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prev: >>36281191

bury nice thread edition

qott: what's something nice you did recently?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
opposite of pepper trip?
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Ay carumbo
>what's something nice you did recently
show mercy
>qott: what's something nice you did recently?
I leave nice notes for my professor commenting on his lecture when we turn in our summaries
>nice did recently
I surprised my housemate with a full roast dinner

Ok reposting cos in old thread for anonnette
Theres orchidectomy which is the testes but you experience shrinkage in scrotal tissue after, and theres scrotectomy alongside which removes the scrotal tissue entirely.
I haven't even begun looking into mine so i've always wondered
also multiple kinds of orchi! for anyone planning srs later inguinal incision is usually best, it's more invasive but doesn't leave scars on the scrotum
I've got a huge conundrum. So i've got to go into an office for work, but nobody I work with has seen me for 2+ years and have no idea im trans.

I've got D cup boobs and look like a woman, but like maybe they won't notice? I'm not sure if i should say anything or just go in and see what happens
australian accents have me melting

give a friend a gift
>d cup
>maybe they won't notice
do boymoders really
Show me your boobi
make yourself happy
i dunno ive just read that cis people are pretty clueless
hi joanna
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they're not clueless unless your presentation is very binary and very passing. if you're presenting as a man with d cup tits they'll be fully aware you have some kind of deal and mostly will be too confused to ask. unless you can bind them p much completely flat, you're best off finding some professional womens' wear
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>qott: what's something nice you did recently?
i told mum i loved her and that she's a great mother
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but doctor, you're pagliacci
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My professor has a bad habit of explaining everything in a lecture really really well and getting through a section.
Then he plays a 5-10 min video of exactly what he described and said during normal lecture
qott: I helped my little brother set up his LED lights
also i finished my 4th liter of water but i think i'll drink more bc im hungry and already at my calorie limit for the day
they've got a habit of making men into women, those fromsoft guys...
starting to suspect Miyazaki a little
i love her so much, so so so much, so much, just so so, so much
i wish i could be as pretty as miquella and have a big strong radahn daddy bf ride me like his little horse
im going to the beach tomorrow does anyone want to come with
imagine getting double teamed by mohg and radahn
miquella is living the dreem
sorry im attending an edging party so i cant come
Marina wants in.
>there's still no r34 of adult miquella and radahn
ok i just bought u a plane ticket the flight is tn
Be the change you want to see in the world
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Can't wait!!
yayyyy yippeeee yayyyyyyy ^-^
I took mom to McDonald's
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my drawing skill is nowhere near good enough even when copying others' work
Is it true that nick lang used to beat his mom?
Idk but I do know these logs are funny
Full html for everyones reading pleasure
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Paige stfu
Mono won kat lost
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It's over over over never began
at least you have a nice eye colour
Imagine e-dating. Like lol. Like lmao
There ain't no winning w this face no
>It's over over over never began
the story of my life, at least you are not also ugly like me
... you're right it's not
rope time larrold
You're blind
I should be forced to wear bag over my head by state mandate
I think simple sprites and 3d models kinda reviving thanks to the 2dhd artstyle is very cool. Easy to make and it still looks good.
Just detroon already it's not worth being a troon who looks like that. Dysphoria is way less painful and just go be a gay fag slut on grindr on the daily to cope too works well
gotta start somewhere right... maybe in a year or two

idk im not a huge fan of the heavy tilt shift in games like that
I would rather die than be a cis gay
I don't mind it but I did like the full 2d thing that eiyuden chronicle had going
No camera looking from above etc and only 2d movement
why? internalised homophobia?
Maybe, there's a lot of resources available
It's called being trans
>eiyuden chronicle
oh that doesn't look half bad desu
noooo not today, i will do it tomorrow, ik that i have been procrastinating this for a long time, but i will surely do it tomorrow
>just go be a gay fag slut on grindr
i wish i could also do that but i need to feel fem to enjoy having sex with men, oh, what a cursed life, can't even suk a dick
Bottom Dysphoria and being on test
YEAH it's actually rlly fun I think I lost the savefile for the first few hrs of it sadly but I might replay it
Or just hop on the hundred heroes sequel that's conveniently on gamepass
i've been doing a little bit of some youtube class by an asian guy, it's interesting but very intimidating so i've mainly just been either copying work i like, or drawing stuff irl

you could be a cis gay and still take hrt
>you could be a cis gay and still take hrt
shit, some of the gays are getting ffs now for whatever fucking reason
>cis gay and still take hrt
hmm, gaygen has a diff opinion on that
idc what fags think, only that they fuck me

wtf lol more power to them ig
u have fem eyes, see a lot of potential after ffs for jaw/chin tbhon rly not as over as u make it out to be
hugboxx alert
this is not reddit
is ffs a must no matter what
I loved when Anya challenged Kat to post her face without make up and Anya posted an actual close-up raw picture where you could see single pores and specks but Kat posted a blurry 5 m away from the mirror pic as her reply LMOAOA Katbros I dun feel so good...
She's got more layers of makeup on than an onion has entirely
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it could always be worse, you're not ugly at least
i could never wear my hair the way you do
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even with bangs i look like shit
feels weird taking pics without glasses but those distort what i look like and make me look better so here's the truth of what an ugly man i am

no but it must be nice to have
think it would be a good idea if u went to reddit tbhon ud fit in well with ur fellow sissy coomers there xo
guess it depends wht u mean by a must. Like i think 90% of ppl would benefit from it but i also think its possible to be clocky but live ur life as a woman and always be gendered correctly despite it
I also think it would just like relieve dysphoria somewhat in general for most ppl
BA is what is a must. Saying this not because I like breasts of copious sizes but because they are good at hiding ribcage size which is an issue that every trans person has to some extent.
need ba

