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>>36289988 (last episode)
QOTT what is your favorite sci fi horror film
alt QOTT what is the best part of summer
Thread of the dead
Guten morgen thread.
Your trip sucks. Mines bigger.
But mine rolls off the tongue better, Laguna-sama.
Well not my fault my names are fancy.
I got a Roland and then it crashed. My bad for actually touching the computer. Maybe I should get a few names off the list
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Or I just rawdog it and pray it doesn't crash. I am too greedy.
..A very wide range of trips indeed, Laguna-sama.
I need MORE
I also added one to the list just for you so you're cooler. If it generates.
apple in sheens mouth and roast her like a pig
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Wtf not that one.
i am suicidal and depressed
you have no empathy
Good morning.
Thank you, Laguna-sama. Though it will take some days for me to return to avifagging, unfortunately.
how long it takes
there are a lot of letters
apple in jannys mouth and sharing it with her like family
whilst not my favorite per say,
the fly is a cult classic
I transitioned but i never got my cluster b rapehon gf is it over will i ever be able to pass?
What is your favorite
honestly "passing" is purely a matter of luck and some people are just luckier than others, there's really no effort or anything behind it its just purely luck and that's just how it is
maybe if ur retarded
effort is half the battle
some people get fucked by genes, but if you're average, then effort is more effective
no desu its like, maybe 10% tops
The xanny witch has casted her curse upon you innocent one. You must repent to be freed.
You are all unbelievably faggoty
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cis girl, but point still stands.
same girl
Nah passing is basically all genetics. Being attractive takes effort though for sure.
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what will happen when she's out of xannies
idk sorry anon i think its luck
shame, you'll never pass i guess
She still passes on left
because it's luck?
Without faggotry, would this really be Mtfg?
none of them because i'm a little bitch that's easily scared / grossed out. i used to watch a bunch of horror movies, but the fly still grosses me out.
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Passing and being attractive is effort AND genetics
U can have all the good genetics u want but if ur not putting effort you're not going to look good
Though the other way around it doesn't exactly work, bad genetics can be compensated for with effort but it also means surgeries etc which is way harder than what people generally mean with effort
My point being stop dooming and start working on urself you lazy sad depressing ass bitch
nta, but i HATE body horror
just horrible
no its actually mostly genetics, and a lot of people who say they put in "effort" are just trying to glorify an achievement that isn't really there because it's just luck
Oh lord. Let's just not imagine that shall we?
That's cool. I like Thriller films. I like art with emotional impact
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R u retarded? I've had to put 2 yrs of effort on myself to pass well and I keep having retards like you (literally one on my dms rn which is abt to get blocked at this point) telling me that no I'm just lucky
Y'all need to stfu and do something with yalls lives like I'm asking u 2

I used to be at 100kg btw, n now I actually look decent
cant find the hrtgen rn so ill ask here
how needed is a hormone test beforehand
Nah theres people who just dont respond to estrogen well or people with linebacker frames etc. theyre always gonna be clocky hons.
I passed even tho i never put any effort in, im 5’4 and have a female skeleton. Was even hondosed for awhile, started at 19. All luck.
>literally a luckshit passoid replying to my post trying to justify their luck as some sort of achievement
start going to the gym and tell me that doesnt take effort.
passing is 99% genetics ans 1% effort, just work hard bro and you will make it
damn, bro.
might aswell kill yourself then since its all over for you
r u samefagging
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i like action films.
>"You can get unlucky so it's all about luck"
Did you miss like the entire bit where I said bad luck can be compensated with effort or smth?
idk what to tell you both but especially in>>36293578's case its mostly luck
effort cannot supercede luck.
Okay then it must've been the gene fucking wizard that figured out extreme weight loss, clothing, makeup, accessories, voice training, and changing my behavior all for me to pass. Thank god for it existing.
theres a lot of factors.
age, effort, genetics and im certain theres more i cant think of rn
yeah u got really lucky :D im so happy for u its like winning the lottery :D
mmm they took blood from me at my first ever doctors appointment and they sent me home with hormones the same day.
but that was almost 10 years ago now.
they prob just need to compare to have a reference before your next appointment and blood draw to see if youre on track
Do you top?
My nuts r gonna supersede ur mothers pussy if you keep yapping on
Also hygiene, beauty products, hair products and skincare
im diying
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its not a big deal, if you're transitioning you're ganna be giving a lot of blood
u keep neglecting to mention how lucky you were
thats like 50kg at most. thats pretty normal. since youre decently young ima just assume that you lost that at the end of your puberty which is pretty normal
Depends on what? Who has the bigger tool?
You aren’t trans Larry. You’re a drunk gypsy. Go home.
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>don't voice train
>don't learn make up
>wear male clothes
>don't shave good enough
>don't shape eyebrows
>don't weight cycle
good morning I like this trip
Luck is a part of everything. Mentioning it is redundant.
It was 50 kg after puberty, while starting hrt
And weighting 100kg while at 158 cm is NOT normal
u really lucked out there
The person.
Refer to >>36293654
>158 cm
nvm u used to be a midget my bad. i thought you were at least average height for women (168cm at age 18-20)
refer to >>36293662>>36293615
Hmm i see, well im 196cm. Would be fun to see you have your way
I prefer the term fun sized.
Refer to the moans of your mother when I visit her tonight
A most curious situation this is..
clearly a case of midget incel transmaxxing. i for one was a 6'1 (now 5'10) gym chad who is currently twinkmoding (age 20)
Okay, i dont know why ur being stubborn on it u should be happy to be lucky, but okay, you put in a bit of effort isn't that nice? ontop of all ur luck :)
It would be fun if you where a bit forcefull
>i for one was a 6'1 (now 5'10)
damn, you just out here lying, huh?
>this will somehow make your skull/ribcage/shoulders/spine/hands/feet smaller
For a lot of people its simply ogre idk why thats so hard to accept
>158 cm
wdym?! it surely wasnt just my shitty posture that took the 3 inches
Noone denied luck, or unluck.
But you dipshits are saying luck is 95% of it, and thats just untrue and bad faith.
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You are AGP and transitioned because you get boners from wearing skirts Elyse that's not a flex
A bit of effort? If it wasn't for my effort I'd still be ugly as shit
Erm bottom chaser : /
That height also means my ribcage is big and my back quite wide. It isn't a saving grace of some sort.
>A bit of effort? If it wasn't for my effort I'd still be ugly as shit
ya but it was mostly ur luck, no?
You are indeed a subhuman. But not a tranny.
Actuelly no, im mostly quite a agressive top, just sometimes yknoww
its worse with youngshits. embrace the bitterhonpill like me shanon
>You are AGP and transitioned because you get boners from wearing skirts Elyse that's not a flex
no my parents just denied me care. but eh cant change the past now, can you
why is it that all the cooler people don't use trips
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No. It was the effort. The genetics could've been the best in the world but without the effort I put I would be nowhere.
Well that's unfortunate. And now I seem like a dick. My bad, yo.
I took them all alongside the lameness.
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You guys ever hear of the good videogame, OldSchool Runescape?
>No. It was the effort
it's clearly the luck by the look of u
lmao dont worry im just having fun desu, midshits still have a chance, especially since tall bodies tend to not look bricky
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Good trip and took my trips.. Who do you think you are exactly.
few things better than sitting on your unis roof, twinkmoding, enjoying some banter and sipping iced coffee
Yeah most of the time id rather use you in every way i want. But maybe after im done fucking your ass as hard as i can, being exhuasted you take your revenge
Is this the A4 sheets companion? Ms wizard has a picture of me showing my brow btw, feel free to post it
Very true. I wish I were taller often to have more normal proportions.
Vade retro Satana.
i dont think wishing this or that will help any of us, we all are to work with what we are given, and nothing but hard work and harder drugs will get us where we wana be
I liked the dot
i don't get it.. ur being so silly about this! it's very clear to anyone that u lucked out with trans stuff....
what makes them cool is that they don't care.
competency without compassion makes someone cool. the inverse makes someone hot (compassion without competency).

