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qott : do you have any plans for summer? i'm going on vacation to a beach resort.

no middle aged histrionics itt
tfw khhv
>no middle aged histrionics itt
>thread started by blobby
pottery gents
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Visiting family in the sunny resort community known for hot summers and the beach for the entire month of July
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tfw unloveable
imagine having the right body for your brain, it couldn't be me reeeeeeeeee
i could just imagine you in Riley Reid's body giving rusty trombones to D'Marcus for caishe
is resident evil revelations series worth playing? capcom has a steam sale rn
>rusty trombones
i just googled this haha, ya, i would eat a dude's asshole like that, if i were cis, i would have been a degenerate hoe, life is so cruel
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good morning denizens it is way too early
I liked both maybe especially the first one
you like huey lewis and the news?
I am literally patrick bateman
i keep loading up tw warhammer 3 to play and then instantly close it when i load in
i hate how easily bored i get of things that i want to play :/
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My boobs hurt
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too darn loud
lol i relate to that on many levels
my boobs never hurt not once not ever I feel like I missed an essential stage of tranning
take more estrogen.
what’s up how are things going in the old country
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
I take plenty waaaa
is this pasta or original work
thanks for posting this anon ive looped this at least 20 times now. its almost as good as my other favorite loop
there's another great one that i cant seem to find now called outside.ogg and i love that one so much i used to play it for hours
You're the one that said that I should get a therapy or meds or whatever you meant by mental health help and in the end what could therapist even do to help me? Venting doesn't help me one bit and "being more possitive" can't work if the reality I'm seeing is bleak not because of myself but because of the thing that I can't just change
Mine does not :(
oh holy shit i found it lol nevermind it was right where i left it
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Prayer. Psalms. Scripture.
Chatting. Exercise. Comfy.
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in some ways it's a holiday i've been meaning to take for years to visit family but also very lonely because i came here alone and don't know anyone here anymore and despair inducing because i don't have a concrete plan on how to get out yet.

ur endo should be sweating bullets abt how high your e is.
Ganna call mental health doctors and try to get back on my depression/adhd meds now that i've got a new endocrinologist.
Being productive for my future is getting harder when I want to die and cant pay attention
eat and go out more for real. the body won't grow if it doesn't get the energy it needs
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work on getting a job, gotta pay for laser and surgery somehow but should probably head to bed. haven't slept at all
started taking prog yesterday and haven't felt the extreme horniness from it, is it just a symptoms vary kind of thing or have i been psyop'ed?
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idk i've seen it work for most people so figured it's worth suggesting even if my personal experience was kinda shit.

i still learnt stuff mind you. talking to people isn't how i deal with problems but the materials definitely helped me manage my brain. far less likely to spiral, much easier to recover, haven't attempted to kill myself in a good while etc. hell i got a degree and was employed for years. brain plasticity is great if you can find a way to steer it in a beneficial direction.
I actually got in trouble for my e being way way too high when I was diy, kind of stopped me being able to get a prescription for a while because the doc got cold feet about prescribing for me

wait why do I need to go out? I probably fucked up by being ana for too long but maybe I've double fucked up by being a hermitmoder
>qott : do you have any plans for summer?
Do my summer classes and get ready for fall semester.
i'm thinking about doing online classes only for fall semester, but I seem to learn better in a classroom.
you seem very strong despite what you say/think about yourself
I couldn't spend even few minutes to find arguments on why I should get T cream from my endo just so I don't have to think about keeping my dick working, worst part is that it's gonna be my first visit with her and my DIY blood test is horrible with a bit too much E and too way way little T so she would most likely want me to just drop my dosage instead which sucks and I'll have to buy fucking crypto again
I hope the visit part is going well are so far
>Difficult Book
oh hey I read that one
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happened to me too and ended up on low dose for years. e supply issues hurt too with patches being always out of stock and max oral e dose being 8mg per day which wasn't enough.

thanks. we keep living somehow. very lucky to have good friends desu.

sorry to hear that. i'm not really familiar with ed issues despite being 0 T. does viagra and the like not work without T? not sure how any of that stuff works sry if dumb/ignorant.

