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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lgbt/ drawings. send yours, rate others if wanted. requests acceptable
boymoders are evil
they are cute
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Hey it's me, Goku!
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>requests acceptable
i linked some old boymoder threads i'd seen for one that popped up the other day >>36114857 >>36114998, and i noticed that in the second, an anon requested a joke that i make ALL the time:

if someone could make a boymoder version of pic related, it'd be perfect. but i would say change the caption to "his pronouns are she/her", so it's like the boymoder presents male but still expects people to gender her female. idk who the other character could be. the original requester didn't suggest anything, either
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Can someone please shop skullnight to where he’s drinking liquor?
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Always gotta remind myself I can't draw
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im too lazy to have to plug my drawing tablet to my pc cuz idk where the cable is so this sketch i did on my phone while i was on the train going home will stay a sketch for today
holy sexo
Can I present a challenge for those applicable. Self-portrait, abstract or realist as you want, drawn only with touchpad?
ill either draw one cowboymoder or make it a comic idk
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anybody have any requests for me?
Yes, can you do a blacked/QoS boymoder?
Draw a boymoder like this
this but unironically
I wasnt be ironic i want a QoS boymoder to self insert as
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motivate me to get off my ass and draw. i miss creating something. used to draw so much as a kid. i've just been sitting in my room rotting the dysphoria away and watching youtube all day lately
fucking same ive been promising to make boymoder doujins for like 2 years but i still havent begun with any of them :<
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is this you?
never stop spelling it "dojin" so i can continue keeping up with your progress. godspeed
tbdesu if you look up "doujin" there will be even older replies of me talking about it lol
I want to draw more Eules but I don't know what to draw now...
damn. baited. but good looking out. guess there's no consistency after all
i *do* spell it dojin but im just scared people are gonna clock my writing style just like you did haha.....
your can do it!! i believe in u!!! go boymoder go
go on then. start small, just a little sketch of something you like. at least one for the thread that obviously has effort put into it
well why don’t you start? at least write out a concrete plan of what you want to happen in them
i have my art school application in 3 weeks so im gonna start after im done with that stuff
can you make a boymoder bonking a shaman drum?
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it DOES profile your writing style. HARD. there are literally 6,621 hits for "doujin*" (mind the asterisk for wildcard search), but only 55 hits for "dojin". but it is for this reason that even if you're conscious of it, when talking about your boymoder dojin, PLEASE spell it "dojin". the sheer amount of false positives for spelling it "doujin" means your posts talking about it using that spelling are more or less lost to the void............... unless i guess i search "boymoder doujin" instead of just "doujin" and can find them. so never mind. this convo has meant nothing (perhaps)
>but only 55 hits for "dojin"
sorry, that was the count before i changed it to wildcard search, but forgot to reformat the post to reflect that
i have like 5 different stories completely written out in my notes i just have to pick one and finalize the boymoder design because i cant fucking pick the one that fits most with the story ;-;
fine ill keep typing it as dojin but looking at those replies theres other people also using dojin lol
>fine ill keep typing it as dojin but looking at those replies theres other people also using dojin lol
desu it's not necessary as long as you add "boymoder" to the same post, so don't worry yourself any if you've already switched habits
you guys have any of your own plots youd like to see?
childhood friend turned bf wish fulfillment
elaborate like how long is the story supposed to be?
it doesn't have to be long if it's a hentai plot, lol. i've never counted pages in doujins before (nor have i read any in a long time, so maybe i'm not the target audience for this, actually!!!), but cause it's hentai, the childhood friend aspect is normally something that is either not shown at all, or is only depicted in brief flashbacks. i can't name any examples, but i know for sure some hentais you would never be able to observe the childhood friend connection were you not reading it, because it's not depicted in the art at all. like, the hentai starts with them hanging out together as their current age, and ends with them fucking. then maybe the last panel or page is a time skip showing a happily ever after. but some show flashbacks to when they were younger, or start with a scene when they were younger, etc.

