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prev thread >>36285332
qott should mentally ill people with chronic incurable illnesses/personality disorders be allowed to have children? eg chronic severe depression, borderline pd, bipolar disorder, ocd, npd, aspd, etc
i was going to mention that too but idk mef might be onto something
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All of my friends dead
well it makes me want to vote for a hitler
Yes, bodily autonomy over all else. It's the only right answer.
I will put you in a coffin
>should mentally ill people with chronic incurable illnesses/personality disorders be allowed to have children?
Yes why not. Lets have a bunch of little psychos. Sounds funny
we're basically in satanic panic 2.0 but with the internet so people are losing grasp of reality completely.
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>anya after u put her in a coffin
Its pretty uncomfortable
maybe having children isn't what i meant; should they be allowed to be parents? considering that we would be unable to be good enough parents and may even pass on our disorders to our kids? what right do parents have to abuse their kids? what if the abuse is inevitable no matter how hard the parent tries not to, because it's just who they are? why should there be a right to parenthood, when that means children will be born into suffering that they might not otherwise have had to endure?
what it would take to not allow it is probably worse than the harm of not disallowing it
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I'd say this is a slippery slope as it potentially could be applied against trans people, but we already neuter ourselves more often than not.
push me to da edge
The world feels fundamentally wrong in 2024 the vibes are just off
She gets it
yea and it's fun to think about hypotheticals and ideal worlds and such, at the very least because there are people who think about such as goals to strive for rather than thought experiments

again maybe im out of touch but vibes have been off since day one
no I'm a neet
my worthless ass would be dead or starving if not for my family taking care of me
I was thinking this earlier like something is just fundamentally wrong with this year I feel like I'm going crazy
holy shit me too
No I'm feeling it too. It's like, am I crazy? No! The world is crazy. It should be better.
maybe it's because it's an american election year?
omg me three we shuld form a polycule
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this is what was fun about day of the triffids and I guess apocalyptic sci fi generally
oh good it’s not just me
could just be you’re older now
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I am sure this is what the romans felt in 476
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did you ever read Uglies or Idlewild/Edenborn? those were interesting simple books that looked at societies structured totally differently
>Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
Right lol
Imagine the smell
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anyway time for slep gn frens
If this is true I'm killing myself
the election feels so uninteresting this year and stagnant and just like it isn't dominating as much as it should
we could have a communal booger bowl
no never heard of that sounds almost like I Am Legend for teenage girls
Ive read that book in like
10th grade
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what should i do before ending things?
im writing goodbye letters
i dont have a lot of money, who should i give it to?
i read it as a teenage boy

same tho i think i was in middle school not HS
>i dont have a lot of money, who should i give it to?
hand the last of your life savings to a homeless man then shoot yourself in front of him
Now that you say that you're right
It was around the same time as divergent right
im trying to traumatize as little as possible. im going to have it set up so the police are notified shortly after my death. that way nobody has to walk in on it and see
>that way nobody has to walk in on it and see
but that's part of the fun
lol bread what
youre a faggot, maybe you should be the one to kys
i would like to
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So… what’s the likelihood I find a non escort trans woman to fuck my girlfriend in front of me. Strictly for research purposes I promise.
ime it feels like disconnection
nothing wrong w that
sorry :(
I feel unattuned with mother gaia for not feeling the bad 2024 vibes
i dont keep up on y'all's dumb drama, but all i know is laguna reached out to me once when i was doing really poorly, and for that i thank her
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>a non escort trans woman to fuck my girlfriend in front of me
There's so many layers to this request it's not even funny

>guy wants to be cucked, doesn't have it in him to let a guy fuck his gf so he thinks a trans woman is somehow less cucky
>If it's hypothetically his girlfriend's idea, then it means she lacks the charisma to find a woman to sleep with
>both options imply both are too broke and uncharismatic to make their fantasies come true
It's like poetry
suicide seems more and more ideal by the day
Gonna astral project meet me on the moon
omg same
Nah I just don’t want to pay for it. I have no problems getting cucked by cis men, we’ve tried it before and liked it. Just think it’d be hot with a trans woman too. Was thinking feeld or something.
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fair enough, at least you're honest.
I am sorry, I hope things improve soon. hug.
i can never have a life worth living
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sleepy HON
God, your retardation never reaches its limit, does it?
You piece of shit. However, your voice sounds nice.
thanks desu why am i piece of shidd tho :((
Why do you hate yourself so much? I'll treat you like you aren't larping until you prove otherwise.
That long-ass recording. You even slowly transitioned between accents.
well yea the first two voices were characters, the last voice was normal speaking voice
>Sleepy Man Voice
Where? Clearly American, assuming you are honest
> Want to kill myself
Join the fucking club. I am not even a tranner, and I think about it regularly.
You could be a pretty good voice actress. Abandoning the redneck is functionally impossible for me.
lol poor paige
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>Where? Clearly American, assuming you are honest
idk what you mean
im an american sadly
>Join the fucking club. I am not even a tranner, and I think about it regularly.
based also why r u in the tranny thread
>You could be a pretty good voice actress.
thanks! i've thought about it, but am busy writing a BL visual novel rn lole

