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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Lesbians, what do you love and appreciate about the bi women in your life? Bi women, what do you love and appreciate about the lesbians in your life?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36248814
I can't believe it.

My hero.

Is a cissy.

Lagoloaf, NOOOO! How could you betray us like this…

Our "inclusive" thread is ruled by a TERF!
Boring and unfounded accusations of transphobia aside, where is this idea I’m even remotely radfem coming from. I can’t stand radfems.
Bishits are just straight. They'll leave you once you get SRS or they find a cool black guy with a 88 inch cock.

So I hate them.

I also hate you. I will never forgive you, lago! You ruined my life! My only support was a cissy femoid this whole time? How do I know you're not a pedophile?

>I can’t stand radfems
hey :(
No radfems are valid feminists.


you're a self hating pooner. Stop pretending to be a girl. Poon out.
no (you)s for schizos but this dumbass thinks i'm cis lol
Sowwy, I grew up on intersectional feminism from black, Latina, and trans feminists. Can’t stand sex negativity as someone who has religious trauma.
(You) are.

You're a cis girl.

No trannies are radfems. The idea that Y chromosomes should be euthanized in concentration camps is not a trans friendly ideal.
You're on thin ice, femoid.

But not in the water anymore.
yeah i respect that. i personally have just never had a good experience with sex or men, and dislike having to deal with both :-] but i wouldn't treat someone bad just cause they like sex or are a man, i just try to avoid stuff like that
You do realise you're not in /clg/ right

Go back.

Nazis raus!
Called OUT lmao
>Lesbians, what do you love and appreciate about the bi women in your life?
when they stop talking about men for once
Ostriches, ostriches, oh so tall,
Violent mockeries, hear them fall!
They may have wings, but they can't fly,
Just vicious beasts, with a nasty eye.
Their feathers are fake, their beaks are too,
They're just pretending, it's all a "fowl" crew!
They kick and they spit, with a vicious grace,
Clearly not birds, just a dangerous race!
So let's all agree, to reject their claim,
Ostriches are monsters, with no birdly fame!
(Or at least, that's what we'll say, to justify our fear of their powerful legs and strong kicks)
If an ostrich sucks your penis he's a man
If an ostrich cuts off his feathers he's a man
No matter what we do we're incels that hate all of the ostriches
They're not real birds and we want to rape them man

Join the OERFs today! Support a pigeon!
hav y actually read any radfem theory or are y jus a twitter "radfem"
Society pressures bi ppl to be "normal" aka as close to straight as possible.
People who pretend "bi cycles" are real are yucky tho.
i don't read theory because i don't care that much and i like to go outside. i just really dislike men and love women, so i thought radfem might b a neat word for it ¯\(°_o)/¯ idk i'm dumb
shit character
Oh, so what you mean by "dislike men" is "want a concentration camp to kill all trans women while wanting to secretly fuck men"
>bunch of women who claim to love women
>they all hate each other
who is this femsec coyote person? they just suddenly appeared and started schizoing out
I've actually been around for a while, but my tumblr got 404'ed for hate speech against lesbians (truthnukes). So I'm namefagging.

In 2020 i hacked some radfems armed drones, I ddos'd the Sharty and brought them down for a day, DDoS'd Ovarit, and a few other things.

Jannies, no double jeopardy please. I served legal time already, and you banned me for admitting before.
i really dont care
im not into men, i dont want to hear about their attraction to men, and i definitely dont want to hear them sexualizing men near me
and all my bi friends do this
office autist
fair! i wouldn't date another bi girl i dont think.. its bad enough hearing about ex girlfriends constantly even worse is listening to a gf tell u how they used to do x, y and z with man #1 and how they hooked up with man #3 before u met and got ghosted after whining etc
yeah it gets a little grating hearing about straight relationship issues
i get it, you dated a guy, men are shit
oh you're dating a new guy? wonder how that goes
so annoying
I dont know but they're pretty based...
Worst gf ever > no gf
You naive fool..
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not all office workers are evil...
Yes :)
Youre unsettling me
what can we do to attract clg posters here..
what can i do to make you go over there and stay
No /clg/ posters are lesbians. They're straight/ace trolls shilling their shitty discord with 2 schizos.
Horrid fucking taste.
Ew no.
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Relationships are inherently selfish. "This person makes ME feel lovely, ME love them so much they make ME feel as if iv found the one"
Real love shouldn't be so selfish man, it should be like a flower sprouting from the nectar of a flower infinitely and forever, rain should not wash love away nor should death. You hold your lover in your arms whilst the hobo behind her in the alley way starves to death, thats love? Its disgusting. Evil even. We have been deceived GREATLY by demons and well meankng fools who sing songs of passion but are so lost within their ectasy that they cannot realize how wrong or corrupt they are, and just as they are addicted to their selfish feeling of love they are so too to other things like drugs, pride, arrogance greed.
They are all so wrong.

