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Qott: do you like math?

Previous >>36271829

Ps: i wish Caroline a wonderful day, love you my Queen
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>Qott: do you like math?
QOTT: Yeah i love math!! Recently finished linear algebra and diff eq with As. Really wish i had more advanced math courses but i need to transfer to a bigger school.

Anyone wanna see my recent cool desmos project??
male to funeral general
o i just mean like
idk im clocky & its extremely obvious that im a tranny past a sentence or 2 for most ppl
i dont ever talk abt it irl to ppl unless they ask and even then i kinda just avoid it, dont rly like talking abt tranny stuff in general ig
im just kinda cautious around ppl bc idk how they feel abt trannies but literally every1 ive interacted with are normal abt it/dont care so idk.
the other week b4 i got my new id a bouncer outed me to this dude i was talking to at a bar and said "hes a dude but hes cool" kek
im just an extremely shy person and it takes a lot for me to come out of my shell around others but a lot of it is v much self esteem related
i should come up with an actual username
what do you do at bars
i've thought about going to one but idk if i would be able to drink since i'd have to drive home after

nobody cares
maiq trying frot general
>Qott: do you like math?
only math that i understand, otherwise i feel dumb ;_;
Once you’ve trooned out that becomes your biggest trait and no matter what circus tricks you try to learn you’ll always be the dude named Lyndsay.
this is false, p sure my ex sword group thinks of me as "that ebil nadzee" and not "that tranny"
didn't read all this + you're a gross fat hon and it's like yeh fukin yuksville looking/hearing u irl they just don't want to rock the boat but they def think it
my voice is fine tho
idk i just drink and talk to ppl who approach me
ive made friends with the bartenders nad owners at the bar next door & ppl who are around my age that like to party who come into my work a lot so ive been going out w them a lot lately
Yall, plug these functions into desmos! :)




theyre implicit functions i derived to render a rotating sphere at perspective given X and Y by returning the latitude and longitude
aka its a shader, like ray tracing
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I am a math teacher. I wear this hat to work every day.
I ain't never met a black person that I liked. That's just a fact. I'm not saying I'm racist, but yeah it still holds true.
>no one can tell i'm a tranny from my voice
LOL fuck me grace insane honfidence
how do you get people to approach you?i tried drinking at a bar once and nobody approached me :(

ew pls tell me you at least work in a college and not around kids
Currently high school
Get off this site now
You gotta put out the old welcome mat sis.
i mean it is tho
why are u of all ppl shitting on ppls voices lmao u literally sound like a man with a faggy voice with a wicked witch of the west ahhh nose
i sit at the bar and ppl say hi
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graces voice passes
yeh im trying to think of a good one....

i had a sketchbook out so it's not like i was closed off

i sat at the bar too, i think i got a matcha + gin and it tasted like ass tho

how about you stop invading a space for transwomen
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nah not rly. means to an end but i can't remember how to do things so i have google even basic things every time.

u make it sound fun but idk seems scary to go solo especially as a tranner.
Paige stfu
ya it can be a lil sus but its a p big boomer town & not a lot of younger ppl/weirdos frequent the bars that ive been at so like idk, most ppl leave me alone & i leave them alone
the bar next door is comfy tho, its literally right next door to my work so i know a lot of ppl there & theyre nice to me
about what

try going to a gay or "queer" bar, or one with a weird vibe where aggressive dudes probably wouldn't go
niggerpoon666 seems to fitting
i understand, feel this muchly myself. but like that "he's a dude but he's cool" is a social W, that's basically the goal for clocky interactions just phrased non-PC. just keep building ur confidence and trying to like, own that your interests and hobbies and personal stories can be cool if you converse about them charismatically (and also listening to other peoples' same stuff, listening always wins fondness).
like, we realistically can't 100% control for avoiding clocks, but we can make being visibly trans flip from being "all people see" to being just another trait, by just presenting a bit of the right vibes. trust me, i work this angle on literal confederate flag redneck dudes
it'd be way funnier to go by umberto
>posts on tranny thread on tranny board
>goes by umberto
it's gold
>literal confederate flag redneck dudes
Hello Caroline, how's your day going?
sex with masculine straight acting men...
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yeah i think my main issue is that i don't know anyone here i'm functionally a tourist everywhere i go. last few times i went some dudes came up to me and talked at me abt sports or something and i had nothing to say lol.

fair i think there's one kinda close to where i'm couch surfing atm but dunno if its specifically for the gays or just lgbt in general.
Caroline, you're german right? Are you above or below the age of 20?
>Caroline, you're german right

blobbert isn't a real person or if they are they definitely aren't who they claim to be

>fair i think there's one kinda close to where i'm couch surfing atm but dunno if its specifically for the gays or just lgbt in general.
you could go either way and just check it out
i wish i wasn't a tranny, fuck you god, being mentally a woman is the most embarrassing and shameful thing ever and i will never fucking get rid of it no matter what i do, fuck you
you're not mentally a woman you're just an incel
Jannyhag-sama is a maid it seems.
British and 24, anon-sama.
This is like the writings of some insane Roman tranny, Larry-shi.
i wouldn't wanna invade other people's spaces where i'm not welcome. will look into it tmrw to try and find out what kinda place it is.
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wait are u going by chris now lol

>i wouldn't wanna invade other people's spaces where i'm not welcome
i WILL NOT take this bait
Do you have a bf, looking for one?
larri you are really pissing me off
i will leave forever the second you start calling people itt women
rip and good idea but i'd rather have a username based on something abstract or like some type of item or food and such...
nta, but I don't think it's bait. I feel this way anywhere I go.
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She'll only call you a woman blobs and vagene
Janny banned my Queen Carol, how dare you? You will pay dearly for this
i wish i was an incel you silly duck, i would have been a man mentally, before ik i was trans i used to tell myself that i am so smart and stuff like that bc i am a man mentally and i was so fucking proud of that and that all women are dumb retardes which is true btw and now ik that i was actually a woman mentally and i feel like a retard now
what does that mean
Janny I know I've regained being in good terms w u but can I post one nude. I'll even censor most of it. It is important janny I need outsider input on this.
do you use the women's restroom?