its ok wagmi
I love post-laser shadow, holy shit lol I have such a dark moustache area right now, can't look at myself without major dysphoria
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wow i never knew dr bronners made chocolate
murrica is a weird place full of loud people
plus all of my family is overseas and i kinda wish i could've gotten to know them, instead of being stuck over here
My feeeeeeeeeeet.
i am completely unable to relate to a female in any way
pls review
trip on

i don't really like dark chocolate but this is probably the best ive ever had its very creamy my friend said it almost tastes like nutella
My anon feeeeeeeeet.
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>im gonna go to sleep
>over an hour later
>not asleep
Our ancestors came here for a reason, probably because they were tired of the old world's bullshit. This place may be full of loud fat assholes, but at least people are free to be loud fat assholes here. I understand that you enjoy restraint, but without freedom restraint has no meaning. God bless America.
my "ancestors" got here in the 1950s on my mum's side and 1989 on my dad's. i have about as much connection to america through my blood as i do to africa or polynesia
thanks for the review
I like the flavor of nutella and hazelnut generally, my fav is prob dark chocolate rittersport w whole hazelnuts
so this sounds pretty good to me
I much prefer dark choco over milk choco
I think I'm going to go exploring tomorrow
>im an american sadly
This single statement makes me desire your death. Sad about what?
>based also why r u in the tranny thread
I get along very well with a few. So, I am cool with being here. I think about taking the long sleep for very different reasons.
>thanks! i've thought about it, but am busy writing a BL visual novel rn lole
Write away (I saw the typo), just make sure there is more to it than just BL.
Christ, shut the fuck up. Why do you always just bitch? Never try to help others, never try to make changes. Just bitch away. How about you quit trying to torture people here, and just live your fucking life?
sounds good just pay attn so you can find your way back
allowed? yes. discouraged gently as standard medical practice? also yes
voluntarist eugenics only
Oh, well nevermind then.
I live right near the pioneer fort and I never even noticed
sometimes I forget and get lost anyways
but I have gps so it should theoretical be impossible for me to get too lost
and I only need to walk for about 30 mins to see green and the valley specifically :>
I went to Costco when I was hungry and now I have 48 pop tarts
i miss the cool OP from last thread...
What flavor?
24 cinnamon and 24 strawberry
want some ?
is it inappropriate to go to a trans support group and cry about how suicidal being a gross tranny makes you while refusing to identify as anything other than he/him and deadname?
I mean it sounds like you could use some support
it feels rude i thought those groups were supposed to be feel good
Hmm maybe a cinnamon please
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>qott: No absolutely not. Dysgenics should be punishable by death. We (in the west) live in a welfare state system and there are not going to be enough workers in the next decade to fund the services that seriously Ill and disabled people need to survive. If you are not able bodied, at least moderately well mentally, and 100 iq minimum, you should not be allowed to procreate. We need ubermensch now more than ever. Nobody in this thread will ever have kids in the first place though.
You'll always be the same
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Keep crying abt me
"Altered htmls" Ain't no way this nigga up they ass this hard
I called you a whore because you made me angry by posting nudes on other places
I said I am a bad person and that I need you to stop being a cunt because I knew I could harm you if you kept abusing me
Though that being bad is heavily arguable
And the "baited into being hurt" comment got explained to you 15 times by now
I MEANT PLAYFULLY AS BANTER like poking someone until they're annoyed.
Ur trying to take it so out of context it's insane
All of this can be found intact in the htmls I posted, go figure if someone would hide insults like whore if they were to edit them
Kinda funny how absolutely no one cared and all I got is defended still
But keep trying to spread shit
Why are you baiting this retard? It helps neither one of you.
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Take a ganda at those quads proper nice aye
but who will keep your economy afloat tho retard
yes iwnbaw
do i have to put my real ass name into otokono or can i say im like Megatron Smith jr.

by all means take two packs
catharsis ?
song of the summer imo

never change

I don't know what I would do without my mom
found some gingerbread flavoured tea in the teas she gave me
you can put any name on any package but if you need to prove it was intended for you you probably wont be able to

