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Previous: >>36243433
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It is now 8AM, anon-sama.
Soon, anon-sama.
Hello, Calamity Jane-sama.
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Man I miss Runescape...
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Its still going, friend.
Better than its ever been (oldschool runescape)
I need to start playing, hope I have time
I know it is, I tried it, but it just didn't feel the same. Maybe I'm just a bitter adult
Thats fair, I kinda wished they kept the early game untouched, but the game must go on i suppose.
I have the 'number must go up' autism, so I can't stop playing. Otherwise I try to replace it with unfun idle games.
not having a good time
why not?
why does no one love me
r u weird looking
I love you little tranner. Unless you're blobby.
Being alone is so hard, but I'm sure people can still care about you
extremely depressed
deeply hate myself
literally years away from any actual progress in my life
>literally years away from any actual progress in my life
in a way, isn't it good to have progress ahead of you instead of behind you?
once you achieve all your goals you dont have anything left to do but die
Can't help ya with depressing and self loathing... buuut.
>years away from any actual progress
how long we talkin?
what progress?
are you making short term goals to reach your long term goals?
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its so funny seeing people from the past predict how geopolitics was gonna evolve
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>friend wants to travel overseas to hang out w me
sounds fun but also a bit awkward for someone to spend that much money just to meet up.

numbers in osrs just aren't big enough imo. i wanna break games to hit that integer overflow if possible.
sorry. i hate myself too because i'm so fucking ugly and permanently male. my mood goes up sometimes but its usually super low like right now i'm prob gonna cry before sleeping again.
>awkward for someone to spend that much money just to meet up
Depends where you live.
I live in LA and have a ton of foreign homies that want to visit to see me and sight see, and its not too weird.
But if youre in the middle of bumfuck Nebraska, then its a little odd.
Is there anybody in there?
You're probably very cute
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>sight see in LA
ya i really wanna vacation by spending 2 hours a day on the 10 hauling around
Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?
I went to LA so many times to see friends. And there is always something new you can do. It's one of the best location to repeatedly visit.
>are you making short term goals to reach your long term goals?
try to improve my physical health even more by going to the gym nearby my campus once the semester starts
literally just try to survive until ffs in sept
get my permit and do nothing with it bc i cant afford driving lessons or a car
>what progress?
real job
actually being satisfied with how i look (lol)
mentally "healing"
>how long we talkin?
literally 3-4 years for my college degree
i dont even know if i can complete it bc my family might decide to move again and ill have to put everything on hold
every time i see stuff like this brought up i think about how good uyghur food is and how much people love it in china
also lold at "the nomads" that manga seems cool i'll pick it up
I do warn them all against it, but disneyland and universal is rather tempting.
My least favourite part is taking people to see the hollywood sign and the walk of fame.
But they like seeing all the 'rare' cars and stuff we run across there.
there;s like an inverse square law between how close you are to LA and how much you hate it i think lol lol.
unless ur in the industry there's just no reason to be there. Dago is actually nice af and you dont need to deal with the LA bullshit
I applied to UCSD and really wanted to go there just to get out of LA, but then I got accepted to UCLA. Being a 'better' school and closer to home, I had to stay.
oh thats chill. you arent a serf you can get up and leave when you want to, it's all good. ucla is a good school you're doing fine by going there.
>i dont even know if i can complete it bc my family might decide to move again and ill have to put everything on hold
I think thats the roughest part.
also; you need shorter term goals.
Maybe its because im a weirdo, but I have like weekly to monthly goals I wanna get done.
They can be recurring.
Honestly, just to have some sort of structure and feeling of control of your life.
Going to the gym is a GREAT one.

Like even being satisfied with the way you look can be broken down into these recurring "goals".
Make your hair appointment every 1-2 months
Getting your eyebrows did every few weeks
walk/lift x at the gym by the end of the month
etc. etc.

What are you majoring in?
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only ever heard ppl have a bad time in LA but maybe it's a culture diff. euros and aussies can't handle that pvp zone vibe.

