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prev >>36296044
I’m not homophobic my bf is gay and a bottom
do you get to discipline the eighteenies?
Raise your hand if you have me blocked
actually i guess right at the corner itd be wider but not by enough to offset being a triangle
I can't help but think "what good have I brought into this world and how does it compare to how much I hate existing?"
What am I good for? What talents have given me worth or made my life feel worth living? The conclusion is nothing. There's nothing good about my life if I am to take an honest look at it, I am essentially lacking in every category, even the ones I specialize in. Its all just a waste of time. At least if I didn't exist, I wouldn't have to deal with such arbitrary goals and desires I can never achieve, along with being genetically inferior. I have nothing going for me, practically speaking. The people around me know this yet they still decide to soften the blow with half hearted, generic optimism. I'm tired of it. I want to quit and give up everything, because clearly, none of my efforts matter nor have ever matter. I'm just not good enough. A waste of time. A waste of suffering. A waste of life.
i think my left knee is fucked ima need to get it xrayed
More therapy, less 4chan
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the eighteenies? current school goes to 16, but have taught up to 18. by the time they're 18 here, they're choosing their courses. if they picked mine and can't be fucked, that sounds like their problem.

with most kids (11-16) sounding pissed off works well enough. becomes a real problem if you get asked why you're not using the school's discipline policy though, and it's usually because the school's discipline policy is worthless and ineffective at managing behaviour.
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x-post cuz I type too slow >>36298948
I'm tired of the fucking therapy shilling because so far therapy has been utterly useless in helping me. I feel like, if anything, therapy has made things worse.
Absolutely nothing I said is wrong.
what would make it worth living/make you feel valued?

yeah glucosamine isn't in our diets much unless you eat chicken feet
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ok i had a brain fart earlier i solved it now. and since im such a smarty pants u can learn from my method.
in the Philippines they call chicken feet "Adidas" after the shoes. in South Africa they are "walkie talkies". I could probably be persuaded to try them with a wacky name like that
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what if none of these apply?
Nothing better than an orgasm where no semen stays stuck in the urethra after you're done. Balls 100% empty. Urethra clean as a whistle.

VGH, we used to be a country, a proper country.
i did not know the names lmao i was recommended it by a chinese coach many years ago and politely declined
Have it not be fucking shit and constant despair? Where's the pleasure in this? It lasts for seconds... then it's gone. Why the fuck would my mother have me ever? It's constant inadequacy and disappointing others. How can that kind of life ever be worth living other than through delusion? There's no fulfillment in the self nor in the people around you. >>36299006
And you think I care why? How is this relevant to what I've posted? It's fucking arbitrary.
tourists that still reply to blus shitposting
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Did you see the Dr disrespect apology? Thoughts?
you circled it back round to problems. what would actually make you feel worthy and not inadequate? what's the dream outcome?

he plagiarised half his lines from 'to catch a predator'
its not even good shitposting
It's wild that he thinks people will support him through it but some probably will
i feel bad for the people working on his game, i don't see it doing well without the docs involvement. he was the main selling point. i don't buy the "i wish i could have talked about this earlier" stuff cause the fact that it was all tied up legally is the reason he was able to keep a good image and keep making money. In terms of his moral chracter, I would need to see how clear it was how old this person was and if the doc was aware of the age. If it was clear and he was aware i find it scummy.
Why are you such assholes? I just want to be gay and go fem all the way
I want to be fem and fuck only fems
god this general is fucking dogshit why do I keep coming back
I'm going to a hypnotist to help me quit
don't then.
>there's starving African children who make something of themselves
Name one. Then realize the thousands of others that didn't. Brainless optimist.
>you made your life what it is you dumb fuck
Ah yes, I chose my family, my socio economic position, their background, their skillset, their knowledge, their support for me. I also chose where I grew up. Guess all those rich kids that are successful manifested all their parents wealth, education, and support at their conception hm? Use your brain. You gonna blame the African children that starved to death too? Well! You just didn't try hard enough! Too bad! Fuck off with your false empathy, middle class scum.
i might miss you
they will though. this shit is like modern cult behaviour.

a lack of belonging?
looks just like mine ,':-/
you don't get credit cause you didn't show work like me the A+ good student who the teacher likes mroe.
Shallo dipping his feet in pancake batter and then stomping his way through stale popcorn.
he's got me there >>36299129
>a lack of belonging?
think it's more that this is the only gay space I'm in
>its me Blu I'm always a victim
>excuse excuse excuse
same man. i don't do parades or support groups or whatever. this is a weirdly grounded place for it all.
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Luckily it was a rectangle, a right angle. So I could just bisect the hypotenuse of one half at the center.