What a beautiful princess, you look spectacularly cute in both. I wish you could see it too.
wait paige u have a nose ring?
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barbarian assault?
yes i need a barbarian to assault me if there are any barbarians here who would like to volunteer pls hmu
Is kingdom hearts looking person good enough
yes please assault me nothing would make me happier
yea i have for years desu
huh i guess ive never noticed it before and u did not strike me as the type to have a nose ring
transwomen who get ba often have a large gap due to the broadness of the male bodied chest and ribcage, it doesn't always work out
it used to be a stud but that fell out and decided to just use a ring instead and liked how it looked
i got it originally on an impulse after having dental work done, i couldn't feel my face so i thought it was a good opportunity to get it
Well that part is true, honestly I'm getting mine anyways to have a more proper size
All the women on my family have that issue too so idrc lol
The bloodline already set my fate.. I must do what I can with it regardless..
Also is there no like surgeries to get the skin to be a little tighter there so they look like they're more together? I feel like it should exist
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>try to take a pic for mom
>fail because ugly
>spiral and start drinking
>pass out by 7
>wake up at midnight
ah fuck what now.

uhh i guess i played chess with my cousin when no one else would. dunno if that rly counts tho.

if the way your face looks makes u dysphoric despite ur other best efforts and years of hrt + weight gain then yeah basically.
it's not like there's anything else you can do to alleviate it.
idk desu, my mum is flatchested and i don't really want to send the message that i think that's bad and i don't want to support predatory surgeons
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It is not bad. I just would like to have a bigger chest, it'd make me happier to do so since it'd fit my proportions better.
And aesthetically they just look better to me. Big fan of them in general. My mom got a ba too for the same reasons essentially
Plus mine would b free from the government paying it..
>go to doctor
>need EKG
>nurse or technician comes in and tells me to take my shirt off
>I warn her that I'm trans and have some breast development in advance
>she asks if I have a preferred name/pronouns
>boymoder, tell her that I'd rather just go with what I have for now because my family hates trannies and all
>proceed with EKG
>after she asks again
>explicitly asks if my pronouns are they/them

should I just kill myself at this point?
Raper no raping

your mom doesn't care how you look you're her child she loves you just send her a photo
'havent taken the step to socially transition, he/him are fine for now'
trying hard 2 not be mean rn

no what's bad about that situation?
Call me agp I know u want to
Basically half the women in my family had a ba too by now so ig they're all agp sissies jacking it on they mirror
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what would happen if you didn't say anything about having tits? they do that test on women too yknow.

i know she doesn't care i just managed to have an anxiety attack over it like a retard and deleted all the pics.
i didn't say anything to her yet i'll just pretend i missed her msg and take a pic of the shirt tmrw. hopefully it won't go as bad haha xd.

I'm socially retarded and don't present really feminine, so I don't want to make people uncomfortable with my gross tranny body.
no they are just mindrotten by misogyny
Both of their husbands were against it
Genuinely what r u smoking
They just wanted it because they wanted bigger breasts
>because they wanted bigger breasts
but why
because society tells women their worth is predicated upon their physical appearance, and that larger breasts have more "worth" than smaller breasts
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what's a good game to play if im a little burnt out on lies of p
no gatcha
Bro they just liked how big tits looked more holy shit
People always compliment me for having small well shaped aoobies but idc I want bigger ones even if seemingly everyone's against it
Some people (including my family and friends) r also against it and I still want it
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???????? THEY JUST LIKED HOW BIG TITS LOOK????????????????????????????????????????????
UGH sorry im trying to be nice pretend i said that nicely or forget i said it at all pls
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nurses see all sorts of stuff if you got good hygiene and don't abuse them you're basically an ideal patient.
when i had ekg recently i was really really uncomfy about it. my nurse said something like 'wow you have no body hair must be nice'. i still don't know how to feel abt that.

ngl sounds kinda misogynistic to assume that women can't have wants on their own without being influenced by men.
>ngl sounds kinda misogynistic to assume that women can't have wants on their own without being influenced by men.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't look how you want to look! That is misogynistic! You're proving ze evil men right! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Do you think trans women can get period cramps or is it all “honscience”?
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are you seriously asking?
I am asking in earnest because I’m ftm.
they can, and in the society we live in it's hard to think someone who takes in so much messaging about women's bodies would choose to alter their body in a way that aligns with that messaging totally freely of their own accord. There should be therapy before any BA surgery just to suss out if the person is truly choosing it of their own volition, or doing it to soothe some pain or desire to be considered a more attractive person
ppl should be pushed accept their bodies more than are being pushed to pay someone to cut them up to look a certain way

it's unhealthy to not acknowledge the limitations of your body and make peace with what you wished you looked like vs what you actually look like. it's why people end up getting surgery after surgery, because they will always be able to find something they need to change if they aren't willing to grow to accept what they have

100% honscience unless by "trans women" you mean ftms in which case no it's definitely possible
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If you don't stfu I'm posting the toilet pics again
I really know relatively little about hormones
but paul claimed its possibly legit and they're not amab
I think I'm missremembering but too high to remember what paul said exactly oof
high on what
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ah ok. no, mtfs don't have the parts that of period cramps come from.
if they have an intersex condition of some kind then it could maybe happen but even then usually those parts aren't developed enough to have such an interaction.

psychosomatic pain can happen to anyone for any reason tho, no body parts required but that's a bit different again.

