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qott: have you hydrated today?

prev >>36275347
Uhh if you lose weight do the skin issues get better?
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i need to remember to call my doctor's office...

ive had sex
can you say the same?
didn't think so
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This is me.
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is it possible to have a sexless marriage?
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disgusting freak of a man
lots of people do, some are happy with it, some are miserable
having a birth defect doesnt make you a freak.
having anime figures and only showering once a week makes you a freak.
yes, i bought a stanely cup to do it so i can feel as agp as possible when i drink my tap water
I don't own anime figures and I shower every other day unless I sweat that day.

I'm a freak because I emotionally abuse and manipulate people close to me, that genuinely care about my well-being, and I force them to watch as I self-destruct.

And also, I look like a freak, and a man.
fr fr
But no u shouldn't rope, u have nice hips and like the scar tissue sucks but it doesn't make it over or anything
lurker cis male here. last night I had a dream where I blew my penis off with a revolver. afterwards I had a conversation with a homeless man about how little I noticed/cared that it was gone. I can vividly recall it being a bloody and numb piece of mush. this is weird since normally I cherish my penis and greatly fear it leaving me. should I introspect further?
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>laundry day
>put all my pants in
>got a doctors appointment in 2 hours
>no dryer
thank god it's summer i wouldn't make it thru the winter here.

sure why not i last went by my deadname in primary school it doesn't carry any significance to me at this point.
Does anyone wanna buy marina the 200 eur super ultra premium db sparking zero edition.
Need sugar whateverthefuckitmaybe. Rn. Or a job.
The figurine looks so cool..
The face is what makes it over tbqh.

Also I'm 5'11, maybe 6'0, and I have a speech impediment (swollen adenoid glans caused deafness until corrected at age6).
yes but no
Yes carol yes it's a nice figurine yeah wanna give me money to get it I NEED MONEY
Oh wow it's ONLY 190 instead of 200 on my local game store. So cheap!
Oh ew a BPD
Prob not worth it 'cis' lurker
I'm 5'11 too can suck on a just wish I was smaller level but I dnt think it's too much of an issue passing wise fwiw. Hope u can find sum peace with urself fren
It's amazing she tolerated my 6-times a day trauma dumping for as long as she did. She really deserves so much better than what she has now.

Yeah, but face. I'm less concerned about height. Face is the disaster.
I know I said I was leaving buy I'm having an anxiety attack and idk why help help me
Oh ok eeeeeeeeeeveryone thinks I'm cool until I ask for a measly 200 to spend on a videogame. I think I'll just go buy the lego shadow figurine. Or maybe rob a bank to buy the 100 eur sonic adventure one.
didnt even 12 hours
why are you having an anxiety attack
I had a dream where I was being violently murdered by my mother and I'm in a cold sweat.
i mean i can't comment cus i don't know wht u look like but u keep like throwing new things out so i don't know fren, hope u can figure it out
Stop having anxiety
unsee cc/album#p4rsXCkRbeUK
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ffs is not an option?
How does one attain one of these "sugar mothers".
I require funds for sonic comics and figurines and to buy expensive games.
It's so so so long in the future if it is. I still need to start living independently, and I would rather have at least orchi as soon as possible, and complete electrolysis. I have red hair that is whorled and very coarse on my neck, so my facial hair is challenging to manage for me.

My face is a problem, but there are so many other problems, too. I don't want to start living at fifty. I want to start living now.
couldn't see it but don't think its worth it to jsut like keep throwing new stuff in the hopes it will validate ur thoughts tht its over, I can get into these patterns too is not worth it
I dont understand, it has not selfdestructed yet.

And I bitched about my face in the first place, it's not new.
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i hate the public
i hate the public
i hate the public
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>I want to start living now.
i'm sure everyone does but not everyone can. gotta triage your list of needs and start working towards achieving em. i'm 9 years in hoping to afford first surgery by 10. told myself i was gonna kms if i wasn't ready by 5 but alas the world is uncaring of our wants, needs and ultimatums. the best we can do is adapt to our individual situation.
I didn't leave my house for ~9 years.