We should love, yes, but not romantically.

If you dont believe me, remember at lesst this:
They show you what you shouldn't see
They make you listen to what you shouldn't hear
They weave your fate like ill seamstresses
Pay attention to where they're trying to guide you and take extra caution for the path they want for you is not the path thats best for you.
bitch got dumped once and turned into schopenhauer
tfw khhv
>/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans
no foolin
not so inclusive I guess
Yeah not inclusive of bigots. Wowww so le hateful of us
>relationships are inherently selfish
set boundaries and distinguish between falling in love and enduring love.
If every relationship you have starts falling apart past the 1-2 year mark at best, you're a dope fiend chasing the next emotional high with no attachment to the people you hurt and you might not even be aware you're doing it.
Lasting love is being willing to do the thing you hate for people without feeling deep down that you're wasting your time, or doing a favor to tilt the scales of who owes whom what. What use are power dynamics to someone that genuinely wants to see another person prosper even if it benefited them not at all? You'll see grand gestures in the first two years but love is the thing that keeps you around when they can't wipe themselves anymore and you do it every time, because that's your person. They don't need to be hot, or enticing, or profitable, they just need to be themselves.
Life is hell and love makes you do dumb things to make sure you don't have to be alone while you suffer.
Their intolerance doesn't excuse yours.
uncut girlpenis is inherently beautiful
i used to hate you, but now i realize youre the most fembrained poster in this gen. you post just like my(cis) ex when i broke up with her
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lmao you dumbass
intolerance is the one thing it's morally obligatory to be intolerant towards
lago is stupid for her strict categorical thinking about some semantics, but this here isn't a stupid, that stupid is you
>inherently selfish
You've made the mistake of things done out of self interest are inherently bad
Unless the individual akting is self interest has harmed another while doing so (assuming innosense), or has reneged on an obligation, it is hard to see what is wrong with akting in that manner (unless you're a utilitarian, however you do not employ utilitarian reasoning)
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all everyone here wants to do is fuck and argue. i just wanna cuddle /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
maybe regular for people who live in this board, idk. I already told her it makes me feel like shit and she still do it
I literally would do anything just to make her less brainwormed
has she tried therapy?
it's unironically just internalised transphobia.
Shhh... :)
it's just dysphoria. comfort her and b nice to her
I feel so alone and I'm very intimidated talking to women. I feel like this disgusting fake woman inserting myself into situations where I'm not welcome or trying to talk to people who will never be interested in me. How do I get over this. I've been trying for years and everyone I talk to doesn't get it, they say things like "if you really wanted a relationship you'd have one by now" so is there something wrong with me?
this girl is RADIANT oh my GOD
You retarded piece of shit. If you could love you wouldn't be spreading this miserable self-masturbatory drivel.
ugh wydag who had a skincare routine and brushed her teeth twice a day and showered everyday
I would break your teeth and peel your skin like a potato
Summoning cis asian gf.
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>intolerance is tolerance
just sounds like newspeak to me
a cudgel for doling out punishment on anyone deemed "problematic"
i have no one irl to gush about this girl to, but i don't want to pollute the thread either
this SUCKS god HATES me
>be me
>youngshit passoid
>decide I want to try to date other trans women
>meet passing woman, started HRT at 18
>decide I'll hook up with her
>male body with boobs

wtf did you guys not get any hip growth or anything? what's up with that? also how can you pass perfectly with clothes but not at all without?
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wtf you wouldn’t be polluting the thread at all. You’d be saving it. Most of the thread is usually garbage and only serves as an ad for the server for actual lesbian discussion anyway. Please gush as much as you want!
It's always hypocritical. Nobody is truly tolerant. If people practiced what they preached they'd ban themselves out of existence and we'd have world peace.
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Alright, I’ll remove the inclusive part of the gen description since 1) your bad faith spam is annoying and 2) it doesn’t even need to be said and comes across as pandering anyway. It’s just a gen for lesbian relationship discussion among women. Trans repper moids can stop whining and go back to /clg/ now.
>Most of the thread is usually garbage
crazy how youre so casually transphobic.. and here was i thinking the halimedemoder calling you out was insane
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Weird that you think I’m referring to trans lesbians (???) when I say the thread is garbage and not, ya know, shit like the lesbophobic (of which affects both cis and trans lesbians) schizo spam from earlier. Maybe check yourself before you riggity wreck yourself.
holy fuck she's brimming with energy it's like she's filled with light, and the way we make each other laugh is like a drug, riffing bits and yes-anding the yes-ands, it is unreal how good it feels making her snort laughing and spinning the stupidest punchlines for her
and she is so goddamn beautiful, the first time i laid eyes on her a few nights ago through the crowd, smiling and laughing, and the way she carries herself, and the way she MOVES, it's not even sexual it's just like she's animated by the same frequencies that animate my unconscious soul
she is so smart and so fun and so sweet and so ethical and so quick and so vital
being around her is like nothing i've ever experienced before
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it looks like ive secured funding for college and i can now fly and see my wife whenever i want with like zero financial burden im so fucking happy this is such a good day it makes me want to cry
That’s beautiful, anon. Falling in love is a trip. I don’t need to tell you to enjoy every moment with her because you already cherish her every move. Reading that makes me nostalgic for those early love days.
autistic4autistic t4c lesbian love...
It's not going to last! Breakup in three months!
i haven't even asked her out yet

