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RIP Chudette Edition
previous >>36267117
QOTT: Say positive things about Chudette.

International Suicide Hotlines:
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i think she sometimes baked
that was good

are my legs getting too big?
should i lay off the leg routine?
i want to forcefeed you fatty ^--^
she was the only person here I felt I could actually relate to. damn near everyone else is just a boymoder or actual woman
He had great tits
>RIP Chudette
giwtwm, why am i still alive
did she actually die or they just took a break?
that would be nice actually im struggling to gain weight
Oh fuck you, you're gonna be fine after ffs. No, if anything I'd say work on your inner thigh more. Or add a little layer of fat everywhere, pio works good.
Also the anonette in the other thread who wanted to suck dick. Men aren't turned off by us as much as it seems. Every manmoder here could get dick easy. We're a huge fetish for better or worse.
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too bad i don't want dick. i want gock. and that's a little harder to come by
im currently trying weight cycling to get more fat on there but so far all the fat has only gone to the butt and i still got way too much on my belly...
hopefully dead
you should join her
i will cook you your favorite meals and fetch you beer as you watch the game... anything for my man xD
post it, NOW
>QOTT: Say positive things about Chudette.
desu, i kinda liked her, a very interesting character, i am sorry that she had to suffer so much, it is very hard being trans and also having mental issues, ya, life sucks and is very unfair, i wish things were different, if she actually did it, i hope she is in a better place now and happy as her true self, i sometimes hope that after i die i get to be cis and run through the garden of Eden and feel the grass with my bare feet and just be happy, it is probably not going to happen bc after we die we just disappear and even if it was real i would go straight to hell but i hope chudette experiences that heaven while no longer being bound by the prison of flesh, amen
Amen brother
there is no better place
there is nothing
there is no happiness
there is nothing
there is no garden of eden
there is no grass
there is no hell
there is no heaven
there is nothing
no lol she just posted in another thread a few mins ago
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really hate it tho
stfu heaven is real, trust me bro
Rapeable af
loonix will be the next to mog us and leave, i foresaw it in my dreams
leave where?
this thread is my only social contact
me fr fr
All I want is t4t, but all that wants me are men and cis women
It's sad really. I never expected to be at a point where I have no irl friends.
someone please be my anonymous friend for one second please please please
Hey buddy wanna jerk off together on cam :)
no one want me
not even me
the real reason my system locks me out after three failed login attempts isn't to prevent someone from brute forcing my device. it's to prevent me from doing stupid shit online when im crossed
Post hole
are you cute..
i'm ready to pop you and drop you and lock you and top you bitch sissy motherfuckas
*breathing heavily* can sum1 upload tranny cumshot video plz
No I am the only real manmoder now that Chudette is gone
are you at least uhhh cute in like a masculine way
Partners have never complained about my appearance
Are you hot
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>be me
>look in mirror
>see your facial hair regrowing
actually,,, im a hefab and that's my cute little girstache. so exited my low-dose testosterone gel is finally working!!1
i'm ready to pop myself
I hate seeing you like this you looked so cute with facial hair :(
i look like that after 5 years hrt
he is a coward and a toxic, destructive, and generally shitty person who provides no value to and is not long for this world one way or another
i liked her oldfag meme posting
Chudette is Chudette biggest hater:(
QOTT he was so hot even though he was mean i understand why :( i hope he’s in a better place :(((
why he is so bald and pig-like in appearance
i want to drag my pussy across his face like a snail, rip
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Homosexual intercourse with my man loonixmoder and syn
I loved her tummy :(
Rest in piss ugly man
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sup mmg i found a hot tub
>stringy tranny bangs
huh? i was in the water
How old are you
manmoder heeral im sorry mi nota manmoder
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i'm checking somethin.
ok but ur sweet :)
Rough appearance for 20
look better than u
u 2 <3
there is a hottie in the hot tub...
heya camo fren
i kinda like it when you bully me senpai
show me what a real man looks like
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You are an intersex freak
Why do you say that? I am not intersex.
You don’t know that because karyotypes are obscenely expensive
Your hips are wide and your torso is stumpy
What do you mean stumpy torso?
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This is you
how do I know if my facial hair is sparse

I dont know if I have enlarged breasts, I was overweight and super morbidly obese my entire life, until I lost the weight (which obviously left me with gyno) and then started HRT.

I never lifted weights or had a lot of physical activity either, so naturally I am not muscular.

My testicles do feel small compared to a lot of the men I've been with.

