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/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: What are your plans for this summer? Favorite thing about the season? Ideal summer date?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36234283
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you so boring :(
How big of an age gap is too big if you're both consenting adults?
your question is directionless. there is no objective axis on which to judge this; depending on how you choose to interpret it and your personal values, the possible answers range from never to almost anything
age gaps are only seen as bad of you're a tranny. 40 years old cis women date 20 years old cis women all the time and no one gives a shit
that depends 100% on your height, handedness, and hormone level
would you rather have a gf who only has sex with at least 3 monitors playing porn, or one that only has sex after 2230 under the blanket with the lights out?
frequency and duration are the same, and both match your preferences otherwise
How much does passing factor into this?

5'8, right, several hundred E and 1ish T
>"is anyone jealous of gay men"
>look inside
>"trannies, trannies, trannies"
how this keeps happening?
depends on whether or not they pass as your mother in public. If they do it's okay and if they don't that's a questionable relationship with an abusive power dynamic
tfw khhv
The attached post is a cis terf?
holding khhv's hands so the other khhv ostracise them as posers
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NEED hairy gf fuck
NEED comedian gf fuck
cissoids hate trannies
>What are your plans for this summer?
Celebrate Christmas, I guess. Stay inside and sit under an air conditioner. Cry over being alone multiple times daily.
>Favorite thing about the season?
It only comes around once a year and eventually ends.
>Ideal summer date?
Anything indoors. Museums, galleries and afternoon bar dates.
Something easy like staying at each others place being my preference.
Seems like it. But I do actually sympathize with the idea of a lack of lesbian or sapphic cultural/social hubs. It seems that every city has multiple such hubs for gay/bi men, but for some reason there is no real equivalent when it comes to women. I mean, in my entire country there is exactly one actual lesbian bar and obviously zero equivalent to the other sort of hubs that gay men have.
it's cause women are humans and you live in a misogynistic human society
lesbians just go to gay male bars and clubs anyway?
Oh absolutely.
But I think the point was that gay men have their own dedicated cultural hubs. There is no equivalent for lesbians.
Gay men going to lesbian bars because there is no nearby gay bars is not really something you see much of. But yet the inverse exists for some reason.
need latina gf in MY FLANNEL in MY BED listening to BON IVER together
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Honestly, laying in bed with a gf, wearing her flannel and listening to the Bladerunner soundtrack together sounds pretty damn great.
my tumblr for you is filled with tranny horny posts these days
its never been so over
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>mlm gay sex
multi-level marketing but instead of selling snake oil they give twinks STIs
have you ever seen a lesbian in a wheelchair? do you have any cute drawings of a lesbian in a wheelchair? can you draw a lesbian in a wheelchair? a lesbian in a wheelchair?
this reads like an ai prompt
That just means I'm as smart as a computer. a computer.
yes no maybe sure
can you run doom
No, but I can run into oncoming traffic. Oh and I can run ASCII games.
was the lesbian in the wheelchair hot? draw her.
I'm so fucking lonely.
Need gf. Need cuddles in bed.
kill yourself
me too :^(
Considering it.
Suffering is our lot in life.
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dealing with my gf be like
considering the stuff i saw her saying on the discord, can't too surprised
can't be***
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It’s not about what she says - she actually doesn’t say much that’s offensive? - just wish she’d stop engaging. She’s lonely though so I can’t ban her for her own good the way I’d like to. She needs to make friends outside of 4chan. You can make decent friends here, but it’s rare. lol
This is something that if my future gf admits it someday (cause I'd never ever say something like this) I'd literally never leave her..
making friends on the online is such a crapshoot and i pity anyone who actually tries seriously instead of trying to get that irl
like, not in a
>pity the fool
sense but like idk how you pity a commond wood pigeon in a big metro area? like what are you doing here dumbass, go to the woods, there's very few trees here?? but it's a pigeon, it doesn't understand