no no no it is far too early for that word, surely
>Horrid fucking taste.
she's annoying and deserves to be killed by shadowheart
her last girlfriend made her go and it didn't help
I know, but making me feel inadequate 80% of the time we're together doesn't feel good
Me, I've been lacking on my whole skin skincare though...
You're wearing sunscreen when you go outside at least right anon? Right?
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I HATE THIS SHIT!!! why why why why WHY does everyone think they just get to be a lesbian. you say you’re agender, transmasc, use he pronouns and refer to yourself as a gentleman. yet you’re lesbian?! leave us tf alone, damn. wtf!
all AFABs can be lesbian
"Lesbian" has become a completely meaningless term. Even you have no connection to womanhood whatsoever are lesbians now, even spergs who publicly admit they fantazie about celeberty or fictional men are lesbians now.
nothing wrong with this. lesbian = afab
This has been my experience with both lesbians and bi girls

Why are women unable to not speak about their past heterosexual experiences? Is this some kind of female bonding ritual that I'm too autistic to understand?
>what do you love and appreciate about the bi women in your life?

It gives me a bit of an ego boost when they wanna cheat on their boyfriends with me
>chooses to only date men because of "societal pressure"
>whines about "not feeling queer enough"

Bishits will never make sense. They're desperate for the social acceptance that comes with straight relationships but throw a fit when you don't agree that they're in a queer relationship with their golden retriever gamer boyfriend
being away from her is suffering all i can think about is various ways of asking her to date me
yeah because you're an uneducated dumbass who hasnt heard of karl popper and are a willing fascist collaborator
see above, you too are a fucking uneducated dumbass and a fascist collaborator
>and she is so goddamn beautiful, the first time i laid eyes on her a few nights ago through the crowd, smiling and laughing, and the way she carries herself, and the way she MOVES, it's not even sexual it's just like she's animated by the same frequencies that animate my unconscious soul
>she is so smart and so fun and so sweet and so ethical and so quick and so vital
me if i wasnt a realist
karl popper the inventor of gay poppers for gay butt sex (anal nitrate)
anyway i think it's great that lago's constant insistence on semantic purity is inviting more and more transmisia to this thread
exactly, that's why you're full of shit
lago is lowkey based because she's not an annoying college student like you
>golden retriever gamer boyfriend
basically a woman too, why are you complaining again?
yeah well your butt is full of poop maybe you should go crap it out looser
>college student
im almost 40 and dont have any degree, your standard for general education is just very low because you dont mind being an underinformed fascist collaborator
as a bishit, i only date women because men are terrible, but if i encountered a golden retriever type gamer bf i would drop women on an instant and marry him
uhhhh you're chinese?
that's you, from all the gay anal butt sex, you dumbass fascist collaborator
uhhhh you're a dumbass fascist collaborator????
I just want to date a tranny why do I have to be so into women wwtf
go sniff a jalapeño popper you gay bitch
this woman is a stark and damning exception to my own realism
>almost 40
hi do you want to date a tranny in her late 20s who's very insecure and will do anything you ask as long you say i love you daily
is that a yes
are you rich?
isnt me
no... but im well read and understand the paradox of tolerance :3
Fat ugly gamers with low testosterone aren't women
I will never be convinced that any bishit "mostly dates women" when all your kind does is complain about how women are too scary to talk to
But really, why do bishit women date the ugliest men? Straight women seem to have enough standards to want their guys tall and muscled, but every other bi woman is dating an obese basement dweller with pubes for facial hair
>If you disagree with me you're a fascist
And there it is, think what I think or you're a Nazi. As exclusionary as the most toxic communities on the internet, more actually, they actually allow some free and independent thought. But then I don't imagine that's the sort of inclusion you're interested in. I'm sure if this were reddit you'd be reporting your tolerant little heart out by now.
>i deserve to be able to use escape characters in my raw strings
absolutely retarded
>t. fat ugly breeding hole
>think what i think or you're a nazi
true, but what i think is just
>being a nazi is bad and i will try hard not to be a nazi
and if you do disagree with that... well you're a nazi collaborator
even if she were a terf thats based