i call them transwomen bc we are transwomen, stop being a transphobe and accept that it's ok to be a transwoman

there is no difference between men and women mentally, any woman could be the same as any man
you calling other people transphobic is hilarious spooge. look in the mirror
i bet if i went on grindr for my area i could find some of them and achieve magahat sex kek
Antony FUCKER.
FUCKER makes it work.
Calamity ur the most nn retarded ass newfag and u think u can have a fucking ego?? Do you not have a figment of intelligence nor self awareness in that brain of yours?
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vro gay men definitely don't consider me as one of their own even if im amab. i dont rly fit in anywhere really being this awkward form.
Yeah don't be rude to Calamity wtf, i love her
I'm putting the barking chihuahua in it's place
who the heck is calamity is dakota is kotakins is pringlel is lil gooner
that is not true, men are way superior mentally than women and not being a man mentally hurts me daily
they are probably autistic asf, it is what it is
Calamity is a 27 yo neet that's never had a job that spends they time saying that somehow mean words are as bad as doxxing and death threats
Can a single one of you retards not relate everything with sex??
Get your t levels checked christ
Why do you think transwomen should be segregated from cis women?
More than enough time for levels to be low enough that you stop being a sexpest, maybe if you followed actual advice instead of what the xanny witch says you'd be getting better results
janny is cool and attractive
next weekend i go to the woods for a month! i will try and take a lot of interesting photos with my new lens. im also gonna have very very very slow cellular internet so it's gonna be interesting. you can barely load basic webpages its so slow. videos are out of the question. i wonder how people with slow internet browse the modern internet. like people deep in the woods with dialup. i wonder how long it would take to upload a single raw image.
Janny is tired of the cancer you are to mtfg and is forcefully exercising it
Calamity is a retarded ass heavily autistic fake nice toxic positivity reddit transbian simp that is interested in a bit of that kat's old crust action
Im jealous of you, how do you afford to he gone for a whole month into the woods, i wanna do the same
You know what larry maybe I misjudged you
Calculated my WHR, is 0.8 good?
>go have some fun od'ing
This is who ur defending above, btw
>i wonder how people with slow internet browse the modern internet
it SUCKS. modern web pages are full of BLOAT!!!!
if they use something like lynx as a browser instead of like chrome it might speed up the experience as long as they don't care about graphics and immaculately seeing images
it's fun tho
If I did know them I wouldn't be attempting to talk to them on thread you utter retard
How many times do I have to say it you absolute fucking ape one said words the other leaked a goddam address alongside with spreading shit and harassing me and anyone thats close to me
Has Calamity posted pictures?
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oh man it's full dysphoria hours at 1am losing sleep reminded of body being unfit and incompatible with just about everyone on this planet. i hate my body so much it's unreal.

it's heathy at least.

most online services are too unreliable to do file transfer at super slow rates, they time out, and can't tolerate dropping out either.
Are you genuinely braindead
these newfags are like mosquitos buzzing in my ear. my brain automatically filters out such nonsense posters
i have savings and don't really spend a ton + i have access to family properties that i don't have to pay for so my living costs are extremely low. i quit my job like a year ago and ive been chilling
yeah i hate how basic webpages are bloated to hell. like you cant even look up a recipe without downloading tons of javascript garbage. and 99% of webpages don't load if you turn off js
i should try this. i remember back in the day opera could compress web pages then send it to you and it was perfect for slow connections because you could still see images and such with a slight hit to image quality. you could also turn off images so you got the pages even faster. it was so nice when i went to my grandmas over summer cuz she lived in the woods and only had dialup even in the late 2000s
Do you like boys?
And what the fuck is it with calling me the mario brothers? This is even more retarded than eggman, I was growing fond of that one even
that tv show is weird
yeah im gonna have to dump my cf cards onto a pair of external drives
reading marx made interacting with normies infuriating
“waah we need a law passed that will make the corporations rip us off _slightly_ less waaaah”
that is so cool, have fun man, what photo camera and lenses you have?
Rapehon gaze
i take back what i said about calamity.....she's nice. didn't realize she was another person....
>Reading marx
Many such cases
reading marx/engals just made my childhood confusing
trannies don’t read marx they just pretend that they do
only worthless lazy idiots read philosophy and politics lmao
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hell yeah
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I think me hips grew (Censored for Janny edition)
mighty marx
ya idk ill take it
i felt bad bc its kinda like "shes one of the good ones" pick me vibes but w/e i am a cringe assimilationist and will take it
i think it will get better over time as i keep meeting ppl and going out more, like months ago i was rotting and """""boymoding""""" & now im back to partying pretty frequently and meeting new ppl
im v good at listening to ppl and letting them carry the conversation but as a person i am not interesting and have very little hobbies so i get dull and awkward very fast
ppl like my vibes and say im rly chill to hang out with irl tho so ig im doing smth right :/
yepppppppp i feel that v much, its hard to chat in situations like that & v much relate to feeling like a tourist everywhere
ive been kinda just forcing myself to go out and its been helping a bit
ull bounce back babes i believe <3
paige stop doing aoe damage with your narcissistic self hating its annoying
the female at work gave me a high five and i hate her so much now. like i’m not a child, kys bitch
my main camera is a canon 1DX mark 3, but I have a few older canon DSLRs as well i like using my 5d mark iv and iii. as for lenses i have a decent selection but my new one is a 100-400 II. its a zoom lens and i want to get some decent shots of animals and such in the woods. dont think i want to switch to mirrorless anytime soon so im gonna stick with old dslrs
i low key want to see eptic when he comes up here in oct would u mby be down............
If you want something funny take a look at your own life
erm her names lasagne
didnt you dox yourself multiple times over the years?
i have an old sony a6000 and a few lenses, at some point i cared about it just to have a hobby and seem more interesting to girls, before the trans thing, it didn't work haha, i should have sold it but lazy and maybe i will play with it again, you could buy some macro rings, they are cheap af and the macro is ok, you could idk take pics of some leaves or ants or a bug in macro too
mongo post
that actually sounds possible!! I haven't seen Eptic in a minute