Real anon if a cute girl said this to me we'd have gay sex every night until we died
Why tf am I still banned
didnt pay enough
That's nog your gf that's a manchild
thrown to gay baby jail
I don't think love is worth it. Months possibly years of getting to know someone you like. Falling deeper in love only for the heart wrench of we are just good friends. I cant do it anymore no one wants this. 29 years of this ( minus childhood) still a virgin, never had a date before. This sounds like incel shit sure but I dont blame women or anyone else. Its me 100 percent, im not attractive im mentally ill a bpdemon and no one needs that level of creepy obsessive person in their lives. I cant take the stress anymore im done. I am going to play with legos, horde cats and paint models with a mix of rpgs to make me feel like a woman. Then ill die and rot into my bed and be found after my neighbors complain of a smell and im not even sad for it. Maybe I will finally get in shape and cosplay like ive always wanted but im not into dating ever
>meet trans girl with a cis gf
>start talking about srs
>tells me she's really bottom dysphoric but still tops for her gf
literally every time. why do cisles see their tranny gf as kink dispenser?
Wydag who wore boxers
Overevolved monkeys should kill themselves for destroying natural habitats on the entire planet.
I need to be called a faggot softly, by whispering it into my ear while she makes me cum....
why do cis women go out of their way to date the 0.00001% of women that have dicks? is it there personality? art skills?
>personality? art skills?
We all know it's the shenis, some of us are ok with that though.
Hiiiii anon
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uhh sweatie clearly mother nature made humans because she wanted hermit crabs to live in funky looking sex toys and sea urchins to wear cool plastic hats
what about instead of age gap it's age gape and it's a relationship between two girls of different ages both with the nickname 'anal girl'
Would make me admit that I'm a faggot boygirl thing to you verbally while I'm close to get a release?
kinda hot ngl
and then the older one goes to space in the second movie and the tagline is "this age gape is about to get bigger"
is that a jojo reference???
i want to fucking kill myself
im such a fucking idiot
too retarded to grab the fucking wii u
everyone thinks im there to steal something
resting bitch face so everyone thinks i'm an asshole
i embarassed myself by not waiting long enough for the bus to move so i got beeped at and everyone saw what a fucking asshole i am
i'm a scalper looking to profit
i'm some 22 year old incel who thinks he's hot shit only to embarrass himself
i'm too repulsive to even have a tard guard
no one cares and why should they? i'm a cloud of darkness and evil
lucy... it's tommi.. call me
The funny thing is that I have only had the dreaded 'boyfriend-lite' kink dispenser experience with cis femmes.
Never been a problem with cis butches or afab nbs. But I guess some of that comes from how much more open they are to being exclusive tops, compared to your average femme.
I think the lesson here is to just not date bottoms.
>the lesson here is to just not date bottoms
honestly cant disagree with this
t. bottom uwu
wish i had some tiddies to lay my head on right now >_<
Actually one time some stupid jackass told me to leave the gay bar because I was obviously a lesbian and I was like? Bruh I’ve been coming here since you were in middle school.
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cis lesbians obsession with poon men is just comphet right. I can't be the only one who sees it.
>pic unrelated
>resting bitch face so everyone thinks i'm an asshole
sounds incel to me to be quite famdelamsu
>Qott plans
Sitting on the deck drinking shitty beer and chain-smoking like the white trash I am. Also shadow of the erdtree
>Fav thing
I looooove the heat sm, as long as I'm not doing anything physically stressing (which I never do lol). I'm like a lizard !
>Ideal summer date
Getting made up and picking a cute dress and going to an art gallery or museum and then getting some yummy coffee or boba tea :) then we get home and she fucks my brains out
Oh wow I didn't realize I needed this in my life.....
Happy Friday lesbians, blessed be! <3
tfw ywn be the hairy gf except for your neckbeard......
This freak only grows hair on her neck hahahaahaha
>QOTT: What are your plans for this summer?
getting out more, going to more (than zero) shows and events
>Favorite thing about the season?
the unbearably humid heat because girlsmell is a precious resource and more people need to experience mine too
>Ideal summer date?
late night bar or comedy shows and making out in the alley between sets
not ONLY,,. i have like at least three or four on both big toes each. ..
how do I make my gf stop being so passive and jump my bones