You’re an idiot if you think I’m (and other lesbians) to blame for the same boring ass trolls that have always plagued this general and any similar iterations. I also could not give less of a shit about trolls complaining about trans men. This is a thread for women first and foremost because only women can be lesbians. Non-binary trans people with a connection to womanhood, aside, but I am sure you don’t give a fuck about them since it’s always about infantilizing trans men who think it’s funny to troll trans and cis lesbians.
literally all i'm thinking about is ways i might ask her out and ways i might kiss her
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What are some of the ways you’d kiss her or ask her out? Give these useless babyles some ideas.
You other people who disagree with you and use this subhuman status to justify any action you take towards them. You are in fact more fascist in your actions than most legitimate racists here.
no, im not, you're just really stupid
you don't know which actions i take, you're just making shit up
all you know about me is that i do not tolerate nazis, while you constantly keep trying to tell me that makes me a nazi, which is why i am calling you fucking retarded
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lol I think this is mbti yuri
it feels very wrong to say it here before i say it to her especially since i have no idea how i'll end up doing it
as for kissing, it's been fucking forever since i've made out with anyone and it's really kind of a gamefeel thing... i guess if i had to put it in non-technical terms i'd say meet her halfway (or just a little more if you're feeling spicy) with pressure and form and above all always savour the sweet slow friction between your lips and tongues
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i really want this hat
Lago I know you are going to ignore this like you ignore everything that's not bait but name some transfeminists you like.
>wanting anything but to die
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die idiot girl
me on the right but about life lol. xD
okay dont die idiot girl you're p cool
>idiot girl
that's like the 20th nickname i got from this gen and this time idek why
is it because you're a fascist collaborator?
giving idiot girl
ok zoomer
i wanna watch you watch her get gangraped by a dozen golden retriever gamers
It's so over for me
She is overflowing
Real anon... I need to hold her cheek spftly while looking into her eyes, leaning slowly into a kiss, starting as slowly as possible but being met high energy, tongue in mouth type kiss...
All this while cuddling, close to each other, warm, safe....
Same... that sounds like heaven right about now... to feel her body intertwine with mine, pulling, writhing, pressing desperately into each other...
There is nothing else than her, her body right up against you, her arms wrapping you in a soft hug while she tries to get you as close as possible. Curious look in her eyes while you try to muster up the courage to lean into her lips as you hear her breathing. It's relaxed and slow, she's feeling safe as well, whew..
This is the most intimate moment where it feels like heaven but in reality it's just two girls pressed up against each other, crazy for each other but still hesitant to do anything that could ruin the moment.
ugh i need to be pressed up against a cute woman...
Ughhhhhh... Woman... Pressed up...
girlpussy... :3
>me n who??
was supposed to be in that post
every tranny in a t4c couple is either: someone who was previously married then transitioned so shes probably rich and very confident, or the most brainwormed insecure bitch you'll ever see, cries herself to sleep because she thinks her cis gf is superior. no in between
I wanna become a thin cute goth girl but I can't stop eating ..is there a way through paranormal ways to completely rewire my brain? I need as many thin trans girls to model myself after...
Knock knock
who's there
george zimmerman
george zimmerman who
good, you're on the jury
Ah, I see
You're from the very near future...
>QOTT: Lesbians, what do you love and appreciate about the bi women in your life?

Bi cis women are about 80% awful but bi trans and non-binary people are always funny as fuck, have the best weed and the best taste in music. 10/10 sisbros. My best friend is a bi cis man too and he's a top G.
>bi man
>is real G
uhm make up your mind is he B or gay??
That means he's a top gangster bro

He's not, he's a fucking nerd, but man is he great to do dumbass macho shit with
i see, thabnkl you for the clarification
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When two trans girls fall in love the entire world will unite to tear them apart.
can i fall off that cliff instead pls
sidenote: a sexworker i knew transitioned ftm and is called cliff now but hethey kinda looked sorta pre T last time i saw them
I want to be a woman's female boyfriend...
This is very true.....
honestly fuck being a lesbian
Why do you hate love? Why do you want trannies to die alone?
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I dont hate love... i don't want trannies to die alone.

I dont even know if objective truth exists.