How do I know if I have longer legs and narrow shoulders?
Did chudette really kys? Based if true.
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>need monster
>dont got any monster
if i really looked good i would have had a gf that kept me from trooning
no girl wants a short "man" anymore
you are just very autistic and dumb
i understand, there was never really an option for me at 162cm
I could’ve been your manmoder gf to help you repress… I’m significantly shorter than you so it would work
It’s not too late, stop doing this
>getting insulted by lari first thing in the morning
im 168 and i used to say 170 when i was a man but it was a lie:|
even if i stopped ill always be a troon
the tits will not go away
the little t production i had is likely gone
my facial hair is mostly electroed
pandoras box is open
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what you are doing still makes little sense, you can't pass facially
well i dont want to pass
if i only returned to my teenage self that would be ok
i cant be more than a boy
i guess you feel less dysphoria if you look younger, i also feel better and less dysphoria when i look in the mirror if i look younger
i hate that i am lonely depressed suicidal and without a job and i need this board, i hope i can accept living as a man and be happy eventually.. life is unfair and it sucks..
We’ll get you keyhole surgery so you don’t have a scar, your T will come back eventually after you stop taking hormones, and I’ll make you feel comfortable in your male skin and then kiss you goodnight in our shared bed <3
we can do all that except im on e and "male"
Estrogen will make you weak and pathetic I want you to be the strong bearded boyfriend you were meant to be
Pleassssss I just want to curl up in your arms and make you feel manly and dominant
thats impossible im on this grind for life
ill return myself to youth no matter the cost
are gay relationships even worth it? i feel like most gay men are not loyal anyway, and the chances of gettin smth long term are small..
Just do fin and duta and skincare babe you don’t have to get tits and remove your sexy goatee
bro, she is just a troon, you don't want to be in a relationship with her anyway, just find a cis man..
the e is non negotiable sadly
well expecting a bpdemon to be manly is a pipe dream anyway
Hey /mmg/, what do you usually wear to job interviews and such? Most of the old masc stuff I have is ill-fitting and looks kind of bad on me
i cant take it anymore i need to go get a monster
being forced to get a haircut for my cousins wedding what cut do i go for to try and salvage at least a little length and androgynitu
>being forced to get a haircut for my cousins wedding

What? Why?
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did i at least look a bit better on e?
i am an ugly incel pos, desu if i go on hrt or not is the same shit, it is not like i am losing chad genetics, so it is not really a loss, might as well be some androgynous faggot if i can and suck dick idk
omg need!

come over and i'll give you some :3

you're supremely brainwormed my anon friend

come to think of it i got one in my panties...
wtf mogs me I didn't look anywhere near as feminine as you at 4 months
i have a big skull and midface and i can't really look like a girl and i am tall asf, i am thinking about androgynous feminine man coping, would i look too faggy and be beaten up if i get a lip filler? it is not expensive and it will make my midface looks smalle and make me look cuter and more fem
try taking HRT again
>Based if true.
kys freak! if you didn’t post the drag queen pics she would still be alive…
i need to lose like 25kgs first, i don't want to destroy my breast growth completely, i barely grew anything in 4months so i will probably have small tits at best, but i will be happy if i get small cute ones, big ones are annoying anyway as a manmoder..
I see. So why not go to /repgen/ for now?
repgen is dead and there is no diff between a manmoder and a repper
manmoders take HRT, repressors don't. Anyways, there's a /repgen/ thread open. Good luck!
Looks like Frenchie but no acne scars
Does frenchie still post? Where did she go?
LOL THIS THE NIGGA WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER DELUSIONS? Holy shit this nigga is the protagonist of a SPED education simulator. Put your teeth in SpongeBob. No dick wants scraped by those. You gods main character and everyone else an an npc huh? Damn why’d you choose 1/10 attractiveness during character selection?
it is over but i don't look like her besides the hair
why are you so mad, ik that i am ugly, i did not choose this but it just happened
the removed facial hair is definitly better
skin seems a little better too but hard to judge in different light
It’s just very funny that someone could be SO. INSANE. as to look like you and convince themselves they’re gods main sim character. I’ll never reply to you seriously again don’t worry, I let the retards rant as they please. Have fun.
i am still the main character and you all are npcs but that doesn't mean that you are like dumb or bad or that i hate you or whatever, it is just that i am the only really real here and this life is made for me for whatever purpose that god or the universe only knows, it is probably some sort of a prison and torture device anyway..
i am.not that fuking ugly, and i am not dumb and special needs also
>i am.not that fuking ugly, and i am not dumb and special needs also
Written like a clearly average or higher IQ individual!
I’m really glad god made this special world for his special little guy (you) and I hope you’re enjoying it! UwU
Scrape some dick you androgynous faggot!!! Cute.
you think im not conscious?
Couldn't shave yet today because I'm about to get my 9th laser session, I can basically still grow an entire goatee and I see so much stubble, I feel unsalvageably masculine and fucked up, I need this hair off my face so badly but it's not coming off
thanks, you are so supportive and nice
>this special world
it kinda sucks but it is what it is
you are like a simulation and not real just so this world appears real to me and i don't outright figure that it is a matrix, i am also probably some sort of a simulation or robot but i am more real than you in that sense if it makes sense since this is like my single player game instance
Normal people call this narcissistic delusions. Go off sis!
what did i get placed in your game for?
so you can top me?
Imagine getting topped by SpongeBob :)) need!
ik that i come off as narcissistic but i am not bc it makes sense in a way, also i have been so depressed, suicidal and dysphoric for so long that my brain kinda got fried, i think that i am histrionic and my therapist that i have been in therapy with for two years agreed
how am i supposed to even know
someones got to do it at this point i guess
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is detransitioning for jesus and going to seminary school a good path for a never passing agender manmoder? will people still be cool with me when i show up in the bars or is being a formerly gay priest off putting? can i get a wife like this, i dont want to be a man if i cant be a successful heterosexual as well
>ik it sounds narc but mmmm, it’s just not okay!
I now don't give a shit about you.
it didn't work out for me, if you are not already a delusional religious fanatic, you can't become one, also i am not into women at all, only into men and i am an ugly incel pos so i never was and can't possible be a successful man so probably is better to be just a faggot..
you are more narcisstic than me, fuck you, ik that i am ugly but it still hurts
it is ok dw, i don't give a shit about you either
As an ex Christian, ex atheist, who's now a deist. Don't detrans for anybody, or anything else. If I was still Christian, I'd tell you that God made you trans, and loves you just the same.
>I don't give a shit about you either
Yeah, you already made that clear when you said we aren't real. Fucking weirdo. Go fuck yourself.
This guy gets it. Glad I could help!
ik that what i said makes me seem like an asshole jerk selfish but i didn't mean it in that way, i still care about people a lot and have a lot of empathy for them, i am programmed to be like that, i feel sorry when others suffer even though in a way i think they are not real real but nothing is real real anyway, i am heavily dissociated and maybe a bit schizo or is just my ocd idk
best pic i have seen on you
looks much healthier
go back on hrt bro
what does someone like me even loses if i take hrt? no woman would want me bc ugly and i am not into them anyway to be worth it to go full masc and i am ugly and i would struggle with gay dating to find smth long term and gays are not loyal anyway, i could at least take hrt and be a more fem clown freak, i am already good at being a clown and i was that all my life anyway
t4t is the best you can hope for
you are GAY brother it is okay
just make yourself into a cute bottom, i don’t think you could ever pass as a top…
>if you are not already a delusional religious fanatic
I am on some level, like I really do believe and I have 'heard' God but desu I'm heretical about it so it might be hard to stay in the church like that. That's how I used to think, but after like a year on E I cried looking at Adrianne Lenker and now I'm attracted to women.
> Don't detrans for anybody, or anything else.
Don't worry, I wouldn't be detransing for anybody else just my own comfort. The religion is just because I can't see myself living a 'normal' life and I think the structure and belief system of Christianity can be a good cope.
need this like you wouldn't believe

