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Sasquach Edition

What is your shoe size?
Is cardiovascular exercise the best way to distract from agp thoughts?


>What is AGP?
AGP is being absolute stunad of the highest magnitude. Bunch of mezzofinooks of jack of themselves in the mirror.
>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
Blanchard is a real heavy hitter you better watch your mouth.
>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans? Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
The fundamental question is, will i be as effective as a man or a woman as any other man or a woman and until i am it will be hard to verify that i think i am.

This weeks kickup https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
>What is your shoe size?
Men's Size 8
Not sure if AGP or just desperate for someone to love me.
>What is your shoe size?
US mens 12
lol @ the OP
> desperate for someone to love me
you need self love, that desperation goes away once you do, that's usually all that really is
you love other people once you're full of love yourself
do boymoders hon dose themselves and let the levels fluctuate or do they have to be as meticulous with hormones as trannies
>hon dose
how hard is it to just get a blood test and adjust your dose accordingly?
>Replying with a question to a question
Sharp as a cue ball this one
I suggest jogging, it can really help with mental health. Instead of fighting yourself in your mind, you just fight your own will with your body.

Plus you get hotter.
11 US wonder if there are any physical traits that could indicate AGP
Probably nothing. I am convinced that AGP comes from multiple psychological factors that have nothing to do with each other.
are you saying my question made you more confused
are you a real person
just tried on a bunch of my old trousers from pre estrogen and they don't even begin to fit over my hips and butt >_<
I'm so jelly....
Anyone manged to get dry orgasm?
I should kill myself, I will always be ontologically male, disgusting and unlovable.
My clitty is ontologically yuge.
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my hips aren't even that big lolz
Yeah it's not that great, I'm not too jealous anymore, thanks.
I bought a new dress I'm so AGP xD
>What is your shoe size?
mens 9.5
>Is cardiovascular exercise the best way to distract from agp thoughts?
no because i imagine myself as a female cardio bunny or a gym thot when doing it
mogs me
Is it worth getting one of these?
Unfairness is hot.
I want a tall blond blue eyed german guy to tease me for being a curly haired untermensch.
I want a mean, muscular black man to call my dick a clit because it is pink.
I wanted to be a hot girl, i compromised became a sissy crossdresser instead
30 yrs in the agp can
Natalie trigger my AGP like no other.
>no because i imagine myself as a female cardio bunny or a gym thot when doing it
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
her porn sucks tho, it's too mechanical and sovlless
Yeah, ella got better acting skills
But nat got that pure girl next door that's a slut behind the closed doors.
Which is basically my agp
how boring
can you name some hidden gems, not someone THIS overrated
>masturbating to futa porn self inserting as the futa again
I will be a woman someday.
I'm still jelly. I wish my pants didn't fit on my chubby butt, it's a concrete sign of change. I actually think it was starting to happen when I was on E for 3 weeks.
I think the only technical difference between boymoders and trannies is that boyoders call themselves boymoders
>I actually think it was starting to happen when I was on E for 3 weeks.
well get back on E then 6head
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Anybody else ever take this shit? I’ve been on 1000 mg of this and red Reishi a day for a year. I have some curves now but I hope didn’t give myself fucking cancer
what kind of copium is this
it's for people so deep in denial they'll do literally anything but take HRT
i did by mistake srs, bought something to try to improve skin before going on hrt. realized it was like 100% pueraria mirifica after a few months
gave me some boob and hip increase but wasn't on it long enough to see if it'd really help?
Red is hot in a degrading way lol.
How is it degrading?
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>IWN pull this off
Because I would become lower IQ, be looked down upon by my family (they tolerate me being AGP and trooning but would hate me to date men), start acting effeminate and gay, have a fagcent which is humiliating, etc etc.
Plus liking moids is degrading intrinsically.
I would think most families would prefer you date men since it’s more normal… I’ve never heard of people preferring to have a trans lesbian daughter.

Also, how is liking men degrading? Without going into a somewhat right-wing cringe /pol/ish rant, men have done alot for society throughout history.
>I would think most families would prefer you date men since it’s more normal
Not mine.
>I’ve never heard of people preferring to have a trans lesbian daughter.
They don't see me as a woman.
Just a feminized male at best.
So dating a woman would be better for them, less humiliating and also less dangerous for me.
>Also, how is liking men degrading?
Because it implies being the smaller partner, being dominated, penetrated.
>What is your shoe size?
>Is cardiovascular exercise the best way to distract from agp thoughts?
I guess it’s easy to see. I’m just used to seeing somewhat terfy people who are somewhat more accepting of HSTS, or more accepting of what is viewed by society as “normal”

Personally, I find the idea of being a trans lesbian deeply degrading because in my mind it means I am just a man not good enough to be a man but still not a woman either. I would rather be one or the other, not stuck in between.
I don't see how fucking men makes one a woman desu.
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I really just want men to feel about me what they feel about women

I hate it when I'm in a conversation with guys and they start talking about how they admire a woman. And when it comes to a Passoid it's even worse, because they are straight and transphobic but they would still have a relationship with a Passoid.

It makes me think about how cursed I am to have these desires and have the body I have.
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Well, the vast majority of women are into men. In fact, one of the main reasons woman try to be feminine is to be attractive to men. This is also true of the reverse with men trying to be masculine to impress women. I’m not homophobic but I do consider gays and lesbians to be a sort of “3rd gender” that exists outside the general man/woman divide.

Saying “I wanna be a woman” or “I AM a woman” while lacking the most fundamental attributes that separate a man from a woman seems very wrong. Like, I think AGPs should understand more then anyone else just how big an impact sexuality has on gender and on your psychology. You can’t say “sexuality is no big deal” if that is literally the reason you are trying to change your gender.