>difficult book
which one?
can i make myself agp?
like, maybe if im a weirdo i can be happier with each stage of my transition more?
8mg a day wasn't enough? I need to check what my levels are next time I get bloods done I thought 6mg was highish now I feel like an oestrolet
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I was just making a joke about the picrel you used in the post to which I responded
But as far as difficult books go, anything written by a German philosopher
sorry anon agp doesn’t seem to be real but I guess you could try being a general weirdo if you aren’t very self-conscious
>you could try being a general weirdo if you aren’t very self-conscious
it seems there is no hope. thank you anyway
>0 T
That's my exact problem for tomorrow right with staying on injections. And my dick mostly work for someone without any sex drive, it can get soft fast but my guess is that it's because of me not being horny but I don't want to get atrophy and maintaining is just troublesome and I don't do anything in that regards more often than not. From what I heard Powers's reddit has something about it in it's megathread or one of them where he recommends using T directly onto dick which I'm more than fine with when my T lvl is unhealthy af
I'm on lowdose mono or average dose idk 4mgEV/5D and I'll need to get down to 3mg or 3.5mg because of my bluud results and I was planning to get to 5mg in a month or so lol
what were your results?
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different people absorb it differently, 8mg is considered high dose for oral but for whatever reason it wasn't getting my levels up. was hovering around 200 whatever units.
added gel to the rotation, haven't tested levels since but since i'm getting breast growth again it's probably good.

i figured but was curious anyways. most books are hard to focus on ime even if the content isn't particularly dense.

i've been nuked by cypro to undetectable T levels but haven't had any real negatives aside from weak muscle gains.
from what i've heard/experienced the atrophy isn't permanent? guess it's a personal thing how much you care about it.
I was on 2mg oral dose at first;
then 4mg;
then 6mg.
Now it's gel. Crazy.
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Here, I was thinking before if I'm intersex because of week or more likely later and slower acting puberty and I hate that I will see hints for it in everything now
I have low blood cells it might be due to iron deficiency or because of the T and other symptoms of low T in wemen are undetectable in me because I already had them before so getting it to 30-40 or 50 will most likely be a goal of my endo because >2.5 doesn't look healthy
i think i ramped up when i first started? been so long i can hardly remember. now on 8mg oral and 2mg gel + prog.

How do you guys approach your endo about progesterone if they're older and not used to dealing with trans people?
Like, he's nice but besides just following what my previous doc did, he's walking in the dark.
I see him again in 4 months
for books, perhaps unlike relationships, difficult can be rewarding
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is your doctor's office run by cats?
what kind of made up language is that
'Uwaga!' tf?
I miss progesterone. I should get some again. I don't know where to get it any more though.

I was taking a bit of oral as well as my gel at one point as well but I don't need it now. I seem to pass alright for some reason.
I've got my hair like 2-3 inches now (coiled). It's probably like 3x that straight but I like it short now and I seem to pass like it. I think I just look like a lesbian or a 'strong independent' type half-black woman.

Anyway. I'm ranting on now. I do love a natter since hrt.
those results are...perfect? like if that's your trough/lowest point its 100% ideal especially for 4mg
>Uwaga !
more like Awuga !
ahh i should get my hair styled by a pro it's kind of a mess from years of diy (incompetent). want it dyed black too but i dunno dunno been umming and erring for ages at this point. u think cud?

results look fine tho aside from being in polish?
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Literally the only reason im dieting and working out so hard now is because I want to wear cute clothes like pic rel.
Im so tired of being chubby tubby fatso.
I don't want to be zyzz, but I want to be able to sit up in bed without grunting and have a flat tummy.
I do get it done by a proper hairdresser now. It's even more important for me because I've got black (black-black afro type) hair.

It's great now but my hair and scalp was just like a landfill before. It's just nice now and I really like it.
I might get some colour thrown on it, I dunno. My hair grows fast now, and my hair is short short, so it would grow out fast if I didn't like it anyway.

[[ To anybody reading this who doesn't go to a proper hairdresser. GO TO A REAL HAIRDRESSER and it will make you look so much better. Way more passable and even if you don't pass it will still make you look much more respectable and make you look so much better. ]]
That dress is impractical. I lost loads of weight by only eating one meal a day.
The hunger just goes away after doing it for like a month.

