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last >>36225729
no blobbert or mono allowed edition
I need love
Sissies and trans women are the same thing doing it for the same reason.
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Trust no Maiq!
one gives a fuck retard
don't hurt me

Sissy pride world wide
worried due to enemies
What is love?
i'm coming for you
american faggot community one of the biggest cancers known to man
You have enemies? You must have strong convictions.
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ong frfr cuz
theyre right desu i do need to start doing skincare, i do have rly good/clear skin for someone without a skincare routine though so its not so bad
i hold my convictions very strongly yes
how can i grift on gofundme for free money?
One thing I don't get about sissies is that they are the only people wearing their style. No women, no girls are dressed like that, meaning it's ironically a very masculine look as it's pretty much 99.9% men wearing it, buying it, etc. Very odd.
maybe i should buy some sodium nitrite just to have it on hand u know
couldn't hurt right
That's a real woman in that picture wtf are you talking about
just buy actual morphine or fentanyl from the dark web YOU DROOLING RETARD
yess i know just am not sure where to start
i guess wearing sunscreen every day would be the first step
The sissy look though, regardless of who wears it, immediately makes me assume they're a man. It's man-coded.
They wear giant versions of a dress a 3 yo girl would wear
No 3 year old girl has dressed like that since 1975, unless they're gypsies, and even then it would be neon green.
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True, that makes it extra spooky if you think about it.
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idk how plus that sounds expensive
Your basics are:
Cleanser, wash your face with a specific face cleanser. You can get a Cetaphil one anywhere
Toner: any witchhazel toner with no alcohol. Spash on your face after washing
Moisturizer: just get anything it'll be fine
Sunscreen: try to get the Asian stuff if you have access. FDA is slow to bring to market a bunch of stuff that's better and has been used for years worldwide
It makes it funny really, because it fails at the one purpose, it makes them stand out as somehow more of a man than if they'd just worn a plain dress.
go figure gay retard doesn't know how to clean himself
lack of mother that gave a shit about your ugly fat ass?
why was my post used here
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I've ruined my life. I'll never be able to live as a girl and I hate all of you that can.
im about to goooooooon
nta but I'm depressed and have nice skin without doing all that probably because I've avoided the sun most of my life
can I skip any of that? rn I just wash my face with softsoap. moisturizer is the most important step right?
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we just all live as trannies, idk what you're on about
I went to a gay bar but found the go-go boys on their podiums intimidating.
moisturiser is for immediate skin benefits, sunscreen is for long term skin healf. there's some anons in the /fa/ skincare general who are actually really helpful

most dnms no longer allow the sale of fentanyl a lethal dose of heroin or morphine is actually pretty expensive
thanks for the recs!!!
whats bha
Like literal hand soap? Probably preferable to just not use a cleanser at all over that because itll aggressively strip oils from your face. Maybe consider sunscreen on the days you so go outside any!
And capable of actually looking like a girl.
I've never been to an LGBT bar. The music they play is usually pop hits. Not my vibe. I should really expand my comfort zone if I wanna get invited to functions where I'm not the only tranny in the room.
its gooning time
I would never go to anything that called itself an LGBT or Queer bar, they are just full of fat insufferable weirdos. But a gay bar, a proper one, is great fun but towards 1am and after the drugs kick in and the muscle guys sweat all over the dancefloor lol.
beta hydroxy acids, its a chemical exfoliant
paulas choice is the 1 i use
In the event I can't move out is it retarded of me to keep a stash of clothing in my car's trunk so I can start at least trying to girlmode when I'm away from my family?
why can't you, or are you some idiot who magnifies that which is wrong with you and decides that means you can't pass ever?
I would say "this doesn't sound fun" but that doesn't sound much different than a rave, although I'm sure gay bars are just hookup spots
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what is it with you weirdos and always wanting to look like a girl and never like a woman
creepy as fuck
It's fun if you like a good dance party, not for everyone. But I just avoid anything marketed as Queer or LGBTQ+ because it's always just awful people who are miserable.
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also I use turtle oil on my face, same as what my mother did
I use a L'Oreal eye cream that has caffeine in it
Burt's Bees for the lips
I'm getting to the age where I think I should be wearing a straw hat and a neckscarf too
I guess it's not too different than finding a good underground scene in a niche music genre
>literal hand soap
Yeah usually in the evening or like if I get acne / oily face feeling but I usually don't get acne unless I get really bad and don't shower.
Thanks. I've always had a bit of sensory issues with putting stuff on my skin, or jewelry so I have avoided but I will try to do sunscreen more...
Because I've been off hormones for about 3 years, and now I'm 40. Similar to taking meth or heroine, I've made a mistake that's permanently affected the rest of my life.
im gonna lagoon all over the place
Are they really? because I'm into that, maybe I should try to find a queer bar.
U should visit the ward bro
why are you here dude
I'm nearly 40 and I'm still girlmoding..
go get some T, roid out and lift.
this seems like terrible advice, wtf is the ward going to do for her exactly other than charge her a bunch of money she probably doesn't have?
Get her out of my sight lmfao
Not how it works nick
If you get that it means perma ward for the rest of ur life
I think if you stop doing hand soap you might break out at first. I've heard your skin sorta overcompensate a when you wash it with soap and produces too many oils and it takes a minute to normalise when you stop.
With sensory issues id definitely try to get the Asian sunscreen. They feel a lot lighter and less annoying to wear all day
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i just want a boyfrien so badlY
Crime in spain means spain laws
what do you mean about snew?
My friend was a bartender in the Castro, so we'd frequent a few. Not only is the music awful but the mood is pretty aggressive. If you don't act like a tourist and make a fool of yourself they're fun. They really don't like loud drunk women.
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Pick ur sides
Toilet pic time?
lol, i don't have any friends here so I don't have to bother picking a side
i don't give a single fuck
>go get some T, roid out and lift
I don't need to get some T, my body produces plenty enough on its own. I got back on estradiol back in January, but related to what you said, I've considered just accepting my fate at this point.
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Ur indeed not going to have any now
y do u keep wanking to that pic
Does adding spiro help if my T is already suppressed?
Jesus I get my standards might be low for dating kat but they're not THAT low
type shit
Thanks I'll try to find some good sunscreen, any popular JP/KR one you mean or?
idk ur clearly thinking about it a lot
Cuz u love to harass me u alien ass looking nigga
Need to demonstrate to u how utterly disgusting you are
i tried to gave you some advices and support out of sympathy and empathy but that's not what a friendship is, i don't make friends after 3 days and you shouldnt either