girls want a cool guy. why? because they want a guy that knows what he's doing in the bedroom to soothe their own insecurities.
guys want a hot girl. a girl that doesn't know what she's doing so expectations on performance are lower. lower bar means it's easier for the guy to perform. less performance anxiety.
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You are quite the interesting being
Exactly. This is why I just do things instead of complaining about how they could be better. It angers me that people do not follow this approach
It is a nice dot.
Stop coping
Ill use a pillow, idc about face
i'd believe ur theory if any of them were actually hot
clearly projecting
Carol I hit a trip of kurisu but it kinda sucks. I wanna increase to two dots at this point but I fear I will set fire to my house.
Why so? Honestly i just have a very extreme libido and i am very dominant in bed but sweet irl. But sometimes i just want to be utterly humiliated and deamened, nothing more demeaning then getting fucked in the ass as a straigth man by a woman
You're kinda like me but the opposite
Or maybe I'm more on a middle ground
Idfk I'm a khv why am I talking abt this as if I knew
also half the people here who dont actually do anything for their body (like working out) should really just do so for their mental health. it really does wonders.

also do you have any tips for like cutting properly? like i get through most of the day on a few pieces of fruit and coffee (artifically sweetened + ice) but then i just binge on bread and pasta and shit like that.
im down to like 68kg but i was at 65 last year and my goal is like 60 (1/3rd of my max hip thrust)
do you know any tips for that? and maybe some to have fun at cardio, stretch more and be more regularly at the gym
not that lucky i guess
Well who knows, but yes i just want to feel that atm. But the day after you know you are going to spend the whole day being used
being a tripfag doesn't mean you're hot or cold. it means you're an attention whore. they come across as desperate which is unattractive.
Chasers I stg
Tips for weight loss is commitment and patience. Slowly progress to eating less, dont force it and you won't have gluttony messing it all up. Also, try to adapt to what you're doing and how your body is taking it
With that I mean take what macros you need depending on what you're going for and what you're getting
If you want muscle gain take more protein, faster muscle recovery is carbs but it also means cutting on eating a bit since carbs got a lot of calories
And talking about calories, count them and slowly decrease them as you see fit, try to track your weight once a week in the morning after having emptied yourself to have clear data on it
And try to abuse food w low cals for whenever you feel you're not full enough. Seriously just search for a fruit or smth you like and just pig out on it after you get what you need in terms of macros
It is what it is
5 dollars for a binah trip calamity
but u really did luck out with how u look, liek wow, really good genetics
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The bread might've had good ingredients but it was the baker that made it into what it is now.
ye that makes sense. calorie counting helped me go down from abt 97kg to 63.8 (lowest) but then uuh you know how mental illness is
no i think a better analogy would be
wow ur mineshaft luckily struck gold!
Its up to each person. But i imagine coming home, grabbing you putting you on your knees. Hold your little head and make you gag on it, then dragging it across your face, once i finish inside i will order you to get into bed while i clean. Id spend the night fucking you untill i fully collapse, and then or maybe in the morning you take revenge
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need mohg bf
cant we all agree that its part effort and part luck? i mean its not like you can change that stuff anyways so why worry. yall get way too riled up about that stuff and i want this thread to be dead instead of watching the tards fight.
That's what im saying, it's like a little bit of effort too, duh. but its mostly luck
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I do know. I literally gained like 15kg on Christmas after getting depressed. It was bleak
Meh I'll put it on the list anyways
Whenever it crashes or I'm done with this batch.. I'm cooking something up..
No I like my bread.
The misfortune here is that I mostly like women and I am only interested in guys if their personality is good.
It is literally what the bread analogy means.
>gained 15kg
fatty lol, ur still a lucky girl tho :3
i think whether its mostly luck or mostly effort really depends on the person but what she posted is attainable with a bit of knowlege of bodybuilding, hrt in lateish teens and so on
I literally cannot. I stan my hon sisters, they dont deserve to be disparaged by passer privilege
yeah, so if u start young, so lets say ur teens, its mostly luck at that point, because you got to start young ontop of the luck of genetics
literally posting the same game, lmao, how more simpy and pathetic can you get than this
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Food is my one and only true love. And the gym. This is a very ironic predicament.
You get it , for realsies
I am the mog that is approaching
ur so lucky though! wow
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fun fact about me;
i have never seen a porcupine in real life
my dog got fucked up by one and i had to teka the quills out of her mouth, but never saw it myself.
Careful sis, my whr will literally make you seethe
anyone can start at 18, really. its not hard to buy some crypto and have it shipped to a postal parcel locker type thing. and if you cant hide yo shit thats your own fault. a dose for 2 years een injections along with needles and syringes for that time is like sub 100 bucks
passing is just a safety thing that ideally wouldnt be needed
>15 kg
RIP - must have hurted desu. i mean i weigh myself every morning and if i see just +0.2 kg i allmost have a mental breakdown
who is gebura
a newfag?
sowwy i dont know what that means
>anyone can start at 18, really.
well yea theoretically anyone can start young, its just most people aren't lucky enough to, and anyone who's really lucky enough to still be in their teens is like, really lucky!
someone with very lucky genetics
Let's compare.
It sucked. Added on to my depression and made me sink deeper into that pit
But it's all solved now
who else posts nerd ass limbus company art?
at some point its just your own fault that you didnt seize the opportunity
it's really fucking cringe lmfao, very malebrained
Stop Yapping
i didnt say it was cringe or malebrained
i said it was nerdy
>someone with very lucky genetics
idk what that means

oh it's lasagna? they have "very lucky genetics" now?