I prefer to top but I wanna feel desired too mang
just be hotter duh
I get a LOT of attention from gay women, I'm a fit well dressed butch. But my gf is depressingly passive.
trade up, ask her to open the relationship, give her drugs, idk what you expect to hear here
Well apparently nothing of value if that's the kind of morals of this general's poster. What a fucking rapehon jfc
lesbians incels are in the >>>/lgbt/clg
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I should anglefraud and get and egf but I'd feel bad about being dishonest
I think I'm a transbian... :(
cuasual sex and drugs are the only morals trannies have
terminally transbian?
exactly, but it's the other way around; there are no ethical methods to make someone want you more sexually
and if
>talk to her
is still new advice to you i do not believe anyone can help you in the first place
I really hope my girlfriend doesn't get SRS
I really hope my gf doesn't give me a DIY orchi, she's been researching the topic and threatening me with it
Let her practice on me plsssss
Yeah the no genital dysphoria mostly t4t kind
girlies how do i quell my rage over the fact that i STILL don't have a FUFCFKING psych appointment scheduled? don't tell me to drink tea
drink bleach
do ket
Have you considered just talking to her about this?
I'm basically an exclusive bottom, but if my gf really wanted me to top every once in a while, I would be open to it. Especially if she explained that she was not feeling desired by me and just wanted some reassurance.
It is amazing just how many problems clear and open communication can solve in relationships.
It is ok anon. I volunteer to take your place.
2nd for ket, it's a clinically proven antidepressant
i don't have any ket (。﹏。*)
wydag with racial dysmorphia that darkens her skin
unpopular opinion, but i don't date racists
get some ket then
Any because age gaps are hot. Too bad they're rarely more than flings and one night stands. Truly unfortunate how many 25- people consider scrolling tiktok a genuine hobby.
t. 30
i will not for my apologize nature
Accept that 99% of women are sexual cripples and that you have to either cope with being alone together or leaving her.
Fuck yeah!
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Who here's watching the Oilers game tonight
followup to Don't Dead's explosive debut album "Open Inside"
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It's mostly because society teaches us to be ashamed of our sexuality, even straight women are affected by this to a lesser degree. I didn't really start masturbating until I was 18 and even then I couldn't cum and thought I was broken
Women are already less horny overall than men, so when you're discouraged to be vocal about your sexual attraction it makes you virtually asexual
Today i spent a solid hour all together talking to loud typer guy about gossip and games. I dont mind him now (:
He is a bit right wing, but i think i was able to open his mind a bit and be more empathetic towards muslims and migrants.
>Women are already less horny overall than men
society moment
Okay, does that mean they get a pass on dragging their baggage into a relationship and hurting their partner with it?
>hurting their partner with it
rapist mindset
Well no, if she is an adult she's supposed to work on herself to get rid of her brainworms like everyone else
>t. never actually interacts with real adults in the real world
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tfw rapist because I want to have sex with my girlfriend who agreed to have a sexual relationship with me
If you drag out a sexless relationship with someone who would otherwise be sexually active if they weren't tied down to you, yes that counts as harming them. If you don't want them then you put on your big girl pants and break up like a functional adult.
I think it's what everyone should strive for, whether or not we're successful at it is a completely different matter
i mean it's rapey to feel like you're entitled to sex from your gf. if you aren't sexually compatible, and sex is that important to you, break up with her instead of forcing her to do things she really doesn't want to do just please you
fuck *just to
This whole loud Typer saga has been extremely weird and enjoyable. Thank you for posting it
>having internalised misogyny or even the slightest bit of a hangup due to being raised in an oppressive insidious patriarchy basically makes you a psychopath who should be put in jail for social violence
Why does the one who was promised a sexual relationship and then got reneged to being functionally ace the one at fault for breaking up? Are you so bottom brained you can't even initiate a conversation?
