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QOTT: JK Rowling commands all gays to go to battle tonight against the transgender community. Do y'all accept or deny?

OLD: >>36280476
who gives a fuck what a rich old bigot has to say. you can't be this stupid
imagine caring what some retarded billionaire thinks
I'd rather jerk off elon musk
Who wants to be my boiwife?

qott: yes!!
Better and more relevant question

He is your ideal bodytype, like you made this guy in a character creator
How muh can he get away with?
not much. i'm into personalities
>be billionaire
>can donate/raise awareness for real problems like war, child/sex trafficking, poverty, impoverished nations, etc.
>spend all day on twitter complaining about transgender people, calling them predatory men
JK Rowling is pathetic
did u guys archive emily?
pls drop the link
acting passive aggressive like a woman and letting you clearly know you did something wrong and theyre pissed but won't tell you what's wrong

oddly specific i know.
which billionaire isn't
Im pretty sure she entirely funds centers for rape victims but ok
i hate trannies but jk rowling is so annoying so i hate her more. if i had her money id spent it traveling around the world with my bf not whining about le troons on the internet
holes and soles
Jk rowling is a dogshit author and a batshit radfem whose only redeeming quality is her stance on trannies
crossposting >>36286742
I would let him stick his dick in me in my sleep without my consent
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>She's even transphobic when she's helping people

What the fuck is her major malfunction?
My point is that she's hyper-fixated on 0.01% of the global population to an unhealthy autistic degree, demonizing them and trying to invalidate their existence. When there are actual problems she should be concerned with.
My boyfriend is literally allowed to suck my dick while I'm asleep and apparently I do cum. It's his fetish or something... I don't get it, but whatever.
yeah she literally only does that as a means of excluding trannies
lol, rich people are so hateful
kill yourself
>invalidate their existence
therapy-speak babble. Doesn't mean shit, she's just saying dudes with cocks are women. lmfao.
>dudes with cocks are women
If you don't go all the way, you're not trutrans.
battle against the transgender community, absolutely.
battle against their right to exist, no.
hate to say it sweetie, but there's no such thing as trans. There's just males and females. cosmetic surgery and hormones wont change that
can i ask what's the distinction here?
somewhere, there are alien just like us. i can feel it, i believe they live in other galaxies
She’s so ugly
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i dont listen to females, their opinions should always be discarded
lol 99% of transwomen mog her
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I’d probably accept.

The people against Rowling are the same people who are against biology.

Trans-folk try their very hardest to teach wrong shit to everyone.

Men cannot get pregnant, and saying that they can is just bullshit semantics. A man to one is not a man to another.

It’s the same with people who deny that some races have different cognitive traits and capacities compared to others.

It doesn’t matter how much this hurts the feelings of dysphoric or sexually unhappy people, it’s still the objective truth.

People today are just really not satisfied with reality, especially biological reality.
wait so you believe in differences between races but don't believe that hormones affect your biology?
you sound just like my top after a few beers. except you thankfully didnt drop any N bombs
>but there's no such thing as trans.
Yes there is.

>There's just males and females. cosmetic surgery and hormones wont change that
Biological sex isn't binary. There's intersex and other medical conditions.

>cosmetic surgery and hormones wont change that
They literally can and do though lmfao
What an ugly spiteful man.
Outliers aren’t the norm, and pretending the 1% disproves the actual norm is pure insanity, sorry.
u should talk to me anyway despite their tantrums
>Biological sex isn't binary.
Yes it is
>There's intersex and other medical conditions.
You appear to be insane or deranged.
>woke up
>still no latino bf
Why is life like this
>anon forgets the cis
>trannies flood the thread
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Wow, you're shitting and pissing yourself and thrashing around and frothing at the mouth. There's literally only males and females. Sorry.

