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>age started hrt
>n of months into hrt when you started malefailing
I'm curious
cute boymoder
-12 technically but not really consistently until maybe 6 months or so
>i have no idea i havent been outside in so long
18 and i don’t remember how many months, just that it was less than 6 i think… i made no effort to hide my voice training
Started at 18, first male fail was somewhere around 20 or 21. Idk, it's been so long I don't really remember the early years of my transition that much anymore. I pass now, that's what really matters to me, I don't care too much about the past.
started at 22. I’ve like… incidentally malefailed a few times but I don’t consistently malefail. first time was around 6 months in. I’ll be 3 years HRT in august, my most recent malefail was in October when a customer at work called me “miss”. although in fairness I don’t really leave the house much except to go to work.
starting point?
>1 more month i’m sure
I failed to be born entirely male. got some scars, pass a testicle stone a month. I got tiny boobs as a teenager and passed them off as pecs to some success.
22. I literally said “started at 22”

t. asian twinkhon
i'm at 21 months rn so it probably will never happen
started at 18/almost 19
im 4 years in
picrel is me
25 and what is malefailing exactly? you're supposed to dress as a female before you get hormones
>not yet
It has been 3 years...
i should kill myself
Im 23. My life is so fucking pointless
I've been a failure of a man since puberty
i dressed as a male until i started male failing so that way i knew people wouldn’t see me as a tranny when i girlmode
Started hrt at 23
Malefail ex pre hrt as a long haired twink
Three and a half years hrt still don’t pass
but looking back on it I really don't know how, because I still looked really masculine at that point.
- (negative) 10
>hasnt happened after 3 years hrt
why yes, i am killing myself next month, thanks for asking
6 months
>27, it was pretty rare even after ffs but I just got BA and get gendered female most of the time now even tho I definitely don't pass
you got fucked with a face that sexy but masculine. I'm so sorry
16, I'm 29 now and I still don't pass after FFS. I boymode and I mailfail a lot as long as I don't speak but I'm definitely not anywhere close to passing.
oh god i hope i dont end up like you
I was either not gendered or occasionally referred to with she/her a few months before hrt while working in retail after i grew out my hair and started laser. My coworkers caught on to the fact that I'm probably a tranny and bullied me for it thoughbeit.

t. round face doe eyed slavic phenotype
Yeah, I should just kill myself. I'm having more surgery next month but I'm sure that it still won't make me pass.
maybe youre just really brainwormed
what does passgen say?
It depends on the angle and lighting I guess. I'm a gigahon though.

https://unsee cc/album#zPAthPPxf00a
you set it to one view
Oh my bad, I changed it.
expanded facial planes strike again
Yeah I know, how over is it for me?
you have villain eyebrows maybe fix that first
What is even the point, fixing my eyebrows isn't going to make me pass. I'm getting a forehead contouring and a genioplasty done next month but I'll still look like a hon after that.
I never malefailed a single time in my life until I started girlmoding upon which I passed consistently. Pretty sure it's a psyop.
you should get more opinions desu im very brainwormed and horrible at giving people advice
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>9 months
i should say that it's happens on very rare occasion still at 25 months
its always nice to see you post <3
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thanks anon :D
here have haj
I'll be honest I don't really remember when I started to malefail but I did start to go full fem around the 6 months mark ish I think
I remember it being a very mixed and awkward period
>4 months hrt

