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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: Do you enjoy socializing? Under what circumstances?
>QOTT 2: What shows have you been obsessed with lately?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36275733
imagine your relationship is so fucked that your kid writes a soft-rock album about how fucked it is lol
my what?
tomorrow is going to be a good day i can feel it :)
What are your plans for tomorrow?
doing tandem groceries with the girl i met recently, then probably getting new running shoes unless it gets super rainy
I love shopping for groceries with my gf. It’s fun seeing what foods she’s into, what brands she picks, thinking of what to make together. Have fun!
I totally forgot about this angle on it...
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I need to get my neck bitten....
I'm so frustrated I keep dating the most avoidant girls and they just get angry when I expect anything from the relationship....should I just become avoidant back?
I'd like a girlfriend with big titties and who is taller than me and fragile
This should be easy because I'm short and also work out
Gf is still too depressed for sexo but last night we went and had drinks down by the river and fed the baby geese, that was nice.
all i can offer is taller, pretty fit, but somewhat slightly anorexic and thus often exhausted from not eating enough
*avoids ur questoin*
Why are avoidant girls so hated...
why do you care, boobyboi
Sorry anon I like being called that it's cute :3 I'm a girl in my heart though even if I'm a twink boy on hrt irl
i was trying to tease in a dommy way, why does everyone always think i wanna insult them :(
LOL sorry anon I'm unteasable I'm a domtop sigmaboobieboy.
As for why people think you wanna insult them, it's 4chan and also hard to grasp the nuance in text...
hmm i guess i should have added a :3c after all :c
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It's okay anon maybe you aren't cut out for being dommy
lmao, i have repeatedly been told i should do it professionally;...
you know, nuance doesnt come across well in text? >:3c
Its YOUR fault for havinf such high DARN EXPECTATIONS

The best relations are kept at a arms length. Socrates said that.
I am Socrates and I meant you need to always be within huggin distance
socrates also killed himself because society said so and i somehow feel like you wouldnt so i dont think you should do like socrates says
Smh you're just a brat don't think I can't tell
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I woulda threw the poison in my executioners face then id have bitten off any of the fingers that came close to me, the room would be red with both mine and my enemies blood

Pic related is me btw
t.struggles with 6kg
Philosophy is cuckoldry... Create your own philosophy instead of using another man's...
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no, i am not
i am neither inherently dominant nor inherently submissive, and i'm especially not the kind of sub that wants to be made to submit. i dont even like kink, im just good at it
Soft boobs with tender nipples brushing onto each other as there is lots of kissing and frotting going on at the same time reminding that we're just hrt faggots in the end...
Hmmm idk whether I trust you but I guess I just have to take your word for it.
Facts anon you're speaking the truth rn need that
I think it's funny that every good philsopher from the last like 200+ years was basically "you should get to the point where you stop thinking about philosophy..." and they are right. Philosophy kills itself like Socrates did.
What the hell do you guys jerk off to? I look around and it seems like any/all lesbian porn sucks. I have no idea what I'm supposed to masturbate to, or how.
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wydag whose date proposals are just museum visits and bookshoping
it's so over
Yeah I love museums
So what ur saying is... I'm a philosopher...
gf got a fine of hundreds of dollars for speeding and i have to pay because she doesn't have the money
gf who keeps getting fines for feeding birds and rats but refuses to stop
my gf is imaginary so our dates are free :3 I can spend hundreds on anime merch and Miku concerts instead
I only pay for my half of the bill with my imaginary gf so our dates are economical :)
Theyre hungry anon
>idk whether I trust you
you dont need to and i dont care if you dont! :3
>good philsopher
i mean, the thing that philosophers have been doing forever is trying to find out how to tell others to be nice to each other in way that works, but there is none and the best approach we have is leading by example - insert finger pointing at the moon from 900 years ago or something here, there's a lot more obviously
underneath all of philosophy and spirituality and religion you have the very same insights; just dont be shit and we'll all be happy
buuuut some people think they can be shitty, either because only they themselves know, or because they think whoever will judge them is on their side, or because they dont care about the outcome due to circumstance
and since we cannot really judge others with kindness because we didnt grow up in a society that teaches how, we create suffering amogus all
almost everyone can find a reason to call someone else sus and then you dont even need a real imposter anymore because people will just airlock who they dont like anyway
the concept of family and the rituals surrounding it disgust me
i wish i had a better childhood
dont you mean
>had had
lucy im going back to bed okay
lucy im gonna cum ugh
How weird is it to a 27 year old tranny to date a 18 year old tranny, asking for my cat
Pretty weird, she literally just finished high school
only ok if the 18 y/o is the top and financially secure
I dated an 18 year old when I was 25, but I didn't know it was a little weird until later on. Nothing rly came of it so it's whatever now but yeah generally people will not be happy with that age gap for you
trips of truth
it's hot and i wish i had a 27 year old gf (cis or trans)
t. 19 year old tranny
post monthly revenue, i dont wanna be creepy
i don't have a job.. i'm just a student sorry
aww you dont need to apologize it's ok study well!
it's hot until things inevitably go south because of the life experience difference and suddenly you're stuck in a situation of forcing yourself into a broken relationship that's tearing you out from the inside because it's your only source of financial stability and you can't afford to break up