not rly.
It got real bad, mainly because of the homeless people.
Like, some of it is a drug problem, but most of it is a mental illness problem.
State mental hospitals need to come back, 'cause its really bad
most of it's a drug problem.
you can't walk on the beach barefoot cause of sharps
are you a republican now grendy?
i dont believe in political activism. i have no way to impact policy at all. vote blue, vote red, doesn't matter. i just vote on state legislature on a case by case and dont vote for representatives
i dont even thing the republicans can fix the homeless druggy problem in california.
the democrats should be tougher on crime, thats my main issue with them.
dudes with a rap sheet that has 15 prior offences shouldnt be walking the street.
But other than that, its doing well, a lot of their policies to help the poor are great. Medi-cal is slow, but its free and works.
Its a shame they give those same benefits to non-US citizens.
what's the solution to the drug problem? personally i feel like the government needs to supply free drugs if they're going to make the country ass anyway, so people can cope with the dystopian malaise hellscape that they want
this state is shit if you're not middle-upper middle class anon.
i've got no clue, honestly. i feel like the only thing we can do at this point is social reform to try to divert people away from feeling like they need it, unless we accept some extremely totalitarian stuff like death penalty for trafficking and dealing. people don't just get off fent or heroin, for every exception to the rule a dozen others finally get the OD that kicks em. it's also not like people who are seriously hooked can be productive members of society either. people who have good things going for them in life don't turn to that sort of drug abuse, which is why the naive and maybe best answer is that we need to make life not shit for everybody at the bottom rungs of society.
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i like that answer. it shows you're still hopeful and not cynical about life. i think Newsom and the government wants poor people erased, it frees to housing and space for new arrivals from foreign countries, which is what they want here clearly. white Americans under the poverty line are a barrier to progress, and they grew up without anything stable in their life to keep them from becoming dysfunctional. the drugs help erase them
Even 'Middle class' is getting priced out.
Mfers near me want $2500 for a STUDIO apartment.
They're insane.
it's not my country, im just consumer #349,076,864 until someone replaces me
the middle class get to share a studio with 3 other middle class people, and many do and i shouldn't bitch so much.
it seems way to disorganized to me to be some sort of conspiracy like that. i think the reality is just that there's a complete void where the fabric of society used to be. people don't have communities anymore, and so they're more exposed and susceptible to drug abuse. i struggle to see a trajectory from this point where southern california doesnt just become like mexico, where the rich have armed guards and gated communities and the rest just stew in the violence
I live with my mom still and feel no shame about it.
I would rather live alone and closer to my university, but it can't be helped.
Shit sucks for people who don't have that opportunity.
idk what short term goals to look for. i have really bad adhd and fiend for instant gratification on a regular basis
i have goals to get done but it feels awful to not see any sort of tangible immediate rewards especially when what im chasing is extremely important to me
idk im just extremely mentally and physically broken
>What are you majoring in?
computer science
>fiend for instant gratification on a regular basis
Same, thats why I have goals like 'get 100% on all my assignments this week' and that turns into a daily thing of 'i completed part of my goal this week today'
Idk I trick myself by being able to check something off every day.
I'm majoring in BioChem as a premed
i think sweeping away the fabric of society, and the common bonds Americans used to share was a top priority for bankers and the elite class. David Rockefeller described his initiatives in opening trade with China as based on his view that the American economy had nowhere to expand further to meet the needs of shareholders, and therefore we needed to inject the economy with foreign labor to make our goods. The next step in that goal is erasing national sovereignty and borders, because they serve as a roadblock to the open movement of people and goods.. We're at this stage now of open borders for the purpose of legal and illicit trade, and the free flow of migrants with 15 million new immigrants entering since 2021..
Sorry to hear that anon, i know it's hard living with your parents at that age. Hopefully you can spread your wings and find freedom on your own
>Hopefully you can spread your wings and find freedom on your own
If all goes to plan i'm gonna be living with her for 8+ more years lol
But yeah, my own space would be nice.
>i think sweeping away the fabric of society, and the common bonds Americans used to share was a top priority for bankers and the elite class. David Rockefeller described his initiatives in opening trade with China as based on his view that the American economy had nowhere to expand further to meet the needs of shareholders, and therefore we needed to inject the economy with foreign labor to make our goods. The next step in that goal is erasing national sovereignty and borders, because they serve as a roadblock to the open movement of people and goods.. We're at this stage now of open borders for the purpose of legal and illicit trade, and the free flow of migrants with 15 million new immigrants entering since 2021..
you might be right. no matter which way you slice it it's become pretty extremely clear that unmitigated globalism has been extremely bad for the west. no matter who we point the finger towards and get angry at though, we need to come up with a practical solution to the problems we face. i think a lot of people that acknowledge the problems get mad and then never move forward from there to policy claims for how to unfuck the situation. i like mexicans so idrc that theres 15 million more of them but i care about the economy being destroyed by the US debt bubble popping within 10 years and the complete collapse of infrastructure and cities.
>i like mexicans so idrc that theres 15 million more of them
Tbh, once we get into a trade war with china and move all of our outsourced labor to mexico I think that situation will sort itself out eventually.
US can help with prosperity, but idk if it can help with corruption and drug cartels the normal people of mexico have been stuck with.
Didn't finish...
I'm more worried about people coming from other countries and flying into mexico to cross the border.
People from India should not be coming in from mexico illegally, thats insane and the problem is getting worse
the US has massively mismanaged its politics for hundreds of years, but most egregiously in the 20th century
We established the monroe doctrine for a reason, because American countries have a mutual interest in each other's affairs. We should have created positive relations with Latin America and worked to develop each other's economies, rather than trying to stamp out anybody whose interests didn't align perfectly with ours. Instead, we plucked the wings off of countless countries by supporting military dictatorships and created violence and instability that flowed out through the entire region.
im not even sure how to adress the problem now, i think it might be too late.
>People from India should not be coming in from mexico illegally, thats insane and the problem is getting worse
yeah, it is insane. the fact it's being allowed is treasonous.
i think total freedom of movement is a great thing. borders are kind of crazy
>the fact it's being allowed is treasonous.
Like, I don't want to start calling for a Korean DMZ lite, on our border, but idk what else we could do.
They're just ganna keep breaking the fences, keep tunneling under, boat around...
Who knows.
a country is a living thing like any other.
it needs to be enclosed by a membrane to stay alive. the rule of law can't exist without jurisdictions. i think that if you believe that we can live in a world without countries you're naive.
who knows, yeah. i think it's just too late.
what the fuck r u retards talking about
are big male shoulders and chests a problem for bras? should i expect to have to go up a size or two or not
also when im here sports bras have the same sizing right?
sex with dads, but not really that shits scary
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Finally my live has stabilized after figuring out other issues to now figuring out im probably trans at fucking TWENTY FOUR. Is it over? How do i work this.
sports bras sometimes dont have cup vs band and just have 1 side.
>are big male shoulders and chests a problem for bras?
go up 1 size on your band and calculate cups accordingly. male ribcages have a bigger difference in circumference between underbust and bust
> Is it over?
it's all genetics. doesnt matter if you start at 24 as opposed to 18 or whatever post-puberty is post puberty.
>How do i work this.
transition asap. always better than putting it off. get on hrt, voice train, get laser, figure out how to make clothes work, look into surgery. try not to boymode for too long
okay thank you thank you
i dont even feel like a >woman. I feel/want to be a transwoman.
no just transition and stop being a bitch
that might be how you feel on the inside but to most normies their subconscious can only process female and male so you have to pick one and live with it.
>now figuring out im probably trans at fucking TWENTY FOUR
...did you not have dysphoria before then?
How do you know if its gender dysphoria vs fear of getting older or maybe just a want to be pretty.
I was busy being suicidal and getting a job. I never really cared about gender or THE BODY or whatever. But yeah for sure never wanted to present male just kind of got funneled into it.
dysphoria is different for everyone.
i wanted to stab myself in the throat when i saw i was developing an adams apple and growing facial hair.
when i was a kid, we're talking like 7 or 8 i would pray to the devil to be a girl because god was ignoring me i was so desperate.
but most tend to notice around puberty, and if they internalize it, they get severely depressed and distressed.
Im autistic so my life problems need a progression going from : getting a stable foundation/ solving the most pressing issues (in a mental hierarchy just like food and urination is more important in the moment than figuring out what art you like the most) and then working from that stable foundation.
can u touch ur pp
>But yeah for sure never wanted to present male just kind of got funneled into it
well you better be sure. we're talking permanent changes here.
i know therapy isnt an option for everyone, but talking to someone professional about this stuff can help you sort it out, and even tell you if you're showing signs of gender dysphoria
I think ill just take some acid and iron it out thanks. It was a slow but constant growth. I dont think i would ever be 100% about something like this as i said i wish there was a third gender.
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>want to go for a run
>mum has a friend visiting
>don't want to disturb them
>no run
sneak out your window
sneak back in
bingo bango
why is your mom's friend visiting this early anyway?
There's no shame in being feminine or androgynous, but taking medicine to transition into a woman is a very very big step.
Be informed is all i'm saying.
Its like 8 hours i saw transpeople being happy and i was like "i want to be like those COOL WOMEN"
Yossss thank u anon. What a great age to be something in between.
>sneak out your window
can't, the window in my room is blocked by a bunch of stuff
>why is your mom's friend visiting this early anyway?
she got here yesterday, spent the night. i think she's going home today but idk what time
i'll just write it off as a skip day and try again tomorrow
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You kinda sound like you're having a mental breakdown, not gonna lie
>sound like you're having a mental breakdown
This is how i talk and am always. I just think its something i have to do in this life. Like thinking i am above self-expression for some reason is way more EGO. Im not a fucking monk.
>can't, the window in my room is blocked by a bunch of stuff
fire hazard, retard. sort it out
I love my family a lot a lot a lot but they have a lot of personal growth to do still. My cousin transitioned and they all were calling him a pervert behind their ears.
I wasnt expecting it from people who literally were mostly fine with me dating guys and shit.

