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step up your game edition

QOTT: will you get a gf before the end of the year?

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous >>36163971
Why are there two discord links now
Im single. Ngl, i think i should get back in the game. Im really thinking about it.
I really and truly think, that if the world is going to go to shit, myself and some other girl should at least fuck.
Just woke up from a wet dream where all men just suddenly disappeared from existence in the world. Women can get each other pregnant by tribbing hard enough to the point where both pussies stick to each other like suction cups and somehow both eggs fertilize each other and go back to their respective vaginas. Both women would get pregnant at the same time (which easily fixed the replacement rate problem) and we would birth only daughters. It was a literal utopian paradise, no wars, everyone was nice to each other and trying to exercise daily and look the best for each other because we’re all attracted to each other.

Too bad it ended when I was just about to cum with some faceless hottie. Felt like the longest dream I’ve had and yet it weren’t long enough.
>will you get a gf before the end of the year
no, as a femme attracted to other femmes dating is near impossible since both parties will never make the first move. ive literally fumbled 5 potential relationships because i was too shy to ask her out, only to find out she was feeling the same way T_T
>both pussies stick to each other like suction cups
That sounds mildly painful.
>will you get a gf before the end of the year?
Can I? Yes. Should I? Probably not. I want someone of quality I can really talk to and get me. Someone I could fall in love with. I’m done with all these bitches that give me a headache and complicate my life. It’s better to be alone then with people like that. Last time I was with someone it had to do more with wanting to be wanted then actually liking my gf all that much.
Ngl, I’d be down. I’m imagining cunts with lip muscles. Plus clit suction feels good.
i'm not horny and unhappy
Damn, how you do it? I’m in a much better place then I used to be but I still feel rather lonely and isolated at times.
i don't
i wish i was horny
but that's how things are now
maybe i'll get meds for that
Because there are two discord servers.
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Very based dream!
Idk. In my dream it just worked and felt good. I don’t think my subconscious brain in charge of coming up with my dreams cared too much of how biology worked lol.

Reading yuri hentai with this type of imagery definitely influenced my dream somehow ahaha
Maybe I just want to be impregnated by a woman….
r u me?
Oooooh. Welll… it took me a second to realize I’m really into some external stuff and it’s hard to get off without thinking about certain things. I’ve also known people who can only get off with certain items or unusual ways. Maybe try experimenting a little to see how that goes? I don’t produce the amount of estrogen most females do so I sometimes like adding some extra lubrication (coconut oil) on my cunt. It feels really good. Maybe start with that if you’re having trouble getting wet? Imagine a girl who is really into you eating you out.
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This is like the 4th time in a couple of months that briton has accidentally posted here with his name on before deleting his post.

>Maybe I just want to be impregnated by a woman….
Any good lesbian books you guy would recommend? Preferably ones dealing to some degree with lesbian loneliness or how we don’t fit into a society built around heteronormals and moids. I recently got over a bout of self hatred for being homosexual. I don’t really have people irl who I can talk to that understand or relate, but reading about other people’s experiences help. Price of Salt is on my list to read and I’ve already read The Color Purple, my favorite book, and Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal.
bwah, i had problems with libido before but hrt just made me completely asexual and i hate it
>girl who is really into you eating you out
mhh.. i don't know if it's a good idea
got traumatized by one irl
boys won't do either
i'll try domp and see if it works
holy shit sorry
i didn't read the thread name
i had a similar one with clit tentacles.
i read my lesbian experience with loneliness. people say its depressing but i found it relatable. And i found a little relief that like, this does affect my mental health I'm not overreacting
age and location?
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Asian worshipers still missing... :(
I hate men so much it's unreal.

It's not even most men, it's the over socialised, urban man I have to deal with professionally and socially.
When I'm visiting family or on a cycling holiday I will meet the mean male, they will make small talk to be polite and when my sexuality comes up they will take the piss a little or just dead stop and move onto the next subject. This used to make me angry when I was young and dumb, now it's just "nice". Yes I am a weirdo, but I am nice too.

The man I keep meeting will know who and what I am and will keep pressing the topic, like it's something I want to talk about with strangers.
Then the will ask me about some horrid pride thing, like I want to talk about some disgusting men pissing on eachother.

Honestly, at this point, the only people I like are men on the forums I post in, undercover as a middle aged man, a handful of mostly straight women and talking about bikes and beer with normal blokes who think I'm just a nice but eccentric lady.
I just want a non-political-non-LGBT group for cis women like me, where we have rules and a code of conduct, drink wine and have things like a book club and arts&craft lessons.
That’s about a strait women though right? Not necessarily gay she’s heteroflexible because finding love is more important to her then finding a man.
This is literally any F/f A/B/O

That genera already exists in fan fiction
>early 20's
>tons of girls my age interested in me (I lived in NY so this wasn't too weird)
>now in early 30's
>girls in early 20's still overwhelmingly interested in me
>most girls my age are in LTR or married
I am absolutely going to be viewed as a creep if I date someone in their 20's. Just in my last job, 3 fresh college grads were interested. One overly so. Apparently being calm, wellspoken, nice and patient is my rizz.

I've been browsing R*ddit since these threads are dead and this is actually really common from what I read.
Wish I could drink some lemonade right now.
I'd have to go to the store though and I don't have the emotional tools to deal with that.
So... Is there a reason why you can't reform your views and positions to exclusively interact and associate with females? (outside of required settings) Males are not a must in your romantic or sexual life while also being generally so insufferable to you that building and maintaining a platonic relationship is simply not worth the effort, so why not just cut them off and stay within same sex spaces/perspectives?
Genuinely curious as to the paradoxical desire to be with a demographic that you just can't stand/just can't stand you...
sorry to intrude as a str8 dude but women are not always known to take accountability even if they’re wrong. ask any married guy who usually apologises first in their marriage (even if they’re not at fault) and they all say it’s them

in a lesbian relationship if both parties argue do you both just stay mad at each other for eternity and sweep things under the rug without apologising and taking responsibility? is that the reason as to why lesbian marriages have the highest divorce rates?

genuinely curious, serious question. i would ask other forums (reddit, tumblr, tiktok) but id probably get suspended there so im asking here (assuming this place isn’t just 90% larping trannies)
What's your problem? Just fuck her lol.
netherlands, amsterdam. im 24.

its painful to watch another woman drown while im out here dying of thirst T_T

i wouldn’t know, ive never been in a relationship. but im a horrible people pleaser so id probably apologise first asap
What tolerable reddit alternatives to clg exist?
I'm getting tired of these threads.
Women carry grudges for a LONG time. That's not the case with guys from what I've seen. I've seen guys get into fist fights and still be friends the next day.