t. dated a 25 year old when i was 18
why would someone younger immediately become financially dependent on an older partner though?
Wydag who had a job
kinda weird but i have a thing for age gaps and i'm into women 7+ years older than me so i'd be a hypocrite to judge
jobs are for jobbers
No. I hate women. Fuck you.
how old are you?
Its not just weird its concerning tier. Im 25 and my previous gf was like only 2-3 years younger than me but even then i could really feel that i was like way older and also much less naive about life.
I met a girl once that made me feel like everything is going to be okay because we have each other. It's just that simple for me.
Why do you have to pay? If she doesnt pay she'll just have to pay it when she gets a job.
There are much worse things than being naive and you may be that.
There are always worse things, i may very well be some of them, likely. But still, an age gap like that is just beyond weird. Its really just wrong.
Hello, based department?
Once u hit like 24 as a trans person your entire dating pool is gone for some reason.
All that remain are weird creeps in their 30s and 19 year olds all of which are impossible to communicate with.
>36 x 23 but the younger one is more educated and successful but both are housed and financially secure and neither is codependent
So ducking cute. Disney princess gf.
great success!!
yeah cuz evewronyre else killed themselsves in minedcraft xdd
>neither is codependent
and then you wake up
Another lonely evening without a cis asian gf.

I don't watch a lot of tv but I watched scavengers reign recently and it was okay.
What do u think of the cis asian woman in the series "the boys"?
she'll get in trouble if she doesn't pay it soon and she does have a job, she just doesn't have enough money to spare right now
Tfw no gf to loan money to at 50% interest...
>neither is codependent
Ugh then what is even the point? But you are right, it's good if the younger side is the more capable one. That's how I made it work.
yeah i know im old
I haven't seen the show but she looks pretty cute.
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how can i, as a 22 year old shut-in loser with no meaningful hobbies, compete in the lesbian dating scene with 18 year old ftm femboys and mtf e-girls on tiktok?
What DO you have to offer in a relationship?
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ah that makes sense
my unconditional love
seriously tho, i'm willing to do anything to make my partner happy
You are gonna make it.
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>What DO you have to offer in a relationship?

A fun but short time both in and outta the sheets.
how? explain please
For someone with a scat fetish for unwashed ass, I guess.
it's so over
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Mfw fell asleep at my desk for an hour while working from home
>compete in the lesbian dating scene with 18 year old ftm femboys and mtf e-girls on tiktok
talk about baka sempai
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Love the girls that nobody else does, there is beauty in them too but most don't see it. I did that because I realized nobody really loved me and I'm one of those girls myself and I could find a girl like myself and together we could be happy.
>it worked
who cares about love i just wanna sleep
if you're referring to personality then i already don't have any preferences, i'm even willing to date someone with the personality of a rock as long as she loves me back
but if you're referring to physical attraction then i can't change that
aha but how about a girl with bpd, adhd, a pimply ass, and only 9 toes??
I'm not refering to anything excpet loneliness and isolation, something many people in the modern world struggle with and don't know how to get out of. Personality can be anything. Hell, when you are alone for a long time your personality sorta fades away.
Love isn't real...
People use you because they're afraid of being alone and jump ship once someone better shows up :(
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i'm fine with bpd and adhd but the pimply ass and 9 toes are physical traits that i don't like, like i said, i can't change what i like

>when you are alone for a long time your personality sorta fades away
i know, i never had friends so i never developed a personality which is why i have the bad habit of copying the personality of whoever i'm talking to
as for the loneliness and isolation, i'd love to date someone going through the same thing as me so we can support and help each other improve ourselves but the issue is that this kind of people don't tend to interact with each other
I had a dream I broke up with my girlfriend

in the dream she had a boyfriend who was talking to her and kept talking over me so I got mad and broke up with her. What this mean?
Finding each other is the problem but problems can be solved. We do try to reach out sometines but it's very haphazard and clumsy because of lacking experience. The world is judgemental toward us but we dont have to be to each other.
inshallah so will i
ok but how do i find someone? i went to uni during covid so i didn't have the chance to meet people, i'm thinking of getting a masters now but i doubt this time will be better
how do i interact with people that lurk even when the conversation is about something they really want to talk about?
>reach out
please stop
I know it's a waste of time I should just kill myself and so should all of you xddd
Just kill yourself there is no point maam
You should probably just hang out on soc or partake in something many lesbians do
Like being gay or something
If you like sports then you might consider something related or related to fitness because then she'd probably be hot.

