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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>QOTT 1 : What's the cheapest object you own that matters to you ?
>QOTT 2 : What about something you inherited, something that someone gave you. Do you have something precious that belonged to someone else first ?


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love wuming, OP?
Wu is : funny, positive, cute, smart, endearing, good sounding, fashionable, pretty, wholesome, good tasting, has good taste, skilled, patient, makes me smile and so much more. Yes I love wuming thank you for asking mhm
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
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Good evening !
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>Summer wars
>Jennifer's body

Here is the link of the stream, don't be shy and come join us! the film will start at 22:20 GMT


>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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>>QOTT 1 : What's the cheapest object you own that matters to you ?
A pink transparent glass bead I found near the bottom of my kindergarten's sandbox when I was 5. Looks like sea glass.

>>QOTT 2 : What about something you inherited, something that someone gave you. Do you have something precious that belonged to someone else first ?
too much almost since a large chunk of my closest family is dead. the wooden chairs I got are especially dear to me.
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Is it just me or is being lonely feel even worse when you're bi than if you were straight or gay
I don't in any way beleive there's "more options" when you're bi because lots of people reject you for that, but I don't know, the fact you have neither a woman nor man feels lonely as hell
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>Is it just me
Nope, this is a well-documented problem for bisexuals. Bs and Ts frequently score worse than Ls and Gs in studies. On average we seem to feel lonelier, have rougher sex, do more drugs, have more mental health issues, engage in riskier behaviour - all of that.

(too lazy to find all the studies but here are some)
Man that's no fun :(
My mind is the most valuable thing I have, yet it was free.
You may have received it for free, but the act of honing and molding it into its current state had its investments: Time, dedication, exertion... You would be prudent not to sell yourself short.
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yeah :[
only know one bi guy irl who doesnt fit the statistics. fucking one.
idk bigen i think we're gonna have to kill this guy.
please, no, I need him to stay alive so I can prove to my mom that bisexuals can be normal and healthy and kind
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1. my cast iron skillet. i don't know how much it cost because it was a gift but it's just the standard big "lodge" brand one. i use it almost every day. hope someday i'll be able to give it to my kids. to my mind that's the kind of thing that an heirloom should be. not a stupid china doll or whatever but something thats gonna continue to be useful forever. 2. my e-reader. i have more than three hundred books on it and i haven't payed for even one of them. some of the books, "my confession" by samuel chamberlain or "fall of princes" by john lydgate to give a few examples, have triple digit price tags as printed editions.
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>want to powerbottom bc it sounds hot and fun in theory
>in reality i literally always fold like a lawn chair and become a sub bottom
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>wake up in the middle of the night, hear faint 'kinda meowing' from my cat
>...who's apparently still outside at 1:30am.. sounds like hes talking to another creature and might be cornered
>jump outta bed, unlock and throw patio light on, grab flashlight and head out back still shirtless and barefoot
>find little dude just fine, a little poofed up but nothing else to be seen or heard after i made all that commotion.. apparently he wasn't that scared bc he didn't walk right back with me like usual.. carry him inside and lock up
well.. im up before the sun is.. i guess.
bro get you cat in at night. that's how they get ate.
he's been indoor/outdoor his whole life and wants to be out at night sometimes. he wanted to be out more all the time when he was younger but these days hes inside alot anyway. im not gonna restrict him all the sudden.
So you're saying someone is out there, eating pussy?
Yes, me.
damn shawty ok just remember to floss and brush we cant have your teeth getting acid damage
I'm just kidding, I haven't had pussy in years.
Also I agree with this anon>>36260395 I could never sleep knowing my kitties are outside somewhere and might get hurt.
>want to go out to an airsoft field but you are going to be late because you passed out.
Why am I so tired all the time.
Btw I finished farcry 2 and it was SHIT.
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would. would. would. would. no.
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Thou art of poor constitution!
wish i had a bi gf to fill with gock
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I'm glad we can all love miku
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im built like a mix between s and m kinda
im straight so none of these do anything for me unforch
maybe worth noting that my cat has a habit of climbing a tree that's next to the house to get on the roof and get let in on the balcony.. so he does have a place to go where pretty much any other bigger predator cant. my dad literally nicknamed him roofclimber.
Guys I think I'm falling in love with [spoiler]my older sister[/spoiler] again, how do I fix this about myself
Have a threesome with her and your dad
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There nothing wrong with it. Big sisters are based.
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i don't get why the pride flags are shoved everywhere but if i walked down the street in L.A. wearing a confederate flag patch i could get attacked
have you ever had your bisexuality flare up upon seeing a hot guy and a hot girl in the same 24 hour period and start fantasizing about the two of them at the same time
not everybody can get stuff :)
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ikr, they don't get it at all
heritage not hate!
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Well, free speech is an American thing in origin, and even then it has its limitations; it has never really been truly absolute. Employers have always been able to remove employees with particularly poor conduct or conduct that may become a liability. Frankly, societies have always had some level of social conformity, just finding others who share like opinions is how groups form which is the basis of societies. That in turn creates / shares culture and indirectly defines the "other" group on the opposing spectrum of ideas. The real problem i reckon we're facing is the ever so increasing amount of divisive ideals and rhetoric where people on both sides just do not have the patience to engage in discourse that doesn't devolve into insults. Our attention spans and vocabularies have been assaulted this past decade by social media and people often don't even bother to verify or seek information independently anymore.
Can't believe I lost Jennifer's body.
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Bump for bottoms
do straights really not like lemon water? this shit is delicious. i can down a liter and a half of of lemon water in about a tenth of the time it would take me to drink the same amount of plain water.
>do straights really not like lemon water?
You sound dumb, very dumb.
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I can't believe I've been straight this entire time. Like a fool I thought I was bisexual because of my attraction to both cock and vagene, but no... I was only lying to myself. I am, in fact, completely straight because I do not enjoy citrus infused water.
>someone I know found my tiktok
>my profile pic was an anime character with the bi flag
Shit. Changed that shit real fast.
It's sad but I guess that's just life
cat has killed again. no idea what it was but i found the vicera in the back yard. i guess he got tired of me taking his meat away when he brings it in the house.
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>going away on vacation next month
>wanted to buy a bunch of cute clothes and makeup for the trip
>have to blow my money on luggage and a place to stay as well as a bunch of over stuff
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First time playing Resident Evil 2 Remake. Holy fuck Leon is sexy in that police uniform. Now I understand why so many people love him.
its not the looks it's the sounds
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I've been having incredibly mixed feelings about someone that, until very recently, I was on good terms with. I don't know what to do but I feel like my being conflicted over it is having a knock-on effect for my admittedly already poor mental health. Sort of like having a weak immune system, only for the mind.