ty added to the filter list
>ty added to the filter list
lmao, deserved
Never even noticed that it got lower
I will deliver given time. Probably.
I am unavoidable.
oh cmon dont disparage them, its fun to talk to them and makes me not work which is good.

also there is a cute girl next to me who would pass if she didnt wear what she is wearing
(sneakers, net socks that peek just above them, a very short waist high pleated black miniskirt and some grey cropped tee)
AHEM. The image. I am quite distracted thinking about what to do with my nails
Being avoided by paige is like having a tumor pulled out of your body
Tell her about it anon. You can fix her
holy cringe nomi tier behaviour
hi joanna
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oh, i'm not a regular so i don't really know who the schizos are, i just know that tripfagging is really cringe.
i used to hate you. Now i just pity you.

Because you represent everything that occurs when you stray from the light.
God tested me and i was cured. For which i am eternally grateful.
While you fell to satan’s psy-op.
I only wish you could love things for their natural state, most of all, yourselves.

>t. The OG Creator of Repgen 10 Years ago back again to rescue more of my brothers from 2024 Repgen

while physical harm i dont wish upon you, the world was a better place when you were relegated to the shadows and a secret the world dared not speak.
Eventually we will go back to that, and people will be happy in their birth sexes and adolescent hysteria will be rightfully ignored and healed with the simple advent of time and growing up. You can be happy if you accept things as they are.

Praise be to the Creator, he made us, i respect his original and intelligent design.
You literally fuck toilets
the creator is a retard and made too many mistakes to be forgiven
She's a tripfag too, just got permabanned out of it
what's the point in even having a trip if you're just gonna be a gay retard who gets perma'd
didn't help when 99% of the thread filtered her too
i used to trip so ppl could filter me desu
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Uh idk
Kinda sad.
Well the art is pretty similar
honestly avatarfagging this shit is really embarassing
Don’t forget about the urine drinking.
Hell nah I can't not in my current outfit (str*ight twink moding)
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Keep that going then champ.
Not the.. out of .. oh Lord why must you remind me
What twinks can't clock people now?
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>Don’t forget about the urine drinking.
it was one time :(
and who are you
why is everyone using new trips reeeee
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I can't open my jar of peaches
You guys wouldn't last 5 seconds in the inner machinations of my mind rn
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I love these images
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got some new clothes they dont look bad. got a new sports bra, same size as my last one and it's too tight... breast growth is a double edged sword.
overall life is good tho.
gotta love the unmedicated emotional roller coaster.
ah the hubris of youth, i remember that attitude well.
There comes a day where you see and realise the suffering of the world and yourself as a Human creation not a Divine one.

The sun is shining and i feel his love everyday. I have a woman who loves me and knows of my struggle and triumph, i have no secrets in my heart and have become the man my past self pretended to be. Nothing left to Repress, the curse broken.

Every Repressor deserves that paradise. Even you. Goodbye.
Eau de toilet, you could say.
Cato, it says very clearly.
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would be disrespectful or be read as transphobic
Ain't no way
Gebura > Binah
yea but you're clearly someone who didn't go by cato before
is it carol? why obfuscate things
its not carol, carol is banned
that is cato
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Just say ur trans too.
nah i just left. plus what if she is cis with a weird style
I remember you youre a real og
Idfk then.
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is it a discordfag then? idgi
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i got a better one
its not carol
nudge nudge
also how do you do this w nail polish like every time i use it i have to clean up my hands and so on since i touch my nails w my other fingers. hand and so on all the time accidentally
basic john 50 cope about career and family mixed with religion and schizophrenia, this person claims to apparently be the og repper of repgen, very weak copes, will fail in a few years unless scizhophrenia gets worse
and they say trenders don't exist
Too bad that game is associated with Beanboy.
oh ok ty
I pay someone else to do it. Or get it for free via nepotism.
whos beanboy
Shutup newfag gokuposter has been repping for longer than ive been on hrt
use correcting pen, use masking around the nails, pay for someone else to do it or practice.
aw, i've been runescape off and on for a few months
i dont wanna be associated with someone whos known as beanboy
P sure hes the aids giver
Beanboy was a chaser American poster known for being over sexual to people in thread and generally gross.
lmao fair enough. im a pretty broke college student tho
im decent enough to put it on but like for example when i grab like my toothbrush or so my pinky and ring finger touch my hand
I thought he literally gave someone aids
Who am i thinking of
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>the loathsome aids giver
He claimed he gave someone syphilis or something but later claimed it was a joke.
my favourite summon
Let it dry first?
doesn't matter, john 50 repped until 50 and still cracked, repping is retarded and doesn't work, and even if you can repp you will live a miserable existence and wish you were dead daily so what is the point, they themselves admitted that they were very miserable for a long time and now i guess that they randomly got schizophrenia form repping or smth
they have very basic copes about masculinity and shit, 100% they want to suck a dick and take one up the ass, that is how male attracted reppers act cause i was the same..
yes but i accidentally touch stuff while it dries
skill issue
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I'm gonna put this on me nails methinks
am i still gay if i don't like anal but would be ok with intercrural
Probably but in the meantime he will just schizopost with dbz avatars its a good boon to the thread
And what about it.

even if no one else listens to me. I will rest easy knowing i helped bring my old friend and fellow OG, Spartan come back.

He would want the others to know he came back and was finally cured like i was. Its been a honor to see him rebuild his life.