I'm so sick of treading water at my mother's house in the same miserable room where I wasted my youth.
goons cutely
Stop gooning
i refuse
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Wearing the jacket like this may be autistic but I do quite enjoy looking like a ff character
My tummy is ruined by stretch marks.
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I have them too and just accept and love them for who they are.
if you don't have loose skin, stretch marks are hot if you're white.
atleast to me. look like tattoo lines
on coloured people the contrast is too much
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I am almost at the level of his swagger now.. the resemblance is uncanny
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shes MY kitten...
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Recently saw there's an arcade somewhat near also. Wish I had friends to go to it with
I've lost 200lb. Ours are likely not remotely comparable.
I only lost like 120~ pounds yeah.
Though stretch marks r still not anything bad
How do I get a Kingdom Hearts-core gf like this?
I am 1 (ONE) 200 eur payment away.
120 is still enough to wreck your skin. I'm sorry to hear that. Obesity is awful. It's a sin that will chase us to our graves.
Damn, I live in burgerland.
awaked :(
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Weirdest part is my scars didn't really recover well even though people always say that young ppl heal them properly. My entire arm is so full of them ppl think they're like insane sh scars or smth
A most unfortunate state of affairs.. many such cases are present.
On the bright side, actual SH scars get lost in the mix. Nobody notices my lines.
Not for me since I've only cut where there were no stretch marks : /
All these self harm anonettes are making me sad frfr.
I know.
I did that too. I only cut near my groin. I haven't been able to cut it off yet.
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i wish my ex bff would like me
it would be nice to see him again and hug him and feel his arms around me he's so warm and strong and solid he's great
he's just a great guy and i love him and wish we couldbe friends still

dw self harm is cute according to my ex
I stopped months ago but the scars r probably gonna stay forever, they're not that visible so it is what it is I guess
I always preferred banging my head on walls desu
I prefer punching them.
based autism
I prefer people punching me desu, but no one ever does. :(
I am not autistic.

My only friend was autistic and said I was too. My therapist says I have undiagnosed autism. My coworker with an autistic brother and child says I have autism.

But I was tested at like 5yo and I do NOT have autism. I am a NEUROTYPICAL tranny
thou doth protest too much etc

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death, hunger, suffering, plague
why can't i have a neet trans gf
god i miss him so much
I have to sleep. I have to work in the morning. I am sorry

I hope I dont wake up
Are you good enough for one anon.
are you handsome and white

>I hope I dont wake up
me too
And why is that?
You a depressed masochist too?
why do you have such a massive ego
>You a depressed masochist too?
yeaaa definitely
love some sadistic men hurting me
nothing else makes me feel anything
just want to die or get beat up
because theyre prob not ugly like u
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im not ugly uwu
>are you handsome and white
i'm white. i don't know if i'm handsome. people are always staring at me but nobody talks to me so i don't know what they think.
How's asking that egotistical?
Literally me but with women instead of men.
>How's asking that egotistical?
>good enough for one
implies that you have any worth at all
ugh sorry nvm im trying to be nicer lasagna im sure u have some worth
mtfg i can feel the LOVE today, do you?
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good work.
wish to do so.
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NO i can feel the HATE though.
unsee cc/album#pE79Af59NYU4