nah I'm just a drama queen and comparing myself to others like that was the catalyst to a bad day really kicking off into a spiral realizing how I'm just never gonna make it no matter how well my "transition" goes and I'm never really going to relate to the people here, I'll pop myself someday even if that's just later in life before I start ending up like my mom or her mom in their old age but I can't imagine it would ever be the fault of anyone here
what are the chances that i am immune to estrogen
i am glad you are okay. don’t compare yourself to others. people like you the way you are.
i am not into women and idk why would i want a relationship anyway, i think i would just fuck around and have friends if i can and that is about it, if smth happens it happens but eh, i am mentally too fucked anyway to matter if i take hrt or not, and gymmaxxing and being too masc is dumb for me..
yea i am too submissive beta goofy looking and acting to top, whatever it is what it is..
i mean i also heard god but idk about that maybe it was just my ocd
wow, you came back from heaven, did you see god there?
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chudette is ALIVE
>I'm never really going to relate to the people here,
who here is actually going to pass?
>who here is actually going to pass?
it's really not about that
i've wasted the last 15 years being a drug addicted gay NEET
i hate god, i hate the hand that i have been dealt
The drag queen is the opposite of a manmoder, has no business posting here
what is it about then?
>the e is non negotiable sadly
Why are you so cruel? I’ve given you so many alternatives I just want you to be my boyfriend
e will not fill the hole in your heart, I will
I will make you mine and kiss you good morning and make you breakfast and reassure you when you break and try to order estrogen
I know I've got a chip on my shoulder and it's probably not the case every time, or even most of the time, but idk it just comes across as punching down or antagonistic

not really relating or having any hope of support or happiness or even most of the same goals as posters here despite at least ostensibly categorically sharing some of the same struggles and approach to handling them, and feeling alienated largely for unrelated reasons more to due to with personal hangups/trauma but also partly in at least some of the same ways at least some of the people here are and wanting to try and relate anyway

I'm just kind of always on the outside looking in, always have been and always will, and being reminded of or feeling stuck on that gets hard sometimes
how do you even reintegrate back into society after that much time spent in isolation?
yea, they are kinda semi-honmoding rn
get your meds schizo
>semi honmoding
The nigga has had multiple facial reconstructive surgeries, fake tits, changed his name and uses he him pronouns
A full on gigahon, literally the opposite of manmoding
he/him hons scare me
yea, desu idk why the thought getting ba was a good idea after their ffs obviously failed, the same with name or gender change, makes no sense if you can't girlmode and are stuck manmoding, it is just dumb and makes your life harder without any benefits
He can do whatever he wants but it is annoying to post here
I myself am trying very hard to be a man and posts like that make it harder to manmode. He should be more considerate posting that content in this gen
I call myself a he/him hon because I'm all in on my masculine social role and presentation (which most people seem to have no issue with irl or are even enthusiastic to validate one way or another) but I'm also not putting in effort to try and be a man or hide what I am any more than I want to try and put in effort to convince people I'm a woman or want to be treated and referred to as one

