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>QOTT 1: If you were tasked with designing the afterlife for everyone what would kind of afterlife would there be?
>QOTT 2: Could you date someone if they were otherwise great for you but insisted on watching things dubbed no matter the quality?

Previous thread: >>36146321


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
I'm just lonely. I figure hardly anyone gets with the person of their dreams so maybe it's worth it to try and make this work. we can put up with eachother, maybe that's enough?
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
clearly you havent talked to any women other than your mom
HELP I am straight but a lil bi, my friend has a new roommate that's really cute and I've developed a pretty big crush on him. How do I go about this without being too gay? I don't want to make things weird. He's pretty feminine, but I know he's had a gf in the past. Eye contact can feel a little sparkly.
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>Ended longterm relationship with bf last year
>Have really strong feelings for female friend but can't act on them because she's aro-ace
>Download the dreaded apps to try and take my mind off her
>No one on Hinge interests me, generally just want to date a girl after years with a bf
>Cute guy on grindr said he wanted to sissify me, which is reigniting my crossdressing kink
Being single and bi blows, too many options and I'm too depressed to pick a lane. I'm 26 now, maybe I should just enjoy the last of my twink years but I crave romance
i have no idea but good luck
>Have really strong feelings for female friend but can't act on them because she's aro-ace
Probably bullshit, but I speak from experience bias. If they eventually date girls do not hang around them, there will be constant drama.
>Dating apps
This is normal if you want women, those apps suck.
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Is biphobia real or a cope?
Have some drinks with him when your friend is not there, see how it goes.
thats massive cope
you should seethe
>If they eventually date girls do not hang around them, there will be constant drama.
Why girls specifically?
I feel she's pretty sincerely aro-ace, but if she started suddenly dating anyone I'd have to be done with her. My heart couldn't bear it
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>spend weekend with guy I really love
>have sex a bunch
>go on a long jog together
>get takeout and cook together
>relax together
>sleep and shower together
I really miss him whenever we're apart. I want to ask if he'd like to live together, but even though we've known each other a long time, we've only been doing this for 6 months. As well as I know him, I still worry about pushing him away or wanting too much too fast.
just do it pussy lmfao nobody on their death bed is thinking "wow im sure glad i never took any risks to make myself happy" just have a conversation about it and make it clear there is no expectations it's just and open ended discussion, stop being such a faggot
>Why girls specifically?
I can talk about if you want but its just personal experience.
>but if she started suddenly dating anyone I'd have to be done with her. My heart couldn't bear it
Yeah, basically. It is the worst kind of non rejection rejection.
I want my girlfriend to make me her slave
>>QOTT 2: Could you date someone if they were otherwise great for you but insisted on watching things dubbed no matter the quality?
id rather date someone who doesnt watch anime tbhon
Maybe they watch a lot of dubbed French cinema, or Hong Kong action movies.
>QOTT 1: If you were tasked with designing the afterlife for everyone what would kind of afterlife would there be?
Cut to black, no afterlife. The life they get when they're alive is the one that matters.
>QOTT 2: Could you date someone if they were otherwise great for you but insisted on watching things dubbed no matter the quality?
Sure, but I'd probably make fun of them for it a little.
I did something really out of character last night. I was in one of those discord circlejerk servers and decided to get on cam. I've never done anything like that before, the number of people who have seen my cock quadrupled in one day (still a virgin).
I've never even imagined that I was an exhibitionist and I don't even know how I feel about it afterwards. I know it's kind of dangerous, but hearing a bunch of guys calling me cute really turned me on.
Has anyone ever experienced a sudden change like this?
>tfw I’m like 95% straight and want to be with a woman long term
>don’t have a problem flirting with guys and like casual flings with them
>this means that I can never get into a relationship with a guy because it probably just won’t work out in the long run
>in other words, I might as well be heterosexual

Can anyone else relate to this? It’s a bizarre feeling.
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Afterlife would just be earth except without the additional issues of global warming, hunger, death and disease
I'm currently dating somebody who will only watch dubbed, so I insist we only watch shows with actual good dubs.

I'm bored, somebody give me brainworms pls.
That's tough, but if it's any consolation, mature romance is so much better. Don't feel like your waiting means nothing!
>I can talk about if you want but its just personal experience.
I'd still be interested to hear
> It is the worst kind of non rejection rejection.
God, this. I don't want to risk loosing my dear friend but repressing these feelings are killing me. I'm a grown man but this crap makes me feel like I'm still in high school

TY friend. It would be nice if I didn't have to wait much longer though haha
Haha you're right. I was basically living for other people when I was a kid and I guess I still have that impulse sometimes.

He had a hard time believing me at first when I told him how I felt, so I guess that's part of my problem. He's also the type of person who values his independence and has a hard time getting close to people. I was so hung up on that stuff that I forgot how easy he is for me to talk to. I'll talk to him about it next time we're face to face. Thanks for the advice!

I can't relate exactly, but kind of. Aside from who I'm with now, I've only ever had penetrative sex with my high school girlfriend.

I'm not really sure how much of my relationship with her was me doing what I thought I "should" be doing, but I think I might only be capable of having romantic feelings for women. I'm able to do sexual things with them, but it's never been as comfortable or enjoyable for me. I still liked it because I liked her, but it felt like something I was doing for her and not something we were doing together.
okay yeah id be down however i havent watched dubbed french media before
i still need to expand my horizons on french cinema i rlyyyy wanna watch amelie and fantastic planet
Amélie is really cute, I only saw it for the first time a few months ago and I enjoyed it a lot.
>I was basically living for other people
not tryin to be an ass, but i'm genuinely curious since i've heard people irl say this. what do you mean by this? like you didn't have a mind of your own?

also thought amelie was cute, but i didn't really 'get' it either. then again we were watching it in french and i was paying more attention to the girl i was watching it with so that's probably why i got lost.
highschool twitter brainrot, comeback when you turn 18
or dont (nobody likes you)
I like positive movies, but I have a hard time enjoying stuff that's too whimsical. Even some Wes Anderson movies are hard for me to sit through. Amelie has been on my 'to watch list' for a while, but it sounds like it might be one of those movies for me. Is it like that?

>what do you mean by this?
My parents have always had a very definite image of the son they wanted me to be. Excellent grades, well-rounded with the "correct" interests and extra curricular activities, the "right" friends, girlfriends and schools, that sort of thing. I was aware of it since I was small and tried my best to live up to it. They even had a shortlist of acceptable career paths haha.