>if you want sex with women you are a rapist
>billions must die (in bed)
Thanks ^^
sit her down and have a talk about sex with her. maybe she has depression, maybe she has hormonal problems, maybe its her specific meds, maybe shes asexual, maybe she just isnt sexually attracted to you, it could be a miriad of reasons to why she isnt having sex with you. depending on what it is, if she doesnt want to work it out in a way that both of you can be happy with, then the best option is breaking up sadly
every woman on the planet owes me sex
that thing can be hard to talk about. and i'm gonna be honest, if sex really is that important to you, you absolutely need to evaluate the way you look at life imo
straight women owe me sex as reparations for homophobia
every woman on the planet owes every woman on the planet sex
>if a basic need is important to u then u need to reevluate ur life sweetyie
if sex is a "basic need" rather than a nice occasional pleasure, you are a sad person with little other joys in life, and don't find enough value in the romantic aspects of a relationship. just my thoughts
>le meme arrow makes you smart
whether and how it's a basic need varies from person to person lmao
sex is literally in the hierarchy of needs, it's on the bottom level
you are arguing on the level of an antivaxxer rn lol
i can't believe i'm a ghost that literally died because it's been too long since i've had an orgasm O_O i never would've guessed!
>if food is a "basic need" rather than a nice occasional pleasure, you are a sad person with little other joys in life, and don't find enough value in the aromatic aspects of a breathing. just my thoughts
>t. practicing breatharian of 3 years
>i am every ideal woman
How long until womb transplants are available for the general public? I want to donate mine to a trans girl
you can donate it to me by letting me impregnate you as is
Womb transplants happen alreayd, just not in trans women. The answer of the scientific community has been "in ten years" for the oast twenty years. We could do it, no problem, but everyonebis scared of fucking up
is it bad that i fucking love flat-chested women who are otherwise normal adult women
everything smells like gasoline
tfw no slightly old burnout gas station attendant gf with no future
I'm scared of pregnancy and childbirth...plus I have BPD and lifelong depression so I'm gonna be a terrible mother.
I wish I was rich so I could fund the research myself
trip on acorn
another motive why psychology is a joke
>I'm scared of pregnancy and childbirth
it's okay I would be with you the whole way
>plus I have BPD and lifelong depression
fake disease made up to stigmatize you, your pain is real but it can be healed rather than identified with as a chain keeping you from a happy life
You seem like a good person. You think about others. I hope I can bear chidlren one day... I want to be a mom so much
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As a rapehon I do have bottom dysphoria actually but I cope by imagining myself as a angel-demon bastard child or a cursed witch.
I'd really rather not, I would call it an irrational fear but knowing how I am and all the real downsides I think it would be a nightmare for me specifically.
I'm not really a good person, but it would make me happy to get rid of my uterus and if I can make a trans girl happy too by giving it to her it's a win-win. I just hope it's still functional by then.
>I'm not really a good person
what makes you say that about yourself?
I want a platonic gf, someone to have picnics with but no kissing or sex (women should not do such gay things)
>I want a platonic gf
ew why would you want that disgusting old man
you want a friend? iktf i have lots but i want more
I told u not to reply to my messages..
I want a friend who bullies me and is a woman..
Never understood the desire to be a mother.
Having a literal parasite inside you for nine months, pushing it out and then dealing with it ~18 years+ just sounds horrible to me. Maybe it is just because I had such a bad childhood, but even if I could, I would never want to have a kid. Including adopting one.
Being 'fully functional' is something I would kill for and totally get. But actually having a kid seems about as appealing to me as eating glass.
I wish they would just stop posting altogether.
im so sick and sore and cold and i just want to squeeze my gf like she's a plushie
Tfw gf is a plushie.....
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Ok I’m saving up for Japan trip next summer in addition to saving up for uni housing… I can do this… I hope…