The superior bisexual brain gives precision and accuracy.

Bisected. In halves. Not a coincidence.
To be good at the things I want to do. To be intelligent, to be a great artist, to be worthy of love. None of these things I have because I'm not worthy of them, and none of my efforts have been worth a damn.
my dad said my matcha ice cream tastes like seaweed and my mom gave me an ick face and now i have to eat it all alone.
And right angle. The laws of the universe is giving you clues.
yr line is very close 2 mine & i did that himtuitively
seaweed is my favorite snack
You hate me and what I say because i remind you of yourself when you're vulnerable and weak.
I try everyday, you filter that out of your mind to simplify it for your feeble mind. Yet I put in more effort than you think in the things I do. You just reject that because the idea that some people fail upsets your delusional idealistic world.
Guess those starving African children were just all making excuses too hmm?
my dad asks for forks at asian restaraunts my ice cream never stood a chance.
I'm sure he will still promote it unless he is truly cancelled now.
To me, it's pretty clear that he knew she was a minor, because if she hid it, he would have 1000% included that in his apology. He's in maximum damage control and all he could come up with was "it was a while ago and I was in a bad headspace"
Like, if he has any kind of defense, the time to give it would have been as soon as he acknowledged it. It's only looked worse and worse as information has come out.
i agree he's in major damage control. his aplogy just referred to them as "the individual" or whatever and he never said how old they were which is suspish.
There'll always be someone smarter and more talented than you. Instead of brooding on it let it motivate you to improve.
what did doctor disrespect
do i’m
of the loop
Oh and to >>36297619
I just have a big backed mentality I guess I’m not even that big anymore fr. I’ve been bigger and more fit in my life at different points but I’ll always love food and being lazy. Working out and not eating like trash just takes some effort and makes you feel better at the end of the day ngl
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innapropriate messages with a minor is whats available info
smelly sweaty 4channer twink sex
Messaged and tried to meet up with a minor, it was discovered by twitch which is why he got b& but it was covered up for a while because it's bad pr and now it came out
me on the left
Motivate me to do what exactly? I don't and can't fucking enjoy anything I do period if I have nothing going for me. And you're telling me some bullshit about motivation?
Go play any competitive video game you've never played before, then go online and get your shit kicked in by people better than you without quitting the game or becoming frustrated. Then preach to me about this 'motivation'. Go practice until you're seething and your teeth are grinding, and you lose your fucking sanity. Then preach to me about your motivation you filthy deluded optimist. Your lying to yourself doesn't make your own weakness disappear, and the sense of superiority you get from your textbook moral lessons will give you but a pinch of pleasure until you start sinking again.
dr disrespect reminds me of a jimmy saville type creature that nobody actively likes or wants to see but continues to be shoved in the public's face. wouldn't be surprised if disrespect has a similar underage retard rape scheme cooking up. youtubers are vile creatures.
Are we talking a real minor or "she was 17 years and 364 days old"?
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Would you date a 240 pound twink?
shut the fuck up moron. if you want to attain excellence you have to work for it.
my friend is sayin rn that it was 17 and it was unclear whether he knew
Is that him or?
Ah no biggie then
damn... tough critics. hope you're enjoying it at least. yesterday I bought lavender to try and make ice cream with, should be fun
Yes he plays American football.
i dont think the majority of his fans are gonna care about 17 im calling it now
he has douche face
Nigga I know who Justin Herbert is. I was just tryna see if you were implying he was the twink. I don’t think that’s a twink by anyone’s standards brother, I’m not sure a twink can be 240
I thought he was funny and doing self satire until he wasn't
not enough of them
>y-you have to work for it...
Ah yes. The rich kids worked for their parents wealth, support, and resources. Where the FUCK do you think peoples sense of discipline and hard work comes from? Fairy dust? Who's to say i haven't worked hard? Half you bastards would've thrown in the towel long before I ever did if you were to be doing the same thing as I do. You'd lose your fucking mind.
Would you top horror?
The only two examples of real rape is if the woman is married and the man is not the husband or below the age of marriage. If she is able to be married and is not, society affords her plenty of protection through moral order. She is not to be outside wandering about without a male guardian, either the father, a brother or a husband.