I eat because I have to.
if you're amab you'll never be able to pull that fit off
>That dress is impractical
Impractical, but cute.
I've been eating 3 meals a day, but trying to cook healthy. No sugar, breads, etc.
Does the hunger really take that long to subside?
I woulda guessed like a week or two

I got ahead of puberty before it messed me up too bad. Smaller than my sisters.
It also reminds me of Hizaki's black dress in this.
>I got ahead of puberty before it messed me up too bad. Smaller than my sisters.
>Im so tired of being chubby tubby fatso.
I like their hat

i'm more chunky than fat, like that weird limbo where you get weird shaped cause youre not quite fat, but youre not skinny either.
you know what i mean?
>impractical but cute
I know what you mean to be honest... I have a bag and it's so small that sometimes I just want to put nothing in it at all. :d

>got ahead of puberty

I wish so hard I could've done that but I'm okay now and I've come to terms with my size. I'm taller and bigger than my sisters but I'm smaller and softer than all my brothers.

I did a malnutrition thing back when I was a teen and I think it might have worked.
not really, either way you're not going to be able to pull off lolita style stuff tbqh and you'll look very bad if you try
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you’re like the mom from arrested development
wow u mean its like i have an eating disorder???
you are talking to someone who doesn't believe trans women are women
yeh on behalf of others too
yeah it clicked when I saw the flag
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i was just giving them advice so they don't embarrass themselves by forcing their male shaped body into dainty girl clothes
how do i find the good ones? last 2 i've gone to have kinda fucked me up even tho they were recommended to me by friends/family.

this screams projection senpai.
>this screams projection senpai.
lolita clothing is designed for the most dainty feminine neotenic women/girls, there's zero way a man/transwoman would be able to pull off that look without looking uncanny at the very best
Hizaki is a he. The music scene is the visual kei scene and loads of the lads in that scene used to dress in drag.

I think he's in his 50s now. :O
by all means tho go for it if it's what you want
im sure you'll look great hun!
why are you having a meltdown over someone wanting to better themselves?
and over a normalish looking outfit as far as as japanese designer stuff goes lol
>finding a good hairdresser
I don't know how really but you have to check around.

My list:
1) You have to get on with them.
2) They have to listen to and do what you actually WANT and not what they would like you to have.
3) They should be able to make suggestions.
curbing ppls expectations is fine and all but the way you put it sounded like you had a personal embarrassing experience with it.
and regardless i've seen some trannies that fit the bill. rare ofc but so are the women who could pull it.
Słuchaj szczylu zafajdany jak się tam do ciebie przejdę to zobaczysz co to za język jest bo cię w nim szybko i prosto poskładam liryczną chłostą jak Najmana jeden cios w potylice i ci ptaszki fruwają nad głową.
But honestly why cats? I get the snakes with all the ś sz cz ć ż ź dż but cats? You know sis that they aren't suppose to hiss at you all the time
It's 6-8h after my regular time time when I do the shot but only 4h later than the one I took 5 days before the blood test. And you're supposed to aim for 300E2 right? So I'm in diminishing returns when it comes to that and having at least 30T would be nice to you know be in healthish range of it without masculanization
As above and look at it as a professional endocrinologist, she will want me to lower my dosage for sure if not get me down to pills. Perfect solution for me would be to stay with injections and get that cream but I'll see if that's possible tomorrow
He has such a bad posture on that pic plus those socks and bow, like it looks bad to the point where it looks like it's humiliation or showing how trannies looks like
shsisters what can i put on fresh cuts to make them hurt without infection?
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>But honestly why cats?
Cat, because it looks like a kitty cat walked on the keyboard!
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I’d recommend the show very highly
lemon or just diluted citric acid, salt but it's not a good idea same with alcohol the best would be pure capsaicine but you need to have it dissolve in some fat before that if you're a pussy than just use paprika
kisses ^^
disinfectant ?
such american opinion
>doesn't believe trans women are women
I think claiming that trans women are women is a weak chess opening.
I think claiming that trans women are transwomen is a strong chess opening.

I also think that the mental health of any given transwoman, be they passing or not, is MUCH better if they accept that they are a transwoman.

I think that the mental health of trans people is much worse if they *insist* that they are what they are physically, biologically, historically, and literally *NOT*.

My mental health has improved so much since I realised all the 'Woke' crazy stuff that was added into my mind about me being a tranny.