It's hard for me to describe why I kept doing it even as I got older without writing too much, but I finally snapped out of it right before my sophomore year of college.
>I like positive movies, but I have a hard time enjoying stuff that's too whimsical. Even some Wes Anderson movies are hard for me to sit through. Amelie has been on my 'to watch list' for a while, but it sounds like it might be one of those movies for me. Is it like that?
I suppose so, yes. For what it's worth, I'm not normally into that type of film myself but I did enjoy Amelie. But it is a cute, good natured, romantic film so if you can't deal with that then maybe give it a miss.
Delicatessen kicks ass.
Oh I hadn't heard of this, but it sounds good. I'll watch it soon, thanks for the rec.
having those close to me express concern for my wellbeing humiliates me so much it causes me physical pain.
It sounds like it might be up my alley from the way you describe it. I think my problem is that when it comes to whimsical or "quirky" stories, certain situations and characters wind up stressing me out more than anything, so I have a hard time suspending my disbelief.

I have a hard time with cringe comedies for similar reasons.

I'm sure you know that they're sincere and genuinely care about you, but still that's a really tough feeling to overcome.
what have u been listening to as of late?
>QOTT 1: If you were tasked with designing the afterlife for everyone what would kind of afterlife would there be?
Everyone gets their own little bubble of reality in the afterlife they can home, they can control it like it's like lucid dreaming. You can perfectly replicate anything you could've found in the living world with enough time and effort, even people. But the people you create will only be copies, not the real thing. You can visit real people though, travel outside your bubble and visit the bubbles of others, see your real loved ones again. Bubbles can't be entered by force, one must be invited and can be expelled at any time.
>QOTT 2: Could you date someone if they were otherwise great for you but insisted on watching things dubbed no matter the quality?
I could get over it, I don't watch enough foreign stuff to make this an issue.
chappell roan, i discovered her a couple weeks ago and have been listening to her nonstop since then
I just realized thatBisexuality makes Heterosexuality & Homosexuality a horseshoe theory.
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Not sure where to start. Used to be into a kinda autistic girl that was terminally online in the early 00s lol so randum xd thpe of way. In HS I tried hard to date her and she said she was aroace. Years pass and a long time friend tells me shes with the lesbian he's been fawning over for years. Instead of spiraling in depression in spiraling in spite. I saw them last convention and they gained a lot of weight since highschool so that and being 200lb encourage me to just not eat.
>I don't want to risk loosing my dear friend but repressing these feelings are killing me.
Bro as soon as your out of sight your out of mind to most people. It's just how life is. Only consolation I have is at least I was in Highschool when I was attracted to them.
>mature romance is so much better. Don't feel like your waiting means nothing!
Unless you lack experience and you no longer have social capabilities to handle receiving affection.
This is the most feminine album chart of all time. looking at it made me grow a vagina
Sends me spiraling, guy I like keeps doing it to me every time they are horny. I really can't handle concern or affection anymore.
Dnb, jungle dnb, eurobeat, city pop, and future funk.
I want to feel like I'm cruising.
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>looking at it made me grow a vagina
if only i was so lucky *LE SIGN…*
>Dnb, jungle dnb, eurobeat, city pop, and future funk.
based all of it
Fuckton of Jpegmafia and MCR
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1. Reincarnation is the only true after life, although probably with other worlds to mix things up.
Ie temporary heaven and hell dimensions

2. I prefer dubbed when performing oral sex so it would be a win
I am in hell mentally.
whats wrong anon?
I've been in a very dark place lately. Started injuring myself again and I've been having pretty dark thoughts fairly often that are especially bad when I'm alone which I almost always am. Haven't been sleeping well either because it's too hot now. I'm just exhausted by all of this and can't wait for it to pass. Tried talking to a friend but they're too busy so I'm just trying to deal with it myself.
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This is so relatable but I haven't cut in ages. Dehumidifier is on full blas so i can lay down and read manga. I'm 10 chapters from finishing yumekui merry.
Giving your burdens to a higher power
Rejecting negative thoughts
And looking at life with gratitude have been working for me?
I'm glad for you.
Going to make a cup of tea and see what that does.
Be greatful for your tea
I'm not sure if I will make any actually. I remembered my cup is still dirty in the sink so I'd have to clean it and also I don't really want to get out of bed right now.
Sorry to hear that anon. Do you have a therapist you see about these things? Things will improve soon. You can always talk to us at any rate

>Giving your burdens to a higher power
is this like a religious thing
I've searched for therapists but have never had any luck.
cant afford one or didnt get along with any?
try to get your hands on some mushrooms.
Can't find any that take my insurance + are taking new patients + have openings that work with my work schedule. I had a couple of sessions with one but it didn't work out.
Drugs scare me too much to try and I don't even know where to buy them.
The other day I tried to ride my dildo and it caused me physical pain because my asshole was still swollen from having the shits earlier in the week. Am I experiencing twink death? When I was a teenager I never had problems with butt stuff.
Maybe you have hemorrhoids.
That sucks anon, but dont give up. Sometimes it takes a little doing to find a therapist that works for you

no, you just had the shits. or it could be >>36211136
which happens to about a third of adults at some point

twink death is a meme, you dont have to be a zoomer to take dick
>just finished showering after a run
>comfortable in bed
>rain just started
I should get something to eat but I'm feeling so lazy

>Sometimes it takes a little doing to find a therapist that works for you
I'd like to add to this sentiment. I'm still looking for one that will be a good fit but all the research I've done has told me the same thing.
Yes and no

It could be if you want it to be, for me it kinda is, it's more about having something or some one who can help with problems
Not always having to carry grudges or stress

Cleaning can help with the other stuff to, cleanliness is next to godliness
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have any of u watched i saw the tv glow? its a very Trans film but i assume that other queer ppl could relate to it
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Damn man, I'm just so confused nowadays, I thought I was bi but I've been questioning my orientation for a while now and I don't know anymore, maybe I was straight this whole time and just had something like gay OCD and its driving me insane.

> Met guy with intention of dating
> We both decided to see where this is going
> He's very emotionally mature and on paper things could really work well
> Went into push and pull cuz i'm an extremely anxious fuck
> On a date we ended up going to his house and we made out for like an hour
> It honestly wasnt that bad but it wasn't great either, 5/10, probably due to inexperience
> Went to another date after that but like every romantic feeling I had died between those moments and like my body entered into whiplash mode doubting if I even liked guys in the first place.
> Now every time I think about him or other hot guys I get anxious, my stomach turns and I want to throw up.
> Cant even think about visiting him since we are still friends cuz my anxiety just goes through the roof and I enter panic mode. Even worse cuz he moved close to where I live.