What I noticed is women won't say what is bothering them. They will withhold sex, vent to other people (and not you) and refuse to be as affection. Then the relationship dies naturally. So yes, it is swept under the rug.
im sorry if any of my posts made you tired anon, i didnt meant too…
I want to fuck women but only straight women, should I kill myself or keep scrounging for my friends (all guys) sloppy seconds? Every time I’ve gotten laid in the past 2 FUCKING YEARS it’s been women my guy friends brought to the function and either rejected or she wasn’t interested and I swooped in. It just feels so depressing to not get cooch I didn’t work for, like I’m the safety net of fucking in my social group. But I also get so awkward talking to chicks on my own. Do I just coin flip for suicide vs secondhand cooch? Or is there another way?

Don’t say Lex I’ll eat my .410 right now.
No. If one is emotionally stunted, they’ll act like a straight girl. Otherwise you just communicate.

A lot of girls don’t voice opinions because they don’t really care as much as you think. Just like men, if they’re irritated, they’ll go quiet for a bit to avoid the other party getting overly upset (all cis men are highly emotional, but don’t realize it) and it comes off as “holding a grudge” when it’s literally just being annoyed. Some don’t voice discomfort because it doesn’t feel safe to do so around cis men because they’re conditioned to expect violent or degrading retribution for any non-submissive, non-compliant expression and therefore keep it in until it boils over into pure, violent, rabid hatred for the other person.

If you make your girl legitimately comfortable to speak, she’ll come around to voicing thoughts. Men in the current era are similar, but to a lesser degree. The brains of women and men are the same except for the pressure of socialization, so it’s literally just getting her to feel comfortable. If she’s traumatized, then there’s not much luck. If she isn’t, but is only used to right wing male reactions to her speaking up, then you have a chance if you just affirm that you won’t be mad about her having an opinion. But please realize a lot of women simply aren’t mad or just don’t have an opinion on something. A lot of women just want to glaze over issues and forget about them. A lot of women are just quiet because they don’t care even a fraction as much as you think.
I like the Valhalla series cause it's a "what if a bitch murdered her problems" dystopia. And she happens to be gay. Young adult violent series.

Aubrey Lorde is a great lesbian poet. Wrote the kinda lesbian poems that make christcucks bitch on twitter. Check her out if you like poetry.
I don't know what the fuck straight dudes are talking about I don't know many women that CANNOT stop overly apologize all the time and low key hate themselves.

It's so rare to meet a woman, gay or otherwise, that isn't deeply insecure my age. The fact that I kinda don't give a fuck enough to hate myself anymore makes me seem 5x more charismatic but in truth I just look out and see everyone apologizing for existing and saying the slightest awkward thing and figure...eh fuck it whats to hate about myself when around all these dweebs.

Men too. Men super hate themselves today. It's almost hilarious if it weren't so much navel gazing.
That's a fine way to get FIRED in a time where finding a job is difficult.

'Honesty'. That's it really.

It is a characteristic I find noble, the exact opposite fills me with loathing. Men are brave, willing to draw a line in the sand before a stranger, this is something I find equally compelling.

It doesn't need to be said, someone with my philosophy is anathema to whatever is going on in the labels dained to anoint our brows today.
oh shit, welk stadsdeel?
>i wouldn’t know, ive never been in a relationship. but im a horrible people pleaser so id probably apologise first asap
je klinkt schattig, jammer dat je homo bent lol

>They will withhold sex
lol is that why lesbian bed death is a thing? 2 women just mad at each other and don’t want to solve the issue so they’re not fucking forever?

i don’t understand, so you’re saying that they don’t apologise (even if they’re wrong) is because if they’re afraid that if they apologise they would physically assaulted by their boyfriend/husband? i don’t think you understood my question. either that or you’re being disingenuous.

>I don't know many women that CANNOT stop overly apologize all the time and low key hate themselves
maybe its a lesbian/queer woman thing? or are we just in different circles? most women i know are unreasonable and have no accountability. they do something wrong and never admit to it. will never say sorry either.

my mother literally cheated on my dad and never apologised, even blamed him for it and tried to get her kids to hate him. my sister is following in her footsteps. my 3 exes are also unable to see their own faults. every time they make a mistake i’m always the one who has to apologise otherwise the issue is never resolved. i scroll on social media and i see women constantly defending each other’s bad actions and never taking accountability for it. you go on reddit and you see in those r/AITA type subreddits whenever a woman does something wrong (like cheat), its always “trauma”, or “a mistake”, or sometimes they don’t even admit and straight up blame the man anyways. meanwhile if a man makes the post its always “you could have done this better” “your wife wouldn’t have cheated on you if you were at her beck and call 24/7”

its all so tiresome lol. I recently saw the divorce rates between the different relationships hence this post.
What was the last BigKlit concert you went to?
I think you need to touch grass unironically. It sounds like you’ve unfortunately had a lot of experiences with narcissistic women, and I’m sorry to hear that. Also social media is filled with narcissists, male or female. Idk about Reddit though because I don’t use it.

I assure you most women are normal and well-adjusted people. If I fucked up somewhere I’ll take responsibility for it. Most of my friends and peers are the same way. I will admit that 4th wave feminism has made some women think that they’re perfect goddesses and their shit don’t stink. That’s a societal problem, not a problem with women in itself.
I didn't really care for Karlach until act 3, but her mental breakdown over Gortash's body made me see her in a different light. If I ever replay BG3, I'm romancing her so hard.
Taken from the book, Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, by Judith C. Brown