>QOTT 1 : What's the cheapest object you own that matters to you?
Can't think of anything.
>QOTT 2 : What about something you inherited, something that someone gave you. Do you have something precious that belonged to someone else first?
Nope, I can't recall having inherited anything from anyone.
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how does it feel to live with a murderer and a criminal
>QOTT 1 : What's the cheapest object you own that matters to you ?
Would probably be one of my pocket knives.. I have a Buck 870 bones i bought from a flea market on vacation over a decade ago now for $5 new and it has gone almost everywhere with me since; and not an easy life either. Wish i knew more and bought more at the time because the guy had other nice knives too, i went back one year and he wasn't there unfortunately. I still remember talking down an extremely edgy kid at his booth, telling him that while yes knives can still be weapons, in the modern world they are mostly relegated to being tools. I still think that's why the old guy gave me such a deal.
>QOTT 2 : What about something you inherited, something that someone gave you. Do you have something precious that belonged to someone else first ?
I have grandpa's garrison caps and 1952 FM 21-13 from when he was an engineer during the Korean conflict; I also have his powerline 717 he used to shoot squirrels with, but im pretty sure it needs a seal kit. There's also a family heirloom cookbook upstairs that goes back a couple generations i never met, it was the one thing my mom asked me to "make sure nothing happens to" in her absence before she passed from cancer. So yeah, there's a couple things i hope i can grab before running outside in the event of a house fire.

slayy queen
Holy shit, I don't normally get bipanic but those two are gorgeous <3
>QOTT 1 : What's the cheapest object you own that matters to you ?
I really like practical things like drawer organizers and cable holders, so I'd have to say something like that. Especially if they're not plain-looking or even a little cute. Other than that, it'd definitely have to be the pan I bought when I first moved out. I still cook with it all the time.

>QOTT 2 : What about something you inherited, something that someone gave you. Do you have something precious that belonged to someone else first ?
The guy I'm with gave me a baseball cap from our college as a congratulations present for getting in. I still wear it a lot haha.
my goal is to be in a bi4bi couple like that.
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Yeah, well my main goal is to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody

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house of bump
bi male here one of my coworkers is masc les, way too into me, and shes never been with a boy wtf do i do? she shows every sign she's into me but i'm so scared of letting her know how i feel since shes my direct report. doesn't help that according to her everyone at work wants a piece of me. i just wanna give her top til im crying nfs
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love him
My most recent fetish is non-human impregnation.
Women being impregnated by animals, monsters, aliens, or anything else. Sometimes through mammalian fertilization but also through egg-implantation, so like using the woman's womb as an incubator for their eggs, at which point she'll have to give birth to non-human young.

