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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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As a lesbian, I wish our community was more like theirs, even if it does have its own problems. I think what I envy the most is how insular it is. Whenever someone that isn't gay but identifies as such comes into their spaces and tells them to "unlearn/unpack their biases", "stop being transphobic", and stop using male specific language and describing male specific experiences , they shut it down immediately and will proudly and unabashedly band together and tell these people that they are not gay, not welcome, and to get the fuck out of their communities and not give in to what the intruder tells them. Whenever someone that isn't lesbian but identifies as such comes into our communities and tells us to "unpack/unlearn our biases", "stop being transphobic", and stop using female specific language and describing female specific experiences, instead of defending and asserting ourselves, and not allowing our communities to be run over with these people, we give in to them.

Also, not only do they have online spaces to themselves, they have thousands of real life spaces to themselves. They have an endless amount cities with giant "gay scenes", gay clubs, gay bars, gay bathhouses, gay cruises, gay events, etc, just spaces in general that are meant specifically for them that don't include outsiders where they can be among themselves and engage in all the debauchery and hedonism they want.

No such spaces exist for lesbians. There's no city or place on earth you can point to and say "that place has a huge lesbian scene". The handful of "lesbian clubs" that exist are lesbian in name only and are full of straight men, straight women, bisexuals, and gay men. There are certainly no lesbian bathhouses or lesbian cruises or lesbian spaces or lesbian events in general where we can just be among ourselves and engage in the same activities that gay men do and enjoy the same sense of community.
i'm jealous of the fact that they get more representation in media, but at least lesbian culture isn't based on hook-ups and taking hard drugs.
>group of exclusively men enforces boundaries aggressively, claps back, and fucks a lot
Well I’ll be
can someone take this post and turn it into one sentence cus im not reading all that shit thanks
Op wants lesbian community to make the theyfab and pronouns people go away because they gays do that real good in their community.

Anon wishes that the lesbian community didn't allow itself to get trampled on by outsiders, unlike the gay male community
men run the world?
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>lesbian communities
Bruh the average troon invader is gonna have an easier time finding Wakanda than any "lesbian space."
Gay guys are pretty cool. Kinda wild they can fuck as much as they do.
picrel is so based
That's how I feel as well. Women need to learn how to uncuck their behaviour, there's way too many handmaidens around.
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I'm jealous of certain aspects, but I think it's more to do with male privilege than the fact that they're both gay and male - straight men are afforded pretty much the same privileges they get and aren't expected to accommodate genitals they don't like/bE kInD/other such nonsense either.

Gay men are regularly fetishised too, just in a different way to us, and have the joys of straight women who want an accessory flooding their spaces. I know plenty of gay men who've found it almost impossible to find anyone who wants more than a one night stand, and they face more discrimination in medical settings than us. Overall I think things balance out.
Why do xitter lesbians hate gays?
I just wanna have a gay male relationship with a girl but us both participate in the lesbian community, ya feel?
Yeah, this is one of the things I was referencing when I said that their community has its own set of problems. I've heard so many gay men talk about how its almost impossible to find a long term partner/serious romantic relationship in gay communities/spaces because of hook-up culture.
Not really. I don’t care for casual sex or excessive partying with alcohol. Just wish there were more of us. That’d solve the issue of not having much of a general lesbian scene and culture.
>i'm jealous of the fact that they get more representation in media, but at least lesbian culture isn't based on hook-ups and taking hard drugs.

Ohh, I was talking to a gay male friend of mine about this very thing recently. He hates the over abundance of gay men being used as a marketing tactic. It happens because fewer straight people confuse two men as brothers or father/son than lesbian couples. Gay men are less likely to be "Sappho and her friend"ed.

