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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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It's theā„¢ lesbian general, you know how it goes.
>qott: What's somethkng violent you would do for your girlfriend?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36290769
talk to her about homestuck lore
and offer to pay for her srs
something* :(
I love homestuck..
Thoughts on vriska
why did they make the azumanga teacher indian
are any of y'all cis?
i mentally envision myself as a cis woman if that counts
she's obviously a trans woman. Which also explain why Terezi loved her so much
Vriska is my favourite trans woman <3
got covid. no girlfriend kisses for 2 weeks
anything for my girlfriend
kiss her anyway...
she wont come see me because I have covid
that's anthy from utena...
I need to hold her and kiss her but I fear I never will
I need to pat her head and tell her everything's going to be okay when she's sad but I never will
need to hang myself but i never will
Oh god.. I need to to do the same.. I need her to understand that I'd be there what ever happened, that I'd always love her, that she isn't worthless..
I need to fingerbang her until she soaks the bed but I never will
recently i realised i have a piss fetish and idk how to feel about it
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why dont you piss yourself about it
Cis asian gal pal
i simply wouldnt have a fetish that i think is gross, what's even the issue
haiii :3
haircut bitch decided to be a retard and trim my bangs which i need to cover a scar even tho i told her not to and now my forehead will look even more scarred than usual for the next week or so
many such cases
ouch tho
i'm not into that
i'm into other people pissing on me or making me drink their piss
post more izutsumi art
that seems pretty common, albeit completely incomprehensible to me personally
The gals in HR really seem to hit the wall at staggering speeds. I guess the company restructuring is hitting them hard....

Still would tho
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i made a cupcake :3
clean your room
i cant, officially
there's supposed to be a govt assigned and paid-for cleaning person but there isnt :3c
clean your room :(
see >>36306379
>there's supposed to be a govt assigned and paid-for cleaning person
why? are you like legit retarded and mentally incapable?
according to govt job fitness check i am not fit to work, but not disabled enough for real disability
please be her
no short hair femmes at the store today :(
>the store
the gf store?
Terezi is obviously the tranny and Vriska is her one cis girl friend and the only person she hangs out with who she thinks is cool and not a miserable moron
vriska is literally trans
lies and deception
it's fucking canon
Romantic love is a lie the weak tell themselves
its funny how they decided that the most abusive, evil, murderous troll whose ancestor rapes kanayas ancestor is a trans woman. they shouldve trannified terezi imo
But Vriska being insane is what makes her attractive
do you live in the USSR? like is this a time travelling post? why are you just getting government fitness checks to see if you can work?
But then again... romantic love might be real... since... i feel that i want her, i miss her, i want to be with her.. isnt that love?.. if i can feel it, someone else should be too... i just have to find the right one.....
now that i think about it, did terfs and radfems freaked out when they canonized vriska as a tranny? i wasnt on tumblr anymore when ot happened, but from my time there i remember terfs and radfems loving vriskas character
i wish i was joking but they just ignore it and headcanon her as a terf
every day i'm not making her laugh fifty times is a sin against god and time
izutsumi my beloved :3
did we go through another toblerone
ages ago now but yeah
oh dang that sucks why cant we use them to make hussie fix his plot
i got them to check if i should stay on unemployment or get disability, by the unemployment office
brainwormed transbian terf vriska who calls herself a TiMT(trans identifyed male troll)
I should have got her discord 3 years ago
wydag that relaxes by smoking shitty weed and watching disaster documentaries, like planes crashing boats sinking buildings getting demolished and general human misery and destruction?
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why do i always get the urge to kiss women whenever i feel lonely (ļ¹)
does my small brain not realize that it just makes the loneliness worse?
that's just ntr4ctr
The store where you can subscribe and unsubscribe to gender ideology, buy large gametes, sell chromosomes, and even hire Lily Cade as a hitman.
she's so me
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Nothing to be proud of.
didnt (s)he detransitoned?
lago u should read homestuvk
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Ehhh I donā€™t rly have an interest in it.
do it or ur transphobic
idk. She either killed herself (most likely) or just dewormed herself and she's now with a beautiful girlfriend (impossible)
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no u
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I am angry
Oedius complex
This paint made me snicker
i highly doubt it. you dont go from "oh im such a fake trans woman im a predatory agp ase rapehon straight man i must detransition because all transbians are inherently evil because of our sexuality
and so real women arent threatened by my existence blah blah blah" and then heal out of nowhere get a gf. i think she detransitoned and is currently repressing. shell probably transition again before she turns 25
imagine being even vaguely relevant and not just a retarded boomer
every muscle in my body is quaking after working out
even your sphincter?
Thats so hot
no im not a bottom sorry
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>she doesn't make the tiny dick bottom top her for fun
sober gamzee gives off chaser vibes, but in the abusive rapist way. high gamzee on the other hand is 100% a low effort theymab who thinks gender "iS jUsT a FeElIInG bRo"
>worships a guy who treats him like shit
nah that's a husstuss
literally me but I could never into homosuck
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I wonder if zoomies even know who this character is heavily trying to be half the time.
Nope. Who even
sober gamzee scared me so much as a teen. back when he was constantly high and making clown jokes and getting into rap battles with tavros he used to be my fave character. when he got sober and killed like half the cast it terrified teen me so much i stopped reading for a week. and dont even get me started on his relationship with terezi ugh
>half the cast
>killed less people than vriska
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I searched my name like a narcisissie and I like the results
I really want my ... x back... but.. i also want to move on... therr are so many women... its actually overwhelming....
ok satan
max payne?
he looks like a free man
For fuck sake... zoomers...