is it over for me
anon I was trying to kill myself with my weight loss. I starved myself. I was anorexic and HRT was the only thing that stopped me.
sheen is the village fat retard, just ignore them
ygmi etc one day at a time
we're all fat retards anon. i will not
do you ever get headaches from raves
no i need them injected into my bloodstream
just woke up from a wet dream.. week ruined.. it wasn’t even a sexual dream I was just getting cuddled by a cute girl and then BAM :|
am i sexually repressed or something, i don’t mastrubate almost ever and don’t really have any desire to have sex(other than occasional dick cravings) or be in a relationship but this happens every once in a while and makes me feel like a disgusting moid
guys don't cum to having dreams about cuddling.. You're good..
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q.: how do u know whether youre twinkmoding (current goal) honmoding or manmoding?
i genuinely dont know how since i dont rly trust what i see in the reflections
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Is new earing cool.
cool nails + earrings. nun style
you'll be so cool when you're older all the kids will look up to you after you've learned all your lessons and adultified i foresee it in your future
I hope to become that person anon.
wearing black nail polish is fun and works on either gender
nta, but it looks like dogshit on guys and i immediately write them off as a sex offender.
any nail polish that isnt clear coat
we clearly have different types. do you think thw same about guyliner or
>do you think thw same about guyliner or
no just nail polish
i have no idea why
try to ascertain based on how others treat you.
i mean to me anyone who has >30-40% bfp looks like a Lowlife so eh. stuff is weird
like strangers who i dont talk to? cus my voice and demeanour, mannerisms and so on would ofc clock me-
i try my best to have a good posture and fem body language and so on lately tho so idek anymore
not sure what bfp is
but ye stuff is weird
yeah ppl who don't know you. first impressions and brief interactions and when that yields desired results longer interactions too like new friends, colleagues etc.
body fat percentage. they look like theyre either mentally ill or have just no discipline/morals

something something protestant work ethic max weber
should i fly to my LDR gf and live in a shelter for a while to escape horrible home life? its loud constantly here hot and theres yelling and sometimes violence. yesterday someone crashed their bike near our house and there was a dude litearlly bleeding out on t he porch.
oh also i cant transition here because deep south so every interaction just feels horrible and dysphoria inducing
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am i shallow because i want to be prettier so people treat me nicer?
like i pass, and im mid looks, not really ugly, but not pretty either.
so i get treated just normal, but i think if i were prettier i'd be treated a bit nicer and be more memorable for future job positions and stuff
being pretty is ontologically good, and wanting to be good or at least not evil isnt shallow id say
ty anon
Twinkhon twinkhon can't you see

Your soft skin and ass is built for BBC
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Y'all see the drink
I'm on cuh
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Goodnight shannon.
stop worrying about it. no one remembers that except for you
no thats not shallow