Picrel is what my siblings are bringing me as a gift from Japan. They don’t wanna bring me ceramics. >:( I need a matcha whisk and tea set, but I guess I can buy myself one here.
Are you asking about the server?
lago may I pull a single tarot card for you?
cry abt it, filter me
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heading out to her show in half an hour, wish me luck
hope you have an awful shift :3
Lago should I detrans?
>QOTT: What are your plans for this summer?
Just moved to a new city so trying to meet people and make friends and find a gf.
>Favorite thing about the season?
being outside in the heat and wearing cute clothes
>Ideal summer date?
Farmers market
who else delete facebook??
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Im so tired of the racists favorite catchphrase this year, the "the queers for Palestine movement is dumb because Palestinians r le evil muslims who kill gays".
Its such a disgusting concern troll and they really think they have a point.
I just realized that all the things loud typing guy said to me left a really bitter taste with me. I was good then, but damn its really gross listening to people like that. "Germany is gonna be a caliphate", no, no its not.. "we should send them back if they commit bad crimes, "okay..(wtf?) but how do you prove they did the crime?".."a-ahh well only in cases where you can 100% prove it..." (rightttt)

Jesus just go mask off already my guys its so obvious you just dont like them. Intolerant cunt. Vermin..
nah fr i hate all my irl friends because they arent actually friends they are just people that wanted to have my number once but now dont wanna tell me they dont wanna talk to me anymore directly
It’s so hard to make friends as an adult… I think I just gotta accept being a loner type
>loner type
ha ha yeah
urgh i wanna cry but i can't so i'm just pissed instead
i could cry and piss myself and probably even faint from the emotional stress but there's just no point lol
i want my wife
not for honor
but for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
dating this other tranny who only dated cis women in the past and it's genuinely distressing. I like her but sometimes she's either crying for "being deformed" and not afab or she's showering her exes with compliments when we're together
I'd break up but I'm a lonely and desperate hon on the countryside so I don't think I have many options
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Yea sure, I’m a skeptic but I think cold reading is a cool skill.
is it weird that i dont care much for orgasms myself? back when i was dating men they never made me cum once but i was fine with that since i could please them and make them happy. same with cis women and mtfs im completely fine with not cumming as long as i can sexually please them. making people cum is more important to me than cumming myself
why not just get a hysterectomy?
my pits stink so good
same breastie
why do like all orgasms i have these days feel like legitimately nothing :(
i hope i don't have anorgasmia or something...
As a pillow princess I would kill to find someone like u near me ;_;
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i swear the universe was screaming at me to make a move tonight
chichi finally convinces goku to finger, and he accidentally teleports her to planet namek midsession
only the second time tonight i've been at a loss as to how to continue the bit
being around her and thinking about her makes me feel like i'm in high school again
me after being beat up by my gf
me after she calls me a faggot
me after she molests me
Iwnb molested...
Me after waking up to her fucking me
i want to call a cis girl a faggot (affectionately)
Run anon that's a lot of red flags and she'll probably drop her pants for the first cis woman to give her attention.
You deserve something better.
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I just bail on a relationship if a partner brings up their ex too much
i wish i was deaaaadddd XD
Anybody wanna play third strike?
Whatever happened to vampire Knight?
Same anon there's no bigger red flag.
Trannies are awful for this, girls that'd otherwise be amazing are ruined because they can't get over someone that discarded them.
Whatever happened to your mom?
Idk you tell me
at least i lucked out and got the italian height genes instead of the puerto rican genes because jesus christ all the males on my mom's side are tall as fuck. meanwhile i'm standing at a comfy 5'6. literally the best case scenario given my genetic makeup. wish i was a little shorter tho.
I love girls that form strong attachments so talking about exes dont bother me
The anger issues... theyre flaring up agajn..it feels like im getting dizzy.. intrusive thougbts of smashing their heads against random objects...
I love girls that form strong attachments with ME.
I'm no cuck.
that girl doesn't exist charlotte
yeah that's okay though, i enjoy my own company a lot.
I don't like girls who form strong attachments to incels however
I miss vampire Knight that crazy bitch
I miss the girl I met Wednesday (I'm seeing her tomorrow)
stop posting about yourself. no one remembers you exist when you aren’t mentioned.
>I like her but sometimes she's either crying for "being deformed" and not afab
that's just regular tranny stuff anon
for real. if she didn't do that i'd b really concerned desu
You can be trans without bringing others down with you... It isn't really nice to tell ur tranny gf that u see trans ppl as inferior to cis people.
You can be happy to be trans even if u would prefer not dealing w the trouble...
I love my gf so much I'm so glad she didnt make self-hate the core of her existence!
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humid summers are so much fun!!!
i didn't sleep at all last night because of how bad the heat is and instead of just going back to my pc to play some games i had the brilliant idea of going on a 15km walk at 5am
seeing the city at sunrise and mostly empty was really cool and the walk made me really tired so it will be easier to see the shadow and hopefully allow me to sleep without rolling in bed for a few hours first
i hate summer so much, i hope that the person who invented it is suffering right now
this post but without the last line
C-can i brag about sumthin..id like to..i ..i..im very proud .a-and...actually...n-nevermind...
i'm curious
disliking heat and humidity is justified but it's a red flag if you hate summer sunlight hours or prefer how dark winter is
ok :P
>Euros and burgers bitching about the heat
>I'm shivering my ass off in the southern hemisphere
At-least none of you are missing out on prime cuddling weather. Being cold and having nobody to cuddle with is suffering.
the best combination for sunrise / sunset times is winter sunrise and summer sunset and if you disagree you are wrong
I like summer sunrise because I wake up at 5am to go to work and it's scary when it's dark out :( the sun isn't up until like 8am during peak winter
i can't wait till i get money so i can replace all my tech with apple products. this computer sucks so bad the touchpad doesn't even work properly ugh!!! ( ˘︹˘ )
Being trans and genderfluid, can I still consider myself a (bi) lesbian?
Mutually exclusive terms.
you have alerted the horde
you being afraid of the dark and having a 3+ hour commute to work is not a good argument, having only 5 hours of night time is bad for most people's sleep schedules
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In season 1 of The boys, why does homelander kill his motherfigure/boss?
My theory is that when she said she was scared, she became just like all the other humans to him, and thus could no longer be his motherfigure!