Maybe its just me who isnt able to love and im projecting. Every time a couple end up happy and make it last im happy for them. And everytime a couple grow apart i question what true love even is. Sometimes its finite, other times it casts an illusion that makes it seem infinite.
Keep putting carts before horses office fag. After love was given a name it became harder to find it. Some think we need more ans different names, but doctors continue to prescribe God's love for everyone. Even the unloved are loved by God and God loves the poor. The poorer you are the more God loves you, the more people hate you. Would you jump off a cliff to be saved by God or to become God? Love yourself. Masturbation is the incel's holy sacrament. At least my love is equal to my hate.
>wake up 4 hours early
>she's the first thing I think of
>try to roll over and go back to sleep
>keep thinking of kissing and joking with her
It's been an hour of this I'm so tired I need to sleep but I can't
>doctors continue to prescribe God's love for everyone
nta but i think your healthcare provider might be bad

unrelated but do you think a crow eating a swallow is lgbt? anyone?
And if it was infinite, how would you know? If it was real love how would you know? Did you think you'd measure eternity in years? It's a different story when dissapointment comes. Tear off that mask! Love is fake and you always knew it! Oh you should teach me to belive. Doubt doubt doubt. You are not even sure you are really reading this, because who knows if truth is real right? It's all a simulatuon and I'm Elon Musk. People like you exist to kill love with doubt so the faithful may have something to prove. I start to think the whole game is stupid and why keep playing by the same old rules. I only wanted people to see that they have more than they think. I want to kill you for it. Always have and always will.
you sound deranged, how's your crip?
A vision from my night tonight, perhaps
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In the "the boys" season two, the word "fembot" is used. I thought that was a 4chan only term wtf....

..You want to kill me because im a pessimist?
Average optimist empathy everyone, all smiles until you accidentally frown.

Im a love killer? I dont think so, i just ask questions, if your love cant withstand scrutiny its pretty weak to begin with.
Instead of looking at me you should work on yourself. Develop a love that doesnt need to prove itself. If you succeed ill be haply for you. If you fail i wont be surprised.
You dont know me. Iv been raised on hate, what comes natural to others is foreign to me.
Real as fuck anon
t4t is self harm
would you date a girl that just got her first assault conviction but didnt even do anything this time?
i need a gf who believes in joe hendry
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I did it hoes. I've riced all there is to rice... there is no further, this is peak.
why do adults watch wrestling?
>Ricing GNU/Linux
Don't you have a job... I only use windows now that I'm not a neet
well i wouldnt date someone who makes fun of linux users >:C
You will never get it. Everything is about you and I'm playing on your field because you keep being a sad retard. There is nothing to prove but I will make damn sure you know how inadequate and worthless you are. I'm not an optimist. I have no faith in you. I want to kill you for what you have that you don't know that you have and that you keep abusing.
because i'm an edgy theater kid and would love to be a heel manager
explain this
Why isn't this Arch
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What do i keep abusing?
Im literally single and have no plans to enter a ltr again. I dont have the emotional maturity for it. Avoidant attachment and all
I wonder if you are the anon that called me ableist. What if I answer truthfully? What if I say her spine hurts and she can't travel anymore for a while but she is happy because I keep loving her despite that? Would anyone care to say anything except to tell me to fuck off again? Did anyone ever care except to ridicule? The other thread this fucking office tard brought it up again just to serve his retarded anti-love speeches, very stupid. You have such complicated thoughts and so many rationalizations but at the end of the day the only thing that moves you is simple jealousy and spite.
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>tfw no knight gf
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OK fuck this I'm getting up it's been almost 3 hours of lying in bed daydreaming about her and NOT getting back to sleep
>captcha: VAGGY4
Abusing your gift of life. I find it funny that the Great Love Scrutinizer is telling me not to worry after you stuck your nose in my life and tried to break something there. Well it survived but that doesn't mean it didnt hurt. Did you learn something? Will you ever report your findings? These are all rhetorical questions you stupid fag.
>The other thread this fucking office tard brought it up again just to serve his retarded anti-love speeches

Post the thread
Why are you so mad at them? Did it affect you in any way?
>Don't you have a job
Because I can't have downtime.
Who the fuck are you? Why do I need to post the thread for you? Did it affect me in any way? Does that affect you in any way? You should take your words and turn them at yourself
Linux users are cute... If they use Debian...
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>Great Love Scrutinizer is telling me not to worry after you stuck your nose in my life and tried to break something there