And yeah, I do pretty much think that sexual orientation is gender identity to an extant.
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I honestly kinda feel like men are superior to women in many ways. It might just be that I am insane (which I am) but aren’t men much stronger than women? Not just mentally, they tend to be stronger mentally as well. Well, women have to deal with childbirth true, but in my experience women tend to be more emotional while men are more rational. Obviously rationality is quite good because it is the path to correct decision making. Also, nothing exists without strength. You know, Judge Holden had a point when he said “war is god”. All societies are built on bloodshed, on strength and power. Men represent strength and power.

I realized that my attraction to men is more than just meta-attraction to feel more valid, it is moreso me finally reaching towards masculinity when I have shunned it for much of my life. As a child, I was always skeptical of masculinity, and also intimidated by it. Perhaps it was because I knew I was too weak. But now, taking on a feminine role, I can finally seek it out, though in others rather than myself. Even though I am clearly attracted to femininity to be AGP in the first place, all my emotional attraction is towards the masculine. The more I have internalized myself as feminine, the more comfortable with masculinity I have become to the point where it may become an obsession. I am definitely the kind of AGP who also has AAP as well, I think everyone had a masculine and feminine side to their personality though. The question is which one you internalize and which one do you seek out in another.
with a trans lesbian daughter, they can say "our son is fucked up, but at least he's not GAY!"
That’s retarded
I, on the other hand, think that 80% of men are disposable and the concept of modern masculinity is something invented a few centuries ago that I don't identify with.

men are more "rational" because women are allowed to be hysterical and men are not. In modern society most men can't act like it, so they emulate a personality based on a superhero movie or something. They try to be what they believe a man is. Instead of simply being allowed to follow their instincts, like women do.

I'm stuck in limbo, I consider my existence completely useless, I'm useless. I can't be a woman and I can't be a man.
i think i kinda agree with you, i don't find it degrading at all but feeling "stuck in between" is real and it sucks
i never really was a man in any meaningful sense and never really wanted to be one
dating was basically just a way for me to satisfy a desire for a close female friend and discard my male "mask" within the confines of a initimate platonic relationship, i did not understand how men would chase women, i was always asked out
i could never throw out any real sexual tension in my past relationships either, and they all similarly unraveled, i was confused at the time but my last ex i'm not sure even saw me as a man at the end, she suggested i was gay or possibly trans

at the same time, even though the desire is there i feel like i'd be too malebrained to fit in as a woman. if i were attracted to men, maybe that would make up for it all and i would find peace, but since i doubt i could be, it's kinda fucked
>And yeah, I do pretty much think that sexual orientation is gender identity to an extant.
and you know who agrees with you?
I do know that because men are stronger and more aggressive than women, they’d be more dangerous if hysterical. I don’t think we can just chalk up all gender differences to social roles. Men have a certain way of thinking and women have a different way. I also think that the whole idea that “men are forced to be masculine” is skewed if it’s coming from an AGP who never wanted to be masculine. Most normal men are enthusiastically masculine and they idolize masculine role models, only us AGPs end up feeling like it’s wrong. It’s nice though to finally make peace with the idea of masculinity and I feel like embracing a feminine mindset has helped me with that. As long as you’re an unmasculine male you’ll always be thinking “men don’t have to be masculine, these male characters don’t represent me” whereas after internalizing myself as feminine I’m just like “wow he is a strong man, that is so amazing and even hot. I want to be protected and beloved by a man who embodies these qualities”. It feels very nice

I guess all that really matters is if you’re happy. Alot of people seem to be happy as transbians since they’re with someone who understands them, so you could try that, though I personally I never saw the appeal
where is the button that turns hsts into agps and perma rids the world of gays
> I guess all that really matters is if you’re happy.

yeah, my last hope is either finding someone who likes me after transition or finding happiness alone, it just sucks no matter what i'll do i'll have to give up something
daemonic tranny
Were you gonna say Rod Fleming? Because as much as it embarrasses me I’ll admit he has had a massive influence on my philosophy, more than anyone else probably. Yes, I know he is a disgusting creep and I personally despise him, but alot of his ideas still resonate with me.
By being AGP and especially transitioning, we kind of say fuck you to gender roles anyway.
I always hated that women had to be into men.
That they had to be feminine.
I admired lesbians and tomboys since as long as I can remember.
Fuck gender roles, I want to be female, or as close as possible, not your degrading view of what a woman is.
The difference in strength is less and less valuable.
Being able to behave and live longer is more and more valuable.
It's the era of women coming with technology.
Or maybe trans women.
I really can't relate with your vision desu.
I don't feel so strongly about masculinity vs femininity.
Never did.
What I feel strongly about is that I like the female body and want one, and despise the male body and don't want it.
Sometimes I feel less completely AGP because I don't care about feminity itself, I also never crossdressed.
Yep exactly lol.
This extends to dating a transbian too.
I agree.
AGP is about womanhood chiefly desu.
Our like or dislike of masculinity/ feminity is based on the kind of women we like, and then invert into ourselves.
My fantasies were always about being a female soldier or cop and the like, so I never really minded masculinity, through ofc I wasn't very masculine and seen as sensitive, plus I am very cowardly.
In truth, my male self is more feminine in many ways than my female self.
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Through I will add that my like of femininity, as a boy/ man, and my lack of fundamental desire for feminity, as an AGP, does make me suffer.
I feel like I am not as trans, not as AGP.
And in the end, that I will never be a woman because of it.
As a kid I idolized strong men, and when I became a teen, I started idolizing strong women.
Sure I'm meta-attracted, and in fact I'm not even into women (beyond ASE ofc), but that doesn't change anything.
I don't actually have this special relationship to femininity so many AGPs have.
I don't have this feeling of fundamental belonging to it at all.
It feels alien and degrading.
How could I ever be a woman lol.
I always will be a weird in-between and I feel extreme jealousy and spite for the AGPs who aren't.
> What I feel strongly about is that I like the female body and want one, and despise the male body and don't want it.
Sometimes I feel less completely AGP because I don't care about feminity itself, I also never crossdressed.
Seems to be a common sentiment. But it seems quite vain to do so much just for physical appearance though. It’s not wrong though

>Fuck gender roles, I want to be female, or as close as possible, not your degrading view of what a woman is.

