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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: What do you refuse to apologize for?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36263740
tfw khhv
3rd for penis communism against nazi vaginas
she is filled with light and i must kiss her
How are my friends today?
how should we know
tfw pregnant
>What do you refuse to apologize for?
my swag
>QOTT: What do you refuse to apologize for?
party rocking
Because you are my friends anon…
well i wanna die hbu
god how i wish
Me 2
Another thread where I ignore the qott and don't appologize for it mwhahaha
that's fucked
doesnt that make it a bit stupid to ask the question?
important discourse
rip julio foolio
naturally slightly hairy > hairy > POWER GAP > trimmed > POWER GAP > shaven
important discourse: the sequel
when she doesnt shower for 2+ days im literally diving and nuzzling into her armpits for her scent hnnnggg
love hairy girls
despise the smell of deodorant/perfume
peak taste (pun intended)
>>QOTT: What do you refuse to apologize for?
Being pro life.
her perfume she put on to cover up her 36 hour no shower girlmusk mixing with sweat after going to the gym and before she showers it off for the night
People who wash themselves, stay trimmed and wear perfume are treated like lepers in 2024...
hairy legs
hairy armpits
give me natural
i prefer to b the clean one in a relationship. i don't fuck with fragrance though
actually real
i find fragrance really fun... :( it's not about being clean it's about smelling nice and standing out etc
i like fragrance when its light and we're going out
but if you're in bed with me i kind of want you to smell human
your natural scent
and a bit of musk
because its unique and if we're sharing a bed i love you
I refuse to apologize for liking cis asian women
Let me guess... XY chromosomes?
unshaven facial hair…
Her stubble brushing onto your cheek..
One of the pieces for my ikea desk came mirrored…
ugh should i go to miku expo...
>call myself bisexual but like 98% attracted to men
>get srs
>can't stop thinking about women and barely attracted to men anymore
wtf, no one told me this could happen
I'm at the thing and I can hear her voice backstage
Are gyms a decent place to pick up feminine tops?
I just got hit on by a fem with great top energy and I'm pretty sure she was on something like anavar. If it makes them horny could be a good pickup scene idk

I know lesbians often meet at sports places like softball but I kinda hate sports. Wouldn't mind a gf into them tho
i moved into this flat less than 3 months ago and i already hate it
it started with the maintenance guy who gave me the keys saying i should shower carefully to not flood the neighbors below when the actual issue in the bathroom plumbing is that there's basically a hole in the pipe right underneath the shower tub and the neighbor downstairs get a wet ceiling whenever i shower at all unless it's with like, the lowest pressure possible which doesnt even get warm
the kitchen also was fucked when i moved in and i have to ask the very maintenance person who said the shower is fine and depends on how people use it to fix it which means it'll get fucked up more instead of fixed should i ever actually do that so i dont
he also said the people in the house watch out for each other but someone stole my skateboard out of the cellar in the first week, and the married boomer faggots across the hall are pretty fucking retarded too
>roided femmes
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Just low dose anvar. Sure some damage to facial femininity but nothing too bad
I need a weak nerdy t4t top who struggles to lift heavy things and needs help....
cis girl who looks like a twinkhon and has tranny voice because of steroids...
double transphobe frfr
no but the lip fillers and philtrum shortening make her look bogged imo
Need a t4t gf to go to Miku Expo with me
I went to Miku expo it was so fun even with the screen! It was my first one
Ugh... I'm probably going to one of the ones in continental Europe...
Are those any different to the American ones? Do you get the holo?
ftmtf detranser x mtftm detranser…
I don't think so... It's looking like it'll be same as NA.
going forward it seems to be that you'll have to go to magical mirai in jp if you want holos......
pure lesbianism
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I want her so bad bros…
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would you?
looks like cliff
no, i would not read twitter posts
Wydag who never tucked or wore a bra
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no because bras are cool and hip
bras are cute and my girl has got to keep her dick far away from me!
They're cute but I don't know my size+ I could never go into a shop and buy one.
not a girl
>QOTT: What do you refuse to apologize for?
I refuse to apologize to that ex I emotionally and socially brutalized because I was in a manic mood cycle and had poor impulse control.
Like, goddamn, you don't leak receipts no matter how much of a monster I am. FUCK YOU.
can't wait to get on antidepressants so i can put my sex drive in the ground for good ^o^
I hate girls
im a tranny why do i have weird stomach cramps this sucks
darling... ~~>_<~~
don't even start with the trans period delusion
dont call me that, i dont know you
a delusion is when someone believes in something obviously false
i have insinuated exactly the opposite, ive implied that i dont believe in tranny periods, but i still do get cramps and headaches on injection days that get worse the longer i delay the injection
that could be psychosomatic, but it cannot be a delusion, by definition
sounds like someone is on her period
im gonna steal your toe nails through your shower drain
so you're the one I've been having those dreams about...
I'm a transbian. Have fun dying from black mold hehrhehehehe
you just have to take a shit, anon
I never tuck or wear a bra so yeah
>What do you refuse to apologize for?
Being poly and being non-op
Man hands...
i need her so bad
I want to watch her pee again
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Anyone here in Chicago?
I didn't get a chance to ask her out but I did get to smoke a little bit of weed with her and some friends and then have images of her flash through my mind for half an hour once I got home while a silent inner voice repeated "this is what it means to want something"
>man hands
watch it