i suppose thats good if it gets seized
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People already know the truth
Those nudes were posted after you rejected me itt, while pushing me off for saying I am crazy etc
At that point you had been harassing me for that entire week and as far as I remember already posted revenge porn of me
It should be obvious to anyone that we were not
Oh wait yeah you were with mono during all of this the hell do I've got to prove lmfao
Oh thank you. I'm on pioglitazone so it will all go to my ass.
>catharsis ?
not for other attendees
how do you get pioglotazone?
once again im goin over anons heads
win / win
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Grab the html of it and post it, I don't care
I would've posted the html myself but thing is I found no point since you deleted every single one of your messages on the ones I've got access to
And I'm not lying obviously, I've shown evidence with screenshots htmls and I've even got videos for backup if they're needed
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>"You've got nothing on me"
>"Everyone's already seen everything of both sides"
>Runs out of cope and replies with harassment
Iq check no pasado amiga
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Post it here then
Also picrel is literally just true, I've always and always do flirt with everyone, I only stopped because you got mad at me for calling people kitten
Oh and it's where not were.
No one
Bicker and bitch at each other in discord, holy shit
Anyone seen Penrose recently? Looking for her rn
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"Misogynistic abuse"
The fuck r u on? I never did anything weird in secret, I literally told you abt me asking a guy if he wanted to see my nudes while that was unnecessary
That being asked was because of your harassment towards me btw, archives should show that this is when you were committed to having me harassed and insulted, via posting all my insecurities and old nudes that didn't look too good
I threatened to leave you if you didn't change many times, because you're mental and an utterly dogshit partner
I call myself a bad person for what I did to my exs, but that was when I was 16 and I already made amends with those involved, all of my exs have me added and we talk often
The google doc doesn't say anything about when we started dating because the caps logs and archives show it
Can you just like post the htmls n shut up? I got things to do
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This was after you harassed me, blackmailed me, rejected me, and posted revenge porn of me
We were not together at this time, obviously
The months earlier we were though, and you were already with mono by that point and before too
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I posted many nudes of me standing straight w no angles looking at the mirror
And the proof of you posting revenge porn is on the google doc, idk why you'd want me to repost it
its crazy that a bunch of autistic kissless handholdless virgins can just pretend to be women and act like they've accessed some innate secret of femininity. real women hate you, every single last one of them find you utterly disgusting and frightening, if they tell you anything else they're lying to your face, as they should since if they make you angry you might hit them
here you go, homie.
Even I'm not a khv and I'm the ugliest "woman" here. I've been described as a ginger teddy bear by my coworkers.
Yes because all of those are evolutionary Benefits. Take anxiety- should you be worried about winter and food? Lol ocd? Did anyone close the gate to make aure lions dont get in to camp? Depression? Hard to justify, but maybe something like encourages diversity (leave the plantation in search of greener pastures?)? Idk. Adhd? Well, we used to jog after animals with wounds for HOURS everyday.

On top of that, there is considerable evidence our shift to a profit based diet has caused drastic mineral and vitamin deficiencies which exasperate these “mental illnesses.” Everything is a spectrum- what amount of anxiety is normal? What happens if someone with normal anxiety levels has a vitamin deficiency that causes it to go from 5/10 to 8/10 and is doped for life?

Moral of the story: dont play God with that shit lol
This is the post if needeed, discord filename and hasn't been sent to anyone but her
18th clarification on that now, those were abusers that have harmed me, I didn't count them now as partners since they're more groomers than anything else
If you wanna blame me for hurting abusers then you do you
You're on their group either way
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A4 sheet of paper
Your mental strength is akin to one aswell
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hipdips are cute though
Is it really that mind boggling to not want your partner to show nudes around? And how does this matter she was literally fucking someone else while doing it I feel like the focus should be going somewhere else
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The thing is I barely have any
what kind of scar is that
And I'm the misogynist for not liking people posting nudes while dating others if their partner is unhappy about it? Your bullshit falls apart oh so fast lang
guh I wish I had waist definition like you
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Yeah I don't really care if you want your partner to be posting nudes on 4chan for chasers to jack off to it's ur issue not really mine
the worst part about being an ugly trannoid is that i feel like a 10th world citizen everywhere i go
god i hope ffs and more adequate weight loss+gym actually goes somewhere for me
You'd have to be cis
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Like revenge, it's best served cold...
Yeah sorrussy for larping as trans it's just easier to chase this way x3
Que he dicho que es paella hoy y va ser paella coño ya jose
Callate ya friki
I let anyone do whatever they want, I'm just saying if someone's dating me they're probably not going to get to post nudes around others kek
Anything to bitch about on this A4? And also not wearing anything skintight is called "preference"
Baggy clothes make me feel like I'm always wearing a pajama and I'm all in for that
Holy fucking shit this is so confusing, i cant even tell how many people are arguing with eachother here, can you just take it to dm's or something please?
U want me to just finish this quick?
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if i had a penny for every time i hear this fantasy... i'd probably be at around 5p by now. weird i've heard about it more than once desu.

what does a 10th world citizen feel like idgi?
The prettiest trannies have the worst personalities, you all really are women
so what happens if that part of my brain isnt like that but i go through with it anyway?
I just want people to tell me I'm ugly and should die
Maybe before, when I was unhappy about my hips, I avoided them in order to feel better about myself, but now I feel good about them as I got hip growth and fat redistribution
>heard navy had to stop you too cuz u were tainting her images of an actual girl with hips (Lynn)
The delusions of the mind really are an enigma
Ok, tired of fucking around, keep talking and see what happens
I got shit to grind on octopath my guy
Then you most likely don't have dysphoria
And you're either a fetishist, or a trender
If you're a trender, you'll get reverse dysphoria pretty quick when you go through the opposite sex's puberty.
Which is why trenders try to call out and alienate anyone whos a 'transmedicalist'
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Btw, this is the same day you did this on
dang are there any lasting effects other than cosmetic ?
She either handles the dog or the owner gets the punishment for it's actions
nah. the pretty ones want u around to feel better abt themselves and the ugly ones don't want to be alone.
It does make the thread less dead and more interesting to read during insomnia nights but the circular drama is getting stale. You two broke up, can you just block and filter each other?
if i dont have dysphoria then what the fuck is wrong with me
maiq you seem to know everyone and everything
can you please tell me who tf is even arguing and what they're arguing about
I am so confused ;-;
For the 19th time I would if my friends didn't get harassed by them while I'm away
Need more grilled cheese sandwiches
It depends, it's usually a condition with a fuckload of other comorbidities. I have a speech impediment because I also had swollen adenoid glands, which made me deaf. It went undetected until I was around 5 or 6yo, so my speech and social development was extremely stunted (and that's on top of being an autistic bpd tranny).