I wouldn’t say it’s degrading. I just have this mindset where concepts such as “femininity” or “masculinity” are very important, and if you deviate from them you need to explain how and why you do so. I very much hate the idea that AGP is about “fucking gender roles” or “abolishing gender” or whatever. But I’ll admit my mindset seems completely alien to you. Especially since you already said you don’t care about femininity. I do care about femininity. My AGP means embodying it as a concept which means being submissive to a man. It’s not necessarily degrading, but I will admit that I have fantasized about being raped by an attractive man with the personality of Judge Holden who is representative of my idealization of masculinity. In this fantasy is held all of my self-hatred, and also my feeling of inferiority to men who I feel are superior to me. There are certainly those men who are just more masculine than me, who are stronger than me, not merely in body but in mind. I don’t want to be afraid of that strength, I want to have it on my side, to have it support me. I can’t get over the thought “what if instead of living in fear of that strength, it protected me instead?”.

Wow I completely went off topic and got pretty unhinged there lol.
As a kid I was more likely to idolize woman. The older I got, the more accepting I became of masculinity. My phases were basically in early childhood I was obsessed with femininity, then I switched to saying “gender doesn’t matter” and remained like that for most of my teenage years, and then eventually I couldn’t deny the feminine desires in me anymore.

Don’t worry though, I’m unlikely to find traditional happiness. I’m on the verge of dedicating my existence to the acquisition of wealth cuz it’s better than nothing lol, so definitely not very hopeful I could ever have a fulfilling relationship.
To me it's more than just physical appearance.
It's like some kind of holistic womanhood.
I feel like it's fundamentally good.
I like when fem pronouns are used too for instance.
I like womanhood, I think.
But yes I'm not feminine.
Nor masculine.
I always felt a bit less masculine than my straight comrades in school, but also definitely less feminine than the gay boys.
Always in a limbo.
>I just have this mindset where concepts such as “femininity” or “masculinity” are very important, and if you deviate from them you need to explain how and why you do so.
I see. I'm really not like that.
I also think that the strong core of masculinity and femininity will erode as time passes.
>AGP is about “fucking gender roles” or “abolishing gender” or whatever.
It kind of is through.
That's why we are fundamentally different from HSTSs.
They transition because they fundamentally feel too feminine.
We transition because despite being men, we want to be women, sometimes feminine, sometimes not.
Instead of being the universe putting things right, we go against it.
My family are aristocrats btw, so ofc they will enjoy "young sensitive man on a romantic quest to reach this internalized love by becoming a woman" more than "so gay he becomes a woman to fuck men" lol.
>what if instead of living in fear of that strength, it protected me instead
I can understand that.
A part of me wants it, I'm meta attracted too.
But it's mostly the sexual side of my AGP.
My non sexual side hates men and would like to be in a world with only women.
I can't help but find heterosexuality filthy.
It degrades my ideal of womanhood.
But yes at the same time ofc being with a guy who protects me would be nic.
But I also hate it.
Yeah I didn't have a childhood onset, I had a early teen onset.
But as far as I think I liked tomboys more.
I wanted to be with a bro, but also a girl.
>It's like some kind of holistic womanhood.
Well, that’s kind of similar to how I feel.
>It kind of is through.
Maybe? At least for me it’s about trying to embody my conception of what “femininity” is. I also don’t feel especially gendered on the inside, so I feel like in some sense I truly could become a woman if I tried. Though my mother has become very terfy lately. She’s very proud that even though she thinks I have a more feminine spirit, I’m not deluded by gender ideology. I don’t think I could disappoint her honestly, even if I feel I’d be much happier living a life as a woman. So basically I just keep all these thoughts in my head and these walls of text are my only release, since I’m not comfortable telling anyone without the veil of anonymity.

And for me, to get that “holistic womanhood”, I definitely need to embody it in a heterosexual relationship. I guess I’m lucky (or unlucky maybe) that my meta-attraction is very much on the non-sexual side as well and is very strongly romantic. And on the sexual side, I sometimes feel like I’m just as attracted to make bodies as female ones. Like, sure, I’m only attracted to a male body if I imagine an AGP scenario with said man. But I’m also not attracted to feminine bodies either unless I imagine possessing those bodies. My ultimate attraction tends to feel very abstract.
So you are repressing?
I understand your point, I think the only real difference is the kind of girls we were originally into lol.
I was into tomboys, you were into feminine girls.
Ofc we neve fully realized because our heterosexuality didn't express itself, it just got internalized right away.
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Why are you typing like that.
Are you.
Having a mental.
I don't know actually lol. It's just an habit I have I guess. I can try not to but I feel physical pressure to put it right. Maybe it's autism.
“Repressing” doesn’t feel like it fits. I’m not actively repressing, I’m just passively not transitioning. I don’t think it’s impossible for me to live as a man, I just doubt I could have a successful marriage.