Mf lost the plot
Congrats gokuposter im glad youre both still kickin
Whatever works for you I guess. Though this is mtfg, not repgen.
kinda jealous, i think i am starting to develop some schizophrenia myself but maybe is just my ocd, i wish it will get this bad ngl
how do i cope with boymoding if ive already been boymoding for 3 years and havent gotten laser and probably have to get a job while presenting male to do anything about this
I dunno wht to say like the only advice to give is stop touching things rly lol
Same way u've been coping for the past 3 years I guess?
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im tired, but i need to be awake today.
i have stuff i need to do
You want uv gel polish and a uv light. Hardens in seconds
>Same way u've been coping for the past 3 years I guess?
hiding in my room and isolating from the world?
What the fuck is that comic
wrong image
Repent foul demon
feelings hurt
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i meant to post a cute cat picture...
oh well dnt do tht
I dunno anon i think my real advice would be to just try girlmoding but thts never the advice forever boymoders wanna hear so
>I dunno anon i think my real advice would be to just try girlmoding but thts never the advice forever boymoders wanna hear so
it is literally not an option for me to girlmode. i live with qanon boomer family members in the middle of a hood. trust me, if i could i would.
How about they're just equal.
if i girlmode i just look like a crosdressing twink though- (i "girlmode" (womens genz wide jeans, cropped bomber, tucked in tee, blush, contour, no foundation, instead concealer) half of the time)
do people ignore sheen because its obvious she attacks herself as anon to create pity for herself?

woops meant to tag >>36294437
can mods please get better cover than being an unbearable nuisance?
I exhausted all my trip luck. I keep getting boring ones and rarely at that.
then yeah your first priority should be to get the means to leave tht situation
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The creamy coconut Dr pepper is weird.
You can really taste the coconut
I dont like it
It is literally in it's name what else do you want
i wanna go to didney werld
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I thought I would like it
Usually when they have a flavour its like just a slightly different tasting soda.
Like cherry coke, that shit doesn't taste like cherries, just a different type of coke.
Its weird they nailed it with this one, was shocked
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>just go for a run it'll be nice
>sweat an entire water bottle out of my skin in five minutes
what the fuuuckk
at least im increasing my distance desu
progress is progress i guess
arm too skinny. eat fat.
>el spaniard koreaboo not getting banned

is this lia
why aren't you trip

thats what i tell myself
a few weeks ago i could hardly run a stone's throw, today i ran/walked ~2km
not fantastic but definitely improvement
Its not lia, just a soda enjoyer
soda/AI enjoyer apparently

yeh i used to exercise a lot lol i just forgot how sweaty i get how quickly esp when it's warm out
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Meh I kinda get it if I'm being honest the only weird cola flavor I liked is the coffee coca cola one. It's kinda disgusting but in an addicting way.
I am simply better
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These are so cute wtf
that pic isnt AI its from old-old twitter thread
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oh cool sry
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its ok
when i take over the world, everyone in mtfg is getting government positions, who is right for which job? mado is the secretary of defense.
i dont wana work
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I wanted to try the coke coffee, but they discontinued it in the US. idk if they did elsewhere
well, i'n already the pope. i don't think can have more than one job?
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I will run the secret police!
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I think it's still ongoing here. They also put some weird vaporwave one and some strange new flavors I saw besides the cherry one but I don't remember them
how do you neets actually survive like where do you get your moneys from
we can call them the "civil peace corps" :3
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anyone listen to the "new" SOPHIE song?
stop saying faggot(italian)!!
your family allows that shit? mine forces me to go to college (im mostly thankful but fuck stress around the fucking exams has made me come close to acking a few times)
I started neetdom taking government gibs
now my mom supports me
homelessness I imagine is pretty common for neets now in this economy
i know i grad'ed with a 2.8 after all my prep being reading through the curriculum the night be4
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>stress around the fucking exams has made me come close to acking a few times
You reminded me I have a quiz today and an exam tomorrow
good luck! i believe in you :D
that sounds kinda brutal
here in the land of maple and participation trophies
they'll let me go to college despite failing highschool (depending on if the course has requirements and if I meet said requirements already)
Thats kind of really weird?
I bombed high school but currently have a 4.0 in college since I actually have a goal in life and am interested in the stuff i'm learning.
Would i be fucked in germany?
well after primary school at age 10 we are seperated into 3 classes which effectively decide how our entire life will go. only the top class gets to study at college. and a part of the second class who can do an additional few years thing
Oh I don't like that :(
eh, each system has its advantages and disadvantages.

some decide your life by 10
some are racially segregated
some get shot up regularly

the world is kinda weird sometimes
>suiciding over school
>not depression or ennui
i mean i failed so eh it is what it is

unrelated but almighty so 2 is p good
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Kisses u
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>tfw went to american public school
impossible to fail here lad
tho we had a 7 point grading scale which was the cause of lots of anxiety bc i was a retard who thought it was important. in the US a 10 point grading scale is standard
we have/had something called gifted track, which was for smart/autistic kids, and AP classes, which look good on college applications but weren't much harder than other classes and the "normal" classes were sort of considered the "dumb" classes. it's all just a load of bullshit nonsense honestly, but i do appreciate having classes where the slower kids don't hold back the quicker kids. I even had one teacher split a class into two classes so she could teach the kids who wanted to learn properly while still teaching the other kids at a pace that worked for them
good morning anon
uwaa >.<
i started gymnasium, ended gymnasium since my parents are neoIntelligentsia and am currently studying in uni. while i am incredibly thankful for where i am theres a lot of expectation on me which i wont be able to fulfill.
Thats still weird to me
In the US everyone gets forced to go to;
Elementary Grade 1-5 (usually)
Middle School Grade 6-8
High school Grade 9-12
And when you graduate High School you can apply to colleges, but if your grades are bad you wont get accepted.
But you can still go to Community College for like 2 years, get college credits, then transfer to a 4 year 'real' college to finish your Bachelor's.
I did 2 years at a Community College and transferred to one of the best state schools in the US.
And I completely screwed up high school because I was dealing with puberty, depression, and dysphoria terribly lol
our system is vaguely familiar
but they don't sort kids by their elementary performance I dont think
but by middleschool I was started in the normal class and by the end they put me in the "dumb class" as we called it
and that got me put in less difficult highschool classes which I failed regardless
elementary here seems to matter little besides the value of what's taugh
I straight up failed grade school and all that it effected me is just not knowing how to write or read at an adult level
the idea that in 2024 we still have so little resources we need to flunk some kids out to focus on the smart ones.
we deserve to be conquered
you can have infinite resources and still be unable to make a horse drink the water if it doesn't want to
some kids don't want to learn and some just don't have the capacity for deeper thought
its not about money its about supressing poor people and minorities especially by denying them knowledge
>minorities skip school
The 'No Child Left Behind' policy has ruined US education and you can't convince me otherwise.
im not talking about americans but i guess you wouldnt be able to tell that with your education
no child left behind is a myth
go to into any low income neighborhood
witness those left behind
americans say the same thing, and you're anon posting
easily could've been about murrica, esp with the whinging about muh minoritieez
classic american exeptionalism
yeah, they got left behind because they got forced to graduate highschool with a 2nd grade reading level
effortmaxx this into a feminine being of some sorts, tell me what to do and i will do it, come on
i like arguments where paige is wrong.
more pls
Those Who Sleep With Dads