>To G., her singular rose, From A. - The bonds of precious love....When I recall the kisses you have me, and how with tender words you caressed my little breasts, I want to die because I cannot see you....Come home, sweet love! Prolong your trip no longer; Know that I can bear your absence no longer. Farewell. Remember me.
>my little breasts
Dada come, come pops, take a seat
There’s someone you know that you’ve got to meet
So brace yourself for the big reveal
She’s about my height when she’s not in heels...
small boobs > big boobs
this is top tier. what i wouldnt give to fuck a girl with my weirdass clit-tentacle
Congrats! You're trans and straight.
get back in your poonsack, aiden
no she's gay
Does anyone else feel like the entire concept of marriage has been ruined for them by its association with heterosexuality?
I'm somewhat afraid of commitment, but I think it's more that I associate the possibility of marriage with the end of my/the woman's life. When my female friends get engaged to their boyfriends and I have to act happy and excited for them I feel actually nauseous
uh? are you guys retarded or what? author has never mentioned moids... + she literally has had sex with other women. Explain to me how is it straight?
>I assure you most women are normal and well-adjusted people
doesn’t feel that way, at least not in the west. an increasing number of women are becoming more obnoxious because of all the brainrot especially coming tiktok. feels like women in general these days just want to have their cake and eat it. i do agree with you on feminism rotting female brains to become more entitled and selfish towards men the point of psychopathy

also i touch grass every day, i go to work and deal with cunts in HR that will cater to female whims but have male workers eat shit. im in the tech industry too, which means 90% of the workers that bring in the money aka engineers/analysts are men. yet we get treated like crap and everyone applauds it, even other men (tech industry is filled with spineless beta nerds)

>I associate the possibility of marriage with the end of my/the woman's life
why? because now they can’t just fuck around and have sex with strangers every other day now? because they have to finally take responsibility for once in their lives in the form of caring for their children?
i'll be back soon ;)
if straight women were aware of things like "i shouldn't waste my time on someone i hate", straight marriages would 100% have the highest rates.
it's like the lesbian domestic abuse meme. lesbian relationships aren't the most abusive - gay women are just the most capable of actually identifying abuse.
>in a lesbian relationship if both parties argue do you both just stay mad at each other for eternity and sweep things under the rug without apologising and taking responsibility?
lesbians are both lovers and friends, so they are way more likely to talk about whatever the issue is. men and women go into their relationships assuming they cannot relate as friends and will not understand each other, so their standards are lower and they will tolerate a lot more bullshit.
>if straight women were aware of things like "i shouldn't waste my time on someone i hate", straight marriages would 100% have the highest rates
you act like women aren’t already the main instigators of divorce. actually scratch that, most straight women love getting abused by men. maybe it’s just them and not lesbians, but in today’s dating scene most of the longest running relationships i know are when the guys are complete assholes (and they’re also good looking). if a guy treats his girlfriend too nice she starts to perceive him as “weak”, or “clingy” and tries to find a way to sabotage the relationship, either through infidelity or just being an overall bitch. my 3 exes i’ve treated all of them like queens; always bringing them to special dates, buying them gifts constantly, remembering special days, never once losing my temper around them, telling them i love them every day. i even 3D-printed a WallE and used an Arduino microcontroller to make it a functioning automated vacuum cleaner and gave it to one of them who loved WallE. all 3 got cold feet in the end. the WallE one cheated on me with a fucking russian drug dealer.

if you can’t relate then maybe it’s just a straight woman thing, maybe they’re all fucking retarded cunts who identify love as abuse and actual fucking abuse as love. god i hope that WallE ex gets kidnapped and sex trafficked to siberia. fuck her.
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Been two-fingering the c to THE CC for almost a half-hour now
delicious pits
we apologise, just not In front of dudes, we are already the bane in dudes eyes, most of us know better than to let a dude have any kind of leeway. it will One Thousand Percent cost both women.
Then there's the NOT SORRY, and just because you dont grasp that i just did to you what you did to me doesn't change anything, it is apparent THAT I need to NOT be around that individual
>why? because now they can’t just fuck around and have sex with strangers every other day now? because they have to finally take responsibility for once in their lives in the form of caring for their children?
Do you not realize how completely unhinged it makes you sound when you project your issues with your mother onto random women like this?
feels like this after reading it for sure.
I see, And this characteristic is somehow exempt from- or different with women? It clearly seems vital enough to continue a certain type of connection with the opposite sex, but not enough to seek intimacy with them. Where is the line drawn between the "spirit" of the male and of the female and the subsequent attraction that draws others to each?
I am curious about that.
wha tthe hell does this mean
>in a lesbian relationship if both parties argue do you both just stay mad at each other…
No because I’m butch4butch.I Don’t want to fuck with that stupid petty shit. Punch each other, hate sex, and makeup. bada bing bada boom.

Fems with male hobbies or personalities are also good. But normally I go for butch because I can’t handle stupid shit. I think this is why a lot of guys have started being obsessed with Tom boys.
Oh shit, I’ve been very misinformed on what this book is about. Sounds right up my ally.
ngl, i wish they wouldn't. Im really not attracted to men.
Broke: Having to pic between big and small boobs

Woke: Aaaaaaall boobs :-)
Is that Kaitlin Clark?
is this a qu*r book? I need to know, less i get pissed at it like i did with 50 shades of gray and what it did to all the dumb asses out there.
Guys into Tom boys are basically trying to find a unicorn I can normally hit on a girl like that and get her number with near 80% accuracy. Girls who act and dress like that are rarely strait.

Only issue I’ve had with some butches is they can be players, but they are always upfront about it. They know they look good and their look is a magnet for other queer women.
so you're a dude again in an alleged girls space.
i dont do qu**r either. but then again, those are all under the age of 30 or just an old pickme defending their bad decisions from back in the day
>Valhalla series
I should probably read Valhalla series. It sounds like a good escapist fantasy.

>Aubrey Lorde
Aubrey Lorde was more what I was looking for. Something to sit with and lament. Come to terms with what I’m feeling and why I feel that way. I’ve peen on a poetry kick too so that’s a plus.
>The man I keep meeting will know who and what I am and will keep pressing the topic, like it's something I want to talk about with strangers.
Oh dude that happens to me all the time. I really hate it. Why would I want to talk to a man about my sexuality that literally, by definition, doesn’t involve a man. I’ll put up with it if they are friends, but generally I operate under the “don’t ask don’t tell.” And try to avoid it coming up at all cost.