Yes, injecting hormones into your body will have various physical and mental effects. Hurrr. You're still a dude.
that doesn't make any sense
you're trying to make a hard rule and then acting like the 1% of exceptions shouldn't exist or be taken into account because they don't fit in the hard rule you made up
maybe your interpretation is wrong if you have to pretend like outliers don't exist.
Objectively, there is a bigger difference between a man and a trans woman than there is between a white person and a black person. Why do you believe in racial biological differences and not trans people?
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Life is cruel

Kill yourself retarded shitter.
theres this meme that gay dudes only want a boy but thats desu true for everyone

Its because we all want to give your kid everything you wanted but didnt have, so guys want a son. its just that simple
>op makes a tranny politics thread
>thread full of tranny politics
Anon, find me a man who was a born a man, who is capable of being pregnant.

You can’t.
>lived in texas and cali
>latinos everywhere
>all of my exs are latino
>move to east coast
>literally none
horrible fate
this is called a non-sequitur, a statement that does not logically follow from any previous argument
There's a Harry potter world a few minutes from my house but I'm too poor to go. They're even expanding it, so I would love to go. I dont want a sugar daddy, Im going to save up to go myself. and hopefully pay for a friend too
A man is one who impregnate a woman.

A woman is one who is impregnated by a man.

Infertility does not apply. Defective jizz is still jizz. A dried up uterus is still a uterus.
So you can’t find one. I accept your concession.
Why do people say JK Rowling is a horrible writer when the books were meant for little kids? it couldn't be too advanced or we would have lost interest. I loved harry potter when I was a kid
Nah, I'm not. You're just a hateful little bitch. You can be biologically male, but still look, sound act, present and thus be perceived as female by society. Nobody goes around with a karotype detector device and scans people to find out whether they're male or female. They just use their senses.

I'm glad you've decided to embrace your retardation instead of denying it.
Holy shit, the cope in this post, you have to be fucking delusional.
So this is gaygen when we allow trans women in

Lesson fucking learned
There's nothing more romantic than eating your boyfriend's shit.
>It's shit because it's meant for little kids!
holy copium
this is gaygen?
I thought it was just a jk rowling trannies thread
maybe op should have not made a jk rowling trannies thread
>wake up
>am the latino bf
Feels good brothers
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You are a man who identifies as a woman
Deal with it you cretin
Nobody hates you, they’re just annoyed by your failing intellect
I don't think it's shit at all, I just think it's meant to be accessible for children. A lot of us read it when we were aged 8 so anything more advanced might have been too frustrating at that age
you need to shave your shoulders hon
This is a JK Rowling thread claiming to be a gaygen thread.
True, but we respect trans identified males. However, this is a cis thread.
Bi tops have always been welcomed in /gaygen/.
It is really fucking scary just how willfully ignorant and uneducated trannies like this one anon can be

Education has never been under more boulders than this day and age holy shit
Her books written for adults are way worse than the Harry Potter series.

JK is Cersei's girlboss transpiration.
Why can I smell vomit
Yikes. You need to relax. There's no such thing as changing your gender. You're referring to something called personality, and men can often be feminine. You're still a guy. Sorry, but there's literally no such thing as transgender. The concept got accepted by white society out of pity. It's not real whatsoever. You're either a male or a female. If you ask the average normie to explain what transgender is, they literally won't be able to.

There's also no such thing as passing. Men and women have distinct bodily structures that can't be altered by pharmaceutical drugs. The online trans "passers" are always simply using deceptive angles and lighting. You would 100% know they were a guy in real life.
dick and jane are causing trouble for us it seems
>Men and women have distinct bodily structures
men and women have different average bone structure, with some overlap
women deserve women only spaces
trannies out
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stop fighting i just want to talk about attractive men
She's based for this sis.
The JK supporter is obviously transgender and trying to derail gigi. I don't know how no one else sees how obvious it is. Xe also blatantly samefag xir own posts.
>comes to gay thread
>talks about trans topics
???? as if they didn't have the entire board already
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>If you ask the average normie to explain what transgender is, they literally won't be able to.