anyway if it's too much for you to accept i wish you a good continuation and good luck with everything
It'll lower your blood pressure and make you have to urinate frequently.
Anything from Anessa will be good but idk what you have in your area so check this list out for some more names
They're rated with the normal SPF but also have a PA+++++++ rating. Idk what it means but obviously the more + the better
im not harassing you im just asking you to stop spamming your pics desu
ok thanks again
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I wasn't posting any of them now was I retard
Ur not of value to the cause
Nobody cares abt a newfag
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oh ur also an annoying retard newfag too, but i didn't bring up your appearance just now
Paige just go kys
what pills should i use
idk how to get fancy drungs from the blackweb
Hour like... 15 or so of my weed tolerance break.
This is MISERABLE and I want to die.
Have experienced both!!!!
kill me kill me
What are ur favorite kat quotes? Here are some of mine:

1. "mono fridge-body dog rapist"

2. "i posted a complete detailed documented timeline of my forced starvation in january and how mono and eve plotted the whole thing and then proceeded to cheat on me for months, following by mono making fun of me about all of it and saying i deserve to starve and become homeless because i left her. everyone knew she was the suipusher in 2022

i should have just listened to navy back then
im so fucking stupid"

3. "anyways mono is a rapist and suicide pusher and has tried to kill me since early 2022 and has cheated on me with eve of all people for most of 2023"
>got back on estradiol
Stop crying about it. There are people much worse looking than you who actually bother to work at it and get great results. Get out of your fucking depression pit.
Kill the T, inject, work on your fashion and face. Electrolysis can help a lot. Go to Walmart and hang out for a bit and see just how bad ciswomen look. Rip those fucking brainworms out and know that you can look better than they do.
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Kat raped her for nearly a decade straight. Think about how crazy that is
spent like two hours spiraling about the disgustingly soulless cruelty of existence then stepped outside for some air and immediately happened upon a pool of blood and a twitching half dead bird
dont take spiro sob get bica or cypro if ur going to be on an anti androgen
Idk man I just take whatever pills I have that are the strongest and pray it kills me
"You ruined my life" - After cheating for 3 months, doxxing, harassing, suipushing, blackmailing and threatening to kill the 19 yo she's saying it to
was this before or after you were going to have albanian hitmen kill navy lol
shutup pig
As within so without. We will soon be safe and free.
I'm a straight man and wish women (cis and trans) wore dresses like that. It saddens me that dresses, in general, are so rare. When I get a gf, I'm going to force her to wear a sundress around the house.
>wearing clothes at home
Anyone else just get the urge to shave off their brows every now and again?
Pls just use this as a teaching moment and like stop posting lol
Ty for confirming it's moid taste
I'd wear them but they're unfortunately clocky.
My fav is "I should have married avvy in 2022" :3
r u going to shave the left half on both sides of ur face
Is this the power of a teenage transition?
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more nightmares
I slept all day and had quite a few and now just feel like death
hope coffee helps
No like OFF
I always see baddies with it an I'm like I should do tht b4 I come to my senses tht itd probs be awful on me lol
Are there any apps with a no eyebrow filter?
Yes I'm evil
have you considered being nice
It makes people look like clones fresh out of the cloning vat.
full send the half eyebrows :^)
but also sob no eyebrow shaving emma....
>Anyone else just get the urge to shave off their brows every now and again?
dont do it frem
I know right so hot
Next time I see someone with it and I'm emotionally vulnerable I'm sending it
i hope with all my soul, albeit i don't feel as i have much of one left anymore these days. there is nowhere but ahead of us
; -; but you'll cry after kuz your brane isnt used to itttt don do ittt
>Anya and lacoomer going ballistic
neither of the posts u replied to were me, meds Now.

new daniel vid
I think about it alot tbdesu
think anyone with huge am elliot esque brows like me
although I'd recommend fake brows over just going no brow full forehead
bad idea for most of our skull shapes :(
When I have FFS I can free myself from the shackles of eyebrows
Based fellow tranny daniel enjoyer <3
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i need it......
love ya <3 it genuinely all will be okay, and you can't do anything to lose or dilute your soul
>there is nowhere but ahead of us
sadly I still think there's some hard stuff ahead but less than ever before...
im too lazy to finish this
<3 we will make it through, and it will be worth it in the end. someway
Why isn't there a clothing brand for trannys? Why can't they make woman clothes made for the male body? I don't get it
>woman clothes made for the male body
uhhh but why would men wear women's clothes?
ygh worried i wont finished lies of twink before shota of the erdtree comes out
probably not enough of a market for it till very recently, you'll see this become a thing with all the zoomer and alpha trannies, god bless zoomer and alpha trannies ilu
godspeed emma
Bruh my bussy STANKS today like rotten egg type stanky sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh
your misery always appeases me somehow
Damn some evil shit is regularly posted in this thread. Like this is worse than a lot of what I see on other boards.
you missed blobbert doxing someone and trying to drive them to suicide over shitposts
u have like 24 hours gl oomfie
paige (you) unironically deserved it though. your actions have consequences
almost there