So it’s like, you know that stereotype of the eccentric guy who’s just too odd to marry? So he lives off by himself? That’s what I’d end up becoming. I just doubt I can have a successful relationship with a woman, reading other people’s experiences just seems to prove that since in my only relationship, it ended because I preferred being friends with her. I have considered being gay, but gays tend to be hypersexual and I am very much not. I kinda wish I could find a bi guy who is attracted to me as I am but also encourages me to transition, and then I could be his wife, we could adopt kids, and I could live a perfect life. Idk honestly. And yeag you’re right about me being into more feminine girls when I was younger. I wasn’t HSTS but I was definitely the “proto-agp” who was fascinated by everything feminine. Until I grew out of it of course, only for a sliver of it to always be there, beneath the surface in the corners of my mine.
I see.
It's not easy being AGP for sure.
I hope you'll find peace, as a man or as a trans woman.
I was in your shoes one day.
I have made sense of my AGP and know I wont ever achieve the true lifestyle I want.

Turning into a woman doesn't do it for me. I don't believe medicines today are enough still but that's besides the point. I'm depraved and disgusting, my AGP drives me to crave having been a woman the whole time. Not that gender expression stuff, but biologically being born of the female sex, growing up through puberty dealing with bigger boobs or bigger butts slowing me down.

A tomboy is still a woman, a femboy never is.
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You’re not depraved or disgusting, you have a beautiful female soul and should transition asap
Friends I need some help and idk where to post this. I am so fucking confused. Ever since I was like 16 I've been repressing my feelings about everything. I can't communicate or open up with anyone, but I finally started to spend some time examining how I feel and trying to sort shit out instead of just pushing it to the back and ignoring it with excess media consumption.

I know I'm definitely bi, I've known that for a long time, but I'm also a virgin due to extreme social anxiety / avoidant personality and rock bottom self esteem. I also empathize way more with women than I do with men. I've always been this way and I just kind of put it down to being a girly guy and I started repressing it really early on because I got bullied for it. I had some girls clothes I bought in highschool that I would wear around the house occasionally but I started repressing that as well.

Specifically the thing that real does it for me is lesbian romance stories. Novels, visual novels, game, tv shows, anything with lesbians makes me extremely fucking depressed. Usually I just have this background level of depression as a baseline, but when I read one of these books it's like this intense sadness that doesn't go away for ages. I can't stop consuming this content though even though it makes me feel so fucking sad it's basically the only thing that makes me feel intense emotions anymore.

I think this is AGP? I have no intrest in transitioning because I'm way too old for it and I don't have any intrest in putting in the effort required to pass. I just kind of want to lie in bed all day and imagine myself in a cute lesbian relationship. I don't know if this is real or if it's just me being a lonely incel who's desperate for affection or if it's just anime brain. How do I figure out what this is? I went to a therapist once but I was way too scared to open up about the gender stuff. Where I live the wait list for therapists is 6 months if you're lucky.

looking at this little tik tok video remidns me just how special women really are, and how I can't be one.
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I believe I could pull off this level of (non-)passing, if I get just a touch of plastic surgery. Is it worth it?
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twinkhon life
this is such an AGP dress
Autogynephilia with autosapphoeroticism.
That's up to you.
Okay thanks, makes sense I guess. Is there anything I can do about it or am I just doomed to be miserable until I eventually kill myself?
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More AGP fuel
Based Alphonse
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What do you do to stay lean?
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What's your secret pleasure /AGP/?
I want 70 year old men with massive cocks to slap my body with their cocks
Starve myself
There's no way to cure it no.
You can cope or you can try to transition.
maybe you need a touch of anglefrauding
wheres the dick
what would happen if a man faced person got this cut
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terrible don't go above 50
yeah whatever happened to gary cooper the strong silent type
He died.
Let me tell ya something. Nowadays, everybody’s gotta go to shrinks, and counselors, and go on 4chan and reddit and talk about their gender problems. What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an AGP. He wasn’t in touch with his dysphoria. He just did what he had to do. See, what they didn’t know was once they got Gary Cooper in touch with his feelings that they wouldn’t be able to shut him up! And then it’s HRT this, and FFS that, and penis inversion vafangool!
He was trans? Gary Cooper?
nooooh! are you listening to me
>And yeah, I do pretty much think that sexual orientation is gender identity to an extant.
This. The trans movement trying to seperate them completely was stupid.
>Because it implies being the smaller partner, being dominated, penetrated.
I'll never understand this mentality.
That's the mentality of 99% of humans.
This is very relatable. Just accepting I'm not a guy has lifted so much weight off my shoulders. I don't feel like I have to fight the definition of man anymore out of self preseevation and I can appreciate masculinity better from this side of the dichotomy.
How does one accept they're not a man?
cope, there's an hsts inside you screaming to get out
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Quite common for AGP
being agp sucks so much, too much of a man to be a woman, too much of a woman to be a man
nothing ever works out for us, does it?
Yeah we are screwed, i'd rather be a pedophile to be honest at least the kid diddlers don't have dysphoria
I honestly feel like most of the femboys I’ve met are more like woman than the transbians I know. Like, I am very active on discord, so I know some transbians and I know some femboys and it seems like the femboys care more about being actually feminine whereas for the transbians it seems much more superficial. Honestly, I think I myself am very much similar to the femboys they’ve met. Most of them clearly aren’t HSTS, many of them admit to being formally straight, they feel like they’re moreso straight men who have become gay due to a desire to feel feminine. Some of them have come pretty close to admitting that they want to be woman and I’ve also seen some of them identifying with certain female characters. I think they are interpersonal AGPs like myself.
eh, i dunno if i'd go that far but i get it
i thought femboys were the transbians
Most of the self-described femboys I’ve seen are very openly gay or at least bi. It’s pretty clear that they consider their sexual attraction to men a big part of their transition, though they also don’t really seem like true HSTS types with a strong either. Transbians are completely different. They often have either open or thinly veiled misandry. Admittedly though my experience is limited and I’m sure there are femboys more like transbians, but in mu experience they’re very different. It’s probably just the difference between classical AGP and interpersonal AGP.
I'm not interested in transitioning because it wont help fulfill what I'm craving. I dont want to turn into a biological woman, I want to grow into one through childhood and teen experiences. I wont get that through transitioning right now, and I never will because it's simply not possible. Being born with, growing with, and then being frail with a womb and breasts, all the pretty things it has.