I really need to stop watching porn.
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>Women being impregnated by animals, monsters, aliens, or anything else.
Great stuff.
>Sometimes through mammalian fertilization but also through egg-implantation, so like using the woman's womb as an incubator for their eggs, at which point she'll have to give birth to non-human young.
Incredible stuff...
wtf i just found out someone i know worked on the puppets for the spirited away musical in japan, im not a ghibli fan but if i was i would tell literally everyone i've talked to for more than 5 minutes lol
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Don't fuck people you work with.
yeah you should. it's not good for your ability to form relationships to develop a fetish you cannot ever perform with a partner. it gets easier every day you go without. if you quit porn but not jerking off it is very easy to dispell the urge.
but i'm a porn star
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Have you spoken to the person that made you feel bad about how you felt ?
>Don't fuck AFABs* you work with.
boys are fair game for consensual nookie and have no power with hr to fuck with you afterwards
I tried to but she's an incredibly self-important person (or at least comes across as one). She was condescending and when I mentioned that I was hurt by her telling me she thinks she's better than me, she said that it was on me because I was choosing to view it through a negative lens.
Yeah, I know, I shouldn't give that much of a fuck about other people's opinions. Thing is, when it's coming from someone that has constantly called themselves a friend, it actually means something.
Anyway, I tried to mend things after that. It didn't last long as about 4 hours after "settling" things, we had another argument where she doubled down and told me that I didn't care about anything organically. Apparently she can tell (with her God-given intuition, no doubt) that I "only care because you've been subjected to positive propaganda about a subject" and that "don't actually care, like on a real emotional level".

I'll cut things off here because it's getting long.
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Fuck it its vent time.
>I am straight don't worry about it
>that dude is kinda cute tho, do weird shit
>mental breakdown
>I am not bi I am just an attentionwhore shut up

Rinse and repeat for around 10 times now please tell me how to stop this pain.
>tell me how to stop this pain.
admit you like cock
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Anon i.....
I'm taking bf/gf applications out of loneliness
Fill the void please, I want to be held <3
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...like cock. we know.
Here we go again— down bad and horny as shit but too fucked up in the head to try and pursue a sexual situation where there is mutual attraction.

I actively have to fight my mind from settling on the first person that shows interest even if they're really not good for me.

I wish I was genuinely asexual, man
>out of loneliness
Spending all day on the computer again, 100% queenshit certified girlboss moment
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how do we feel about boygirls /bigen/
A high-tier femboy is always hotter than even a high-tier woman, but they can't make babies so I won't date them. Big oof. Maybe technology will make it possible.
>Maybe technology will make it possible.
Im trying to lose weight and get nice and slim without going to the gym. Is walking for 1hr a day and fasting the way? Will doing 3 sets of 30 unweighted squats give me a bigger butt? I'm new to this whole exercise thing. I only ate below 1000 calories today. I want to be sexy.
i like orange and i like milk. don't try to turn orange juice into milk.
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i resist the urge to message him
>i resist the urge to message him
Hey I'll have you know the loneliness amplifies the yearning by 10
Mum the pewty ewe stranger made me feel weird and fuzzy I wanna go home /pol/ now :(
Puked five times after pride this year as a result of heat exhaustion but worth it anyway (only because it was all water and bile)
No clue what that is but damn I rate it ewe/10
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you will never be straight.
you sure it wasn't cus pride is gross?
>Go on discord
>>hey dude, how is it going
>no too weird delete text again
>>what's up mate, wanna hang out
>nononono still too weird
>okay that's just stupid

This can go on for hours
I was already done with the day i spent like 6 hours out there standing and walking around.. i was feeling hotter and hotter the last like hour or so and decided to call it and got worse on the ride home and had to stop 3 times. there was a bunch of hot people that showed out tho so no ragrets.
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eepy bump
can you even play that guitar behind you?
Am I bi if i am obsessive over one guy in particular but feel no attraction towards any other men in existence?
no. you have to be attracted to women too, homo.
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>The brainworks get worse
>Just woke up from an incredibly vivid dream where I was intimate with my ex-bf and comforting
>I rarely ever have sex dreams and haven't seen him in over 5 years
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Yeah, I always have this with cute couples
Sometimes I see posts like these and wonder if I'm bisexual at all because there's so many different experiences people describe that I just don't have.