>god bless the kids being groomed and sexually abused into being troons
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lookie and yes i have a lil stubble my laser apt got pushed back because i'm too tanned so i got these!
very cringe
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gotta wear bandaids for ike 3 days
What's the purpose of this
fun i enjoy getting pierced.
luv u 2
Thats where you attach the jumper cables
you into that or only golf?
Yeah this ain't in chief lol
its great. i'm gonna get 2 more in like a month maybe 4 more.
Do you have them on your back dimples as well?
Well, I'm into lots of things. They look interesting, did it hurt much?
Sometimes i just dig my fingers into my foreskin for a quick whiff
not yet i'm gonna be covered in piercings eventually.
quite a bit it was really sharp pain for like 30 seconds i teared up a bit. after she was done the pain stopped instantly tho.
in the eye's of the /mtfg/ writters I'm like lewbert
We're a bit similar, maybe seeing you living and dying on this couch instead of "just" going outside, finding a job etc makes me feel like my situation could be salvable if I could just get out of my own head, just like you
mono ALWAYS wins
oh hey do y'all "just" need to go outside and get employed and life a happy life too? :3
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Noooo kat don't abuse me nooooo
kat and mono really do deserve each other its poetic
how do horrible people end up with these partners who will get abused over and over and still want to go back yet the average person ghosts over a "mid" or "boring" conversation even after having had nice ones.
I go outside almost every day now
even got a job in like 2022 for like a year
none of it has helped me :(
but I mean if I inspire people to not want to be like me that's great
Have you tried venlafaxine?
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Mono isn't here for an actual partner
Nor is kat
Kat wants money
Mono wants drama because she's an attention whore
This is moreso 2 retards deluding themselves into thinking thats a relationship and actively harassing anyone who calls them out for being mentally ill (doxxing blackmailing death threats etc etc)
based mono sticking up for herself like a gigachad queen
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I've only ever been prescribed stims(for adhd), lot's of sleeping meds(for my insomnia, none of it ever helped), and a ssri (for depression, also didn't help)
asking doctors for help is hard for me when I don't just have an obvious malady to point to
so most of my issues have been untreated for a long time
I used to self med with my parents anxiety meds back when I was like a young teen
none of that helped me much eitger but I really can't remember all the shit I tried
my parents had *alot* of meds
?!! Mono is the abuser!! Thats why kat came back to her. I get it now. She was forced to do it at GUNPOINT. Holy crappers.
I'lll never understand how nick lang's poopy poop filled male poopy poophole could cause so much drama
The meds are to give you a crutch to acclimate to new patterns, not a lifelong thing usually. If you don't change your patterns then the meds will eventually lose their effect and your stuck in the same spot but now with withdrawal symptoms.
It's called "spending 24/7 harassing someone you've doxxed and are actively threatening to murder both in public and private while refusing any peaceful solution"
is dat the kat dox
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janny be my 8ball
janny be mine
tell me my fortune
I hate not being a neet
it's not that I don't force myself out of my comfort zone ever
it genuinely doesn't help
even working regularly for months I just couldn't get used to being outside and around people again
I really don't see any way out of here
the paths seem to be survive or let myself die
and even that is a false choice because my thanatophobic ass isn't gonna actually an hero
They are both clearly abusers. Mongo is a slimey coomer, cheater and manipulator and K** is a raging narcissist who is NEVER wrong and will gaslight the fuck out of you even when she backstabbed and betrayed you.
Mono is the queen of mtfg. You don't have to like it, but you have to acknowledge it.
we need to perma sticky "DO NOT DATE KAT" at the top of every thread
I just want to trick a straight boy into dating me then on the 2nd or 3rd date i reveal i'm trans and he's shocked. That's it. That's all I want. That's the dream.
i just want love
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world's shittiest boss
I think my sibling is the only person who truly gets it
he's probably the only one who doesn't just see me as a disappointment & burden
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if anybody is the mtfg mascot its pooge
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>Stop crying about it. There are people much worse looking than you who actually bother to work at it and get great results.
There isn't much to "work at" other than just taking hormones and using makeup. Outside of that, you just have to rely on your own genes. Traps are born, not made. And the more androgynous you are, the more chance of passing as a girl. However, you look less androgynous the older you get, meaning you have to start earlier rather than later. And I'm basically starting over now.
>Kill the T, inject, work on your fashion and face.
With my body-type, the clothes I can wear are pretty limited. I'm not sure what you mean by working on my face, other than simple makeup. Years ago, I just wore foundation. Anything more seemed to make me look more masculine. Unless you're talking about skincare, which I know nothing about. I should probably look that, into considering my age.
>Electrolysis can help a lot.
I've considered getting laser hair removal. I've heard that electrolysis is mostly hair removal for people born with red hair. Is it really more effective than laser hair removal?
>Go to Walmart and hang out for a bit and see just how bad ciswomen look. Rip those fucking brainworms out and know that you can look better than they do.
Thank you for the motivation. At this age, I'm not too sure I can. But I'll keep trying, or at least keep taking my spironolactone, finasteride, estradiol, and progesterone. I doubt they'll be effective now, but they can't hurt.

I lament because at one point before covid, Apparently I was actually passing. A few co-workers actually thought I was a girl. Customers were asking for my number. One guy I knew even asked me out, but when I told him about my situation, he changed his mind, meaning he sincerely believed I was a girl. I didn't realize what I had until I lost it, and now I'm not sure if I can get it back.