Dude didn't even do anything wrong per se, maybe just a bit pushy on how direct he was with his feelings. Now the shitty thing is that at the same time I can't get him out of my head in a very not-fun non-romance way cuz it only makes me anxious even when I still care about him, even if just as a friend. Maybe it was just an incompatibility thing or that I REALLY am not and feel like I'll never be ready for a relationship bit its driving me fucking insane.
sounds more like an anxiety issue than a sexuality issue. You should really see a doctor about anxiety like that, because itll effect other aspects of your life too, including straight relationships
I'm primarily attracted to men and attractive to men, but I want a family, a house and kids and a dog and all that stuff. It could be that I only think I want it but that feeling hasn't gone away after all these years. I'm 27 and I feel like maybe it's getting too late for me.
>I want a family, a house and kids and a dog and all that stuff.
You can have that with a man, too, you know.

I get what you mean, though. I'm not attracted to women in the same way or anywhere near as much as I am men, but I was very hung up on what I "should" want for a long time.

I'm more attractive to women and my family wouldn't understand or accept the fact that I'm bisexual, so I felt a lot of pressure from society, my family, and the kinds of people that wanted relationships with me.

I still feel that pressure but it doesn't matter to me now. I fell in love who happens to be a man and even though I'd be burning all my bridges with my family if they knew, I don't care.
I guess I'm not to that point yet. I'd still date a man if it meant burning bridges too. For me it feels less like pressure and more like a strong internal desire
I cant find my fucking copy of AVP Extinction

20somethings really be thinking they gonna turn to dust once their timer runs over 3 decades. Life continues after 30, you know?
>dating guy for 2 and half years now
>literally perfect person, gonna marry him someday
>only issue
>mainly attracted to women and I never got to have sex with a woman
goddamn I love this guy so much but also fuck just once in my life I wanted to bury my face in some boobs
any advice for dealing with this because despite this issue this relationship is perf
not being bullied online What A Shame That Is, Chump
the same as your first row + a lot of electronic music + some dj sets + some... Screamo and bedroom pop? I don't know. this made me want to listen to ayesha again though.

how gay would it be for me to get plastic surgery. asking for a friend.
Not gay but it almost always makes people look older and weirder than they look naturally. What kind of plastic surgery?
with all this talk about how we're questioning
I think I might be ace in practice despite being bi
I have absolutely no desire to seek out sex (30M virgin)
I was on vacation in a place with legal prostitution, walked up to the whorehouse, and walked away
what's wrong with me
Seems normal enough not wanting to have salex with a prostitute but maybe thats just me.
I mentioned earlier in the thread that I was basically living for other people until I was a sophomore in college, so I was under lots of pressure about other things, too.That's probably why I got to this point so quickly, although I'm only 25.

>For me it feels less like pressure and more like a strong internal desire
The things I felt like I "should" become and "should" want felt that way, too. I really thought I was making my own decisions about my life based on my sincere desires. Lots of things happened and when I really thought about it, I realized that wasn't the case at all. I wanted all those things because I'd been chasing the acceptance and approval of practically everyone around me, but especially my family.

I don't know much about asexuality, but if you feel that works for you, then it works? I might be a little similar. I have very little interest in sex unless it's with someone I have feelings for. To the point that I've had performance issues a couple of times when I was trying casual relationships. I found them attractive and I liked them, but my heart literally wasn't in it.

Then again, it could be because I had feelings for someone else while all this was going on. Sexuality is complicated.
I went to McDonalds with my bike, blue sweatpants and a blue sweater and this homeless crackhead black dude asks if I’m a democrat and I look puzzled and say no because I’m not, then he asks if I’m Republican and I chuckle and say no, then he’s like muttering shit under his breath and mentioning that I be out here with the blue and shit and he starts calling me gay and Latino faggot or some shit like that and I’m just fucking bewildered, and I say excuse me and he keeps muttering shit and calling me slurs and accusing me of like supporting Joe Biden, and I’m livid I tell him to lay off the crack pipe amongst some other shit I can’t remember, I say I don’t have time for this and tell him to go get shot. Then while I’m waiting in line I make eye contact with him across the street and do the up yours gesture, while periodically giving him a death glare before taking my four hash browns and biking back home.

He threatened to beat my ass a few times, and I was just kind of astonished, I stood my ground but I didn’t want to get into a fight because I mean I’m really not sure I’d win and he could have a gun, knife or diseases so I just stuck with insults.
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never relax
It’s a little crazy how he clocked me as fruity, but I didn’t give any confirmation.

I wanted to spit on his face but I held back.
No need ruining a good thing over impulse.
Can't even get hashbrowns in peace.
Nah fr, this isn’t even the only time I’ve dealt with some homophobic shit this month. A week ago I decided to never go to my local smoke shop again because one of the employees was implying some shit by asking me why I was staring at one of the employees who was laying on the couch with the blanket over his head and then he told me it’s time to go, I smoked a G of zaza at that point so I just left uncomfortably. I was going steady for a year at this place dropping adequate money but not anymore, fuck that shit.
hay cade do u remember moi? its ashley after all these years 8D altho ig u put those two pieces together already lol
I was only starting because there was some of the blunt left and I planned to take a break at a certain time and I didn’t finish in time so I was hoping to give it to the guy because he was the only one I interacted with regularly.
Yeah, cause you're just gonna go over there and pull some shit. Costed em a regular customer.
Not homophobia, but, had a similar incident at a convenience store I got to. Stop there all the time but they got this new Indian guy working there. Had to de-escalate a situation a few mornings ago when he called another regular "white trash" for no other reason than he was pissed off. Told the dude that, while I'd love to beat his ass right up along side him it wasn't worth a night in lock up or cost of bail.
Course I remember you, blondie. Holding up okay?
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>Holding up okay?
yes im doin fine 8D went back to my natural hair colour and finally got a pair of boobs + im traveling by myself for the first time next month and gna see charli xcx again in the fall so everythings looking up dandy
fixing my ugly ass cleft chin and doing a subtle midface lift
Aren’t you scared of edits being made of you? Or being posted on shemale porn sites, or being in chaser Gooning folders?
>No need ruining a good thing over impulse.
I'm definitely not, I appreciate the advice though.
Im more asking for tips on how to get over the sad
What a scumbag.
Ah oki :3
Very groovy. Sounds like things are coming up aces. What'd you have it dyed before? And from what I see, seem like they fit nicely.