i am so tired being so horny on test all the time. i can jack off three times a day and still get horny. i was still horny on estrogen too but at least it was in a way easier to control.
damn dead gen in euro hours, half an hour between replies..
Today laguna returns to her usual diet. I've only gained like 1.5-2kg while sick which isn't too bad and is probably mostly water weight. Soon I will be back in my prime and pushing the meaning of that further. Mashallah.
the jannies used to ban me on sight also but i ban evaded so many times and instantly came back with a new ip that i guess they just got bored..
It's what you get for talking to a doxxer
how do they even know it is you besides maybe your obnoxious emoji or i guess they see the location and assume it is you? anyway pointless from them to even ban you at this point..
Kat is permad for being a whore u retarded newfag
i am glad that you are no longer sick and feel better, gl on your diet
why are you so sexual
>why are you so sexual
It's the rapehon porn addiction
*curls up next to the thread fireplace and purrs*
Why won't anyone give me physical touch and sonic figurines. It is all I ask for. Maybe a game or two too. And monster cans. I am low maintenance.
the shock collar shit is clearly sexual
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more doodle (copying)
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the jannies are perfect in ba sing se
Exercising the kat tumor and those who follow it to make the thread cancer-free
excising or exorcising, not exercising
It will.
ESL fail. Fml.
I hate you retarded ass egotistical newfags you've literally not a morsel of an idea of what you're saying yet you spit it out as if you were the absolute authority on it
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idgi either honestly
A half dead fly exhibits more intelligence than you
those who sleep with men
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The xanny witch awakens
The fuck you wanna come here for?
kat trying to be scary is so pathetic and cringe, what is she even going to do to laguna when she gets there? tell laguna's mom as a 35 year old druggie hag that her teenager daughter bullied her online? hit laguna with a purse and a bottle of xanny while she randomly walks down the street or what? take a fat shit on her front door? kek lmao
qott: i just woke up so not yet but i wanna drink 4 liters today
good luck.
you just don't want to let it go anon
She's literally threatening to come kill me rn you utter retard
I could legitimately knock her out w 1 gut punch
Xannies weaked the witch too much
that sad and all but calamity really wants that old kat crust so she doesn't care
you really shouldn't worry about Kat
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Do any of you friends ever just have to lay down for like 30 mins after sitting at your desk for too long?
Or am I just unhealthy?
Sat at my desk for like 12 hours today for uni work and thought i was ready to pass out, but then I laid down for a little bit and now i'm wide awake
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Enticing little crust..
try wearing a back brace or corset, and use a good chair or stool, possibly w a cushion in your back
The fuck is she going to do legally?? If she says anything to authorities she's getting searched too plus I'd get to tell them about what she did to me?
ik Calamity ik, just be patient a little bit there, she might let you hit when she is 45 if you keep being nice and simpy to her
i've got an office chair i stole from my work
(boss bought too many and gave me one)
But maybe i need extra support, you're right ty
office chairs are the worst. go for a straight wooden chair and put a pillow to sit on and one in your back arch
She's been posting death threats for weeks my girl the fuck else is it gonna be
Those Who Need Meds
Literally the entire board
Yeah it'll be better to have her knocking on my door and spamming my friends dms instead y not
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>wear headphones
>weird brainfog and i cant think
>have to retype sentences like 8 times
>becoming an issue and getting kinda scared
>turn off noise cancelling
>its all better like it never happened
Am i retarded? First it was headaches and now it feels like it lowers my IQ.
imagine the normie confused police officer investigating the murder of laguna and having to read a lot of transbian discord roleplay logs and mtfg threads..
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Si no ha especificado vro para que te quejas
Pero si no ha dicho na vro que va hacer
Que no dijo na vro
what does conejo mean
Pa que coño me preguntas a mi subnormal
idk what it means
"But she hasn't said anything bro what's she gonna do"
Significa lo que tu madre hace en mi pito toas las noches
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>Significa lo que tu madre hace en mi pito toas las noches
idk what this means either.
you're not helping me.
Just listen to ur mothers moans more closely at night and u might just hear me doing what I'm saying too
Que coño me cuentas tu manolo
i thank the lord that i didnt take spanish so now i can only speak fucked up german n english
my room is either;
turn on AC, its cold as fuck
turn off AC, and it instantly goes to hell in the summer
idk what to do
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>mum goes in the bathroom to put up a towel
>is that blood on the bathtub?
>tell her it's jam
fugg i guess i didn't clean up properly
I need meds
poor woman
i like ur meme arrow stories
she has her own bathroom idk what she's doing going in that one
i just cleaned up properly so if she goes back it'll look clean, but it feels suffocating it's like having an eagle watching everything you do ready to interrogate you about anything you do "wrong"
like im an adult i don't need to be kept on suicide watch 24/7

they are depressing
im a manchild and my mum is loving but doesn't know how to respect boundaries

i wish i could find meds that really worked
cold as hell and put on clothes.

You're a silly girl.
About to get my ninth laser session, can still basically grow a disgusting goatee despite it, maybe this time I'll actually get rid of a good deal of hair haha wishful thinking
Lol, paige thinks her mom being concerned about her cutting herself leading to suicide is "not understanding boundaries". Do you see why i don't respect that horseshit?
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Jam is a terrible excuse.
I just came back from a walk with a dog and now I don't want to go outside again to do the groceries especially with my dirty hair, haven't eaten since 2 days ago and my fridge is empty :C I need a strong man or a woman to help me live :C fuck my life
ill put on 2 long sleeve shirts.
i should buy a hoodie, all i have is a peacoat dress thing.
>haven't eaten since 2 days ago
How? If i don't eat twice a day I get shaky and feel like I can't get out of bed
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You are literally a dog
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yea i said i ate some jammy dodgers
idk it was a white lie, it was obviously blood
i felt bad, i know it upsets her when i self harm so i try to hide it