I appreciate the encouragement. I'll guess I'll keep trying and see if I can undo this mistake.
maiq you seem like the type of guy who used to be married many years ago but things didn't work out
how do you find love
I don't drink, might not be my vibe then. I prefer raves. At least I can pick the genre I attend for the night and enjoy the music enough have a good time.
what if he still wants to fuck?
maiq is a manlet and 300+lbs. he's never had any type of relationship lol
Dysphoria hits me in subtle ways nowadays. I really wish I didn't waste the surgery opportunities I had in the past.

That hurts. I had it, and now it's gone. All because of a layoff. Ridiculously cruel.
Iโ€™m the type of guy trying to avoid being the type of guy you described
the idea of getting married and it falling apart is prob one of the reasons I am so picky about relationships and slow to trust
Im the main character of the mtfg isekai anime
true tbdesu
wats it like in the real world
>you look less androgynous the older you get
No, you get older, and with hormones you'll age as a woman.
Never detrans
Never "desist"
Just go forward.
>mtfg isekai
I want to be an npc
itโ€™s not much but itโ€™s honest
It sucks
are you still working then
but so does mtfg ; -;
crazy to post this lol everyone knows its you
>I've heard that electrolysis is mostly hair removal for people born with red hair. Is it really more effective than laser hair removal?
electrolysis is the only form of permanent hair removal. it's really damn slow though because they have to literally kill each hair follicle one by one. might be worth for the face but full body will be super expensive and take ages.
wtf i get ingrown hairs around in my pubes rarely like maybe once a year if that, and they look like red blisters then you pop them and pus/blood comes out right.... well i popped it and it made a bunch of popping sounds but it didn't come out, like it made a bunch of popping under the skin wtf just happened did i just spread a bunch of bacteria in shit inside my pelvis i'm scared
npc's r the coolest
I hate the recent npc stream trend of streamers lazily reciting lines and other nonsense ad nauseum like their brains are literally running off radiant ai
when games with actually alive world like majoras mask have characters that actually feel like more than just set dressing with prescipted lines despite being just that
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anyways i love elfi so much it makes me cry happily to myself
brief undramatic moment for your indulgence
yes. you will now get sepsis and die. rip.
its like inuyasha where i go back and forth between two different sucky universes
can't say my day isn't slightly better now
Ppl that think the demons in frieren are problematic are so funny I want to put one in a cage and poke them with a stick
Idk that sounds weird. Maybe put some neosporin on it
at least there's sucky amirite
I donโ€™t watch any streamers whatโ€™s the trend you mentioned ? is it a joke or are you just criticizing them being boring ?
yeh work sucks itโ€™s true I have the day off today tho so thatโ€™s pretty great
>day off work
maiq is a nogg? ew
if anything deserves celebration itโ€™s the end of slavery
but yeh itโ€™s a bank holiday now so
>end of slavery
>An estimated 50 million people were living in modern slavery on any given day in 2021. This is nearly one in every 150 people in the world.
>more people in slavery now then at any timepoint in history
you're fat, you're ugly AND you're stupid? no wonder you're a chaser maiq
>whitey gets one day off from work for Juneteenth
>black ppl get 365 days off from work, whitey funds it with his sweat and hard work
really makes you think
lol you absolute buffoon
I can't say I'm very familiar since I've never actually watched one just seen clips
but as I understand they just repeat lines into the stream until people donate money
and than they like interact a little and go back to the same lines
I think it sprang up from that trend of people taking clips of real people actung weird or awkward and slapping the words
>oblivion npc's be like
and stuff because it genuinely reminds me of walking around the imperial city or whiterun and hearing the same voice lines played on repeat over and over
I imagine it's harder than it looks but also yeah I think the concept is boring and could be done way better
i got the day off too.
wat stats are there about locations where those ppl are, like is it mostly china or smth
>I hate the recent npc stream trend of streamers lazily reciting lines

>someone raids a channel
>streamer: "Yoo, [blank] with the raid!"
>said with the exact same tone and delivery each time, by every one of them
Irritates the shit out of me.
China, Israel, the entire Middle East really. Brazil too.
courtesy lines don't bug me
I understand the need to thank after every donation, sub, "gift", raid
but when you receive so much as they do its hard not to sound robotic
I get really swlf conscious about how samey my responses can get to people
and have learned its really hard to find constant unique ways to repeat the same kind of sentances
>watched vid
oh wow you meant it literally how depressing
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Adjustments. Improvements. Each change affecting the next. Never stop. Keep going. No point giving up. Giving up, the only true way to fail. No room for failure. Difficult, not impossible. A steep climb with no equipment is still a climb.


Don't you dare get lost in the forest.
nice hope you enjoyed it
i did. got my piercings that everyone but me seems to hate.
can neo-vags squirt like real girl vag can?
yo wait a minute really? That's hot. If he doesn't mind dating another fatty...
need that lobotomy so I can become the ultimate npc streamer
aww I well I hope it didnโ€™t hurt too much
trip on pring
based dermals dakota hope they heal comfy
worst pain from piercing yet but i enjoy it.
ty my outer 2 will be lavender.
donโ€™t get jealous maiq obviously loves you
ouch ;_;
you failed to mention we never even ended slavery we just moved it to prisons
the end of black chattel slavery still deserves a holiday though your take is retarded. it's basically the second american independence
I tried some no eyebrow filters and have decided I won't be shaving them off
good idea
based choice
also based choice kek phew
I'm new here looking for fellow fat enjoyers who is pring do they like soft people too??
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In The Two Towers, when the creators were trying to make Brad Dourif look unsettling for his role as Grima Wormtongue, he actually suggested they shave off his eyebrows. And it worked, it helped complete his shady appearance perfectly. I didn't even notice it at first, it works so well.
Tbh he's just an unsettling looking dude eyebrows or no
I still think the no eyebrow looks is hot af I'm just not built for it :((
eye rows are so expressive shaving them off prob gives a vibe of deception / poker face
Eyebrows are so expressive, nobody would be able to read you.
I think part of it is the whole uncanny valley phenomenon
when we see a face that our pattern recognizing brain can see is a person
but it's missing "very important" peices of the pattern of a human face that we unconsciously expect
real people can sorta dip into the uncanny valley backwards
from hyperreal to uncanny instead of from abstract to uncanny
voldemprt I think is another good example of this
another emma w...
good analysis
I think eyebrows are very attractive, prob your analysis could explain that too
maiq their eyebrows don't want to frot with you
With no eyebrows u can paint on any expression u want
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meanwhile in Dune they went with a different approach
so can your mates while youโ€™re sleeping
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AAA I wish I acted earlier