yeah i had tried that, didnt help
injecting E2 somehow did
i think it's psychosomatic shrug
would you make your gf get srs?
Make in a forceful way? No... But srsussy is cute and I want to put my PENIS near one
I like the idea of havibng a hole in my body that someone could use it like a fleshlight
only trutrans except for me
No it's agp
The idea of being in a position other than the top revolts me so I need more girls like you to exist!
agp is healthy female sexuality
I would like to top as well.
Bottoming just seems cute since when top is close, you can sense it, her brain doesn't function as good, her pace increases and she just wants to cum. I would like to be cummed inside and then the top just collapsing on me so I can brush her hair and tell her that I'm proud and happy for her, making her feel comfy, safe and loved..
But topping also would be interesting, I would like to make the bottom cum just from topping and see her brain melt..
>I would like to be cummed inside and then the top just collapsing on me
that's straight sex
There's nothing straight abt that at all
Kino & real
Cry about it then
why would i, im not upset
are you upset?
No, why would I be?
just checking, your post seemed emotionally charged to me!
Yeah, sry about that

I'm not a top but this is hot (and wholesome) as fuck. You sound sweet.
no worries!
Gyms are notorious for being bad pick up spots. People go there to work out and get out and anything besides a friendly spot is going to be taken as harassment.
Ugh... Nerdy wife in Europe... Manifesting (You)
The most important thing for me is how my partner is satisfied and what to do to achieve it. I want to see her happy and satisfied and only then I would feel satisfied myself.

Um whereabouts do you live in the world lol
Oh.. umm.. I'm a person of no importance.
Outside of work and working out I live in my bed
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I will be offering free therapy sessions to anyone who wants life guidance or is just in general having problems.

Sign up here
should I wash my ass or ???
Pick me. I need to sign up
Absolutely. Every time you shower you should start from the top and gradually work your way down.

Of course, how can i help, what are your problems?
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gf who growls.....
>Of course, how can i help, what are your problems?

i have major trust issues and when someone does something good for me I can't see it or feel it. When someone is being nice to them I try to make them hate me on purpose because I don't like the feeling of them being nice to me
A-ahh... i see.... this is a twist.. *nervously shuffles*

Uhhhhhmm ahhh.. i need to...return some video tapes.. (ill be back in 7 hours or so, maybe)