yeah im a big fan of probability theory and stochastic calculus
>sink is broke
>plumber would cost $1k
>fix it myself for the price of a cheap sink
Terminally malebrained. Ngmi
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My friend has repeatedly told me (jokingly) to get on hormones. Very strange. I guess this is good since he isn't suspecting anything?
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>it's another kat and mongo pretend they are superior, cool and having fulfilling lives but they stay in this thread 24/7 to defend their e-honor all day-episode

lul top kek
ive always wanted to try taking macro shots of bugs n flowers and such but ive never gotten around to it. maybe i will soon because my main camera actually came with a macro lens and it's still new in box. i got the whole kit that was basically brand new at an estate sale for nothing after i told the old widow i loved taking photos.
Don't feel bad about saving money in this shitty economy. It's good to be self reliant.
who makes these pictures??

post sink
Where do y'all get your HRT from? I've been going through FOLX and wanna switch to PP but I'm nervous about calling them and their website doesn't pet me schedule a telehealth appointment if I haven't gotten HRT from them yet. What are the odds of getting transphobic bullshit from planned parenthood?
I would love to see both of their faces covered in big fat shits. Just steaming hot poops running down their faces. Imagine Mono with an open mouth just waiting for you to shit all over her tongue. Hmm that's hot.

>what are the odds of getting transphobic bullshit from planned parenthood?

zero. its planned parenthood.
Unhinged delulu take: sometimes if you don’t pass, it’s because you’re too beautiful and glamorous and it makes people become obsessed with scanning you for imperfections to humble you

I don't read communist theory. I'm just deciding i am one.
Eat cashews. Are yum.
It is comforting to know what if you're posting in this thread, you are categorically trans.
anyone here know anything about press on nails
ew no that’s for girls
I wish my girlfriend didn't send me that link. I still haven't healed.
omg ok based & same ill msg u closer to the date
its in my hood tho T_T

Nah, i did acrylic nails for a bit. But consider just painting on some nail polish. It's super easy to take off desu.
Not them but I swear nail polish is like an art in and of itself. Doing it right is soo hard and don't get me started on waiting for it to dry
Oh yeah by then I'll have a car by then so transportation isn't an issue. This past year has suuuuucked because I'm limited to train travel. Hell has a finish line though, I'll be mobile again soon and I'll be back to my usual Motoko self again
send link
trutrannies read marx and support ayn rand
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Can a transwoman be a ball turret gunner?
imagine the kickback that thing is basically a prostate massager
usaf be not gay challenge level: impossible
i understand that feel

bc women (female bodied people) deserve their own spaces

don't forget to kill yourself for real in real life

isn't that the azee german poster

mega comfy
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whats up denizens
Paige you manage to become more vile every passing month. This is an irredeemably nasty post and I think you're a bad person. You use a mix of toxic lashing out to cope with your own misery, and therapy talk to always dodge any accountability or self improvement. All the therapy you've done has just armed you to avoid growth even more. You always have some weird alter ego to retreat to in order to ever avoid truly being vulnerable like young boy or terf or embattled tranny or self destructive 4chan freak who fucks toilets. It's all just a way for you to avoid every having to truly sit with how you feel or choose to be a better person. You're wretched and your suffering is entirely your own doing simply because you are to stubborn to stop yourself. You are the most stagnant person I know and that's saying something when talking about trannies.
lol this is super far off base, you don't know what you're talking about.

You gotta dab it on and carefully push it toward the cuticle. Your fine motor dexterity improves the more you do it.
I mean you would say that obviously. I do think what I just posted is entirely true though and although I think you're really mean you could use it as a mirror to see how you come across to perhaps the only group of people who might ever really understand you. Do better sweaty.
define "female bodied person" pago
>irredeemably nasty
what about lying to someone's only social group to get them kicked out and have their reputation destroyed
what about doxing someone so i have to worry about people trying to hurt me irl because of the lies you told them
what about harassing someone because of their appearance
>therapy talk to always dodge any accountability or self improvement
i take accountability and try to improve myself and have gotten better as much as i can as time goes by. i don't cut as much, i'm more vocal about loving the people i interact with irl, etc. therapy talk isn't dodging, it's reflecting and introspecting
>a way for you to avoid every having to truly sit with how you feel
i do this all the time what are you talking about??
>choose to be a better person
how would i choose to "be a better person"? conform to your narrow minded idea of being a good person by pretending the believe transwomen are the same as actual women and face the same challenges in life? I am choosing to be a better person, i do not harass my ex bff, i don't get angry at people irl or lash out at them, i don't do drugs or engage in dangerous behaviour, i don't engage in relationships while knowing im not in a mentally healthy place, etc
>You're wretched and your suffering is entirely your own doing
yeh it's my fault im depressed and have personality disorder and cptsd and spend all my energy managing symptoms. it's my fault you traumatized me to the point i have extreme trouble connecting to or trusting other people or socializing, right?
I've changed for the better as a person with each passing year, idk who the fuck you really are or why you think you can pretend to know me bc of 4chan posts
why not attack kat for being stagnant or naz or anyone else why the fixation on me specifically when i don't even know who you are or anything about you? why not tell me who you are so i can ruin your life and see how easily you recover
is that really what you think of me
I didn't read any of this but I evidently got under your skin
i literally do everything i can in regards to being better
i am as honest as i can be in therapy, i talk about what my mother says i need to talk about, my therapists say im smart and have good insights and that i'm making progress. i try to push myself every damn day. maybe i can be lazy or afraid sometimes but i push myself anyway
i try to not wallow in self pity, i do everything i can think of. what else would people be doing that i'm not if they were in place?