If you like my theory please up vote his post ^^

For more movie theories stay subscribed!!
i cant wait till i get money so i can buy more thinkpads and throw linux on them
You can be whatever feels most comfortable so long as you're authentic to the one person who matters, YOURSELF.
How? Just get some blackout curtains if it's that bad...
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Why the fuck am I Perma banned
you can't mimic night time with blackout curtains + more sun = more heat and i'd rather not have more of that right now
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I wanna get an apple watch idk if they're worth it or if I'm just consuming for the sake of it though.
Buying stuff feels really nice.
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i spent $8k last month and built a 4090 pc with the best parts possible, bought a 49 inch super ultrawide monitor and a new s24 ultra phone
am i cool?
i think the phone part is gay but the pc is cool
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Read the OP faggot
Sure did and I have zero regrets.
Exactly, thank you for the support girl <3
the pc is awesome but building it was the most stressful thing i did in the past few years because the gpu is so massive that it almost broke the motherboard
the only reason i bought the phone is because my previous one (which was approaching 8 years of daily use) was starting to crash really often
>only one lesbian in the show
>shes a abusive
what did the boys writers mean by this
Thats pretty cool... if i had that id play world of tanks or something even cooler, maybe arma 3... and id play elden ring and rdr2 at max settings...
I think you need to reread it. Not to mention my actual post.
Bisexual and Lesbian are literally mutually exclusive terms. I never said bis are not welcome in /lesgen/. Just that you cannot be both bi and lesbian at the same time.
Claiming otherwise is fucking retarded in the extreme and nothing more then pathetic attention seeking at best and harmful erasure at worst. Basically the typical sort of shit you would expect from a bi.
Well, so far i find homelander to be written really darn well from like multiple perspectives especially psychological

I think the writers were just trying to be realistic :/
I want a new phone too... My iphone 11 is boring I hope the 16 is cool...
this is why I'm dying alone, even if I broke through all the other hurdles I know I'd never be able to fully be present and really with anyone again because part of me would still be so fixated on someone from the past who doesn't even know I exist anymore
les(bi)an will always include bisexuals. Cope about it however you want but you know it's true.
>world of tanks
war thunder is better

not having to worry about whether or not you can run a game and playing everything at max settings is great but if i don't have any friends to play with then what's the point?
i can't wait until apple releases iAir, breathing the same air as the poor people is icky...
i would seethe about bisexuals but i finally got my referral for a psych haha :) no more seething for me
gf who riffs bits with you for hours on end because it's the most natural thing in the world
Apple products just werk while Androidslop gets 6 months of updates before bricking
that's fair
and yeah i imagine a 4090 is a fucking unit
are you using one of those arms that help support it?
What makes this such an inclusive safe space for me to post in?
For the record I'm a male lesbian.
only f you and your gf are that hot and make love in front of your rgb lighting
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i have the gigabyte aorus master 4090 which is apparently the largest one you can buy, when i fist put it in the sag cause the clip of the PCIe slot that's supposed to prevent it from slipping out to break, i tried to use the support mounts that i received with the gpu and case but the gpu is so long that it overshoots the mount points of the case so i can't use them, right now i have one of the supports free standing under the gpu (this is essential for it to work because the sag makes it so it doesn't connect correctly to the motherboard)
yeah free standing is how i feel most of those support things end up
my fucking clip broke on my 3080 as well, i was a little worried but if it works, it works
i'd love to do that but unfortunately i am, and always will be, single
I think you're missing out on the point. Sure its fun to game with buddies... i havent done that in ages but its super fun for stuff like terraria. But if u lack friends, or friends who game with u, then you may as well improve the experience to the best of your abilities.