Drag Queens are also fairly well-known as a "gay thing", and marketing departments tends to need to use extreme outliers* in the community to signal to the straights that the marketing campaign features "diversity". We can pick up on subtext, but in the age of "must tick box LGBT representation", the straights need to be hit over the head with "queerness" in order to understand that more than heterosexuals exist.
they have a lot of places to fuck outside of their apartments, i guess? i've never been jealous
Absolutely not. Gay men often treat other gay men worse than straight men treat women. They have a much easier time getting random sex than a straight man, so they don't need to make as much of an effort to behave themselves or be nice to each other. It can be a very lonely and depressing situation for those who just want a partner. Plus gay men are just as obsessed with youth as straight men and don't control themselves there either. I'm not sure their "community" is what women romanticise it to be. It's just a group where all of the really toxic things about men have potential to flourish unchecked (because gays are not gonna call the cops on other gays, cops hate us anyway), plus most of the rest of the world hate them for being gay at all. Doesn't sound fun.

This. So much. I hate how women are taught to be literal doormats, and for that, we've lost so many of our spaces and now even the definition of the word lesbian itself.

Straight men and bisexuals larping as lesbians are a plague, I only wish they would leave us alone.
YES. Gay men take no shit. They're dudes that like other dudes. There's no "non-men loving non-men" bullshit, no "boypussy" crap, it's perfectly FINE to worship dick and the male body.

I've gotten banned from lesbian subreddits for calling myself homosexual or expressing love for pussy
This is a good post. A lot of people forget that gay men are exactly what they are: gay men. They're oppressed on the basis of their sexual orientation, yet more respected just for being male.

People will listen to them if they don't want female-born non-binary people or trans men in their spaces (of course there will be a few who call them transphobic, but as OP said, the gay community comes together and shuts that down), but when it comes to us, we're usually expected to submit because women always have to be the nice ones. We always have to include everyone, even if we don't want to. It's truly unfair.
>I've gotten banned from lesbian subreddits for calling myself homosexual or expressing love for pussy
>meme flag
This didn't happen

Im so tired of culture, its not a thing. Its just brainless people finding comfort in their inability to connect to others on a deeper level
the real reason lesbians don’t have their own spaces is that society doesn’t see lesbians as offensive as gays hence they don’t feel a need to segregate themselves from straight society
Yes I'm so sick of women, especially us lesbians, having to open up our spaces to whoever wants in, and just having to deal with it and be happy. I'm sick of straight girls with nothing better to do saying they're gay. I'm tired of non-women claiming to be lesbians. Tired of people calling me transphobic for liking vagina and NOT dick.
This is so sad. I hope cisbians manage to find space for themselves. Even this thread is full of transbians.
I love being a lesbian but here’s something that bothers me on a daily basis: search lesbian on online. You'll find dozens and dozens of porn made by men for men of "lesbian sex" before you'll find any actual lesbian communites.

I understand that gay men are sexualized too, but I am so sick of my sexuality being challenged both by ignorant heterosexuals and by people within the LGBT+ community. I love being a lesbian. But god damn, I always feel like it takes enormous effort to not let the outside male-dominated world take that away from me.
Strange, it feels to me like lesbians get all the representation in media. Although i have seen more gaystuff around this time
I only ever see lesbians and nothing gay but I watch girly shit so that's on me.
Sounds like you hate women OP, back to men it is.
The thing about gay men is that they still have the privilege of being men - saying what is and what isn't accepted is just a given. We women are expected to roll over for every other identity out there just to appease the minority.
It's your own gender that roll over anon
>no "boypussy" crap
Lmao what
People say this like its feminist mythology but lesbians dont give a shit about anyone else also they are the ones that became TERFs. Nobody thinks you are nurturing little snowflakes anymore dont worry.
>Strange, it feels to me like lesbians get all the representation in media.
Really? I can't think of much lesbian represetation in the media in recent date besides life is strange.
All Disney shows had lesbianism in them, e.g. the owl house, Amphibia. I don't really consume much media but those came to mind.
I just wish there were more physical, real life spaces for us. I want to drink beer and hook up in an alley to the sound of shitty indie music.
That's boring. I'm not going to your filthy alley to drink overpriced beer. Maybe you retards should get a life beyond booze and shitty sex.
>I'm not going to your filthy alley to drink overpriced beer.
You're not a butch I'd like to pretend-rape me, so that's fine.
I will real rape you
Cute, but I only do that with real women.
>she does it with no women
I'm going to reinstall HER in your honor.
Dating apps are for losers.
Trust me or sucks, based around hard drugs, and casual sex and degeneracy.
Unlike straggots and male gays, I have no choice.
The fact that this term exists is sole proof that we’re getting invaded by strangers who aren’t associated with our identity.