>posts like that make it harder to manmode
what's your reasoning for that? does it make you want to or wish you could honmode?
I have to second this, I’m a he/him whose close acquaintances know is on e. It just keeps things easier and takes away the chance for others to misgender you. Why would you ask for she/her if the average stranger addresses you as he?
cheese is that you?
>does it make you want to or wish you could honmode?
I don’t have to put any effort into being a hon. I have to put effort into being a man. The drag queen makes me wish I had the money or resources for surgeries, when I need to stay focused on the fact that surgeries won’t fix anything because i am a MAN
I see
I guess that's just one of many ways in which I don't really relate, because this is all about being myself and finding my comfort zone for me, not building up another facade
he really doesn't have any other place to go to though
I don't understand what you don't relate to
No I’m not a loser namefag
Be my dominant masculine boyfriend please
You are lucky to be male brained you have no clue
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from what I've seen of the posters here I don't relate to
>being a real person
>having any kind of support or acceptance in your life
>having experienced or knowing what any kind of healthy relationship or even friendship is like
>wanting to be or live as or present as a woman and leave manmoding behind
>having any hope of ever being passable or even attractive as a weird in between freak
Being myself has brought me nothing but pain and trauma, a facade is a good cope
Lacking 1,2 and 5 are pretty common among the less loud mmg users
>being a real person
Ask others how they feel about you. Your parents or siblings. In actuality this is probably just a feeling, others can characterize you decently well.
>having any kind of support or acceptance in your life
I have none really. I don't talk to other trans people and the only people who know I'm trans tried to convince me not to transition (because I can't pass, even complete normies could tell)
>having experienced or knowing what any kind of healthy relationship or even friendship is like
You literally had a girlfriend. Not everyone here has even ever had a partner in the first place.
>having any hope of ever being passable or even attractive as a weird in between freak
Most of the manmoders here can't pass.
most of mine is from trying to be something else and force a bad fit with others
i wish i had a boyfriend. i’m so lonely at this point im just ready to join the military and forget this tranny nonsense. i want a normal life and a husband but god put me in this body.
>more likeable when being himself
Keep punching down at me I love it haha
What’s the most lethal over the counter medication? Sick of my dumb manmoder life and can’t get guns where I live
please don't
even if you actually choose to end it don't be a dumb fuck and try it using otc stuff
they are unlikely to work as you want and will probably give you life long medical issues
wya btw?
Im not calling a random person that knows nothing about me and whose only concern is whether I live, not my misery
But thanks for the link you giant faggot
I don't think you really read the things you responded to, probably from a place of well meaning but... I literally have no one in my life after being treated like a novelty and a burden and burning bridges or getting ghosted by the few people I managed to keep around into adulthood after being excluded and lied to enough times, and the girlfriend I had a lifetime ago is arguably at least half of why I'm like this and repressed for so long (seriously I'd rather have stayed a virgin loner, she and I would have both been better off if we'd never met)

I'm just a fucked up lonely old man on hormones trying to make the best of things and stay out of everyone's way

communicating with people here is difficulty because you all seem to assume and project so much... what in the fuck makes you think I'm any more likeable this way? I was never normal but at least before people used to tolerate me when it was under the surface, then I grew a backbone and started feeling things and now I'm a toxic nightmare on top of looking like a freak
I mean why wouldn’t it? I’d just have to take the ld50 and hope for the best. No one will revive me or pump my stomach
MMG is NOT a Suicide Hotline. We are not therapists. Contact a professional, we are just bros trying to vibe
Please don’t hurt yourself man
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mmg so slow now
get sn if you can
shut up
Hey post your retarded hick male voice again you sound like goofy
maybe if i get moody later
good news i just got off the phone w the coast guard they said i could go in as male and maybe keep my hair! ^^
>dominant masculine
been having bottom thoughts lately desu
waiting for june
because it doesn't work like that and ld50 doesn't mean that
talked with several people that downed everything they had when tried to end it and walked away more or less fine... except for kidney and liver issues. and i'm not talking about just otc things but strong sedatives, painkillers etc...
not the best stuff
if i ever become suicidal again i'd still not touch that shit
arent we all(to both)
ill be at work all day anyway
suck it up and find a way to keep going
personally I didn't like the view from what I settled on as a comfy spot to do it so I backed down and thought things over again, sometimes that's all you have or all it takes

and really don't fuck around with approaches like that unless you want to wake up in a hospital in a lot of pain or just go very slowly and possibly on your own
living through your liver and kidneys being shredded or shutting down is not a good way to go
I don't really have any friends either. I still get along with my parents, but they don't know I'm a troon so that remains to be seen.
why not? if you do it right it and don't puke, it is pretty lethal
Stop being a faggot it’s not who you are deep inside and you look silly being one >.<
That’s very unfortunate. Sucks to live in this cruel world where so much as ending it on your own terms is difficult and everyone around you is obsessed with preventing you from being released
my relationship with my parents was so bad I literally ran away from home as a 30 year old NEET (had some jobs off and on through my 20s but had been living them again since 23 after bailing out asap at 18) who just started HRT to barge back into some former friends' lives and sleep on their couch for close to a year while I got back on my feet, damn lucky they didn't turn me away but I haven't spoken with any of them in years now or my parents either
you just described like half of all west coast trannies
fair enough, yeah life is shit
God damn my new tits look like absolute shit lmaooooo
Maybe they're still healing but they're probably just busted, a chest/ribcage as large as mine was simply not meant for tits. They might as well be in my armpits dude