Why do i HAVE to be the karma lesson for my parents like.
I hate when my relatives visit and i have to creep around so as to not make noise because they're too cheap to stay a hotel, so they sleep in the living room
i mean i could easily get out of the window by shoving stuff out of the way but that would make a mess

kek shit sucks, i feel like i have to hold my breath even and anxiously listen to their conversation to see if they say anything about how shitty i am
are you talking to someone or just diary posting?
you're not replying to anyone so idk what the fuck youre talking about.
Lmao we're so alike in that way. My chuddy relatives from the south always make sure to drop the fact they hate gays and trans people into the conversation, because apparently it's noteworthy
Its not just about self expression you'll get breasts and probably be infertile for life. Its not a fashion statement youre irrevocably changing the course of your life.
>My cousin transitioned and they all were calling him a pervert behind their ears.
holy based
>mostly fine with me dating guys
what kind of guys

lol my uncle's wife asked my mother if i was gay once because i had a handbag
im talking to you specifically and also trying to trigger other people with similiar POV to share their exp.
Gay and trans arent the same. My parents were cool with me being gay but they flipped when i came out as trans. Theyre totally seen differently
Old people are so old
Being trans IS actually a quirky chungus fashion choice. MY body is NOT my home. Im dressing up my little video game avatar.
my grandma was a diehard christian, hosted summer bible schools, prayed 2 hours every night, thought gay people were unnatural, etc.
but she caved in with me being trans because i was basically rotting away in my room from depression.
sat me down with the closest planned parenthood website pulled up and made me make an appointment.
she did her own research about it and drove me an hour away to my first appointment to get me started.
that was almost 9 years ago now.
i'd prob be dead if it wasn't for her.
i miss her a lot.
Thats sweet. Your grandma sounds like a good person. My grandma got terminal cancer while i was boymoding so i chise not to come out before she died, and since my grandfather was grieving i still haven't told him.
People can totally change. Behaviors are kept because they are reinforced by INACTION from other people in the group.
>Your grandma sounds like a good person
she was. she supported me when my dad wanted nothing to do with me when I tried to come out to him when I was 16.
i hope you get a chance to tell your grandfather if you think you're able.