its the guy from the shooter isnt it?
sam cereal or something
a former slave... a freed man
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yeah I think it's this guy
vriska only killed tavros what are u talking about? lmao
is it valid for a transwoman to have a transmasc arc
Its johny depp. You fucking ingrates. You dumb zoomers. You soil of the earth silly little buds.

Hes mimicking johny fucking depp
i think hes elvis
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Watching Bridgerton because thereā€™s a lesbian couple in the latest season and to socialize with the gays at workā€¦ but there are 3 seasons and itā€™s painfully straight so far. KMS

At least the outfits and scenery are a treat.
nobody in perfect dark acts like butcher
johny beats his wife
i cant believe stanley kubrick predicted that 44 years ago
Don't bother, that show isn't very good
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>murder is only important if its someone from the main cast
murder isnt important irl because there is no main cast, got it
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I do like watching the dresses and imagining courting a foul-mouthed tomboy forced to wear a lovely regency dress, showering her with gifts while she tells me how much she is not fond of me.
oh if ur talking about all the kids vriska fed to her lusus then yea, shes the bigger killer. its so weird how they glossed over that. "oh and btw vriska is a serial killer. anyways lets move over that and talk about her trauma and how killing people hurt her feelings"
vriska is what happens when a bisexual trans girl with bpd gets taught from birth that killing people of a lower caste than her is good and normal
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I met this cool woman. I like her, no idea if she likes me. But im already going over my rejection lines in case she asks me out. Ill be so diplomatic she wont even feel dumped. She'll feel enlightened.
god i need to show her my comedy bits text file
watching video essays while high and losing my mind. Everybody is babbling nonsense thinking they are changing the world and their emotions are intense like they are trying to pierce into my soul. Why don't people post videos of themselves doing something normal? What are people doing with their lives I dont get it.
Its honestly scary how many relationships that are even 10 years + just end
Like breh
.. i cant imagine how awful it is to be with someone 10 years and then no longer be wifh them. Thats like havinf a huge fucking wound right in your heart and that shit aint ever healing i bet.

Like, from a dopamine maxing perspective, investing too long in a relationship is just bad business. You wanna get in, and then out before the stakes get to heavy. Thats just logical.
that's why it's a suicide pact, you have to be crazy but its worth it
people online are getting scarier every day so why do I do this
lmao someone i know wants to do arts and crafts diy shit and talk about people should just be nice to each other do you think i should encourage her
idk I don't wanna give advice while high
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What's the point in doing everything alone who am I trying to impress
people are so mean I don't like that I participate in it either because it feels good but still it's really dumb
Wydag who was cynical, disillusioned and generally just fed up with the world we live in
So i guess most normies are actually just crazy then


theyre just dumb.
yes, but not you. you can't love
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This is a deep question... why do anything, whats the difference between an observer and nothingness, does it really matter. We're social animals, so biologically there is incentive to show off, its hardwired.