I am told I also had two instances of inguinal hernias in the first 4 years of my life, and a case of pneumonia.

God is weak, couldn't even kill 1 troon.
Ok direct that question to the other one
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Oh well I did try for peace didn't I
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i feel better taking hrt
sometimes i dont feel so sad.
things might be okay
Kat and Laguna are breaking up
You're the rare few look like female fr so what now?
did the discord get deleted again or did i just get kicked for being inactive
i was mostly there for the emotes
wish i had american spirits friend bought me marlboros instead doesn't even get me nicced
ty :)
Venlafaxine is even better.
A lack of a community? idk
If you don't have dysphoria see the 2 options above.
Or you really do have dysphoria and you're just retarded and don't realize it currently.
See a professional
There are several different discords so youll have to be more specific
idk that was cringe 2 say idk why i said it
pls disregard
point being tho idk i just feel like a fucking freak
and like the worst part is my brain is so genuinely fucked i cannot tell if im like actually just unfixably ugly or if im gen just extremely bdd and fullsending an effortmaxxing arc into my body and makeup etc will actually make me look way better & ppl will want to actually associate with me outside of formalities
its so hard bc i cannot trust anyone and assume ppl are just being nice to me bc im a nice & polite girl
like i just want pure honesty idk
trying not to dwell on this and full on spiral but its hard
Ur missing quite a bit of details
Tukkers huh, no wonder I couldn't find her info before.
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im definitely looking to working on that in the future myself.
I love being hsts
mtfg 2 i think im still in mtfg and tttt minecraft
did they actually even date or did they just like sext on discord and then bpdemon out on each other lol
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Correction, we were together on and off for a month due to you being too unstable to hold dating someone for more than hours
i dont know
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Yep she's doxxed me etc over literal edating

what do you gain from posting here
Its fine to be questioning, but just know what you're getting into.
Changes are permanent.
I hope you figure it out, friend.
Oh please remind me when that has happened 1 more time
Oh wait it hasn't
Ever since she touched mtfg she's never lasted w anyone, never had a good breakup, and essentially her friend circle survives out of pity and fear that if they stop talking to her she'll sh or sui like she usually threatens and says she'll do
well the funeral is dragging on a bit
Only real pqtriots will understand
i feel you. i know i'm unattractive but idk the extent of it. like should i avoid human contact because i look that repulsive or is it not that bad and i should try to live a normal life as the ugly masc looking one. idk.

i wish i could get ffs. i thought i had money set aside i could use but no turns out i also have debts i didn't know about lol. not that i have faith that euro ffs can fix me.
She dated navy for a year though it was basically current drama but for a whole year after. Hopefully this kne doesn't last as long.
Do you still have the speech impediment ?
Because navy stayed there even after she got cheated on lol
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Is it really fast food when it takes me two days to eat it?
Checkmate liberals
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I can end it tonight, just say the word...
Stop eating slop.
depends on how fast you got it yeh.
I feel like my brain is fucking melting, can you two PLEASE just take it to dms and hash it out there, or just leave eachother alone idfk?
Yes navy is truly an idiot a pushover and a cuck :^)
Mono stayed after getting cheated on too, twice now
If your definition of relationships lasting is ppl being okay with getting cheated on idk what to tell ya
Why would I want you to die?
R u gonna stop them from harassing my friends and spreading lies here abt me? Or them insulting me for hours?
Mono was cheating too and they were both openly poly with a few random girls. It's all really messy and hard to follow unless you're a lore master like me.
More about not caring than not knowing
I got enough cuckery for the rest of my life w her already, not gonna start bothering w the one of others
so obviously someone in this polycule from hell is the janny are we taking bets on which
fwiw from the very few cropped photos ive seen of ur face u seem genuinely pretty
but like i feel u 100%
im thankful for my opportunity to get ffs and im happy that its going to let me pass better but im just at the point where id rather be prettier more than anything and im so blackpilled on it that i feel like im going to be so disappointed bc i have such a subjective and unique face that most ppl find weird at the core that i dont think ffs will be able to fix even with multiple surgeries & it has me SO fucked up
im sry about ur debt issue and i hope ur able to work smth out with ffs whether it be from loans or insurance or from ur debt somehow getting cancelled
thats such a stressful situation & my fingers are crossed for u
I literally don't know who you are and i dont care can you all just please settle this privately.
Blobby, snew, mono/monofriend.
grace you're gonna mog with ffs easy you're just wormed
ywnba truhon like me
whoever it is if they're the one who perma'd salt they're and cunt
I can say the same newfag
Now go back to sitting in the corner and watching
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me when im a young david grohl but also a woman
i've been on the board for two years shut the fuck up
But drama lore is fun :<
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And you don't even know the names of people who've been posting daily for years/months?
Navy was cute
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Internet overdose
She can be all of those things at the same time
Please tell me you have some actual comprehensive lore doc you and link me or some shit, if im gonna have to read this for the next few hours i'd like to at least comprehend it
Spending my morning like this is what's fun
I literally linked you one retard >>36291720
No it's all in my noggin but I'll answer questions
I prefer xenoverse
I only usually come in the evening (GMT) so i dont see these people much and even then i only interact and read a very few peoples posts because interacting with others is scary
Why are you being so bitchy im literally just asking you (Whoever you are you dont even have a trip) to settle this drama privately
Xenoverse has many many many unbearable little issues but it's not too bad
I'm still not bothering w it though, would rather keep going w tenkaichi 3 until the new db game releases
You've no idea of what you're talking about, how long it's gone on for, or what's been done privately yet you're talking as if you got any right to