At the end of the day I guess it doesn't really matter because I've found someone I'm more than happy with and I don't plan on changing that any time soon.

the thing about sexuality is there are a lot of ways you can experience it that are different even from those who share your identity. some bisexual people only experience romantic or sexual attraction to one gender while they feel both when it comes to the others. some of us have bi-cycles and some of us tend to become more attracted to the gender of the person we like and/or have a relationship with. it can be really complicated and sometimes picking apart those nuances can be helpful but other times it can give you a headache lmao

>I've found someone I'm more than happy with
that's all that matters :3
>two friends semi-regularly cuddle at parties etc
>one tries to go further one time
>the other guy is too drunk to meaningfully resist, only stops since other people were nearby and told him off
>friend basically says "tee-hee I should have struggled more"
Why was I not there to help?
I'm so sad, mad, scared and nauseous
i don't know what to do right now
I'm freaking out, idk what this retard has done to our friend group
I'm gonna throw up
where is the non movie discord? asking for a friend
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correct answer
holy shit i need to get ripped
are there bi bottoms that look like that
killing myself
killing myself
there isnt one
Have you tried slipping into peoples DM yet?
Can we date for the sale of it just as a learning experience.
>Can we date for the sale of it just as a learning experience.
Idk, the risk that I'll get too attached is high
Sake how do I manage to type so poorly.
>Idk, the risk that I'll get too attached is high
You act like thats a bad thing also the risk we dislike eachother in that way is also high.
"Hey random faggot I am also a random faggot you want to talk about random faggot stuff? Btw I found this shit out way to late and I am completely unstable because of it let's be friends"
If you have seen the post discord movie nice convos, they go in that direction...
I know what I saw and heard last friday night.
Actually sounds nice to me I try to catch the next one
Do bi cis women like nonop trans women?
>Why was I not there to help?
With? It seems that at least part of your friend wanted to let it happen.
Am I bi if i am obsessive over one guy in particular but feel no attraction towards any other men in existence
Am I bi if I have sex with both women and men?
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Anyone else have that one guy who might be unconventional looking who's super fucking hot because of their personality, even characters? Nick on Fear the Walking dead (right) looks pretty interesting but he's so cute and charming and kind and just endearing that I find him super fucking attractive? Was one of, if not the first guy I started to find attractive in that sort of way as a guy.
But that is how all my male crushes are.
Jesus Actual Christ no
Some do, they usually ID as pansexual in my experience though
ooooough i just want a qt to be obsessed with me
How did I end up in here
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Boy butt bump
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pride month, no seggs, its truly over
my goal is to be nothing but as beautiful as kaveh and top every butch i can
cant say so because im just fucking weird but to be honest im a happy fella, but personality goes way further than the sex organs someone has.
Something about Kaveh makes me want to have an already more regimented skincare routine and better fashion taste, If i want a partner and not just a hookup, I have to. Estrogen may also end up being the answer, but we will need to see.

I hope all my Androgynous hotties who put in legitimate effort have a happy pride!
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Have to show mine what he must aspire to become, for he is orange
Personally I am indifferent to it, it's not a plus but it's not a minus either? I feel like we're split into 4 groups:
>Dislikes them
(straight leaning, or terfy political lesbian leaning bis)
>Likes them but are weird about it
(chasers, and people who see it as a way to prove they're progressive? Also: country bumpkins who havent met trans women before, autistic girls who dont know how to react)
(big city bis and artists, usually.)
>Likes them because of shared feelings
(cis girls with body dysmorphia but also ftm reppers)
>be a bi guy
>have a weird poly thing with a cis woman
>she wants to do some butt stuff
>never actually did butt stuff with a girl

Like as a guy I can kinda test and get the anatomy — so what actually feels good for a girl in this?
>this many bis don’t like thickness

Am I the only one here who actually finds chub hot?
Nah depends on form of chub.
Evidently, it's you and me against the world...
For some of us we can kind of feel it rub against the same area that feels good during piv. Plus the pain is kind of pleasant? Kind of like having your nipples pinched can feel really good? idk it's hard to describe
I need your opinions, what type of treat/cookie/candy/whatever do you eat when your sweet tooth is aching? You'll get a bonus kiss on the cheek the lower calories it is. Hard mode: no fruits
>so what actually feels good for a girl in this?
An ex said it was a mental thing about submission for her, she liked it a lot for some reason
>the pain
Why would you not warm up more if you get pain? Take care of yourself, not everyone can just rawdog the whole thing without warmup
Oreo mint ice cream. Or chocomint.
Losing weight so oatmeal cookies.
Indifferent to all anymore. Flatter and skinny is aesthetic in general but chub can work some aesthetics.
I want to compare sized with a very passing femboy, smaller has to bottom
>I need your opinions, what type of treat/cookie/candy/whatever do you eat when your sweet tooth is aching?
I consume three squares of dark chocolate, which has been fashioned with coffee grounds.
Sometimes I worry I might be a little obsessive. My feelings are so intense they worry me a little sometimes haha. I'm pretty sure I like him a healthy amount, though?