At least it’s better to have men be that way then get hate crimed, tried to talked into conversation therapy, or corrective rape. In the grand scope of things it’s better they are horny curious and a bit gross then actively hostile. I had to deal with a lot of hostility growing up so I definitely prefer this new attitude. But yea it still sucks. Hate living in a mans world.
I hate the consumer nightmare society has built as well and try to avoid it at all costs. Try to be camping or hiking far away from it as often as I can.
I think is one like r/actuallesbians or something that excludes trans women. I’ve done some google searches where a few good threads came up. I don’t remember the exact name of the sub Reddit, but I have thought about creating a Reddit account to post there.
You know, a long Ass time ago, i made a promise to a girl on here that would Never go on reddit, so to this day i dont, It would be nice if she freed me from such a promise. I wouldn't feel like i violated my promise if she found a way to set me free.
> r/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, aces, anyone in the LGBT+ community, or anyone else interested! We're not a militant or exclusive group, feel free to join up!
Anon, it’s Reddit. They’ll never exclude transbians from our space (even though they should be excluded)
Damn, at least you saved me from creating a Reddit account.
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>> r/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, aces, anyone in the LGBT+ community, or anyone else interested!
I had a bad dream, but it's okay because she's still in bed. Nightmare about a car crash but when I opened my eyes and sat up, I saw her all sprawled out bed-hog style. Anxiety got thrown into an icebucket instantly. Those are my favorite type of nightmare too; shit that makes you go
>what the fuck Brain?
So I'm up for a bit, probably go play VR in the den a while.
I’ve been meaning to get into VR. So far I’ve only played beat saber a few times. My favorite game the Talos Principal has a VR version and there is a Spice and Wolf VR game that looks fun.
It would have to be X then, there is literally no other platform that can do it.
My mom LOVES beat saber, but I'm mostly on VRCHAT or Pavlov if I'm not just using it as an Xbox
My dad has been playing Elite Dangerous, that Spaceflight Sim and he's got a joystick and a switchboard and pedals, super autism but he's having fun getting motion sick. My Boss is way into the shooters and is always inviting me to population one and contractors. The Halo and Star Wars mods are fuckin Amazing on contractors holy shit.
I want to be friends with your dad.
I’ve been using The X-Plane sim and renting a nice setup with all the buttons and switches.

Another reason I’ve wanted to get into VR is they have a nice simulator set up with the hand thing with the Microsoft program that’s a lot less expensive then the FAA approved one I can use to log hours.
LesbiansActually is more judgy towards trans things that post there and more often favor white women (compare the likes for whites versus blackies there). Unfortunately, too many butches and underage posters for my liking. The discussions are decent though for Reddit standards.

ActualLesbians is trans infested. Any mention of not liking penis gets you gaslit into believing you deserve to be bullied for reducing a "person" down to their genitals. It's ridiculous.

I am not fond of how Reddit users comb through your post history before responding though. It's creepy.
if you post enough based shit on r/lesbiangang and some others without being banned, you'll get invites to the private ones that require proof. keep in mind the mod there is a tranny posing as a radfem who fucked his cousin tho
>tranny posing as a radfem who fucked his cousin tho
The flying fuck… thats messed up on so many levels.
is this serious or a self-aware meme?
I called out from work, but I promised to play with my boss after lunch. Fraternizing means you can't get away with shit...
Caitlin Clark
i think youre actually crazy and need to get off the internet because its rotting your brain. also why would you come into a lesbian thread to talk about straight girls kek
All I know is some player hit her on the court recently and there was some controversy around it? And that she got a great deal with Nike at one point. I’m more of a soccer fan but I thought about getting in the basketball… a girl I like really likes basketball.
moid btfo
tbvh he has a point with straight women being somewhat self-destructive, during my high school days when i dated confused/attention seeking hetshits (i was in hs during the start of the tiktok era where pretending to be gay was cool) they were all neurotic to a degree, only treated me like a prop and all narcissistic as hell. i wouldn’t touch a larping het women with a ten foot pole
The other players have been kicking her ass out of jealousy since she's getting a lot of attention despite being new to the league. She's basically being beaten up in an attempt to get her to quit.
Damn straight dude that sux hope you find a straight women someday to listen to you bitch all your life like your momma do.
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That’s so counterintuitive though? WNBA has been getting talked about more because of her. If she leaves they’ll just be relegated back to an irrelevant backwater to the NBA.

Anyways even if she’s out of the league theres always Cameron Brink.
Yeah I worry that's why I have anxiety about getting married all my life. My ex asked me to marry her early in the relationship and I turned her down, don't regret it but sometimes wonder if my lack of commitment to marriage and just wanting to live my life with a woman as if we were married. Like I never cheat, want to live monogamously, hell I immediately live like an old married woman cooking and cleaning for a woman I love, fuck them streets. I simply don't buy the false sense of security that a fancy wedding party and some certificates swear make it real. I see married people cheat all the time, more often than non married couples it seems.

My girlfriend now really loves me, she's practical about marriage when we talked on it we both feel the same about monogamous commitment and relationships and what it means to love long term. I feel she's the one for me and I'm the one for her. But marriage? Ugh fuck no.

But to be fair I blame my mom for this as well. When I was born she was already a post divorced woman from her last marriage, she wouldn't marry my dad (also divorced from his last marriage and not in a fast rush) out of principle but they lived together most all of my life and are still together now. When marriage would get brought up shed call it a scan and comment how if my dad cheated now on her she could kick him out easier than her first cheating asshole husband. My little sister even has kids with a man that does everything for her. Like he is a good man by any woman's definition of one, nice quiet guy that's tall and works hard and gives her all his money and fixes up everything by hand and spoils their children and buys her a car and pays for her nails etc. Still she won't get married after 7 years with the guy. Quotes mom when asked why. I just can't argue against my mom's logic: marriage is really just a dumb piece of legal paper that make a silly divorce the only way to break it up, it does not guarantee monogamy or loyalty.
If you live in America your sister is technically still married. De facto marriage means if you cohabit with another person long enough, have kids with them, share finances with them etc, the woman can bring the man to court and demand him to split the assets 50 50 if they decide to split up. Idk if it also applies to homosexual cohabitation though.
She's very aware of this and they take care to file taxes separately as single and all that. But she's got the same opinion of my mom on seeking any alimony/child support from a man that doesn't want to be with you: fuck him I don't need him anyway. Legit my mom never received child support from her first husband even though he owed a lot and when the kids were over 18 and she had to go to court about some late child support issue she told the judge she insisted he be clear of any debt to her and the state cause the kids were already grown and she didn't give a fuck to have his money. My dad too, because they weren't married and shed insist she was single while they lived together and raised me, they eventually had to go to court about child support and since the judge was mad that she wasn't requesting any child support she said fine he owes me $100 total and nothing more and he already gave me that where do I sign.