I am 10/10 disgusting and wish for death
yes it's lethal but not the best way to go out
it be like that :/
wait, how old are you now?
||please tell me how much i disgust you?||

post healing boobs?
Do not join the military.. it's sucks, trust me. Also I can't even imagine how much worse it would be joining after I knew I was trans. You'll be showering with at least 10 other guys in a small shower for months. You're body is fem enough to where I wouldnt put it past the others to fucking rape you. Not to mention the world is seriously on the verge of a big war. You really wanna end up somewhere not safe?
wdym, you take ibuprofen and benzo before and in a few minutes after you drink it you will just faint and never wake up, you should barely feel anything besides mild discomfort at best
35, I ballpark it with some numbers, and no I'm not in a mood right now (and you shouldn't put up with or talk to someone who lashes out abusively like that)

>based if true

Not everyone who posts under the AGP flag is me, I had been grieving for our lost poster (who is apparently alive actually? That's good). However, if a pic of me wearing makeup is enough to push someone over the edge, it's genuinely not my fault. Like if you break up with someone and they make them self into a statistic, they were already suicidal and unstable regardless of what you did, if it hadn't been you it likely would have been something else. Posting a selfie is way less impactful and isn't targeted at anyone besides the chan-browsing public. Like I'm fkn grotesque and I know that, why would anyone even be seething about it? If anything I've just proven that IWABAM no matter what I do or how I present myself.
When the war comes we'll all be conscripted anyways
1. you don’t know what my body looks like
2. I don’t care about my safety
3. it’s something i’ve wanted to for a while
i'd take domperidone and something stronger than benzos fwiw

i need the abuse to keep myself grounded
I can't stand manmoding for a decade until I can maybe afford FFS
You should join azov or something cool like that joining the coast guard is a faggy larp and isn’t heroic or respectable at sllc
i’m considering the air force as well but i just want to be in the military desu i just am not cut out for marines or army.
Well then have fun. It's not all bad, boot camp was like summer camp at times. And the money can be really good. Also don't listen to the other anon, coast guard or air force is the safest way to go. And if you end up wanting to get out before your times up, just be suicidal and say you would use a gun to kys. You'll be sent to a mental hospital for eval and discharged(in most countries)
i have a private military in my pants... you want to join?
i want happiness NOW
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that nigga dont look like a top
that nigga look like he staring at a big fat cock
your face looks so weird feminine desu
how to import lune bf(gf?)
>so weird feminine
Nigger looks like sid if he wore vans, the fuck you on?
Is this the Larry and Lune bro thread? Bc both of you are beyond disgusting. I want the bald chicken tranny back, you two stop posting please.
for my assigned glowies: I WILL actively sabotage military operations and undermine the chain of command around me at every opportunity in the case of compulsory service (as if, I'm well above the draft age and would probably have a hard time getting in even voluntarily)
Getting srs while manmoding, thoughts?
>Is this the Larry and Lune bro thread?
>you two stop posting please.
>open lari and lune thread
>get mad at lari and lune posts
retarded mofo
Lol I’m a white aryan manmoder, and I am much more feminine than you could ever be SpongeBob. You can be here if you want, but know you’re the regent lolcow and you’re neither a manmoder nor one of us.
tfw ignored by only hot person in this thread ;_;

i mean i will only be eligible if there's a proper war (as not like 60+ yet) but still
also my mental health records will probably stop me from ever handling a gun :(

As a post ffs post BA manmoder I can tell you surgeries ain't all that. Manmoders are special, hopeless cases where nothing will ever fix us, and we simply cope as best we can. That's what drugs and surgeries are for us, copes. Both in the sense of "oh things are bad now, but they'll be better once I get [insert procedure]" and also "well I still look like a man and live as a man, but at least I had [procedure] so I'm a bit more feminine now." Wanting and having surgeries validates our self conception as trans women, and this form of cope is vital because we will of course never actually *be* trans women. That's what true manmoding means. No matter how badly we want it, how hard we try, or what surgeries we get, what name or pronouns we use, we will always just be men. I'm at peace with it.
You can stare at my cock but you’re still topping
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Ok whatever you’re a loser and picrel is hotter than you anyway have fun being a failed tranny
Ugly is the least of the concerns
>buck toothed
>not on hrt
>coping as a femboy or some kind of androgyne while being a literal incel male
>Unkempt Jew hair
I really just wish you didn’t exist around me, I’d prefer literal blacks to you
you are so pathetic, stupid and mentally ill lmao
I’m not syn nor would I post their picture. YOURE sad. Go work on yourself man
that pretty much about me, i am going to go and wash my teeth to celebrate it, i haven't done it in weeks anyway, it was about time
"anon, a pretty face will only get you so far. u have to have the right clothes, ect."
idrc about the rest but you look just like the guy who told me that in hs, even have the same eyes and hair. in hindsight he was kind of weirdo for being so friendly with me since i was a freshman but i should have just gone for it. god he was so hot. so in short u can do no wrong in my eyes
>wash my teeth
Typed liked a nigger with many cavities, I kneel.
brushing will feel rewarding these haters want you to have bad teeth
i need to peg your catamite ass
Imagine the smell
am i a pathetic loser subhuman?
i am white
ok ok coach i am going to motivate myself to do it, only a few minutes, i got this, it should be that hard
shame and teen spirit
No, clearly you’re the main character protagonist heartthrob mangaka shonen hero you think you are!
jesus man you'll regret it later, trust me, take care of your fucking teeth whether you're repping or not
I did not take care of my body or mind as a repressor and I am still suffering for it (need my wisdom teeth out and a bunch of fillings plus possibly a molar removed, for dental alone)
you secretly love and admire me, just like everyone else, one day i will be rich famous and happy
i brushed them yay
tomorrow i will also wash my face in the morning, i got this
ywn be cheese
thats a good thing
>narcissist, neckbeard, not on hrt, unkept jew hair
can easily be fixed
>coping as...
what do you want me to cope as? i can never pass, and i am not an incel, anyone can suck cock
>buck toothed
can't fix, i was at a dentist once and she said that they can't do anything about it and that i will probably need some surgery and that will probably make my midface even worse anyway.. i have overbite..
Yeah I’m a dentist, you’re fucked. I’m glad.
i'm a nice mentally stable man with boobs
anyone wanna fuck?
see they get off when you are beeing self destructive
they hate it when you improve yourself
thats about all the motivation i need
my life is miserable, have some pity, would ya?
On the deserving, sure. Narcs who are also bad optics on my minority shouldn’t pretend to deserve that.
balding hrtwunk bros, how are we coping today?
ur romanian u get no pity
they will just execute you for desertion
maybe I have the chance to pass, I posted my face here before
i am not a narc or bad optic lol
i am just an unemployed ulgy dumb fat loser neet without friends from eastern europe, i will never even remotely look like a woman and i have been for the last couple of months depressed suicidal about it, i will have to live the rest of my life dissociated from my body and cope with not being a woman and being ugly unlovable and undesirable while trying to act as a clown to forget about it and feel a bit happy, i am screwed, i got a very shit bad hand, i can't do much about it but cope