I stopped getting gendered at all at 8 months hrt tho and havent malefailed since (its over) and now Im at 1 yr hrt
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>its complicated
soo..ya uh i malefailed (from behind) pre-hrt (especially in the colder months) but im not really sure how consistently? because i only leave my house for work so i dont really remember interactions outside of that but i do know my mom would get mad when i got called "she" when we were out shopping or whatever and she would always say something like "no no hes a boy!" whenever that would happen
anyway ya im 4 months in right now and im starting to get she/they from the front too but i thinks thats more because i have noticeable boobs (fat) than because i actually pass as female
but its probably just people being nice and not wanting to make some troon spazz out i think
but ya depends on how i do my hair that day if i wear makeup if i actually wear clothes that fit me instead of my usual 2 sizes too big stuff blah blah blah that contributes to me malefailing or not
>8 months
That anon probably meant height, weight, etc.
never ever
14 months and still working on it (Im 6'3" it's never going to happen while manmoding)
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You are so hot omg, I'm so sorry you don't pass
>short answer: 3mo long answer:
(percentages are approximations based on interactions with people i hadn't seen before)
>12-14 years old: malefail rate 30% to 60%
i don't remember any of my childhood or adolescence but i still have my diaries from then and i wrote down every time it happened in a little table
>15-16: probably like 10%
it's hard to know though, because i became super depressed and never interacted with anyone new
istg the entirety of puberty occurred in the last 12 months before i got on hrt
>0mo after hrt: probably like 15%
>3mo: prolly like 50%
>6mo: prolly like 80%
i should probably girlmode but i'm just so scared
notice to all boymoders: to malefail you have to actually interact with new people. i "never malefail" in my day to day life because most days i don't interact sufficiently with people who i've never interacted with before
same situation here. unironically being a youngshit only increases ur chance of passing, doesnt guarantee instant passoid status at all
we can kill ourselves together anonette <3
>Malefailed 6 months in.
I started HRT at 28 and I was sometimes but rarely malefailing even up until I started HRT, after about a year on HRT I never get gendered male if I put any effort into feminine presentation
>i guess im malefailing 50% ish percent of the time 18 months in
i was gigamanmoding for most of my early transition though
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>start hrt at 30
>no malefailing despite 41 months of hrt and 1 month post ffs
that demands an unsee
started malefailing 6-12
passing 18+
im not interested in being in hon compilations
started at 25
mailfailing after maybe 9 months, consistently passing only after 24 + ffs. still get sired if i speak without trained voice though
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I've been on hrt for 4 and a half years and haven't malefailed even once
Use the picture with your mother, idiot
Your selfies always are terrible
I'm not posting my mom on 4chan retard
nta but why can't you just block out her face?
It would still be deranged
already had androgynous face so once the first slight voice drop hit it was 50/50 if i got gendered male or not
started 16 yo, boymoded til i could move out of my dad's. starting malefailing about 6mo in? also girls started asking me out which was funny.
if you girlmoded and covered up your weird hairline with bangs you would pass. u look like female michael cera
You look like a fucking peasant
who cares
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>haven't started
>already malefailed
just go around old people who can't see shit, having long hair is enough
>pre hrt
>between 1 and 3 years
15 is midshit you retard; I call myself a midshit and you should too
sorry anon (_)
omfg the transgender pysche is irreparably damage jesus christ
girl please
i remember when no one even really said "midshit" then all the people who started hrt at 16 or whatever needed something to complain about, and now it's 15, and then in a year it'll be 14, until "youngshit" is only when you literally haven't been touched by a single drop of testosterone, and then all the youngshits will make a word to complain about the fact they can't get srs
you're not a midshit you're a mentally ill youngshit and so am i
Youngshit: <10
Lateshit: >12
>and then all the youngshits will make a word to complain about the fact they can't get srs
i remember when transmeds told me to go off my blockers or else i wouldnt be able to get srs or that i would die from osteoporosis before getting it
youngshit: everyone who transitioned younger than me
midshit: literally me
oldshit: everyone who transitioned older than me
a lot of this is hair+eyebrows, fix those and then see how you shape up
um. i think that's a valid definition for midshit though? i'm this anon >>36248942 but idt me falling in a range that i'd call a midshit while others would call a youngshit matters in the way you think it does. it's not that it's just about throwing a pity party but that we're more aware of the differences between being a truyoungshit and being a "youngshit."
*for youngshit i'm retarded srry
I'm a malefail since before HRT teehee :3
i mailfailed 2 years in but never since
yeah it's like that isn't it
it's a good definition for gigayoungshit, sure, that's what gigayoungshit means. youngshit doesn't mean gigayoungshit
yea i just wish i could appreciate my looks more desu. being trans is so silly
thank u lol i hope i get over it
i tried that for a couple years and i was honestly happier but i looked like shit. id need some serious work to pass, i imagine i could with ffs but my torso is so fucked that i think my best option in terms of personal satisfaction is to just continue trying to enjoy being a man
>18 months in

I went to a bbq soft girlmoding(that is, I has plausible deniability while wearing women's clothing, cute tank top and pants) and a girl there thought I was a cis lesbian. First time. Feels pretty nice, or it would if I had the capacity to believe that about myself :/.
>never rlly "malefailed", started girlmoding as a twinkhon (5 months) and now pass consistently (13 months).
>age started hrt
>n of months into hrt when you started malefailing
Never fully passed as male to begin with
>age started hrt
>n of months into hrt when you started malefailing
>way before hrt online in video chats and stuff, still dont pass irl cuz 6'0
>blockers at 16 estrogen right after turning 17
>hard to say. social transition at 3 mo but probably didnt pass for 6 more. went stealth 10 months
so basically i think the results of this thread are if you don't pass after 9 months hrt you should kill yourself/stop taking e and rep
if you dont start at 18/19 its over.
>idk people avoid gendering me in public
I think ur pretty, you should get bangs and pierce ur ears I think they’d both help u pass
>21 but i was 2 months away from 22, so 22

>dresses like a fuck boy zoomer
>wonders why she doesn't pass
facts fr on god no cap senpai
8 months in, my ugly ass is not malefailing
ugh so pretty
4th year boymoding, still malefail on the frequent, but I still look like a moid 3:
>never happened at 3 years on hrt
tfw if i was born a little earlier the cultural tranny acceptance would probably be enough for me to transtition in high school.

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