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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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just a tiddly wink flamboyant
a single strip of lime zest

zased anon.
ugh so many flamers
I'm making tuna melts.
I made home mayonnaise.
I quickly sauteed a diced onion in oil until brown.
I grated some leftover monterey jack cheese.
I toasted some premade sourdough english muffins (so it doesn't get mushy from the liquid above it)
then I mixed 3 tuna pouches (should have gotten more!) with worcestershire sauce, the onions, mayo, and mustard
topped with cheese
baking now
the store only had "light tuna" pouches, I don't know what light tuna is, I assume its just a different lower-fat species of tuna, but it's probably not quite as good?
canned tuna is stinkier and I can never go back to it
Sweaty zoomer feet
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tuna melts still too hot to eat
but they got nice and crispy on top without having to broil them by baking them a good long while at 425F
are my standards unrealistic
>out of the closet
>wants a monogamous relationship
>actively seeking treatment for any mental health issues
>not a slut
>not a neet
>>not a neet
ruh oh
*refuses to elaborate*
do you meet them?
then not unrealistic but still hard
i'm in the closet
Nah, I wouldn’t say unrealistic. Just can be few and far between; couple that with having to find someone that vibes with you personally and it feels that much rarer. You’ll get there brother, it just might take a good few tries. That can be the tough part imo. Feeling like you’re ’striking out’ can suck but it’s more like you’re just running interviews and tryouts
um so uh who IS willing to date a neet
that's a small pool. usually other neets
not to self, do not add raw garlic to homemade mayo next time
My life has improved dramatically over the last 12 months and most of you are still losers with no money, no opportunities, no hobbies outside of gaming and masturbation, no friends IRL and disappointing sex lives or a complete lack of one.

No life underneath that pale translucent unwashed gamer skin. Can't fucking relate.

You can all eat shit. Stare longingly at the nearest sharp object. You'll know what to do.
I wanna date haribo! As in a real date. Not a hookup. I don't want to kiss him at the end of the first date.
what compels you to bully us like this? was becoming kinder not on your to-do list in the last 12 months? :/
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You're on 4chan. And you're a regular. Whoever you are, you deserve it. And you know it.
>pale translucent
He means y’all then
and what are you considering you still felt the need to come and post this?
if those are your feelings, surely you’ve outgrown this place then
I wish you luck on the next stages of your journey, may you look back on /gaygen/ fondly :)
I am in particular referring to the white unattractive nerds with gamer ass Smeagol spines who think that the world owes them happiness and they don't have to move a finger for it, yes. All of you suck, but in particular them. They deserve the unhappiness and filth that they're sitting in.
Petty, but also correct.
I won't.
I have a bunny that looks exactly like that but a bit younger looking
Cute. What's his/her name?
You're asking for the top 1% of gay men with those standards sis. And that's already in a tiny dating pool.
>I don't want to kiss him
probably for the best.
he's fat and ugly.
and has weird shaped dick.
Don't have any