Hmmm. For that, would say focus on the positives. You've got someone who you love and who loves you in return. That's prime hopefuel. The joy of good companionship should remedy the fobo of motorboating a fat set of slobber knockers.
>What'd you have it dyed before?
i bleached it platinum blonde but it was high maintenance + expensive + damaged my hair and took out the shape of definition so i went back to being a dirty blonde
>And from what I see, seem like they fit nicely.
ty i grew em myself!!
your parents and family are either asian immigrants of any socioeconomic class or rich white religeous conservatives. calling it now.

qt. >:3c

homegown tiddies are justice. also, i've bleached my hair before and wew the breakage was real.
I've never had anyone "clock" me, but then a lot of people probably assume I'm straight. I've never had any one harass me on the street like that, even though people who know me seem to think I'm a pushover.

>I was staring at one of the employees who was laying on the couch with the blanket over his head
To be fair, I'd probably also stare at that because I'd be wondering what was going on and if he was alright.

My family isn't religious most of the time and I would say we're probably "comfortable" instead of rich, but that's pretty accurate. People have said before that my parents seem like the white version of tiger parents haha.
>People have said before that my parents seem like the white version of tiger parents haha.
Too relatable. My family calls me weeky expecting me to get married have a house and a better carrier ever since I moved out. They are eyeing theowing out my shit already. Having family or obligations to create one js messed up to be forced on someone.
> I wanted all those things because I'd been chasing the acceptance and approval of practically everyone around me, but especially my family
Also relatable.
How bad are they with accepting hobbies?
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does anyone else have family that is only “halfway accepting”? my mom acknowledges me being trans but she refuses to use my chosen name and my preferred pronouns and my dad doesnt even acknowledge it but i still live under their roof and they dont beat or berate me or anything like that so it could always be worse ig
Mine is. I know for a fact that I won't be thrown out or anything but I also know that my mom "doesnt understand why those gays have to be so vocal about it" and dislikes when her lesbian or gay coworkers refer to their partners as "my husband/wife, name".
My brother is a blackpilled doomer who believes in select pol conspiracies, and my father seems like he's bi himself but trying hard to compensate by finding it unmasculine lol.
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check out these ducks I took a picture of, they're the best part of their little park
>QOTT 1: If you were tasked with designing the afterlife for everyone what would kind of afterlife would there be?
I want the afterlife to be a nice hub where you can meet friends and chill out at, ultimately when you get bored you can choose a new life to reincarnate into (without any memories of past lives, when you get to the hub you regain all past memories and experiences)
>QOTT 2: Could you date someone if they were otherwise great for you but insisted on watching things dubbed no matter the quality?
yes, unless it's dubbed in my mother tongue, then no
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Something kind of like VRChat or Second Life where you could design your own personal paradise and visit it through a portal. It would probably exist in a type of hammerspace dimension where it is (and, porportionally, things entering the portal are) shrunk down to preserve space. You make the rules, you change however you look whenever and wherever you want, make presets, your own NPCs etc. The hub world would have a red light district, buffets of every kind of food, a quiet sector of eternal twilight and the comfiest beds, and many places to explore and socialize without fear or judgment. Maybe you could share your entire sense of being and life with another person in an instant, and you could both choose to part ways or to understand each other deeper than any living human and enjoy each others company for eons to come
Outside of other souls, you don't experience anything you don't want to experience
Also a boutique with glasses that can literally change your view and make things look like pixel art or cell shaded or other art styles or something

I can understand not wanting to read subtitles sometimes, but I refuse to watch bad dubs of something I've never seen before, I would laugh too hard

I agree

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Hi anons hows your love life going
i liked it but i think only trannies and fags like it. my straight friend watched it and all he said was its boring and nothing happens
convince him to troon out
depends, are you ugly currently?
yoo did your boobs get bigger? new hairstyle looks good
are you guys still doing the movie nights? which trips are still around
I'm in the same boat and just coping and feeling greedy

No but it looks cool

Random bullshit, mainly

But I was in the mood for some actual music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmzFer8JsRs
>are you guys still doing the movie nights?
>which trips are still around
during movie nights or active in the threads?
>qott 1
something like afterlife in Buddhism, reincarnation an anicca so the energy moves on yet there’s really no nirvana you just keep going
> qott
I couldn’t, if i rlly liked them then I’d force them to watch subbed
i would say that's my dad. even earlier this month he's like "so you still think you're this bi thing huh?" and i just gave him the most "seriously dude?" look i could generate.
not sure about verbatim but, a few weeks ago a couple beers deep before bed he offhandedly kind of complained about "all of these people that identify as this that and so forth with special pronouns and stuff" and i just told him being bisexual is very simple, to which he replied "good, i like simple"
he also gets upset about me wearing nail polish of any color and says it's a thing for girls, or a goth thing if its black. thing is, i have had cashiers compliment my nails and watched him internally sigh at that.
oh yah also when i came out to him he said "well i guess there's still a chance" a little under his breath. he loves to steer me toward women any time he gets and any time i mention guys he gets uneasy and the conversation ends with a "im totally not a bigot, trust" vibe and/or story.

both of my older brothers have also seen my nail polish and pride flag at this point as well and neither have commented on any of it, which is totally fine.
>i liked it but i think only trannies and fags like it.
checks out desu i liked it but i also had to watch it thru a shitty camrip with casino popups now that its on vod i plan on rewatching it again
>yoo did your boobs get bigger
yeth 8D went from a 36a cup to a 38b cup and now that my prog dose went up theyre only getting bigger
wearing bras certainly helps too tho kek
>are you ugly currently
yes, 4-out-of-10 on a good day
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nice, still fridays?
nice, i watched it theatres and it was pretty good on big screen
>went from a 36a cup to a 38b cup and now that my prog dose went up theyre only getting bigger
nice, definitely noticeable change. it looks good on your frame
what makes you a 4? you should lose as much fat on face as you can and see if you still hate your face
Never actually dumped the random shit.
Half considering buying random albumns posted in this place. I need music to listen to while I work.
>shitty camrip with casino popups
i hate those, like with a burning passion, those shitty cam rips are one of my most despised things. i just decided i refuse to watch them and wait for a decent copy instead because they easily ruin any movie that would excite me enough to accept a camrip of.
>nice, still fridays?
yuuuup, fridays at the usual time, and dont forget to vote in the poll tmrw :)
er, well, maybe not tomorrow; the day after. i forgor it's tuesday.
>expecting me to get married have a house
They don't always mention those things when we talk, but I can feel it in the background a lot. My mom's already trying to get me to go on a blind date with the daughter of someone she knows. I just need another year or so and then I can cut ties.