I'm in the same situation except I'm in my late 20s and VERY retarded
I'm even alright looking but still nothing because I just don't leave my house and perform social activities

Maybe try getting into a game popular with hot lesbians
Gf to play FF14 with...
Who carries me through savage and ultimates so I can look cool...
Downloading now
Just live your fucking lives relationships come unexpectedly. Swipe on dating apps and go out to public places on occasion but dont expect anything in particular to GET you a relationship. Treat people well (irl, retards here dont deserve shit) and eventually it will happen.
my legs hurt!
exercise hurts!
captcha 4A4WP
i probably would get back inbto ff14 if someone paid for a landline and the sub and latest expac probably too
but i dont think i still have my account accessible
It’s a good hurt tho
i'm dying inside the girl i love might friend zone me permanently. mikaela i love you my princess my baby girl i can't do this
hope she reads this babe
So you're saying you'll be my girlfriend?
she doesn't use the chan
>she's busy all the time but she told me to text her
itwe'sre so overback
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How can anyone compete with ftm femboys bruh
I will if you let me rape you, beat you to death, and eat the body how about that?
which games are popular with lesbians?
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tag urself are you potat, s o y, shrooms, or banana?
Why must bpd angels be punished so hardly ....
my only weights are a 15lb kettlebell, should i get a second kettlebell of the same mass or a set of dumbbells?
>go out to public places
if this was an option i wouldn't be here
Get adjustable dumbells. Fuck the plastic shit.
I was going to ask if I could do that to you. Guess it won't work out.
I know lotsa people find love online tho..
Anything with hot girls in it, but I'd stay away from any of the inclusive titles since it attracts trannies
I'd stay awa
roman reigns' dad died :(
wyda cannibal girl that's culinarily attracted to you
Serendipity. Rare encounters that become special because they are rare exceptions.
That is onky if its true love. You can get serendipitiously murdered by a generous stranger too you just never know life is funny like that.
Where the heck do you go as a transbian fo find women tho? Seems like giga hardmode offline
i want to start playing ffxiv but i'm not sure if i'm mentally stable enough to play an mmo :(
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>she thinks trannies don’t play those games
do you even play MMOs lmao
Do any other tops find it annoying to masturbate to keep their dicks working? Its like a chore. I do it omce a week at most now.
Boymoder gf :(
Walkcel obviously. If someone offers me something too good i spit in their face
I do
That's why I listed the ones that don't cater explicitly to them
Trannies play everything and I'm aware of dranein dickgirls
you literally listed osrs which has trans pride equipment
honestly i find it hard to be sufficiently turned on without a person actually near me so i'm thinking of convincing my doctor to give me a cialis script somehow
All the games have trans pride equipment
I literally just said they're all fucking tranny pride, retard
Learn 2 read
wow does not have tranny pride does it
explicitly trans pride equipment
and a trans specific questline
osrs is the most tranny mmo ive ever seen, it caters to them the most
the game has fucking furry races, anon
What the fuck?
Have you played dragonflight and shadowlands?
They're fucking trannies
Also they've said chromie is a tranny (SHES A FUCKING SHAPESHIFTER)
this is actually deranged behavior
By the developers, yes
How the fuck are they going to say a time travelling dragon shapeshifter is a tranny
Like dragons give a fuck about lgbt
Also 90% of dragons are gay now
And ghosts
you need help
Found one of the thousand dragon shapeshifter trannies
couldve just looked in your mothers room, im a regular
mentally conquered
Triggered tranny
how do i get a busy girl to be my gf
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find her on WoW
Being busy is terrible why would you want to date a busy girl
because she's incredible and radiant
and the things she's busy with are my jams
I'd rather not pay monthly to play a game, even if it's to meet trans women.
related, I've been trying to learn how to play guilty gear strive, someone on the subreddit told me a lot of trans women play so I'm hoping to meet one when I get to go to a tournament here
Vergeben sie mir, Zanzibar....
Old school runescape has f2p try that.
you HAVE to pay the tranny tax
>mmo subscription
This sounds like a chaser
what if i can't afford more than a pair of dumbbells
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The in game sex appeal is worth the cost of entry.
Then you need a neglectful office girlfriend to take care of you
I'd pay my gfs ff14 sub... If she's my sub
yea sure whatever. I got banned from both r/actuallesbians and r/girlgamers for "being chaser-y", so I don't really care about this term anymore. Like if you don't want the company of trans women you're obviously bad, but if you do it's also bad? Make it make sense
incredibly based
everyone's chasing something in the end
based chaser
me... pick me...
im chasing (You)r mother
I want a girlfriend.. with nice feet... sorry...sorry... sorry... i-i-i.. im into feet...
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I want a girlfriend..
>ones that don't cater explicitly
uu hhh h h
I like dungeon meshi
ppl should watch
too bad I can’t meet the author in my city because I’ll be wagecucking that day
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I should learn violin to pick up asian chicks at the conservatory hmmm
Wait is she in America?? Is she coming to the bay area?