i'm just a chaser, so i can't relate, but maybe drawing a transgirl pre-transition would make it hard for some transgrls to self-insert, cause that's a sore spot for them. but desu we are talking about boymoders, so they aren't socially transitioned, anyway. honestly, the possibilities are endless when it comes to boymoders, since they could range from literally passoids with brainworms, to not passing at all, to being early transition, etc.. but a relatable one might be a >1y HRT terminal boymoder whose childhood friend swear he's been noticing her changes, but doesn't want to be gay for it, and is also conflicted about feeling this way about his childhood friend. they're hanging out as usual, but the boymoder's girlsmell, or soft skin, or long, silky hair, something or maybe several things either makes him throw caution to the wind and he comes out as gay for the boymoder, or she notices his boner. then of course she comes out as trans, and awkward boyremoval ensues. or the entire thing could be written from the boymoder's perspective and more oriented around her unrequited feelings and insecurities instead of being cookie cutter hentai
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Old commission I did for a band
is this a word??
>but a relatable one might be a >1y HRT terminal boymoder whose childhood friend swear he's been noticing her changes, but doesn't want to be gay for it, and is also conflicted about feeling this way about his childhood friend. they're hanging out as usual, but the boymoder's girlsmell, or soft skin, or long, silky hair, something or maybe several things either makes him throw caution to the wind and he comes out as gay for the boymoder, or she notices his boner. then of course she comes out as trans, and awkward boyremoval ensues.
wow you just exactly described the dojin ive put the most work in lol ill do that one now
ooh i have plenty!!! you could do st4t boyremoval, or terf x boymoder where the terf is best friends with a boymoder and learns she's trans and slowly comes around and they kiss and/or they just hatefuck, or what >>36183438 said (maybe the childhood friend hasn't seen the boymoder in years and they randomly meet again which the boymoder really doesn't want because she's embarrassed about herself and the friend figures she's changed and something is up but he is really accepting and falls for her?), or twink4twink and one transitions while her boyfriend becomes really big and strong, or one where a boymoder helps her transmasc repper bf come to terms with himself and take his first t shot

these are some of my own greentexts smut ideas so you might see them used in the following months but more of a good thing can't hurt
>maybe the childhood friend hasn't seen the boymoder in years and they randomly meet again
yeah this is another way you could do it
btw all the boymoder dojins im doing are just practice for eventually making the most depressing psychological tranny manga to ever exist
sounds like a cult classic to me
yea and theres gonna be tons of video essays on it and i will also kill myself before finishing the series
ok you ain't needa do all that
its gonna be kino if i do that trust me
ok woman
this is my only purpose in life i already fucked up by transitioning too late and im gonna but all that trauma in there
artist moment
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i really want someone to just start drawing the azumanga daioh 4koma w boymoder and whatever
shuzo oshimi moder
better lateshit than repper i'm sure you mog her at least
thanks but im gonna close this website now before i have another manic episode
take care of yourself, femanon. best of luck
i'm sorry hope you feel better :( have a nice manic episode. good luck with the doujin!!
you guys would probably hate me if you knew which poster i am
i hate many posters i recognize here, but cause i'm anon, when they're really low i still help them if i can

HOWEVER, if you are the cunt who posts her mug on the catalog, ALWAYS multiple threads up at once, the same fucking facing forward shot with the white person smile, literally refusing to trip so no one can filter you despite how many times i've asked her to do so, i hate you. literal worst poster in the history of the board
im the other worst poster
it's her or julie
i see this character a lot. i don't take notes of filenames for this to ring any bells for me. but i can't say you're on thin ice, since compared to the selfie photo bitch, all other posters are angels i basically have nothing against, even if they're entire assholes
can yuo draw boymoder on the edge of a bridge sobbing and crying

or boymoder using the urinal s ,or boymoder at the gym
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i miss your twitter account green
boymoder sitting in a campfire with bandits from stalker
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Boobs are so fucked
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Can you at least trip or keep namefagging so I can filter your shit threads? I'm not rewarding your sympathybaiting when youre such a shit person lmfao
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a ttrpg char i abandoned ages ago i found out is dying so im eulogizing them in the form of this picture.
Nigga you coulda LEARNED in this amount of time you stupid fucking faggot Why i oughta`
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Remember there's a shitload of people, from high schoolers to adults far older than you, who are much worse than you. You forget how far the middle is until you look down.
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i really like this one.
Trans woman who has to celebrate Other Mother's Day on Father's Day

I hate Mother and Father's day
-tranny mom
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everything I make is garbage
i would die a horrible death to experience this at least once in my life
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5 stars
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I drew this on Friday to express my frustration that Barry Lyndon lost to An Extremely Goofy Movie and Ghost In The Shell for /bigen/ movie night.