>women innately aren't capable of discerning information and forming their own opinions in society and should be put through mental health treatment for wanting to have agency over their appearance
the most wildly misogynistic shit i've heard in a while ngl.
just alot of weed
I'm lucky enough to have some squirrelled away
can't do the shrooms until next weekend
How can I get cialis without a prescription
It's most likely not possible, but there's a small chance that there's a mixed signals thing going on in the brain concerning how little we know about the way that hormones affects neurological mapping to the body imo, and how much of it is psychosomatic. The anatomy physically isn't there, but I'm willing to believe that there is possible explanations that have to do with neural mapping & psychosomatic pain.
>the most wildly misogynistic shit i've heard in a while ngl.
that's not what i've said at all though, you're just interpreting it through whatever weird filter that made you come up with that
people, even smart people who are intelligent and want to have agency over their appearance, aren't beyond being preyed upon by surgeons who will exploit insecurities to make a quick buck. my issue isn't with the women getting the surgeries it's with the surgeons doing it and the culture encouraging it
people are too focused on changing their body rather than accepting it, and i think therapy that helps a patient address that, whether male or female, would help people feel more comfortable with themselves without feeling the need to go under the knife. Maybe I'm an odd one out, but when I've considered surgery like that it's not solely for aesthetic reasons that i myself care about. I might want to get my nose bump removed, partly because aesthetically i don't like it, and there's the underlying feeling of being ugly because i have that feature, and not wanting to be perceived as ugly is just as a strong motivator as aesthetic preference, with the latter serving as a cover for the former. Yes someone may want to change their appearance in a certain way, but the why is important when you're talking about something as risky as surgery. Going under the knife when it's not absolutely medically necessary is exposing yourself to risk, and the type of people drawn to cosmetic surgeries are often insecure and vulnerable, the kind of people who are most at risk of being exploited by surgeons who want to make money off their insecurities rather than help the patient overcome them

god i wish i had drugs
I'm a big believer in the fact that hormones may rewrite the way that the brain attaches to body parts. If ciswomen who no longer have reproductive systems can have psychosomatic cramping and period pain..
in london town the left side's the best side
So you're ugly and want surgeries but are coping about it by acting as if anyone that gets surgeries is just utterly insane and needs to get therapy for 49 years before they're sure that's a decision they want for themselves
paige has blackpilled herself so hard on coping abt surgeries
How the fuck do I know if I'm trans or not?

I've been thinking about it lately and giving it more serious thought when I had never felt that I may be trans before. I don't feel all that uncomfortable in my male body either, I just really like the idea of being a woman. I want to be cute and desired instead of being ignored.
There's definitely like a 'type' of trans women that are usually the ones that claim to have period symptoms that makes me real skeptical tho lol
She could at least shut the fuck up about it like I asked her to
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I am a freak
are people mean when you go to the laser place and youre a boy moder and in a red southern state
yeah but she wont, just like she wont stop being transphobic in her attempt to further self-deprecate and fall further down the rabbit hole
stop questioning if you are trans or not, it is better for you to not think about it and not know, keep on repping bro
Only women want to be women, retard.

Do you really look at average men on the street and think they wish they looked like literally any average cispassing woman they walk by?

You can always just detroon if you decide you fucked up later. Or just die. I'm going to just die. I can't live as a man and I'll never be a woman.
thats not true ive been being nicer today and not saying things that might be considered transphobic
Paige shut the fuck up
I feel like it'd be extremely embarrassing to detransition.
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
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i've been trying desu
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>people are too focused on changing their body rather than accepting it
who are you to tell other people you have their shit more figured out than they do? this attitude is what makes me apply that weird filter as you put it. telling other people how they ought to be because surely they are just misinformed and brainwashed if they don't see it the way you do. idk maybe you feel victimized, insecure and preyed on by doctors and that's why you misguidedly assume everyone is victimized, insecure and preyed upon by the ebil doctors. doesn't mean others are the same way.

also couldn't one argue that therapists are just as much there to make a buck off you? just as much preying on a vulnerable insecure group of ppl and looking to milk them for years on end with no incentive to fix them like a surgeon does.

you know guys can be cute and desired too right?

pull ur larynx up!
k if ur gonna be an annoying bdd spiraler at least actually be ugly and masculine like i am uwu
lol this is a funny read. the mental gymnastics both parties would have to partake in to keep it all going for so long is beyond my comprehension though
I knew I was somewhat offbeat
hiya paul
dreading when I inevitably run out
>you know guys can be cute and desired too right?
Yeah, guys who aren't me. I am invisible to everybody.
lmao, a literal passoid calling some ogre manmoder not masculine and ogre enough hahaha
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i wish i were cute and desired
why can't i be miquella, i relate a lot to his obsessive love
lol im not a passoid
Bra I don't engage I just get sent death threats and have my friends harassed and have 2 defend myself
If it was for me there'd be no "drama" anymore, but now she's threatening w doing smth irl so alas I'm forced to keep yapping
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would that be any different if you were a grill?
all other things being the same.

wasn't his gimmick that hes able to seduce anyone with his kindness?
honestly just go quiet and see what happens (and rationally speaking, absolutely nothing will happen)
>wasn't his gimmick that hes able to seduce anyone with his kindness?
kindness(mind control)
he's also pretty
just stfu grace and let people that actually have it bad doom and complain, you have it good but just want some attention and compliments gtfo
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Most interesting idea
>would that be any different if you were a grill?
>all other things being the same.
If I put a lot of effort into becoming cute, then things might change.