It's pretty funny that she gives all the usual anime fanservice shots to him desu
having a foot fetish is a gift
She’s going to be in Los Angeles signing books for Anime Expo at a bookstore!
Oh tickets already sold out ofc.
go there and kiss her
mfw have a gift :)
i miss my gf's feet
ugh I wish I could do this as a tranny. it would forever mark me as an irredeemable rapehon but when I think of all the weebs getting mad about it, so worth it
Because that's incredibly based. Gay men and straight women have to eat too.
what happened to them...
they're in a different country for now..
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Seriously I know there's gotta be lesbian gooners you can't all be having sex. How do you find worthwhile pornographers? And I don't mind live-action stuff, that's obviously a lost cause but at least writers and artists. Where do you find stuff not catering to men? Also, I can't be the only one with weird fetishes... right?
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this the kinda freaky shit lesbians be into
>be post op tranny
>cis gf shows me porn of a pre op tranny topping a cis woman (with her dick)
what did she mean by this
i hate the femboy fashion style so they just look like attractive female bodies but dressed in tacky ugly clothes lmao
>attractive female bodies
if you’re a pedophile
larp i doubt this actually happened. its so specifically designed to be a transbian's absolute worst nightmare so i doubt its real.
what the hell is that
What I’m gonna do to a girl with a big mouth and beautiful teeth…
this day kind of sucked even though on paper it was good but i carried new 20lb dumbbells in my hands walking all the way home from the store and that felt kinda cool
A few months later my ex is flourishing at her new job, partying, and meeting girls while telling me all about it! I'm happy for her! Feeling vindicated knowing all the people who said I was an awful person for breaking up with her are just bad at life.
Mouth condom for eating crazy puss.
Nice anon! What are you going to use them for?
I'll never be good enough for anyone...
I should just find a psychopath gf who kills me
getting ripped so i can be more attractive and be better at slaying puss and definitely not just to chase a specific cis girl, but also because i just miss being stronger in general
>getting ripped so i can be more attractive and be better at slaying puss
>definitely not just to chase a specific cis girl
They’re the chasers for wanting to date trannies anon
i'm autistic so it's pretty hard to tell if she's actually interested or just being nice
i hate my girlfriend
do u even love ur gf if u won't drink her period blood regularly
if she is interested and attentive to you when you’re together talking, then it’s definitely worth a shot
I need to lick her teeth
what if she doesn’t floss?
kissing my gf's teeth and she goes "wth that was my teeth" as if that'll stop me
I wouldn’t be into her, gross
i thought most people didn't floss
any tips for like... asking her out or what to suggest for a date? i haven't dated in like a decade and hardly went on any before that, i really don't know what anyone does for this
Do you live near an urban area? Ask her to get coffee or lunch or something and walk around? How old are you?
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RIP your teeth and breath
yeah that works, i just need to hear it from someone else otherwise i get stuck in hypercritical thought like "coffee? for real? you dumb bitch that's not a REAL date, try harder"
i'm in my 30s i just have autism and a lack of experience ok
everyone ive loved hates me because of my avoidant traits
my closest friends have moved on and bettered themselves and i hit a plateau much lower than theirs
what now
Don’t think of it as a date, think of it as getting to spend time with someone who makes you happy
same stagnestie
girls with brown nipples >>>
captcha: asd4
if I was dating jennie I would inject her with meth while she's sleeping ngl
summoning art:『angry methhead』
>tfw not assembling my gf’s bones to resurrect her
This girl really stopped talking to me to worship another girl who unironically calls herself straight. Trans women really love to self harm, call me salty or whatever but I don't understand this
>wow nona you're being transphobic when you say t4t is self harm
She literally rather be misgendered than be with me, explain how this isn't self harm arghh
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>She literally rather be misgendered than be with me
You must be a real piece of shit!
Is "ahhh she's perfect!" the kind of half joke someone says to a new friend they're grocery shopping with because the friend likes a particular food, if they're not romantically interested in that friend?
Asking for a friend
no and fuck you
i really need a butch lesbian to beat me unconscious
i just really want to be a woman's female boyfriend
Why not be a woman's girlfriend instead?
Because then if you do piv sex that makes you a rapehon
what's the downside?
being her female boyfriend is hotter...
ew i'm not into that
>ew i'm not into piv
ok i'll be her female boyfriend that does piv then while you sit in the corner and cry/jerk off
Hey lagoloaf. I'm back you beautiful bitch.
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I don’t even know you
holy fuck that was so erotic when falin stomped that chick’s head bloody and her titties jiggled
fine I'll watch it
what the fuck
I know I was shocked too
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so true queen
it’s okay the chick who got her head crushed was brought back to life dw
no. no i wouldn't. i would not get horny when i see a girl get her head stomped in. i do not get it. i really really do not get it
I got banned for calling the /CLG/ooners pedos
it’s more about the way Falin moved and her bubbly, careless girlboss attitude