1 I was sad about my sex; it was so painful.
2 I thought if I changed myself to look like the sex I wanted to be then I would be in less pain.
3 I tried changing myself.
4 I feel much less pain.
5 Simple as.
you can tell bc it’s cute
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>have to get on with them
it's over...
hate staring at myself in the mirror too.

isopropyl antiseptic burns pretty bad in wounds even in low concentrations. moreso than ethanol ime.
I'm transitioning into a woman.
That is the (trans)ition
I do not want to be known as a tranny
I do not deny my origins, but I accept my results
My goal was to be stealth and a normal functioning member of society as a woman
My goal has long been achieved
I am a transwoman, but nobody else needs to know that.

Goodluck to the nonpassers that are ok with never passing, and forever being branded as the 'other', but thats not for me, or normal people.
>chess opening
interesting metaphor
so if distinguishing between women and transwomen is the opening
the what’s the middle game ?
and the end game ?
tried lemon, disappointing, not enough

did before lemon already...

idk what is it i have ethanol 70%
I kind of want to come out to my parents but it seems like way too much trouble to explain it to them.
Are you already in the process of transitioning or are you still full dude?
rubbing alcohol? idk it's just a slightly different alcohol than ethanol. iodine antiseptic may be worth a try too?

if you just do your thing they'll figure it out eventually when you start looking like a girl.
1 Transitioning could make you become like and live life as a woman.
2 You might not have to be know as a tranny but you are a tranny.
3 Not denying your origins is healthy for your mental health. <3
4 I think 'Stealth' is extremely dangerous for our mental health.
5 I'm extremely happy your goal has been achieved! :D <3
6 I agree that nobody else needs to know you are a transwoman; except for a partner and doctors.

Passing is great but it's also a curse in that you have that "Will people find out? Will I have to keep person A away from person B?" etc.
I think it's better to pass to everybody but then they start to suspect if you've hung around with them for a week. That would be ideal now.

Anon. The Truth will set you free. <3
Someone I'm seeing isn't a virgin, but I am. How do I not let this get to me? I already get upset about it quite often
The middle game is to have people come to like us.

The end game is to be accepted by even the people who don't agree with us transitioning.
Friendship and love is the end game really.
You'll always be a tranny, sorry
why would you care in the first place? idgi.
it makes me feel inadequate and lesser.
>Passing is great but it's also a curse
Not really. Besides posting here and my doctor visits I don't think about being a tranny at all.
I got other stuff goin on.

I will always be a tranny, but I won't be known as a tranny.
I am more than that.
>"You'll always be a tranny, sorry"

See attacks like this? They mean nothing if we just accept that we are trannies. That's part of what I mean by it being better for our mental health.

I am a tranny.
I don't care if people know I'm a tranny, so long as they ain't gonna be mean.
I don't care if somebody else doesn't like that I'm a tranny.
I am not transphobic so I'm okay with being a tranny.
I am a tranny. Seethe haters.
>other stuff goin on
That's pretty much like my life but I just think it's better for us to accept that we are trannies if ever the thought did come to mind in any situation or whatever. I just think it's healthier than mentally running away from being a what we are; but in life I just don't have to tell people unless I want to.
if transwomen aren’t women then which bathroom
my mouth
>I will always be a tranny, but I won't be known as a tranny.
Yes you will. Ask your doctor.

>Attacks like this
I wasn't attacking anyone. I was telling the truth.
Respectfully, out yourself if you want.
You're talking like being a tranny is put before being a human and its weird.
>Yes you will. Ask your doctor.
Yes, that was implied captain retard
Significant others too.
Still not an acceptable reason to willingly out yourself to every person you meet on the street for fun.
Especially if you pass and can stealth.
The one where you are less likely to get socially or physically attacked in there or just outside of it.
And the one where other people don't feel in danger.

I think the mtf trannies in Thailand just use the men's; I use the women's.
I would like it if there were disabled ones we could go in at every place there are toilets; but that's just an ideal.

BUT. I wouldn't use any toilets where I thought I would be in danger.... i.e. a gang of young lads seeing me going into a men's would be bad because if they find out I'm a tranny then it's like what...? Has one of them talked about liking me or something to a friend and then will they feel a need to attack me to recover from the shame? There's all sorts..... I just wouldn't want them to know; for my own safety.

Then there's the pervy bloke in the men's toilets.... DO NOT WANT to be in the loo with the pervy bloke.... Now way.
Again.... danger....
The reason I'm going on about it is because a lot of us don't accept that we are trannies.