i think it hits a lot harder when its someone you know, too.
like how some homophobic parents are suddenly no longer homophobic when their kids come out.
but probably wouldn't care if the neighbor's kid came out
For better or for worse queerness being something that happens to someone you know helps the bigot humanize them and empathise with them on a level thats deeper than surface level facebook propaganda.
I am going to try and NOT be mad at my parents spoiling my siblings with things we couldnt afford when we were poor.
This is a metaphor for spiritual and cultural growth of the bigoted
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>i hope you get a chance to tell your grandfather if you think you're able.
He doesnt like transgender. I feel like i shouldnt say it. I actually havent come out to any family before they just grabbed my bboobs and made me explain myself
this is what a real christian is, people who shits on christianity are stupid
What can I put in the tank with Minnows? https://youtu.be/VLZHNKDBJgA
Like, religion is not/ should not be stagnant. Its an ethical base that you have to keep reapplying to different issues. I dont see how living your true self would be against it.
TFW me altering my body IS actually me being above it.
>I actually havent come out to any family before they just grabbed my bboobs and made me explain myself.
i'm sorry that happened to you :(
my family just eventually noticed, and since i wasn't making a fool of myself they let it be
(minus my dad who still berates me about it to this day)
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is she a tranny
Looks like you grabbed it from a video, post the video.
They just looks like a cis girl with bad eyebrows from this pic
>that voice
100% cis. not even 3 seconds in
why is her channel so trannycoded also I'm pretty sure I've heard voicegen do better
girls can be autistic too, anon.
i realized i have to detransition. I've been manmoding for the two worst years of my life
gm homosegsuals
Havnt woken up past noon in nearly 10years
Feels weird.
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Life as a trans lesbian is pain!
my insecurity tells me most cis women want a trad man or another cis lesbian and that I can never find a cis partner.
I'm most interested in women because that's what I want to be like and what I'm most attracted to. I'd also date a guy or a trans girl ofc cause I'm bisexual. I want to experience dating a cis f as a trans woman. Maybe I just want the validation and love from someone I am attracted to, idk.
I'm still boymoding so everyone deadnames me constantly calls me sir.
I have anxiety about being alone and feel like I'm never gonna be good enough or what someone would want.
I am anti social and cripplingly nervous around new people so I don't go out so I am not getting enough social life to even meet anyone to have those chances
I am on hrt and feel dysphoric all the time
why can't I find love?
mroning fag
>im a lesbian
>im also bisexual
>i see trans women as men and am only willing to settle for one because im bi
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wasnt able to sleep, oh well
the only thing thats really annoying about it fro me is that i get a really bad stomach ache the next day whenever i dont sleep at night
I didn't mean to phrase it like that. I just mean that I am most attracted to cis women but I'd date other as well and no problem with that. Trans women are women, I'm just talking about how I have 0 rizz
i think not wanting to date a transwoman because youre a lesbian is fine some people really don't like penis.
just like how i wouldn't date a trans man because i really don't like vaginer.
even though i'm straight only.
>I am anti social and cripplingly nervous around new people so I don't go out so I am not getting enough social life to even meet anyone to have those chances
>I am on hrt and feel dysphoric all the time
>why can't I find love?
reverse the order of these lines and you have your answer
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its 5am, gren.
its time to party
im definitely healthy and not doing my school work before going to bed by 7am
I mean, I like dick like the rest of 'em, but sometimes I just want a woman to snuggle with, okay! >.< is that too much to ask for?
That's what I meant by "it's hard for trans lesbians"
I am more into femme overall and being lonely sucks
happy for you fren
:3 have the best company to wake with
>why can't I find love?
>I am anti social and cripplingly nervous around new people so I don't go out
well theres yer prob
lazy days are based tho
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dang, I came here for life advice and didn't expect to get roasted. fair enough, I just don't know how to get my feelings across very well. sorry if I unintentionally sounded rude to anyone, I just was venting some specific frustrations.
r u weird looking
yeah, I am working on it by doing social things, it just sucks when the social stuff brings me more anxiety and gender dysphoria/gender envy.

Nah, trans women are women and I said I'd date one as much. T4T is nice. I just was trying to express my insecurity with dating cis women ever since transitioning and my insecurities of not being good enough.
those who suck cocks
>dating is hard when looking for a cis lesbian partner
>i'm willing to date men and transwomen but i am currently looking for a cis girl for something new
>it is very hard
>i am very uggy because i haven't tried to be a woman
>but since i am still socially a man there should be no reason for lesbians, especially cis ones, to look in my direction.
>forever boymoder
>i am here to complain into the void

I look like Shia Labeouf
pretty average but my natural looks aren't helping me in the femininity department at all, it would take a lot of work for me to transition fully. so I like to be kinda androgynous non binary and I can do drag and keep transitioning and just try to get that life as much as I can.
its crazy how much cuter jp vtubers are than en vtubers
there are very few good en vtubers that can stand with the jp ones
im sure there are straight women out there who would date a fem guy, just don't get hung up on chasing lesbians bc that's creepy and they're not into you
>i am very uggy because i haven't tried to be a woman
i love filian but shes not cute. she gets the same itch for me as marine or someone like that. the good en vtubers arent like "cute" vtubers
whats that one retard one with the pink hair and her eyes go sideways sometimes.
i like that one
>watching vtubers
for what purpose
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lol yeah, pretty much
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i havent watched their stream, but i see their clips often because florkofcows interacted with them a lot when they were super small.
good meowning mtfg
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yeah, don't mind me and my ramblings.
hope everyone has a nice day <3
oh, i havent seen any of her streams either. seems cool. im just watching korone rn cause shes live
what is the appeal of vtubers
its cronge
it's just cringe
i thought she was a dog, why is she a christmas tree now
its christmas
youll find lurve anon just be vulnerable and curious about ppl
Why are trannies so cute
have you gone on twitter?
you'd be taking that back, anon
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they aren't
I don't use twitter, I'd have never talked to a tranny if it wasn't for this place
in the romantic sense dont be weird
thank you. thats good advice. :3
what vidya do y'all play? I've been playing some fallout and paper mario lately
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>I'd have never talked to a tranny if it wasn't for this place
then you've only talked to the good ones.
There's always some bad apples, the good ones are the only ones that matter
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imagine being this delusional lol
the boards in shambles
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im one of the good ones
No, you're a retard is what you are
Prove it.
no im smart
hehe funny joke
Yeah you're not one of the cute ones, please don't reply to me ever again I only want the cute ones
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why is discord messaging me.
who gave them my discord tag?
sneed harder lasagna