yes of course you got under my skin dude if you're going to say shit like that what do you expect
who are you
nah that’s way too bleak but I do think anon got some things right based on how you post here
well what things? and what do you think i can do better? i do need to work on not lashing out, i agree with that but what else? i genuinely believe what i post and i don't post it to upset people i post it because i earnestly believe in what im saying and i feel the need to stand up for what i believe in
isn't that what everyone says is right? what everyone says you should do? just because people get upset that i think transwomen and women are different, doesn't mean I'm trying to upset people when I say that. I just feel bad seeing something i think is wrong and not just wrong but actively harmful go unchallenged. just like any person might bristle when they hear someone say black people are entirely mentally retarded and have the urge to fight back against that, I have trouble hearing a male bodied individual say how they are entitled to women's spaces and have the urge to push back against what i feel is wrong.
>wahh wahh i try to be better to be good
>uhmm stay out of women's spaces you male
lari tier, even you are better than this paige cmon now

Nobody is entitled to any space for one thing. For another thing, you acting as protector by being cruel is only noble if you are just. Do you really think you're an arbiter of justice paige?
how is that contradictory ;_;
i just want people to respect each other how is that not being a good person
>female space
at wut point wud u say they earned it? SRS? Or is this just a never thing for u?
like should i just lie and say i think things i don't? that feels gross to me

i would say it's up to women to decide what they are comfortable with and who they would allow into female only spaces.

Yes, you should lie when other people expressly ask you to. We're asking you to lie to us paige. Tell us we're women. Or shut the fuck up.
sure but like if u had 2 pick
You know why and right now you're swapping to one of your alter egos
This one is 'im not an awful person I'm just too dumb to not understand why I'm being hurtful'. It's 'radical truth teller'. It's just another way you weasel out of saying hurtful stuff to people. You are a bad person.
All I am doing is saying what I think is true, too. I don't mean to hurt your feelings I am just speaking truth. Isn't that okay?
Not everything is the "If we lie about this, where does it end, what if society collapses because we didn't stand here." level of issue.
We even have issues like that active and causing problems currently so it's really really clear the distinction between not important lies and important lies.
Bottoms are women
idk maybe afabs only then?

>You know why and right now you're swapping to one of your alter egos
ok say i don't know
can you explain why like im a bad person in your eyes?
>It's just another way you weasel out of saying hurtful stuff to people.
I'm not trying to weasel my way out of anything, im trying to understand how you expect me to not hurt people aside from just not saying anything. My point is that I'm not setting out to hurt people, or intending to hurt people with what I am saying. It seems that you think my main intention IS to hurt other people, when it's not. I do not like hurting other people, but for me if the choice is between telling what i believe to be truth and hurting people, or lying to people, and i have trouble lying to people like that especially about such important things.

you don't speak truth, you lied to the sword group. and yes it's ok to say what you think i'm just trying to understand it, like how do you come to these conclusions. and again? who ARE you?

True. Doesn't matter what your sex organs are. All bottoms are women.

It's not your main intention to hurt. It's just obvious carelessness on your part. Unlike my strategically validating sexism~
nah wut I’m saying is like if u cud imagine a point where the mtf cud also go in the woman bathroom lol
How come trannies never have normal girl names?
if the men's room was full and it was an emergency?

i do

Because names tend to come in bursts and you can identify a generation by the sort of name they have, and when people are transing now, they're often looking at names popular now or popular at some other time than when their parents picked out their name, so it sounds weird for their generation.

on just like meds or surgeries or whatever, afab opinions aside just like what’s the criteria.
I guess if you pass cis women won't know so they won't be uncomfortable. That's the criteria.
>well what things
the different personas part and the using therapy language / concepts anti-therapeutically
I'm not blobby I'm another tranny who thinks it's vile how you talk about other people.
You're a bad person because you engage in a million behaviours designed to justify you trying to hurt other people.
Watch you reply to this post with another justification instead of simply finding an outlet that is not lashing out
Being a tranny with some money is way better than being a poor tranny. We as a community need to do more to support poor trannies.
honestly idk if there is a point where i would feel comfortable with that
i don't like how men look at me when i use the men's room, so i understand not wanting to use them. my best solution would be to have single stall gender neutral bathrooms be more common

im sorry i make you feel like that, i'll try more to not hurt ppl

>using therapy language / concepts anti-therapeutically
can you extrapolate on that? or give an example?

It would be nice if you gendered me female as well. Even if you still believe i'm an evil abuser. Girls can be evil abusers too. =P
and maybe it's a mild autism thing or whatever but idk how to not do the persona-seeming thing
Oh thank god i didn't spoil that get.
You can't reason with bioessentialist transphobes. I don't know why that person is even here.
Damn. Pass or die lol 2 over 4 meeee

I am really heckin' confused why you are so readily accepting that as an explanation. I haven't observed any personality shifting in you. You're just simply full of shit sometimes and just don't wanna think about it like every other person in the world.
one example to hand is evoking the concept of safe space on behalf of no one present in a way that demeans people actually present

I think she's here because she's hoping some chaser will come in here shopping for a piece of ass, turn out to be hot, and be weirdly into former neonazis, and YET, still not be a pedophile.