I tell trannies this all the fucking time, and they just retort with “well they’re ignorant” as though they themselves aren’t the true ignorants. The average bloke on the side of the road does not consider there to be any distinguishable difference between sex and gender. It is indistinguishable. It is all goddamned semantics, but for some reason trannies (like religious people and autists) can’t into semantics, and I find it particularly offensive, since the idea that words have different meanings is perhaps one of the most beautiful things about all human culture. Trans folk insist everyone use the words they want to use, like word Nazis. Forget grammar Nazis. “Um I think you mean gender, not sex, idiot” is about as dumb and pretentious as D&D autists saying “Um, ackchyually, Gandalf was a Cleric, not a Wizard”, and it says a fuck ton about the intelligence and mentality (or just mental health) of the average dolt who claims to be a tranny or progressive or etc. The same way Catholic Christians refuse to see how their church and mass rituals are literally indistinguishable from witchcraft.

Really, you should be very afraid, the way intelligence is going.
>Really, you should be very afraid, the way intelligence is going.
This isn't how you use commas
Damn, I’m better at common sense than half of the scientific community? Feels as though this is something even cavemen knew for certain.
Y’all ever get caught up in the bussy and decide to make a tape in the heat of the moment?
no & if someone i was with tried it i would kick them out
Short pauses, in speeches, are weird to you? Hmm, I’m not sure, what to think, of this. I
it seeps in
huh? its only like $50-60 a ticket for Florida residents if you know where to look
just deleted my grindr. the bottom epidemic is getting worse
>The same way Catholic Christians refuse to see how their church and mass rituals are literally indistinguishable from witchcraft.
what's considered a weird age gap?
Commas don't actually represent short pauses. That's a shorthand trick we teach small children to help them understand how to properly use them, and something you should have unlearned by late grade school. Incredible you feel confident calling other people dumb, though.
How boring
should we just abandon ship
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Catholics go to a house to worship a dead guy’s ghost and partake of his flesh and blood, or else they go to hell.

Catholics are symbolical cannibals lol. At its most ironic in European history, monks of the Church were the ones to attempt to summon demons, and the Church was in reality a self hating, self prosecuting guild of mages by any other name.

Mexican ladies also sacrifice chickens to mother Mary, and Haitian vodou, hoodoo, etc, all incorporate heavy aspects of the Catholic belief system.

Christianity just has a monopoly on words and semantics.
You should stick to people older than your age/7 + 2
realistically there is none assuming both are adults. only straights give a fuck
Yeah, no. That’s a failure to see that reading is just another form of speech.
a faggot goes down with his ship

did you really need an explanation
>this person thinks he's smarter than other people because he can't use commas correctly
post the tape
Idiot. Periods and commas are punctuation marks. A period ends a sentence. A comma shows a pause, breaks up a list or separates part of a sentence. This technique should be familiar to you as you will have studied it at 3rd level. Teachers teach that commas represent pauses in speech patterns.

Are you arguing with that anon purely because you got ass blasted over sex and gender or something? Argumentative spite?
Boomer and zoomer
why is harry's son back ruining the thread today
Wow, I bet Tolkien’s painful writing would melt your brain.
Again, you are merely repeating a shorthand trick used to explain the function of commas to children. Do you think semi-colons, colons, and periods are all fungible?
Okay you’re not even answering the question, so you are being argumentative purely out of spite, LOL.
we should make a plot where u kill oliver and its
publicized and it was because u just wanted to
be called aryan and we all come to respect that and no
one wouldve been harmed because thats u!
Could you sound any more pretentious or mad on the internet
Comma chameleon
>Commas don't actually represent short pauses
They do. What even is this fucking thread.
Big balls
> Tonight....you
>google commas
>see the word ‘pauses’ everywhere
Lol you’re so mad you have to argue about something you aren’t even familiar over lol
Clarifying that you are incorrect is answering the question.
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I wish I had a cute anime daughter who looked like this.
You are so petty and brittle it’s adorable
I LOVE Joanne. Talk about a kween. I wonder how big Harry's cock was? He was a jock you know...
This Dr disrespect thing is so funny 2024 is the year of the clown
we all saw how big it was
FINALLY HOOOOOOME. i think ive slept like 4 hours total the past few days
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41/7 + 2 = 7.85