Interesting. I dont know what to make of this. To be honest I'm very straight male presenting. There is nothing visibly on me that hints at being even remotely interested in acting like a woman. But deep down I sometimes feel like being a woman would have been a better me, a realer me. It's like my sexual urges, my desires are all caricatures or dreams of the kind of man I want for the woman that I am.
true hsts, "interpersonal agp", lol
neo-blanchardianism is so weird
to be fair the original thing is a crock of shit with just as much merit
it's not hugboxy that much we know
tell them daughters are better at taking care of their mothers than sons
>daughters are better at taking care of their mothers than sons
maybe in western culture
in eastern culture it's the oldest son that cares for the mother
the west btfo
filial piety is why there will still be a ZHONGHUA after 4000 years while the west will be ashes and dust
but i'm selfish and want to be a woman
this is a massive shift in the culture though. 15 years ago "femboys" were strictly HSTS gay kids. There were no AGPs among them.
How to bring this with your wife?
My mother is long dead sadly.
Sometimes I dress like your pic when I have the house for myself.
And it usually suppress my agp for few weeks.
it's better not to bring your wife in this
including sexually? asking for science...
Any suggestion for erotica featuring lesbians?
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clothes agp sounds wild, i imagine an account of body agp would be more depressing
>It's like my sexual urges, my desires are all caricatures or dreams of the kind of man I want for the woman that I am.
But you also said you have no interest in men? Huh.

Well people like labels, labels are also pretty helpful.

I’d say Blanchard didn’t have much experience with interpersonal AGPs because desu I don’t think we usually transition. At least for me, I feel like I can survive without transitioning, it just means I’d be a fundamentally unsexed genderless being which is kinda depressing. In asian countries on the other hand where gender roles are more severe and also where femboy type “third genders” are a thing, we’re more likely to transition young. But in the west it’s very rare. Though as >>36219323 said I think this may be changing
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>maybe "femby" is a good identity
>go to r/femby
>that was a mistake
>But you also said you have no interest in men? Huh.
No I did not say this. As a woman I do have interest in men, just like how as a man right now I have interest in women.
Ah sorry, I got you confused with another anon
It's alright, I had a hunch you mistook me for someone else.

For the record these posts are me
is femby just a misspelling of femboy
>Fuck gender roles, I want to be female, or as close as possible, not your degrading view of what a woman is.
This is rooted in viewing femininity as degrading and pathetic. Which to me is mysoginistic. It's to view female typical nature as bad and wanting simply to coopt their bodies.
It honestly would probably be better for alot of AGPs to just identify as “men who want to look like women”
no, it's a fem enby

(feminine-presenting non-binary)
To add to this, I don’t think interpersonal AGPs would even be accepted into Blanchard’s clinic to begin with because I think we tend to have less dysphoria. Honestly, I’m probably faker than everyone else here because I don’t really feel actual dysphoria, I just feel disassociated from the concept of sex and gender. I only started to think I could be transgender after I realized that I probably couldn’t be a normal man sexually or romantically and that I’d probably be happier as a woman.