When I first saw inko back in 2014 I knew I wanted to be just like her but I shoved those feelings down, never told any one!

Two months ago I took Ket and just the over day I told a someone on discord about how I want to be her, and he encouraged me to do it!
I almost cried because of how embarrassing it was to type and how positive he was!

but the problem is, in the last ten years I grew from 5'7 to 6'5, I got a full beard, and a man body now
I am only 21 so It's going to get worse.

now that I have someone positive about my embarrassing goal I want to cry.

I wish I just did it 2014 since its impossible now!

sorry for the blog post
I got no ever to vent
no one is reading all that just fyi
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change the channel
that's the point
>I think eyebrows are very attractive
I wish my large ass brows actually looked good on my face
is that the lynch dune?
I think they look pretty good hinestly and yep thatโ€™s the 84 Piter de Vries
in that movie, mentats had comically giant eyebrows
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Cries in despair over not having her parent's money anymore, Angry and resentful at me for my way of life.

Is this really who I want to be seeing right now...?
having omega brain worms right now
I'm so close to starting hrt and I really want to this week! but I'm a fat fuck (not super fat but like. not skinny) and I'm so scared I'll get grossified by hrt and look like a weirdo :(
I generally find fat girls to be cute but I don't know if I'll turn out like that:/
am I just being an over thinking retard or is this a genuine concern and I have to rethink everything? aaa
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you keep asking yourself so you don't have to think about the answer you already have
no shit a woman going to a man's house isn't going to be as much of a threat of the obvious
that transman is really putting herself in danger acting like that
i just want a transbian gf and scissor bussholes together
Autostraddle still exists? Amazing.
Maybe try conquering transitioning into putting the fork down before you try an transition your gender there fatty
what is it
Start the HRT. People meme about how it'd be optimal to go anamode while you're on T and gain on E for optimal fat distribution. And that's something worth considering like if you can't get HRT yet. But if you have access just start it ASAP and worry later. You're going to have a year or two of malding and crying ahead. Use that time do deal with your weight

Why are they worried about competing with bears? That seems like polar opposite male type demographics
I don't overeat.
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i will literally never forgive myself for getting as fat as i was
feels so fucking bad i hate how long this process takes
that's pretty funny
I've only seen the new movies with twink paul
liked them so much I picked up dune 2 again until it started kicking my ass too hard to keep going
as I understand dune 2 and 2000 are take more inspiration from lynchs film than the books or anything else
I really like david lynch dunno why I haven't seen all his movies already
>I think they look pretty good hinestly
probably one of the aspects of my face I put the most effort into
I should exercise more and get an office treadmill this office work-from-home job has me sitting down all day
no it's fucking retarded don't give yourself a fucking eating disorder dipshit
in this case I think bear refers to that meme earlier this year about woman saying theyโ€™d rather be alone in the woods w a bear (literal) than a man
lol pain also called him THE TWINK cracked me up
I like 84 film it isnโ€™t a good movie overall but it has a lot of awesome stuff in it and an amazing soundtrack
I really want to start it's just. I'm missing the assurance I guess. are there any pics or the like of people who went on E when they were plus size.
sounds expensive
calisthenics style exercise with minimal or no equipment isn't bad imo
>sounds expensive
It's only about $150 for one meant for a cubicle on amazon. I just gotta pick the right one, apparently some smell weird after a while.
>calisthenics style exercise with minimal or no equipment isn't bad imo
I should really look into at-home workout routines. I was so on top of it when I had access to a gym.
It's like a blog collective for lesbians
if you're fat then you overeat. simple as. to lose weight, you undereat. simple as. put the fork down fatty. simple as
I don't mean literally anamoding ig people just talk about losing weight before getting on e but I don't think that's worth it

Ohhhh, to be fair a bear is a rare animal that's be cool to see

Probably? I don't have them though. But really, this is a long, long process and the most time sensitive thing is when you get the drugs and halt the androgenization
Again I don't overeat I'm not bullshitting. my intake is like 1500 kcal per day. my metabolism is just shit
does estrogen make it harder to lose the old weight?
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>want to see bear in wild
no thx
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>does estrogen make it harder to lose the old weight?
does it matter? your trans, you dont get a choice
maiq stop untripping to bullying ppl
NTA but you are delusional. You can't break the laws of physics and this "muh bad metabolism" thing has been debunked by science, it's like a difference of 100~ calories at best.