If she has not been married it is essentially the fathers fault. This is why women aren't given choices because their judgment never matures completely. If she refuses to be married then she is essentially electing to have the same social protection as a whore. Obviously nuns are an exception.

This is why the term "boyfriend" is a 20th century invention. It is a form of feminism where the female can take as much time and as many dicks as she wants, and then expect a man to respect her for some reason.

As they say, a key that can open any lock is a great key. A lock that can be opened by any key is a shitty lock.

As for gays, it doesn't matter. For one, men can't be virgins because virgins are by definition females. This is more wordplay invented to promote immorality. Secondly, sodomy isn't sex biologically or legally. Thirdly, the idea that there is some some virtue for chastity of the rectum is absurd beyond the basic dignity of the male.

Don't argue with me. Argue with every society in history. Its not like I personally made this up.
this must be a disorder
i’m going to start charging you for using all this screen real estate on posts like this
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This has malevolent energy brother. Where’s his body?
>Ah yes. The rich kids worked for their parents wealth, support, and resources. Where the FUCK do you think peoples sense of discipline and hard work comes from? Fairy dust?
how would being born rich have made you any less mediocre?
>Who's to say i haven't worked hard?
just a hunch, it's my observation that people who harbor a defeatist attitude like yours do so in part to avoid ever having to put any actually work into improving themselves. it is much easier after all to complain.
>Half you bastards would've thrown in the towel long before I ever did if you were to be doing the same thing as I do. You'd lose your fucking mind.
telling how you're self-deprecating in one breath and haughty in the next.
Maybe my mother would've actually given a shit about me? Maybe I'd have better education? Maybe I'd have had more support? Maybe I would've had a stable household? Maybe I wouldn't have been in poverty?
You think I don't notice the clear fucking difference with my family members who have more stable parents with more money and security in their lives compared to mine when my own parent is barely a fucking functional adult? No. Noticing these things blackpilled me hard, because it's clearly fucking true. Even those who weren't performing at their best were doing better than me in life because THEIR PARENTS GAVE A SHIT. SUPPORTED THEM AND ACTUALLY HAD MONEY.
>just a hunch, it's my observation that people who harbor a defeatist attitude like yours do so in part to avoid ever having to put any actually work into improving themselves. it is much easier after all to complain
I've been a complainer for years. Yet I still come back and do the things I do with the feeling it'll be different, that i will have more will, that I will make progress, even the slightest bit. With every step forward it's like 10 steps back. How do you think I improved my drawings to where they are? Hard work. Theyre better quite obviously than before i put work into it. Else I'd be much worse than I am even if I'm not good by other peoples standards. Look where I'm at now.
Blu hunting and killing a rabbit with his bare hands before screaming and charging at you.
bout to go for my first swim of the year!
A shower doesn’t count as a swim sweetie
nice, have fun
The prediabetic just dunked on the postdiabetic.
gaygen has a minor problem
Just got back from the Doc. Looks I'm either having a very rare reaction to minoxidil, or I have inherited hyperthyroidism. At least if it's the latter I know I'll never be fat lol.
minor as in small or minor as in pedo
for a second i thought you meant Doctor Disrespect lmao, that dude is a creep
imagine getting sick from taking unnecessary medication
what was the reaction you had and do you take oral (gay) or topical?
minox is cool tho? anything that makes you more hairy without destroying your body like roids sounds like a win to me
I hope u don't have cancer sis I will science for you
...she just said she had a reaction
*pees on your head*
you seriously need to stop pitying yourself. I begged my parents all my childhood to sign me up for piano lessons and when they finally did I never went anywhere with it because I didn’t put the work in. money and education certainly make things easier but the fact of the matter is if you really want something you’ll find a way to get it with or without help. I could have learned to play the piano with a shitty $50 casio and youtube videos if I had really wanted to, but it was easier just to point to all my disadvantages like not having a teacher and being older than the other kids than to actually just start.
troye genuinely puts on a great show. you guys should go see him if you haven't already
Wow you have a strong flow to arc that high
debaser has cancer?!
my pee's impact
I don't like him because of how he spells his name
Not yet, unless it's sneaky
Thats one good banana smoothie ^^
im a bit of a libtard, im not a fan banning shit, AI and crypto shit tho? they have to go
AI is fine with regulation, crypto would be fine with regulation but is designed to not be regulateable. It could get by with a big "WARNING: THIS IS PROBABLY A SCAM" label maybe.
more pee is needed
I wanna be a bimbo doll
Let's have another shopping haul
I wanna be a bimbo doll
My boobs are huge but I am small
what the fuck is this dr disrespect shit? why are streamers consistently the most awful people on earth?
Topical 5% 1ml/day. Have been having panic attacks, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. out of nowhere all this past week. Looked it up and apparently there's a bunch of people that have this reaction if you're a hyper responder. Did and EKG and the doctor listened to my heart/lungs, said everything was totally fine. Waiting on blood work results for thyroid. My mom has thyroid shit and these symptoms also match hyperthyroidism. So it's either weird minox reaction or that. Really funny if min is what's causing it because I've had zero sides with fin and that's supposedly the dangerous one lol.
i've no clue who you're talking about
do i even want to know
so why don’t gays ever try to get their grindr dates cancelled for fucking then when they were underage
You're basically ignoring everything I wrote and trying to relate your own experiences to it, yet your parents were obviously financially stable enough to afford piano lessons, something my mother would never listen to or afford, and then signing me up for shit they didn't ask for nor talk to me about and expecting me to be motivated about it then complaining about wasted money when she later admitted it was money saved up for my college, something she'd eventually admit. All down the drain, all because of soemthing she wanted. And all I got was contempt and dislike from my peers. Wow, such a great investment. After that, she couldn't even pay to keep the power on. I had to because she'd rather be stuck self pitying all the time and worshipping God. Guess what she got for all her worship and self pity? Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. All this life and nothing to show for it than her misery and self pity.
i dont think you can regulate this shit debaser, it isnt solely about morals too, destroying art and a bunch of jobs is one thing, but this shit also wastes a laughable amount of electricty for something with no real practical use, AI and crypto are just fancy ways for the rich to get richer while sacrificing the planet
I think crypto has some fatal flaws that are born of currency and dependence on a system that can be manipulated. It requires some underlying assumptions that are too idealistic. Before you even get to the technological obstacles.