We are literally transsexuals and most of us are ashamed of it. Why?
Do you pass? Otherwise this is a moot point.
If you didn't read the previous posts why are you jumping in?
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You didn't say "yes".
Guess you don't pass.
I don't even know if I want to transition I don't even understand my own feelings honestly.
darn, you found the loophole.
They mentioned they pass in an earlier post you fucking troglodyte maybe you should smoke fifty thousand cigarettes then jump off a bridge holy shit you brought the collective IQ of this thread down into the negatives with that post.
the toilet question is just kind of a reminder of the social and political dimensions
I think there are some interesting points made about distinguishing between ciswomen and transwomen (esp concerning how to think about life pre-transition, where going stealth seems to require a certain amount of erasing one’s past)
but there would be some huge downsides probably way beyond what I am even able to imagine
I wouldn't come out to your parents if you haven't figured it out yourself, friend.
If you're able you can try talking to a professional to help you sort your feelings.
The biggest tell for me personally was watching the early stages of male puberty hit me and wanting to die.
Dysphoria hits everyone differently though.
I can say I pass too, doesn't mean it's true.
Post pic
easy solution have sex with them?
pretty sure only ppl who don't have sex worry abt virgin status. being inexperienced or bad at sex i understand but the label and bodycount is honestly meaningless.
you cannot determine passing from pics you retard
They seem to be thinking of the future, where trans people are treated like the gays.
Where its normal and how they were born is the general consensus now.
But we're not at that point, and its only going to get a bit worse before it gets better.
And you're right, there are more downsides to being out to everyone no matter what irl than there are to just living like the gender you want to be. At least right now.
>You can't tell if someone's face looks feminine by looking at their face
This is the biggest cope i've ever seen
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good meowning mtfg
its not that easy.

but also bodycount like is a big deal
next time can do you 'Hello EveryNyan'
good morning everynomi
ill consider it
dead cope thread tbqh
the usual
sad but true. im eating lunch and playing resident evil 3
Remake or OG?
It's really annoying trannys think they pass based on getting she/her'd in public when in reality it's super obv people know you're tranny as all fuck, but they're just being polite
pass used to mean people thought you were cis girl, but the bar had to be lowered for megahons
If you really want to be annoyed, this anon thinks your face looking female has "nothing to do with looking like a girl"
the remake since ive never tried it. its good so far. kinda want to replay the original soon since i set up a ps1 emulator. havent played the original since i was a child
I like the original better
qott: well i was gonna go on a date today, but that fell through, so i'm tempted to just go hang at my city's nude beach to make the old hippies uncomfortable
>he way you put it sounded like you had a personal embarrassing experience with it.
weeks keep passing where i dont do anything besides therapy and then I don't have anything to talk about at therapy cause I'm not dfoing anything
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i LOVE nightmares!! and sleeping like shit!!
gonna play the original now. i remember thinking the random events made it feel more dynamic compared to the previous games.
My life was like that for about 10 years, then I stopped taking my anti depressants and suddenly I have the drive to do things again.
Idk if it's like this for everyone, but those things don't make me less depressed, they make me complacent.
might buy bionic commando and dead rising. both seem interesting
nobody asked nor do they give a fuck about it stop forcing yourself into spaces for transwomen
SH no visible? How? Need help
wear clothing over it
My waist is full and putting alcohol on it doesn't do it anymore, can't do arms/legs
why no arms or legs
thighs r pretty easy to cover most of the year round
dead cope thread
funny you should mention that, I'm actually beginning to cut back my ssri starting this week. going from 300mg wellbutrin a day to 150mg
you are one to talk. mtf means male to female. you don't identify as female.
and you do? fuck off

