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>Be me>
>start working as a lifeguard to fund HRT>
>forced to girlmode to work>
>get along with co-workers>
>get added to informal work gc>
>"let's make a boys' only chat"
>suffer in silence as I dig a deeper pit for myself>

Mfw I'll never be able to experience what guys my age do
Have you got HRT yet anon?
As a guy what guys your age do is mostly say mysogynistic shit among themselves lol.

You're not missing out on much.

T. Loner bi guy
Fucked up the formatting. Won't happen again.
Yeah I'm diy-ing I'm a week in. Actually glad I can finally make some progress.
That eases my mind a little.
I could tell you what we do
they probably talk about how hot you look in your swimsuit so maybe you don't want to be in that chat
keep looking for jobs that one seems prone to being "randomly" fired when the T starts to work
ftms are so fembrained they think that being a guy can make them escape rape`
I've been on t for years and my friends still won't rape me :/ I don't know what I'm doing wrong
literally no one thinks this. obviously men also get raped
You made a really idiotic decision. Is it only for the summer at least?
all my male friends want to rape me, but due to woke sjw culture in canada, they will be 'cancelled' for this action, which prevents this from occurring. in a NATURAL LAW SOCIETY, my trangenderism would be nipped in the bud by my father or grandfather or even my school friends. I would have been spanked, maybe corrected in highschool by a group of boys. I ended up being 'trutrans', due to being UGLY and UNABLE TO COPE with my NATURAL BORN GODDESS BOD, so i was forced to become an animal. I wish to repent, but my debt is too much. How do i resolve?
That's only the ftms who have rape trauma or think being a man gives them privilege tho
>schizoanon has fertility goddess body
my dick is diamonds
I have NEVER been fucked I have NEVER been FERTILE I will NEVER breed and yet I must be cursed. My mother always said that curses traveled down the family line, I can't remember if they were diluted with time or not, but I also inherited some from my (NPD, 145 iq sociopathic father who masks as an anxious autist). My mothers indian side contains many apparent cases of demon and devil worship. many false idols. it's a tumor which has physically manifested in many cases. This could have been forced out of me, or at least reduced to a livable extent. But I fought the 'bullies', the 'tyrants' and the 'NPD bitch mothers' of the world and cursed myself into a life of poverty and shame. I will never be a real human. I am a shell, always have been.
>I will never be a real human. I am a shell, always have been
i think we are similar in this aspect. can i study you platonically?
I was born to resolve my mothers sin on earth [low child count, general inability to be a 'proper woman' and wife] . I was condensed and compressed so many times. I could never do this. My evil spirit was too strong.
how would you go about doing this? reading my journal? sending me little love notes? I have always wished to be studied, yet failed to allow even the most basic observation to fall upon my form (besides the immediate and unsolvable negative) 'autism' resolves into npd bpd freakizoid. I live only to serve.
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Get pregnant
if you didn't make me wear a condom, you'd be knocked up by now. I know that you want it. I assure that I'd be a good dad and you'd be free of any STDs. Please allow me to fill you with my cum at the soonest opportunity
im so sorry that's fucking awful
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Show your vagina afab bro
>I live only to serve.
i told myself the same thing, but that's not true. one can only live for themself. i found comfort in her, and i live to observe now. through duality we watch over humanity
>reading my journal? sending me little love notes?
if only you would let me. i would be interested in learning every little thing about someone.
>show your vagina (female sexual organ) woman (XX) bro (term of affection for male/gendie neut people). Why must you mask your ideas and desires in such trickery? You imply that I may 'be a man woman', which is impossible if you were not a ESL polack with peanuts in your mind. I obscure my thoughts because of how easily I have been 'read' in the past. Might you be the same?
*an ESL polack, I'm not as much of tard as you, simply... loosened at the moment.
Trip on gloves so i can filter you
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Are you a cute vagina boi or fat and mutilated woman?
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ooooooo a drama thread!!! I can't wait to get my estrogen refilled through all the gossip. my boobs have been rather flat recently, only a 36B. I need to be many sizes bigger to feed.
I'm more than capable of psychically raping you and rendering you useless for as many years as you are effected by my 'toxic seed'. I did it to my love. my one care. my 'depression' has done it to the rest (yet not sexual) . I yearn to destroy you with the combined strength of the others.
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Is it this gross worthless creatures that causes instant eye-sore and vomit reaction? I hope that it will die soon, so that it's parents will be relieved.
i look like this but male do i win a prize
>tfw will never be desired by a woman because i am cockless and under 6'
>tfw will never start a family
>tfw will never fit into society and assimilate into a normal life
what did i do in a past life to deserve a life of dickless manletism? it was over before it ever began. my self psyop attempts to become attracted to cock have failed, i have hit the tomboy wall and now i am a disgusting unlovable mutilated afab, im going to die cold and alone.
What the fuck is this gen
i'm losing my fucking mind do you have any idea how over it is i'm going to kill myself
the lust of a pedophile
Yeah. I might put in my two weeks the moment I get hired somewhere less volatile considering that the chunk of my co-workers I don't talk to are snakes. The other chunk is mostly the guys that aren't as involved in whatever cesspool of shit every supervisor swims around in.
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Rape from a sodomite. Men are supposed to look like men anon.
Are you a cute vagina boi? Or a disgusting mutilated woman?
I would rather stab myself in the stomach repeatedly than have that happen to me. I have dignity go to that one seahorse dads sub if you wanna see that shit
but men are ugly. in the ideal society, men would be culled or used as worker drones and only afabs and cute twinks would be permitted to exist as citizens
I'll know I'll have made it then. Litmus test. I am dw
come out already faggot
then ask to join
why are ftms so helpless baka
>inb4 but i caaaaannnntttttuuhhhh
Every afab says so until she gets pregnant
Terrible terrible monstrosity
I'm a secret 3rd option I infiltrate theyfab groups then larp as a woman when needed
alt girls getting catty mrow
I'd rather save myself the embarrassment for now this is part of the plan. I'll get to poon out once I'm out of here. Everything in due time.
That’s great Ayden, take your shot already. You’ll be okay
I can see that
And I wasn’t invited??? :(
Degeneracy katamari I left my pc for an hour or so to watch Tetsuo and I returned to whatever the hell I summoned in the process
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You should find yourself a husband and get pregnant
the amount of
>pre-everything ftm with cism partner wanting to get pregnant
why are they so retarded?
god i wish to have a bio child but if the hip widening etc is not reversible I'd turn suicidal, assuming i make it through the pregnancy without sudoku
wow this is a substanceless shithole, one of the worst gens yet. congrats retards
Glad to see TH is back
Can someone make a different thread we need to start over
This one is a mess
imagine having envy for male social spaces
totally delusional, imagine thinking any joy exists there
A true FTM would be the most misogynistic person in that group chat.
>a true ftm is an edgy self-hating retard
No thanks.
This is why men should let me into their social spaces so that I can make them better
How could you not hate women? I don't understand
Pattern recognition and don't be 15.
i started taking my meds again so im less sad but now i cant stop beating my dick
your meds make you horny?
yeah apparently wellbutrin can do that
I infiltrated many male spaces and they were nothing but joy
personally I do get horny but I can't cum. Maybe that's just a me thing idk. I take carbolithium and gabapentin.
I'm so horny I need a real guy to fuck me with his big penis and cum
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Boy(girl) smell
BOY(BOy(Boy(boy))) smell
As someone whos 5'6" Ive had attractive women on me, its not impossible to find a partner youre probably just fat + fugly.
Best thing to do is get off T(if you're a bald hamphlet) and get fit or skinny
I'm 5'8 and prehrt and dated 2 cis women... easy
dating as a woman is easier than dating as a pooner? woah
getting off T is not conducive to weight loss or getting fit, wtf. take fin for hair loss
i'm 5'9 and skinny
>get off t
no thanks i don't want to go into another psychotic episode and undergo further feminization
>i've been in two lesbian relationships
i'm jealous. i wish i didn't transition so early so i could experience what it's like to be desired
i enjoy male spaces but i have this desire for being the only male in a female dominated space. when i was a teen hanging in art spaces the token males would get fawned over. not sure what it's like now since ftms are everywhere in art but i imagine cism get more attention
Kek they are probably talking about how badly they wanna creampie you in that chat anon
you confused casual cruelty for joy, you definitely deserve cis men
>casual cruelty
you just got mad cuz they said nigger didn't you?
I don't want to be ever considered a tranny, but will I if I get my tits and ovaries remvoed and go on t? I am not a tranny, but I still want this so men wont rape me prolly