When Blanchard’s clinic was selecting people, they were selecting the most insane ones. The ones so extreme that they would make freaks of themselves if not given treatment. I’m not that bad, I could probably live my life as just that one guy who’s too eccentric to start a family. My desire to possibly transition is even more performative then HSTS who want to date straight guys. Ironically even though I’m AGP, wanting to date a straight guy seems to be a big part of it as well. Honestly, maybe I’m just stupid for wanting spiritual fulfillment out of a marriage since plenty of marriages suck and end in divorce. Maybe being completely asexual is a good thing and I have just been blessed that I don’t have to deal with that bullshit.
>When Blanchard’s clinic was selecting people, they were selecting the most insane ones. The ones so extreme that they would make freaks of themselves if not given treatment.
look at this dude
> When Blanchard’s clinic was selecting people, they were selecting the most insane ones. The ones so extreme that they would make freaks of themselves if not given treatment.
no wonder agp sounds so insane if you take it literally
Well yeah. Blanchard’s philosophy was that transition was the last resort, when all else had failed. So the people he advocated transition for were the people who were literally going to either kill themselves or become menaces to society otherwise. Dumb drug addicted hussie bimbos who could never act even remotely masculine or super fetishistic buffalo bill agps who stole their wife’s clothes. Most people with any modicum of sanity would be able to live without transition, even if discontent as unhappy.
>super fetishistic buffalo bill agps who stole their wife’s clothes
Complete lie.
Blanchard considered transvestic AGPs to be less likely to develop dysphoria.
do you really not see the problem from the exchange you just had alone? this whole thing is so repressive and authoritarian, it's sick
Omg I hate being a man why can't I make it stop???
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> super fetishistic buffalo bill agps who stole their wife’s clothes
> be me, AGP
> had a nasty car accident
> some blacking out but recovered fine
> suddenly one day become a menace to society
> stealing clothes around town to crossdress in
> wife finds my stash
> she first thought i was cheating but no
> literal mountain of assorted clothes and panties
> suddenly wake up in a jail cell, turns out i assaulted my wife and cops were called
> didn't remember any of it, was freaking out
> they also connected my panty theivery to me as well
> not even the worst part
> cops also connect several missing persons cases to me
> turns out i was kidnapping women to kill and conduct rituals with
> they found a small cabin in the woods filled with obscene paraphernalia, dead bodies, and a tub filled with women's blood
> literally every piece of evidence there pointed back to me
> in particular they found a journal describing pretty much everything i was doing
> dates and times lined up with the gaps in my memory
> apparently i was conducting rituals to "transform myself into a woman"
> weirdly called myself the same name of my first victim, an ex gf who "got away"
> it was like i thought i was her or something
> didn't want to believe it but reading the journal caused the memories of all the crimes to flood back
> literally vomiting from how fucked up it was
> fast-forward to prison, i'm being held temporarily until my execution date is set
> turns out i was a famous serial killer
> it was the late 70s and i'm in the Ontario Correctional Institute
> they take me to the prison's resident psychologist, a "Dr. Ray Blanchard"
> i tell him of my story incl. the journal and he starts jotting down notes furiously, eyes wide
> eventually sent to the chair a few weeks later, die
> 50 years later, i'm looking up from hell while burning in the lake of fire
> i see trannies freak out about AGP, a term that couldn't have existed without me
> mfw
This is gender euphoria
stop pushing this on me.....
>> stealing clothes around town to crossdress in
i did that ngl
maybe it's not the fact that they were insane but the culture in those times was different too
people from older times tend to act in a more brutal way
the type to want forceful petticoat training from his wife in the 80s is probably going uwu on the internet today
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I don't want to be woman. I just want to coom. When I've coomed and coomed, and I've become bored of every possible type of porn, and I can't coom any more, I don't feel like a woman. I don't want to be a woman. I don't want to be anything. I just want to disappear.
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sup agp trannies. I was thinking about things recently and I want to know if anyone here knows what the fuck I'm talking about or not
basically I was dating this trans girl and she kept calling me a closeted trans faggot, partly because she was self-hating but also partly because I thought she was cute and that I specifically enjoyed making her wear cute outfits and holding her hand in public and making her feel like a real girl etc.
so what im asking is, am I really the only guy on God's green Earth who thinks that AGP is cute, but ISN'T actually AGP himself? because I'm not, being completely honest and at the age of 25 I have never had even a single AGP thought cross my mind. and yet it sets my heart aflutter to see cute boymoders girlmoding for the first time and transition timelines and things of that nature. oh and the paxiti comics like picrel, HNGGGGHH so cute. I ship these characters so fucking hard it's ridiculous, the idea of being someone's childhood friend who gently bullies him for picking girl avatars in video games, and then he becomes a cute tranny and then you start dating hnggggghhh I would die
I just think it's the cutest shit ever. I blame anime and my experience dating said girl who was very cute.

but anyway what should I call this? allo-autogynephilia? the idea of making someone's dreams come true like that gets my engine going to the point that if I find out some otherwise not very attractive guy is a repressing tranny I kinda start developing a crush on them.
>inb4 "you're AGP"
I'm not!! Seriously!
You're clearly AGP mate.
Late onset probably.
Make of that knowledge what you will.
My guess is that you are AGP and impute your desires for transformation onto other people.

the "makes her feel like a real woman" shit is something I also have in me. That makes me horny.
Those of you who have been in relationships with women how did it go? My last relationship was in highschool and I had no idea what AGP was, even trans stuff wasn't mainstream back then. I never wanted to have penetrative sex with my gf because I hated the act. It just felt wrong to me. I only ever wanted to jack myself off while performing oral sex on her, or do mutual masturbation. I also acting really girly around her and she definitely thought I was gay, she ended up breaking it off after a while. Sometimes I look back and wonder if things would have gone differently if I know about AGP back then and was able to navigate it better or if it was doomed from the start. Like it's so fucking hard to find a partner these days how are you meant to find a partner who understands and is willing to accommodate your AGP?
in an ideal world, agp would always be the cutest thing ever
getting shy, cute "boys" to embrace their nature as women and start girlmoding is like getting flowers to finally bloom and broken birds to sing
it's cathartic and adds to the beauty of the world
i don't think you have to be agp to want to see someone else become cute and happy
What book?
fucking groomers man
sorry agp is ugly buffalo bill was the correct depiction but there can still be beauty in it like a rotting corpse
AGP is actually just severe OCD or severe autism, much like "dysphoria" is
I'm not a groomer. I just recited one point we have in common. I also didn't understand why pointing out AGP on someone would be a groomer thing.
I have a serious case of OCD and I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD.
i know you do frenchie
he never said anything about his own desire for self insertion just that he's turned on by a sort of inclination in others to be agp
This is the second time I've been mistaken for her.
I feel good. It's as if they were confirming the sympathy I have for her.

that's not a good thing anon
It's a good thing to have sympathy and identify with others.
here we have insight into typical groomers attitude
Well, I guess I'm a groomer then.
How are you dealing with the second puberty after 30s?
I'll probably inject estrogen before I'm 30 if my life stays the same shit until I'm 27.

Just for an experiment, with no intention of passing. Just to have breasts. I think I deserve it. At worst I'll be an old man with gynecomastia.