Apparently if your child uses any government assistance like WIC or free lunch program at a public school, and you're a single mom, the state government really really fucking wants child support. Not just for the mother but for the cut that goes to the state. So they were pissed at my mom for wasting court time and not insisting any pennies be spent their or her way.

My dad's a weirdly very traditional man, expect her to cook for him and won't clean and worked construction or cutting wood manly jobs, literally worked on the railroads etc. I'm always surprised he ended up with my mom and her independent i-dont-need-no-man-to-pay-for-my-dinner ways. It's like if Maude and Archie Bunker got together.
Yeah I can relate. Becoming a live-in maid and having sex even if you don't want to is the average straight marriage experience in my family. I'd rather kms than live that way. I still think marriage is a trap & can't shake the feeling. It's handy if you want to have kids ig.
>Becoming a live-in maid and having sex even if you don't want to
see i want this but gay
Will I die if I use sunflower oil as lube?
Damn. I should probably asks the guys.
Just buy real (water based) lube retard its cheap. Oil can introduce bacteria and cause infections plus if you're using a dildo the oil will break down the silicone
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Nice! Which Asian worshiper are you?
>Oil can introduce bacteria
wait i thought it's basically sterile?
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Vi gf or Caitlyn gf?
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Caitlyn is obviously the correct choice.
Vi is a poor low iq violent criminal and Caitlyn is wealthy nobility.
Class traitor SCUM
*hwaaaaach PTOO'
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yo does anyone have her number? thanks x
one has blackjack, the other has hookers
I don't think they're concerned about the overall welfare of the league, they just wanna crush their immediate competition.

Plus, CC getting beaten up is generating ratings, all she has to do is take it and not drop out.
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Are you assuming I'm a poorfag?
So far as I can see, a lot of right-wingers gather around her, because she is trad and religious.
So of course everything bad happening to her is a conspiracy. Like not getting nominated into the US national team.
I'm just following stuff that happens in the domestic league and I am not American. Also I have to repeatedly realise times and times again, that whenever a thing in America gets politicised, and both sides corralled their wagons it becomes impossible to get to the gist of all of it. Considering that conservatives as well as liberals are so hostile to each other, they deliberately are seeking for quarrel, so they turn every fucking molehill into a mountain.
You already butt in with an assumption.
So if I tell you it isn't like this, you will argue about it anyway.
Lesbians, straight women and bi women have different thought patterns. If you look closer, you realise the behaviour of most people is a subconscious mating dance.
So you observe straight women and think you can superimpose them on lesbians?
And not only that, you superimpose American women on women from other parts of the world. There is a bit of nurture in this as well. And lets say, Americans have a tendency to raise their girls as spoiled princesses and then are utterly astonished when they take those traits along into adulthood.
I'm down with femmes. Caitlyn is cute and innocent (at least in S1). Vi destroys everything she touches.

>tfw no gf to have Vi/Caitlyn matching pfp
Even if there was a subreddit that excludes dress wearing men, I'd still not frequent it, because it's fucking reddit.
I have yet to figure out what it is about this site's design and le upboot system that is so attractive to insufferable, deluded twats
>Even if there was a subreddit that excludes dress wearing men
And lets be real here, there fucking isn't, and never will be, because they will launch a crusade and a jihad and do everything to get that subreddit axed.
i'm excited to play butch hrothgar in dawntrail, but goddamn i wish they'd used a voicechanger on wuk lamat. i feel like the tranny is so focused on larping female he can't larp as the actual character and it sounds so flat.
Is anyone else retarded about pins/acrylic keychains? It's such a waste of money but I like collecting them and they're pretty small and easy to display.
one of the kpop girl posters
Great, now I wanna vomit. Thanks.
Oil feels so much better though :( Plus most of those water based lubes damage vaginal tissue and don’t last long.
Use coconut oil
Vi 100% is my type
I'm so lonely. I wish I had a girl friend or a girlfriend to hang out and talk about stuff. Ugh life sucks. How have I become such a loner
Will my pussy ever be touched???
if it's real yes
i'm severely autistic and mine's never been touched, gonna be the 40 year old virgin
You’re not going to be fired for dating another adult. Only loony liberals care about age-gaps.
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do i buy this
Resembles an angel. What is it supposed to be?
just talk to anyone with a dick, You'll get ALL the sex.
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me irl (on all levels except physical)
why would you want to look like you have neanderthal genes?
being real if there were no men we'd create a gender divide between butches and femmes
There would be no basis for a meaningful divide. Mannerisms and style are not enough.
This is what globalists are trying to achieve but with race and culture
thats good. im sorry but ive been played by too many fuckboy butches i hope they stay out of my way.
Literally just go to your nearest lesbian bar and get really drunk. A fat butch WILL be there to grope you accordingly. If you have standards then you might have to stop being a pussy and approach women yourself
nta, do lesbians bars exist outside of the U.S?
>t. Femme who never experienced being the only obvious butch (or even ambiguously masc) lesbo in her class in highschool
I’m from US so I couldn’t tell you. I do know that in the glorious based nipponland they have lesbian bars that don’t allow trannies entry but that’s it
there's no lesbian bar in my city tho