Yikes! Not very teen meat of u
innocent until proven GUILTY. i hope hes innocent. i love the doc.
what if i'm mid 30s but look like 25 year old twink?
I want to get blacked
Boomer + gen alpha (once they turn legal)
Or whatever is after gen alpha + gen x
Or whatever is after the one after gen alpha + millenials. Luckily I am a millennial so I can fuck for a few more generations before I need to kms.
my first question to you, as men, is, since when do we take orders from a woman?!
people have told me, it's not my opinion
>we respect trans identified males.
>Bi tops have always been welcomed in /gaygen/.
Whenever I say “white people did the most for the modern world” I get looked at like I’m Hitler or something

Why is this?
no ma'am
We wish a n word would retaliate bro we have soooo many missiles
His own game studio just cut ties with him and he didn't outright deny doing it. The lack of hard proof does make me think he could be innocent but idk I think he's a bit of a scumbag even though he's objectively entertaining and funny
so its really normal for faggots to have guys who they are just friends with but they also fuck all the time?

im kind of new to seeing guys. i met a guy off grindr, saw each other a lot for a while, i start to get feelings but he doesnt want a relationship. we kept seeing each other and i was kinda hoping/expecting it might change but no now we are just friends who bang.

we play games together and like spending time together, but he still constantly goes on about other guys he talks to on grindr and i guess im just nothing but some friend he fucks now

guess i will end it soon. i dont understand how people can like someone enough to spend so much time together, do stuff together, have sex, but it just be like "lol yeah we're friends"

to think we actually tricked straights into giving us rights and convinced them our relationships are valid lmao
Probably because you're making something that isn't about race about race and it reveals some underlying issue that you have. You also are probably weird looking.
you don't like married with children?
the game studio is just looking out for their interests but that studio is sort of a sinking ship either way.
Yeah. If you're friends with a gay man, expect sex will eventually occur that's possibly noncommittal. Being friends with a gay friend, who you don't have sex with is pretty rare.
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God damm it
Oh wait nvm that's the freshie troll I knew he was racist I thought it was one of the new trips I'm high
Being friends with a gay man*
what if it was a sting and doc called their bluff. like they had a twitch staff member pose as a minor with the intent to hook-up with him and twitchcon, but he somehow knew so when he took him to court he showed him how he knew they were trapping him and twitch had to pay out for entrapment.
it's a tracker
the last time i checked?
nobody pays good money for cum.
nobody would pay money for your cum.
I will fight for you, my Queen! Death to all those with internalised homophobia!
What if they aren’t actually racist and they simply stated a fact casually and even forgot about it a few seconds later, until someone mentioned it again due to how annoyed they are.

You can state facts without having an agenda you know. Humans are meant to parrot information.
ur high on fats luv
i know. just don't be weird and tell me you post here if we happen to run into eachother. also, not every anon is me.
Isn't it incredibly good to be a bigot though?
d*baser expost as freshieanon stan
>so its really normal for faggots to have guys who they are just friends with but they also fuck all the time
Drain your bros balls they drain yours its nbd we dont need to make a big federal case about it
The idea that all humans are equally productive and contribute equally to the development of the human race is quite illogical

Equity of outcome doesn’t exist anywhere in nature
What should I invest $2000 in?
ppl who make stupid/rash decisions always think everyone with common sense is boring. if you were extolling the virtues of black tar heroin you'd call me boring too
it's the most undeniable form of low intelligence
it's not me who knows who you are
who came in my wallet?
yourself. get something you want or that makes your life better. what are you missing out on anon
Being a bigot is actually a sigh of high IQ at times since new/correct knowledge is always upsetting to the majority lol

Common knowledge today would be very offensive 500 years ago

The knowledge of the future would likely piss us off today, and that’s an even a big understatement