what were u talking about then
America #1 baby.
Using American websites, while watching American TV and movies, while worrying about American politics.
Get over yourself
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No cheesecake left behind is my policy.
it's definitely not just genetics, i have bricked twinkhon genes and whether i mostly pass or don't pass at all is entirely down to how much effort i put into my appearance on a given day
you realise we were talking about germany before you had to insert yourself, right?
us education never worked to begin with
I think the whole schooling system needs to be thrown out and redone by modern people who actually have braincells to transfer over to these youth
woman hips if you lost weight honestly kek
and don't you dare say this is hugbox i can't stand your dumb ass it's just true
true. both in the states and germany
>you realise we were talking about germany before you had to insert yourself, right?
yes, we were comparing US to germany
can i come over and have some
classroom education never worked to begin with.
the natural endpoint of classroom style is korea where kids are geniused and also kill themselves from the pressure.
school should teach critical thinking and independent research above all else, not rote work and obedience. but nowhere on earth seems to do their schools that way
who doesnt. cheesecake is great.
idk much about schooling germany, my opa went to a high school (not american high school but like higher education) in graz and it seemed like a cool place when we visited there like a decade ago. hope your guys' colleges are actually places of learning instead of glorified babysitting like it is over here

don't give away ur braincell naz
>classroom education
was developed to prepare kids for work, not to educate

graz isnt quite germany
introduce her to black forest. chocolatey but still a decent starting point
i like cheesecake and carrot cake
but carrot cake without the 12" layer of frosting
honestly it baffles me that even here where you need to pay they have coure requirements
but I guess there's really no point in spending alot of money to learn something you don't have prerequisite knowledge to understand
I hear the student loan system here is alot more flexible and understanding but idk
never been to post secondary myself
just a pipe dream to ever actually accomplish anything
yeh i know but it's the closest to germany i have experience with, and certainly it's bound to be closer to german education than american education was my point. schools over here struggle with understanding what focus to have, whether it's for teaching and sharpening skills and minds, or for grooming students into corporate jobs
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Thank you anon. I always liked it
Wtf is a SIL
why change perfection tbf
Chocolate cake is pure malebrain. You are "ngmi". Your tastebuds are against you.
>classroom education was developed to prepare kids for work, not to educate
yup yup. the entire problem. sure free thought and independent study makes kids who are better at picking up trades and will be smarter voters to boot... but it's got nothing on busywork and stay at your desk! so much better, that teaches them the most valuable life skill of all, letting a boss crush your spirit!
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We need to rise against the strawberry cake enjoyers
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gosh i miss him so much ugh
would like to hold his hand again
I honestly never tried one even though I love strawberry icecream
strawberry cake best cake fight me bih
worried due to issue. shud kms?
the only institution I need to attend is the mental institution
Ok now this is a decent trip.
thanks friend, also i am not that annoying, retards like me deserve pity
i already did that, it just killed my dick and got small gyno that is barely visible, it didn't turn me into a bimbo slut
rich coming from u lol
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Hmu anytime for it
i'm just not a desert person so i don't get anything 99% of the time but ill eat a lot of choccy throughout the day instead
Which issue.
all of them tbqh
It'll all be ok..
Doing a trip there next year keeps sounding better 2bh
thank yuo my dear gooner
she posts that stuff just to drive nomi crazy.
tranny courtship ritual.
Anything for you bbg
Meh I should be fine if accompanied
ill accompany u ^-^
can someone explain to me why $s_{n}$=\(\sum_{k=0}^{n} q^k\) converges? i struggle to understand basic maths
that looks like a pound cake with strawberries on top
which like great love it, basically a family sized strawberry shortcake, but if you're not using strawberry flavored batter you at least gotta put some chunks inside the cake before we start calling it strawberry cake flat out lol
i only see 1 number in all that
fly us out to europe and we'll do a little tour
it LaTeX notation idk how to do formulas on the chans
Okay, while they're distracted doing math you grab the money and I'll grab the bussy.
coukd write it in ms paint and post it
q is less than 1
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That sounds rlly nice..
Interesting idea but doesn't she already have a beach there
thanks but like i dont understand the proof for why sub 1 geometric rows converge and above 1 diverge
>i already did that, it just killed my dick and got small gyno that is barely visible,
you did like a couple months that is basically nothing lmao
>it didn't turn me into a bimbo slut
and it won't. most cis women can't even be that. maybe turn off the porn and sit down to decide if you actually want to live life as a normal mid looking unremarkable adult woman, just that, some below average romanian girl with probably smaller than average boobs.
you need to be realistic about hrt if you're ever gonna decide whether you want its effects vs male aging
>deserve pity
hmm well. i've seen your posting since you came here, you've exhausted any pity pretty thoroughly. what i offer you instead is honesty and not being too rude lol
That is true..
>it didn't turn me into a bimbo slut
I'm sure moap could point you in the right direction if that's all you want
doing a cs degree and i assume i'll have to become able to understand this formula at some point, horrifying
i dunno, LaTeX is just the standard for writing down formulas which you need basically everywhere, this is just s subscript n equals sum from k=0 to n of q^k. the formula for a geometric row
wanna make mogging joke but honestly can't decide which of them would mog the other if larry actually transed
Yo quiero taco bell
moap is like honestly hot
but I don't think lari would look that bad if tvey actually stayed on hrt long enough to actually cook
the beaches over here dont have marina,,,
oh yeah uh-huh, i've heard of that >.>
>just the standard for writing down formulas which you need basically everywhere
oh god cs is just applied math what have i done to myself
>this is just s subscript n equals sum from k=0 to n of q^k. the formula for a geometric row
i took math through calculus and stopped just before linear algebra and this sentence is a foreign language to me sobbing joever etc
i can't look like an ugly average cis woman lol, i can't look anything like a girl lmao, believe me i wish i could
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A sad reality yeh..
Trying to talk my endo into adding dht checking into our regular blood panels and he wants some form of study that shows why it's relevant that isn't just a blog post by Dr. Will Powers
Anyone have something helpful?
not that hard really. its harder to write an entire bachelors thesis with the word formula thingy. plus you can do a lot of cool shit. and even facebook lets you use it. discord unfortunately doesnt.
so fucking sick of this why does everyone in my life ghost me why can't one single person ever get close to me and not immediately dive out the nearest window from the sight
never trying to make friends again i fucking hate people
im only now getting started. basically all you do is
1 set document class
2 list the packages youll use (like for example makeidx for basically everything)
3 begin your document
4 write some bullshit
5 end your document.
and like google will tell you 99% of stuff you need
sounds like someone overshares early into relationships
i'll know someone for months (never years no one stays that long) and have established norms with them of how much emotional openness and venting and such there is between us, still happens.
everyone just gets bored of me or gets whatever they needed from me emotionally idk, then slowly stops responding to my messages and requests to hang out until one day i never hear from them again
and if i see it happening and try to talk to people about it and like save friendships it just accelerates it, i am ALWAYS the bitch somehow and my even bringing it up is so clingy and insecure that people just jump ship out of my life (this exact thing has happened several times)
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I wish there was less loneliness in my life
Maybe you should consider getting help and slowly build friendships?
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idk why you're assuming i'm this selfish whiny oversharing person. sounds like projection tbhon
i give SO much in friendships, i go above and beyond to be there as a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to for people, confidant for uncertainties and secrets. i take charge in making plans and when people flake on me i forgive over and over again and make excuses for them.
but it doesn't matter how much i give. it doesn't matter that i don't need or expect my insane level of commitment to be matched. i just want someone who puts in the minimum effort and doesn't disappear, that is ALL i want, and no one gives back even that much.
i'm worried i have an ugly soul, that all my kindness and giving can't make up for, something about me that people see once they're close enough and decide to ditch me
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Ur talking to a literal schizo idk what else u expect
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Yeah. I have some friends, but online. Not having real life interaction feels empty. I sorta just need help. Im really not doing well.
i'd be put in a crimson chinstitution
is there a reason to think that anon is kat or are you just schizoing to bring your drama back up lol
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Just watch
Drop tag
Mogs me
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>what is your favorite sci fi horror film
Frankenhooker. It's a really schlocky horror comedy about a scientist who accidentally gets his girlfriend killed and bringing her back turns her into the "perfect woman" who adopts the personality of all the body parts used to rebuild her.
i used to wish everyone would forget i existed so i could kill myself and nobody feel sad
um anyway does anyone know a way to make wishes unhappen
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What'd I say
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hard work and perseverance
someone make a new one
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>i used to wish everyone would forget i existed so i could kill myself and nobody feel sad
>um anyway does anyone know a way to make wishes unhappen
miquella is my youth and chance to live and be loved, mohg is what i did to it
Cis man here
A trans girl friend of mine told me in detail about a dream she had in which I raped her and she enjoyed it
Besides being pretty offended I'm curious what is the chances she's trying to drop a hint vs her just autistically oversharing?
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>page six