Which is right up there with the blue fairy making me a real girl.
I mean, It's always been pass or die. If you don't pass, you get hounded out of bathrooms and verbally attacked by strangers and maybe even physically hurt. If you do pass, then even the red hay MAGA crowd will call you a young lady without a second thought. That's just the unfortunate reality.

that is so scary
one thing I have noticed is that you tend to ignore mundane day-to-day type emotional support / friendship but you can get drawn into these more dramatic “criticism sessions” where the so-called alter egos emerge
Does she have a persona in there that will play factorio with me?
which part ??
I hope I get 2 pass 1 day
Not really, it depends where you live.
i guess that is fair, and i feel like that is a relevant topic but i guess you're right. i will try better to watch what i say so i don't upset my frens

i agree w this, idk day to day type stuff is just hard to really feel sometimes whereas the emotional intensity of this helps focus myself on it maybe? idk brain is burning out im not trying to use that as an excuse to not self reflect but i genuinely am a bit worn out
im sorry for being so spiky for lack of a better word
at a guess, maybe you are more responsive to these kind of criticism “blow ups” because it is parallel to therapy, a conversation all and only about you (even if it’s negative) and you have learned how to say the “correct” things at the “correct” moments to therapists after decades of being pathologized
but it’s less familiar and therefore harder to deal w something simple like an internet friend thinking about you bc they are at the hobby store and saw the gundamns you like are on sale
Oh, paige, i figured out what is causing weed intolerance. I am not sure i've figured out how to undo old fashioned tolerance, but i have figured out how to make weed not make you feel awful.

It's potassium. You need way way more potassium containing foods. I think it's because weed makes you thirsty and you drink more and pee more and the volume depletion depletes your potassium. - But the weird thing is that i've had my levels checked a bunch of times since this shit started, and i got them rechecked as recently as a couple of weeks ago, and i always had in-range potassium.

But just like, eat an avocado or two more a day and you're good.
im not just saying these things because they are the "right" things to say :(
i really do want to try and do better and hear what other people think im doing wrong
>but it’s less familiar and therefore harder to deal w something simple like an internet friend thinking about you bc they are at the hobby store and saw the gundamns you like are on sale
this i think is true, i don't really have any experience with that or at least i haven't since grade school
sure you do fren I post that kinds of stuff just bc I’m randomly thinking of you pretty often : )
It's like... possible that constant weed use shifts your potassium needs, but i'd be pretty surprised.
well i do appreciate it! i just meant like with ppl irl
aside from ex bff, and he never reached out to me really even tho i would text him
i do wish i could find a guy like him again, who could fulfill the roles of lover and father and friend all at once

My plan is seriously just to take over the world and then bribe him to give you another chance.
I dont hate trans people I just dont like them

From my mother's sleep I fell into the State,
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.
Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life,
I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.
When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.
Maiq this is a frot free zone please go on the prowl somewhere else thank you for understanding

One day i will understand what the purpose of this is.
someone needs to groom me and take advtange of me already ugh ugh
ill groom u into folding my laundry and cleaning my apartment in exchange for headpats
paige not being a lazy narcissist manchild challenge
impossible difficulty
Do not sell yourself into indentured servitude over 4chan. That's what discord is for.
Is there a single mentally stable person in this thread

I'm the picture of mental health.
I'd say that I'm pretty mentally stable, though I wouldn't describe myself as a normie by any means.
I’m doing ok I think. cud b worse off
prob be good to diversify your portfolio
terrifying poetry
No. The only ones that appear to be outwardly are psychopaths.
me :)
im pretty consistently depressed as fuck, with little deviation

sometimes i think about fictional or imaginary characters too
some people are embarrassed by the things they sent him
i hope pain is doing ok
limmerance I think
I've been hit on twice by men IRL. Twice.

BOTH fucking times it's creepy old Indian men who get aggressive pretty quickly.

If it's clara, just say "clara no swiping" and she'll go away.


I want to get hit on by creepy men.
no i mean like i'll imagine being a prince flirting with one of the handsome knights who protects me from kids bullying me, and then takes me to his quarters where he treats me gently and lovingly
or like being a slave to some viking blacksmith who is rough and cold but slowly warms to me while i do what i can to learn herbal medicine and support him, and eventually he and i end up being in love and him treating more as a wife than as a slave

i remember one guy i met up with told me it was hot how tiny i was (in terms of small wrists, lithe body, etc)
>BOTH fucking times it's creepy old Indian men who get aggressive pretty quickly.
ew that's the worst
i had a grindr message from some indian who said how he would "jerik" off to me every day
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It's objectivately to me OK to be racist towards jeets. Pic extremely related.
what fictional character would you most like to date? i think char or sebastian michaelis would be nice
>Qott: do you like math?
fuck no.
i was forced to learn it because its a giant filter on who can and cant get into grad school.
mechanics of solids and fluids made me want to kill myself.
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i liked when they talked about the dreamcast
think you watched one too many ching chong chinese cartoons there to be thinkin like that, and high chance it's the reason you're trooned out
god i want some fucking straight dick in my mouth rn pumpin cummies down my throat
my girlfriend has an affinity for weird looking cats I think that's very cute

You are correct.
yeh it's just a coheed and cambria kinda day today
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nope i trooned out bc of dysphoria over my sex
i didn't even watch tranime until late high school

yeah or tomogachi

that's sweet
everytime i try to learn and get better at doing makeup i end up in a bad mood and feeling like i know less than i did going in
i just want to look pretty :(
Based c&c tranny
idk i find makeup to be more of a practice makes perfect skill then a knowledge check (to a point, obv need to some base understanding)
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makeup feels overwhelming and uncomfortable like socks
I guess I don’t understand why you are mentioning erotica in this context
(shrug) just practice and observe what you need to work on.
just found out i've been taking melatonin in the morning instead of my B12...