If you eat 1500 calories your body can't make fat out of nothing it can only use the 1500 calories. If your metabolism was bad you would notice it from your body working really shitty, like your hair doesn't grow anymore, your skin is flaking, your are super cold and dry.
I think it's really that test makes it easier to lose weight. That like doesn't matter though. The downsides far outweigh that

it's harder to lose weight on hrt some claim that fat that you already have on your body will not redistribute, only the fat you gain while on hrt will. so some suggest that you lose weight prior to starting hrt and to gain weight while you're on it.
hungru 4 messican foo.
my master will gib me some later i hope :3
haha those socks
theyre called leg warmers
theyโ€™re cute hope you have some
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hungry but idk if i deserve food
are you kidding? im wayyyy to old ugly and unpopular to rock something like tat lol
Would you rather be alone in the woods with maiq or a bear?
you are bad at counting. don't worry, most humans are. but your '1500' is probably closer to 2200 from what you're describing
go eat something nice
lol is this the part of the movie where your friend takes your glasses off and it turns out youโ€™re actually really pretty but actually it was obvious all along
Please donโ€™t put me in the woods I donโ€™t want to be alone there with anyone and certainly not a bear
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did u do a exersize 2day?
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>lol is this the part of the movie where your friend takes your glasses off and it turns out youโ€™re actually really pretty but actually it was obvious all along
never happening becyase im not gonna become a delusional rapehon
side note i need to figure out wtf im supposed to wear to work for a real job
lol get out of here w that delusional stuff but anyway
you will likely do well in a wide range of white collar jobs if you can deal w the boredom
>lol get out of here w that delusional stuff but anyway
idk im not gonna fall to hugboxing
im not fooling anyone and shouldnt pretend to be
>you will likely do well in a wide range of white collar jobs if you can deal w the boredom
i was talking about dress stuff like idk how to dress myself for a lot of types of occasions it sucks
I need to get off my lazy ass
but today all I feel is depressed and majorly tired no matter how much coffee I consume
these days corporate professional dress is much more flexible you can rock an androgynous look if you want and people will certainly be okay with that, frankly you can go more femme too, I see that not commonly but not super rarely either
does anyone else feel like the first leaves start to turn red earlier and earlier as summers keep heating up?
when i was a kid i feel like it was always bright green summer trees until late summer when you started seeing red and yellow here and there, but now the trees look semi-turnt all summer :/
sometimes its not about getting up off ur ass to start a workout.
try hitting the deck. lay there untill u start doing some v-sits or russian twists or glutearch or pushups or donkey kicks all kinds of wonderful things can happen from being in a place that we most often associate with defeat: the floor.
today is an off day, i ran yesterday
this is such a blessing for girls like me who love suits
i now come off abnormally professional just because i like to look sharp
>this is such a blessing for girls like me who love suits
how is an amab wearing a suit in a professional environment at all risky for you lole
fuel up for 2morrow! dont starv.
i dont mind bc its super pretty but i do hate the heat that accompanies it
we weep for the blood of a bird but not of a fish
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>cannot connect to people at all
>heartbroken by ex bff and dad
>can't feel happiness
>can't kiss anyone without freezing up and feeling nauseous and scared and bad
>can't have sex without eventually crying and/or blacking out
>nice weather sitting outside with mum and dog
>still thinking about dying
>only "happiness" comes from imagining ex bff being there
>think about him kissing me
>he turns into my dad
>feel sick
>tfw even if he were here i still couldn't be with him the way i want because my mind is fucked up and broken
>computer games and model kits just distract
>they don't feel good
>don't look forward to sleep because nightmares worse again
>don't look forward to the day because it's just all the same
>feel burnt out despite not doing anything other than surviving
>even when i do things still feel like shit
>don't have the drive to work on project
>still haven't heard back from vocational rehab
>even if i had
>fundamentally broken and a husk of a person
at what point is it like actually ok to just check out
like what point do i have to be at for it to not hurt my mother if i kill myself, or for me to not be afraid of dying enough to be able to do it
Paige, go get some dinner please
im gonna take a bath/engage in some stress relief of a sharp kind, then eat some fish
Some kind of retinol product will help with keeping your skin elastic and delay wrinkles, but you only want to put it on at night as it makes you more susceptible to sun damage.
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Hey girls. Iโ€™m at the beach today
skip the cutting snd eat sooner
dont talk about ex bff challenge (impossible)
I'll fail this challenge a billion times before I heal

no matter how many times it takes, there's worth in each little part of yourself that you discover more of each time you get hurt
not u!!! cryyyyyy
I'm sorry you're so hurt anon.

I wish you could feel better now and have confidence about your future.

It's tough feeling so broken and like there's no one to connect to, to care for you, or pour your heart into. Sometimes just surviving is enough and a sign of progress. Please don't give up on yourself. People are strong and capable; You are, too. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you can reach a better tomorrow.

Keep taking small steps when you can. And do your best to be nice to yourself. It's all too easy to be our own biggest bullies.

Wishing you the best.
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I love the ocean
anon look out there's a shark
ty desu i appreciate the support
maybe things will get better, i just feel so old and like that opportunity has passed
low self esteem and comparing myself to others just kinda doesn't help and as much as i try to not do it, i sometimes can't help it. i just wonder who i could've been if things had gone differently, so i wouldn't be a 30 year old living in his mother's house
Can't fucking wait to get my career change going. I'm sick of getting shafted every shift
congrats on the career shift
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why does pinnochio have a judenhut... and his nose gets bigger when he lies.... hmmmm......