Face means nothing if you have a male body and skull shape. Faces are so malleable, ever changing. Skincare, makeup, laser/electro, FFS, Botox, filler, all of these and more can dramatically alter your face, especially in combination. But if you have a brick body, Doritos proportions, and a massive skull? It's over. I'm not saying that's true for you, I'm just saying manmoders are defined by their bodies (especially skeleton) far more than their faces. Maybe you're not a manmoder, maybe you are just a temporarily embarrassed passoid or a future happy honmoder. As for me, I know what I am. A grotesque abomination doomed to suffer a lifetime of unrelenting dysphoria, mockery, and failure.
you are so right, i am so privileged to be born in the great country of Romania, imagine being born elsewhere eww
I'm definitely not a passoid, I posted my face a few days ago here (the one with the buzz cut/shaved head)
unsee cc/album#Ff7ORT84UmOC

im on hrt for 3 yrs and look like this....
am i a manmoder yet? i havennt had laser because i was a shut in with no money for a really long time. it looks like i have dirt smeared on my face ;_:
set to 1 view
frick i fixed it sorry

feel dysphoric sad :(
the midface strikes again, welcom to the club bro
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is it really that bad or are you just tryig to be mean would i look better if i got laser atleast
You will be hot just give it time
get some sleep
ik some cis girls with kinda the same face
hair removal and some simple ffs will get you there imo
i fucking hope you're doing better now than before?
ya it's bad, you will look better with laser
Her midface isn’t horrible
15 months pills, just started injections this week
how over is it?
forgot the unsee lmao im an idiot
youre gonna be alright i think but you should start getting some exercise + laser + haircut and care for your hair properly
the midface looking kinda long ngl
Hi Stu
You are a man
even worse midface and skull than the person above, it is over, thanks for motivating me to stay off hrt
why being so mean to her?
its mean to hugbox
He asked if it is over
Bro has posted muscle pics in chasergen, he knows that he’s manly idk why he is asking this thread
but u literally just made some poor person kill herself last week judging by this threads comments...
i am getting laser, the other things i want to do but i never have the energy for it
its bc i look like a man and am one
true, i hate being hugboxed
no I just had a little melty because I was in a mood and saw one too many people with a chance of any kind of happiness or connection in their lives mogging me on top of it all and lashed out, as usual
>its bc i look like a man and am one
dont say that, youre only 15 months hrt and need to learn to take care of yourself a bit better.
your transformation was crazy good though, you have such awesome facial features, what is it you can't stand, the loose skin?
if everyone always lies about your faults how are you gonna improve?
normies aint gonna not clock her just to not be mean this all happens subconsciously anyway
>normies aint gonna not clock her just to not be mean this all happens subconsciously anyway
i mean theres things she can atleast work on to feel better about herself. why tell someone it is completely over when theres still things they can do? she probably might still be a teenager/early 20s even.
im 19
Kys hugboxxer
People like you are the reason people think they pass when they don’t and end up embarrassing themselves
how much weight did you lose btw?
asking for myself
lol what