4/5 yay ^_^
How many guys do you think are closeted, assuming they live in a Western country where homosexuality is legal. I'd say like 40% of gay men are still closeted in America.
Not american here.
Never understood this getting-out-of-the-closet thing.
Yes, I understand coming to terms with your own sexuality. But what other people
has to do with it. I can understand sharing this with close friends and with family.
But I don't see a point informing whole world about it.
i don’t date bisexuals
depends what you consider closeted. i think the majority of masc gay men are called closeted just because they don't fit an easily identified stereotype
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did you like the young royals (if you've ever watched it)?
Let's keep it simple. Not out of the closet to their family.
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it's probably more than 50%, especially for older men. the young ones have bought into the closet meme more and probably live at home so can't hide it as well
there's a lot of guys who don't even know that they're gay
because they can't have such experiences in their culture
many end up marrying women, having kids... until something wakes them up
delayed onset gayness
It's definitely a modernist practice being pushed by the lgbt propagandaists. Basically you want other people to share your reality in accepting that you are abnormal and want sex with men. Instead of existing in two realities where other people think you are straight (or pretend to treat you as straight because you are closeted, but still effeminate), you cut the lies and pretending and let people know you're gay. The thing is most people feel entitled to being accepted by others which is rarely ever the case. People don't have to accept you for who you are, that's just the reality of this unfair, cruel world. Not much you can change it.
they know. they choose to pretend they're not
not everyone is exposed to "LGBT culture" like Americans and Europeans
like this cock craving sub bottom >>36293105
tell yourself whatever you need to feel better
You exist in a reality where you know you are gay. But other people live in another reality where they treat you like you're straight. The disconnect causes you to feel like an outsider from your own group of family and friends. So you try to fix this by coming out, but it doesn't always work out this way.
outside of the first world all openly lgbt people are poor as fuck and live in squalor
I said Western countries where homosexuality was legal. No one cares about your barbarian brown shithole you came from.
that's your government, police, military, and politicians sweetie
oh, i see, you're retarded. i'm sorry to have bothered you
lol trip on
do you have anything better to do?
Why are you so rude to me sis?
Masha ! Its a boy buy we didnt know that before naming him.
>talking to guy on grindr
>he seems nice and he's quite handsome
>he has a masters degree, claims to make big bucks, blah blah blah
>we share social media
>he useems to be using his real name which is a good sign
>i search on linkedin for his name
>absolutely nothing
>realize im talking to some loser who most likely doesn't have a job or is using an alias

if a guy is 30+ he should have a linkedin profile by now with all his experience..right?
I think averaged out between boomers and zoomers, it might be around 50%. Feels kinda high despite all the Pride visibility happening on social media, but it's probably true if not higher.
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I don't have one, but I'm educated and employed.
Am I outlier?
I'm so sad I'm built like this but not sexy
I don't get how guys are into this body type..
I can understand how guys are into beefy hairy muscular guys but these guys are just fat on purpose because its their fetish and they're lazy.
How am I delulu? You saw the travesty that my body was yesterday. Im very insecure about it.
who cares about linkedit? do you know how to talk to people and figure out if they're genuine and worth getting to know? developing social skills is going to be more useful in life than arbitrary checklists
your body is gross af but you dont look like that lol
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social media is very different from real life. it barely bears any relationship to real life. besides most of the people claiming pride of social media are 'queer' which means nothing and in reality they're probably just straight people who look at weird porn and erp with other people who consume weird porn
he's shaped like that
african bloat fr
I care about it and so should you if you're going on dates and interacting with guys on dating apps you want to make sure they're legit.