>How bad are they with accepting hobbies?
Haha I actually almost mentioned that earlier. They basically picked my hobbies/after school activities for me until I got to high school. Even then, they would "strongly suggest" things to me and anything I chose on my own had to meet their standards. If I wanted to learn an instrument, it wasn't going to be the drums or an electric bass and they would want a certain amount of control over the music I learned.

I was allowed to play video games and watch movies and stuff like that too, but I don't think I had as much time as my peers since I had so much going on. It was better in high school. Are your parents the same?

I was driving around downtown the other day near one of several gay bars, and I was playing Aphex Twin-Syro, track five. A slutty, easy going oonce oonce club sort of track. As I rounded a corner a young woman's eyebrows went up, she registered what it was, and she clearly approved of my taste. Felt good.
i love the fluffy teenager ducks

yes and me, hello

>yeth 8D went from a 36a cup to a 38b cup and now that my prog dose went up theyre only getting bigger
goddamn turns out electra is the ones whos breasts are filling with milk
>As I rounded a corner a young woman's eyebrows went up, she registered what it was, and she clearly approved of my taste. Felt good.
that was me
>nice, i watched it theatres and it was pretty good on big screen
lucky sm h it didnt show in any theatres near me
>nice, definitely noticeable change. it looks good on your frame
thank u :3 part of me wants a ba but mainly i just want my face split open and my skull shaved down + srs i can live with boobs on the smaller side
>i hate those, like with a burning passion, those shitty cam rips are one of my most despised things. i just decided i refuse to watch them and wait for a decent copy instead because they easily ruin any movie that would excite me enough to accept a camrip of.
yeah i plan to rewatch tv glow once the hd version hits torrent sites bc i felt like i wasnt able to Appreciate it the first time but seeing ppl on social media sharing their experiences watching it and the revelations they had is making me plan to rewatch it
being that level of controlling to you as a kid had to be some level of abuse also

>My mom's already trying to get me to go on a blind date with the daughter of someone she knows.
aren't you the guy with the bf? how does he feel about this

to be fair the song fucks.
>back to drinking whiskey
I just don't know when to quit, do I?
It feels weird to look at it that way and I never felt like I was being abused at the time. I know it wasn't healthy, though.

>aren't you the guy with the bf? how does he feel about this
I don't know that we're official boyfriends, but I think so? He understands because his parents are really similar to mine. He handled things differently than I did, though.

He thinks the situation is pretty funny, actually. If I'm forced on the date, I plan on letting her down easy and telling her I'm not interested in a relationship. The only thing I feel a little guilty about is that I'll probably go straight back to his place afterwards.
I need to be bitten
Bros FUCK CIS WOMEN just wanted to say that
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I agree. I want to fuck cis women .
if u think trans women r any better i got a rude awakenin in for u
>goes on a blind date his parents set him up on
>gently tells her it's not going to work out
>immediately goes to fuck a dude's brains out

unmitigated king shit
believe me brother i'm trying
have u guys tried banging a tranny yet
Yeah pretty close. Doesn't really help my brother did the exact same to me. I didn't really start finding myself till like the 5th grade and onwards.
No idea what that is but maybe I should check it out.
No but I really want to. I met a wouldable hon mode girl through a friend but she's in a relationship.
Bi-cycle has come full circle I must now find my future husband and move to a foreign country with him.
i had a monsterous crush on a girl in one of my grad school classes that was trains but she was straight and married. ; _ ;
Humorous, now make love to me
>>immediately goes to fuck a dude's brains out
When you put it like that it makes me sound even worse. :(

>Yeah pretty close. Doesn't really help my brother did the exact same to me.
That's unfortunate. Is he an older or younger brother? I'm an only child so I don't pretend to know anything about having a sibling, but I don't understand why he'd do that to you.

I really struggled with the idea of disappointing my parents for a long time, so for me it started sometime in high school. I was still hiding a lot of myself, though. A lot of things happened and then my real wake up call came in college when I realized I was staring down the barrel of a career path I hate and declared a different major than what I had originally discussed with my parents.
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My cute brunette friend randomly told me she wanted to bite my arm.
*glomps you both*
I'm not even into biting, but i'm pretty sure I blushed when she said that.
>what makes you a 4? you should lose as much fat on face as you can and see if you still hate your face
my bmi is 19-20 and low fat percentage; I take good care of my skin, teeth and hair; I wear decent clothes. My body looks fair, it's quite literally the shape of my skull and the way my skin sits in some ares :/
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how much is ffs and srs? is it covered but just long waitlist?
hi kooka how have you been? what chapters of your life have i missed
damn did something happen
emotional abuse never feels like abuse
this is real i need to bite someone
this would fix me
i need to look like this
anon you have body dysmorphia
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this, also I wanna lick rock hard muscles
>anon you have body dysmorphia
um. um. um.
yes. probably.
it's not entirely in my head however, I've had several friends tell me I look kind of ugly and that I score 'out of my league' and whatever
Syro is so good I've been listening to that and windowlicker all week
euro hours euro hours euro hours
bring out the fucking baguettes and schlager music. I'd wish lederhosen werent so goofy dirndls look much hotter. where's the slutty germanic mens option
>A lot of things happened and then my real wake up call came in college when I realized I was staring down the barrel of a career path I hate and declared a different major than what I had originally discussed with my parents.
What majors did you swap between. I feel like college to a lot of the people I met in there was either something they were expected from family to do, something abnormal from family that they did thinking the promise of employment was real, or they went because parents planned a career.
I think biting as a sign of affection is really cute.

>emotional abuse never feels like abuse
I guess I never looked at it that way. I know the way my parents treat me isn't normal or healthy, but I still can't think of it as abuse. Then again, I wouldn't be planning on cutting ties with them if things were fine.

I'm sorry your older brother's not very nice, then. :(

>What majors did you swap between.
I was originally going to go into international marketing like my dad, but I went for public policy. It was on their shortlist of "acceptable" majors, but my dad was still unhappy about it since they were really hoping that I follow in his footsteps.

