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Self dumbass/pharmacy/doctor dumbass hormone moments?

> 2y ago, start hormones, oral estradiol tablets, then sublingual
> doctor says I'm absorbing it surprisingly well, tits are like nearly b cups after a year
> "Usually after a year, we start our patients on injections, it's really easy!"
> sure I'll give it a go
> every visit to the pharmacy those assholes get my needles wrong in some way
> pharmacist tries to stop me from buying expensive ass estradiol valerate and tells me it'll go inert after 20 days anyway
> spend way too much on just the estradiol (it was like $120 for a 20ml vial???)
> do this for 8 months, switch back to estradiol tablets on my own because it just didn't "feel" right, haven't gotten levels checked since before switching to injections
> start to run out earlier this month, call doctor to ask for more refills, says the DEA won't let me until I get my levels checked
> I have to get my blood taken tomorrow and I ran out today

so I know I'm just a retard but has anyone else had this much trouble with any of this stuff? Why the fuck did my pharmacists keep giving me the wrong sizes when I had a specific script? Why does the DEA give a fuck if I have estradiol?

>Inb4 diy
I just ordered some thanks
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>do 2 subq shots in my stomach fat
>Entirely painless at first, swells and itches like a mf days later
>'ok well I guess I'll try a different spot'
>3rd shot in my leg fat
>'eww wtf why does it sting'
>take nap, think nothing of it
>wake up at 3am super sore
>stand up to go get an ice pack
>look down
>left thigh is literally purple
>'no fucking way I have a super rare nut oil allergy to the carrier oil allergies are for pussies'
>google my symptoms because I diy and hate doctors
>Freak out for 5 seconds thinking my leg will start undergoing necrosis
>chill tf out once I find out PIP is normal sometimes
>Some1 on plebbit tells me diy roids use more alcohol% and it's better to have something slightly irritating injected IM
>Parents find the IM needles I ordered
>Start genuinely tweaking planning my suicide
>Do my first IM shot
>Find out ice pack burns and it's better to use a heating pad
>utter bliss

Thank you kind stranger on reddit where would I be without you <3

>Go to planned parenthood
>Ask for monotherapy injections
>Get setup, in 4 months I am at 300E, 30T.
>Go to primary care doctor that says they specialize in LGBT affirming care for more comprehensive care
>Show her my numbers
>IMMEDIATELY prescribes me spiro (Red Flag #1)
>Couple months later and I am getting really sicks of injections so I ask to go to patches
>She prescribes me one 0.75mg/day patch
>Start feeling weird in a month, start feeling really masculine in two, ask for a blood test
>35E, 200T
>Twist the doctors arm hard and get prescribed 2x .1mg/day patches concede to start spiro
>Sprio makes me feel like shit, levels still aren't great
>Ask to go higher on the patches and stop spiro because it is making me suicidal
>I'm sorry anon you are already at a really high dose on the patches, but you are on a baby dose of the spiro, you can go higher there if you want your T to come down!
>Fuck her
>Go back to the same provider at PP
>Stops spiro, starts me on Prog. Lets me know we can go up to .4mg/day on the patches, but wants to get off the spiro, start the prog and come back in a month so she can figure out dosing. Is totally game to try monotherapy on patches like I want.
honestly its shit like this that makes me.. almost grateful i have no real options outside of online shopping when it comes to obtaining hrt. would rather kill myself with an aids ridden needle than be hondosed like this desu
Get bica
I wouldn't recommend getting hon-dosed but some real good came out of it.
>1: It eliminated all doubt that estrogen makes me feel way different, and I never, ever want to go back to T. All doubts about transitioning gone.
>2: It actually did fantastic stuff for my boob growth. I'm somewhere between B and C after 1 year of HRT, I think that is pretty good.

I should have bailed on my doctor way earlier. I knew she was being conventionally stupid with the 0.075mg/day patch dose (0.075mg is correct, I forgot a zero in the original post) but I figured she knew something I didn't read on reddit. Then I figured I would try the spiro route and see if it was as bad as everybody said it is (it was worse).

The person I am seeing at PP is awesome. When I originally started they had me at 10mg/wk EV injections which fucking worked primo. Then they adjusted that dose and slotted me right into 300E/30T for consecutive blood tests all spring and summer last year.

>Get bica
For T suppression? I really want to try monotherapy on patches. Last test I was at 160E 70T. with 50mg/day spiro and 2x .1mg/day patches. I really, really, really want to try 4x .1mg/day patches and see what that does to my T before adding any more compounds to my intake.

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