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which are you
type 1: HSTS/Transmaxxer- transitioning for the purpose of sex, for HSTS it is because they are homosexual men who want a larger dating pool as blanchard said, for transmaxxer it is because they are already feminine men who are celibate and think their dating pool will expand if they're with women, little to no dysphoria and usually pass the best as this is a logical choice not an intrinsic identity.

type 2: true AGP- Autogynephiles have a feminization fetish, they become women because they find it hot, they will experience pseudo-Dysphoria, but that is caused by being unable to fulfill their fetish, not true dysphoria. (similar to how blanchard described but I believe there is true dysphoria.)

type 3: memetic transsexuals- This classification is fully new, they do experience dysphoria which differs from true dysphoria and autogynephilic dysphoria, but the much closer to true dysphoria. The difference is the cause. This classification is likely autistic and won't pass as much as they usually "realize" later, due to outside influences they genuinely believe they are trans, and it has become an intrinsic part of their identity to cope with their other issues. It is usually best for them to still transition as this causes them more comfort and the dysphoria from this is usually not treatable otherwise.

type 4: trenders- This is fairly self explanatory, no dysphoria or pseudo dysphoria and hops on being trans as a trend, they are aware they're not trans and doing this for social gain.

type 5: true transsexual: Caused by brain development in the womb, they will realize they're trans fairly early, a lot at the on set of puberty, they tend to act fairly normal in public and blend in fairly well outside of being trans.
Didn’t read this bc too long take out some word
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Didn’t read, this is the only accurate typology:
None because there is no type that has
1) true dysphoria
2) no fetish
3) transitions late
Didn't read. so exhausted from blancharists
memetic transsexual dysphoria is very similar to true dysphoria
either type 3 or 5, idk, I realized it with 14
type 5 can also transition late it's about when the dysphoria is realized not when it is acted on
14 would be able to be there depending on how your relationship with gender was prior to that.
I was an incel prior
incel at 14? what do you mean by that because 14 year olds shouldn't be having sex
by that I mean I thought about gender what your avrg /poltard thinks about it
Id guess memetic transsexual then because no signs of being a girl prior to 14, but Id have to interact with you more to be sure.
I can add you on discord if you want
sorry I don't know if I'm comfortable with that.
me neighter, I just wanted to sound polite
This board has a skewed perception of the next generation and it continues to make them worse every day. The average 14 year old from your generation is not the same as a 14 year old today
Really don't know why wanting to have sex is so important for these categories.
This reads like type 5 is a real person and everyone else is just a meme
it's only important for 1 and 2. not sure if you read them. these are based on my experience I've had with trans people over the years. I myself am likely memetic.
type 1&2 are the blanchard typologies 3 the dysphoria is unconsciously socially influenced but still only treatable with transition 4 theyfab types 5 true trans, realize they're trans very young, often at first onset of puberty.
>type 3
qoot none of them but the third one is peculiar and interesting, I refer to your original post.
Is this your own idea? Has there been cases of this other than mentally ill discordite zoomers grooming each other? also could you expand on how is it closer to true dysphoria whatever that means? If it's to gain identity and benefits is it not just 'transmaxxing'?
Type 3?
It didn't start until puberty and I don't have genital dysphoria so it feels fake AF. Still ... new body is good and I cope far less

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