousness, which stands as the permanent background context on which all of science is writ. Universal consciousness has a structural order in which hidden implicit meaning always has primacy over the secondary status of the explicit meanings of distinctions and differences, and these always involve objects and forms. This order tells us that fragments, parts, objects and forms always arise from wholes (not the reverse), and also that explicit meaning always arises from implicit meaning, and that humans always arise from Nature. This asymmetrical order informs us that consciousness has a local mind and a physical body, rather than the reverse that says the body has a local mind that is consciousness
wallowing in self pity yeah that's gonna take you far
I have a few cis women I'm close with who have been helping me out along with my gf, so maybe just expand ur social circle :)

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