Context of the image: league for legends streamer broke up with his gf who did everything for him because he wanted to focus on his career (his career = play league of legends) and couldn't do the bare minimum. Why women always choose the worse options when it comes to dating?
no infighting as long as men exist, please
eliminate men first, then we can turn on the fuckboy butches
All League players are genuinely mentally deformed in one way or another, male or female. I don’t feel sorry for her, she chose to be neurodivergent leagueshitter and she chose to degrade herself a sextoy/maid for another degenerate fuckboy leagueshitter.
I'm not sorry for her, I'm just frustrated. How can shit men find hot girls who will do everything for them so easily while I'm still alone, what the fuck do I have to do??? I'm tired of being a virgin
>Why women always choose the worse options when it comes to dating?
She prob picked that guy (if thats him in profile pic) because he’s muscular and strength is an attribute women look for in a mate. As a lesbian it’s easy to forget sometimes that a big strong masculine man is considered hot and literally makes straight women (the majority of women) wet even if the guy seems like a retard or bad person kek. Also I think you’re a bit of a retard for lusting after straight women. Past highschool age all mentally healthy lesbians get past that phase and just learn to deal with the tiny dating pool
I'm not lusting after straight women, retard. I'm just saying how can shit ppl pull gf so easily??? It's like being shitty is a requirement to date women
>It's like being shitty is a requirement to date women
straight women*. maybe the angry moid in the thread earlier had a point
Nah, lesbians and bi women are the same, really. I can't understand why mentally ill toxic lol players and fat HAMBEAST butch dykes can pull gf and I don't.
>fat HAMBEAST butch dykes can pull gf and I don't.
bc bishits love men
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Thread has been lacking kpops bigly
kek you can see she's fed up with this shit
going to work with diarrhea. i hope nothing bad happens
Nta but I would 100% get fired for being a homosexual because my current job is in a very conservative industry and I live in a republican star star doesn’t offer me any legal protections. I won’t even get tattoos so I have a leg up against others in the industry.
I did this before just fine. Started driving home, looked into the sunset and sneezed. I shit myself at that moment.
>fat HAMBEAST butch dykes can pull gf and I don't.
Why don't you just call in sick?
This is my worst nightmare.
As a repper, one of the few things that help me feel better is fetishizing my own homosexuality. I am a real girl, a real lesbian. I get to experience lesbian sex irl. That's so hot.
Serious question how on earth does that make you feel better
>I get to experience lesbian sex irl
But you don't
I personally grew out of the quest and these days i just larp as asexual, out of sight out of mind
It's like I'm so close to a girl I'm inside her mind and feel what she feels and arrange her body the way I want to.
>But you don't
>I personally grew out of the quest
That's really sad anon. Do you live in the middle of nowhere or are you just too autistic?
Wait im retarded when you said "repper" I thought that included not maintaining relations.
I think that answers your question
No, I meant ftm repper.
Are you repping your homosexual tendencies? Why?
Ya weird stop projecting ya weirdness. Go be weird elsewhere silly
Vi gf but I'm already femme enough and I like a bottom tomboy.
I thought I'd ask. If someone's larping as an asexual, her motivation is bound to be interesting.
>Go be weird elsewhere
I belong here though.
I should've known what you were talking about since that slang is often used in the trans boards, I'm sorry
I used to make a bunch of metaphysical stuff to justify myself but I think my main problem is that it doesn't fit me. It's the last thing any single person on earth who looked at me would think, including myself. It's not that I'm too feminine, It may be that I'm just too autistic like you said. Sorry I can't say anything more interesting than that my life is lame
Everyone should stop looking for a sense of belonging from any part of the Internet. Lame to need that anywhere in the world but so ridiculous on the Internet of all places. Join a cult.
>I think my main problem is that it doesn't fit me
nta but nigga are you really saying you don't look gay enough??
I hate to use the troon lingo but is this AGP?
No it's not the looks it's everything about me. It's really hard to explain it if you don't know me but I'm really retarded irl
cut your hair. instant +10 to the gay stat
Need some girl to love bomb me, make love to me and then leave me forever
Why must you borrow language from the the black ghetto? Do you really think it's cool?
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To be desu standing around looking pretty seems like a fairly easy job
Why does it feel so good when I lightly scratch right above my ass crack? Are there any extra nerve endings?
yea My lesbian xp with loneliness is literally just
> be depressed and anxious
> try to be an adult and have a job
> hire a prostitute lady
> write about it
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>Mfw no local lesbian sex cult to join
>Mfw all lesbian community focused stuff is either all inclusive queer tranny shit or private radfem political lesbian shit
I need to know where the normal lesbians hang out fucks sake
>need to know where the normal lesbians hang out fucks sake
Just find a zoomerette who seems normal and adjusted enough, and is also open to relationships with women (theres tons of them, just search up #wlw on tiktok)
Page 10
I hope this thread is archived
bump :)
i check in on this general from time to time
not once have ya'll been coom posting
We bottle it up and release it in bursts
>be me
>go to bar with my friend
>weeks have passed since last outing
>i was afraid of the predator (butch woman, ew)
>we go to bar that we never went to
>please don’t be here for the love of all that is holy you fucking creepy stalker bitch
>friend and me drink and bitch about work
>why haven’t they fixed the fucking fancy ass spectrophotometer yet
>no creepy butch
>i win for once
>go home and cry bc im now lonely and drunk
>why god why
>wait a minute i didn’t win
>i lost

idk i’m talking about but that’s my story i hope you enjoyed it even tho it wasn’t interesting and nobody cares
One of these days she's gonna ask in just the right way and you're going to be particularly Thirsty. She's either going to show you the face of God in the headboard of her bed or you'll be so disappointed that no amount of exfoliating will get you clean. Ask her to be your wing-man? Good Cop Bad Cop some poor chick
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Your stories have been reading like a rapey yaoi webcomic. But sadly, the hot top is a fat butch for you.
Thats crazy, you know i used to me a notorious cluber when the scene was real, and men could get kicked out, and the only ones who EVER had the nerve to grope a girl was the MEN who they would sometimes let in, in good faith, yet they would STILL fuck it up. (please note even accidentally rubbing against a girl with out her knowing who you were would result in perfuse apologies from everyone involved,) Nah, You used to be able to kick people out for poor behavior, violation of dress code, not enough drinks bought. You know NOTHING about club culture, shut the hell up. The butchies insane moral code would never allow it.
everyone knows that idiots that write like this and dont grasp what they just wrote really have NO IDEA that when EVER he talks he sounds like this and STILL cant figure out why chicks dont like him.
AGP means is one sex and is aroused by PRETENDING to be opposing sex. Everything else is a gaslight for some reason or retardedness.
So, you Dont talk to fem women, then talk shit about the butch ones.. Then wonder why you are all alone?
You know what, my dyke ass butch self would STILL treat you like a human being. but i would keep it short, already knowing you hate me off the bat.
How much do you spend a month on things like rent, electricity and food?
For me it's a little less than £900 with 2 roommates
That’s expensive rent after splitting with roommates even for London.
How much overlap does clg has with other female dominated imageboards like lolcow and CC? I’ve seen clg get referenced in those places from time to time, which is weird considering how small our footprint is in this entire board & website.