I'm not a big sweets guy so my tastes might not be to your liking. Normally, I go for sweets that are a little savory. So I'll pick something like a cheese danish or something with a sea salt caramel, dark chocolate, or matcha flavor. Sometimes I'll get an egg tart or a red bean pastry if I'm near this really good Chinese place in my city.

If I'm just at the grocery store or CVS or something and I want something sweet, I usually just grab a dark chocolate bar.
unsalted cashews taste kind of sweet ! some teas too
>Why would you not warm up more if you get pain?
hmmm Pain might be the wrong word but I dont know how else to describe it :T you know how eating a good spicy meal or working out until you're sore can kind of hurt but still be enjoyable and safe? I think it's in that ballpark. Like using a muscle until it makes you sweat.
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>what type of treat
120 calories for two of these bad boys.
Those and some green tea with lemen go so well together.
what makes you worry about being obsessed? if you just really love someone but aren't being controlling or preventing them from having a life of their own outside of you then that's probably just normal.

based taste.
Think I'm gonna scare away my bf and gf by being too fucked up and crazy. bpd mtf tranny
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>witness the most braindead, dogshit, absolutely horrendous take of the century on social media
>it's always someone who's profile picture is some character with a pride flag
It's sad because I think those profile pics are kinda cool but they always spew the worst things imaginable
Genshin has a lot of hot guys in it
hot women too
love that game for pandering to bisexuals
When it comes to social media avatars and sobriquets, it appears that every flag is a red flag...
How do I stop feeling bad about wanting to break up with someone you care about but you know the relationship is toxic and isnt good for the long term?
>aren't being controlling or preventing them from having a life of their own outside of you
That's the fastest way to send him running actually haha. He's the sort of person that really values his independence.

It's just that I really liked him for a long time and couldn't seem to get over it. When I finally told him how I felt he had a hard time accepting I was serious and understood what I'd be giving up if my family ever found out. It took a while, but he finally got it when we talked things out once and for all. I think the amount of time I spent liking him and waiting for him to realize I was sincere might seem a little intense to some people.

Now I just think about him all the time, miss him a lot whenever we can't be together, and just generally have a hard time keeping my hands to myself. I think all that's pretty normal, though.
Very true
Even country flags are like this I'm afraid
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i deserve an award for being the worlds most shittiest travel planner
do stuff that gives them the ick/turns them off so they can break up w u instead
what about a passing pre op tranny
drake is over now we need a naked crotchless kendrick lamar now
when i was on dating apps ive had a noticeable amount of cis women/theyfabs express interest in me which was kinda shocking desu but yeah some do but theyre not as vocal abt it as cis men
u got two?! just greedy
>It's sad because I think those profile pics are kinda cool but they always spew the worst things imaginable
who cares lol just literally go outside
instead of making a big deal out of non-issues online we should all be at the club
I would be open for it if she is being rough
If its a passing pre op tranny and she is bigger, she can top if she is rougher and does a bit of shit talking
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thank god im getting srs
Ofcourse, its just a power dynamic
>tfw when no couple to fuck me in my ass and breed me while I eat out the woman’s pussy
Truly I am deprived in this life
>do stuff that gives them the ick/turns them off so they can break up w u instead
This is surprisingly challenging. Better to just rip the bandaid off and do it.
wait are you the cute anon with a rich family that's with a childhood friend? because yeah i can see how the fact that you pined for him for years and don't give a shit about burning your life down just to be with this guy can seem really crazy lmao but its also romantic.

yeah you also run the risk of it backfiring and them being into you acting like a weird or insane freak
Came out as bi to my cousin. She was very supportive so I am having a good day.
She already knew by the way because apparently I told her about some gay hookups I had when I was drunk.
I might tell my other best friend but because I only am interested in heterosexual relationships I think I'm just going to stay closeted.
Saw a man shout as his dog at the beach today and am no longer bi now. Bye everyone!
When I told my friends, nobody was surprised at all lmao.
Haven't told my family and likely won't cuz I only date women romantically, just like to fuck both and it's not relevant to them.
is the bi fantasy of being flirted with by a couple real or just porn
oh yeah tell me about it lol i tried doing it w my last ex but it didnt work out i was just joking anyways
Actually funny enough I'm 99% sure he is bi because we joke about Lady boys all the time.
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>Attracted to both sexes in theory
>In practice, everyone is so fucking horrible to each other now that I find most of humanity violently repulsive.
Funny how that works huh...I wish people could just be good to each other.
maybe its you
The bisexual fantasy of a futanari gf with abs and biceps
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thank you for this recipe anon, they turned out really tasty and crispy :9
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No...I'm good, I'm great even.
Ah yeah, I think that's me. I don't know if we're official "boyfriends" although I'd like to be. I don't know if meeting as teenagers count as being childhood friends.