god i relate to this so much
>jammy dodgers
erm... its actually JammIE dodgers
don't disrespect my go-to treats please
I sleep the whole day yesterday, woke up with a headache, walk the dog went back to sleep, woke up with headache half-sleept half-not drinking water because I was dehydrated and took painkillers. Today I walked the dog, somehow it's 11h later and I just came back home from the second walk that should be at least my third one today.
god I wish
put a collar on me and make dinner for me, is it a good deal for you?
oh sorry i don't really pay attn to spelling that much but i will remember for the future
here is a picture of my dog as penance

no i am the one who wears the collar
>mom wants to see me try on a shirt she gave me
>try to take a pic
>look like shit
>day ruined
surely some day i'll learn to avoid these.
>put a collar on me and make dinner for me
Literal rapehon
Hiding it that way is.. probably just awkward for the both of you.
Remember to hydrate today anon.
Hey that's my dog's dad or mom idk
How? Because I'm depressed and hungry?
It's not a given but I hate those hangover headache
yeah it was dumb, the question took me off guard

aww cute but he's neutered
>here is a picture of my dog as penance
thats a nice dog
he is the best, very smart sometimes too
i wish i was cute so bad but am i extremely ugly instead
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same. it's very depressing to ruin everything you're present for simply by existing.
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cheers i'll drink (squirt soda) to that
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Would a quicksilver movie be too expensive?
This shit looks so fucking cool, idgaf about wolverine I wanna see more of this guy.

You're so cute that you can't even ruin it with your personality.
that's cute
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Eeem, they haven't been neutered since being a puppy, or am I wrong mrs good dog owner?
don't encourage him

he was neutered as a puppy, yes
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im having the shittiest iced latte with baileys.

It's a really good line though, innit?
i do i
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That's sad :(
i begged my mother not to, that we would be able to take care of him and make sure he didn't wander off and knock up some neighbourhood dog, but she didn't change her mind
Its makes male dogs less aggressive too.
you're mom made the right decision.
At least he's not sad and horny type of a dog, mine was found already without working ovaries or is too old to have puppies if that's the case for dogs or smth else idk. But she's very calm when there aren't others animals around to the point I'm wishing she would want to play more also sge doesn't like hugs :/
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Does my music taste pass?
Also if you post yours I'll rate them
passes as grew up on /mu/
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that's kinda depressing
my dog is pretty chill and sleepy
What the fuck is that thing
paige's goals
haouse of decline, a webcomic "artist"
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honestly he does mog me
in life in general and looks, yeah
It's a dog
nah he seems to be cratering pretty hard
brother, you are a terminal loser. stop coping
She's just a lazy dog who run off from someone while being scared during new year's eve. And I still can hold her, justno hugs :/
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i am not jealous of hause living the early stages of transition.
i burned and deleted ALL pictures i thought were good back then.
would've prob bathed with a toaster if any of them were public.
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care to extrapolate? at least i don't make poorly drawn webcomics about boners all day

awww cute
Man what the fuck is that face
you are an undateable, jobless parasite that leeches off the government and your parents
just end it already brother
they're too early in their transition to be doin any of this is all.
they're not at all ugly dude-wise
but dressing like a 18 year old girl when you're in you look like youre in your man mid 30s is no bueno
resting skinsuit face