You sound modest. That's even hotter than caring about your partner in bed lmao and I'm still curious
i see what you did there ha ha ha ha
How do actual lesbians feel now that anyone you're talking to online who calls themselves a lesbian could just be a man pretending to be a gay woman? I mean, it might've happened before but now it's got backing and people take it seriously.
Do you find yourself with that question lingering in the back of your mind "is this an actual lesbian, or am I talking to one of those weird identifying people again?".
I am a man who pretends to be a woman online so I don't mind either way :3
t.cis man coming into a lesbian general to preach about the dangers of men invading lesbian spaces
Please don't.. I'm just fantasy/hornyposting.. I have major self hate problems also, just pleasr....
I'm actually a man who identifies as a male lesbian.
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tfw no catfishing repper egf who cracks while deceiving you
Even reppers get more love than boymoders ;_;
boymoders are just repper+ anyway
I've been taking hrt for over 6 years...
and socially repress?
I guess it isn't that different socially yeah I'm out to some people though so it is like one foot in one out
sooo repper+
i dont understand queers who can celebrate their bodies
like, i never wanted to be the anime girl, but my dysphoria just doesnt get better enough to feel comfortable with myself; maybe SRS is the one thing that'll finally fix everything, but probably not, plus i dont trust doctors and can only get shitty local insurance surgeons anyway

i know this is all tranny shit and not lesbian shit, but im retarded ok
Got a Miku Expo ticket for the winter >.< Gonna be so fun I hope I can get lots of stupid merch too
yeah this is still just repper

I was girlmoding and passing since pre-HRT it's really easy with makeup
With makeup I could maybe be ok but well I'm lazy and have convinced myself I should wait until after ffs to try girlmode.
>it's really easy with makeup
underappreciated truth
nothing about your body really matters if you do good appropriate makeup and dress accordingly, the rest is voice and manners - excluding extremely outstanding proportions of course, bla bla statistics bla bla distribution bla bla im 6'4 i cant pass ever yeehonk
yeah I'm 5'11 so pretty tall anyway and it's just makeup pre hrt, now that I'm on HRT for a bit can present masc and be fine, but if you can't then makeup and style is just the way to do it.
but it's been 6 years without getting to that point already, might as well just push through and actually be a woman instead of staying in the closet for another 6 years
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You're right. 100% but I'm just going to boymode for another 6 years... I've got enough saved I'll be able to get ffs once I move out...
honestly i think literally anyone can pass if they can convince themselves they
like, ive been confused for ftm a bunch because i dress lazy masc and usually just say
>im trans
lel and when i do dress futch or chapstick i get fundamentalist turks flirting with me for some reason.. .

but i dont girlvoice because i dont want to so it all falls apart whenever i speak ehehe
maybe ill get vfs when charlotte starts girlmoding :^)
Some Lebanese guy asked me if I was male or female :( that's the closest I've come to malefailing in years.
Not voice training is based though! It's been like 8 years since somebody said I should voice train first LOL
yeah it's true desu. I think it's mostly how you carry yourself
this is like thinking dragqueens pass
drag queens almost always get treated like women, dont they?
and they often make even more of a stink that your average tranny who isnt john, 50, when someone misgenders them
so like i think you're kinda proving the opposite point of what you intended, but maybe i just cant keep up with your brain :^)
no they don't and no they don't
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wish I was eating pancake with gf
>t. doesnt actually go outside and only knows drag from ru paul
No I'm basing this off my actual experience seeing drag in my little southern us city maybe oir experiences are different? Do you think thats a possibiltiy? Is it possibel that two people live different lives? Are you not me?
no i dew not
I dew 2 to chew
maybe i should try getting addicted to heroin again? like do you think that'd be a good motivator to do things? having to get the next fix?
i really dislike how heroin feels though :/
Do cool people ever date losers?
I just had a really smart businedd idea. A way to LEGALLY circumvent all taxes.
Now this is crazy so dont go spreading it. But did you know, debt cant be taxed? Crazy right.
So what you do is, you offer a service, that customers are only allowed to be indebted to. Its TECHNICALLY money, any currency.
So say i want to sell a service or any kind of stock for say 1000 dollars.
Ok, but, heres zah thing, i obviously dont want the 1000 in present cash, because present cash gets taxed. Si what do i do? I only give the customer the option of paying in the future, aka indebting themselves.