1.What music have you listened to recently
2. Post ankle
Prove it.
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>Post ankle
How scandalous!
have any of you gone to a psychiatrist/therapist for hrt? how'd it go?
I have a trans friend who I fear might detrans, is it hurtful to aggressively say things to keep her trans? She will never be a man, she's well past the point of no return, she has had several laser sessions and can't grow any significant amounts of facial hair anymore. Without a beard, she will always look girly. You are a girl!
i live in an informed consent state, thankfully.
but one of my friends just treated it like a normal psych visit, but focused around their dysphoria.
and it went fine.
if you don't have dysphoria, youre ganna have a hard time because you shouldnt be transitioning in the first place
it is for them to decide. you can point them in the right direction talking about how hard they worked on their transition. but if they want to call it quits, thats up to them.
You COULD be pretty COULD also be NOT
That tum tum does seem to be begging for some kisses however
it was pretty chill, but i was already on hrt at the time. no questions asked really
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>cool for cats - squeeze
>til the ocean takes us all - cat empire
>c'mon c'mon - von bondies
>me, i disconnect from you - tubeway army
>c'est beau la bourgeoisie - discobitch
>engrish bwud - man man
>perfekte welle - juli
>thou shalt always kill - dan le sac vs scroobius pip
>futari no rainy day - meiko nakahara

>im so pretty
>covers face
i did, went fine
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I want laser so fucking bad, shaving sucks. always feel better after shaving though
Okay you cute, which one of you wants to be my gf
post biceps + wrists
i got told laser wouldnt work that well for me because i'm a red head.
I am defeated
rhea ripley isn't a tranny, why post her pics


Yeah you cute but I have no wrists :[
My wrists are tiny it's over
oh man tfw gooner calls you a newfag
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when i was in high school one of my brothers friends used to make fun of how thin my wrists were and wrap their pinky finger and thumb around my wrist and wouldnt let me leave until he cracked everything in my hands forwards and backwards. i had a crush on him but never did anything about it
update: i aint finishing this shit by 7, ive got atleast 3 more hours of this bs.
didn't really think of that
I'm like 99% sure I have dysphoria, leg hair, wide torso, penis, beard stubble, and a solid amount of just envy of fem clothes, and being with girls' friend groups just makes me feel like garbage sometimes. been thinking about transitioning for the past year so i don't think it's a problem of "proving" I could be trans to the psychiatrist . I am afraid of it not working whatsoever, like the psychiatrist ignoring me, the hrt doing nothing if I get my hands on it, or even just my parents disowning me for being trans..
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because I like her okay, jeez
she's based
No I am a manly man and always will be
Just the wrists are.... well...
When old people turn into angry children, they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
only people with jobs should be allowed to vote
>I am afraid of it not working whatsoever, like the psychiatrist ignoring me
Psychiatrists go to medical school, they look at facts, and work with all types of people. You won't be the first or last to have gender dysphoria with them.
Idk about therapists, i'm sure they work with all sorts of people, and they're fairly intelligent. Since most of them have masters degrees.

HRT depends on your genetics and how much damage puberty has done. But noone really knows until you take it for a while.
Lia used to be a meat head and now shes an attractive woman.
Dunno about your parents, gl with that, thats all you.
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what if im a full time student that used to have a career in hospitality.
ok youre fired
>therapist ignoring me
then you pick a different one that listens
>hrt not working
memes aside hrt def works unless you dont manage your levels
if you didnt pay taxes this year, you shouldnt determine policy this year imo
I'm sorry i started this retarded shit.
but thats not fair, the policies will usually last multiple years, or for the foreseeable future.
i'll eventually have a job that those policies will affect.
i understand that your suggestion would weed out old people that shouldnt get to determine the future they won't be apart of, and the dregs of society. But the net is too wide.

I was complaining about my father.
>i'll eventually have a job that those policies will affect
but you dont have that job yet and don't understand the reality of it? even if you understand it better than the average person a specific vote will rarely be impacted by your small demographic. It's the same idea as why minors dont vote. not like it will ever happen anyways
>but you dont have that job yet and don't understand the reality of it?
i was a general manager of a hotel... i know what paying taxes and having a job entails.
maybe if you meant 'never worked a job ever', then i guess i'd see your point, but then that deletes the old people and tweaker issue from before.
i dont get your point at all.
That 'if you don't have a job you shouldn't be allowed to vote' is a silly idea.
Make specific rules for old age like we do to the young.
Make specific rules for drug addicts like we do for felons.
But 'not working' isnt a reason for someone to have a say in their future.
enforcing all those random ass rules simultaneously is ridiculous and impractical. its easy to see who paid income tax
No, the real unfortunate truth is that we can't afford to disenfranchise anyone because evil groups will definitely influence definitions to the point that it justifies disenfranchising whoever they want to lose power.