So, Kat and laguna are the main players here as far as i can tell but it seems like there are other people arguing aswell, who are they?

is there someone clearly in the wrong here or is this all some bpdemon mess?
>im literally just asking you (Whoever you are you dont even have a trip) to settle this drama privately
And you're based as fuck for it.
This is an everyday occurrence

youre a dipshit.
stop spamming the thread with a ban evading retard with 500 back and forths noone else cares about
Passer's chin
ty, and yeh i was wondering if you're still on for ffs. i hope it brings you solace and you can feel happy about how you look after.
>subjective and unique face that most ppl find weird at the core
mood :')
insurance even if i had it doesn't cover any surgery outside the us afaik. i had some savings, maybe like 1/4 of ffs, but i'm supposed to blow them on eye surgery so i don't end up in hospital again. i keep stalling on that tho somehow ffs seems way more important for long term survival.
Kat doxxed, blackmailed me, posted revenge porn of me, sends death threats to me and my friends daily (unprovoked and even while I'm away for the entire day)
Laguna said mean words to her and did the document you're reading
So yeah
Not quite
I reply to her spreading lies about me, insulting me, or threatening me
What you think of it isn't exactly my concern
Hard to beat making your own alternative timeline character though.
Kat secretly had a gf the whole time, that's hard to look past as far as fault goes. The continued fighting is circular though.
I may not know what's going on exactly but watching endless petty drama is annoying when i just want to relax and chat with people
Don't try to take the highground saying i "don't have any right to talk" because im literally just asking you AND whoever you're arguing with to settle this somewhere else, its not like posting endless drama here solves anything, it's just annoying so i think I (and a few others) would appreciate this if you talked elsewhere
dave grohl looked more like a woman than that guy does.
They cut my hours at work (retail) as punishment for my autism but now they're asking me to work 11hr shift to cover someone being absent
Meh I'd rather just have a normal story mode w alternative stories etc like the older db games
New one is seemingly going to have them too
This here’s ma turf.
andddd, who are you..?
Kat started spamming this thread for months on end to tell us how evil Mono (her ex-girlfriend at the time) is. Mono is ugly, a cheater, her dick always went soft and she couldn't top properly, she is a rapist and manipulative evil cunt who betrayed Kat and confessed her love and exchanged nudes with other people on Discord.

A lot of people got annoyed at Kat who had these xanax fueled schizo meltdowns daily with no breaks and told her to fuck off but little gullible Laguna showed up and took Kats side. Apparently both of them started to flirt and get closer in DMs.

Eventually Mono shows up in Lagunas private messages and tells her "Oh ashkually me and Kat are together again but she doesn't want people to know.." and Mono went ahead and proved it by holding up 4 fingers in Kats bed and screenshots of their conversations or whatever. Laguna lost her mind because Kat lied to her and lead her on. But Kat is ALWAYS the victim and never to blame so she just started accusing Laguna of being a psychopath and deflected all blame. That's pretty much it from what I can tell.
Nice crop vro
Pretty decent resume although it is missing bits, thing is there's so many bits it might as well be considered impossible to recollect them
Clean shaven young Dave Grohl is so perfect.
Its kind of insane,
I would say that I do. People generally have difficulty understanding me in casual conversation. I am an excellent orator though.
And who the fuck is this dread faggot joining on the death threats?
Who cares literally everyone here has some degree of mental disorder
Navy should change her name to Habib Bin-Mohammad
Discord headache
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>joining any discord that aren't related to irl friends or runescape.
couldn't be me
Same, dramalurkers winning huge tonight
ugly people should not transition
My bad
I transitioned and went from ugly man to attractive man.
tysm, this shit is a headache
i think he was dating the singer from veruca salt back then? like late 90s. it is insane though how perf D.G. was
Proof of that, doxxing, death threats, revenge porn and harassment are all in the doc too
KC should have transitioned and dated DG
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Why is everybody giving up on transition?
Easier to jack my cock with testosteroneated blood
Does sex really matter that much? Isnt it abiut being confortable with our own bodies?
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You seen what website you're on?
The ff14 anon is real
But if kat and mongo are back together why is kat already doom posting about wanting to die and being lonely or whatever? Mongo dick not good enough to make her smile?
Multiple people itt and last. Idk. Maybe wrong.
Courtney was the least passing out of KC, DG or her
She's just there for that dolla
Searching for next person to cheat w her on as usual, so it'll jus b like always, she finds someone else, cheats on mono w them, and whenever the least desired one figures out the cheating they leave them
Yes sex matters a lot it's a major way for a lot of people to express intimacy with their partners.