Ill need to review it legally before actually attempting this, but i beleive its absolutely legal.

So now lets say i have 1 million in positive debt (positive as in its not mine to be payed its the customers burdon)

That means, i essentially have a piece of paper that says i have 1 million on it, and this paper is UNTAXED. Isnt that crazy?

Again ill need to check this out with legal before i even attempt it. I hope i dont get killed for saying this, ill crack i swear! Just threaten me and ill drop it cia kun! Drop it as in ill immediately cave in to any pressure and throw the business idea in zah trash. Im a coward and i hate conflict.
But i think its legal so i should be okay writing this...
Did you know bananas taste best when theyre fresh from the fridge?
Warm bananas are so gross.
Actual retard
i bet i'd look really pretty if i knew how to do eye makeup but i'm too lazy to learn and i'm afraid i'd poke my eye so i guess i'll just stay ugly
racist white demon
If you don't put effort in you're going to regret it in the future when you've missed out :(
i wish i had that image of aba from guilty gear that's like "how to do your makeup trashy on purpose" because that's me
the biggest issue is that i don't know what to buy and i don't want to waste money getting the wrong stuff
plus, 80% of my daily effort goes towards getting out of bed
>i don't want to waste money getting the wrong stuff
get cheap stuff and learn
stop being paralyzed by overthinking things
I know the feeling anon ;_; once I wanna do anything I get stuck in a loop and it becomes more overwhelming until I can't take it and go back to watching anime or playing vidya instead...
Wasting money on stuff is the backbone of a capitalist economy
>stop being paralyzed by overthinking things
b-but that's what i'm best at... :(
no more idiot girl! if you have money go buy some cheap brushes, some eyeshadow, some gay eyeliner and mascara and have some fun
you're not allowed to overthink with such a tiny brain anymore
is it valid to lean into your masc side as a transbian to chase a bi woman?
ok... might as well go for a walk and buy them since i haven't been outside this year
but i'm still afraid of accidentally poking out my eyes and i don't want to go blind yet
it it very hard to poke your eye dw
if you're close to poking your eye, your eye knows what to do to protect you from your little brain, its okay
>idiot girl
hey! i thought that was my special nickname!
you fucking poly slut
you say that but you have no idea how shaky my hands are
its really not my fault that there is a wide gaggle of idiot girls in this thread nona
aspire to be smart girl
a much rarer accomplishment
and i'll say im proud of you
you have no idea how shaky MY hands are either
ok i guess i'll try... at an unspecified future date :)
going outside to buy what i need is a death sentence during summer
Im such a lonely miserable fool.. a coward... and i dont think i even want it any other way.......

Im the gal who walks alone during Christmas eve, looking into the warmly lit windows with happy families. I dont even envy them, i just cant relate to them, its like looking at birds, theyre so pretty and sound so intriguing, but ill never understand their language completely.

I am a stranger walking these foreign lands....
>i'll say im proud of you
i dont care for that at all, and i dont care for you anymore either, im gonna put "idiot girl" in my filters
What is?
i'll take that as a yes
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Hello /lesgen/ !! ( ・ω・)ノ
Let's play a cool game where we decide if someone is the perfect girlfriend or if she's a degenerate coomer based on a totally hypothetical and completely fictional scenario! I'll start:

What if, only as a thought exercise, a random woman you don't know decided to buy a pair of hyper realistic silicone feet (modeled after a Chinese college girl) because she's never had a girlfriend so she couldn't experiment with her fetish (that only exists in this imaginary scenario).