> the fact that you pined for him for years and don't give a shit about burning your life down just to be with this guy can seem really crazy
That's fair. But it wasn't a decision I came to suddenly or lightly.


Oh I think I was one of the anons who was curious about how they'd turn out. They look really good. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but matcha flavored things are always good.
What the hell are these names...
Wish I was that futanari for you.
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it was these two mfs
they use to do bits flirting together a few years ago
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Hello /bigen/!!!
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>verbally abusive manchild with anger issues
>mentally unstable bipolar alcoholic
yeah love their dynamic...
>yeah love their dynamic...
dont judge weve all been there
i worry about you sometimes electra...
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that was all in the bit, anonette.
except minx being an alcoholic, that part was real.
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if it puts u at ease ive developed a better taste in men and looking back on my past dating choices i get the urge to put cigarettes out on my arm
I have not.
There's no fix at this point. They have brainrot.
>but they always spew the worst things imaginable
Shouldn't be surprising if you know what kind of people non-heterosexuals and non-eunuchs tend to be.
>I wish people could just be good to each other.
It's an eat or get eaten world.
yeah it's not all that crazy in context but i could see how some people would think i was if they only got the bullet points lol

>I don't know if we're official "boyfriends" although I'd like to be
what's stopping yall? did you not talk about this when you first hooked up?

idk who these people are but i'm assuming they're twitch thots or streamers of some sort.

i'd be cool with getting eaten by a milf tbhon
It's too hot to wear anything, let alone my pride shirt
In other news, I'm tired of dreaming about loving women giving me mindblowing sex even when I am a succubus
My decision to invest in the purchase of bamboo bedsheets has proven prudent within this past week...
Eat my dick while I call you a faggot.
This is /bigen/ not /faggen/
Bamboo fabric feels so nice. I like it for socks and shirts
I want to fuck G so bad.
i have some special bamboo underwear with a hole for my nuts to dangle out of (to be clear, the hole is supposed be there). my balls are never less sweaty than when i let them dangle outside my fancy bamboo underwear.
>"i'd like to fuck, g" *smack*
I would like to fuck G, AND I want to fuck G.
most of my sex dream involve me sucking dick. i've tried sucking dick and i really don't like it so i don't know what that's about. sex acts in my dreams are never pleasurable anyways. they're just preformed for weird dream logic reasons like being the customary way to greet one's cousin's dog walker.
bi-cycle got me real fucked up rn
Go on I am at work. so I have all the time in the world to act as if I make notes on my phone while reading your gay shit.
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>tell boyfriend I want to go on hrt
>tells me "he" also wanted/wants to transition
>we might end up as a t4t couple
Someone posted this in a discord I am in moments before you posted it.
Is there something you aren't telling me theta?
No. Heathcliff is a daily comic strip, and that instance is today's comic — as can be observed by the date in the corner. It is not unreasonable to see it posted in multiple locations today.
I found a sexo femboy to sex. It's happening.
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A reminder that tomorrow at 21 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
its about benders
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>we need a naked crotchless kendrick lamar now
kendricks 5'6 hes lowkey more poony than drake even though drake is spirtually a woman
are you 14
horrible taste, anon
are you guys both twinks
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those shade lines look like self harm scars wtf
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got let go of my job less than a month before my trip whats the quickest and most painless way to kms
>even though drake is spirtually a woman
not even drake is spiritually a cis straight he/they who paints his nails so he can get laid and grooms underage/barely legal theyfabs and non-transitioning/pre-transition ftms
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>got let go of my job less than a month before my trip
Damn... maybe it's for the best.
now wdym by that
My bisexual desires were entirely because of low self image and depression. Taking SSRIs has solved both.
Maybe getting fired will directly or indirectly lead you to discover and open doors that make your life better than it otherwise would've been. I personally have went through suffering that in the end resulted in a net improvement in my life.
>low self image and depression
>has solved both
You didn't truly solve anything.
I sleep earlier, wake up earlier, and have only broke down in tears twice across four months.
Think. I meant that SSRIs are a crutch (at best), not that they don't work.
>are you guys both twinks
I am. He's got some weight. Lucky for me I got the hots for thicc femboys. Win win.
If it’s working and I’m living a more content life, why wouldn’t it be a solution?
eh its more of a vacation than me moving out and i still havent even gotten a place picked out which is Bad its gna be my first time traveling alone so my planning skills r still a bit shoddy
i applied for unemployment + a buncha different jobs since then and im just holding my breath and crossing my fingers til i hear back
Am blind.
Yo that sucks. Losing a job right before a holiday is like one of my biggest fears. That and having to move back in with my parents.
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>why wouldn’t it be a solution?
You should be more thoughtful, pic related.