literally just watch a tutorial
i practice until my eyes hurt and i lhave to stop but i feel like i didnt gain anything
i think my hooded eyes and slightly masculine brow bone ruin any possibility of having nice eye makeup
Are you a fan of the metal gear solid videogames? Is that why you picked that name?
well because i was saying what i think about in regards to men
unless by diversify my portfolio you meant think about more than just handsome men, rather than think about more handsome man than just my ex bff
lol i think i may have misunderstood your point

no i mean like feeling of it on my skin is overwhelming, and the smell of it is overwhelming and chemical
>literally just watch a tutorial
wow great fucking advice lol obviously ive done that but no one seems to have the same eyeshape so they do things i literally cant do
i played 1,2 and half of 3. can't say i particularly care about them, i just like when people put "punished" in front of names i think it's silly
just find someone that looks like you boom
otherwise: inner corner light, outer corner dark. ez
>just find someone that looks like you boom
idk if marty feldman did makeup tutorials
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why are trannies so obsessed with eyeliner
oh I just meant that
>father figure
being all three things as you mentioned, but instead have a friend who is just a friend for example
most agp makeup
is eyeliner comparatively inexpensive / easy to apply ?
because my eyes are probably the best feature on my face and i want to accentuate them? and putting on makeup anywhere else without adding some to the eyes makes it look off and weird
oh ok
yes that is definitely healthy, no single person can be everything for someone
Eyeliner is the hardest thing to do right but it's cheap.
>easy to apply
have you seen the bitches in passgen?
are you using expired makeup?

its difficult for beginners if you have hooded eyes it's super difficult
vast majority are fetish trenders and aren't really trannys
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no, i don't think so. i have trouble walking through the makeup aisle even bc the smell is very overwhelming, and it's unlikely that all the makeup is all expired
fetish trenders are the real trannies, hsts' are the anomaly
they're in sealed containers????
evens go food shopping right quick
odds just go the fuck to sleep
dubs idk i can't think of anything else i would want to do

yea and?
Yeah I esp ry to avoid the notion that a gf should be the same as a friend, but many people think that way these days
I figured it might be more accessible than other types of makeup
no wdym
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>if you have hooded eyes it's super difficult
I guess I hurt my head but I don't recall when or how
You mean as a child and now you're suffering from neurological issues?
it's easy to apply but if you look at passgen you'll see it's not so easy to apply _well_
>yea and?
you are experiencing psychosis
>I guess I hurt my head but I don't recall when or how
prolly has to do with the head trauma
i need to get a job but my anxiety has gotten really bad and i've canceled the last three interviews that i've gotten and turned down a job offer i have a therapist appointment on the first but i really don't think it will help. i think i'm going to just buy rc benzos. i'm so sick and tired of having panic attacks.


google eyeliner tutorial for hooded eyes.
no like currently I have a sizable gooseegg and I'm not sure how it happened
but also yeah, that's true
>you are experiencing psychosis
you'd be the expert on that i guess
Transphobic black people deserve to be called the N-Word: Discuss
ah okay I understand
I really hope you can get them under control that is so hard to live with
yeah I have mysterious cuts and scratches loo hope your head doesn’t hurt
but I did also drink all weekend
thinking possibly I fell and forgot
what's the best pokemon mystery dungeon game?
so 99% of them?
genuinely never met a black person that isnt just extremely homophobic.
bro asked me for a light, gave him my hello kitty lighter and he tried to fight me because of it.
like, if you're that much of a bitch, stay home.
what if blobby is actually ex bff in disguise
think i would kms
never fun :(
my head is pretty sore
A few days ago a black lady was keke-ing to her daughter about me and said “that boy is disgusting thinking he’s a girl” bitch, your thick waistline is what’s disgusting. Lower your blood pressure before you come for me NIGGER

Foundation doesn't feel comfy to you?

Are your legs hairless? I hated socks before i shaved my legs.
wud b nice to not b trans

*hugs you*

Stahp drinking like i do.
If you said that out loud she would have knocked you out and tried to take your weave as a trophy.
I would’ve gutted her with my pink knife if she tried it and it would’ve been worth it.
a black guy once asked if he could sit next to me on light rail and i told him no so he called me a faggot. my friend told him to kick rocks and the black guy told him that he raped guys like him in prison so my friend called him a faggot and laughed in his face he did nothing it was funny
I don't have anymore alcohol anyhow
just some mushrooms
was this in pnw it sounds very pnw
i generally don't think of myself as racist but the black guys up there specifically are fuckin weird
been thinking about acquiring some more mushrooms lately but idk if im stable enough for them
they are great though

it happened in pdx
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it is time to go to bed
fingers crossed for no nigthmares
the best movie to ever be made is free on youtube
sleep well
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what fruit is this
green plums?
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have good dream
fukk yeah dude surfs up slaps so hard
i watched that movie so many times as a child because we had the dvd in my moms suv and it would just play it over and over again lol
the sugar ray songs kind of a guilty pleasure too

i think they're unripe crab apples
I started transitioning at 36. No fucking way would I ever go to some youngshit parade called passgen.
did you rep for a long time to reach that age
or did you just not know?
i wanted to kms by like age 8, so i'm always interested in people who start their journey later on
I wanted to kms since 4
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every now and then, hate higher levels of math that go beyond basic calculus but they're like mini puzzles and solving them feels nice
i did a destiny 2 raid with some randoms trying to keep up the voice i trained and after we finished, one person sent a dm saying i had nice voice. i then just said "thanks, still working on it" and they were immediately confused. outing myself as a tranny and an idiot, yippee
>destiny 2
they already knew
Geez, I could write a book about this, and I'm sure that's not what you're here for. Suffice to say, transitioning wasn't a thing we thought we could ever do back in the 90s. I wasn't as masculine as I thought I was in my head, so I grew up with the weird situation of hating myself and thinking I was ugly and unlovable in a male way, while also being a feminine bullied kid with a girly voice.