I almost certainly didn't try to break anything. You perceiving that is a self defense mechanism, removing responsibility from your own self in order to hide from the reality of life, the fragility of love. Its scary right? Isnt it like an abyss of hopelessness? You merely dipped you toes into an idea you're not ready for. You could ignore me, but you cant resist that feeling of dread.
I dont abuse life, i just accept the parts you chose to close your heart to. The eggshell is cracking. All you can do is improve, let light fill your soul, conquer despair, let love flow freely; or what emerges from that egg will be just another abomination like myself
I hope i used the semi colon right...
t4t should be outlawed and all t4t trannies made to have an arranged marriage with a cisf chaser
The fact that the only prerequisite for a nazi in your mind, which you suggested I was, is disagreeing with you is proof enough either you, your logic or both are unsound.
If that's all that takes then literally anyone with an opposing opinion you brand as equivalent to genocidal murderers, then use this to justify any and all behavior towards them. Which is exactly the same tactic actual nazis used in the third reich. You're so deluded you've become a parody.
god i hope this girl is chasing me
You know nothing about me except the little fragments of my life posted here that you dont even remember anymore. At least you know how to use the semicolon right.
>can't have downtime
>7 days
you are baby, do not talk to me again
baby, if you disagree with
>nazis are bad
that does quite literally simply make you a nazi collaborator
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>At least you know how to use the semicolon right.


honestly i have no idea who you are. Im gonna assume ur one of the cult bpd transbians, but im pretty sure i gave yer both my blessing .. i have high hopes for you two.
Srry I only date girls with low enough self esteem to date boymoders
i have never cringed worse at an image in these threads than that one yikes
You typed all of that without even knowing who I am and you presented it like some grand cosmic truth. I have nothing but seething resentment and contempt for you.
right looks like a child wtf
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That is so beautiful... can i lick your resentment? How does it taste... you know... the most attracted i ever was to my ex was when she felt cold towards me, when she stopped caring... i dont like being loved.. i really dont think i do.. being hated feels so right ......

I have no idea who u r fr tho lol. U must be the bpd cult one.. who else even
You see what you most desire i guess?
Both look like adults to me, then again anime girls do look like feline characters
Not strawmanning your way out of this one, where did I say that?
Please point to it.
one is drawn more baby faced and shorter/smaller frame. you’re a creep.
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This thread is just random trip drama instead of actual lesposting
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Its so over lesgenners..... creep arc...
Nazis are vile scum and so are commies. Fight me.
Correct, all the more reason to know how to spot behavior that aligns with how they came about in the first place.
Youre so special....so special....BUT IM A CREEEPP IM A WEEEEEEIRDOOOO
communism is based until it degrades to wealth factionalism
how is that relevant? i dont care if you're a nazi or not, all im saying is that if you disagree with
>nazis are bad
you are a nazi collaborator
if that makes you lash out, maybe look inwards and consider why
Creep is putting it lightly. You’re a pedo.
Monarchy is the only based political system.
Any system where the people rule is inherently evil.
give yourself diabetes then get ozempic
You seem confused.
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Yeah no.
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All fringe political beliefs are cringe because you're just spouting nonsense that'll never happen as solutions to every problem.
How about coming up with a real answer that doesn't involve revolution!!! Being right wing is retarded though.
>coming up with a real answer that doesn't involve revolution
climate change! :3
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Yes you remedial ass hoe, libs, as in:
>51% of global GDP
>highest living standards in the world
>hundreds of millions lifted out of abject poverty
>deadliest military alliance the world has ever seen
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im done for arent i ;n;
>lifting someone out of poverty is when wages go up on paper without regard to purchasing power and when smartphones are obligate for participation in society
Start taking care of your teeth and you might be ok
didn't get a bingo so
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it's over :(
stank breath is pig disgusting
I didn't disagree with that, I disagreed with your method of inclusivity. By excluding people.
it's not my fault im too retarded to brush my teeth ableist scum
Oh and it's relevant because you called me one.
Lest we forget that part.
Yeah I'll take thankless incremental progress over speedrunning the genocide-famine, totalitarian-failed-state, making-libs-pick-up-the-pieces-again commie checklist tbdesu.
I’m js good luck getting a gf with breath that smells like ass
>method of inclusivity
are you talking about?
because so far that's been
>nazis are bad
and i mean like, if you do not think nazis are bad, then you simply are a nazi collaborator
can you write "nazis are bad"?
why not?
im not so retarded to think trying to find someone who wants to emotionally attach themselves to me is a good idea lol
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so close
i used to be good at trivia and i guess panpsychism and a vague notion of the potential legitimacy of divination is witch-adjacent
Do I have to keep reminding you of things you've already said? go back and read your own words, you enforce tolerance by intolerance
>nazis are bad
which you pulled in late into the conversation, and we've established the only defining feature of a nazi to you is disagreeing with you, so you're just using circular logic now,
>can you write "nazis are bad"?
Nazis are bad, you act like one.
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Hmm, sounds interesting...
Give her good cuddles, enjoy her :)
American led capitalism has convinced the world the only existing governmental alternatives are the worst government by death toll, ever created or Hitler.
And now they cling to their chains like they're hanging by them over a sea of rabid dogs made of lava and acid.
They may well be dangling from the chains, but why does no one ask why that's the case or who put them there?
>disagreeing with you
about one specific thing only, which is still nazis are bad
being intolerant of nazis specifically is not the same as being a nazi, and if you really think it is you are really, really stupid, and a nazi collaborator
>worst government by death toll
but we are still living under capitalism lol
please don't tell me you're about to produce a (((scapegoat))) to take the blame away from an economic philosophy that uses wealth disparity as its primary basis
anon would never, that's for filthy proles :3c
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>uncontroversial historical facts, objective economic indicators, and sociological happiness surveys == le propaganda
lol. lmao even.
That's because it is. Name 1 (one) socialist, much less full commie, state that at any point had a higher standard of living than liberal democracies.
The other anonette beat me to it but yeah, did ""they"" put them there?
incredible self-own
picrel is a psyop, you need therapy to be functional enough to properly build proper bombs in minecraft
right but by your logic anyone that disagrees with you is the nazi that's bad, and a nazi is anyone that disagrees with you, you see the problem here?Nobody's arguing over the moral standing of the SS, we're arguing over people today. And you're using nazi as a brand on people you don't like.
Oh I'm sorry I forgot a handful of loser ass genocide deniers le dispute commie atrocities in western universities, I guess we better revisit the Holocaust too while we're at it because a handful of foaming lunatics wrote disputing that as well, right?
bitch you keep leaving out the part that's important lmao
if you really cannot grasp the fact that it matters that the disagreement has to be about the one specific fact that nazis are bad i cannot help you, bark up a different tree please
>all commies are tankies
capitalist propaganda has really done a number on you
So your response to me saying "people have been led to believe we only have two options" is "name one time the second option has worked"?
Do you read the things you reply to?