What would my returns be?
>a sigh of high IQ
>Common knowledge today would be very offensive 500 years ago
Don’t need to go that far back either. Just like a hundred years, even less.
I gave you everything and you used me!
then save it. shit will come up
BIG SURPRISE delta leeching off someone for money instead of getting off his fat ass and getting a real job
>normal for faggots
Or I could invest it.
>tfw no tankienon bf
Imagine blocking information from your brain if it isn’t typed correctly.
honestly its just sad to me. i like this guy a lot and itll hurt to not see him anymore but i dont want to just be some guy he fucks and i dont want to have to hear him talking about other guys and desu i wont wanna sleep with him if he sees anyone else anyway

maybe im a prude but i cant do this shit and i dont want to be just another slutty fag who bangs random guys like its nothing

guess ill just be a loner homo who jerks off and finds other shit to fill my life becuase clearly actuall relationships dont really happen
lol you think people should pay to sleep with you? you really are delulu
No, I think it means that you're still in possession of a soul. I know this on account of the fact that people who brandish this term are invariably soulless gender blobs.
Yea idk I just think it's funny
I mean that would still say something pretty bad about doc
Then they just have autism which is why people stare at them
The opposite is true and statistically significant
buy nfts and bitcoin
all in on the roulette table. black.
imagine thinking you have anything of value worth reading
like the fresh prince of bellaire. call me hollywood. i hope you like a show.
double bah

Don’t end it. Play the long game.

You need to understand that men are in denial about a lot of things, especially a committed relationship lol.

Actions speak louder than words, and it is easy to be there for someone.
If you're dating anyone who wasn't born on the exact same day, month and year as you, it's an unacceptable age gap and you're a disgusting pervert!
>gender blobs
Imagine thinking knowledge doesn’t piss people off. You’re proving it right now.

Is this an ideal fag couple?
I gave you a plate of corn muffins back in 2020 to paint my chicken coop and you never did it.
i'm slightly androgynous
it depends on doc's motives. maybe he knew twitch just had it in on him so went along with it so he could cash out as didn't see twitch surviving in it's own right. with his own brand recognition he got to cash out of twitch and move onto a new contract on his terms. psychotic if anything. significant short term game at the cost of a long term relationship with twitch. it's possible. guys a streamer. we don't often see behind the mask.
You can't go wrong by buying FAANG or SPY/SPXL. Bear in mind that the market has been very unstable these days, so you could try with NVDL, SOXS or SPXS.
i mean part of me is like if im gonna bang grindr guys it might as well be someone i like spending time with but if we enjoy spending time together and having sex but thats not enough to just be together idk what the fucking point even is
who the hell wants corn in a muffin
blueberry pls
Why not fuck around yourself to test the waters as well as his feelings? See how he reacts. Continue sleeping with other guys around him. You need to be more clever in a situation like this. Don’t be an absolutist; you miss out on hypothetical future opportunities that way. Don’t do it. Don’t be a regretful bastard like me. Just don’t become jaded either. Don’t take the sex for granted.
Gays are disgusting
half your age minus seven or something idk i only fuck older guys
>Yikes. You need to relax.
No, fuck you. I have very little patience for retards.

>There's no such thing as changing your gender.
Yes there is, and people do it all the time.

>Sorry, but there's literally no such thing as transgender.
Yes there is. It's recognized medically, legally and politically.

>There's also no such thing as passing. Men and women have distinct bodily structures that can't be altered by pharmaceutical drugs.
A lot of trans men and trans women pass. Some can pass with very little effort, while others have to put in a lot of effort to pass. Everyone has different bodily structures, even among the same sex.
They couldn't have it on him if he didn't try to meet up with someone appearing to be a minor. Whether or not it was a sting he would be screwed, though only public image wise as I assume he's already set financially.
I don't like corn, full stop. I do, however, enjoy picking the corn out of my boyfriend's poo and pretending I'm a prospector :P
It's like cornbread but muffin shaped
>Yes there is, and people do it all the time.
Women can’t have a surgery that allows them to impregnate men, and men don’t have a surgery that allows them to give birth or have periods, etc.
>gender is not sex
To the average bloke on the side of the road it is. If you insist it is, then by that point you’ve entered semantic territory, and what is a man to one is not going to be a man to another. The same way past Christians thought pagan gods were bad demons, not gods.
>A lot of trans men and trans women pass.
oh ok cool
post one transwoman that passes
Lmao. Not even close.