The key trigger was facial hair. I always felt an unexplainable visceral hatred and disgust toward it, but could just shave it away, until suddenly I couldn't. Then I realized I could be pretty in a womanly way, and that made me feel a lot better about myself. By that point I was old enough that I wasn't as inhibited anymore and ultimately realized that all along I would have been so much happier if I could just have been a woman.

Fortunately, I never had any kids, and I pass to strangers easily. I am blessed in that sense, but I wish I had been born way later than I was. With that said, I would never compare my struggles to those of someone who felt suicidal at the mere prospect of being male. At best, I resigned myself to it, but it was never to the point of thinking life wasn't worth living. I love life.
i'm gonna do it. i'm serious this time. i'm doing it
stop yapping
>Suffice to say, transitioning wasn't a thing we thought we could ever do back in the 90s
i was born in '97, so I wouldn't 100% know.
shoot, i'd say info still wasn't widely available until like the 2010s

>I wish I had been born way later than I was
i think a lot of us wish that, too. I feel you on that :(

>I would never compare my struggles to those of someone who felt suicidal at the mere prospect of being male
i'd argue being upset/distressed about inherent male traits still falls in the same boat.
maybe you didn't feel as extreme as to contemplate suicide, but its still in the same direction.
i started my transition at 19, and was blessed enough to have an extreme late start to puberty, at like 17
The longer Ur eyeliner wing is the more of a tender u are obvs
Hey girls.

I think it's time for me to move on from this place. Not just /mtfg/, but 4chan as a whole. It's not a really good place for me mentally, and I think has made me bitter, and angry.

I'm blocking the site from my IP address, so my hope is that I don't come back. For now: Au revoir.
everyone is telling me to go to the hospital but i'm too scared so i'd rather lay in bed until i die
see u in a week or 2 prong
the incredible reverse rizz of the men of the pnw
i dont think you guys want SP to hear about jelle's behavior do you
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>the more of a tender u are
Chicken Tender?!
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on the topic of bricked hons
kat why dont you post a no make up pic right now
oh wait you wont because you know you look awful
Anya so pretty.. I drop to my feet on sight.. my heart has been revivied...
yuo flatter me my little angel,,,
Not bad for a mick
Oh man I could do with some now tbhon
Was crying a lot last night now I woke up at 6am and I'm HUNGRY
im an amerimutt mick so its kinda different
blobby spitting facts on the fuck paige ep holyyyyy
i usually take mine with cheese
i find ketchup ruins the taste too much
I usually eat stuff like nuggies and chips dry I dnt really like it with sauce..
I haven't eaten ketchup in like a decade
shutup you fat pig faced honzilla
chicken tendies + cheese + hawiian bread = peak lunch
keep sneeding mono
oh lordie was the anya lagoona psyop actually real
super based dunk on paige.
jannys on fire shes like a tree in california or a forest in northern israel
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I look like such a thug.
Add mayonnaise
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A real gangster, even.
Whut is Hawaiian bread it looks like brioche
i havent tried it with mayo, mainly due to laziness.
but ill give it a try next time. i usually have it for lunch like once or twice a week
hooooooooooooolllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy fucking based
its like a sweet honey bread
shame you're not a hon i wanna say mean shit to you cause you're a psycho but you're hot so idk what to say
nice fit
delulu levels rising...
you look like the side character that the main character goes to so she can get her android room-mate upgraded or replaced but actually you fuck her over and just send her one of your leftover sentient ones and send her on a journey of revolution for all the sentient androids and robots in our society
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Thank you anon. I am only mildly insane also.
Thanks luv
I would do that honestly actually fixing things is too much effort
Sounds nice I got to stop talking about food. Tho because the shops are still closed and there's nothing in and I'm hungryy
qott: used to be good at it up to hs but hated it. now i realized on how useful math can be but im shit at it during uni

blogpost: i deleted instagram and i might as well delete discord, but i have connections there i need to maintain. i wish i can just remove social media as a whole, i feel like most people are an asshole including myself, and yeah i sound cringe right now
time 2 break in & start cooking
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im dakota
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test do test new test
nty ip grabber bro
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just had the most satisfying hrt injection ever
it was like a video game cutscene it was so seamless
Post forehead and teeth like a real G
o ty 4 reminding me 2 inject
Ur so schizo it's insane
say pudgy puga piggy 7 times fast

? why so scared? what you hidin behind them bangs and lips lil G?
say mono once
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blud is straight up bald with a caveman brow under that edna ass wig fr
Nigga talking to imself
someone ping kat to get in here so we get round 53 of kat vs laguna vs mono
cope ugly ass nibba
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This is kat lmfao
That is unless someone is doing a breach of contract.
We wouldn't want that though.
kinda sad that kat doesnt care about her gfs job security
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Ain't that true
>implying any1 actually cares abt mono and isnt rightfully using her
lmfao true
autism is my super power
I care about Mono
why do u care about a cheater and rapist (kat told us so)
Evil kat be like
Kat is a retard BFP megahoe. PPP said she was raped and cheated on by kat many, many times, and if I had to believe PPP vs Kat, PPP everytime. Mono posts are funny and it's clear she gets under so many peoples thin skin here, and that's also funny. Tbqh a lot of the regular tripfag faggots here post the most cringe woe is me faggot shit that you deserve to get bullied anyways
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god bless GBA games. I dont have to deal with bullshit swimming
So if Mono simps hardcore for a BFP megahoe doesn't that make him a retard by default?
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Good morning, shat!
Still talking about drama faggotry I see lmao
Why does the female gender appear so superior?
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Yeah I'm not gonna defend it. Mono got got by the drama trap. Should have just ridden the town's bicycle and dropped it back off and not try to own it.
i love fingering my buss but i hate when it fishes poop out
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where is my fucking waist