So we literally HAVE TO allow the wandering mindless old man to vote so that we don't disenfranchise all the old men who haven't lost their minds.
so the guy in law school has less say than tim the highschool dropout that works as a dishwasher 6 hours a week.
>most peopel in law school dont work while studying anyways
its like 2 years anyways it wont make the person have "more say" in the long run.
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Lorde ate on the remix
full time law students don't work while studying, yes. and 3 years is a long time especially when long-term stuff gets voted on constantly.
my school has a contractual agreement that students have to sign saying they're not allowed to work while attending. and thats 4 whole years.
so why punish the higher educated? its silly.
exceptions are cringe and ruin everything in the long run
thank u emma this is how i found out about the lorde remix
i'm just saying, tim the 6 hour dishwasher shouldn't get more say and its a flawed idea.
maybe if the government wasnt dogshit and voted on policy year-by-year rather than multiple year placements, it would be a good idea.
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Sadly this comes up with an error when I try to play it. What was the video?
it was a video of you at a hotdog eating contest.
super funny
i disagree that the system is flawed i think you just dislike the system because you'd be personally disenfranchised it exactly right now.
and yeah i think high school dropout dishwashers should have their vote count. and i think housewives neets and senile psychos shouldnt have a say in government
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Oh, I see. I am sorry for being unable to watch it, anon-sama. Have an e-hug.
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About what, anon-sama?
meeting my dad today fir the first time in 2 years at the celtics parade ithought id have friends coming with me but i think theyre all still asleep and the train is in 40minutes
very anxious
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I will not cease posting, anon-sama.
Is your dad pretty too?
you think that voting on a policy that will be put in place for 10 years that is barred from people unable to work in that specific voting year isn't unfair?
I agree the dropout dishwasher should also have his say, its just that he shouldn't get MORE say than others that aren't housewives, neets, or senile psychos.
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good morning denizens
good luck I hope it goes well
>you think that voting on a policy that will be put in place for 10 years that is barred from people unable to work in that specific voting year isn't unfair?
yes. it isnt unfair. it isnt unfair to be 17 years old during an election cycle either. a line is drawn somewhere
thank fuck you're not in government is all i'm going to say.
no hes actually like kinda ugly its weird i just got rly lucky and got a lot of my moms genes ig
thank u maiq
>housewife "neets" shouldn't vote
wtf is this shit lol
>moms against ____
voting is stupid
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Disenfranchising the unemployed and housewives would lead to a pretty skewed voting demographic of middle class middled aged and lower class youth white likely majority-male voters. It wouldn't be very representative overall and would simply lead to problems not being addressed if they mostly affect those who fall out of that range, in other words similar problems to before universal suffrage really became a thing.
electoral politics is a form of theater
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>everybody needs to be able to pretend that their vote does anything
voting is useless
corporate interests always win
ur playing w shadows
what's a solid weight/bmi to transition at for best results
a slight skew is way different than 0% participation of certain demographics. the majority of women and men are employed in all ethnicities.
What manga is it from and please say it's not porn
Asumi-chan is interested in lesbian brothels
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Skewing demographics at all changes voting patterns and constituencies. Effectively disenfranchising all students means pushing politics further rightwards and far more socially conservative. Disenfranchising the unemployed means there becomes no incentive to maintain as many social welfare policies. In practice it means pushing politics irrevocably rightwards and as trannies we should probably not want that.
Yes, it is over for us.

*curls up on you and purrs*

*you try to speak but you are overwhelmed by the fluffiness*
im so smart arent i....
did u go to college carol?
>Skewing demographics at all changes voting patterns and constituencies. Effectively disenfranchising all students means pushing politics further rightwards and far more socially conservative. Disenfranchising the unemployed means there becomes no incentive to maintain as many social welfare policies. In practice it means pushing politics irrevocably rightwards and as trannies we should probably not want that.
i dont agree at all. getting rid of retired people and housewives easily undoes any bias in that direction
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I wasn't able to finish university due to student finance issues, anon-sama.

Your country is being infected by our neoliberals. You need to exterminate them.
shame. you would've been a gift to academia
I got prescription for 10 vials of EV yesterday and now I have to find some pharmacy in Czechia that could book them for me and is close to the border and where I could go by the train and/or bus and I only have a month to do so which wouldn't be a problem if I had a car :C

She would be a gift to ink manufacturers.
idk what that means gnomi
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I don't exactly understand.
I'm voting Lib Dem. I don't have much of an appetite for immediate execution of neoliberals. I mostly want us to rejoin the single market and strengthen workers rights, build infrastructure. I'm sympathetic to socialism, but radical politics aren't pragmatic until the UK is in a more stable position, and in any case I would like the return of freedom of movement.
I'm pretty stupid, anon-sama. I write overly formally, which gives the impression that there's more going on in my skull than there actually is.
This is a very good gif.

If you don't kill the neoliberals they will take you over. There is no reasoning with them. They will not soften. It's like having sauron in an "advising role".
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We've already had that strain of politics, Nomi-sama. David Cameron would fall easily under the term, being socially liberal and also relatively economically liberal. Also, a large proportion of the Brexit supporters claims during the referendum were about free trade and opening up Britain economically to the rest of the world.
A heart! <4
>gaba receptor
yeah, you do be talkin a lot
gabbin all the time
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Oh. I'm sorry, anon-sama.
more like gabarepentin
those who slurp on gock
My orange kitty is on my lap and is constantly headbutting me. He laid on me in such a way that his head is smacking into my face and he isn't moving. He is just laying in that spot on me, with his head jammed into my chin and he's just kneading my shoulder.
if voting is contingent on employment then employers decide who votes

I don't get all the creepy "I wanna possess her" stuff.

Is that coming from self-hating trans or from just transphobic people who think there is something wrong with wanting to copy somebody's look?

Like, have you ever read a vogue? Half the economy is telling people "BUY OUR LOOK".
voting doesn't matter u absolute retards

*curls up on you and purrs*

My BUTT doesn't matter.
>if rain dance contingent on employment then employerman decide who rain dance
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That's already true, Cat-sama.