Hopefully you won't let your unemployment status sour your trip.
I don’t care to. Therapy didn’t work. Trying to improve myself didn’t work. Trying to tough it out didn’t work. Escitalopram works flawlessly and I feel much better, far less insecure, and ultimately without want.
>I don’t care to.
What you're doing is best for your type.
I’d love it to be any other way but it can’t, I’d become a depressed, suicidal, misanthropic wreck without SSRIs.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Yes, it is. I was tired of being an awful incel. On SSRIs I can be a better person, what made me upset before doesn’t anymore.
you ever think about trying psychedelics?
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This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
(bonus points if he has a gut and/or extra body hair)
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Body hair being a possible exception, you have dysgenic taste and it's even doubtful you genuinely believe this.
what could he possibly mean by this
Anybody want to watch me play Crash Bandicoot in the /Bigen/ fun house?
Ooh! Ooh!
>bonus points if he has a gut and/or extra body hair
You're literally describing me...
is this ur way of coming onto me? :p
You're a bit funny but have horrible taste. Unfortunately to this day I can't forget a music album you shared.
>You're a bit funny but have horrible taste
ad nauseam
what would (You) consider to be the ideal male form anyways?
>Unfortunately to this day I can't forget a music album you shared.
unfortunate for you or for me? which ones do u find u usually like the most?
That would make it all worse.
That depends do you like men than can lift you overhead?
>ad nauseam
Ha, no way!
>which ones do u find u usually like the most?
>what would (You) consider to be the ideal male form anyways?
No comment.
>unfortunate for you or for me?
For me of course.

I like you, take care.
what a silly thing to say. the statement suggests that you have not tried them yet you claim to know exactly what they would do. i have heard of people who did not get any benefit from psychedelics but i've never heard of anyone saying they became more depressed for taking them. what gives you the idea that they would make things worse?
what kind of person do u take me for?! ofc i do!
ur so enigmatic anon.. take care of urself too
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Burnt my hands
Wish a stonefaced woman would kiss them tenderly

Yeah, often

Now that's an idea. Thanks Thetanon

You're gonna make it Anon, work on yourself

is it normal to feel attracted to most people you see
it makes me feel like im gonna cheat on my partner even if i would never do that
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No, you're hypersexual. I feel attracted to like 3/4 of all women I see so I can relate to some extent.
Can I weirdly simp for you and than go "actually i am straight" and than go right back to weirdly simping for you?
I came to the realization that I'm bisexual only to immediately recognize that that just means more people will reject me!
How about you work on yourself instead of crying all over the boards?
>I was tired of being an awful incel
That is misogyny. Also how does an ssri change someone grom being an incel?
I burn my hands nearly every time I cook.
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>what kind of person do u take me for?! ofc i do!
I love when women are turned on by strength. It's such a huge ego boost.
This is oike when asexual people claim they are aromantic and asexual yet love yuri and bl and are in gay relationships.
An9n you are just a simp for them at the end of the day and that is still gay.
It’s not just misogyny. I now feel a lot more comfortable about myself and in tune with my emotions, so much so that I hardly even care about sex or relationships.
American psycho anyone?
Way of the gun
i love the way the gunplay is shot, havent seen in a while
It's sad we don't really see much bi4bi with 2 guys in fiction, a lot of lesbian couples are bi4bi and a few straight ones are but never two guys
The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily !
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nobody saw me duck up twice in the same way, nobody

QOTT1: My childhood favorite plushie that was a white square of tissue (I used it to 'tuck' at night when I was 9 and onwards)
QOTT2 : I have a secretary that I got from my great granma's house, with burnt maple wood applied on it, it's absolutely gorgeous and totally out of place in my cheapass appartment. I love looking at it
Because it gets gay washed especially in manga/anime. If they had any romantic interests in women those go poof and the bg lore of any past crushes go poof.
Anyone knows a manga where a bi dude turns a "straight" dude asking for a friend
I've always cherished my things since I grew up poor, I'm not much richer now so I continue to. I could choose a few things, but I'll choose a stand out in my mind: my backpack.
Been with me since high school, been around the world with it, it's just a standard laptop backpack but man we've been through it all and then some. I've only had to mend one or two things on it so far but I'm ready to do whatever until it starts disintegrating. It's held my life in its hands plenty of times (if I lost it I'd have been stone cold fucked).
I inject value into things that serve me actively in my day to day, I've had the same kitchen knife since I first moved out, I get sentimental about them for the presence and persistence they have in my life. Trinkets and baubles from family mean very little to me, and they know that so I've gotten little from them, not that we had much anyway, as I said we were never rich.
The only things I keep around without function for sentimental reasons are some childhood plushies and a little knick knack from every notable place I've been.
Nothing much from any of them, just a little reminder.