Based on this speculation, would you date this woman or shame her for her coomer behavior?
let me make sure i understand
assuming i know literally nothing about a woman, would i date her based on the fact that she bought realistic silicone feet because she's curious?

is that the question you are asking?
Gross and weird, would ghost.
You should take into consideration the fact that she's shameless enough and has enough money to throw on something like this! Would you want to date someone that might use her / your money to buy herself lewd toys as well as potentially embarrassing you when you're out on a date?
I ignore the thought hazard
I totally agree!! I'm so glad I'm normal and not weird like this made up woman!
what i should or shouldnt take into account should probably be my own business, no?
did i understand the question correctly or not, a simple yes or no will suffice
Feet are kino
Assuming that this was her lowest point in life, it's up to you to decide whether you like her or not based on what you think about her. If you want to decide purely on this scenario without taking into consideration all the details that would allow and push her to do this then I believe you did understand the question correctly!
C-cute toes...
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>this was her lowest point
i dont think we could relate
Owie get that treated
can you go to the doctor with me in girl mode
Nop but I can extract the nail myself with some pliers if chu like desunyan :3
Real shit tho that hurts a lot I've had b4
i can do that myself? why do you say i should get it treated then
Treated by your own hands, don't just let it sit
hmm you're saying i could die if i dont keep poking at it?
U could lose ur toe if it got infected and was let spread.
You can fix it urself but it'll be a lot less painful w some yummy meds
ah, right, these extremity infections usually stay in the extremities right? not that reliable for systemic or even specific organ failure.. eh im sure someone will care eventually, i have a social worker and a friend irl so
I hate this thread
I miss c4tgen
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ok so go back?
alright fuck it i'm on my mtf butch-masc mommy arc
>HRT Femboy
lmao seconded, go back!
post forearms
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Yeah but it can go to ur bone in ur toe and then it's rly difficult to get rid of :(
fucking hell the pomegranate im losing it
Why do lesbians like pomegranates so much
well i mean it's an issue in the first place because i was medically neglected so it's only fair if the retard doctors fix it too
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I-i-i-i ccan.. b-bicep curl 5 to 6kg with one arm now.... im pretty badass...
like once or what lol
For 7 or 8 reps....

R u impressed... w-w-w-will u praise me
how many sets tho
I love you, carry groceries for me.
pre-hrt i used to be able to carry 2 20kg jugs of water to my apartment (10th floor) without breaks but now i can barely lift 10kg with both arms :(
W-why.... cant u just praise me..

Y-y-yes miss *sobs a lil*
3 sets 20 reps or bust, you want volume no?
Nah volume is a meme

Cardio is for volume
>W-why.... cant u just praise me..
i just want to know the sets
but 6kg is a cardio weight.. ..
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you know
good job on making progress regardless
it can be hard
NO ITS NOT its fucking heavy
no it's not, my electric bass weighs 6kg and that's literally designed to wear for 2-3 hours while jumping and dancing and singing while standing
yes, you do have a belt that put a lot of the weight on your back, but it's also 3 hours and not just 3x20
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gonna get me a second kettlebell
tears of joy because of all the progress you still get to make...? oookay...
I think the Wendy's girl is HOT. I will not apologize! Ban me! Lock me up!
It's a cartoon character so who really cares except annoying ass college students
i like the slutty starbucks logo but i dont actually like the pose irl am i weird
she's a child?
Thanks for the yous frens, now when lago opens thread she will be miffed hehehe
answer the question
My boobs keep growing :(
no they dont lol youre a boy
after six years?
Your boobs never stop growing and changing. I went from an A cup to B after 10+ years of hrt
Yeah somehow they began growing again last year after not growing for a few years.
I can't hide them by slouching anymore so I have to layer up always ;_;
Ughhh boys with boobs having gay sex need
Can a normie cis girl in her 20s and an autistic trans girl in her 30s fall in l*ve?
I'm boobs on a stick with a dick
My boobs keep growing :)
My boobs started growing :)
My boobs have shrunk :(
boobs <3
Boobs... especially the soft nipples which just begs soft sucking just by existing..
I love my giant man boobs
boobs are scary
my gf's breasts
I will never appologize for being a man with breasts beautiful enough to pull dykes
Girls/boys with pink nipples are hated :(
Post them
>can millennial trannies fall in love
only if they're lucky and somewhat brain healthy and rich
I'm schizo but I'm not crazy. People who spend all day discussing race theory and porn in the lesgen discord are crazy.
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same breastie
I hate your pink nipples because my tongue isn't teasing and swirling around them!!!!!!!!!
>and rich
It's so over
im schizoid i think maybe but sometimes i think im just depressed but smart
If I wasn't a trip I would probably constantly post them but alas
You don't really want that!
wydag with scars on her breasts
no because id be worried shes gonna poon out or detroon
I don't want you moaning while your body twitches every once in a while, while I'm pressed up to you?
Idk, sounds kinda gay, I'd love it
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No it's kino but I'm a BOYMODER so you don't actually want it.
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tall belongs to small
typical fetishistic cis f chaser
>tall cis women don’t exist
how tall are you?
Boymoder x boymoder, (gay)
Faggots in bed and girly twinks on the streeta
lago how did you get a trans girlfriend. I'm desperate atp
Girly she/her twinks are the pinnacle of humanity but most won't admit this...
Your brain is rotted
>she doesn't respond for half an hour or more
It's so over
>the instant she responds no matter how long it took
Were so back
Yeah and? You realise anyone can have any pronouns right... They're nothing more than words.
the way some of the people in this thread are the exact opposite of lesbians is crazy...
trans exclusionaries stay winning as per usual
Anyone can be a lesbian if that feels right... If you're into exclusionary nonsense then this isn't the thread for you...
the person that makes the thread disagrees with that statement
What's the exact opposite of lesbian?
The discord is quickly redpilling lago on how awful radfems are
gay dudes, talking about having gay sex, and calling it lesbian because they took drugs that gave them tits (¬_¬ )
I'm not sure what her opinions are exactly nor are either of us an authority on that; however, everyone's allowed to have an opinion even if it's transphobic.
It's up to individuals to decide how they feel about that part of you when interacting with you... Personally I don't wanna talk to anyone w exclusionary opinions.
Words mean something though