You've given up. I haven't.
>My BUTT doesn't matter.
werent you telling us it was gonna make us kms a couple months ago
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Schrodingers butt, I guess, Lia-sama.

I was hoping somebody would come in with "Your butt is A LOT of matter, nomi."
From what I've seen of you so far that sounds like a normal night for you though :o

I don't ask and i don't die. Next question.
File deleted.
u rang?
is it AGP if it's your bf who is forcing you to wear hyper feminine clothes for him?
>hyper feminine clothes
Why did paige post butt when she knows i'm here?
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No. Unless you get off on it being AGP, then it's super super AGP.
he's going to troon out probably

dont be tranphobic hon!

he's not having you wear this outside is he
paige is ripe for a melty
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>day ending in y
what does that feel like
how long does it take for prog to absorb when u boof it
Literally not, it can't be. It can't be according to the colliquial definition of AGP and it certainly isn't according to the original definition of AGP.

The current people's definition of AGP is, "Person who is aroused by being a woman and the reason they're trans is to get aroused and only that."

So if somebody, your partner, especially a dom, commands you to, it's not up to you, you didn't do the thing because you wanted to. You were commanded. In this case, submissive is the main fetish, and dressing girly is the accessory fetish.

But this is all total nonsense anyway. Like, is being AGP the fetish now? People aren't aroused by being women in public, they're aroused that people *think* they're aroused by being women in public?

God i wish i had that fetish, lol.
no I mean does it feel confusing
do NOT involve other people in your fetish like this
they did not consent to it

b r u h
wear the maid dress, walk with your hands together in front. Do not speak unless spoken to. When your bf says goodbye to someone, you bow and follow steadfast with him.
What's humiliating about being a maid? It's a dignified profession.

Hey hey hey. I'm talking to you.

*jangles keys*
so you have a maid outfit
only when its a real maid outfit
nobody cares lasagna, you could do with a bit of purging every now and then anyway

All positions of servitude are humiliating. Not necessarily by a lot, and it definitely ranges. But servitude is inherently humiliating.
>large hands
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It is a little like Larry-shi's cyberflashing.
Don't be cruel.
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sarah just uses her dom powers to make me play support for her in league

Your butt is very pretty. There. You have your attention. You have your victimhood that i saw it, that i responded. Now go have a good weekend.
mike - male name
mononga - man main character from Overlord
very possible, sure.

Honestly, best life.
the most transgender sentence

ugh sry i'll delete the pic kms im not like larry
Who doesn't? It's like the most basic rp.
wear the maid dress for me
it's hard to tell apart incels itt sorry
could be “mee kay” ?
>w-who doesn’t
I see

Lol. Actually you kinda are. Is lari someone's exaggeration of you? Lari would be about as gross an impression of you as pring is for me.
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i was just leaning into the transvestigation meme
prob is a cis girl that likes to draw maids idk
I am the one who gets called a faggot by my dad when I see him in 30 minutes
do u wanna take my place for the day
i need u to protect me...
decent chance it happens, he hasn't seen me since before I started transitioning and he doesn't know im a troon and im making no attempt to boymoder and he's not too fond of gays or troons

evil nomi shoulder angel: Tell them to post their dad, paige needs a new date.
good nomi shoulder angel: Let me consult my shoulder angels.
yea but im not driving all the way to snew england sry
The angels sigh in relief.
>he hasn't seen me since before I started transitioning and he doesn't know im a troon and im making no attempt to boymoder and he's not too fond of gays or troons
AHAHAHAHA, you should record this
broken heart emoji
sobbing why would I record it
oh i misread, i thought you were askin if you were the only one who gets called faggot by your dad.
'cause i do. a lot.
goodluck, homie. i hope hes chill
There's no way it won't be hilarious
it is not hands that call us
is your hair up or down
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cute doggy sleeping next to me
hair down my hand is injured makes it hard to put hair up and I look better with hair down anyways
yeah i guess
recording would be hard though
thank u dear
how long into hrt have you started malefailing and how good/bad was your start of point? I'm not sure if I'm starting to feel more or less disillusioanble
miss my dog so much
well at least you’ll look pretty
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Cat refusing to let me post.
check >>36242187
Now he's besides my chair laying on the floor. He's such an autistic cat. He is upset that i'm posting off schedule.
maybe 2 years
my starting point was absolutely abysmal and i transitioned late, but around that time i was presenting female except for around family and even then i would still get called her/ma'am by like waiters if we went out to eat
it was very awkward
>He is upset that i'm posting off schedule.
everyone is.
give him a pat pls
i have, he's a good boy desu


Give hug for me pls. But say it came from someone she likes.
gl fren hope its easy
first time i malefailed was like 2 weeks on hrt but i was androgynous looking and weird to start
extremely anxious
i never malefailed but went fulltime 1 year in and haven't been misgendered since and tht was a year and a half ago
>how good/bad was your start of point?
iunno rly, someone i met irl a few months into hrt said i had insane genetics but i think thts a huge exaggeration lol i started at 26 and have other things working against me like height and shoulders
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Cellular respiration is going to be the death of me.
My head hurts
Yeah I can't imagine it not going terrible if he really dislikes faggots and troons, I'll need a greentext later
take a nap you will feel better when u wake up,,

Like a year and a half. Dressing like a girl was a huge huge boost. Because people mainly use dress as their cue to figure out your gender. It's that and voice.

If a complete man, with hips as straight as a washboard, dressed like alanis morisette, 99% of people will say "miss", and if you have a good voice, they won't correct themselves when you speak.
sobbing ok anon i will entertain u with my suffering
Im going to bed after i finish this lecture and notes.
Need to knock this out because i'll have to do a bunch of at-home labs when i wake up.
Took 2 whole pages of notes just on the stupid kreb cycle
I even still have visible beard shadow.