im not undateable, i've had boyfriends
i've had a job, and im neet rn but working with vocational rehab so it's not like im not working towards getting a job
>leech of gov't
i am disabled and get support because of that
that's not leeching
i've talked with my mother about it extensively and she feels it's not leeching, especially bc i do give her my disability to help out, and do stuff around the house.
>just end it already brother
who are you
Bite your cheeks while moving them inside of your mouth. She should just stop posting for the sake of her and her future self because now it looks like a psyope to make trans people sick mentally ill perverts
Hope it's not attention seeking from the strangers online thing
you are "disabled" in the same way that guy is an "artist"
you are 31 years old and post on 4chan on day
its quite embarrassing
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Its my birthday tomorrow
I don't think anyone remembers, but it's ok i don't celebrate it anyway
I'll be 27
who are you
ganna get me a pizza and muffins
an anon
everyone can see that you saving pics of random ugly trannoids isnt helping you at all
its plainly obvious you do this to cope with your life
move on from here, grow up
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is it gay to wish you had a boyfriend who would let you rub his feet while watching a movie together and then pull you in for cuddles
on liter 3
of what
you will never have a boyfriend
you will never find the love of your life
you will never be an anime boy
you will always be a loser
oh ok good stay healthy
guys if i insert myself into random conversations that dont involve me i wont have to reckon with my failure of an existence
>failure of an existence
that is not a real thing, you can't fail at life, things just happen


Stahp being mean to paige pls.
idk about telling paige to die
but they deserve it, they're always a POS here for no reason.
i use female pronouns desu
you're a disgusting human being
theyre just perpetually bitter
im trying to be nicer
i wasnt misgendering you, i was using the english language.
non binaries dont deserve respect
is anybody here actually friends with paige? she literally has been here for years, idk if anybody has been here longer than her, there is like no mtfg without paige at this point in a way, she is glued to this place symbolically, but still she doesn't really seem to have deep friendships with anybody here or anybody that has posted in the past.. i would assume that over the course of so many years she would have made at least a deep connection from here with which she should have still been in contact even if that person stopped posting here..
fierce brows ngl
luv and respect enbies me
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[Hot take] [Hot take Alert]
Baked chips are worse than normal chips.
I taste the 'chip' more than the flavouring.
If im eating cheddar ruffles I want to taste the cheddar, not the chip
Can someone translate it from bri'ish to human?
cold take
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Might need to read more books, friend.

Dang, everyone around me always praises baked chips. I thought admitting this was harder than coming out.
Was for

Maybe i need to read more books
I love her so much i'm gonna die of it
I've got a sweet new vr setup
Does anyone want to get married...?
mental illness can be plenty disabling and i say that as an actual cripple who has to use a cane
also like, she's actively working on it? shaming her for leaning on supports to the end of getting functional is just retarded, she's doing the right things
do u have full haptic gear?
>want to get married
post income and bideltoid width
retarded newfag
lmao i'm not a newfag i just see paige trying to improve and i wanna encourage that
and you're being a retard about it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you werent a newfag you wouldnt be defending them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
look at the state of your life if you're brave enough, at least paige does lol
sorry for you
im not the one shitting on trannies who happen to not pass daily
look at your life
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nah i just hold out hope for people, if you could see my post history in thread you'd know i'm just like this kek
i know who paige is. but i don't think she's unchangeable, or even a bad person at heart. and like okay, the racism and internalized transphobia and all that shit or the padre complex, whatever part of her issues you're so bothered by, isn't her working on her mental health and towards employment (which also means more socializing with normies when it happens), exactly how she grows past that stuff?
im doing pretty well. thanks for your feign concern

i kinda lose hope in people who say 'im trying to not be mean" when just mere minutes later they continue to be horrible
over and over again
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I think wearing long sleeve shirts under dresses is peak fashion.