Can't relate, I suspect SZPD but considering I avoid psych's I'll never really know for sure, could just be more depression.
I find long term engagement with people way more costly than beneficial.
Despite this I have a stable long term relationship, which is as confusing to me as anyone.
depression tracks for sure, otherwise I don't flag for much, including being bi.
L and LL carrying this team
skinny's one thing, eating disorder is antisexy and child bride aesthetic has never been my type.
i don't sexualize random people much beyond a brief "would/wouldn't" thought, i don't have the energy or interest to obsess
delaminguez rizz
he told me I had good taste in porn once, lmao
what a trans thought to have
he's thinking of you
dw about it, the past is the past unless you're in a courtroom
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It's an art I suppose. Making relationships feel uniquely unpleasant is something that comes naturally to me. That is to say I've never had any trouble with crazy exes, not even a callback.
Almost all left on their own and were quite happy to be rid of me.
It's annoying we get bi erasure from so many sides
>"He can't be bi he showed he was attracted to women"
>"Why is he dating a guy now they made him gay"
>"Omg he's gay he's kweer as fuck" (he expressed attraction to both men and women but is dating a man)

I guess I'll just go back to being a fudanshi
I feel like those are only in porn doujins
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This is why I read very bisexual genderbender mangas. sometimes gay sometimes straight, any sex or gender will do. Pic related
Time, Doctor Freeman? Is it really that, time again?
I mean that works too
I need names
Waited forever to buy gay cute sword boys in musou/warriors games. I know koei isnt on sale almost definitely. Still buying touken ranbu.
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Oh boy! Time to purchase 20 more games I'll never play.
Everyone told me to buy hades 2 instead of 1 cause its better apparently. The only reason I wantde to buy this shit game isn't there I fucking hate people who don't understand videogames
Never played it so idk, I don't think I ever talked about hades here.
the first game had a cute guy as main the second some mid chick gameplay us fine I guess
i like her jelly skeleton arm
Barry Lyndon
Batman Forever
Who the fuck are you?
God damn you.
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The poll is now open, no further recommendations will be accepted.
The voting will stop tomorrow at around 4 PM GMT, so be sure to vote before then!

Here is the link to the server:
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Boy I can't wait to see Indipendence Day

So do I...

Well I probably won't make it so sure I'll vote for that. Sorry everyone
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VOTE for lezkino! we almost made it last week.
How do I find unicorn hunters?
I wanna get fucked while sucking on some girls tits :(
wow same, if I could get over some hangups this sounds like the dream
The sales have been mid for years now
20% off anything you actually want
50% off things you could take or leave
80% off things you would hardly take for free (and are somehow still $20 at that price)
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I am just a happy camper
Why no american psycho? :(
We've already watched it
Ohhhhh ctr+f doesn't work on this shit browser for some reason guess I read over it sorry
np np anon, i should've said that in the post
you guys havent wtached fight club yet o.o
i think no one nominated it so far!
We don't talk about that.
Gf is down for an mmf threesome. I am excited
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Portrait of a Lady on Fire wins the first round, vote NOW in the 30 minutes FLASH ROUND to decide the second movie of the night!

That sounds fun for her and those other two guys.
lol nice
i have a surprise day off work what should i do with it?
Same problem I get high and play vidya probably or write new music.
I'd be up for Fight Club.
time to do another one
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it has come to this
the last 30 minutes, one vote only FLASHIEST ROUND will decide the second movie, in case of another tie a coin toss will.

ill put it in the list for next week then
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And we have the two winners! (second movie was chosen with a coin toss)

>Portrait of a Lady on Fire
>Batman Forever

So see ya later at 22 GMT!
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Cute, cute!
Can we watch portrait of a lady second plz?
sure np
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not to get all deep out of nowhere but i think im going to die alone and the only hope i have for helping ease such loneliness is short term casual sex where i dont even like the other person that much
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A reminder that in 2 hours Movie Night is gonna start! Here is tonight selection:

>Batman Forever
>Portrait of a Lady on Fire

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>where do we watch the movies?
On the official Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
i dont like that attitude, ur gonna be fine babe
He still has more toilets..... Why?
who cares about bi erasure its literally not that serious
stop having casual sex the instant dopamine is not worth it
alcohol is truly the only thing that makes life worth living, that allows one to feel *the love*
Homie, do you need to talk or something?
Srsly fuck that victim mentality shit
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Talk? I love talking to people but you make it sound like I'm sad, far from it, I'm bursting with love (thanks to alcohol)
>bisexuals try not to use a form of self harm to regulate emotions (difficulty impossible)

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