AIs problem is how it will be used. Like language itself, the first thing it was taught is how to lie. The other issue is basic responsibility. It will be hailed as some deity, some arbiter of truth when it certainly is not. People are already anthropomorphizing it. Alternatively it will be used to excuse incompetence and malice.

For some reason it makes me think of something I noticed the other day: online dictionaries. I noticed that they have unlimited space to expound on the meaning of words, yet for some reason, all the ones I have seen are short, terse and lousy four word strings of synomyms. Actual physical dictionaries rely on paper and still devote much more to definitions. Yet for some reason, with unlimited space and world wide reach, they are as dumbed down as possible.
how long u been on it?
Attention hungry people that get power and fame without any filter for character traits, sometimes rewarding negative character traits
and you as a child lol
my point is that even if my parents had been poor I could have learned the piano if I wanted to. people who blame all their problems on some external factor like their parents or their upbringing are just losers refusing to take accountability for their own failings.
Oral made my ass hairy and did nothing else.
Only like a month and a half. I think I might just be a hyper responder because I already got great results which most people apparently take like 6+ months to get. Or it's possible that it's both. Hyperthyroidism causes hair thinning and affects blood pressure. Minoxidil reverses hair thinning and affects blood pressure. Could be some overlap where people with hyperthyroidism can't tolerate minox well because they act on the same pathways.
never had to filter a poster until now
kelp pills gave me truly insane manic episodes
>It will be hailed as some deity, some arbiter of truth when it certainly is not.
reminds me of that pedo hunter youtuber who used chatGPT for legal advice on how to report pedophiles to the police, he went apeshit when people pointed out you need to bring actual evidence to court instead of just random testimonies lmao
Lol, sorry dude that sucks.
I've posted many of my drawings here because I like sharing my stuff. Despite all the times I've quit, cried, gotten frustrated, destroyed my things, I still draw. Don't preach to me about hard work like you're fucking enlightened. You're not better than me.
I've worked hard, I just can see through the bullshit we continue to tell people in the mean time. That this whole fluke we call "life" is purely directed by the will. And I'm telling you that's nonsense.
Filtering a poster is retarded since the trips here suck up so much attention even if you block them half the anon posts will still be responding to their posts.
and so? Why are you crying about it?
it's just blu and most people have the good sense to ignore her
I believe you, the body is more sensitive to stuff than most people would think and everyone is different in what you can tolerate.
>Despite all the times I've quit, cried, gotten frustrated, destroyed my things, I still draw.
okay, but you never take criticism and improve? youre like chrischan or yandere dev, you keep shitting out art because you like the attention it brings you, but you dont give a fuck about actually honing your craft
shut the fuck up xanthippe lmao
i could also feel exactly where my thyroid was which made me feel like it was probably too much iodine
Based fuck tripniggers
lets go
they thrive on an online culture that rewards histrionics and narcicissim. they deserve no respect.
so, literally /gaygen/?
any online 'community' at this point
holy shit this is so sick gotta message my vampire friend
i am the leafy of gaygen, and debaser is edp445
is this a tranny >>36300546
You can kinda sorta try to regulate the version of it that the average user has access to. It's like anything else. It absolutely does have a practical use as does crypto. The power expenditure is bad right now but we need to switch to nuclear and I wouldn't demonize a technology if it could be implemented in a positive way. If it pushes a switch to nuclear that's a good thing.