that's rough

Literally wish Id never been born desu.
I fucking hate being me.
Oh well not like you only get one chance at life or anything
Probably both?
tfw you'll never look like a cute girl with a demon monster simp obsessed with you
this was me when i was dating my ex bf (if i was cute)
Just cheat on ur partner like her
that's a rough feeling desu, hope you can feel a little better
maybe go to the beach if it's not too shite out?
bdd issue
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Figured I'd pop into here and see how stuffs doing? I'm doing pretty alright. Started speech therapy last week, have resumed laser, and have taken to reading a lot of sapphic romance over the past few months.
How's /laff/gen?
What is missing to your hapiness? it sure ain't beauty, love, money or fun
im glad youre doing well
but why do you take selfies backwards?
>Figured I'd pop into here and see how stuffs doing
you *left* and you *chose* to come back? I'm so sorry..
beach and beer today yippeee
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ohh that's not fun
idk any advice other than just knowing that the feeling will eventually subside and pass
it's good that you can recognize that it's disordered, and hopefully put a bit of distance betwen the thoughts and yourself

presumably because front facing cameras have lower resolution, and the blurriness can be favourable if you want to look prettier

not going to say anything about this bc i am trying to be not mean
>Started speech therapy last week
what for? i used to have trouble saying "r" noises when i was a kid, but it went away with practice. i did have to have a speech therapist to help me learn how to eat and swallow properly

i try to live for the future, for goals n such. just wish my one life wasn't so often punctuated by trauma and shitty people and abrupt departures
mohg is miquella's big bro too they're basically a tttt crack ship kek
With my phone it gets the closest to my actual reflection, otherwise there's weirdness with focal point, lens distances etc
This place may have issues, but it was one of my first lifelines when I cracked
the news cycle is actually on some whacko new shit now fren
haven't heard from loofs in awhile unless she's been anonposting and me not noticing it
bro, you're harassing her
Gender affirming speech therapy
Basically vocal coaching
>This place may have issues, but it was one of my first lifelines when I cracked
Okay, I'll give you that. I started posting here like, last march as a poor coping mechanism for a really bad breakup and now I just come here when I'm feeling depressed and need to obsessively post about "self-improvement" because that's been my personal quest since fucking up my life in the most comedically depressing way possible over the years
this. she's off the discord. she and mono are not a threat to your safety at this time (and if they were, yk, popo not screenshots), just stop sis
oh skill issue then
just do the voice lol easy as
Not until she's entirely exhiled from here and 0 people acknowledge her existence
Mirin quads
I hope stuff gets better for you, and that your self-improvement quest actually does some healing for you.
It literally is a skill issue, and my wife's insurance covers professional help in teaching me this skill
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worried this is what look like irl
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U gonna play victim again?
>scammers like zheanna
I only saw them when they first started doing youtube.
Didn't even know they started lessons lol
>I hope stuff gets better for you, and that your self-improvement quest actually does some healing for you.
It's rough but I'm in a significantly better place than I was 365 days ago as of today officially. Just because things are hard doesn't mean I have to give up. Learned that lesson the hard way a few times, but I'm glad I didn't succumb to the doomer mindset.
idec that you're the (main) victim of this situation, this is fuckin pissbaby behavior
This is through Kaiser, and not some rando
If I was gonna do out of network it would have been like Seattle Voice Labs, since several of my friends have had good success with them
Not holding the knife might help
There’s no need for that. It’s best if this stuff stops and you two ignore each other.
recommending you do some singing practice too
don't need another coach necessarily but some amount of choral practice helps a lot!
Which means letting her find a new target to harm which means failing myself.
what people acknowledge is none of your business
>newfag rolls in
>lets katheter fuck up her life
>decides this makes her entitled to rule mtfg
keks on keks
Way ahead on that; did choir for a decade with occasional solos in concert
Plus theater kid
I'm really looking forward to seeing how this helps with my upper range not being as taxing... and being able to correct my dogs without dropping into my old voice lol
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>listening to emo music now
wouldnt have listened to this till recently, its fun to enjoy different sounds tho
>Not holding the knife might help
true, i wont hold a knife anymore.
absolute autism, just move on
most ppl who get out of an abusive relationship don't feel the need to erase their ex from history and existence lol, it's not healthy to act like this. just move on and learn from the experience. take the lesson well, as it were