I got to take a lot of interesting classes and electives, but my focus was on environmental policy and law. That was the abnormal part since my parents are pretty conservative and hardly environmentalists.
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>I met a wouldable hon mode girl
no shade but if someone were to describe me like this i would kms in front of them
lol when i transitioned shortly after graduating high school i had a fair amount of guys who bullied/teased me growing up express interest in me it was kinda wild to see ngl
biting is v v based
t. serial biter
>how much is ffs and srs? is it covered but just long waitlist?
ffs and voice surgery isnt even covered in my province but srs and ba is and im afraid ill have to do the unthinkable and start a gfm or at least find a job that can cover those surgeries
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heaven is a place where nothing nothing ever happens
that would absolutely create contrast, focusing on movie dubs it would be like watching a completely different film
>>QOTT 1: If you were tasked with designing the afterlife for everyone what would kind of afterlife would there be?
Picture this: a lotus fly trap situation but for humans.
You stay in there feeling nothing but happiness as the universe slowly eats your soul energy away, and then, eventually, your energy becomes a part of it - fuel for the next person to be caught and digested.

imagine that.
I fucked up I meant a venus fly trap im fucking dumb
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honestly just start a gfm, you gotta do what you gotta do
you don't have to call it abuse, but im glad youre hitting them out of your life
you need better friends, why would your friends say that to you
made matcha tea
based, love matcha
Void. I'd make atheists right.
Not because of any opinion I hold for them, I just don't want to go again, I got a comparatively easy time this run and it's still hell.
yes, I'd consider it a conversation starter "have you met my absolute freak of a partner? Dubs only, figure that."

almost nothing, I don't have many avenues to find new music so once I disconnected from friend group I've just been stagnant
just so I contribute at least minimally, the last thing I favorited (probably 1-2 years at this point) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBoQzo98EpQ

i fucked one already, leave me alone
me too. I recommend making these cookies if you want tasty matcha cookies https://teakandthyme.com/matcha-white-chocolate-cookies/#recipe
I'm fancying the prospect of brewing up a cup or so of fresh mint tisane...
I'm not the best at making pastries but my sister loves it, I'll ask her to help me because this recipe looks so good...thanks anon!
It starts looking a lot more like abuse once you get some distance from it.
Took me like 6 months.
It's quite easy and I think it's pretty beginner friendly. Enjoy!
>emotional abuse never feels like abuse
Real shit. Even years after moving away from my parents I still wonder if I was abused at all. I was abused in other ways but not "badly" according to some and I often go back and forth wondering if I'm just overly sensitive or was actually fucked up by them.
Same, despite people telling me it was. Neglect is easy to mentally handwave off as being 'not real abuse' and physical and mental abuse can be 'excused' as accidents.
I hope you're thriving now despite whatever you lived through. Life can really be a bitch to some of us.
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came out to my brother with good results
Real. And same to you anon. Doubt you're overly sensitive between, sounds like your doubt playing tricks again.
Glad to hear that... but I feel like your tittties would be a dead giveaway.
Making blackened salmon with onions, peppers, and garlic rice for dinner tonight.
Sounds tasty. Post pics.
>I feel like your tittties would be a dead giveaway.
lol i barely wear bras unless im out and about and i tend to wear baggy clothes so my parents wont throw a fit about me wearing anything “revealing” but he did call me by my preferred name out of nowhere a while back so ig he did knew
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I'm thinking of getting an eyebrow piercing. thoughts?
if their actions ended up hurting you theres no point in wondering if you were abused if the damage has already been done
congrats lol i thought he already knew
delicious. i'm eating leftovers today
>I'm thinking of getting an eyebrow piercing. thoughts?
based go for it i always thought facial piercings on guys were hot (esp snakebites)
im thinking abt getting my ears n belly button pierced before i go away next month
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I think snakebites are hot too but I’m too much of a pussy to get it myself. Scared of mouth related piercings
>im thinking abt getting my ears n belly button pierced before i go away next month
Nice, I think you should get helix piercing
What are snakebites? I don't think I've ever heard the term.
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pic related. my oldest brother used to have them a long time ago, i remember watching him rotate/play with his piercings with his tongue while his mouth was closed a few times.
they're kind of a pain in the ass, apparently.
>I think snakebites are hot too but I’m too much of a pussy to get it myself. Scared of mouth related piercings
yeah i feel that way about tongue piercings desu
>I think you should get helix piercing
theres this website online that sells cute as hell piercings so im ngl its tempting
I ate it before I saw this so no pics but it was good.
I dont know why but most people I talk to seem to be able to tell I'm bi, or atleast think I'm a homo. Guess I'm more fruity then I thought

If you ever look like that, tell me and I will have sex with you immediately.

Since we're talking and piercings I've been thinking about getting my Septum done. One of my friends made fun of me saying I'd look like a bull but whatever.
Every time I've seen darker coloured septum piercings they looked like dried nose bleed blood at a distance.
Mouth piercings I'm mostly indifferent to. That I can definitely see being a hassle.
>theres this website online that sells cute as hell piercings so im ngl its tempting
you can't just drop that and not tell us what it is
its toofoofeefa :3
feeling sad
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A reminder that tomorrow at 21 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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i nominate "portrait of a lady on fire", starring the beautiful and talented noemie merlant. the absolutely stole the show with her role in "tar" and i would be very excited to see what she does in this lesbian romance with all you lovely people.
wtf stoooooooop
Adèle Haenel is leagues better IMO her final scene left me ugly-crying like an orphan babby
Batman Forever...
What's wrong?
How interchangeably do you use gay and bi. All my friends and even my brother calls me gay all the time, so I've gotten used to just using it as my descriptor. It's not a big deal to me, but sometimes I feel like it's dishonest in a way
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Yea, I’ve heard it’s super painful and healing takes forever
Yeah get more piercings. If you don’t like them you can always take it out
You might have gayvoice/gayface
> If you ever look like that
I’m trying. I think spectrum piercings are cute if not you could always nostril piercing. I got my right nostril pierced a few months ago I’m pretty happy with it, healed easily too and wasn’t painful
What’s wrong
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My nomination
maybe she is. i've never seen this movie and i can't remember seeing her in anything else either.
i never do but i don't care if others do.
had them for over 10 years. can confirm they're super painful to get but recovery was p quick cause there's so much blood flow there. fucking low messing w them, but i always have to make sure they're "in position" before I take a bite. Tbh should invest in some rose gold clickers in the right gauge so i don't have to worry about the balls
love* not low

sry i'm retarded
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>hi kooka how have you been? what chapters of your life have i missed
exercise and weightloss and possible going back to school, how are things with you?

snakebites are hot but i really doubt if i would ever get them. I got my second lobes no long ago and they took forever to heal


Its just not a great movie bro. Batman and Robin I would vote for with its so bad its good cheese, but Forever is just annoying
>Its just not a great movie bro. Batman and Robin I would vote for with its so bad its good cheese, but Forever is just annoying
I do wish to watch B&R, but I'm compelled to do things in order...
I like to listen to audiobooks while I run. I'm looking to add some more to my to listen list. Anyone here like to listen to audiobooks and have any recommendations? I like sad books
i've been listening to Mein Kampf, it's an inspirational listen. I'm near the end of it. I'm also looking for audiobooks to listen to myself and there's very few podcasts that I listen to anymore.
Still happy for you. Glad your brother is supportive.
Everyone gets their personal paradise etc etc etc. It ain't difficult.