Thoughts on James Charles' sixteenie? Who was in the wrong here?

Also thoughts on his sexual value today since he's now around a 18-20eenie sex treat?
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>probably too much iodine
Holy shit, Horror, thank you. You might have just saved my ass. I'm new to researching this thyroid shit and I didn't know about the iodine interaction. Just realized my diet is insanely high in iodine after some recent changes. Started eating greek yogurt (high in iodine, 77% daily value in one cup), realized the new salt I got is iodized, and my multivitamin and multimineral both have iodine in them.
Imagine if we had magic power crystals so that we didn't have to burn the corpses of living things to power our smart tv
are you what they call a "hon" or do you "pass"
my kelp pills have 270% of the dv
miss me yet?
fake shiza but yes
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No but I hope u r well
>magic power crystals
They're called radioactive isotopes.
delta more like melta eh
Yep that's the joke :p
I love my fans :)
cezary? i thought you got doxxed and killed?!
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>when you put lefties in charge of energy
>or anything involving math or science
Nuclear will never expand. It only solves the problems of human existence and theres no money in that so we don't do that anymore. The whole point is to drive as many people into scarcity and privation as quickly as possible. Anyone who thinks government and elites are your buddy aren't paying attention. Theres a war on your existence, you've been betrayed and most wont even admit it.
Damn. Do you have a family history of any thyroid stuff or do you have it yourself? It could also just be temporary iodine induced hyperthyroidism apparently.
Lol good one, and yeah I can't figure out why we don't do more nuclear. I guess people are just scared or there's petro lobbying. It seems like the perfect fix for energy issues.
Humidity sucks
How can anybody like saunas

Beloved cold weather
People have fossil fuel jobs and are rightly concerned that nuclear requires much less supporting infrastructure and they oppose the globohomo future that all progress will inevitably lead to. Writing on the wall.
i just heard it makes u have crazy energy. & it does. but not in a good way
I'm a top, by the way.
lame shit i dont care about
>it makes u have crazy energy
It can give you the opposite too because it ramps up your metabolism to the point of exhaustion.
what do you care about let's talk about that
gonna stick with just fin?
minox always seemed like a shit ton of work with the whole 'twice a day BUT NOT WHEN YOUR HAIR IS WET' shit
I really wish someone would fuck my boipussy rn :\
okay and?
shiza isn't interesting enough for you to pretend to be her
that movie took some liberties but its the closest any of the adaptations got to the book imo
wait, shiza gave away her trip?
i'm attracted to short, skinny, soft-looking nerdy tops
that's not her trip hers is LPIkbAXixk
>actually running trip re-makes to amuse yourselves
what are you girls talking about? i am the real shiza spacek
Will see, I'm off both for now. Need to see where my thyroid hormones are at. If I have hyperthyroidism I will just fix that and that itself will probably stop hair loss and/or I can continue taking both with my thyroid suppressed. If it is the minox I will just slowly reintroduce fin, doc said he agreed there. Hope I can somehow keep taking both because I caught the loss/thinning super early and my hair is basically perfect again after taking both for even this short amount of time.
if only more people felt this way
>short, skinny, soft-looking nerdy tops
no such thing just girls in denial (who should take estrogen tbqh :-))
Bottoms should be buzzed or bald anyways.
nice, but ultimately hair isn't worth your health, so i hope you figure it out man