At this rate I’m not ever going to get to watch it.
just watch it yourself RETARD
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Why so hostile? Maybe I’d like to watch it with a few people who seem to like me well enough : (

I could maybe watch it alone, but idk I did want to watch it with someone.
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You don't have to pay with your life for a shower anonette

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I did some commissions for tokusatsu esque work , after I get dressed I’ll take pics and show the stickers that were made, there’s quite a few
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I made this for my gf
awww so cute
look good you have a lot of skill, i'm sorry you are depressed tho
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i'm new to drawgen, i'll take requests and if i have free time i'll make you a sketch maybe
>>36185762 i like your artstyle
>>36189885 cute
>>36189907 those ears are massive
>>36202620 i like it
>>36203632 very pretty
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>those ears are massive
rabbits have big ears
Gee thanks :3
Thank you!
ok i finished it, still looks like shit ngmi
sexy sex sex sex
I can’t learn ;-;
He is literally me
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little doodle
my recent artwork is 90% sketchslop like this
What a cutie patootie, Is it asking for a hug?
yeah!! and his appearance is based on a fictional strain of vampirism by a vocaloid producer, who basically mandates black sclera, ringed irises, and having a tail. so catgirl vampires can absolutely be a thing there lmao
proud of you
keep up the good work

love the emotion conveyed
god, i hope when i finally gain the motivation to learn to draw one day, someone will tell me they're proud of me. that would be hot
Aww i love it
this piece raises interesting questions
what that thing do
why are those crystals tied to it like that
is it cursed
can i touch it anyway
also nice clean linework
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was gonna finish this and post it as a reaction at someone but i worked too slow so i'll just post the doodle here to bump :p
you can touch it
it’s just some tattoo flash art i wanted to draw cus i thought it was cute
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look up at u
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I've been trying to design my new phone case over the past 2 weeks. Made 3 designs.
Crap, that's beautiful
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fug, i was gonna say i liked the second best, cause of the euphemism of shoving the mars symbol against someone's cheek, but the conventional colors for them being inverted here makes this my fav
not trying to stealth then i suppose lmao
cute designs tho!!
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Its very lewd and funny. The colors being switched for image 3 I did subconsciously and didn't even notice until now.

Design 1 and 2 seem too obvious which is why im going to go with 3. Its more stealthy, more cute and less on the nose. Upon further inspection one can get it.
idk what's going on but i like it
!!!! you understand entirely
jp2gmd bless
三番は最もきにいります :)
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This is one of my 10000 husbands
reminds me of this extremely NSFW image i saw someone post the other day, of a similar thing happening, but using penises instead:
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Look at the clipboard
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damn that goes hard as fuck
that's sooo cool wut
fuck it i'm gonna learn to draw
real as hell also great drawing
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nta but i tried
I’m trying to get into drawing, but it is so difficult
practice makes perfect anon, keep up the good work
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Me ery day
i say the same but have nothing to show for it, lmao. with commitment like this, you'll get where you're trying to
you remind me of an obscure german artist i saw in a museum once
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Massive compliment
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I hate drawing but I love boymoders
now i want a magical girl boymoder manga were she turns into a girlmoder when evil monsters attack the city....
hot and cute. your sacrifice is appreciated
Me too!!!
LMAO, this is genius
and then her best friend falls in love with her girlmoder form and she gets jealous but knows she cant reveal her secret identity or something
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I'm 75% sure something like this already exists
like in the form of an actual manga? featuring a tranny who presents male in her everyday life?
I feel that hardcore, I’ve wanted to draw my whole life and have only just recently got myself to start. These look great tho, keep up the good work :>
super adorable, I really like the color palette
I saw it a thousand years ago. It's just fine, as I recall. Very pretty, but also kinda episodic, which left me feeling it was disjointed. But maybe you go in for that sorta thing.
I preferred Ridley Scott's "The Duelists."
We definitely need more posts involving Shemp Howard...
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free at last
Holy shit i remember you from reddit
Thank you :)
yeah I post there pretty often
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i drew what i ate for lunch for a ck thread
damn, /ck/ be eatin good getting OC like this
they called me a faggot
ungrateful cunts
Glegle is a cumdumpster
only if she has a penis
Glegle is a THEY
probably a theyfab, then. disgusting
what does that have to do with anything
total schizophrenia, my bad
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Please remind me to never draw again
No don’t give up anon! This is cute and has potential to be even cuter if you keep drawing. If you keep drawing you might not ever make something your happy with, but if you stop drawing you will certainly never make something ur happy with.
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I've been up for nearly 48 hours and still nothing cool like hallucinations has happened. I'm just tired and bad at thinking. what gives
go to sleep, woman
vampire girl
i think it's only after 3 days that you begin to hallucinate
cool drawing btw
well i mean you're on this board so they weren't exactly wrong, were they?
>well i mean you're on this board so they weren't exactly wrong, were they?
nta, but straight trannies being done dirty by being associated with you queers, as always
does anyone have the more recent high res chud + boymoder? Plssss
why is drawing so hard :c
new rule: if you wanna bump you have to draw something!!!!
nah i can't, lmao. i tried for like 30 hours across a few weeks then gave up. i eventually landed on drawabox, and was informally following it (using a drawing tablet i have and don't deserve instead of the narrow spectrum of traditional media they allow, not following their "50% rule" [which means spending as much time drawing for fun as you spend on lessons], not joining their discord for free community feedback nor paying for official feedback to get approved for moving onto the next lesson, not waiting two weeks after completing a lesson before moving onto the next)... i was super into learning the little bit of perspective it taught me so far, but then i got to this fucked up lesson mad early into the course:

and i literally never picked up a pen again. i've pretty much figured if i ever torture myself by "drawing" again, i either just skip this lesson, or do something else. idk how i could ever force myself to do this in my lifetime
give up your shame and post something were all anonymous here :p
maybe like within the next week i can bring myself to get over the trauma of being asked to draw some boxes in perspective and shit out an uneducated, devoid of skill boymoder for you. look forward to it. and by uneducated and devoid of skill i am referring to myself and my total and utter lack of drawing ability, not the boymoder
>well i mean you're on this board so they weren't exactly wrong, were they?
no im a massive fag, still.
fine but watch this okay https://youtu.be/ewHVHPGS_LU?si=-DRQxQU4yqBoPpnp
i will, thanks. hoping it'll indoctrinate me well and good
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What if boymoder but different colors
Not sure why I thought of Muffet
Because drawing is evil.
People are born pure, it's drawing boxes in perspective what corrupts them
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your drawing is making me jealous i think i might have deep seated mental problems
you're probably just depressed
t. artist who also gets like that about other artists
nta, but WOW, don't be mean, lmao. it's less flattering to say it's understandable you're jealous
>less flattering
i mean more flattering
welp im gonna force myself to say the truth and say that i like your drawing very much and i think the idea was cool and i really love your composition (am i using that word right idk what im meaning to say is that i like the colors and how its painted and the lineart peeking through is really cool i like when artist do that and the proportions are good and i like the reflection on the hair)
im not the anon you're replying to initially anon sorry i should've said
nta, nor an artist, but no i don't think that's how you use composition. i briefly (like, for a few seconds of a 30 minute video) heard an explanation by an artist of what composition was (i guess there were casual examples throughout the video, but still), and they explained it like the philosophy behind how a shot is taken, so to speak. i sometimes saw the artist put the golden ratio over an image to demonstrate its composition. i saw the artist sorta jiggle a character over the background, as if unsure of where to place them, to demonstrate that the decision on where to place them is composition. they would zoom the character in and out, too, to demonstrate the same point. so composition is like photography. the actual process of drawing the "photo" and what elements it is comprised of is not composition
I'm the anon. Thank you :)
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Wish there were more people here
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more artists? or
I guess? More activity in the thread in general.
i'd be more prominent if i had less artblock
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tablet pen makes my hand hurt
i'll post stuff tomorrow i promise
anon, i was trying not to say anything, but i actually slept through both (!) of my alarms set to 25/20 mins before your bump. i only woke up two hours after i meant to. if you didn't bump it i think it would've died. i am shook and haven't been able to go back to sleep since. can no longer say i have a perfect streak of bumping the draw thread. i changed the settings (higher volume, infinite snooze rather than auto sleep) so it hopefully doesn't happen again tho...
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bump i guess
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now this is a throwback
it's beautiful TYSM!!
This is comfy, I like this
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I tried
thank you so much! i will repost this everywhere i would otherwise make the joke just by typing it
:) np
you come back here
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It's nice being able to draw how you feel
i relate to the giant man hands
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learning 2 draw is hard
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same, i feel a lot of pain on my wrist from when i slit it, so i drew that
>that meme and filename
ficou mt bom, anonette (eu nn sei o que cada tag significa, imagino que tf seja transfem, mas me corrija se eu estiver errada), sempre bom encontrar artistas br, ainda mais aqui no 4chan, sempre confie no processo.
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drew this for a fren :3
I like your style
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da vinki brothers

lmao i love the art but umm not so much the actual subject of what you're drawing
it looks really cool but like i'm also slightly disgusted by it at the same time
soz <3 ^_^
that's real as fuckkkk
yeesh but wow
i need to actually try to improve at my drawing damn