No, there’s no cisbians or transbians, just like how there’s no cisgays or transgays. It’s just lesbians and transsexuals. Period.

Call me a radfem but idc, I blame society’s patriarchal standards for this. The overly foreboding male gaze has allowed straight women to attention whore in our space because our identity is constantly sexualized by straight men. Patriarchal expectations for women to be docile and accommodating has allowed transsexuals to permeate and take over our culture entirely. And because we’re so sexualized by straight men, who see in porn that lesbians just see each other as foreplay before some dude comes in with his dick to fuck them, they think all of us secretly crave their penis and can’t fathom that we don’t want to have anything to do with them sexually.
I dont believe in patriarchy, quite the opposite, I firmly believe in gynocentric society and female privilege, but I indeed feel bad for the issues you face. I fully believe the source is capitalism enforced culture war. Transgenderism is a perfect tool for them because the current form is outrageous to anyone who isn't brainwashed. I dont think transbians feel entitled to you due to porn. They truly believe they're women and they believe attraction is identity based, not anatomy. My terfbian friend who isn't even a terf, she isn't even a feminist, also struggles in dating due to the current situation. Shit sucks.
what makes gay men so appeal to women?
What makes women so appealing to gay men?
We like them because the platonic friendship of a gay man is innocent, sort of like how girls and boys can just be chill friends with each other in early elementary school before puberty makes all male/female interactions have a form of underlying sexual tension. As a lesbo I like having gay bros for this reason as well although I have a few straight male friends I have this dynamic with. Straight women who like gay men for fetish (yaoi) reasons are jealous of the inherent equality of a homosexual relationship that they can never experience
you know, i’ve never really thought about gay male representation in that way before. for the most part i feel like the overrepresentation of gay men / their relationships stems from the fact that straight women tend to fetishize them which, makes companies such as netflix more money. it feels like lesbian media is usually only watched / read by queer women (warrior nun, a league of their own, killing eve) while in comparison shows with gay male leads (heartstopper, young royals) have a huge audience made up of a bunch of different demographics.

not saying you’re wrong though! men are expected to act a certain way with each other and can easily stick out if they don’t. women can hold hands and no one will blink an eye. stereotypes are also very problematic in both of our communities :(
People just want to have that 'gay best friend' i guess
>being jelous of shallow hook up culture
that's just being a small hated group. makes people stick together more
personally, I'm a man and sometimes wish I was a pretty girl cause I see how easily women quickly bond with another random woman over being the only few women in a room. and they stick up for each other. they are bitchy and hate each other, but they also sort of advance female stuff for each other.
You know you could just... Not be nice. It's not like anyone's gonna do anything about it that matters in any way. Literally nothing is stopping women from just being rude.
>You know you could just... Not be nice.
There's only so much a few people can do when most of the community disagrees or doesn't care enough to change for the better.
as a almost-straight post op I feel like this thread is mostly an excuse for transphobia but I am weirded out by the number of no-effort "transbians" in your communities
> Using a sloppy mix of pol and 54 year old mumsnet slang

yngmi lesbro, you wouldn't know what it was to be "uncucked" even if we wrote you a manual
I agree no effort trans women are gross but I'm also tired of transbian being used as a slur and having a synonymous meaning of no effort trans women.
oh no! da lil aiden is about to POON OUT!
so maybe call yourself a lesbian like a normal girl?
It's usually only in children's media because lesbians are slightly more palatable to conservative parents' taste.
In the adult world gay men are very much the face of the LGBT.
the gay community is a ghetto, and lesbians don't have one because they can walk freely in society
Invent yaoi yuri.
People forget gay men invented that term.

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