Im really not sure what tank game i should go far. I think ill just try all of them. Important for me is build variety. Id prob pick a small and agile tank but with the highest possible dmg output for that size.. id call myself... zah bee.. hehehe...
Because lesbians, always have never been oppressed. They get special treatment and preference from men. Beyond unwanted sexual attention they're also given political handouts and free sperm. Wheras us transbians are shat on. Where lesbians can simply walk in life with their crushed up bleeding cunthole that sweats all day, most of us are forced into reluctant capitalization, not acceptance. It's the US. So when you're privelaged and something doesn't exclusively say "Hey! Privileged Lesbians! Come on in!" they get extremely bitter and become TERFs, and of course all lesbians do, so having a place which allows transbians makes them mald so much they created Kiwifarms, Crystal Cafe, Lolcow Farm, Mumsnet, Ovarit, etc, where they brag about being pedophiles and trying to take away their supposed "good alternatives" to HRT because "muh ovary is important". Lesbians are just nazis who want us all dead because "muh genital preference" and "muh socialization" or some shit, an absolute strawman cuz i have never hired a lesbian prostitute.
I made the OP and >>36261798 is right. They’re mutually exclusive terms. Bi women are still welcome to post here, though.
>unfortunately i am, and always will be, single
damn... to real......
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Oh it’s real schizo hours. Zzzzz.
wydag who was experiencing the corn sweats
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wtf is that

It's trvthnvkes! I'm dropping them on biobitches! Lesbians are not oppressed, neither do they like women. They are sexually attracted to the idea of women, they don't like women.
basically if you live near corn fields summer days can hit wet bulb conditions if it's hot enough
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Ugh kms for moving to the Midwest in the future. Hope you can stay cool.
women loving women is the intersection of lesbian women and bisexual women
Hey lesbians; if you don't disclose that you are not in fact bisexual before asking me on a date it's basically rape and I have the right to lock you in my basement and flip the normal structure of the tranny doing all your chores and eating you out and then getting blamed when breaking yur hymen hurts.
wish i had a bi gf to fill with gock
rapehon hours
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I have to learn Japanese for my trip so the nihonjin don’t give me mean glares. I wanna go to a capybara onsen with my gf. That is my dream.
Well you will NEVER, so get over it.

Bishits thrive on the fact that they gatekeep who can become their friends/partners and while they're technically less TERFy than lesbos they still hate you and only consider dating trannies cuz "Muh hecking penis needs"
single player games can only give you so much fun before they get boring especially if at the end of a day of playing you realize that you haven't talked to anyone and no one talked to you

as for tank games, world of tanks and war thunder are the only real options, they both have a lot of tanks you can play with but i personally prefer war thunder because it makes you FEEL like a real tank (one-shot by a fucking drone)
lol femsec still mad she got cucked by a cissoid 3 years ago
>Well you will NEVER.
let's see how right you are
Hahaha is that why she’s so mind broken?
I dont wanna be one shot by a drone...

Also, i have like 700 hours in single players games ez.
Like, take kenshi for example i have over 100 hours in that alone.

I enjoyed multiplayer as a kid sure. But uhh, is voice chat even allowed these days? If i wanted to trash talk id get banned lol. Id rather play single
I'm a hacker.

I didn't get "cucked" by a cissoid; she beat me and called me a man and then I ran away while she was trying to get doordash for herself. Never. Trust. A. Bishit.

Although, now I have access to her Gmail and sent gore to her boss, so that's nice.
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meow meow meow
>Although, now I have access to her Gmail and sent gore to her boss, so that's nice.
>admitting to an illegal act on a public record
enjoy your van
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the drones only appear at top tier so you should be fine for most of the game

700 hours... that's... that's a really low number...
just minecraft and factorio give me a combined 10k hours, if i added every game i ever played i'd probably have tens of thousand, possibly even 100k+ hours, i'm pathetic aren't i?
Not illegal.

Had access before, and gore is legal as long as it doesnt show rape or kids.
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I find it puzzling anyone would want to date someone when you 100 % know eventually they will settle for a man.
Its just not realistic to expect any less of a bi woman.

First of all, no matter how male brained you think you are, you're still NOTHING compared to the slaveish devotion a man can give her. A woman thrives on attention and validation, and men always have more to give.

2. Les for les can work but only because they have no choice, and even then it requires one partner to be EXTREMELY male brained to the point one has to ask "why not just date a man at that point?"

I know its a hard pill to swallow. But bi women WILL end up happy in the end, and you WILL end up sad and alone clutching the duvets where she last slept rubbing your pathetic limp cock to her smell as she is being viciously fucked by a man with a [hard] cock. Sad, disgusting even.
But thats life.

I have resigned to this truth, and know that which ever woman i date, it wont last, nothing ever does. Enjoy the flux.
Les for les?