sorry i'm not providing much deep and insightful commentary but these drawings are cool as hell and idk what more to say hehe
um i might try to draw something again soon
i was giving figure drawing a try the other day so i might continue with that ig
i'm waffling now sorryyyyy
https://magma.com/d/wSGEyJQYK1 canvas
Not finished but I thought it was cute
thats not how you jak you underaged faggot
nvm i take it back. after """""""trying""""""" to draw for a few dozen hours (and nothing sticking), i feel even more retarded trying to pick up a pen than i did before i tried learning to draw. i refuse. but embarrassing myself by picking up a pen again for the first time in a month gave me motivation to try learning again, so that's good

also, random, but on top of this drawing tablet i have and don't deserve, i also bought some drawing gloves i don't deserve, since """drawing""" hurt the side of my hand from the friction, even though i only ever did like 30-60m sessions a day, if that. they were four for 10 dollars. they look cool, since they only cover your pinkie and ring finger. but they irritate my skin. i might be allergic to the material. i didn't know i was allergic to any material. my suffering has merely changed avenues
You keep whining about not deserving a drawing tablet but I'll have you know when I got my tablet my art was total shit. I've gotten better at drawing because the tablet made it convenient to draw all the time.
i'm just trying to say i know how privileged and ungrateful i am by not making use of my privilege. but i'll get back in the swing of trying to change that, now
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canines noticed
I only started using my tablet years after buying it, and it was only to play Osu. Then I decided to try drawing again, but it was pretty hard getting used to it since tablets have a learning curve (unless they're those that are like a screen). Drawing is hard, it takes years to get good, so just draw something anyways. Nowhere it is stated that any drawing has to look good.
i feel like an enormous douche demanding all this attention when i can't draw and haven't even shown commitment to drawing (i mean i did try consistently for a few weeks, but then the course i was following demanded more than i could bring myself to perform, so i dropped drawing entirely for a month). but thanks. baby steps, slow and steady etc.
Exactly, baby steps. No need to go hard on yourself.
Personally, drawing courses have never been for me. I prefer learning by myself, at my own pace, using resources from the Internet. I can't remember which board, but once I even found a /drawgen/ that had a lot of anons sharing tips about techniques, anatomy, you get it. It was pretty cozy. Of course there's also YouTube, where I learned pretty much everything I know lol.
If you're open to some advice, one thing I do to practice is tracing over references and making notes as needed, then copying it by myself, and finally drawing it by memory. Then I compare all three and write down whatever I got wrong. Since you have a tablet, this is pretty easy to do. I don't know how used you are to it but if you're still pretty new you can try making a lot of lines to get used to not seeing your pen when you're drawing (which can get kind of boring. Osu made it a little more fun tho.)
>If you're open to some advice, one thing I do to practice is tracing over references and making notes as needed, then copying it by myself, and finally drawing it by memory. Then I compare all three and write down whatever I got wrong. Since you have a tablet, this is pretty easy to do.
i tried soooooooooo hard to find the video, and i can't believe i actually did:

after searching "draw" in my youtube watch history and seeing how terrible that is (basically didn't return any results???), i tried several searches, but searching "how to study from artists" only eventually showed me this video i once watched suggesting this, after scrolling down way, way, way, way, WAY too far. but basically, i have heard of this strat. i think they call this like a "master study". but after all that effort to find it, i just wanted to say that i cannot even draw confident lines, lmao. or perspective. let alone anything approaching drawing a human. so i do in fact have to do your very basic suggestion you followed that up with