I'm deathly afraid of not passing though.
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does any1 here live in Florida
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>Try to hook up with Ftm
>plan to hook up monday
>family visit so I get cucked till next week at best
>started e a week ago so now I feel all emotional about no one liking me and being unfuckable.
>ftms probably just trying to let me off easy
why why why whyyyyyyyyy I wanna be cuddled and fucked and fuck people but I'm stuck with tism preventing me from interacting with people. Anons how do I start my t4t slut arc?
i dont want compliments lol i literally deflect everything
im just saying shes pretty
Fucking babytrans retards
yes hello
I do.
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that's literally what everyone has been telling you for weeks ffs
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yeah something like that. downloading the game again to check the dlc out but download speed is about 1mbps yay.

that's what i'm saying tho you can put that effort into being cute (male) too if larping female specifically isn't all that relevant to you.
While 90% didn't believe me and she still had access to everyone in the community
I'm supposed to go in a few days to visit my extended family
do you live near either fort Myers or Orlando or Cape coral
alright anonymous
I always wondered where you were
lol you both are like mentally 13 or something, crikey
>that's what i'm saying tho you can put that effort into being cute (male) too if larping female specifically isn't all that relevant to you.
Idk, I've tried nail polish and lip stick and really liked them too.
>alright anonymous
>I always wondered where you were
I'm in the Orlando area if that means anything
i wonder if pain ever got her dreamcast
How can I be less retarded pls?
i've heard not great things about the story so i ended up not buying the dlc, i'll wait to see what balance patches they come out with

why do you give a shit just stop interacting

become more bitter
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>qott: what's something nice you did recently?
I'm a simple woman. I believe in small acts to make a stranger's day better.

I don't smoke cigarettes actively, but I will admit I do enjoy a nice camel during raves. I'll buy a pack, smoke two or three, give the rest away whenever someone asks for one.

On my way home from the last rave, this really depressed looking guy solemnly asked for a cigarette. He seemed like he's been going through shit.

I take out my nearly full packet of cigarettes, take one for myself, hand him the pack.

"Thanks, gang. Here you go." he said as he handed me the pack back.

I smile and say, "Oh, no worries. It's yours."

His smile said it all. Free cigarettes. Saved the man about $10-$15. Maybe he'll use that saved money to buy lunch for himself, or maybe treat his hypothetical partner to something with the extra funds in his pocket.

No, cigarettes aren't "good" for you, but sometimes someone just needs a camel to get through the morning.
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idk I just don't wanna spend all day with my dying rich grandpa or 2 year old cousin
how long have you been posting here
i used to keep a pack of smokes in my car even tho i don't smoke, just to give to ppl asking for a smoke. feels good desu
I don't let abusers get away with it
>that's why i spam posts on mtfg instead of contacting the authorities
also to lure rugged drifters into highway off ramp sex
honestly can you two just kill each other

it'd be romantic and hot
Uhhhhh not very long

that's what he said
Getting them kicked out of their main source of interaction with others is still a good idea, it helps with getting everyone to know how they are and to not have anyone else harmed by them again
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what personality disorder does this fucker have?
yeah some of my closest friends I found through random "hey, want a cigarette?" moments
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gender isn't the same as nail polish and lipstick lol.
how do you feel about stuff like growing breasts and srs? like actually permanently altering your body. not necessarily even in ways that make you more attractive but in ways that change your gender.

i haven't bought it yet i wanna see if it's playable on this laptop first. i'm most interested in seeing the expanded king in yellow/frenzy flame lore.
maybe hard to explain that I've been here since i was 16 but haven't been on hrt in years
can i pls just chill with someone and maybe get high maybe
will post discord if needed
the only one who didn't know what kat is like was you because you're a newfag
it's old hat to everyone else

oh good luck then! hope you enjoy it
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cocky want boing boing disorder
Explain to me then how what I've shown of her is what got her kicked out of the community and seen as what she is now
i cannot let myself interact with people
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>cocky want boing boing
bet your gf loves that line lol
you are aware she's enjoying this, at the very least subconsciously, right?

just drop it and move on
No, we have different post-ironic cringe lines we use on each other.
kicked out of what community
kat was a ban-on-sight persona non grata itt since before you were posting here
>seen as what she is now
a bpdemon? that's been known for years at this point

ohhh i thought that was your pickup line
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>ohhh i thought that was your pickup line
No I was referencing this
At this point considering mono actually dropped the harassment upon request I gotta say you're showing off that you're even worse than her
Also need I remind you her been seeing poorly is because of what YOU spread about her and said of her?
i liek asuka bettr. but i can't be like asuka because i will not let myself interact with people or else i'll go to hell :(
Kinda funny
you're interacting with us. just tell people irl all the fucked up shit you tell us, and that will filter out the normals who you don't want to be friends with anyway.
You believe in that dolla lang don't lie to yaself
And I was around retard, it's why we started talking
Tess of the DurrRRrbervilles
you guys deserve it for being evil 4channers who also shouldn't interact with people
sweet summer child
um meoww
oh geez
maybe that's why we only befriend and date each other...fine point
Why is it that my OCD gets less bad as the day goes on? It's more passive now. Mornings are hell
Offtrip screencaps? The hell's that even mean
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I preordered a merch shirt one size too large when I ordered it because I wanted it to be slightly baggy on me but in the time it took for me to place my order and receive the shirt I lost 40lbs and now it just looks comedically baggy on me lol

Oh well, I guess I found my new "not going out tonight" shirt.