my social media is intertwined with my real life and bears a significant relationship to it
Stop making fun of me. I'm already depressed enough.
who knocked her up?
why is she posting pregnant photos of her baby bump on gg? women are so weird
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I just think they’re neat :)
>never will have this
why even live?
you should let it motivate you
become an actor and pretend to have it?
I want this to be a motivator for a glow up but thr bigger likelihood Is ill end up fatter somehow:(
most likely, you need to get away from your family and move back to the u.s. and start adulting
Don't give up. You're cute.
usually these people were molested by a fat guyat an early age leading to fucked up sexaul preferences, or they are fat themselves and pretend obesity is attractive as a coping mechanism
>go back to the u.s!
>you know, where all the fatties habituate!
I'm good.
You can't be fat and cute. It's an oxymoron.
why are they all white
>dating a guy for like a month
>wears a ring on his left ring finger, said it's the only finger it fits
>search his name on instagram to find out how to spell his surname (he's from a different country) because i am sending him flowers
>find out he got married a few months ago to someone he was dating for about 8/9 months
>told me before he has an 'ongoing court case' and he'd tell me about it in the future
>i think it's the divorce but idk
idk how to bring this up to him but im going crazy i wanna kms
i don't use social media to decide if people are legit and that seems silly to me but i'm already in a relationship so i'm not on any dating app
break up with him
this feels like a leading question :/
its just very annoying because he feels perfect for me in every other way. i want to give him the chance to explain himself (i also just want answers), but if he can't answer yes to a) if he is actually single, and why he still wears the ring and b) if he's mentally/emotionally ready to be with me - then I will break up with him
never mind
Dial 8
It's not uncommon at all, especially in rural or conservative areas. My area is fairly tolerant but a lot of gay/bi guys opted to start families or get a wife or a job in the public eye and want to avoid the hassle of coming out openly.
hmm maybe they aren't actually tolerant of gays
>telling people i like men is such an annoying big eal I know I will just repress and marry a woman I feel nothing for
>my area is fairly tolerant
he is a demonstrated liar
sounds life those people are homophobes and selfish. gonna fuck up their wife and kid's lives
>tfw they call you schizo for saying you feel gang stalked, but they're literally so neurotic that the only reason they started posting here is to try to talk to you because they can't talk to you in person like a human being with respect and dignity. they literally came here solely to dig up dirt on ya and found nothing. then they wonder why you don't like them or how you can know.
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You make me feel so young
You make me feel so Spring has sprung
And every time I see you grin
I'm such a happy individual
Stringed cheese is so tasty omg
I’ve been snacking on the Sargento sharp cheddar blocks lately :3
There are also guys who are openly gay and walk around with their partners without any issues.
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/int/ twinks
Online shopping >>>>> in store shop-lifting
Is bagels with mild cheese, jalapeños and sour cream too far
I don’t remember what cheese tastes like. I’m a vegan so I don’t believe in being cruel to animals
Post Rollo feetsies
i got taco bell on the way home and the crumbs got all over the car. ya guys make fun of me like i'm a serial killer if it's clean, ya make fun of me if there's crumbs. did you guys ever consider not going through my car, you assholes? i respect the privacy of others. why is my dignity stripped from me? it's like ya just love to shit on me behind closed doors as if the guilt isn't all over your face.
I guess I'm top presenting because I get harassed by other bottoms all the the time on Grindr. What do?
cashew cheese tastes better
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I wish this version was on Spotify too :(

I don’t think I have a dedicated feet pic, and I’m on my way to the airport right now
best I have is this right now >.<
get breed
Get a load of this loser, lol.
>I don’t believe in being cruel to animals
then why do you shitpost here?
I’ve been taking probiotics at night and they make me wake up really gassy. Just absolutely full of farts.
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probiotics are meant to be taken with food
350(4 stringed cheese)
810(2 bagels+sour cream+mild cheddar+jalapenos)
This is what I've eaten currently for the day.
it should be all you eat
Really? No joke? I've gone as little as 600-800ish calories for a whole day with a lot of water
I'm asking because I want results, not trolling
yeah every doctor recommends a diet of 1200 calories a day if you want to lose weight
i miss anime blowjob
try topping?
i don't understand the cartoon countries lol
Source or you're trying to kill me
>because i am sending him flowers
do gay guys do that?
drop link, faggot.
beenie :)
I'm not doing your homework
Google it
i'm gonna fuck you up
I’ve read it’s just around 500 calories less than your maintenance calories O.o
1200 is very low for a lot of people
that's not low enough, 1200 calories a day is 1-2lb weight loss a week

honestly if I was fat I would just water fast for a month or longer until I get the desired result
thank you!
so tired of these lazy dumbass motherfuckers. if they really cared they'd do their own homework. you can they're just looking to argue when they ask for the source because they don't care about the data. they want to disparage the credibility of the source to negate it so they can continue to control the conversation.
it's ai generated art
some do
am I assuming that’s high protein then to help with satiety? honestly that sounds like nothing but protein :/
how's it going anon
you're the only poster on /gg/ I actually enjoy seeing.
and I'm not anon actually ;)
it's based on the Minnesota Starvation Experiment from what I understand, 1200 calories is touted as the minimum for basic bodily functions and to stay out of starvation mode
you're just rude and should off yourself
Thank you :)
my heart is for poor european boys only who need a greencard
is pro ana fashionable again
that explains it, what an uncomfortable way to diet :(