I need E tho, can't risk going back to having morning wood
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That makes sense. Get on hrt
I think those are shitposts
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I looked for mongos post in the archive and the amount he posts about navy is concerning. I think at the end of the day mono is actually navy-sexual and just grabbed kat because when he puts his dick into kats crusty butthole he is close to where navys dick was in once. Just my theory. Gonna jerk off to that now.
>excellent orator
alhamdulillah mono and navy will have an islamic marriage 2025
ah haaaa I found I have chik fila nuggets from earlier plus polynesian sauce
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as much as i fucking hate myself i will always b proud of my agp curls
ty anon
i truly hope i am just wormed
god me too bc i need peace my mental is at an abysmal low and as much as transitioning has made me feel overall better abt myself as a person i do not think i will ever be at peace unless im somewhat attractive to ppl
ugh v much relatable. i have more concerning issues i should ideally be pressing b4 my surgery but i absolutely need this done first
i hope ur able to get work done on ur eyes w/o blowing ur wallet :(
whats wrong with them if u dont mind me asking?
Oh really? Im sorry. I'm way too gullible these days. Anyways, how are you?
Whoever the crusty butthole anon is, your posts have really made me decide I'm never fucking an ass
amazing hair !
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my gf made me dinner
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Overcome with lust Mono busts Kats crust with a single thrust. A cloud of crust dust escapes in a dust, the color of rust.
I am, eight months
Not having erections anymore does so much for my peace of mind. Even when they do happen its basically numb
iktf. I wish things were better but just gotta keep working at it and such
Yeah. I feel you. I wish things were better too. It's a serious drag
Does she hate you or something
Your shoulders are narrow. Pathetic.
I mean literally, I give good speeches. I've done a lot of presentations for religious, community, and scouting functions the that were always well received.
Listen it may look a little bleak but at least she has someone that loves her
Again who are you supposed to be
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cousin invited me to come play table tennis should probably do that instead of day drinking but also day drinking is way less social and comfy.

lovely hair ;_;
>whats wrong
i've had this tear duct condition for years where it keeps getting badly infected/inflamed but it's not considered urgent because i'm stable between flare-ups. ended up in critical care last time lol.
need to pay about 5k to get it done before it gets infected again but at least i get to have it done endoscopic if i pay this much so it doesn't leave the side of my nose with extra scar tissue that may fuck with other cosmetic surgery later.
its pancake biscuits and tofu bacon idk its good idk what youre on about
that’s really good and admirable public speaking is really difficult for many people
you were a boyscout? thats kinda cute
absolutely go play table tennis
Calling that bacon has to be illegal
ayyy boyscout gang
i quit after our scout leader lead us on the wrong hiking trail and we got lost and had to walk 14 hours in the mountains.
got 2 badges when the other troops only got 1
sorry you're ugly
I wasnt a scout but i was an altar boy.. :/
oh, ok.
>being trans is absolutely awful
>living nightmare, a caricature of the real thing
>sadly I'm a woman and I have transitioned "too far" so there is no other option
True!! I agree. Tired lol.
Hags dooming on aisle 5 need some cleaning over ere
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Happy birthday to me
yeh fren
Happy birthday
happy birthday anon
Happy cupcake to that cat
Would have made Eagle but politics got in the way. My brother and I were in different but neighboring troops and we had go ahead for a joint project building a community garden, but our advisor refused to sign off on it last minute and council said we're only supposed to do 1 project for 1 scout. The advisor was the wife of my scoutmaster so he wouldn't go to bat for us against his wife. We both ended at Life. The project took so long and so much fundraising we didn't have time to do another one.

The worst part about it is, we had community support building it too. They helped move the rail ties and shovel the soil, they watered and fed us, but the center refused to service them when it came time to open. All the people working at the center got first dibs on the garden, leaving nothing left for the people that needed it.

I still love everything about scouts EXCEPT the paperwork.
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yeahh probably the smarter way to go. haven't rly met him for years aside from a brief hi when i first landed gonna be interesting to catch up. he was like 18 when i last lived here now he's a full grown man its so weird.

we used to spend all our summers together as kids playing pokemon n such.

happy birthday anon.
happy birthday ! hope you have a really wonderful day !
what are you waiting for get going : )
booked for this afternoon hes got some work in the morning.
That's brutal.

We got chased off a mountain and turned a 2day 12mile hike into a 1day hike due to a flash flood with a bunch of tenderfoots in tow.