it's not your responsibility
plus the next person isn't going to listen to you, just like you didn't listen to literally everyone telling you what was going to happen
ooh this trip is cute
>emo music
what band
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Sometimes I do forget the wheel of fate is not piloted by me
>goes to make dinner
erm? its 9am?
>what band
obscure emo band u never heard of called death cab for cutie
I got all the trips anyone could ever need on me
>what band
random stuff idk. just instrumental stuff for the background
no lyrics.
im glad :)
I didn't put it on the list. I think I'm going to stop farming now and go play some octopath, I'll add it to the list for tonight
And maybe remove a few.. I feel like I got enough at this point idk, though I'm p sure it's got 0 impact on performance
ive been listening to the postal service a lot recently
i should generate some new trips
I'm incredibly grateful for the coverage
Laser costs me parking permit and a 15 dollar office visit versus the 200+ per visit I paid for laseraway
I just need one with two dots in a row..
Is this trip decent.
>kurisu trip
ppl r gonna think ur carol
I created it for her.
Also nails.
I am glad you do
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Didnt finish the sentence plus forgot pic. That sure is a post.
when i was a kid i really liked green day cause it was one of the only cds i had and when i went to school and was 6 or 7 i got asked what my favorite music was and i said green day and got in trouble
voice training ruined my singing voice.
i used to be able to get it super low and gruff for country singing and now i sound like a retard.
kind of pissed
omg based we have v similar backgrounds it sounds like!
hope it goes well, i def get u on the like, having good upper range but it sometimes being a strain. esp weird once it becomes your instinctive default to talk in that range cause then when it starts to overstrain it's like you're losing your voice almost lol
maybe i'll look into vocal coaching too when i can afford it
i can still sing in gravelly baritone but every time i try to some kind of powerful animalistic embarassment and dysphoria reaches out from the back of my brain and grips my vocal chords
no idea how to fix this maybe anxiety meds lol
Anyone want smth on the trip gen thing for later. It's 500 per trip btw.
dey look marblellous
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A gift for your kindness
>give me 500 money for a 4chan tripcode you could generate yourself for free pls
bold, entrpreneurial, shark mentality
what are you gonna do with it
aw she looks like my kitty when she was a baby good memories
Like i can 'force' it down, but then like 2 seconds later it tries to force my voice back up naturally and smooths it out.
Maybe I can learn how to be a Journey cover singer instead...
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It is also a joke depending on the person so I'm nice for it.
Why was your kitty a sandwich exactly?
travel to bolivia and purchase 2000 kilos of raw coca leaves obvs
would u mind dropping the name of the trip gen tool u use actually? all the ones i can find easily on google seem to he abandoned projects
i like u but would rather no one know my tripcode key lol :p
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You better thank me young one..
>young one..
nigger u are a teenager
i like this pic
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Yo no need to drop niggers while kids are around dayum
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she was una pequeña naranja :)
she was also sometimes a sandwich between the ground and my sister who was like 7 at the time and occasionally sat on her kek
can you pray for me?
i am an awful human being and god doesn't listen to me but maybe it will to you
You already know who she is..
Ig I'm rng maxxing kek
Also got like 10 trips I'm searching on + 10 more I added now for later, if I went for only 1 like you probably are, I'd be getting the same or worse results
Janny doesn't care. All they see is IPs
That is animal abuse. That child needs to be put down.
bless ty fremn :)
>young one
sorry, boy removal is irreversible
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People are weird on rainy days.
Everyone is a young one
Sounds nerdy. Also how tf do I put it so it gets 2 dots but the second dot can be anywhere? I'm bricking my brain thinking about it and idek if it's possible
Tired of these onedot trips.
she didn't know any better she was tiny lmao
it was the same impulse that led her to now go hunting around my parents' house for the cats so she can scoop them up and make them let her pet them. she just, didn't yet understand that doing that with her entire body weight might hurt a little :')
I think it's like. Trip then (/.). Like penis.(/.) for example. No idea tho.
Poor cats though..
>ppl engaging w lasagna the narcissist
don't encourage it
im pro lasagna
It's a matter of timing. Start blockers before puberty
I'll dox myself, its my last name
And i'm not too sure, I got lucky with a bunch of 2 dots, but none that i'll use here...
the one she sat on just loves me more and always came to hang out on my desk while i did my homework so it worked out lol
and now they love when she scoops them up cause she actually knows how to pet them
Square brackets don't work either. I've no idea if this is even possible at all. i think not
Well that's unfortunate for me. Give me all your luck now.
I'm glad she learnt and grew up properly..
glass houses fren
it's so clear they're a narcissist
>shows up in thread
>get warned about kat
>no i'm special i'm different everything will be fine because im the main character
>things do not go fine
>ok NOW this person must be ERASED FROM EXISTENCE AND THIS ENTIRE COMMUNITY I JUST FORCED MY WAY INTO for the sin of transgressing upon ME
>people who already know kat is bpdemon must be shown THE TRUTH because I WAS THE VICTIM
>spams selfies and pictures constantly
>trying to insert themself as a pillar of mtfg despite being a massive newfag
>unwarranted yet EXTREME sense of self importance
>inability to take any criticism
it's just crap to see ppl feeding into it

im not a narcissist desu
I was putting it on the wrong place. I am retarded.
where would you put it?
I THINK here. THink.
kara no kyoukai or madoka for most bpdpilled anime collecting votes
am i using the beach as an excuse to day drink? yes absolutely!!!!
do i feel bad? no!!!!!!!
It was there.
That trip kinda sucks. Get better.
rad, ty for sharing info
marina darling can u generate me a homura trip
you're not a narcissist but are you really in a position to be pointing at other posters saying "that person is problematic don't engage" kek
Nevermind I did something VERY wrong. Time to clean up the trip list
Square brackets ain't it either. Odd
no but im gonna do it anyway uwu

black butler
>black butler
cause of which characters?
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had a blast catching up with cousin. got a good workout playing table tennis and he showed me how to use this resq app to get marked down takeaway and told me abt a few good local restaurants.
finally human contact with someone who's not a boomer ;_;