I figured that wouldn't matter, because i've met women in my life that have mustaches(and like, were trying to get rid of them, not keeping them) and nobody called tranny on them.
thats an objective lie. you need good genetics is what makes or breaks it
Yay my early twenties will be wasted completely than you evolution for inventing transgenderism
What do you mean by effort? Things like specific muscle groups training and good diet? Make up? Learning fashion theory? Something else?
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i wish i could pull off terf bangs
because you'd make history?
terf is a slur pls do not use that word

It's not evolution's fault that the right wing decided to use a random feature of it as the basis for expedient political scapegoating. It might have even predated anatomically modern humans.
bcuz theyre cute
im so sorry i meant to say uhh radical feminist

Nobody can pull off "terf bangs". It's just ugly to see way too much forehead. It makes the bottom of your face look small. Look at any bald guy. Looks like they've got a tiny ass face on a huge melon. That's why everybody dislikes that.
>being intersex
Maybe??? IDK in my case it would be mostly things around puberty
>getting ffs
Oh yeah that thing I could get in few years at best
they faces looks completely different
dont think so about that prehuman thing sorry no backspace but if that would be the case monkeys would have mtf and ftm monkeys as well if that would be true imo certain abstract brainpower is needed for that
idk ive seen girls online pull them off really well

Nah, we find sex chromosome abnormalities among other animals all the time. And we note, for instance, gay behavior, in other animals all the time.

And have you never in your life seen a male cat mount another male cat? Because mine occasionally did it, and they were both neutered.

Genki was a real man.
>they faces looks completely different
i think the point was the bangs not the face
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My professor is talking about bacterial batteries because some eat electrons and it can be another way of solar power.
I think this mfer wants to reinvent the matrix.
Someone needs to stop this guy
>well I suppose you need to visually pass but I thnk trannies vastly overestimate what normies would see as passing
i think your reality of how awkward early transition is is warped from being a shut in for all of it.

Of course, but it skews the point by making one a sour face and one a happy face. Like those before and after pics where the lighting is shit in the before pic or something.

Running out of money will stop him just fine.
>only the tiny ones destined to be broken
this is tall sub erasure sob
thanks :)

cringe n misogynistic
>cringe n misogynistic
can men not be feminists?
just saw this.
i guess its not really a letting thing i just do what im told
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i dont think its really that different
not if they call women subhuman
but terfs arent only women
trans exclusionary radical feminists.
not only women are feminists.
i would probably be a terf if i was cis
I couldn't pull off those things yet and constantly failing at them makes it very unsatisfying to try doing make up again and seeing a horrible clown in the mirror in return but I will have to be done with those things before going into girlmode... I haven't malefailed to anyone with good eyesight yet so I still have some time
>sex chromosome abnormalities
Some bodies needs more hormones some needs less but it has nothing to do with being trans
>gay animals
It's a matter of attraction towards others and social stuff and it's complicated when we talk about whole kingdom. But being trans is tied to your selfimage so you need to be able to think about yourself which is abstract and then you need more of that intelligence to think about yourself in a abstract way. If we would give crows or similar birds some times to evolve and get smarter than I'm sure it would be possible for them to be trans but right now only humans can be trans
if that would be the point than they would change only the hairstyle instead of making one face cute and the other angry
both look as bad for different reasons now
i am a terf already as a tranny
ive seen people say men cant be feminists because they only are to get laid which honestly i kinda believe
this is true, and the majority of "terfs" are indeed women
attacking terfs and calling them subhuman is misogynist because they are protecting women and women's rights, and so to call them subhuman, whether the specific person is a woman or not, is indeed misogynistic if you're calling them subhuman for being a "terf"
thats a horrible take lol
>someone says they want to protect women's rights
>gets called subhuman for that
>therefore the person calling them that thinks women's rights are something subhuman
simple as
i always kinda feel bad when i get the attention of a radfem cuz i sympathize with them and honestly agree with them but im a tranny so im still part of the problem
this is literally just an exercise in bad logic
just because you think a group of women is bad doesnt mean you think all women are bad or women are genewrally bad
is hating ss officers misandry because they were all men?
>at 7 months
thats way past the point im talking about, and going for groceries isnt even close to the same as working
reminder it's friday so it's pizza day so make sure you eat a yummy pizza with your favorite toppings on it!!!!!
> since ur still tiny to fioner
thankfully yeh
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>your favorite toppings on it
I don't know any cute twinks not to mention them being a top too, thanks for rubbing salt into a wound amerikanon
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My torement is over.
No more studying
Time for bed
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I think im genderfluid/bigender alongside being a trans woman and it's very surreal. How's your day going?
bad procrastination walk bad procrastination
I have to find pharmacy that could sell me hrt and I don't have car with those pharmacies being abroad, luckily I'm close to the border
>constantly lashes out
>get some blow back
>cries how she's the victim and people are mean to her
>lashes out again
>and the cycle goes on and on

I'm starting to feel less and less sorry for you by the day
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i got a really big grandma pizza with prosciutto on it on wednesday from a really really good place
and i've had the pizza for like, 4 meals in a row and im probably skipping pizza lunch today but im finishing the pizza for dinner
ngl im prob just gonna have kava and some chicken breast today
if the group of women are supporting women's rights, then yes it's misogynistic
because you're saying you don't support women's rights
>i'm not racist i just think blacks who think they should have human rights are fucking subhuman niggers
>not all blacks, just the ones who think they're people
new bread

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