you’re welcome friend ^w^
does anybody have any ideas for what we could talk about today i want to post on 4chan right now
how big your penis is
i don’t, i hope he killed himself
sir im a bottom
your honor he's dodging the question
nobody ever kills themselves here, the writers kinda suck
my penis is not for sale
lead by example, not by words, anon.
who was trying to buy it?
tiny todger association of gaygen the gaygen penis market
sex sells.............
....but whos buying?
doc being removed from the midnight society and going on hiatus means twitch is getting their pants sued off for breach of contract in leaking the reason for the doc being banned.
if that's not the reason, then it exposes a larger problem where cancel culture has emboldened people making false claims because it doesn't matter if the claim is true or not. the damage is done when the claim is made. like did drake really prey upon minors? maybe, maybe not. same scenario. damage was done soon as the dis track dropped. kendrick could be lying (he likely isn't). everyone remembers the one in front of the gun, not the one that pulled the trigger. doc will forever have to deal with the allegations regardless.
i like talking about gay sex, even though i never get to have any
Are straight people gay?
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in a few months time i will have not had sex in 6 years
i nearly considered going to a porno cinema last week
Do you take face card?
>a porno cinema
is this just an orgy without planning
yes but they get away with it by being 'straight'
no. you don't bang the other guys, just jerk yourself off
from what i read it depends on when you go, it can be an all out orgy or there might be 1 guy there looking to get sucked off
the consensus seemed to be that they're mostly attended by middle aged people though
the guy who le exposed him was trying to sell tickets for his band but he didnt explicitly mention doc so i think theres nothing anybody can do because it cant become legal. i dont know if twitch are liable for the guy because he doesnt work for them anymore its funny how i heard about the gamer noncing and not the rapper noncing
what does this mean frend
what a concept. and you pay for this?
>the consensus seemed to be that they're mostly attended by middle aged people though
Veganism >>>> being cruel to animals
the concept is pretty antiquated at this point so anyone younger is more likely to just use grindr
for clarity i'm >>36294316 the porn cinemas in my city do allow sex most in the US don't
Sir that was a movie theatre i'm calling the cops
>the porn cinemas
there are multiple in your city
tfw no cuddle buddy
Breatharian >>>>>>>> being cruel to living entities.
why can't you just photosynthesize the energy from the air and sun?
my twink bwc and balls are so big that i literally dips in the toilet and I have to kind of "squat" or hoverpoop to avoid that dilemma, I can't sleep on my side anymore because no matter how I arrange myself it feels pinched and uncomfortable so I've now had to become a back sleeper (always grew up sleeping on my side so cant adjust, havent slept 8 hours in over a year), also even with my hoverpooping method Im pretty sure my cock (and definitely my balls can reach to my asshole) and I could probably fuck myself if I wanted to, so my genitals are almost certainly always unhygienic oh and theres no way in hell any bottom would find it pleasurable on a purely physical way, its just too big, so all my sex is pathetic cringey psycho dom daddy twinktop larping when sometimes I just want to have normal non-weird sex

thanks for coming to my ted talk.
3 at the very least
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I'm gay secretly but I act like a total homophobe in real life.
How can I let go of my hatred?
i need to penis wash my room again
impressive that they can maintain enough profit in 2024 with free porn and dating apps
wait for that beautiful fem boy you can’t live without to enter your life :3
a very sharp knife
you cant unwash the penis of modernity
so youre into fat old dudes
well, that’s how my fanfics usually go, you must want an older father figure type to give you the security you were missing as a child :/
you're too old to be this person
And what do I do with a very sharp knife?

>fem boy
No, If I wanted anything fem I would be straight.
get a boyfriend. try being incredibly direct. say there's some guy you're interested in. let him know very directly. especially if he's out or obviously gay. he may be trying to be respectful and doesn't want to hit on you for fear of the consequences. he may not even realize you're gay or otherwise interested.
you’re never too old for fanfic O.o