Our troop had a reputation of it raining on every hike.
hey shemales
should i detransition into an hrt manmoder or stay a neverpasser
how many years of hrt
you're neither
you didn't have a transition, you were a failure before and you still are.
seven, but no amount of time can fix my skeleton. face isn't the issue
wow okay
(1) what the fuck
(2) who even are you
(3) fuck you
>skeleton issues
i vote hrt manmoder
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that sucks. i made eagle. was the senior patrol leader. but ya idk hiking and camping was fun. i took my gf up to stay in a fire tower. it was like 3 miles in and snow all over the trail
nice very good choice friend
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we melted snow for drinking water and had views of mt hood
Why do mtfs hate themselves so much
holy moly that is so cool !
no pussy
That's wonderful anon I'm happy for you. I was our quartermaster for four years, we had a really tight inventory. It was digitized and everything, we had a lot of money for our troop so gear was a big deal.
I hope to get back out there. After our project was screwed I actually enjoyed scouts more because it stopped being about progression and just enjoying being outside.
dumb. we are all about thriving in this house
i only consider manmode because i'm getting older and i wonder if people will accept bowiemoding "male" more than they accept aging twinkhon
fucking elf genetics :')
everyone else does

also this
do ppl rly have trouble getting laid?
i never get laid but it's not because there's not easy pussy and dick all over my local internet i just like it to be special
i feel like most of you also just like it to be special and convert "can't find the good ones" into thinking you're unfuckable or something
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Life's so good when you don't got a bitch on yo ear telling you it ain't
hello and good morning friends
cant tell if genuinely misunderstood what anon meant or if retarded.
hello and good evening friend
oh were they talking about bottom dysphoria
me too then
(and another reason i don't get laid incidentally i ain't want nobody near that lol)
it was a joke i meant both. honestly i think its too easy as a trans woman. new friends always trying to fuck me
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Yo amo a el jannitor
hello anon how are you
Deserves ban for singlehandedly lowering the avg iq of mtfg from 90 to 40
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I saw JUNK HEAD, and thought it was a excellent. i'm looking forward to the sequel coming out next year. i love how creepy the creatures are. the stop motion, sets, and camera work are fantastic, and the story had me hooked for completely.
on wednesday i'll be seeing GITS 2: INNOCENCE (4K) in the theater. GKIDS is awesome for their continued remastering of old films
fr fr not even i am as dumb as that hoe
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I need to stop binging across days lol
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thank you friends
me when i get a new box of chicky nuggets
I'm so proud of you for being alive
Let's be alive together
The best part of this music are the chords that begin around 3:05. It's really quite something how it shifts the mood of the song to be even more positive than it was before. Music is amazing
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the district sleeps alone tonight
I have never had these before, but I've heard they're revered like the infamous In-N-Out ham burgers. The losses of a Cost-Co membership out-weigh the benefits. I think the pizza makes you sick
you're never welcome in california.
banned actually.
who here wants to detransition?
sort yourself out
It's okay. I have lots of love for the eastern coast, but even more love for the people on the west. They will welcome me with open arms somewhere on your northern border, and I can tunnel my way in with my fingers
you know she's sad because she lost the capital a. :(
Fackin classic m8
ive beenobsessed with this album the last couple days
You are most based for that young anon
oh its u
nice new trip
I am slaving my poor pc into generating good trips. It is screaming. But I have no ears.
this image is fantastic on a thousand layers there's so much atmosphere + angled lighting + style and that's not even mentioning her expression or her friend on the side or the drums or the cigarette or the japanese. so much character
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Limbus fans are quite talented.
that seems interesting not my kind of thing i just like music and girls its great art work
I understand young anon I understand
does anyone want to hold me while i fall asleep
nopeeeeeeee lmfao
if you close your eyes and imagine it, someone will appear next to you, and everything will feel warm like melted butter
U got money itchin in yo pocket?
oh so i guess i have to pay for it now,,,,
i wish
you , can not know . until you try
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Nono u get paid for it sry paying me is for people I don't love
Ruuude :<