How do you decide if it feels right if you don't even know what it means though?? If I was coming of age in the current trans community I would feel so lost and probably not figure out who I am at all because it's too meaningless.

Excluding something is the only way that anything means anything at all.
Thats not true Im a straight dude who took drugs to grow boobs to trick lesbians with, and that makes me a butch.
>only attracted to feminine bodies
>this makes me a gay man
Interesting... Transphobia really is rampant here.
trans female 'lesbians' are just straight with extra steps.
labeling themselves as lesbian is just a way to affirm themselves.
>yeah I'm a lesbian. you're a woman who likes other women? that must mean you want my girldick and hrt tits right?
for reference, i don't agree with this post, but i disagree with the faketranny bullshit even more
This but it's not sarcastic terfoid shit and I don't do anything without consent
you have to be a special kind of retard to post transphobic bullshit on *the* tranny board
Most of those who claim to only exclude the "bad ones" aka anyone who isn't trans in the way they claim is ok are actually in favour of excluding anyone trans but are smart enough to hide that when it isn't what people want to hear.
same lestie
You are the faketranny!
i wish i was cis so i could post somewhere else
how old are you, genuinely
You can be trans and post elsewhere too... you could, if you believed in yourself.
I'm glad I'm trans I used to wish I was cis but I think I like this better.
Everything I hate about being trans is how society treats trans people rather than anything actually wrong with trannies inherently aka it isn't my problem.
she wont, too much of a coward to go larp as cis on clg so she prefer to stay here bitching about other trannies
fucking lol
explains so much, no wonder you're a pit of insecurity
not a coward, i'm just not a fucking creep
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kill yourself you little baby
Is this a metaphor for period sex? Wow how terfy of you.
We're so back
lol faggot anal whore
You don't need to have sex. You need to find love. Different things but people only ever say the first thing because in their hearts they dont believe they dont deserve love. I feel so bad for them.
>girlfriend asked me my dating preference
>it's chubby white girls with blonde hair
>she's skinny and not white
you fucked up
Why would she ask if she didn't want to know? Not apologizing
it's one of those questions where the truth isn't the correct answer, she does Not want to hear that your type is literally the opposite of her
Someone bake a bread
it's 11 at night
YOU're 11 at night

that's not what the b& text looks like!!
Working on it, sec.

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