... why?
Literally bald guys r cute look at northernlion
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>y-y-you never take criticism and improve...
So you want to believe so bad I'm the bad guy here who's justified in his own suffering that you're making stuff up. Nice. First off, bitch, I've made it clear multiple times many of my hostile responses are ironic. If I didn't take criticism, I'd not be where I'm at right now. The only reason I even have some semblance of skill in drawing is because I took critique. Even if I give you a joke hostile response, I take note of what is said and consider it for what direction to take. You've made me out to be the bad guy by completely misreading my entire character here.
>hair isn't worth your health
weirdly you have neither so why the fuck would someone take advice from you
i have no idea what i did to upset you, but please let me know so i can do it some more


you still never said what'd make you feel happy and worthy
you look like uk uncle fester the molester
True, and thanks!
Guess who's jealous of Adele...

Being a good artist. Being intelligent. Being loved. I don't feel like any of these things. I hate everything I make and feel like a burden. If I don't even enjoy what I do, what's the point? What am I good for?
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Posted: June 25th 2024-

The RWDS has issued a fatwa for Mr. Beast.
I think so. Might b a vers thing idk
Listening to Edith Piaf and wondering where the concept of female pop musician went so horribly wrong
so those three things would make you happy?

being a good artist in what way? do you want to feel proud of your journey, express complex emotions, be celebrated by lots of people...

being intelligent to what end? again are you looking for validation? better techniques to work through the world? to revolutionise something?

and being loved by who, and why? family? friends? partner? what do you think is missing that you want to see fulfilled?
hmm... mr beast causing untold psychic damage on millions of impressionable kids growing up under his parasocial narcissistic tentacles vs. his white noise cohost trooning out. culture warriors are so retarded it's unreal.
Madonna, I guess. One could argue it was Grace Jones too, but she was too niche to take the blame.
Jake Shields agreed to fight some FtM over a year ago and still hasn't done it


hawaiian tropic is so good
i guess it's more about what the concept of love has changed into. we moved away from more puritan attitudes towards physical desire/lust. music has always talked about love. we just have lots of decadence in society and therefore music too.

if you're talking about aesthetics, autotune and sex icons over musical talent.
He's normalizing philanthropy lol
The intro to Running Up That Hill be like
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>express complex emotions, be celebrated by lots of people...
Both. I also want to have a distinct, unique style.
I want to be intelligent to compensate for my background. I want to know what i talk about and be known for being knowledgable in various subjects. Knowledge is good because it can also widen my creative potential with my art. The more I know, the more I can be creative with. My beliefs will become more solid and coherent, and I'll understand the world better. I'll also be able to have a good conversation with anyone about anything.
I want to be loved for my talents and skills so I know I am good and can feel I contributed something to the world. I want to make great art that influences someone .
it's adorable you think that.
Maybe ur worldview needs a glowup
sounds like you want to be at the end of a journey you're only really just starting. think you need to take a step back and start appreciating what you've already done and how far you've come, and start thinking about the achievable steps. you might also want to reconcile with doing this for self satisfaction more than reputation; it might be your art never 'makes it big' (not in your life time anyway), but that shouldn't stop you enjoying it.