dad cope thread
can someone start some drama im bored.
ok i guess thats too much to ask cool
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those who sleep with men
take the penis well fren
im being good now...no more demon unless i have to
Extremely sick and bedridden but still horny
Stfu dummy dumb loser I secretly did something terrible to you because [redacted] told me to and also I'm pregnant with [redacted]'s baby and also I'm snew
do people really watch tiktok lol youtube autoplayed some compilation video and its so unfunny...
wtf snew how could u....
goons sickly
No! *cums on you*
beats u with a stick
shoots u with a gun
Seduced a ftmg trip last night. The things I've seen oh man.
yes tiktok is great. but its whole appeal is the algorithm it uses to show you the content. a compilation video completely moots that. its whole schtick is the for you page being super tailored
um. you werent supposed to like that.
If I wasnt dying rn I'd be rizzing up so so many pretty girls you've no idea
going to select one lucky poster in this thread to be my archnemesis
me me me me me
sorry clara ur too sweet and nice...
its you. my true enemy all along...
sorry im normal not like the rest of u FREAKS
i love GAY SEX... i love GAY SEX so much i made your mother transition so i could have GAY SEX with him
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I love jerking off my girl penis
ur scaring me.....
wtf dont gaysex my momdad!!!
Sounds weak anon I'm already dead and still rizzing
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Are you questioning my POWER? I may have been vomiting for 90% of my day, but I'll still do better than you.
i got punched in the face and kicked in the stomach andfucked my hand up rly bad in the moshpit on sunday it was pretty fun ^-^
im going to attack you
dont woof.
Um no sweety
who needs rizz when you can just threaten physical assault
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I am the one who flirts.
me i fear,,,,
im pretty sure flirting is a sin
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Okay then. We can skip the foreplay if that's how you prefer things to be.
we know paige
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any autistic ppl in the chat right now?
Nothing says I love you like a bit of domestive violence
>sometimes they are both the same thing
so true anon
Could be us if you embraced my love instead of Allah's
watch it...
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
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yayyyy ^-^
dae feel like dying because ugly? i'm gonnd do it you guys! omg feel bad for me perhaps some (you)'s as well? this is not bait i'm for realies for realies!
are you intentionally being retarded?
You can tell if someone DOESN'T pass from pics yes, but you cannot tell if they pass so it's useless.
wellbutrin is an NDRI, it works on adrenaline and dopamine, not serotonin
We haven't spoken in years. You're talking to phantoms at this point. I've been slowly getting better and it's been painful but why should I try to convince anyone I haven't seen in a decade of anything?
I know people don't like me because I'm miserable to be around. It's why I've taken to isolation. I let too many people down at this point. Maybe one day I'll be better, but all I can do for now is try to keep my head down and work on myself.
im BORED and i might DIE of BOREDOM
Eat, apple
oh thats what i mean then
steal jade's credit card information
Well thats a bit focken rood innit?
Thank you for not reacting with hostility to my autistic outburst...
The quads are MINE
devise a plan to force her to install remote controlled bullhorns in her room so if she ever has the gall to sleep while you're awake again you can swiftly put a stop to it
I'll eat nothing but one apple a day, how does that sound?
you're welcome. it wasn't really outburst-y to me. i got things wrong
I meant now. NOW THEY'RE MINE!
R u coocoo.
kill me please
sketchy conversion but stuck the landing. checked!
does anyone want to be violent towards me. just polling the room.
Shat up
good idea desu
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I want to be skinnier and prettier
I don't like looking old for my age
thats too bad
1 apple a day too little.
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skincare and sunscreen now
Nigger the stress ur putting me on had me rushing to the er and you're still going?
What if its a big one?
Any skincare recs? I'll try to be better about sunscreen
Kill yourself
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kek pooge taking out her woes on the others as usual
oh wow they drew blood how harrowing