Maximum(18, ((Age/3 + 7) - ((1/12)*(.5*Pounds of Muscle over Median) + ((1/12)*1*Pounds of Fat Over Median) + (Income // 150000)

I will be raw fucking 18-19 year old boys easily into my 50s.
Passing doesn’t mean they’re that sex. It just means they pass off as that sex.
ya, you put some butter on it. delish. cut the too off and slice the bottom into wedges. get a plate.
>may have thought it meant country boy corn :/
don't think I've ever had it
>but thats not enough to just be together idk what the fucking point even is
Drain his balls, he drains yours
If you want something deeper maybe get off grindr
>Play the long game
i tried. i nearly ended it when he said he wanted to see other guys (we were exclusive for a bit) but i thought i might as well keep banging him for a while because we have a good time but i can tell now it really wont change.

we have good sex, enjoy spending time together and i actually care about him but thats not enough apparently and hes still on grindr all day talking to other guys. he often tells me about them usually saying what freaks they are but apparently theyre still good enough to talk to.
>Why not fuck around yourself to test the waters as well as his feelings?
i mean thats basically what im gonna do, tell him im not just gonna be some guy for him to fuck until he finds something else. we've spent a lot of time together over the past few months and ill miss him, if there's anything between us he'll miss me too and maybe somethng will change but if not there is no point investing more time and energy into him.
Right. I'm not delusional enough to believe I'll ever be a biological woman. But if I can look, sound, act, dress and be perceived as a woman by society, that's good enough for me.
"Dr drizzrespect"
You slice down the middle put butter in there then eat it from the baking paper
Your British is showing
you know how i know your gay? you don't like corn muffins.
So for me it's around Maximum(18, 12.5).
And sorry that should read (age/3 +5)

My income is growing about 30k/yr but my muscle/fat ratio remains impeccable. That gives me another 19.5 yrs before I need to stop fucking teens.
>If you want something deeper maybe get off grindr
I mean, you're right, and maybe I'll try. But most guys on actual dating apps are such normies and I dont feel like I can connect with them but yeah I probably should
got offered $30k to fly out to Dubai and shit in some guys mouth
why are arabs always into poop?
That also means if you make a hafl respectable income of $150k per yr and are at least half attractive you can be fucking 18 year olds until you're 39. Why are you fat fuggies too pathetic to fuck them?
post your photo already, I'm 18
Could she rep her FTM any harder?
Her every tweet at this point can basically be summarized as "I wish I was a gay man."
i hate when you some of you bitches start talking to yourselves
Sometimes my headmates shit in each other's mouths...
she won't it's a deliberately ridiculous character she invented to get (you)s on gaygen
She is a larper sis
Based long hair having, team sport ignoring, stage show performing, always angry for no reason, man.
I found my weed bottle in the fucking bed.
The weed store sold out of my usual weed liquid and I am trying out this backup, and the backup actually works pretty ok but I lost it in the sheets and I had to CHANGE my sheets and as I'm lifting the fitted sheet, the bottle falls out, it was trapped between the bed frame and the sheets.
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they're all me, even you
OK thanks
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Has anyone read this?
I started it the other day and it feels very dense.
That happened to my car keys once was so spooky
which poster is it really?
objects getting trapped within other objects is simply the worst
hold up
it's lemon loaf sans the lemon
that's quite boring
i bet debaser was the bigest sargon fan circa 2016
i bet it stained
it's not boring, it's corny.
oof. nikki mercz sweatin bullets
How can white bottoms even compete sis?
are fem bottoms allowed to date each other?
no the bottle has a childproof lid, ive actually never spilled one open before and I've been using weed liquid erryday for god almost a decade now.
Actually these aren't even my NORMAL bottles, these are even more annoyingly childproof, plus weed liquid doesn't have anything in it that could stain anything.
You have NO idea how happy I am I didn't just waste 60 dollars. The bottle was nearly full!
i need a rich older guy to take care of me
The gays.
god you fags are so fucking annoying
but lemon loaf is lemony
>I swear to thor I will hunt down the creator of webp and beat them to death with a shoe
the transgender woman angryposting in here because op hurt her feelings
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I love this twinks cute ears, eye shape, face shape..
The (((gays)))
do y'all realize that if trannies get purged us the gays are next?
He looks like a monkey.
me: a victoria sponge cake
deltoid: a southern corn bread (because he is racist and boring)
mmm, put your loaf in my mouth
what makes a sponge cake victorian?
I actually really like southern corn bread
racism is based, black people are genetic garbage
delta is more homophobic and generically conservatives than outright racist
Not necessarily, maybe it will even improve the LGBs' public image
hey I'm a bong
and still not a racist
it was made for queen victoria
explain her presence on telegram and hm and mg then? you cant because cooper is a deranged trannie pedo
pooner named cooper
ok but like its just normal vanilla sponge or what?
all humans look like mammals
cooper isn't freshieanon she doesn't have the vocabulary and makes too many typos
it's was apparently her favourite
freshienon makes lots of typos, she's an android phoneposter for sure aka poor
it's a sponge cake sandwich, filled with whipped cream and strawberry jam, topped with caster sugar
that was a bleagle larp tho
that would be funny but no
Okay freshieanon
How over is it for me with this physique?
https://unsee cc/album#XM3K8UHWlpAQ
Proof skylarp was a Bligger larp? Freshieanon could definitely be Bligger. Racist and mentally deranged.
Ozempic NOW
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>everyone I don't like is cooper
>everyone I don't like is doxanon
>everyone I don't like is freshieanon
>everyone I don't like is luvposter
>everyone I don't like is ******
yes yes sweaty we trust you
I'm anything but fresh
8410 mogged you
He looks finnish
> looks like 40+ yr old aids victim
Freshie anon is probs blu crying out for help
why does every poster need to be some other poster in disguise for you?
so you admit to being racist :0
>I'm a bong
>not a racist
t. Cooper aka doxanon aka freshieanon aka luv poster aka ******
because people like xanthippe and beagle create multiple trips like its normal. its not hard to realize some people dont get the attention they want and then start acting out
i absolutely hate tripnigger discussion hour
I've been trying to lose weight. I am very insecure about my body. Any advice? I think oxempic I'd a bit extreme plus I don't wanna go through the effort of getting it
How can I improve? I've been trying to eat less garbage
freshie anon posted pics when he first joined gigi he was a hot dilf definitely older no face but muscular
I just meant I'm quite sweaty
bongs aren't built for heat