>I want to make great art that influences someone .
you don't need to make great art to influence someone positively desu.

sounds like you just have your sights on huge, far off goals, and are getting yourself existential over the whole thing.
U r such a good teacher :)
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I just feel really bad I almost never feel pride in my creations. I've never made anything worth a single creative damn. It's all bland and forgettable.
lol nah

is pride what you need to enjoy the process? like, you ever just draw something you find amusing or makes you laugh? there are more ways to enjoy what you're doing than feeling superior fren
Try making something creative that you actually want to make even if it isn't up to your standards instead of trying to get better
I mean it :p
Why is Casey Neistat so ugly?
Philanthropy doesn't need to be 'normalized' because it's already the default form of social patronage in america. he's using it as a self-edifying spectacle while gleefully dragging our culture through the dirt with his sludge clickbait (while wasting millions in the process... but hey it's all good, he gives some of it back!) It's not unique to MrBeast, and he's not the worst offender, but he's as big a fraud as any other youtuber faggot.
Nah lol I agree when it comes to the random hop on one foot for $1000 a hop shit but his actual charitable stuff is actually charitable and a good thing, which is more than most people do
ultimately people like keemstar are a way bigger problem. a just society would see him flogged in the streets.
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Every artist I know that enjoys art for its own sake often are able to easily point to the art their proud of. I can't do that as easily, because I simply don't feel much from a lot of the stuff I make.
I've done this. You just end up unsatisfied and frustrated because you can't communicate what you want to communicate. It's like telling me to write a novel only knowing half of the alphabet and having very simple vocabulary when I wanna write like Dostoyevsky. And when you try your damnest to write something good, the outcome makes Twilight look like peak fiction.
I can't enjoy something I don't feel proud of. The funniest art I make is often also the lowest of quality.
I don't believe in YouTubers, with the exception of Anne Reardon who is tolerable
oh god that bearded rat bastard pot stirrer
how he fuck does someone inadvertently edge someone to suicide and not feel bad enough about their behaviour to change even the tiniest bit?

na, and i'm alright with that. i'm mediocre.
just look at those eyes, man. there's nothing behind them. he's like the insufferable kid in class with 'behavioral issues' that failed his way up into the clown show of youtube drama. scary times.
Literally that art there is good enough to make a graphic novel or comic or something sis you are letting perfect be the enemy of good
Shut uuuuup we get it you're humble too
Why does debaser hate dan so much?
No one would want to read it because it has little appeal. Be honest, if you were walking through a store would you rather pick up that or Scott Pilgrim or Berserk or something?
nah he's way worse, even those kids understand some basic social empathy and consequences, he's an out and out ASPD sociopath if not a complete high functioning psychopath. to be that remorseless for entertainment and to show so little compassion beyond the crocodile tears... yeah. he's fucked up.

>perfect be the enemy of good

>Shut uuuuup we get it you're humble too
pssh, i'm not trying to blush and beg for more, i'm honestly mediocre. i've even told my bf i have no idea what he sees in me. i'm quite lucky to have what i do.
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Thats odd. My Jew alarm is blinking but I am alone in the house and theres no one outside. Its just me and gayg-
dan was judging anons here for no reason calling them ugly and he also has sex in public and debaseroo HATES public sex havers and wants them in jail :3
he also beats his wife on a regular basis
Golfin weather. But what is gaygen doing to make the most of the summer?
his fans probably find that based and quirky
gooning everyday :P
shut up and show cock
I don't hate him I just don't approve of public sex acts or unjust rudeness but we settled the beef
I dont go to comic stores at all also you could exploit a niche or make it pornographic and that will make it popular even if it isn't pullitzer prize worthy. Compare your art to the guy that wrote one punch man. It's about soul. You are conveying an idea to the reader and if that idea is good enough the art barely matters as long your style is semi consistent
Maybe based
Bitch I’ve shown dong like thirty times.
The expression is "perfection is the enemy of progress".

Alas, there is nothing left to shame. I shame you anyways.
Describe your relationship with your father
show cock or GTFO
I know u have a low self esteem but it's undue. If you are going to compare, compare yourself to the idiots you work with, not yourself if you were perfect.
everyone starts from somewhere. I bet the creators of berserk or Scott Pilgrim didn't have success overnight either
>Bitch I’ve shown dong like thirty times.
wait... are you the anon with the dick pic in his tesla?
Nah I don’t have a Tesla. My dong pics are all from the toilet or couch lol.
>My dong pics are all from the toilet or couch lol.
hmmm well then I have never seen yours
I don't care you are allowed to make up new expressions and in fact I am enacting the spirit of the quote by saying it my own way. Linguistics.