>I'm sick of getting shafted every shift
glad to hear ur getting out of being a prostitute
jfc I remember seeing this months ago. can we move on now please?
i'm going next month hopefully
Does anyone want to play some project zomboid or smth i am incredibly bored out of my mind rn
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I love sharks
I live by the beach so I can go whenever.
Not happened yet but i'm working towards it!

if i was a prostitute at least i'd get some pleasure out of being screwed ;-;
i donโ€™t think i am capable of living life
beautifully impressive clouds
i'm about 150 miles away its a bit of a drive.
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The coastal PNW is perfect. A cruise ship just went by.
Very very pretty.
ugh same i miss the beach so much :/
this beach looks really familiar wtf
almost like the one i grew up near...
i donโ€™t think i can exist as a real person iโ€™m not capable of that
Just be imaginary then
>Some kind of retinol product
I like this to start because it's pretty weak to get your skin used to it. I would not wear this if you're not in the habit of sunscreen every day though. You're probably mostly fine if you just wash off the retinol from over night in the morning but why risk it. Wear sunscreen if you've been using retinol!!
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"the queen of mtfg"
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Could never live inland away from the ocean. Or go mad.
i love wasting my limited time on earth
i wanna be kuween whens my turn
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>doing my injection
>watching a youtube video on my phone
>ad comes up right as i stick the needle in so can't skip it
>alliance defending freedom ad about how sex is unchangeable
the telescreen knows

i don't wear men's suits dummy
also suit isn't risky for any gender it just stands out more now
it is pretty but it makes me worry about the future seeing it. like, it can't be good for the trees yk, what happens to all the trees when it keeps happening and getting worse every year :/
*king of mtfg
clearly the queen is sissy frotter maiq
i canโ€™t be a woman i canโ€™t be anything

ufufu? or haato? that looks like that dutch guy, i can't quite remember the name... hono? i think?

>i don't wear men's suits dummy
why wear ill fitting clothes if you're trying to look sharp
You're never too old to change for the better.

Even if it feels that way, be sure you face the logical side of things, too. You can be productive, even a little bit a week, and eventually that will accumulate into a better, stronger you. (An important step to this is measuring your progress so you can get over any delusions that nothing is getting better!)

Everyone has their own nature and nurture so to speak that has directed their life path. You can't compare yourself to them when they've had different opportunities or adversities they've had to face. You can only take what others have done or learned and it might possibly work for you, too. You'll make your own path, and whether it's faster, slower, or different is nothing to be ashamed of. Just don't let yourself get stuck like a deer in headlights. Large piles of rocks are made by stacking a bunch of small ones (or something like that).
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Was feeling down so stuck some googly eyes on my succulent
I heard mono rapes her dog after she finishes raping Kat

thanks nonny
maybe i should reread made in abyss, it has a similar message of accumulation of small progresses
ur post is better tho cause it doesn't have incest furry shota loli fetish porn
sorry, incest furry amputee shota loli fetish porn*
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i believe in your continued survival and succession in your dreams regardless of the people you have lost ( ๏ฝก๏ฝฅ_๏ฝฅ๏ฝก)ไบบ(๏ฝก๏ฝฅ_๏ฝฅ๏ฝก )
Grace is fat and has a sunken face that looks like a pig and thinks ffs is going to help even slightly, lol!
hilarious coming from you
someone high fived me recently and i can't remember who it was
it was me
Paige did you eat
whoever it was they said "good job" or something along with it i really cant remember it was nice but my memory is so bad that i really cant remember
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unrelated lookit my donkey plush ; -;
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i creepin up on these hoes with a mothafuckin shot gun
hey hows the sliding into ppls dms every day to weasel back into the discord and Just Generally Being Mono situation going for u
worried about how many people lurk here.....what if high five person lurks here......:0
not mono but it's ok if you think that. also you're fat and gross lmao!
>why wear ill fitting clothes if you're trying to look sharp
couldn't agree more, that's why i don't wear men's suits ;p
why is it wearing a diaper
lol cope
it's got on a tiny fuzzy hoodie with a unicorn horn on it!! its a donkeycorn!!!!!
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is that u kevin wendell crumb
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oh i like that
The only plushes I have are Blahaj and a bunch of Florkofcows plushes
those who suck on cock
my plushie collection is slowly growing and i am ecstatic about it
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you are adorable
>over 40 year old midlife crisis trannys be like
youre a hugboxer ugh :3
eventually we gotta accept what we are and live it yk
kek where are ur cat ears
My family keeps trying to give me more and more plushes. But i have those ones shoved in a box because I don't have room for them anywhere.
Where am i supposed to put a 'glass of milk' plush?
My shelves are full as they are...
>i never got to be a teenage girl so ig i'll just larp as one as a 42 year old
>it's just who i truly am u guise gawd
am i going through a midlife crisis at 26
did u not have plushies as a kid???
bold of u to assume she had anything as a kid uwu
i didn't
well, she did...
she got beat, im sure.
Why don't I feel happy that I got a job? I just saved myself from having to live with my parents again, but I don't feel happy? The fuck?
Because working fuckin sucks.
Is it a job in a field you're interested in?
Not all of can be blessed with the fembrain required to have an appreciation of plushies
It is. Pharmacy Tech for CVS, which I did back pre-transition as well.
Would you be interested in going back to school to be a pharmacist?
Pharmacology scares me because the class year ahead of me said Pharmacology made them want to die, and they're mad smart.
Somewhat. There's part of me that wants to be working in medicine in some way. But I don't think I'm smart enough for it.
do u think mongo realizes that kat is essentially just her drug whore and only wants her for her money? or has she deluded herself into thinking she loves her?
damn that's a lot to catch up on
do u think anon realizes that all of this is meaningless? that we're in control of what we do every day, and anon is free to choose better? or has she not reached that state of mind, where everything is beautiful? where there's so much good in front of her, but she can't see it yet?
The great thing about medicine is that its about working hard than it is about being smart.
Theres people in my class that I believe are dumb as fuck in a lot of ways. But god damn do they make amazing study partners.
Our group locks in for 8+ hours some days and makes sure we all understand by the end of it. It helps that we make study guides and what not with Anki and flash cards and that helps us remember.
this reads like something I would post
CVS does have college tuition assistance. Maybe it's time I apply myself, and become a Pharmacist.