oh, then you just need to take the plunge
just start dating :)
ive had
210(3 nectarines)
5(iced coffee with artifical sweetener)
5(brushing teeth)
0(water, lots of it)
its currently 3:30 pm. i got up around 8am. good run rn
i know he's out there, somewhere. i can just feel it
>i can just feel it
deep down in mah plums.
all juicy and ripe and ready for pickin'
I wish that worked
i went quiet because i thought it was the right thing to do regarding a situation w/ a friend. but apparently he hopes i should kill myself so fuck it, we ball.
how we livin?
when he said he was going to break you, it didn't mean he was going to kill you...
that wasnt him you know
>And what do I do with a very sharp knife?
>you just need to take the plunge
you can assume any post made like that anon is not who it
i hope youre sound lad been thinking of u x
i just came up with two ideas for posts one of them was how many coopers we could fit in a starcraft bunker and the other one was about how love is a battlefield and i got a .00002m2 radar signature and stealth techonology and parallel lines n shiet
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I hate my job, and also my life.
I am expected to be on-call 24/7, and am expected to do overtime on-demand, including weekends. When I am not working, I am too tired to do anything and I just want to veg out at home and do nothing. My boss is a sadistic bitch who if she had her way every work-shift would be a non-stop voice-call / screen-share session 'that could've been an email' where nothing actually gets accomplished. I hate being stuck on this wage-cuck hamster-wheel.
>tfw no jealous friend who will r*pe you in bed

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gay cottaging in the starcraft bunker
Find a new job anon. Been there done that.
Manifest your new reality :)
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when are they going to figure out long lasting test gains?
or ways of removing body hair better ?
ugh I hate myself for having such high standards
you know why you're really upset? it's not because of the job or the boss or whatever bullshit. it's that you don't feel in control. you don't feel free to do what you want. you feel trapped. welcome to society. it's not getting better. it's getting worse. the integration of the internet into every facet of your life? your privacy being taken away? why don't you just pull up a seat. we're all on this ride together.
can’t talk if yo neck broke
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for me? It's Iceman
wait i didnt mean it was me i meant it was someone trying to be clever
was maverick the top gun or the bottom gun
I want to be haribo's wingman
Why did tranibo take frotty's signature flag?
a show of fat bisexual solidarity
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I'm confused about my sexuality. To put it bluntly, I've known I liked guys since I was 12, but I've never once felt attracted towards dicks. They're fine and all, but I guess I just wanted to jump guys bones like a rabid dog. Now I'm 20 and I don't really see anyone if I'm just ngmi because I have zero attraction to women. I don't even really appreciate their beauty even though I can acknowledge who's conventionally attractive.

I'm so fucked up. I'm so tired of pretending to be confused straight boy, or whatever the fuck people want me to be. Help
it is, similar stuff happened. but i've already dropped it, i'm not trying to fight lol

yeh alright lad, and yeself?

>love is a battlefield and i got a .00002m2 radar signature and stealth techonology and parallel lines n shiet
needs a single release, this is metaphor, this is profound. love is a battlefield and you man canny een see me
would you?
whose that
i need more than a blurry face pic to decide that
interracial is a meme. Go find another white guy. I swear to god, it's nothing against other races but you're going to find out that their brains just don't operate in the ways are do (I'm not talking about intelligence) and it's going to end in utter disaster. their approach to relationships, work, sex, it all is just different. just a protip, if you don't want to waste tons of time.
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i'm not your goose, maverick
Youtube toy reviewer who killed his pregnant wife and tried to cover it up by making a fake livestream
That depends. Got any feet pics of him?
lol wtf? do you have a link
My body is ugly :(
Hey anon losers :-) don’t forget to wash your penis and brush your teeth. I heard that you smell diabolically.
you're fine
um i think you tagged the wrong post but your body is fine
not my beeswax i guess is it i just dont like the idea of people disappearing and all cos your me mates yeah
once you're in the moment you can figure things out
thinking about things too much can abstract them too much from their context
why do you want to be a girl?
oop the pedophile jumping out
bucko was right and won
lot of videos covering him, but i think this one is the most thorough