I guess it's not a huge deal. I don't wear merch outside my own home, I just wanted to support this video essayist without subscribing to her twitch or patreon.
can you calm down please
my dad has ocd but says he levels off as the day goes on because he has new things to focus on
i am worst person i am worst person i am worst person i will never know a human being ever again
I used to think I was the worst human on earth until this thread showed me that I could definitely have been a lot worse despite my own hubris and ability to fuck up my own life
>I used to think I was the worst human on earth until this thread showed me that I could definitely have been a lot worse
was it me?
what would you like me to post
can you please be rational
You genuinely come across as one of the most grounded and functional ppl itt. Idk why you still post here.
No. Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think I've ever read anything from your trip, or I wasn't paying attention enough to remember.

No, it's more like... the collective woes of everyone in this thread I guess. At least my life sucks because it's *my* fault, y'know?
that sounds comfy
which essayist is it, or what do they talk about

why do you care about that cap, its the truth is it not?
Lmk when you're coming down I'm a couple of hours South I thought I posted this but it looks like it didn't send
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oversized tees got an aesthetic to them. best without print or with a minimalist/generic print tho.

ty frem.
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That's a question a lot of people (sometimes angrily) asked me. I'll be real, I don't know. Maybe the anonymity? I post a lot of things here that I don't feel comfortable telling my friends, nor want a paper trail even in a burner reddit account. My social media is reserved for "fun" and "wholesomeness" and this board kinda just, I dunno, let's me express myself without real worry of ramifications. Even if my IRL friends saw my trip posts here, they'd kinda just think I'm going through it. I get a lot of hate here for my long-form posts, but I'll be real when I say I have no idea how internet toxicity works when I don't know someone personally. However, I completely understand when I get filtered out. No one has to read my posts if they don't want to and simply telling me to "stop" just encourages me to stay haha. Probably my underlying stubbornness clawing its way into my posts.

I also frequent the actual hobby boards (mainly /po/, /lit/ and /mu/'s /prod/ thread)

There's a lot of toxicity here but in the end I see a group of individuals just trying to survive, just like me. I also never understood "the vibe" of sites like tumblr or reddit. I never really posted on any board on 4chan until about last year. Maybe due to my late exposure to 4chan culture, I didn't get to experience the brain poison that a lot of folk here do. To me, this is just a hobby website with an /lgbt/ board

most merch I enjoy is just a DJ/Producer's handle in plain text on a black background but this one has very nice geometrics and I like geometric logos.
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i wonder if ex bff ever thinks of me
i know there's zero chance he thinks of me as much as i think of him, but i wonder if i made an impression on him in a positive way
i miss him so much, i wish i could be there with him to support him and make him feel happy or be there for him when he's down
he's such a good guy it hurts not being with him, was talking with mum earlier about wondering if he's going to get married and she said he wouldn't be a good dad and i disagree i think he has potential to be a really good father if he has the right person in his life to help modulate him. he's so kind and smart and wonderful

this was taken at the hospital where i was born, he's a cool guy. florida hospital gators r really underrated
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I'm flying out friday
I could probably drive to meet you but it depends on how cr8nge you think I've gotten since I stopped taking hrt
>gender isn't the same as nail polish and lipstick lol.
>how do you feel about stuff like growing breasts and srs? like actually permanently altering your body. not necessarily even in ways that make you more attractive but in ways that change your gender.
I feel like I'd enjoy having breasts and a bigger butt and showing them off a little bit. I like the idea of being more feminine and beautiful, if that makes sense.
sorry to burst your bubble but i'm pretty sure that's a monitor, not an alligator
Idk how long you've been posting on 4chan and this board. July marks my 4th year total, and I've wanted to leave since well before the 1 year mark. I started out also using interest boards like /mu/, /lit/, and /his/ but wound up here somehow, and was brainwormed into staying. I've become a significantly worse poster over time. Thanks for the response, I did read it all just to let you know.
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i didnt give her permission but i dont really care that she did post it, if i cared i would have dmd her about it stop trying to make drama where there is none
She started yapping about you boy
He doesn't
This is fixable though, drive yourself to the forefront of his mind by driving your car through his shed
All the old feelings will come back
do you think you could handle the shame of trying to tell people you're a woman? of walking around in front of these people with nail polish and lipstick? of your dad seeing you with breasts?
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is there anything one can do to feel good
like practicing drawing is just draining
reading is draining
daydreaming is repetitive and unfulfilling
refreshing the same tabs twenty times per minute is dull
running sucks
i just don't feel good from anything
at best i just feel conscious during the day which makes life at its best just tedium
this isn't living but nothing gives that feeling
it's all just endless shades of hurt and loss

better the space challenger lol

well that makes sense, you would want a guard to monitor things
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>of your dad seeing you with breasts?
flag on paige
>running sucks
bAsed payge
I don't know. Maybe. I've considered all of that already.
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no running
walking is meh
it's too hot out to walk anywhere anyway, even right now it's ninety degrees F outside

did u see today's drawing from references? i don't feel like im getting better but at least it doesn't look hilariously awful, just plain awful
im not worried about marina posting htmls lol
getting better!
relax. loosen up.
try get away from lil nervous chickyscratchy, take big bold strokes.
also most importantly dont forget to fatherly ball musk and ofc drowning in the cum from the cock that created you.
Guys! Watch out! She's going to leak how she talked about sonic with you for an hour! Be warned!!
how long you been off now?
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need muscular boyfriend

good advice ty gonna go vomit now
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fair enough just know that it may not play out ideally e.g. you may be unlucky and end up with ugly tits and they're there to stay. might also end up with nice tits who knows.

what's the shame part from i've always wondered?