Hemlock, now, or go beat your mom again since you are so good at that apparently, after all she's responsible for your existence.
Don't make the mistake to think you have the same rights to be rude like goona. You don't, you are literally the lowest being of the entire thread
thank you my beloved little gooner
not too fond of having to play pretend id rather the real thing
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At least I'm honest
Anything for you little a-nya
You are mostly just hurt, it's okay
fucked up in the club crying to sufjan stevens critically acclaimed 2015 album carrie and lowell
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Yeah ur gf was going too hard on me for my hipdips so now I'm butthurt. My heart is torn. I will have to starve myself for 5 years now thanks to that.
unfff gooner
2am and im sitting here getting kind of pissed because I was always read as a stoner instead of a tranny growing up.
had shoulder length hair most of my life and always had people asking me where to find a weed seller, even when i was middle middle school.
i would've rather been called a faggot, honestly.
>ur gf
Is this gf here in the room with us?
Don't worry, u were definitely called a faggot in middle school
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'Tis truly a heartbreaking shape I have. Most foul sight.
does anyone want to come over and watch rebellion with me
She's busy doing xanny wizardry
The hells that
>u were definitely called a faggot in middle school
i was, but i don't count my closeted bully that had a crush on me anymore
madoka magicka rebellion its an anime movie
come over and watch madoka with me rn or im throwing myself out my window tbqh
I keep getting fucking velvets. I only put that as filler. I have enough w one. Give me ryoshu with more dots goddamit.
good blobby morning
If I need to have watched the anime first I haven't.
ok well we'll watch that first
Woah! Magic!! :o
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starting to think maybe it doesnt get better
ok yay
good morning. do you have any plans today? im trying to find a decent vegan recipe to make for lunch. after that i'm probably going to try and find a movie to watch. saw a scene from some crazy zombie movie called Braindead and i love crazy stuff like that. its like comedy horror
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>maybe it doesnt get better
It always does because it has to.
Penne Arrabbiata, easy to make and 100% vegan. Works like a charm.
Unless you want no carbs and lots of protein, then it's not that good I guess
sufjan stevens my beloved ;w;
im going to the beach with my frens!! i hope u enjoy ur lunch and ur movie
not quite sure if this is true...
good, you shouldn't. he's a walking dead man
Oh right, today's the (beach) day!
Don't forget to pack sunscreen
Ur going to the beach w ur friends today. Clearly things are already getting better.
temporary distraction i fear
but yes i am looking forward to it so i guessthat puts me in a better position than people who dont have anything to look forward to
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If that's how things work with you why not try to find a hobby you have fun with to always have smth to look towards
I do this w games and some franchises
oh well yes i do have this but its just escapism
oh that looks nice im gonna make it and add some type of veggie. i never really cared about pasta but ive been eating it alot more lately. its nice and easy to prepare at home too.
oh that sounds perfect i love the beach so much...its nice and cozy. the cool breeze and warm sand plus the salty scent of the ocean. i hope you have tons of fun. last time i went to the beach we found a small cozy hidden spot and it had shady trees and the sand was very crunchy. we spent the whole day there and it was a nice mental reset.
wth is going on with post timers it keeps resetting and making me wait 60 seconds lol
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Nothing wrong with it, everyone has to engage in it to some extent
I wish Caroline a good morning
I really like pasta too, but in terms of calories it's pretty hefty, so I've been trying to reduce my consumption of it a bit :>
i miss carol
Most odd.
Very smart of you
I've got such absurd amounts of pasta stocked rn of every type and some rlly expensive ones because I just can't mentally justify eating it
I might cave in anyways because I love how it tastes but I'll try not to tomorrow when I do eat
by eldritch do u mean eldritch presence on disc? i thought that was you
Who they actually are is entirely unknown afaik
Apparently they were an old trip or smth but they never showed their identity
>and some rlly expensive ones
Fancy Pasta? What are they like?
And eating some every now and then isn't super bad, you can treat yourself once in a while
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"Little treats" are temptations of the devil for me to falter. I have no weakness and as such I must not cave in.
>Fancy Pasta? What are they like?
Idek how to describe it it was a gift but it does look really tempting.
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Dream. Of apple.
janny's on the rails she's on the train tracks to heaven
im sorry mouse, you were nothing but good to me beyond what i deserve, and you really deserve an amazing life with a loving bf and to recognize and feel how beautiful you are inside and out in the same way others can see it radiate from you.
i didn't think there were good people in the world, i allowed myself to become jaded and gross under that false assumption. you proved me wrong, there are good people in the world.
Take care.
Goodnight fren, may tomorrow be better after all

>I have no weakness and as such I must not cave in.
Woah, Laguna E.G.O manifestation soon?
>Idek how to describe it it was a gift but it does look really tempting.
If you ever do end up making them you gotta post a pic
>E.G.O manifestation soon
Reminds me I should've put gebura in the tripcode gen. Fuck.
>If you ever do end up making them you gotta post a pic
I will yes.
ate 330 calories worth of chips in like 5 mins
i can now see how people get to be 500lbs
yeah she's on the rails... and she's hitting every shot....
Ok this trip is also not that bad but I can still do better than this.
i'm listening to this and thinking about how cool the kalimba is in both the way it sounds and physically. i love the vibrations it makes and the little form factor and the sizzle that you get and how cool they sound out of tune. so glad i bought one years ago
dancing with my eyes closed thinking about you
曲が終わり私は現実に引き戻された ( ;´ - `;)
be a what
oh NO... a nonymous?? a japanese?? ahh!!!
that's okay i love to be me i love being. i'm here to be and learn and explore like a little fish out of water
Can I fish you and put you on my next meal I need protein
goodnight beautiful mother earth and all of her inhabitants
should carve sheen up for gammon to be honest
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This is what egangsters will look like in 1997
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Also face reveal. Feared for my opsec with this but it's too tempting.
good morning laguna it often seems like you are posting the exact same picture over and over
leave the best year alone
a-anon... what are you trying to say
I keep repeating fits. I apologize for this maiq. I will do better.
The best year is whichever year I'm on
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there is no need to apologize
>you are literally the lowest being of the entire thread
kek lmao
i am the highest being here, i am the main character, all of you are not even real and are only npcs, and you are a pathetic man on estrogen, i am a normal dude on test, stop being narcissistic and get a hold of yourself, you are ok with laguna being mean to you because you sexualize the shit out of it you incel coomer reddit rapehon
I must for I have failed you maiq. I am not original enough.
Also I need ideas for nails now. Idk if to just do blood ones again but better this time. Or to do that then a drawing on the middle. Or white and black w a chain design somewhere on gray. Or like white and black but with a cloud pattern. Or like flowers. Idk.
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freshe baka’d

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