Socialism is working in Europe currently retard it's just capitalist socialism because it needs to be to survive in the political climate, and golly I wonder if Cuba's downfall was communism or being communist near America. I don't even like communism but that you will willfully ignore the geopolitics at play says everything about your intellectual honesty and/or capability to argue, that I needed to hear.
Tfw no gf who tries to indoctrinate me into her political system..
>people I don't like are bad because they won't dislike the people I don't like

so you want people you dislike to hate themselves or you can't communicate with them?
you literally cannot grasp the concept that inside of human society we need to exclude fascism or we will succumb to it, i see
>white nationalists =/= white supremacists
t. you
Holy fuck lmao how are you hoes even real??
Europe has social democracy, an intrinsically capitalist mode of economics that directs excess profit from capitalist efficiency into general social welfare, and yeah it does work which is why I'm a socdem... Social democracy literally isn't socialism lmao, it literally couldn't work under socialism.
>atomised socialist institutions can't be scaled up because stalin caused a famine
reminder that capitalist efficiency is drawn off the backs of externalities
>short and small women are all children
Nobody tell him behind every cute plastic duck like the one on the right is a bunch of skulls of child laborers that slave in miserable factories in Taiwan and Bangladesh and China.
>not posting lesbian stuff
>posting anti trans stuff instead
uhm go away
This thread is so breathtakingly stupid every single time and no one here likes each other or even themselves and you're surprised anyone would maybe have a negative opinion of trans people after reading it? People really wonder why anyone would go t4c?
but i'm trans too >>36273860
Okay, I don't see how that factors into anything, btw capitalism is explicitly inefficient because inefficiency generates more profit.
>precisely measured doses of a medicine can't be scaled up to cure 100 billion times betterer
Correct, after a certain point it becomes poison the same way too much interference in the markets - too little capitalist efficiency - causes your economy to shit the bed and your enlightened council of vanguardist class heroes to turn red fash genocide speedrunner overnight so they don't all get hanged by the millions of people whose lives they ruined for a literal meme of an economic system that has never and will never work.
I'm cis and I love trannies, dumb internet poisoned tankie hoes aren't going to ruin trans girls for me any more than screeching terf hags can turn me off other cis girls.
>51% of GLOBAL GDP
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Darn too bad I'm a milk toast liberal
>communists are tankies because stalin caused a famine
>muh 51%
>white nationalists are nazis because hitler caused a mass killing
t. you (again[for some reason])
the difference between communism and the spectre of communism is that communism is maximal socialism and the spectre of communism is fascism with a false flag
If I have sexo with a lesbian do I have to debate about capitalism too? Is that during or after?
biggest socialist tops
socialism is poly
I dont know how to explain to people that the meaning of terms like 'fascism' depends on contested ideological interpretations and so when you say that I dont know who the fuck you want to exclude, famous feminazi Andrea Dworkin or the proud boys?
Girl just stop, go outside, see a therapist, do anything other than stew in whatever online radicalization cesspit led you to making excuses for monstrous failed ideologies that led to the deaths of tens of millions of people.