the good thing about drawabox (the course i was following, even if only informally) is that since it is so fundamental, it taught me that drawing with my shoulder was an option. desu, i actually first heard about that when watching a random drawing video. but it still blew my mind, lol. i was only drawing with my wrist, as if i were writing, so much of the time the strokes didn't work unless i zoomed out the canvas a lot, which made me feel like i was missing something. i think realistically i'm just gonna do gestures otherwise to drawabox, for line confidence. and i might just skip the drawabox lesson i dreaded doing for over a month >>36266235, but otherwise do what doesn't halt me in my tracks, cause it seem okay enough for me, as long as it doesn't always demand fucked up shit like the lesson i'm currently on
Kek I watched that video too. And it's great that you know about the shoulder thing.
Good luck with the boxes in perspective, I just checked that lesson and it looks awful.
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Pixel trees
Any other pixel enjoyers here
Looks really nice :3
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i used to only do pixel art but after getting a drawing tablet i switched to normal, i still like pixel art though and your drawing is looks really nice
I love your boymoder, she's so cute
Do you post your pics anywhere?
not her but
FA and dA in linktree
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a glefab
I did this small sketch thing recently, it didn’t end up looking like the reference but it’s something
This is great lmao
holy shit i love your art
i was looking through random images that i had saved on my computer earlier and i saw the skull that you drew a while back
you're insanely skilled, it's unreal
i genuinely can't believe you do it in ms paint
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i drew myself a few years ago
cute eyebags
I haven’t drawn anything recently, and my old sketchbook is in storage. But since I’m here, I want to ask. How embarrassing are these arm patches? I dress rather oddly and am not usually afraid of stares. But I am second guessing the design. I think the point needs to be less extreme, and the chevron which was supposed to be a cup of blood, is too military. This was supposed to be a personal/family crest. But if I get rid of all that, its sort of just a black patch. Maybe that’s okay. Or maybe i need to add less militarstic filigree to give that old family look.
I don't know, I like it. Feels a little empty if anything, but I think it's fine. Doesn't read very military to me.
thank you i really appreciate it, i’ll try to draw more soon but i’ve been busy lately, here’s another thing i drew a while ago
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I made this drawing early this morning with a candle and sunflower seed husks, while watching Columbo.
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This Shy Guy too~
boymoder taint porn
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here u go bro
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why do bpds love this game so much
I'm not bpd and I don't know any other human being so dunno.
why do astronauts always ask loaded questions
are you calling me a negro
You have no clue for how long he was asking
holy fuck that's so good
damn do you have a twitter or something?
also jesus christ 9 degrees? damn it's june what the hell
hey dojin moder, can i pitch my dojin idea to you

fuck it i'm off 4chan
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it looks like you drew an O then deleted a small portion from the top retroactively
also i didn't even register that you were talking about the first letter, not the second. how do you fuck up two letters of a three letter word? and the fuckup just makes them look like a different letter
how long
yeah, i found nothing. i searched "skullnight" and that image hash (separately) on all 4chan archives, and couldn't find another instance of him asking. maybe that anon just meant cause he asked a few hours after this thread was made, and this thread was like a week old by the time an anon delivered? but idk how people would have "no clue" the thread was old, if that's what they meant. maybe he asked a lot on a board whose archives doesn't have search enabled, so you can't find receipts for it
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Can you tell I have never drawn a background before
>damn do you have a twitter or something?
I have @fungalmoder_ but i haven’t really posted there basically at all but i might sometime lol
>also jesus christ 9 degrees? damn it's june what the hell
the photo was from like march lol
>I have @fungalmoder_
nta, but you drew the boymoder!!!! based
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im better with gimp than paint or even a tablet
the oc we needed but didn't deserve
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yea sure
I though this was a sepret thread and works harsh right now so days and weeks feel hard to distinguish sorry for the confusion anon.
do u write or just shitpost tag for fun
you're good. hope things get easier for you, anon
You guys have a site like drawbooru for this shit?
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bit of both
i write and have a few diff tags some more shitposty than others
graf is fun regardless
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i used to draw manmoder vent art but then i started (trying) to draw cute art and it made me feel better
haven't drawn in a while
i really wanna learn how to draw lee hoon from suicide boy, i drew him before but it didn't really look like him but i think i could try now and it might look better
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it's based off sunshine who was a meme on sharty for a bit before jannies shut it down
even if there was one, there's no common denominator beyond browsing the tranny board. this is basically just like the OC art channel of a /tttt/-adjacent discord server. idk if anyone would really be trying to eat the hosting cost for that. plus with something this small-scale, the tags wouldn't be standardized at all, provided anyone even added any, or anyone mirrored anything to the site
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also here's the original before i made that alternate colour scheme one
wait, why are the first two lossy (jpeg), but this is lossless (png)? you dun goofed
first one i got from discord dms and other two were archived in a 'cord server
don't thing i like discord very much, then. hope you kept the lossless versions yourself rather than rely on discord hosting of they (seemingly randomly) do you like this
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oh yeah i screenshotted the OG sunshine because it has a picture of rapeson with his dick hanging out in it
i'll post it though
i have one big drawpile canvas with a bunch of drawings but i'm on my phone and it's 4am
didn't know dude had a name. i guess you're a knower, and i am not
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no hooni look out it's rapeson
he cant hear us he has airpods in!!!
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hot and cute

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