Yes. I don't mind about it and I can watch things by my own or with my friends. No need to watch everything together.
Saudosa Maloca
Perfect Days (2023)
>if someone were to describe me like this i would kms in front of them
Sorry. I need to watch how I say things. They last thing I want to do is initiate the rite of harakiri.
Les Garcons Sauvages
Jennifer's Body
Shiva Baby (2020)
Silver Haze (2023)
Belladonna of Sadness (1973)
Spice World (1997)
samefag-kun...you're supposed to recommend one (1) movie
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great album
Thanks. I thought I might as well since they would cut me out of everything if they knew I was with a man. I'm aware that I'll basically be burning my whole life down, but I've given it a lot of thought and I'm shockingly fine with it.

That makes sense. I did a little reading about emotional abuse today and I was surprised at how much of it resonated with me.

>Neglect is easy to mentally handwave off as being 'not real abuse'
Neglect of all types really can have a profound impact on someone--especially a child. I'm pretty sure that the guy I'm with was neglected. Mostly emotionally, but maybe in other ways, too. It's really made a lot of things difficult for him.

This looks really tasty! I'm not much of a baker, but I want to give making these a shot. Matcha is one of my favorite dessert flavors.
>If you were tasked with designing the afterlife for everyone what would kind of afterlife would there be?
Tbh I don't believe an afterlife exists.
It is good you have someone to burn bridges for but I hope you have setup yourself for when that happens.
Only podcasts which make my mood worse most of the time.
>Its just not a great movie bro. Batman and Robin I would vote for with its so bad its good cheese, but Forever is just annoying
bro we watched chicken fucking little a while back
>start reading a manga about cupids with guns.
>Can't tell if it will be bisexual or yuri based on the few chapters.
boy wasnt that a mistake
>desu i don't beliecmve an afterlife exists.
how would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast today?
What do you mean? I never eat breakfast.
I was a bit stupid and had to post it here >>36234149
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Okay I’m forgoing Barry Lyndon this week specifically because I fucking LOVE this movie, we have got to watch it, it’s unforgettable!!!

Anyways does anyone wanna watch cartoons? I’m gonna smoke a blunt and I’m gonna choose four cartoon episodes to watch and then if y’all wanna continue I’ll take recommendations!

Obviously this is on the /bigen/ server, I’m starting at 11:30 PM EST! So in about an hour!

I’ll post my episode choices shortly!
- The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, (S1E31 “The Unzappables”).

- Ren & Stimpy (S2E2 “Powdered Toast Man”).

- SpongeBob SquarePants (S2E2 “Squid’s Day Off”).

- Mission Hill (S1E6 “Andy Gets a Promotion”)

There may be streaming difficulties lol, see y’all in half an hour (may be a little more than half an hour).
yeah, id fuck that butt. sorry about your lil dick but i actully think those kinds are cute. i'd let you hotdog my asscheeks if you make cute noises.
youre cute asf id hit
>Join BiGen cartoon stream
>Just some Latinx cat crap

>sorry about your lil dick
It's around a 6.5 inh when hard and i jerked before doing pics
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I was worried about the kittens I’m sorry,
I was also running behind.

It shouldn’t happen again.
Envious of your nice skin
I remember when I told him how I felt he almost acted like I'd lost touch with reality or didn't understand what would happen if my parents found out at first. Thankfully, we were finally able to talk about it and he realized I was serious and not just acting on impulse.

>I hope you have setup yourself for when that happens.
I do. I just need to get a bit more stable. I don't rely on my family financially or anything, but the idea of cutting off almost my entire support network with a minimal safety net is a bit galling haha.
7 orgasms since waking plus 3 last night after midnight for a total of 10 in 24 hours. my record is 15 but that was in middleschool.
I had a similar record when I accidentally got stuck inside a fleshlight
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Sadly most bottoms have larger genitalia than me, but I do not fret. It is simply another herculean task for me. Sex is like dark souls to me, a challenge to be conquered
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Idk, anon. Camera is just blurry
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welcome to fat larry's thread of mack, the only gen for all your needs after ten o clock! i am the OP of the month several years in a row, the trips call me OH GAWD but you can call me fat larry with an F-A-T cause i know i got a weight problem and i just dont give a fuck
you you have a knot like a dog or some shit?
I may ruin my sleep schedule for elden ring

Bigen if it was peak
Only one way to find out, anon
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh endless free time and a hot functioning body?
and some fries?
I need to actually play Vampire the masquarade at some point instead of just knowing it exists.
Good pick
Bf keeps claiming he's smaller than me, but I swear we're the same size
naked lunch !
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People need to stop showing me suicide bait romance series. First love bullet now smoking behind a supermarket. Lighting cigarettes like this seems nice.
uuuuh, one rec per anon, unless you can prove that youre all different posters
make sure you have the anatomy for it (enough of a flap of skin). experiment in a photo editing software with different angles and placements so you can show your piercer. i've heard it can cause bruising too so plan around any upcoming socials
recently i've been kinda obsessed wth the ear tattoo + piercing combo
>theres this website online that sells cute as hell piercings
smoking behind a supermarket is suuuuper cute
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won't recc it for movie night cause we watched it already but if anyone's interested by a vampire movie with a lot of quirks, please give The Vourdalak a chance ! really cool monster with a voice to match too
it's been too long since I posted forgot how names work :'
Anyway, you got a good looking, funny and intense low budget horror movie with some queerness in it to watch, please don't get distracted by my naming mistake thank you
why is his body a table
male hormones
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A reminder that at 21 GMT we will choose the next 2 movies for movie night!
You can give your recommendation now by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
jennifers body starring Jennifer
making fun of metallica does not get old
I really started my journey of discovering my bisexuality by taking with guys over here discord and the like, and sharing pics and talking about what we would do with each other. At the time I guess I fought it by interrogating myself as to whether I liked guys or the attention they gave me over the silence of women. Even now I think about that sometimes. I figure now it's kind of stupid because if I was desperate for attention and straight there would be a lot of other courses of actions I would take
I remembered this artist last night and got so upset that i forgot the name lmao i went to bed mad at myself trying to find a way to find him again. luckily thismorning i remember he did work with overcast so that helped :)
hes so cute
That it does not.

The poll is now open, no further recommendations will be accepted.
The voting will stop tomorrow at around 6 PM GMT, so be sure to vote before then!