have you ever tried stimulants or dopaminergic drugs?
they kinda turn all that draining into enjoyment which loops into further motivation.
i need to be arrested and have my holes disciplined by that pigrel
>have you ever tried stimulants or dopaminergic drugs?
nope never had access
>they kinda turn all that draining into enjoyment which loops into further motivation.
god that sounds fucking fantastic philosopher's stone tier

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Tonight's feast lasses
What is the purpose of a tranny's life? Just to suffer?
fucking faggot kill yourself the people around you don't deserve that
>I've considered all of that already.
you *fantasized* about all that. you got a boner. you want to force innocent people into your sick perversions.
you are not fucking right in your head. normal people don't want that shit they don't think about that shit. you think about fondling them i know you do.
seriously, put yourself in someone else's shoes. how do you think you'll look? not good.
from both: misogny, homophobia, and natural uncomfortableness stemming from tabboos around unusual sexual perversions
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transwomen exist so misogynistic "straight" men can have sex with women without having to interact with a woman
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>my job
>exist as an example of a life wasted and ruined by laziness and low self esteem
this is good for my mental health actually
.... Paige are you busy tonight?
I think I'm finally going to do it.
I'm trying to find some cute stationary to write my goodbye letters on first though
Hopefully this or next weekend
Shut the fuck up, retard. Don't feel like hanging out here though. Stop being stupid.
i am the evilist person
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yeah they're nice i'm wondering if i can convince some doc to prescribe me some now that i can't share my gfs script anymore.
i've heard normies say the feeling good and motivated is how it works by default for normal non-depressed people when they do stuff they enjoy but it's honestly hard to believe.

ok yeah that probably explains why i never got it like that.
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about two years
idk when mh brother died, it shifted everything about transitioning because i had to consider if it was necessary
I'm basically screwed either way, but ive been eyeing up hrt
can u add me, and there's no pressure to meet up, I'm probably gonna be forced to hang at .y aunts house
God why did discord mess up isernames
ur not cute for doing this all the time btw just a attention seeking faggot
Ur a pretty good shitposter
it's fucking annoying. she's only doing this because nobody interacts with her on her discord personally dedicated to her
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rep bros... i dont feel so good...
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if i wanted to be an attention seeking faggot id be posting selfies all the time
and ive been told im pretty cute
every time I buy alcohol
they have to stare ar my id for like 20 seconds
I'm done
im.so over e everything
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Most beautiful woman..
They looking at dat gender marker yo
its not too late for you at least...
What does Nick Lang do all day? He can't even keep his poopy poophole clean of poop so what keeps him so busy?
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maybe i should go buy some alcohol lol just to see if they even ask for my ID

i just vented to my mum about feeling like a parasite and a manchild who is immature and lazy and that i've become complacent in an existence where i don't try or push myself because i'm used to the suffering, and how she's enabling me by letting me live like this
she said she doesn't think that's the case, and pointed at me starting with a new therapist and engaging with vocational rehab and other things as proof that i'm not languishing, and stressed that things take time and that she thinks i'm more depressed than i am lazy. she's a really great mother and i just don't deserve her level of support

and yet i still think about suicide. told her i would share more but i didn't want to make her worry and she said she wasn't worried until i said that :(
told her i would promise to be safe and not self harm and that seemed to help her feel better, but i didn't mention how i'm regularly thinking of dying and looking up ways to do it and places to purchase SN or other means

god can you imagine

thanks i've been doin it since i was 12 lmao i've been on this site for almost two fucking decades
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Not sure how to feel about this guy I'm friends with suddenly identifying as gay and giving himself the "tranny" and "faggot" pass after he started dating an early-transition FTM who he infantilizes the fuck out of, especially since he was "bi" when he was hitting on me

I hate chasers so much, I want to say something but I know it's ultimately pointless since he surrounds himself with pick-me's
kek guys like that are so schkeevy
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worried troongenders are real
why is he using whiskey as bongwater
xannyberries + watching video game streams literally all day like a male incel would. it's v cringe life
its a bottle i think
oh that makes more sense
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It's a sin to tell a lie. I have a masculine face, it's too long. My eyes are tilted wrong. My forehead is too big. And that's just the face. My ribs are huge too.
starting hrt at 16 is so inhumane
nobody on used to know looks like this
it's embarrassing
I was just coming onto you in a half hearted way desu
How does your mum enable all that?
what's it like having parnents?
maplestory runescape habbo hotel gaia online
by letting me live with her, which means i don't have to worry about rent or food since i just give her my disability as rent/food payment, which means i can just exist without needing to struggle outside of struggling to not kill myself
idk i feel like maybe if i had an incentive to push myself more i could improve more? but i also feel like if i tried moving out right now and working a job enough to pay for rent and food i would have a mental breakdown within probably 2-3 months due to anxiety/depression/pstd stuff depending on the job