idk if i'd call it the best but that 2020 sputnik one was pretty good.
>monkey tries learning regex by stamping on a keyboard
Ok then YOU take a knack at it big guy
Parenthesis should've been all I needed but it does not perform as asked.
angel beats no contest
also the entire isekai genre
>black butler
could be shinji or asuka
please pray, i need to go 13hours on the train and i want to kms
may also be a bit with misato too
seeked professional help
maybe there's hope
i hope there is
hi paul
i think theres room for contest
i see
also killing stalking's yoon probably is bpd
i like princess princess ^^
Ok so the dot was an operator itself so it's not usable.
I seem to have got it working now.
not probably
hes diagnosed in one of the early chapter

good taste
you're on like, bpd vibes off of characters. but >>36296068 is more bpdpilled because it's what appeals most to the fantasies of the bpdemon
i'm not sure it gets more bpd than "a bunch of teenagers are isekai'd out of their horrible tragic lives into a happy semimagical school setting and then one by one they all die gruesome but romantic deaths so they can be reincarnated as someone less fucked up"
I THINK it's this. No idea when I'll get to know though.
oh maybe i just forgot that
based he is LITERALLY me

ohh i misunderstood the question
in that case maybe ancient magus' bride?
I'm so utterly disgusting
>i'm not sure it gets more bpd than "a bunch of teenagers are isekai'd out of their horrible tragic lives into a happy semimagical school setting and then one by one they all die gruesome but romantic deaths so they can be reincarnated as someone less fucked up"
well that seems more like ptsd pilled idk
only really kara no kyoukai addresses the feelings of emptiness
gods work, i wouldn't have tried to figure it out
It also means no more dots. It's now forcefully either a dot or a slash. Idk if there's anything I can change abt that
i really enjoyed angel beats. i last watched it back in 2015 and remember most of the plot still. it's very memorable
o i didn't ask the question to be clear that was my argument for my picks
>ancient magus bride
lmao that so does fit my criteria tho. maybe i should give that a watch (because it looks cute definitely not because it sounds at all relatable nop)
bpd is caused primarily by ptsd. it's thought to be some kind of innate component but you can have the tendency towards it and not be bpd by simply not getting traumatized past whatever your childhood tolerance level is
ptsd and bpd go together like strawberries and cream
>kara no kyoukai
is it yurislop or like good and actually worth watching?
Now that is getting there. You might not need my help after all. Also I just realized at some point binah flew off the list.
one of the first shows that hit me super hard emotionally, i ugly cried on first watch low-key :')
idk if thats true. a lot of people should be fine and turn out twisted
>is it yurislop or like good and actually worth watching?
its extremely worth watching. its like loosely set in the fate universe. its about a girl that has magic eyes that allow her to kill anything
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i'll check it out

>BPD is about to no longer be a diagnosis because it's fundamentally wrong and has too many stigmas
based does that mean i'll stop being bpd when they get rid of it
hello i am a brand new never before seen tripfag whats up male to faggot general
You can't just walk in saying faggot that's rude
there was already a homura poster u would know that if you weren't a massive newfag
oh sorry do i not have the pass yet
paige ive been here longer than u its just very on and off i dont dedicate myself to being here everyday and knowing everyones lore
No ur a newfag.
I put it on the list now, just to get a better one out of pettiness.
>No ur a newfag
is this true? i tried googling it but didnt see. can you send something to read. im curious.
FML. Maybe you win after all.
Maybe I just take the loss and put in a .lor one for the LoR chars to pray I mog you.
But you said so
>a lot of people should be fine and turn out twisted
sure, but with mental health diagnoses it's about what kind of twisted. a person might externally display behaviors that "seem bpd" but are actually signs of some other mental illness, or poorly socialized autism, or just some collection of small baggage. what you see on the outside doesn't always reflect the "emotional burn victim" profile of bpd, and what researchers find is that people with that profile are either trauma survivors or people with very low stress tolerance who displayed trauma-like response to stuff in their upbringing.
increasingly it's categorized as sitting on a spectrum of trauma related disorders between c-ptsd and dissociative disorders
thats true. i understand that point. do you have a more useful way to classify things?
source? from what i've read i'd think if they dropped the diagnosis at all it would be categorized as some form of cpstd more likely than an attachment disorder variant
Slows down by 300 if I play tho. I think I'll just go play a browser idle during this or smth, I literally just want 1 hit so I can see if the double dot thing works and quit w it till tonight
>do you have a more useful way to classify things?
look into the theory of structural dissociation. my suggestion would be to do what i mentioned some psych researchers are already doing and just put it between cptsd and dissociative disorders and label the whole spectrum as variants of ptsd.
same treatment (dialectial behavioral therapy and emdr work) but ptsd is almost unstigmatizeable and it is more accurate imo too
this is a great post. for anyone curious about their own mental health in relation to this, i highly recommend the book "Complex PTSD - From Surviving to Thriving". reading about this stuff can help you come to terms with it better ime
so um meow
The fans are making me go fucking deaf.
ok. ill look into that
Has anyone ever have a CVS say they don't carry Estradiol valerate and won't order it, then instantly hang up on you? :\
I've been getting my refills at my local one for a long time, but its been about half a year since i had to drop in with them...
>great post
ay ty ty i try to be informative :B
>"Complex PTSD - From Surviving to Thriving"
and great rec!! seconded!
mashallah fren
They tried to diagnose me with BPD recently it was so retarded
muy interesante. makes sense that the stigma would elicit this kind of response from the medical community honestly. i've talked about both bpd and dissociative disorders with my psych but we have an agreement not to diagnose me with anything because anything i could be diagnosed with might cause me life problems to have on record (٥_)
once a clinical diagnosis has reached that kind of point where doctors and patients are agreeing undiagnosed is literally safer... maybe time to like, rename or recategorize some things so people can actually get into needed treatment. as long as the care stays objective ig it doesn't really matter what the psych councils call things
Finally Nick goes away for a bit then
stop deadnaming her it's icky :p
just call her a psycho rapehon or something
Pity is reserved to those who deserve it
They tried to prescribe me lamotrigine lmao bare in mind I literally have ROCD and cptsd like why the fuck would they think BPD
lamotragine is a bipolar medication, isnt it?
Once you stop going here you'll stop getting pushed out. I will not allow more people getting harmed on my sight
I guess it's for bpd too
>page 10
someone bake damn
oh wow. interesting. i was on that medication too for a bipolar diagnosis but i have been not able to keep up with it.
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For you
ohhh oke wasn't sure if it was u or not
>here longer
i was here b4 i started tripping uwu

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