i never said she passed. she doesnt currently, but shes literally 19 years old and obviously not doing everything she can. even if some normie thinks youre embarassing who cares?
im like 110 lbs i think
wow my body looks very similar @2.5 months hrt but i think my waist is luckier. mmg, what can i start doing now to not look like that in a year? starve myself?
im immune to hugboxing anyway, it just makes me feel bad that people would lie to me
i never tell anyone its over around here you never know about technology advancing but rn if thats currently fixable it will require good ffs
>not doing everything she can
Do you think hrt or ~effort~ will magically reshape his skeleton ?
what a cesspit
You are a cutie Stu but you don’t pass at all. Keep up with the skin and hair care, you’re looking good.
well u can obviously tell she grew her hair out from a buzzcut or something also doesnt take care of it correctly and yes i think losing weight would help alot with her midsection. no one can see your skeleton for the most part anyways, because its covered by a layer of meat and fat.
people here are a little mean desu
thanks, id like to at least be cute even if i cant pass
>grew her hair out from a buzzcut
uh, how could you tell?
>uh, how could you tell?
bcs look at how it grows out and look at how the hair that grows at the back of your head is also i literally have done that too. you just need to get a more feminine haircut/trim it up correctly and it will grow better eventually
stu pls stay away from ppl who are just here to get off on you hating yourself. youre meant for better things than getting bullied on this crapy site. seriously.
>just started injections
>how over is it?
idk give it a few months/years.
that mid section lol how is it so big??
cardio, muscle toning, dieting. you're still young and changeable.
personally i would shy away from any surgeries until the 3-5 year mark of injections. you might need FFS if injections don't do anything for your face in that time frame.
what’s your dosage?
>ppl who are just here to get off on you hating yourself
She asked if it was over, were we supposed to lie? Stu is cute, nobody was mean
nvm LOL i took a picture it's sm worse how am i so bulky good lord i'm starving myself
ya idgi my midface was worse and no one even brought it up when i posted
i cant imagine asking for a feminine haircut desu
i dont even know what haircut id get, idk anything abt hair
its not all bad, there are some nice ppl
>that mid section lol how is it so big??
idk why i look like that either, i look so weird
also im getting ffs kinda soon bc i definitely need it
6mg intramuscular per week
thats kinda low right?
someone said “even worse midface and skull than the person above, it is over, thanks for motivating me to stay off hrt” idk how that’s not mean :/ that person seems completely toxic to everyone
>i dont even know what haircut id get, idk anything abt hair
you can just start cutting it at home which is what i did because it looked so dead and like yours lol its still not good but atleast it doesnt look weird and wiry and tangled
is it een or ev? that is pretty low esp without blockers. you should probably get that changed :(
is 10mg/10 days een low? i have cypro but i dont take it because im a depressive.
lari is just bitter
yeah that one was pretty mean
another buzzcut then? think thats the best i could do by myself
also i take blockers that work really well
>think thats the best i could do by myself
no dont do it ull feel horrible. just start cutting the back or trimming it up or something so it doesnt look like a mullet.
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is this a rope chat? if this is 155 how skinny do i need to go? https://unsee cc/album#iOWIWOvislXF
>that person seems completely toxic to everyone
he's been here for six months telling us all HRT does nothing and to stop or to kill ourselves
this is how a real MANMODER looks like, i have been on HRT for 5 years, injections too..
you are god damn right brother, hrt does nothing, i have waited and worked very hard 5 years for this, weight cycling, mannerisms and all that and ahahahahah, don't start it it is a scam and if you are on it stop taking it or rope bro
what the fuck are you taking?????????????? HOW? what are your levels
you look like you would plow the fuck out of some fields
wow, I mean he must have been pasting that in or writing literally as I was mentioning it lol

>i have been on HRT for 5 years, injections too..
your story keeps changing...
it's a troll
wow what a way to spend ur life -_- truly amazing
i always seen you as cute
110 lbs is kinda low tho? :(
sorry ik i'm old and ugly and worhtless but still...
take care ok?
your group got the placebo
i'm so sorry
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Same bro HRT is a scam
oh no he's about to drop more dick pics
lari on the like 1/10 chance you're not trolling and you've like actually seriously been on HRT for 5 years what the fuck are your levels?
>inb4 idk