how much does getting your tits cut off cost?
i wish a man would rape me so i can finally be normal but no man will ever rape me i am so disgusting, not even my own family. its so fucking over.
around 10k
you will be a tranny. this is why idpol is retarded, it doesn't matter what you identify as. you'll be identified by what you do and how you present yourself
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Feminine gay twinks are SA'd more than cis women because gay boys have way less social protection in society
Guys lay their shit at the forefront of the conversation, women hide it and then talk behind your back out of "courtesy". I can't connect with either due to my tranny tendencies but I'll gladly take that role if it means I can come clean about the things I think and still belong somewhere.
Picrel has the poon side-shave mullet there has to be something wrong with you
Gotta wageslave if you want the lifestyle. Covered by insurance I'd say a couple of thousands. Not covered? You're gonna be paying to get your tits removed for the next 15 years of your life. Have fun pussyboy
>Guys lay their shit at the forefront of the conversation
My class is almost entirely male (I'm 18 and not from the us idk how american schools work) and they shit talk each other constantly. If someone gets caught then some shit happens, everyone gets mad and wants to ''beat him up'' but in reality they're too pussyish to do anything.
I'm not sure what's it like with women but I think that both sides are retarded
Hell, that's the whole reason why I'm here. I like honest spaces.
Your class consists of a bunch of retards then they should have confidence.
With women they'll get along with you, pretend to be your friend and then say some vile shit about what they really think behind closed doors. It's easy to be othered that way even if you were initially part of the group. Not too different but something about putting on the act stings more

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