it’s about ethics in gaming journalism
erotic violence is inherently attractive to true lesbians
bleh ( ˘︹˘ ) ewww
Guys just a sec check out:

falin feathery booba..
Today is a continual disaster of wild proportions and the ONLY good part was doing groceries with that girl but my soul is so weary I'm not sure I can even follow up on it
have to visit family soon which makes me nostalgic so i googled people i knew from the area and learned my childhood friend is married. good for her. please god let me date a latina woman again i’ll start going back to church again if thats what it means.
uuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh ilove women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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feathery titty
just remembered im literally going to a church event today im retarded im ALREADY going to church. cmon yhwh dont let me down
been thinking about converting to christianity recently (raised atheist)
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>imagine being a lesbian and joining a religion that subjugates women and worships a moid god and only allows moids to be authority figures
the only religion i follow is the religion of my gf's body
and lets just say
im a devout worshiper at the temple of her armpits
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what fursona is the most lesbian
>>imagine being a lesbian and joining a religion that subjugates women and worships a moid god and only allows moids to be authority figures

Sign me up
another bishit L
All cis people are inherently violant actually. They're just animals being led by their base desires. They need to be controlled by higher beings (trans people)
Together we can Shephard them towards goodness and love.
Surely women can't be real, right?

Another terf projection...
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You’re the one always talking about fighting your violent impulses. lmao
>This girl really stopped talking to me to worship another girl who unironically calls herself straight.

Because the straight girl was actually attractive you ugly dumb dyke lmao
I am the tokyo ghoul of transbian
My human side (trans) contrasts with my ghoul side (cis)

I know how cissies think, which is why i know they're a blight
>wanting men to rule over women
>not bisexual
office retard…
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holy cringe lol
women are not real...
Can't be, it wouldn't make any sense.
dating a detrans girl is awesome
sucking on her enlarged clit regularly has changed something within me
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falin titty…

I'm back based girlfriend
That's sexual harassment. Kill the person that types your posts retard.
How comes lgbt people are disproportionately mentally ill?

Are we the baddies..
Yeah all of you are shittt people using congrats on finally realizing it!
Gf told me she really wants to pee on me and I wanna make her happy but it just seems super gross :/
I love life so much I wanna be evrything
lago is not a terf lmao she actually freaks out if you say lesbians can't be attracted to transwomen. i'm a tran and am way more of a terf than her really.
>i'm a tran and am way more of a terf than her really.
that's how you can overlook it
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suicide pact gf who surprisingly gives you a reason to live..
I don't want sex I want a male girlfriend who hugs me when I'm upset and helps me uplift myself
need a girl who Gets It
Do trans women like crochet beanies? I'm think of making one to this girl I was talking to. even though she's ignoring me now
That's not good, stop treating yourself like that.
Almost everybody is a terf in your words (the proper word is transmisogynist) but they are all losers! All the best people know trannies are a diverse group of people and not some monolithic oddity bouncing between idealization/vilification
Yes, all trans women love crochet beanies
listening and learning
Glistening and yearning
How do you ask a trans woman out? Every time I get called a sex obsessed chaser or ghosted
ask to come to her place to help clean
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You befriend her then after 2 years you reveal you actually love her as more than just a fren. Works eritime
Tell me when you find out
I cannot get close to trans women they all ghost me. If I was trans they wouldn't but I'm a chaser apparently just because I'm cis?
Ew, go away
I forgot everything i ever learned bitch now im just a happy retard making a path through all your shit and piss
new :3
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Y'all still hating political lesbians or can I come party?

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