I know Pharmacists make damn good money. I've been taking medication my entire life. Age 7 I used an inhaler and took anti-anxiety medication.

Pre-teens to late teens I took that same anxiety medication doubled the dose though.

Early 20s took ADHD medication and started having to use an inhaler again.

Late 20s, early 30s, HRT, anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety meds. My whole life feels like the only reason I'm alive is because of medication.
the outside looks like silent hill today its such a gorgeous fog
i wish i could finish school without having to work through it in jobs i hate until i'm qualified for jobs i don't hate
why couldn't i be a trust fund baby
>on anti-anxiety medication at 7yrs old
Very jealous. I love the way autumn and winter make my area look. Right now it's scorching hot. I've been hiding from the sun for weeks. I only leave at night.
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we have our moments of clarity before falling back into dissociation..!
I have had anxiety my entire life. Suffered my first anxiety attack at 6 years old over a friend in first grade deciding to stop being friends randomly.
why would i start now
I've never worked and did school at the same time myself. I took out a ton of loans and went all in.
I don't know the acceptance rate for pharmacy school, but i reckon its at least B average, so take it slow.
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today is the coldest day in a while. the last week or so has been mid 80s to high 90s and suddenly it's chilly autumn fog. i'm thankful but i wish it would do this while i'm working
that's called having a tantrum bc ur an autistic 6 year old
That's beautiful. Perfect weather for walking and music. Probably to link related


Cold weather brings out the happiness in me. The sun is so overrated.
I don't even remember anything from being 6 years old except that Paige. That is my only memory from before I was 8.
oh jeez not even plushies ugh
no she didnt lol
ya right im tuff chad
it is supremely wonderful. i love the chilly rain & especially fog / thunderstorms more than any other weather
you haven't changed much in the intervening 24 years
lol nta obviously but they put me on anti anxiety meds at 12 and had me on amitriptyline at 10. the american health system is bananas
According to my mom I have. She claims when I was a child I was extremely happy, and really loved meeting people when I would take my medication that is. She once said in the car when I was driving and still living with her and I got a bit roadragey
>You know what happened deadname? You used to be such a happy little boy.
This was pre-trans.
I'm a passoid who basically never gets clocked but I've been thinking about wearing a she/her pin around for good optics what do y'all think?
Oh also when I attempted a few months and went to the psych ward, my mom said she wanted to come up here and I told her no. In all honesty, I kinda regret that choice.
My mom said I was always a gloomy shy weirdo when I was younger. But that made her 'love me more'.
Never got medicated until I was old enough to see a doctor myself lol.
you attempted when u were 6??
I recently removed my tranny pin from my bag and flag emoji from social media when I realized only other trannies clock me so I guess it makes sense you'd wanna do the opposite.
If you want to be a beacon for the hons, go for it.
Normies tend to be nicer to passing trannys, and in turn maybe be nice to ugly ones.
ya'll are fucking losers
No. I'm saying I attempted a few months ago Paige, I posted on here when I got out of the psych ward, and my mom wanted to come see me, and I told her no, and I regret that.
i aint going anywhere near that shit, dog. i'll be real
weren't you there for like 10 minutes
you should've let her visit you
pring you's a fat fuckin bitch made ass nigga hoe
Was there for a day. From 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

I know I should have.
i thought you were dying desu
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I want a cute autistic chubby troon gf
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im working on not being chubby, sorry bub.
well as long as you have a nice fat butt and are autistic (autism is non-negotiable)
better than bein there for a week
I'm working on being chubby
if im maxed on osrs does that mean i have autism
>maxed on osrs
holy based
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like i care you ugly ass bitch made faggot tell me again how much you ain't coming like i give a fuck lol as if I wanna talk to an ugly retarded anon pussy ass bitch bro like please who the fuck do you think you're talking too lmfao
come here bitch talk to me on vc like you'tre not a bitch made little queer and maybe i'll tell you about
>who the fuck do you think you're talking too lmfao
a meth addicted pedo i guess
As much as I'm glad I'm finally on the path towards a better life, I can't help but feel like I wasted the most important years of my transition. I wish I did everything sooner. Or even slightly later. I picked a really inconvenient time to go public.

This isn't meant to sound negative
As much as I know I went the right direction in life
I got lost when I found her
I'll never get those years back
maxed osrs is very cute, I'm maxing out melvor idle right now
I can't jerk off with you in vc rn I'm watching a movie
Its all part of the process. Just focus on whats next.
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I wish I wasn't so busy, I really want to play again.
its been like a year
I haven't touched my most recent character in months
the folly of adhd is I'm guaranteed to burn myself out on any game that consistently gets me to hyperfocus
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blah blah blah I don't speak bitch made breh
oh stfu hoe ass nigga
can u draw a glass of milked knocked over and crying, but to the side theres some monogloid saying 'don't cry over spilt milk, heh'
Those legs arent attached to a butt wtf
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lol are you catfishing with this twinks pic?
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Omg! Slay queen!
hell yeah
need death
need life
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not as good as emo but i liked the prompt so have a bonus one
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Lets gooooo
I love that we discover some stupid shit that is being used in every day items that has been killing us every generation! WOOO
i like this one too
im the pathetic one? look in the mirror
hahah that gendy tartarovsky or w/e his name was type style. great job.
need grilled cheese

and yet you do the same... so very interesting...
>falling male fertility
karma is real and it's blinder than justice
i am looking for henrai magna or comics with the following themes:
any advice on which sites to start out with?
try /d/
dude... sadpanda
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kek got me i can't help it
i don't even mean to copy pre-new-calarts cartoon network just lives rent free in my brain
also this boi

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