I like her but she hates and fears me unlike anyone else. I'm betting she would treat her rapists more respectfully than me and I've done literally nothing except @ her on 4chan.
only you know if it's true and only you have to live with it (:
>is anybody here actually friends with paige?
unironically, no
Small and big, respectively
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another one for the nerds with no curves
im friendships w lots of ppl, i just don't use discord

thank you brother
dead cope thread
>i kinda lose hope in people who say 'im trying to not be mean" when just mere minutes later they continue to be horrible over and over again
i get that, but idk i don't think blanket hating exactly helps anything, just kinda additionally sours the vibe in thread. feels nicer but still not just letting it slide to say "good for you i hope you're serious and keep it up" when a paige or a larry is showing signs of trying, and then if they relapse into being a dickhead call them on it specifically when it happens (or ignore if they're in a phase of doing it a lot). you gotta like, respond proportionately and be nice when appropriate if you wanna actually successfully do vibe policing
mfw waking up to more threats
it's an extremely based modest but hot look with the right dress and the right blouse. with the wrong ones it's a fashion disaster. pic is example of perfect match
flat fabrics under a dress, especially with this turtleneck and high neckline on the dress, this is kinda disaster tier not as bad as trannies who go out into the world with graphic long tee shirts under patterned dresses or what have you, but it's not quite there, it's giving 1960s slavic tradwife
do you think god ever looks at the inner workings of kat's mind and weeps
Ugh i love her
probably like once a day at least
im not exactly thrilled...
Modest, but fashionable is my jam.
I base my whole wardrobe around it
omfg imagine being scared of kat, fake ass trasbian drama
im not continuing to be mean to ppl :(
i've already held my tongue a number of times itt, ppl just don't see it when i choose to not be mean, they only see when i choose to be mean
When it's my turn with her i'm going to severe the tendons to her hands and that will be that.


You're mean to me all the time.
plus they are harder and hurt the roof of your mouth to eat
i mean you have kept calling people men and stuff, i get that you have internalized that to the point you even believe it about yourself, but you should be able to see why people feel like that's you still being mean ya?
i haven't called anyone itt men today, i'm working on it. it doesn't happen overnight where i'm going to straight to not calling any transwomen men. one step at a time

Potatoes are pure evil. They're soooo good in like... every fucking way to make them. And they are somehow worse for you, glycemically, than literal pure sugar.

I think potatoes are the reason the irish got a reputation for drinking because i think alcoholics are unconsciously treating high blood sugar.

You call me a him!
ah i saw it like yesterday or the day before. but if it's on your mind and you're actively trying to unpack those views then like, that's good to hear and i support that direction :)
wait are you not a chaser

No, i'm not a chaser. I've never been a chaser. I'm just an mtf.
>wait are you not a chaser
that guy is a chaser and a serial harasser and narcissist who is not trans, just severely autistic and pornsick. i will not refer to him as anything other than the man he is, regardless of how i am working to interact with actual transwomen
yeah that's what i thought and why i wasn't gonna give you shit about it lol
just making sure i'd remembered correctly cause i him nomi all the time
now i wanna know what happened between the two of you

I'm not a chaser. I've chased literally no one in the 3 years i've been here. She is just a jerk who will lie about me because she hates me.
Narcissist is fair. Autistic is more than fair.
Harasser is only fair if you think linking people on 4chan is harassment.
The problem with Nomi is that as well as being generally disgusting, they have the soul of a rapist
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nomi literally does nothing wrong or harmful, they are just autistic lol
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this is kind of what i look like tbdesu
she happiness mogs you hard though
hi. i have a thin waist as i've just discovered. i need new clothes
im pretty happy
Hi do u like vr?
never tried so idk
no paige is just verifying what i've heard from plenty of other ppl, i just got thrown off because i couldn't remember if pretending to be a tranny was also part of your schtick or not
>lari trying to tell anyone about what happiness looks like
oh lawdie
Had orchi consultation. Doctor seems very confident and also down to earth. The surgery he does is sort of custom but no scarring and minimal pain seems good. Reasonable priced. Just need to dig up some letters saying "yeh she wants her balls cut off"

Can get a date booked in for august. That's a lot sooner than i was anticipating...
n e w
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El carumbo
with orchi they just just take the testes, or do they also do skin reduction?
Theres orchidectomy which is the testes but you experience shrinkage in scrotal tissue after, and theres scrotectomy alongside which removes the scrotal tissue entirely.
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It's over isn't it

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