>I know u have a low self esteem but it's undue. If you are going to compare, compare yourself to the idiots you work with, not yourself if you were perfect.
it just doesn't really matter either way desu
i'm lucky i have a fair few people with my back, and that i'm well loved by my bf
Why is debaser so fixated on dan having sex in public? Why is he using middle-school level bullying by calling him slurs? Also why is dan entertaining the harassment?
why are incels so concerned about their partners being virgins before they met them
You are lucky, but you also deserve it :)
Okay fine. Now don’t ever let me hear anybody say that I don’t deliver.
Fact: the only reason Trump is picking up in the polls is because he is sucking Muriam Adelsons $100 million dollar jew dick.

He has run an absolute shit campaign, is even cornier than before, has clearly learned absolutely nothing and is making all the same mistakes. He has zero credibility left and is only being propped by American sayanim. He is now a tryhard buffoon trying to live up to his own dead memes. And he is still surrounded by plodding scumbags.
uhh cause debaseroo is internet batman. he fights crime wherever he sees one
Obviously insecurity
you could’ve shown cock by now.
both fat debbie danstd give me the ick
AWOOOOOOGA but your foreskin seems tight ngl
you could’ve also at least shown cock anywhere but on the shitter.
don't forget the guaranteed green cards to international student graduates. does he even know his base?
A wee bit tight but not too bad
I warned ya >>36301449
nobody cares, luv
As much as I despise genocide Joe, he's still getting my vote. No way am I voting for the failed businessman felon or the guy whose brain was eaten by a worm (who doesn't stand a chance)
Citing a frenchman, eh? Now I shame you.
valid tbf

they think it's gay to slap dong into a hole that's already been slapped with dong

eh, gonna keep counting my lucky blessings
why respond?
What are your thoughts on this one from today >>36301093
I miss cersei.
cause 4chinz is free :3
I would post his mug for you but I don't wanna get b& :3
I miss baku.
you just seemed upset
No. He never did. The whole thing was a hoax. He has no core. And he has no competence. He fundamentally doesn't understand anything. This whole thing was just his ego coinciding with desperate hopes of the masses that a troll cared about citizens. It was always just about him. And he is surrounding himself with the same bumbling morons as before. I don't know what the word is for someone who doesn't even know how insincere they are.

It truly does not matter who 'wins' at this point. Election integrity has been destroyed anyways. Theres no one at the wheel. We are just being looted until whatever catastrophe finally flattens us. The American experiment did not succeed. It simply cannot withstand corruption, certainly not at this scale. Actual dictatorships are doing better just because the governments arent actively trying to decimate their own populations.
that's because i am team debaser
Cooper always drives out those that have never done any wrongs
no u
he was a stalker pedo and blogged about it here
>drives out those that have never done any wrongs
That always makes me mad, when we get nice normal people and the trolls drive them away. A few dedicated neets and then all the people that are mentally 11 year old girls.
he was taking advantage of a literal menthol
rip the sweet princes that have passed
Just went up and down the stairs and I'm already winded after 4 mins. Bad sign?
embarrassing response
baku ran so gaygen could walk
*slaps my own ass*
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Whats he up to?
U guys ever think about how we intellectualized trolling by calling it engagement farming so that we could criticize it while appearing less silly
yeah just accept that you're going bald.. there's some nice toupees that are perhaps better than what your real hair can do
whose we
you're just not amphibians like me
You best get woke before you get broke son
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post two layers of saved for later
I'm pretty sure baku's ex doxxed him, that weird boy who had pedo fantasies
You better not be looking at those kind of peripherals
its for drawing!
no i think about putting my dick inside of man, becoming a martyr in lebanon, and central asia though
thoughts on redditp.com/r/bearbros/

why are bears always overweight?
Yea drawing packs in WoW NERD
I can relate to only one of those
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I smell happenings.
drawing nude blood elfs havjng sex
what are you doing this year to look for a stable job and income?
>fantasy world with magical clothing that could give you +15 cum
>not using gear
Bruh is that andrew tate

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