How many of you actually venture into other chans?
They are boring as fuck (boyfriends, makeup, trauma, fashion), and the lesbians there are too neurotic and reddit-esque for my taste. Not to mention you feel the watchful eye of the mods on you all the time, which is unsettling.
Got banned from both ages ago for being too based.
i know one that uses CC but she's retarded
>other chans
8 chan
I’ve gotten banned from lolcow at least 30 times in the past 2 weeks
>£900 with 2 roommates

i pay AU$1320/month for a one bedroom 6 km from city centre
i got range banned kek. too lazy to circumvent the ban desu.
Download free vpns on your phone and clear your browser cookies
I lurk on CC from time to time, much more tolerable than lolcow where they have a billion rules and even if you dont break any of them mods will still drop the hammer if they’re on their period and feeling extra petty and irritable that day.

Although I’ll admit CC is literally the other side of the same coin to /r9k/, bunch of radfems who hate on men irrationally yet still hypocritically constantly crave cock for some reason. At least over here /r9k/ incels usually keep their incel rhetoric in their board. And I can ogle pretty vidya/anime girls in peace without getting called a misogynistic moid for admiring women.
>And I can ogle pretty vidya/anime girls in peace without getting called a misogynistic moid for admiring women.
Bi moment incoming: I got a short ban for admiring pretty twinks AND pretty women on separate occasions. No explanation provided.
a-anon are you into nazi roleplay? am jewish and want a hot gestapo in leggings to punish me…
LC or CC? IMO I feel like CC mods only ban you if they suspect you to be male. You can have the most anti-radfem take there (I had on a few occasions) but if they think you’re not an invading moid they’ll still let you post. Idk how they sift through someone’s gender through posting styles tho, I’ve seen normal looking posts get deleted and banned in refreshes.
> am jewish
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>bunch of radfems who hate on men irrationally yet still hypocritically constantly crave cock for some reason
lol tell me about it
>falling for bait
I'm going to make a lot of money, pay a surrogate, and get off every day to the thought I knocked up a girl for real! Is this a good plan?
It’s bait to call everything bait
shut up tranny
>she thinks the femcels on CC and LC are baiting
nona.. i think you’re getting reverse-baited here lol
I’m not a tranny, you retard
>calling misandry irrational
you're not a female that's for sure
I never said I was female. Go to lolcow if you want to be surrounded by females.
>procreating for fetish reasons
what happens after the child is born?
no. seethe and cope, bitch boy.
What do (You) think?
>page 9
women are more likely to have a life compared to men. the stark difference in activity between clg and cgg highlights this.
Anyone else grow up feeling uncomfortable getting physically close to other girls and not touching them at all unless they initiate it first? Like I do not hug friends (especially female) unless i see them lean in first and I felt super weird and my hands shook the whole time when my friend asked me to put sunscreen on her back at the beach once. I’m attempting to go out more and make some new friends cause why not and I kinda want to be more playfully touchy with them without coming off too autistic
1. Do your friends know that you’re a Lesbian?

2. Are you attracted to your friends?
>1. Do your friends know that you’re a Lesbian?
My old longstanding friends know. Some of new recent acquaintances don’t know yet
>2. Are you attracted to your friends?
So what are you hesitant about?
Idk it’s just an odd reaction i’ve noticed ever since I was younger. I want to get over it but I always feel uncomfortable or like i’ll make them uncomfortable somehow
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got permabanned on cc for being too raunchy on /b/ lol. never posted on lolcow because mods there are 1984 tier, like they’ll track your IP address and all your posting history. if you even make one post that goes against the site’s culture they’ll permaban you and put you on display.
cc has a dedicated board for raunchy stuff, you mongoloid
i only knew when it was too late lol. why the fuck didn’t they put the horny nsfw board with the rest?it’s literally tucked away on a pinned post that most people skim thru anyways.

it’s like they expect women to say no to horny like some ultratrad society (which their majority radfem userbase clearly hates).
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>page 9
i’m not really a sexual person and when i get pushed in a sexual way that bothers me a lot. it’s the main reason i dislike butches so much. they always push me in that way and it makes me very uncomfortable
sorry to disappoint you but it’s just my life and it isn’t gonna end like your fav porn does. i’m just weird and boring and i like to complain to other weird people
i’m sure you’re a lovely person. before i moved to my new city there was a very nice butch woman a bit older than me i was friends with and she was always very nice and respectful. like i said above it’s being pushy about sex i don’t like. i’m not ready for a relationship so i’m not going out looking for that. i just want to relax and spend time with my friend and the times i’ve been approached for other things have really bothered me

i didn’t check the thread this morning oops my b
also since i’m an alcoholic and drink every single night and i love agitating people i want to remind you all i am a phoneposter and i have an iphone which is superior technology
>i’m not really a sexual person
I’m not doubting you, but do you masturbate and how frequently?
once and maybe sometimes twice a week. is not usually something i enjoy doing it’s more just like to get rid of the physical sexual tension if that makes sense

ig i’m like psychologically very not sexual but i still have physical sexual urges. kinda annoying but oh well
If you ever get the chance to take a woman ballroom dancing you should jump at it. It's silly as fuck to say out loud, but Waltzing is fun
I’m very jealous. Lesbian “community” is full of “bi” and trans women with no understanding and f loyalty. I wouldn’t mind if they were not shit people on top of not being homosexual women.

I feel like most lesbians look for another lesbian to live with and keep to themselves. Community is dead.
Lol, imagine being stupid enough to be a lolcow user. It’s run by some fucked up dude that profits off all the girls that use it big time with their malicious cookies.
I did this too. I was VERY aware of my attraction and was trying to be respectful with the not touching thing. Kinda wish I hadn’t been so self-conscious and took a vantage of the closeness with other girls at that age.