Maybe this will delay second puberty a little.
i'm 29 dreading it and trying to get myself on estrogen before i turn into my dad
what second puberty
Thank you <3
I look disgusting.
I want to die.
you sound like all the hope and love was squeezed out of you anon
>hope and love
it's just arousal anon
truly demoralized
Enjoying seeing women cute is completely normal. Most cis men like seeing girls being cute as well. Congratulations on being normal.
damn be my bf
I don't even want to be a woman anymore, I just want to be dead.
To stop suffering.
that doesn't sound right
I wears a men's size 7. and usually a medium in panties
>getting shy, cute "boys" to embrace their nature as women and start girlmoding is like getting flowers to finally bloom and broken birds to sing
As long as you’re not a groomer.
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Can you remember what, if anything, triggered your first AGP fantasy?
For the longest time I was convinced that I didn't start having AGP fantasies until my early 20s. However, I recently remembered being around 7 years old and having this fantasy of Poison Ivy from Batman & Robin locking me up inside one of her big plants and transforming me into her. I would lie in bed and think about it over and over.
I look like a disgusting man.
I wish someone would end my suffering.
I’ve always had an interest in transformations, even from a young age I was fascinated by people physically transforming into other things. I also usually identified with female characters early on. My wii mii was a girl. Was also obsessed with feminine things as a child. Loved trying on jewelry and such. I kinda grew out of it as I aged though. At some point I discovered TF content on deviantart, around puberty my interest in transformation began to focus specifically on gender transformation and TG content. It was almost always non-sexual and never pornographic since I had been warned by my parent’s to avoid pornography and I found it gross anyways.
It's a fucking Hentai manga about going to the virtual world. My AGP virginity broke that day and I've been on a downward spiral ever since.
i had examples of me being agp since about 6 or 7, but my first true, explicit AGP fantasy was around about 11 or 12.
we had this really cute redhead substitute teacher who liked to bake and what not and gave us all cookies
i had randomly admitted to a friend of a sudden fantasy of wishing that eating those cookies could turn me into a girl
literally nothing prompted it, and i wasn't into any gender transformation fiction or anything then, wasn't aware it was even a thing, which made it so weird this came across my mind
he said absolutely nothing so i never really became aware of what i was wanting then until much later.
it's crazy to look back and see how oblivious i was
Havelock Ellis, in the pastebin
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I want to live out my agp fantasy and crossdess at home alone all day and have people over to plap me but I have to move out first and despite having 90k in my account I can't afford shit
It's so fucking over for me I'll be cringe and 30 before I get to live out my dreams
good evening i love women
9 in men's, so that would be about 10.5-11 in women's right?


as someone who has all three of those, *probably* not

All boymoders are trannies but not all trannies are boymoders.
based de choisy
How oddly relatable. I'm assuming they never took a feminine name did they?
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idk. I want to read his memoir. It sounds so much like an anime series, very similar to Stop! Hibari-kun!
France is unironically AGP headquarter historically, the way Brazil was HSTS headquarter.
Our first trans association founder was a con-man who pretended to be a female spy before the war to conduct scams relating to central heating units in Marseilles, when caught said she had been forced to dress as a woman by a female friend who was jealous of her. Then she was sent to a concentration camp by the nazis, pretended she was experimented on there and that it forced her to become trans.
After the war she dated another tranny, while shitting on another public transbian for openly having a kid (she also had a kid from a previous marriage mind you).
When she had been arrested for impersonating a woman she somehow was allowed to wear women's clothes and full makeup in prison and to the audience.
All other famous trans figures of the time kind of disliked her because she insisted on transness being an hormonal illness caused by hormones in animal meat affecting foetuses, and would shit on trannies she considered faketrans.
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Where do you fall?
Mix of IV, V and VI.
Primarily V
>type IV
she’s literally me
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15 months on HRT for this...
I'll never look remotely like a woman...
Despite how fucked I'm so glad I am not that hairy That looks absolutely nightmarish. Thank god I don't even have chest hair either
IV and V
you need to wear a bra. you should be more modest if you're going to become ntr's housewife.
I just want to be dead.
There is no way ffs could fix that.
Wtf was I smoking?
are you able to cross-dress or do you live in a bad situation?
I am fully anatomically AGP/ dysphoric with some social AGP/ dysphoria.
I have 0 transvestic AGP sadly.
whats the point of pandering to youngshit standards anyway it's not like you want one of them for a partner or hookup
meanwhile boomers will tip their hats at even a mildly twinkhonnish millenial
Just being a Twinkhon would make me happy.
Same. On some days I feel like I rise to that level, and on others I feel like the ugliest, most masculine hon who ever was
okay if you're in mdva

1. OCD sister begins to masculinize
2. knows of bad masculine men
3. fearful of becoming "bad" like them
4. ocd brain thinks masculinization = "bad" (stigmatization)
5. becomes obsessed with escaping "bad" masculinity
6. ritualistically feminizes herself and troons
7. pseudo-dysphoria never leaves, still anxious over any potential masculinity

i've cracked the code OCD sisters
a cure for ocd would be as revolutionary as washing one's hands with soap and vaccines have been for healthcare and mortality
maybe the cure is being mindful
lol nope
ocd is a neurological disorder, you can't meditate your way out of it
the idea that you can is the literal defintion of cope
listen man what you don't know could fill a book
only a single book? hot damn, i must be a genius
stfu and eat your manicotti
>What is your shoe size?
US Men's
>Is cardiovascular exercise the best way to distract from agp thoughts?
not even close. that makes me feel like a cardio bunny.
It's... interesting. Not as comfortable compared to a typical chastity cage for me, but I'm also fairly big + get hard easily. Fun to pair with a magic wand.
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you're telling me you have no desire to dress up and be pretty? Your type fascinates me. There are so many of you, even on this board. You think that taking a pill is going to transform you into a pretty pink princess. You literally just sit around taking pictures of yourself with a blank expression, looking completely psychotic, and saying "it didn't work yet... it didn't work yet." You don't apply any makeup, your hair looks like a broom, you don't shape your eyebrows. you don't even smile. Just these same psychotic selfies over and over again, thinking that this pill is going to do the whole transition for you. Have you ever interacted with a real life woman before? Do you have any idea how much time and effort they put into making themselves look good?