my mother is supportive and sometimes overbearing
my father isn't much of one and i feel like shit when i am around him or think about him and what he's done
it balances out to being just ok i guess
I liked runescape. I remember being 12 years old cutting yews or something talking to an iraq war veteran who lost his left leg
I love this picrel
captcha D8 MT DW
why ate you all okay with ruining your relationships with you family? suddenly they die, and it's over, ffor your gendsr? that's worth it?
I played all of those but habbo
habbo was never my thing
I played like club penguin and moshi monsters as a kid
that and maplestory
good times
my parents don't give a shit about my genders or transgenderism
plz stop posting selfies my eyes do not like it at all
REAL niggas played neopets
my entire family is accepting of me. im extremely lucky and privileged for this
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negative cantal tilt eyes are cute dnt get brainwormed over tht please lol
What's happened to your arc since i last spoke to you?
I thought you worked in a hotel or something and supported yourself
My entire family is supportive and respectful about my transition
You just talked about your parents arguing the other day. Just another lying fucking Canadian. Christ, get the TS straightened out, you can do it.
i have parents but they alawys felt more like landlords i had to appease so i didn't get evicted and murdered. i get scared when they try to talk to me
i'm not gonna learn typescript i've given up all aspirations of software development don't even enjoy it as a hobby i would rather work my job than code
idk when we last spoke
rough timeline from the past two years
>have apartment and job
>get doxed and kicked out of sword exercise group and social roleplaying group
>quit job bc suicidal
>use weed
>end up in hospital
>do psych treatment
>start back at job near sept of last year
>come december/january
>have drug relapse due to two factors
>one of the factors was just availability
>the other was an upsetting thing
>quit job again
>burn entire savings in a month on weed
>almost end up in the hospital again from hyperemesis
>do psych treatment again
>was planning to move out of state
>instead move in with mother, who had just moved to a new town
>since then
>worked on model kits to distract from SH and SI
>just got a new therapist
>started working with vocational rehab to have guidance on job stuff
>currently treading water until i hear back from vocational rehab
things were ok until shit collapsed and i've been trying to get back on my feet since then
based family
>get doxed and kicked out of sword exercise group and social roleplaying group
I only do ebil
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cotton candy = sigma?
I don't remember when either, i'm something of a retard.
That all sounds... difficult, but i daresay you'll get back on the horse.
>model kits
What kind?
sorry but anime is largely for pedophiles and just all around bad vibes and such
reminder it's OK to be racist against black people since 95%++++ of them are extremely homophobic
black lgbt be like
ok this is epic
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must have been gone awhile to miss paiges gunpla arc
I like the little robits
>you two achieved what you wanted just now
and that is? kat i just want this to stop.
>but then again i just had a good read on what you actually think about marina so
i think marina is a cute and nice girl and that you really should stop threatening her :)
>could have just been honest last night instead of trying to safe face
what does this mean
peter scrotedinger
I saw gunpla, i wanted a more specific rundown. I also like the little robits
i thought that was discord users. every time i hear about some groomer the logs are from discord.
I'm not, but the thing is they are the ones with the problem. Instead of being happy for you for being happy they want to fit you into a mould of what they think you should do and who you should be.
oh, based
>alawys felt more like landlords i had to appease so i didn't get evicted and murdered
They forced you to pay rent when you were a child, did they? Clearly, I don't believe that shit.
>i get scared when they try to talk to me
For what reason? You are their daughter, do they really breathe down your neck about it?
>i've given up all aspirations of software development don't even enjoy it as a hobby i would rather work my job than code
Why? Is there anything you actually enjoy? Don't give me more edgelady bullshit.
I don't like my selfies either anon

If I have to live in this sack of shit that reeks of coconut and lavender then you can at least look at it and tell me Im ugly. >>36288838
It's a masculine feature and I KNEW it wasn't BDD and Really was a negative tilt
large overlap
why are you mean to me?
Definitely not "prison-bi", meme-flaggot. Been on any hikes/nature walks?
>It's a masculine feature
its literally not lol
the flag is me having fun at some of the posters here who doubt my bi/pansexuality
unfortunately not
but I found out I currently reside closer to the valley than I thought so when I have a free day I want to
>why are you mean to me?
How exactly? If anything, I'm concerned about you. I can be harsh though, I am exactly the same IRL. Granted, the smarter part of me thinks you are just larping with your nonsense.
idk maybe they should reevaluate their "culture" and how it produces chimping out low impulse control behavior and stop blaming whitey for everything
Try and make time to do it, if you can. Assuming that you are similar to me in that respect, it always feels great when just spending time in the woods.
minorities need to police their people!
nick lang has offically reach the twink death spiral ohnonono there's no coming out of either OHNONONO IT'S GONNA GET SO MUCH WORSE OHNOOONOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
angle faggotry focal length faggotry everything faggotry
You definitely know how to maximize being insufferable. However, I will take that as confirmation. That being said, be safe, and make some friends. Even if they are internet friends, it can be worth it.
i say different things to different people because certain things are more amenable for certain people to hear and thus will allow me to get further in a conversation with them its just human nature kat. regardless i know ive never said anything that would imply i dont think marina is cute or that i dont like interacting with her.do i think either of you have handled this scenario particularly well? no. but in my view marina is the aggrieved party here and you need to stop playing the victim.
>playing best friends with mono in DM's
i wasn't playing best friends with her, she was just being reasonable about wanting to deescalate the conflict and i believe that communication is the key to deescalation but i guess thats not allowed.
also, marina isnt going to just turn on me all of a sudden for no reason, shes not like u.
I often jerk off to the thought of Mono's dick coming out of Nick's poopy anus. Still the tip is covered with poop and Mono rushes to the computer to type a post on mtfg. The thought that there is still Nicks poop on Monos dick while everything is typed back and forth arouses me so much.
fuck you
Do I need ffs anon
I'm 8months on.
Promise this is the last uggo selfie for awhile.
Also, answer a fucking question once in your life.
That does sound pretty twofaced to be honest.
that's hot tbhfam
im trying to deescalate the situation, part of that is telling people what they want to hear
You have no honour. Good day.
would u rather me just stoke the fire more?
im just trying to prevent things from getting worse but it seems like she has no interest in that whatsoever
i don't see humanity in women
correct it’s gross
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by blobbert
he lied and said i was a neonadzee recruiting for the dark web lol so they kicked me out immediately