>noooo u can't tell a tranny to not try to dress like creepy jap pedo shit
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i think if you reread you'll find i simply bullied you :p
Yeah they drew blood (had me sitting there getting drugged for 2 hrs until I could walk again)
Legitimately kys
everyone be nice and get along :)
My neighbor is a cute passing tranner but she uses her male voice when talking to parents on the phone (also kind of cute). She has a Honda civic with a spoiler and the trans flag. We bumped into each other and she was very shy couldn't even make eye contact.
Marry her
How are the hipbones going nick
i do that desu
wish i were getting cocked on the regular
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Yeah ur right they are pretty fucking minuscule
stfu sex pest
says the one who harasses others to post "sissy panties"
kill yourself hypocrite bitch ass nigga
i only ask cismoids like maiq to post sissy panties you dipshit
you asked lia
Link? i joke around with her sometimes and make fun of her but i would rather bleach my eyes than see her gross pics
nope kys im not doing your work for you
(scroll, scroll, scroll)
Nah, I think that'd be a bad idea. I'll just stick with monologuing.
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Would breed roughly
if only you knew how bad things really are
Oof rough buddy
skill issue
Plz do
I've got a family reunion in Cali coming up and I'm going to swim for the first time in like 8 years!!!! (I'm going to buy bathing suits tomorrow)
So glad I finally got my SRS done, I couldn't even bear the thought of trying on swim suits before
how about posting yourself for once
*breeds lagooner*
I get glocked on the regular
but you'll never catch me lacking
Thanks buddy.
anytime ^^
dead cope thread
thanks for the bump
im so lonely i just want it to end
dad cock head
im gods loneliest femcel
Wouldn't be right, I will stick to mentoring :p
if you wont do it i will
its coming home
Hopefully you treat her right anon, she deserves to be spoiled and happy.
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I wanna spoil someone and watch them let themselves go and just love them more for it...
Who is you young anon
oh. i was planning to abuse and neglect her but i guess i could do that too :/
a friend
Which friend friend anon.
Lol everytime
They'll just get fat and stoned
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you know...
Damn good line
i have the expert strats
You are simply most surprising.
Uhh name starts with v/c ?
Shouldn't keep her waiting too much if you're serious. She's young and won't stay hurting and thus single for long.
The charismatic lewd flirting anons are me at least 75% of the time. Other 25 I'll assume is valentine or Anya...maybe nomi
Oh no.. I need paige to start posting more often
lol no
it may not be meant to be i fear...
if ur 'charismatic lewd flirting' is indistinguishable from nomi then wht are even u doin
sexual harassment
Starts with a.
Turns out laughing is pretty painful rn
Didn't need to learn that
Nomi is smooth she's just ugly so it doesn't land and doesn't take no for an answer unlike me, chad chaser anon
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tonights the night. goodbye everyone
killing urself is cringe let someone else do it for you
Noo no te mates anon que te queremos tos mucho
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I'd be extremely happy with both of those things. I did say let themselves go. I want to enable and encourage that behavior.
hits you
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i think certain posters should find a better use of their time than threatening a 19 year old on a chinese cartoon imageboard
is it really awesome
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I think so
haram thoughts issue
Just having some fun old friend. You should drop the drama btw, let it air out a bit.
Allah created all their daughters as prefect being so no thoughts they may have are impure
Ignore the typos I'm kinda dying.
Start jerking your PP again. Remember how fun it was as a teen? It's still fun.
Just quit that stuff and find Jesus.
In the past I would always surprise myself by finding something to lose when there's nothing left.
Am I retarded for repping despite the 5'5" height? Maybe roping is better after all
inshallah i need to feel your skin against mine as i pin you down, need to feel the warmth of your body and the taste of your lips, need to know the taste of your blood etc etc and so on and so forth mashallah
Now that would be most ideal..
i want to see fear in your eyes when i look at you ^-^
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Feel free to try to get me there.. as of now I'm quite unsure of your capabilities.

Just hang on pls.
Ugh are they flirting again or fighting I can't tell.
Man I'm just trynna have a public erp sesh can u stop seething
try me little girl
flirting is fighting in some sense

I believe there is room enough on this board for public sex and suicide.
I'm a girl WITH a penis that's so cool
Got a job :)

They extended me the offer for the Pharmacy tech during the interview. I start at the beginning of July.
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Acting tough are you.. we'll see how you perform once the time comes for it.
Imagine being a living breathing walking fetish and not serving your purpose by letting men suckle your angelic wing...
it would be trivial for me to overpower you
but will YOU be my living breathing walking fetish in exchange anon? Can I stuff you full of dinner and dessert over and over again until you take on my ideal, softened, lazy form?
finally! lets see how long you last until we have a "WOW THIS FUCKING IDIOT PICKED UP THEIR MEDS WRONG" post
Disagree. Remember that my biceps is still bigger than urs..

Yeah, it's nice~

So often i thought dickgirls enjoyed sex more than men do. Granted it's only because dickgirls are still porn for men so their faces are actually interesting as opposed to mens faces in porn that is like an indistinct flesh golem, but still, i wish i enjoyed sex that much.
You took on your sinful form all on your own, find a fatty to feed for your fetish and I'd not blame you.
Lame. Imagine being a Christian in 2024….
remember im still 8inches taller than you, not to mention youll be even shorter once ive got u on your knees :)
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That's starting to sound a bit more fun..
More of this, less of the other days stuff. This is good stuff. If paige can just shut the fuck up about it, this is perfect.
tfw no rapehons erping with me in public on 4chan.org
those who sneed......
i want to cover you in bite marks and bruises
Why can't you just be happy for me Paige?
anon isn't me because I don't know how to flirt lol

You take ownership, to bottoms, it's flirting.
my go to flirting strategy with transwomen is threatening to hurt them
Are you pretty?
Take my body as a blank canvas and your harm as the paint to make it into something beautiful
Nomi kinda hitting it in the spot
god i need to do heinous things to you
i didn't mean that i would i'm just saying why it can't be me
have u tried postin ur lewds over and over in thread?
couldn't be me
i fear i'm too much of a pussy. i wish i had the self confidence of king larry
also my libido only works if I have a physical contact with someone so flirting isn't really appealing in any case, i would rather talk about anything else actually

You're saying you're not into cybering.