I still struggle with initiating physical touch unless I know someone is interested (until drunk… then I’m very touchy with female friends.)
Guys what’s wrong with me I live for type 3 fun. Need a GF who relates. We can start a fight club.
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what a heartbreaking story kek
>They make you sing the Hokey Pokey
i'm too awkward for that
Did that really happen?
that's really funny, do voicemods not work with singing? i figured autotune would make that shit trivial but i'm a retard.
i can only imagine the depths of despair you’d have to be at to sit there awkwardly singing the hokey pokey as three unwashed autists sit there salivating while recording their little humiliation ritual. all to join a very cringe discord server where nobody will even like you and you’ll never even actually meet any of them
some are cool, some are cringe, but there's a lot of irl fucking going on in there.
this. honestly there’s no point in being in any of the discords for this gen. i was in there before last year and most of the time no one really talks to each other and everyone just did their own thing. if you’re trying to find friendship/love you’re better of looking elsewhere tbvh
What’s with the conflicting accounts lol? Whos lying here?
they don’t contradict each other at all. if you’re in the clique for whatever reason then you can get in some bedsheets that haven’t been washed in 6+ months. if not then you’ll never find anyone who wants to fuck much less talk to you. for the average new person joining it’s not gonna be worth anything
>you can get in some bedsheets that haven’t been washed in 6+ months
>ywn fuck a stinky clg nona on her cumstained bedsheets
why live?
never been in the discords, but that's how socializing works. you have put in the time/build the relationship before people will want to talk to you over their existing friends. i'm not shocked people don't wanna talk to you, because you sound really fucking unpleasant just from like 2 posts.
i hate to tell you this but being chronically on discord isn’t socializing at all. your online friends are not your friends. they literally can’t be. that’s the real reason joining any online space is a waste of time
This desu. But I think half the people seething about the discord are trannies who want to infiltrate lesbian spaces.
honestly back then i thought about creating an mmo guild in wow or ffxiv and naming it Sea Algae, letting everyone inside join. but then i sorta forgot and moved on.
probably but i think discouraging relying on internet randoms for social interaction is a good thing anyways. personally i see the internet as very isolating and i think a lot of people participate in online communities to try to fix their loneliness. but it’s a temporary fix that actually makes things worse in the long run
ok so what were you banned for
it’s truly on its way out and this thread is on life support
there wasn’t really much of a community anyways desu. fwiw i think ayrt is correct, most lesbians in the world are femme-attracted femmes who just want to live their lives in peace with their partners. thats why you don’t hear much from us. its like how in history books closet lesbians weren’t even suspected, they were just women who happened to be “best of friends that died together as roommates”.

the loudest ones are usually celebrities, malebrained butches or terminally online autists. we never really had an all-encompassing, loudspeaking community like gay men do. this applies to IRL (most lesbian bars are just filled with malebrained butches) and online (lesbian spaces are only active if malebrained transbians are LARPing inside it).
I literally will sleep with almost any girl who asks. Butches are just more upfront about that stuff so they get pussy.
damn this place really dies when im not here
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Who are you?
one of the kpop spammers
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Thread needs more Asian girls...
Yeah there's plenty of desperate girls. The problem is, they are usually ugly or so severely autistic you will not meet them organically.
I shitpost when I smoke and I stopped smoking, so I have less reason for going outside on my phone
Now that you don't smoke (which is good!) you should go outside on your phone for shitpost breaks
This is the biggest moid take I've seen in a while.
The most attractive feature a girl can have is crippling loneliness. I want her to cling to me 24/7 and be needy and sentimental about it. I need her to need me.
big, dark brown eyes
short, straight, dark brown hair
pale skin
oh hey that's me
I think you want a daughter, not an a gf nona
First of all: hopeless loneliness is not something a teenager can understand. Plus can't fuck a daughter.
It's very telling how men think the only alternative to marriage is promiscuity with strangers. Life is truly all about dick to them, it's pitiful.
How do I weed out women with boyfriends from my dating pool?

Went to a ""lesbian"" party the other night and hit it off with a girl who told me she was single. Hours later she tells me she actually has a boyfriend, but plans on leaving him once she finds a woman, and he apparently knows this and funds her lesbian party outings. She didn't bother saying she was in a relationship because she "barely has sex with him".

I'd have brushed it off but this has happened to me too many times and now I don't even wanna risk flirting with women anymore. Keep your secret boyfriends away from me
>I want to fuck straight women

Ew, why would you wanna fuck pussy that had dick in it
There aren't any.
>Wanting to be impregnated

Breeding kink is fun.
And heterosexual. If you're desiring something that's the natural result of straight sex, you have repressed attraction to men.
Whenever someone says this I just know they've touched more omegaverse fanfiction than pussy
I have repressed attraction to your mom.

There isn't a lot of omegaverse fanfiction featuring Dominant Vagina.
Sometimes I think homophobes were right when they said no woman can be homosexual
>dominant vagina

You like dick and sooner or later you're gonna let a moid knock you up.
Bitches be like
>I want a family, I want a wife
and then bail when their pussy juice accidentally makes it into your cooch and you get two lines on the test. Learn to take responsibility!
>be "lesbian"
>fantasize about the outcome of sex between a man and a woman
Women are so bad at being homosexual
i am total degenerate who writes omegaverse f/f strapon sex and i don't make anybody get pregnant. maybe i'm a tiny less degenerate than i thought.
>omegaverse f/f strapon sex
how does that work?
Women will create elaborate fictional storylines about strap-ons and pseudodicks that get you pregnant before admitting that female homosexuality is a myth and that they like dick
>don't make anybody get pregnant
Does not compute.
is this the new tranny marching orders? i've been seeing a lot of "strap on = dick so suck mine" going around recently.
i like to write about super horny women and omegaverse gives me an excuse.
dunno, I don't spend time on reddit
On a certain level, I think it'd be hot (figuratively speaking) to be dressed in a niqab or a burqa. Even though I'm not Muslim, it'd be hot to be in a relationship where I'm so completely owned by my wife that not only does she select my wardrobe, she may from time to time command me to not reveal an inch of my body to any other woman. Not only am I not wearing the pants in this relationship, I'm not allowed anywhere near them.

But this power-disparity only works if my girl's at least 2 inches taller than me and at least a decade older.
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-_- be fr
crazy frog poster located
I'm playing contractors with my dad and boss, Halo and a meh-tier version of a COD Zombies map.
Fuck off moid i don’t like straps (penetration sucks ass) but it is my god given right as a lesbian to indulge in omegaverse breeding via tribbing fantasies
i wish female homosexuality is a myth. i'm tired of wanting to eat pussy
lesbian hands did not type this
COD zombies been kind of ass since Black Ops 3 ngl
I was never a COD fan myself, Halo L4D and TF2 was my jam. verruckt and another one I forget the name of. It was a pretty good one-to-one port, missing some features but had enough of the mechanics down to have a fun few rounds.
Damn I haven’t checked out VR games in a while but they’re looking pretty advanced now, that looks like a very well made port.
>crazy frog
That comment really stuck lol
>>wish female homosexuality is a myth
Not Even ONCE
>>i'm tired of wanting to eat pussy
Never gonna happen to me.
There's a few of the thread anons who all have a meta quest, at least four I think, they all reported back enjoying their purchases.

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