hide your tables
hide your desks
not god tho
would sip on straw is all i'm saying
please all evropean manmoders that would let sick old ugly freak cuddle you get in contact?
so fucking close going contienents away just to cvuddl4es
please helpp at least tell me if i should order a pizza or starve or kms
do people at laser places treat you weird if youre in a red state
>would sip on straw
Acai berry it wasn’t that good :/
yes it's rope, stop posting
i mean i'd like it :((
i am trolling, i am full test, i wanted to giggle a little bit, i haven't lifted in like a year and got fat, i stopped hrt like two months ago after four months of it, but like half of that i hondosed myself bc i was lazy to buy the estrogen and i only got some very small gyno that it is barely visible though from some angles looks a lot more visible and still bothers me, the muscles actually don't really go away fully unless you stop eating, even without lifting and literally on estrogen, i still have a good amount left from what i had.. you need to starve them and eat no protein to actually get rid of them..
gonna cry :c
Based fact checker mogs snopes dot com
oh my GOD grandma got all HYPED UP on mountain dew, got up OUT her chair and went outside, all exited, holding onto the walls of the house, one little step at a time, like damn. and she told me, "take my doctor pepper. it doesn't get me hype like mountain dew"
most of those are just responding to people actually telling me to kms lol and the other ones are just ironic
You set it to one view retard
>no body hair
>only facial hair
nuh uh i fixed it right after i posted and it was only bc i forgot to censor my tiny penis at first
beautiful weather out. you should consider enjoying it instead of posting barely coherent all-caps rants
seriously, though. you're not on HRT unless you checm your levels. that's like saying "yeah i aced this math test" without checking your score
how tiny are we speaking?
2 inches or so i think and 3.5 hard but i haven't gotten hard since hrt
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>my tiny penis
you dont need to check your levels you just up your dose until you stop producing cum
i am pretty smooth naturally, i have hair, it is just thin but my legs are pretty hairy though not that visible in the pic..
i just wanted to warn people abou hrt
hwo tiny we talkin here
i just got hard from reading this post you sissy little bitch
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damn thats some baby dick
if that's baby dick then call me a pedophile because i
my body is right there that's kinda gay...
i just said >>36287200 although honestly i wish it was smaller or gone
>i didn't try so hard, and didn't get so far. and in the end
get laser you lazy fuck
that's cute. you should worship my giant 4.5 incher
>you got one too?!
um gladly i need a manmoder bgf bad did you see my face yesterday?? i am quite faggy
i'm reluctantly kinda horny
and want to feel physical attraction
is anyone of you brave fellows willing to ||censored|| my ||censored|| while ||censored||?
bitches don't leave me waiting with my ||censored|| in the air?!?
i need to rewatch tbqh
manmoder scary movie watch party
don't care what you look like. i have zero standards and will fuck anything at least once
I can tell its a baby dick still with the censor
wheres june i miss june
your pillaging mentality is pretty erotic.....
chudette took june out with her
Stu repost, I missed it
You've been a bitch in here too though, so let's not be a hypocrite:) you'll be fine after ffs and laser btw
tfw gockhon
shave ur legs brah
come onnnn
if ur on hrt you still gota shave ur leg hairz
except me

kms kms*

(* he said, kinda reluctantly while actually meaning it- the words that just recently meant so much in his aching chest now was just emptiness kinda gripping the intestines of doom spurting gasses onto the shit below)

girls i just want someone to hug. and june is obviously too ugly for that (not wanting to show face) so...
are you a brave enough guy to wanna fuck the durians of this world?
ok sure
added a dickpic bc ppl are talking abt dicks lol
it doesn’t matter where you are located, unless your in saudi arabia half the people who came into the laser clinic on any given day are trans. they don’t care. if they didn’t like trans people they wouldn’t work the job.
would lick without shave
as i fucking like unshaved girls srs srs
wanna lick hottie like much older than me with so qt arm hairs
fr fr km,s am , rapehon shi9t
that checks out
don’t cwyyy pws get therapy :((
Face will be fine with ffs and laser. Will be a cutie even before ffs. Midsection is gonna need a lot of hard work. I'm dealing with sort of the same thing.
i'm very mentally ill last time i tried she just started asking me about TV shows and stuff instead of real problems :(((
ohhh you got a dud. theres alot of dud therapists its like 75% of them so yea. keep trying and just get rid of them until you get one that actually cares about your feelings. seriously therapy is something you desperately need if your on this board.
my nipples are hot and ready!
please tell me how disguistring i am, hottie?!?

get better (therapist)
i will try, i am very very broke until a terminally ill family member of mine dies so it's more bed rotting and sh for now.
holy cow
please zero self harm?
like i begging you and i'k i i mean zero but still?
plz girl?!?
how do I stop looking like a metalhead guy
sorry :c i wake up from dreams abt an ex who raped me and stuff and it's the only thing that calms me down. i used to burn my legs with matches i stopped doing that at least.
if you were myt bf you'd look like metalhjeadgiiirl

girl sorry but like if someone here ever needed theraphy it's you!
unless you'd like to hurt ugly old sick freaks? then i'd consider you fixed and give cuddles... sorrry _(
that's all me shitposting folx
please hate me?
tell me how much you do?
except if june as kinda wish her to tell me i'm a sweet girl
wtill shitposting btw
lune make me food
i can cook bolognese and curry thats it:|
i got oats and milk too
y u hate me? :(
crying rn
only posts abt my penis sigh... i will binge eat then
your posts seem fun i'd probably cuddle why do they hate you?
i dont i just ignore lewdposting most times because everybody living far anyway and i got low sex drive from hrt
yay i love golognese, no tomatoes tho use red wine instead
I’m good thanks
I have been trying since I was 13, just leads to ingrown hair.. I will get laser eventually
never did without tomatos but i can read and follow recipes i guess
OwO what's this??? my bindey boi??? my manly BREASTSSSSSSSS SKSKSKSKSK my Male!! Mammary!! Glands!!! well... don't mind if i do; (left breasts in mouth) *Slurp Shrludp Shlurp Sluuorrp* ooh yummy
One day I will force you to top me and destroy your pills
leave lune alone!!!
*comparing my big fat tits with my dad's*
oh my gawwdddddddd dd d d d d d mine are almost as big as yours dadddye imgrowingupsofast
you better like ladyboys in that case
>inserts my entire pinky finger into your ear
>draws it out covered in a bright yellow buttery substance
"MMMmmmmmm!!!11!1!!1111 nacho cheeese.... mmm hmmhmmhhhh mmmmm "
theres probably free therapy resources in your area. look into it ok? <3

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