>, i would rather talk about anything else actually

Sorry, posted too fast.
i just wish people would rather hear "i love you" than "get on your knees" in general
i'm so not made for this world, why am I here
Why are you here lusting over our sinful forms if you judge them so?
>find a fatty to feed
I really hope to do that. Or an aspiring fatty, that would be totally fine too.

How about we compromise with "I love you on your knees?"

just marry me already u baka it's been 2 years
I'm sooooo close to being able to prolapse my bussbuss. Just a couple more toy sessions with some jungle juice poppers and I think i'll get there. Sooooooo excited!!!!!!!

Isn't prolapse like... undesirable? I feel like that's obvious but i also think it's somebody's fetish, which i don't understand. It sounds horrifying.
this hurts so much lol

i don't want to be cucked
Woof >:3
I'm so happy y'all, now I don't have to move back in with my parents!
*turtle noises
until you get fired for being a sperg like at your shitty retail job lamo
arf arf :3
pat pat
*pisses on the carpet*
bad dog
shoves ur face in it
No pee pee piss girls allowed, sorry. You have to leave. It's the rules.
*eats the carpet*
(erm akszuali you shouldnt do that to dogs)
*lusts after than, man'fully

My dysphoria wasn't that bad. But even if i didn't have dysphoria of course that shouldn't matter. If being a woman makes you happy, that's all that matters.

Mkay, sounds good. As long as you still reserve making your penis happy for the proper penis happy locations, it's literally perfectly fine.
any anya fans in chat?
Has anyone here on HRT experienced hematospermia?

It happend to me last month and then again exactly 28 days later..(first month was all bright red, this time black/dark brown so far)

I'm possibly a chimera (absorbed my twin) and thus also possibly intersex. But I've never had any diagnosis

I'm starting to wonder if I have some sort of uterine tissue that got triggered by HRT (currently at 1.5years~)
it can happen if you take long breaks e.g. 28 days
the only difference hrt makes here is lowered drive and slightly increased proneness to uti maybe
Yeah I've read that and a lot of other stuff about it.
That's what we(cisf gf) and I figured happened the first time. But we've been fairly active and it hadn't happened again until yesterday.

Coincidently both times have been when she started her period. I'm sure in the end it'll be a weird coincidence but it got us thinking bc we've suspected I may be intersex due to chimerism for about 5 years
>being threatened by mono
so i suppose this is just a mtfg rite of passage or something
it can take a few times to clear out once it's built up in there iirc. if it's dark tho even with frequent use idk what it'd be. for me it's always been because i've been too rough.
What's ol schnoz have to say to someone as cute and sweet as you?
just poking around in places where she doesnt belong etc etc
how do i become less ugly and more feminent?
Yeah we know that and that's part of why we're so baffled.

We're gonna see how it goes for a week or two and then decide if I need to go to urgent care or something from there lol

And I'll talk to my doctor about it at my next labs appt either way
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why do ppl actively use reddit for anything other than niche topics that don't have a place to talk about on the internet
Plastic surgery, exercise, and torture.
Don't you dare wrongthink on my heckin subreddit in the slightest!
>feels like 100
i am not built for this heat someone please put me out of my misery
some mtfg threads look like this when theres discord drama
Ngl, I think I trooned out from a combination of watching too much anime and porn
cheating is bad don't forget kids!
big difference between mods cleaning up retards shitting everywhere and mods deleting wrongthink

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current mood
I shared a fifth of tequila last night and I didn't do anything that I regret today besides eating seven tacos.
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My wif
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According to this, a loss of testosterone can actually make you shorter. Who else here lost some height since starting HRT?
It's called skincare routine, and it's not that hard or expensive. Yikes
what kind of beer should i buy
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