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I found a way to look even trashier and be more despised and I’m living
i think i just caught aids
despite his diminished mental age tankanon is a full grown man
trip on dan
oh wait
he already has it LMAOOOO
i think i just caught eyyyyys sexy lady
op op op
oppa gaygen style
You've got potential. You should start working out.
>My Favorite YouTuber is a Murderer
youtubers are clowns. anyway thank you, gonna watch and laugh
Still don’t have aids still more admired than you hehe
he's a man
at least have your insults make sense
You need sexo that's the easy and hard answer. Ideally with someone you trust where you can explore at a comfortable pace and not a fast hookup where someone is trying to get their rocks off and move on. Your brain is running on incomplete data because you're essentially a spectator to something that is very intimate and physical.
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What do guys mean when they describe you as sweet?
>where you can explore at a comfortable pace
me with delta's hole
"I don't find you attractive"
depends on context. could be:
>nice to be around
>an easy fuck
i dont think hes even been found guilty or anything its an ongoing trial so retarded
I always mean it sincerely. Usually that you have a gentle smile and are pleasant conversation
Anyone who calls me sweet is a fucking liar, so I wouldn't know.
letting thee pixels on the screen stress me out a lot again bros
feeling yourseeeelf disenteeegrate
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Wise sneed say
Only chucks rush in
But I can't help seeding in feed with you
I'm talking to this cute guy but I don't feel like he is as interested in me as he once was :(
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well I'll drink to that
what makes you say that this naturally sort of happens when you first start talking you just have a lot of things to share with eachother
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i am no longer asking. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/
ask me one more time, faggot.
Oh she's sweet but a psycho, a little bit psycho
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idk he just never sends me messages anymore and keeps himself offline all the time and feels more distant ig
are you jamaican?
Odds: Goon for six hours
Evens: Abstain for Jesus
>not gooning for jesus
woah what a throwback (i prefer KA)
How has this stupid fucking month been for you so far?
This is the biggest twink album of the month or is it viral marketing? There's too many songs about being an insecure girl and even one about going off birth control and fantasizing about having a baby that gives me the ick. If I like an album I delete some songs I don't like and throw the rest into the shuffle blender and I've binned at least a third of this.
got about 15 minutes in and i gave up
i don't get the hype at all, boring repetitive empty lyrics over clanging instrumentals
It means you are so terribly boring and without any mystery or strength in character that you can only fulfill the bare minimum expectations of basic socialization: being nice. It is the worst insult to ever call a man such a pitiable state.
>you can only fulfill the bare minimum expectations of basic socialization: being nice.
>doesn't fulfil it
What do guys mean when they describe you as wholesome big chungus reddit 100
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You should use weight but you're a nice guy
Probably a tavern owner who is well received by the local populus
then do it, harm yourself
and how does self harm fix your gaycel-itude
Do it sis. You won't.
What’s wrong sis?
I wish I could but ik its pointless and would only make me less desirbale
People keep telling me I'm so nice. I should be a doctor or priest to heal people from their sicknesses and sins. Now I just want to watch people choke and die to Covid vaccines and burn in sorrow.
No one will ever love me or want me. I feel like crying but I can't cry
attention seeking moment
there’s nothing you could do to make yourself more desirable anyway, might as well feel something you can control
You mog me in body
I'm just fat
That’s so sad
>The newest guy i'm talking too already seems to be on the path to ghosting me
Show him your tight hole
it isn't tight
john cone...
the only cone i ever known
You need to mirror people's level of indifference towards you. Chasing makes you look weak and desperate. Leave him on read for a few hours.
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I think i'm gonna go on another hiatus from here it's not good for my mental wellbeing. See you guys later
>The year is 2024
>still no maid bf
>still no maid AI bf
This is some bullshit
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>start to train core after losing weight
>noticed I have female ab insertions
its over
>maid bf
Once I achieve twinkmode I can do this bc I crossdress
Can we get a good post?
no :(
Dan have you ever been in a threesome or gangbang?
You are dutch?
some threesomes but not many. I prefer one on one. Needy and selfish.
Why do I need to be Dutch to be a maid?
I have those too :(
Interesting. I also prefer being the center of attention in bed.
terrible thread
No I'm just observing based on your flag
Tired of prison gays infesting on /soc/, I thought I had it with a guy who lives in the same city as me until he ghosted me for having a masc face.

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