Here is the link to the server:
>percussion-based choir
i want an orchestra of only nonspecific pitch percussions trying their best to do harmony
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VOTE for "Portrait of a Lady on Fire", because bodices are sexy.
it's pitched, but as close as it gets to nonspecific. Look up harry partch !
I bet there's even weirder self-taught organologist out there I don't know about,
but you'd just use a daw nowadays instead of constructing your own orchestra ; So the pool is narrow.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gtIEzBp_UA an excerpt of a piece I rly like for a sample
Going to finish my chores and take an edible to end the night.
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finished a good book
balls are full, and sweaty too
time to bump bigen

What did you read?
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Please don't sexualize beloved childhood characters.
someone gifted me a weed pen today :)
I am a force inexorable; that which reason reaches, but does not sway. I am a scourge, an implement of vicious recompense delivered upon this Earth as an act of divine excoriation.
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Hey now, youre an all star. If incredibles wins then lets watch it second cause I may miss the first movie. Anyway, all that glitters is gold
i took shrooms and i don't feel very bisexual anymore. i don't want to have casual sex ever again and i very bady want children of my own. i'm trying to quit porn, too, so if i succeed in that my bisexuality will be 100% confined to mental fantasies. maybe it still counts in the literal sense but it seems pointless, in a sense even petty to call myself bi.
i thought you were a pooner.
well now you know better, let it be known eddin is a bepenised individual :p
(and iirc, they're even kinda cute)
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Happy midsummer (midsummers eve to be specific but who celebrates the actual day of a holiday) to all who celebrate it! Hope you guys have a good day
vi eat the strawberries och vi kiss the goats
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I want to rub that belly!
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i love crossing animals...
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I wouldn't cross these animals.
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oh dear... page 9? nein.
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Looks like we got a 5 way tie, so vote NOW in the 30 minutes FLASH ROUND to decide the two movies of the night !

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Was reading Ubik by philip k dick ! the end is a bit on the cheesy side but it's as terrifying as it is comical. Imagine having to pay for your front door to open, every time you need it

May I ask why ?

only wuming is allowed to call me cute, but thank you anon who might be one of the few people to have seen my face on here, it's about right

>5 way tie
thanks obama
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>only wuming is allowed to call me cute
oop, fwiw it's shnazzle, sorry..
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And after a FLASH ROUND (and a random pick) we have the two winners!

>Summer Wars
>Jennifer's Body

So see ya later at 22 GMT!
Ok fine I will watch.
I wanted to rewatch digimon movie anyways. I gotta get ready for airsoft and grind in pso2 at some point so I might dip i might not idk.
make the votes transparent so we know who's voting for what, I'm 99% sure someone's using alt accounts
hey shnazzle !
how goess
If we're in the same province why aren't we meeting up? Shaking my damn head
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I wish I was in Sweden rn.
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it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes GUILLOTINEEE YUH

memes aside i'm good, been keeping busy with chores and such, redid my nails last night / this morning (i havent slept, but picrel) in anticipation of the local pride event this weekend. also just picked up some 'blueberry scones' at the dispensary so looking forward to that, blueberry hybrids always seem good.

I drink because it fills me with love, maybe even wuv, nearly anything can move me to weep tears of joy at the beauty of this world when I'm intoxicated enough. I wish I had auto-brewery syndrome so I could always be drunk. I can't even imagine being an angry drunk.
Those nails are even better than jet-black ones
what and what
snooze night
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what are some popular trends that u hate? personally i cant stand the watered down commercialized “alt” aesthetics and styles like picrel bc it just comes across as cheap and tacky
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TJ here, playing Total War: Warhammer on the 'gen. Come and see!
high rise jeans
I'm not even sure what the fuck alt or any aesthetic is past the 2010s honestly. Its all commercialized too heavy and the last cohesive aesthetic I saw around was back when scene was a thing. And juggalos.
We are simultaneously watered down in makeup but piercings and tatoos are a lot more popular now.
>Cheap and tacky
This has been the only thing consistent. It is aesthetic cringe and even 2000s fast fashion was really cheap.
>We are simultaneously watered down in makeup
i also want to mention that i will never understand why black lipstick is so prominent in queer circles bc its so hard to pull off and it ends up looking garish most of the times and bc of that i will be the one to singlehandedly introduce the art of the glossy nude lip combo to that demographic
I fucking knew people would go to the movie where old people are killed shaking my damn ducking head
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Kek what do you think the animal crossing memes were referencing?
both great movies
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A reminder that in less than 1 hour Movie Night is gonna start! Here is tonight's selection:

>Summer wars
>Jennifer's body

>what the hell is "movie night"
Its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>where do we watch the movies?
On the official Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
Of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi this is the list of every movie we watched so far:

Very good job on the nails :D those look pretty darn good
>blueberry scones
pastry right

Been going on and off lately, mostly depending on how much I can get hope or despair for the future, how much I can sleep.
Wu's a treasure though, so it always comes back to getting better. It's worth it to exist with them in mind

As far as I'm aware alt fashion was always cheap aside from specific items, given that it's mostly young penniless people going at it. DIY is great, keep it tacky and cheap
qott2 is ableist.
free Palestine
there is a genocide of Palestinians INCLUDING PALESTINIAN BISEXUALS the Zionist entity is committing that the U.S. UK Germany are complicit in. Reports of IOF in Zionist concentration camps using dogs to rape Palestinian detainees came out 2 days ago. Torture with electricity, suspension and stretching, as well as nail pulling.
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I am once again constructing a Soul Grinder.
I shall never acknowledge the validity of Crocs as footwear.
there's a time when it used to be dark reds
yeah cheap and tacky is part of the aesthetic and the cringe. cringe is important.
I just dont know. Should I tell people im bi if it comes up in conversation, or just stay silent and make sure to hide it?
I don't talk about my sexuality with anyone anymore but my mom thinks I'm gay. I told a friend of mine I'm bi once and she thinks I'm gay now too.
NEW THREAD >>36254972
NEW THREAD >>36254972
NEW THREAD >>36254972
NEW THREAD >>36254972
NEW THREAD >>36254972
NEW THREAD >>36254972

Good evening !
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>Summer wars
>Jennifer's body

- girls trying to pull off the "old money" style, but messing it up by wearing the cheapest most obvious fake tans and cakey make up
- guys trying to pull off the same style but fucking it up by choosing cheap pre-packaged sets+behaving like 20 year old reddit incels
- the all-beige yeezy and kardashian shit
- too much make up on the nose. It just doesnt work irl, it only works on stage or on video.

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