still not a racist now drop it
at least bliggrr got tired of spamming the man that wouldnt fuck her
now an answer from someone that isn't insane
mogged fats mogged pizza gays mogged olds and twinkdeath gagatrondra
so you're trying to say that neither of those people have created multiple alts? lol
does /gaygen/ miss sneedfus? lol
This was just a white arm in a TGI Fridays. It could've been anyone.
Do you admit to being a pedo? Even if you'd never act on it? We need one of the tripfags to admit to it so gigi can move on
>still not a racist
that ship has sailed
Is womanhood performative?
anon: delta you are cute :3
delta: *ignores*
other anon (actually cooper phase 4): delta you are boring, fat and racist
delta: oi I'm not fat you bloody mothershagger
anon #3: delta ur from lancashire
it was a gym not a tgif but I lawled at the idea of 40 year old freshiepedo hanging out at tgifs waiting for some highschool or college boys to come around
the question is just done to troll and bring out schizos
Out of everyone? I fully believe delta is a suppressing pedophile. Not even the freshie poster is a real pedo but delta? Wew
kinda yeah, just ask any women if you dont believe
not a pedo either

bring me this fabled racism

who the hell called me cute
Pedo. Leave those kids alone.
>hurr I just dont notice the positive bc it doesnt happen
so full of shit you just want to be a miserable cunt
xanthief used to post as conbot and xe changed xer trip last week, bleagle has tried to come back but someone always finds out who xe is
That one makes the most sense and it looks like it works
beagle has been Scarlett blaze and kurowashi as alts as well
i like delta but these posts are funny as hell sorry delta lol'd irl
Freshieanon is Jeb, they type in the same voice and both have edemic cankles.
can the new thread be not about trangenders
Okay. Today I consumed three of these soft antibiotic pills and two activated charcoal pills. I didn't feel the need to shit, and passed very little gas compared to yesterday. I also didn't feel the characteristic stomach churning.
post body? unsee didn't work
but luckily for you black people easily get fit once they start working out

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