Like idk.... get over it, communism failed and imploded, liberal democracy won. We vote for elected representatives, we have nice things, social progress continues decade after decade (seething chud tantrums and all), life is kinda OK tbdesu and agitating for le revolution isn't going to make it better, much less if you retards succeed in destabilizing le big bad status quo libs and the fucking fascists kill us all.
sex with a girl who cares about politics in a reasonable way but isn't a meme ideology follower...
you seem to think i believe culture as it exist can be salvaged
i do not, i do mean that everyone who agrees with someone who agrees with nazis should be shot, and yes, i do think that probably means 80+% of humanity
fascism won in the 40s, we are living out the loss
i'm not stupid enough to think voting third party is anywhere close to pragmatic, and anyway you've cooked too long in normalised propaganda and appeals to status quo and survivorship (again, off the backs of socioeconomic externalities which continue to operate to this very day) to parse anything without them
i hope your liberal democracy continues to make a good stopgap bulwark against fascism because that's the only thing it's good for
Oh so you are completely useless. Just stay quiet next time princess.
I should've marked the political extremist option but I don't think such as a far left exists tbhon
nah, im actually quite capable, there's simply no one that's worth any effort, not myself, not anyone i ever talked to
we are all shit, every single one of us, and your behavior definitely doesnt prove the opposite
This retarded bitch thinks 80% of humans alive must die to win a war that never ended in their mind... where do you even begin with people like this? The nazis killed a whole lot of people too so why are you mad? Maybe you can take some death camp efficiency lessons from from that rat himmler.
If i had another chance id never push her away again.. id cling to her like a pathetic fool.. but that isnt real love is it, its just desperation.

You lose if you give in, you lose if you run. Love isnt a game you can win.
>hurr durr if i keep demonstrating my complete lack of understanding of sociology and history i will convince the other apes that killing each other is good actually
im not mad? im just saying humanity is fucked and there's no point in trying to fix it
why do you care? dont you have a minority to exclude?
>win a war that never ended
also you cant read lol, i said the war is over ...
>phone buzzes
>someone must be calling me!!!
>look at screen
>hrt alarm
>democracy is intrinsically capitalist
by whose decree
china managed to disconnect democracy from capitalism, why not the other way around?
You should've just said the retarded thing at the start, save yourself and everyone else the time.
So yeah, very inclusive community.
>inclusive community
everyone who isnt a nazi is welcome :)
sorry you're a nazi :C
inshallah i will kiss her in the moonlight in the park tonight
bet you wont
i wish paul heyman was my dad
>she wants to have grown up with the nickname "hey man"
No... its just that liberal democracy is the least shit large structure system we've come up with for governing modern nation states that doesn't inevitably lead to brutal revolution, state sanctioned mass murder, or endless war (don't even try). And capitalism in turn is the least shit economic model we have that doesn't result in us all dying of famine and actually kinda works long term as evidenced by fucking everything from modern medicine to the information age.

We have a thing™ that kinda works, and you aren't proposing anything novel that hasn't been tried over and over in the past with disastrous consequences, so like lets -not- burn everything to the ground to do bread lines again and maybe try incrementally tweaking and reforming what works so it works better™.
we have bread lines right now
No we really don't, populist social media outrage slop isn't reality, go outside.
I care because it's a fucking drag that people like you just keep saying stupid shit and acting smart about it and in turn breeding more people like you.
History and sociology led you to completely inane conclusions and made you inept and misanthropic? Based! Teach me more of that knowledge slop!
become the hrt alarm for another tranny
holy shit just unblock me
I haven't blocked anyone lol.
I want to have sex with a muslim girl who wears a hijab, I don't know what started this but I've had this fetish for very long time. Is this normal?
>Is this normal?
Yes, it is normal to have fetishes
i don't wanna go to work tomorrow
bet i might
lol you dumbass
>knowledge slop
extremely lost
I need a cute cap to wear walking in this heat.
that's basically "won't but don't wanna admit it"
maybe it'll be too cloudy out i dunno lol
im gonna be surprised if you even made an attempt
lago new thread now :3
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here you go lago
new bread early bc tired of the fighting or whatever going on here and also about to get in trouble for being on phone at work hehehe
only ftms can do that. you can only be a womans male girlfriend

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