I measure and I have 31waist 41hip why cant I see my waist
so um meow
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Please clean your ass beforehand!!
Where's your bellybutton?
Guysss I used my dads pc to buy smth on Amazon and he accidentally left fetlife open ;-; rly hoping he never saw my profile when I had one fml
I'm an omphalocele, I do not have a belly button.
Also you have a good eye to notice that with my crappy phone resolution. My hookups never notice it in photos until we meet. But I guess they're looking elsewhere.
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Please bully me.
Man can't wait to finish octopath 2 so I can play this it looks rlly cool
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Rapes you
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you're an alien??
>But I guess they're looking elsewhere.
Clearly not tummy enjoyers
im tryin to not post kingdom hearts specific spoilers for ya
I'll have to be careful in the next few games
What a nice young lass ye are
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Rapes you
Waifu bought me sausage roll now I'm happy
No, it's an abdominal wall defect. Basically had a big sac when I was born and it was spilling out of me and they gave me a skin graft where my belly button should have been.
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Thank you anya
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your are welcome my kitten...
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Rape isn't very nice. I would be uncomfortable with that. Please do not rape me. I'm not even attractive.
Sexwithconsents you
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probably all in the depth axis. sorta happens to me too it's harder to get width diff as a lateshit.
power of love handles
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I don't think I will actually
women only want tall men with human skin and hair and purple waistcoats, not nice loompas who bring them chocolates fucking hypergamous goldenticketmaxxing bitches
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kat you need to calm down i want this to be over with. everyone but u is ready for it to be over
all bitches want a chocolate factory
they don't really help if you don't have wide hipbones for them to rest on top of and decimate your waist definition and hip definition if you lack the supporting structure.
they look great on my gf but bad on me i'm the expert on this yeh.
Nobody but you is still harassing and bothering the other party dumbfuck
I only defend myself
they think they want the chocolate factory until they realize that means topping the gates
cowardly trannies
janny lets eat popcorn together
god bless fi..
Iunno I think mine looks good and I don't rly have hips
complete lovehandle death for all fellow bonehons such as myself
i have love handles but i think its just because im underweight
also if you have a big ribcage. i have big hips but also a big ribcage and having love handles actually just bricks my waist
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Calamity shut the fuck up
im gooning
# gooning while listening to sufjan stevens
lets make it a new trend
maybe i just got rly unlucky narrow hips even by mtf standards idk. they do look fucking awful on me is all i kno.

cud b this too ig. either way there's very little figure to work with and chub bricks it up hard.
is that the guy who forgot how to walk or whatever
this is my problem

Natural waist is 31in. Measurement around my bottom rib is 32.

Can't really go much smaller than that.
Then stop speaking about it man
huh no
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oh wtf thats scary
If you don't like that picture you might just not be a fan of reality
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Going to start me morning with a proper nice brew aye
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Do you think they take this as a sign from god?
or just really bad luck?
Enjoy your kidney stones! It's peak male experience <3
Calamity shut the fuck up
There's a lot of rapehons in this gen
awesome nails
me btw if anyone in the entire world cares at al
calamity is too nicepilled to post that tbdesu she wouldnt actually attack you i dont think, she just does the annoying thing where she equates you and kat
It was her for certain.
i love my gf :)
Exact same syntax.. Odd slow on the replies and went straight for the accusations.. Nah it is you
I cracked up when someone here posted just their eyes and got the reply "rapehon gaze"
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You have me to thank for that
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Where does this rapehon stuff even come from? Most people in these threads are total bottoms deep down. They're not gonna rape anyone, they WANT to get raped.
Stelle is GAY and TAKEN stop posting this blasphemy
im a rapehonswitch i canbe the raper or the rapee
you should call your parents and repeat that sentence
i dont rly talk to them much
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Deep down you probably prefer being a bottom mostly but a lot of bottoms ITT like to roleplay as sadistic dommy mommys (or feel forced to take the more assertive role) even though it doesn't reflect their true desires.
Very true anon
The weird part is how I seem to turn everyone into a top magically. Ig I'm the only one that accepted the being a bottom thing so now I'm a magnet to coping bottoms
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should I rope
NOT true please stop lyijg about me
but yes anon the secret about switches is that they all have a role they prefer to fulfill on some level but also that switching it up according to others is fun and such
if u arent adaptable and confine urself to one role u get less bitches
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Would you play a video game if the protagonist had your deadname?
What the fuck is that
Why wouldn't I
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i've been called a nickname or by my last name all my life, so i don't really associate with my deadname at all.
i wouldn't care
Alri are lass it's nice to hear from you again x
>what the fuck is that
The meatsack I inhabit on a daily basis.

Please bully more. I deserve it. I should rope.
I am often here young blobberto.
But what's going on with your like thing above the stomach your proportions aren't bad but what is that
What's the trick to stopping the dog barking the chihuahua screeches are starting to make my ears bleed
Oh I'm not blobby and I thought you were are broathy nvm
>But what's going on with your like thing above the stomach your proportions aren't bad but what is that
Result from surgery. I was omphalocele. I honestly don't know *why* it's there, but all omphaloceles have very complicated births with a lot of other problems.

It's very hard to shave there.

I am this anon.
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