HSTS never do this, it is absolutely unique to AGPs.
kek this
ffs can do a lot. it can definitely fix your brow ridge.
>You think that taking a pill is going to transform you into a pretty pink princess
you are everything wrong with blanchardism
I basically never interact with cis or trans women.
I don't smile because it makes my face look even worse.
I don't put on makeup because I'm not allowed.
I'm afraid of the facial planes ..
Anybody here have experience with nipple development outside of just HRT? I know there's a Japanese guide floating around but it seems to focus heavily on piercing them with acupuncture needles(?) I'd prefer not to do that.
do you believe taking a pill is transforming you into a pink princess?
no, what's wrong with you?
Which pokegirl would you most like to be?

Me: Hilda or May.
Green / Leaf or Crys
> Type 4
Uk women's 7 1/2.
my gf steals my shoes
>captcha: GAYN
Then we're on the same page.

I'm so old that I don't know any of these characters names. Is Misty a pokegirl?
>Then we're on the same page.
no, we're really not, and I must once again reiterate >>36241730
>you are everything wrong with blanchardism
i didn't have a childhood so i never really saw pokemon
i would have to choose May though

Good choice, sis. Why didn't you have a childhood?
sorry a bit of a dead pan joke, i say the same when anyone else misses a childhood milestone
You are the group of people who really hate being called men or for them to say you're just a man. This is the difference between you and hsts because hsts Envy men the same way you envy women. I don't think you're aware of the difference?
>I envy men so I will become a woman

You envy porn stars and chads.
This makes no sense
hsts isn't real anon, and also an agp earlier admitted to her envy of men: >>36213071 >>36214141
while agp is debatable, blanchards tranny astrology has no basis in reality
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I want to be like a woman
Why is everyone on this board a fucking passoid?
Why am I the only hon??
i'm not a passoid
then why don't you just remain a man
At least Twinkhon.
Why am I the only hon...
I feel like alot of AGPs personalities would make more sense if they were gay. Kinda like they were meant to be gay. It reminds me of what I was saying earlier here >>36218024 I think more men who aren’t really ontologically gay are starting to become “pseudo-gay” just because they realize it makes more sense for their personality. I think being straight while also realizing your personality is more suited for relationships with men can be a pretty horrid state. Because you either have to change your personality or change your orientation, it’s one or the other.
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always be repressing
>some agps are male lesbians
>others are gay straight men
yep, makes sense

i do feel that though, it would be so much easier to be in a relationship with men if i were more attracted to them
pre being aware of agp i thought attracting women meant performing masculinity and then being your natural vulnerable self once you're dating and comfortable because that is stressful 24/7
the idea that normal men were just confidently intrinsically masculine as their baseline was a shock to me and also explained why my ex thought i was gay too
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you gotta have brass balls to repress AGP
if i looked like that, i don't think it would be possible
No, I'm a hon too. I'll bet you I'm more of a hon than you even
>tfw so autistic you thought women were supposed to approach you
yeah, that's only how i got any gfs at all
but only ugly women do that
it made me grow tits >.<
not really, more confident girls tend to approach in my experience
this was normal life though, not at a party or anything, the girls that approached me already knew me beforehand
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Why is TG shit the only thing that turns me on at all?
Why is my sexuality so fucked?
Even if I manage to get ove dysphoria by passing I will never be able to have a normal relationship with anyone.
I have been chased by a few good looking girls. But they had exactly the right personality type, they were ENFJ’s and I’m INFP.
I propose renaming AGP and HSTS to Eonism and Uranism.
Why uranism? Why the proposal?
Uranism was used as term for proto-hsts the same was Eonism was, in the late 19th century.
If I could take a pill to make me a cute teenage girl I would do it without a seconds hesitation. But If the pill made me into a mid 30s ugly woman I'd prefer to stay male. That means this is just a fetish right?
This means that you want a magically easier life and gender ideology has created a discourse for you to validate this.
yes, in an ideal world the State would pay for men to become cute women
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you get a pill to become livia soprano
I imagine how much money it would take for me to become a cute woman. It would be possible to end hunger in several cities.
it's worth it, those cities will grow hungry again anyway
but you will be cute for a lifetime
It's the case in France, the State pays for FFS, SRS, orchi, voice training lessons, hrt, and sometimes for BA.
stop repressing, RETARDS
You know that stereotype of the girl who’s more like a daughter? What about boys that are more like a daughter? I feel like I’m kinda like that to my parent’s
yeah homos
*girl who’s more like a son
not even women get to be cute for a lifetime
you need to visit manmoder gen anonette...thats where all the hons congregate...
Nah it's a shithole.
nta but whats the difference?
i find women charming at any age
Uranism: HSTS
Eonism: AGP
nah he's an unrepentant nazi who actively defended his hateful views in the immediately recent past and a blanchardist throwing other trannies under the bus, we don't want him
Frenchie will become the next Emilia. Just you wait.
>the next literally-who Namefag dominating their small pool of simps/containment general while talking down at them and considering itself superior to all of them before fucking off
lol? literally all he has to do is put on a name or a trip and he's already there
> have this ocd where everytime i see a twinkish guy the voice say "he would make a nice tranny"

t.TOCD haver
next thread >>36252568
I have that too.
>insanely early thread
>but no blanchshit in sight
I'm torn
that's not a FUCKING THING you retards, it's literally the same as ROGD and used in the EXACT same false manner to justify legislation being written and passed to ensure you will not be allowed to transition

fucking kill yourself
Might as well post this here as well
Yeah. And the hons there aren't really hons in the same way I am
went shopping yesterday and bought some women's shirts. 5 years into hrt I'm officially a crossdresser now I guess.
Should i just troon out? Does it get better
probably, and no, but you can probably do something to make it stop getting worse

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