uh lately i've been working the neptune sire from FSS, prior to that the last build i did was a painted mk ii gundam
>reeks of coconut and lavender
but those are good smells
grown ass man playing with action figures
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god blobby was so fucking based
bro did not go far enough
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Is Germany trying to speedrun to Hitler 2.0 or what
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Good morning to you as well. I hope things are going alright. I you have problems to that degree, the are almost completely internal. Your cone-tits are not the issue. Talk to you soon, neighbor.
neon adzee
Is it bad that i have a lot of gunpla, but no Gundam?
I want them to release an MG Aerial, but until then i dunno which i'll get.
Barbatos possibly
he can only bother ppl from afar, not in person
excellent observation anon
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Last time I went to a rave one of my friends ran into me and said "Wow, you look great congrats on the weightloss!" and I blushed and was very flattered but it just occurred to me that it basically translates to "Wow! you used to be fat as FUCK!"
this is actually the slowrun
goons cutely
i hate autistic people are their plastic trinkets. disgusting manchildren
Yes yes anon, you have cool hobbies and loads of friends.
ngl you're the most useless retarded faggot i've ever seen. literally just get over it. oh no my heckin epic LARP sword thingy group kicked me out because they found out my true thoughts & feelings of being an epin racist my life is ruined i can't recover i'm so suicidal this is going to take decades to get back to.

What's it going to take faggot? You going to be into your 30's leeching off your poor mom still and playing with ching chong robot toys to distract yourself from muh feelingz muh suicidal. Just rope
>I you have problems to that degree, the are almost completely internal.
I deserve the insults.
If you have problems to that degree, they are almost completely internal.
thank you queen
I know, but I have to be accurate. I'm not BDD, I'm ugly.

Also sometimes passionfruit. My shampoo is passionfruit. I use coconut oil for moisturizer and lavender is my deodorant.
You are ugly and also annoying.
Thank you anon, you are correct.
really good choices
my friend recently gave me some cologne and it smells like incense and leather
tf kinda hippie gay faggot shit is that? use moisturizer and deodorant like a regular person you ghoul jesus
I wish Caroline a good night, sleep well and have sweet dreams
am i still Eastbaymedic schizo?
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i'd love to see blob try to fuck with an actual neonazi AB gangbanger irl

neon adze

it's cool, barbatos is a good build. i've heard good things about the FM aerial if you don't want to wait for an MG of it
frfr if a lanky hon troone walked past me and smelled like BO and lavendar i'm not sure if their appearance of smell would make me want to vomit harder
reminder to take your meds anon
>barbatos is a good build
Do yoy have one?
>FM aerial
I'll probably get it, there's so few gunpla kits i like it'd be silly not too
I'd love to see him fuck with leaving his apartment and getting fresh air for once.
he still thinks I'm some guy he talked to in discord like 3 years ago, and saved that his pics and home address, crazy stalker shit. he's the one on meds, not me
I was just describing what scents they are. It's not literally lavender, it's lavender scented.

Coconut oil is literally just coconut oil though. It's good at anything.
i do, i enjoyed building it too. the inner frame is really enjoyable desu, lots of pistons and autism

>he's the one on meds
doesn't act like it lol
Ok based i'll get one. Uhhh... whenever i finish this current build i'm doing.
I'll try and remember to post it when i do
he said he's been in the psych ward a bunch of times and forgets who the "good" posters are that he's not supposed to stalk when he doesn't take his crazy meds.
intelligence agency mindset
I have once again failed to grocery shop like an adult
20 should be more than enough to feed me for a week and yet I can't navigate the godforsaken store without having a meltdown
my girlfriend likes to go out in the afternoon and look for neighborhood cats to meet it's so cute
Just spent 130 on maybe three days of food. It's rough, but delicious.
20 what?
that sounds amazing
I hate walking down isles of shit I can't afford
canadian dollery doo's
prices are insane and the value is low but living off pasta is still possible
smarter people than me can maybe even manage nutrition into that
Where does the rest of your money go?
they all hate me they're all scared of me
excited for beach tomorrow
how is your head ?
have a hood time and wear sun screen
the rest?
I don't have money, just what my mom lends me for food
and the occasional gift from family or such
most money I have goes to food or if someone else in my family I'm not liable to horde
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aw thats nice
everytime i see a stray cat on the street they run away from me i wish they wouldnt
thats my thoughts when i see a bunch of street cats on the street
nice have fun
im going to the beach on friday with my friend i think
will be sorta scary for me but excited
you also remember to wear sun screen
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showing some progress on the siren, here's most of the inner frame painted, some areas don't have paint bc they're covered by armour and also need to have bare plastic for good cementing, other tiny bits might need some hand paint finishing, but overall it's coming together decently
i feel like society has a sort of psychotic haze atm
whelp I guess I'm cut off from drinking anything in th house but coffee and water now
coffee only if I'm lucky
become a patriot
imagine having to wear sunscreen
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and here is some of the lower body with some of the armour test fitting on



leddit meem
I have no personality
How do I buy one/acquire one
I didn't leave my house for nine years
physically at least
i know it's only gonna end up getting hitlers elected everywhere
You can stream all 11 seasons of Baywatch on Netflix commercial free.
yeah, its gotten worse recently
maybe i'm out of touch then

yea that's what got hitler elected too, gays in tv ads lol
settle down
the first step is to get to know other people
glad the soreness went away
I thought it was the terrible economic conditions that resulted from excessive reparations imposed by the treaty of Versailles?
Do you work? Granted, you might still be in college. However, I am curious. During a particular part of my life, after release from a not great place; I worked multiple jobs that paid alright, I was a manual laborer though.
MEF, did you misappropriate photos to post when asked about how you look?

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