I don't date pedophilie terrorists.
What did she mean by this
The worst gf no one will have because nobody wants this retard.
you literally went on a date with a man not that long ago and ashamedly tried to hide it even though everyone could tell it was you by your autistic typing
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That was fucking hilarious. Sounds like she’s speaking about herself when she talks about bi women being cheating whores who’ll leave you for men.
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Ouch... ouch...

I did? That doesnt sound like me
I'm gonna drop a truthnuke. Jannies will probably ban me.

Being attracted to women is a curse.

As someone who was raped by a lesbian as a kid, and was later abused and somewhat kidnapped by a bishit, I have to say that liking women definitely fucks you up. Look at the majority of straight men. The reason lesbians have the highest divorce rate is because of attraction to women. All pedophiles ostensibly want someone more feminine. Females are the higher form and eny time they're in a situation where they're forced to settle, due to their own falling or simply social pressure, bad things happen.

Attraction to femininity is a curse.
>"i would really benefit from therapy and a normal social life"
>Being attracted to women is a curse
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>make post about evil bi women
>bi women come out of the wood work and call me a bi shit and project cheating (even tho that wasn't mentioned)

Interesting.. im not surprised a person who seeks multiple partners (poly scum) would also be interested in cheating. Another mask slip moment for the books i guess. Heh
It's certainly not a blessing. It leads to rejection, rape against and from females… and it also means that you're attracted to the higher form. Because you're not a man anymore as a tranny, you're below men, which nobody with B cups and a bit of self respect would settle for. Add in depression, inability to please bishits and the only reason they want trannies (easy cock, maybe a maid) due to sex-related trauma, and the fact that you're biracial, and it's definitely a curse.
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Hmmmm, lowkey this is a based post actually. I think there are two distinct kinds of female attraction tho. I prefer mature looking women. And i find it concerning that cis women have evolved a thing where the face bones dont mature in order to project.. a uhh certain image...i think its called neotany.... so i am wary of other female attracted people, especially when their attraction is towards women of small stature, ariana grande and the like..

There are HUGE societal issues when it comes to this sorta shit. Like how women get away with shit because in mens eyes they are basically infantilized.

There is a LOTZ of shit i wanna say. But it can be summed up succinctly; cis people should be eradicated.

I hope i used the semi colon right... i love being able to use a semi colon hehe...
wydag that only likes women and is disgusted by anything masculine but for some reason she can only cum to straight blacked hentai
you're heterosexual
is it true that lesbians are high-IQ?
wydag with low iq
Okay, but forget all that. Are you not just a man who's trying really hard to sleep with women who don't like men? Has it ever so much as crossed your mind that you might deserve to be oppressed?

Shut up TERFoid, go back to watching sillypoo
wydag who was a millennial elder emo that still listened to three days grace
Would you date Olivia Scarlett or Kimberly Theiss (women behind sillypoo)
That's the problem, you don't think. You go hey I'm a woman now guess that means that lesbians should be okay with dating me without even thinking about what words mean. There's not a single thought process going on in your moid head.
What's three days grace
You get the posts you deserve
I never said all lesbians should just bow down and suck me off.

I said that it's a convoluted strawman you femoids made up because you hate us. Not because I'm an incel. Nobody wants to have sex with you. You're an unfuckable retard. You were never oppressed, it should just be GBTQIA. WE are doing the real work while you sit back and piss on us. Faggot.

Really? CLG comes back up and all you can do is harrass random people because "muh hecking female purity?"
I want a cis asian girlfriend. I don't think I state this clearly or frequently enough.
post face on unsee then
You shat up now, femoid? Or do you need more unfuckable schizo lesbo ranting?


And stay down.
Not going to dox myself to anyone who isn't a cis Asian girl. How about you post your discord instead?
I’m not attracted to men (nor have I ever dated one, unlike you lol) unless you’re implying that trans women are men, which would make sense because you’re a shitty person.
We have hit the bump limit.

New thread?

Also we need to add "No cissies allowed" because they weren't using it anyways, and honestly I'm sick of the smug TERFoids ruining my weekend. I'm close enough to suicide.
I’m literally cis, so no. Go make your own gen.
new bread
I just had an excellent salmon fillet and sprout dinner. Cooked to perfection. Excellently seasoned, Only problem is I wish I had more.
Shut up. Either poon out or leave 4chan.



You will never be a feminist~
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I know what you are
Excuse me.

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