But to think more higher, to try and release oneself from the base drives for a moment; is there really any need to have people see you, acknowledge you. I dont know.
Im not capable of creating thought that is seperated from the animal for all thoughts i have are also from an animal.

But. If we try to go in another direction, away from logic, towards a trust for higher things beyond comprehension, then maybe we do exist to coexist.
is there a difference between being crazy and dumb. I just want to love and I don't care about being smart or sane that much
i hate feelin like im a part of an ai generated convo fuck this
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In other words, i really want a hag gf. A woman 10 years older than me would be perfection. I think it would fix me
I worship her
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What is it with political lesbians flocking to lesbian spaces like flies on shit to discourage lesbians from taking about lesbian sex? Itā€™s nuts. ugh
kinda fucked isnt it then again vriska gets a flash dedicated to killing aradia with sollux and also blinding the fuck out of terezi, its kinda weird how everyone except vriska and eridan are pretty ok at the start and then it all goes to shit
when has this happened
from my experience it's mostly teenagers doing that
Some girls think sex should be a private intimate thing and that it's in poor taste to discuss so casually. It's your server though you've obviously set the standards for discourse so if it bothers them they should just go.
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Ugh, zoomers and their insufferable quest for validation.
You told me not to talk to u yet ur talking to me rn...
i should just bite the bullet and ask her out for coffee or a movie or something right? rather than just hanging onto the possibility?
Yeah duh
I'm just normal and there is nothing special about me. Feels good.
that makes you special in a sea of oddity
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having a sowing machine rules i just made a wizard hat
no of course not what if she says yes... too stressful
getting some mixed signals here...
i found pokemon battle revolution and the witcher 2 at gamestop today
>rape time
Guys I think I'm officially a homewrecker now....
And I don't feel bad about it.....
Justified sometimes. Whatā€™s your involvement there?
It is justified tbf, they got together while she was a mental mess and she isn't really attracted physically or romantically to him.
She hasn't cheated on him with me or anything but we've essentially been hardcore flirting for the last few days and shes been talking about breaking up with him for a bit and now actually wants to.
We match very well she's what I'm into and I'm what she's into so I think we could be happy together just gotta help her emotionally for a bit after the break up.
>saving women from a straight relationship
Not a bad thing, keep it up sweetie you doing god's work
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I love battle revolution.
If you own any of the gen 4 games on DS it is wayyy more fun if you don't use rental teams.
that's so fucking cool
tfw no gf who rubs her genitals on my face while i sleep
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it objectively is i know thank you
tranner pussy > cis pussy > tranner dick
My gock in cis pussy > *
her gock in my cisussy > *
I'm gonna do it I'm gonna ask her
that's the right choice :)
I'm terrified but kind of in a good thrilling way
that's the absolute best way of being terrified
hope it goes well for u
It did not go well but it was not catastrophic so...
what happened? sounds like she declined but left open the possibility of accepting in the future
Exactly that, she already has a date tonight, so I'm just gonna try not to overthink it
it's not too bad
you'll get to experience that sweet terror very soon again
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Reminder that lesbians have the lowest rates of intimate partner violence when the CDC stat removes violence at the hands of men. This is because lesbians in the study were self-identified and some dated men before coming out.
lago try not to reply to obvious bait instead of ignoring and reporting it challenge (impossible)
Nah, itā€™s good to stomp out that homophobic myth. More people are aware of it now.
liking women is nice
y'know what? i do like cute underwear. cute underwear is important, not cause of agp, but because i'm not taking it off to fuck and my gf deserves to at least see some cute underwear instead of boring brainworm boxers. not until i stop being ugly tho
>the apartment building gym is still closed indefinitely because of construction
hate myself i just want to be hot without having to pay money for a gym membership
kill yourself race fetishist rapehon
if trans women are really women, then why are you always posting about cis? oh, but God forbid someone specifically want a trans woman or else they're a chaser
tales of arise is soooo good
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no one answering the qott even though it has a funny story behind :(
what could possibly be funny about violence
taste of pussy is soooo good
Assimilate her culture and lead her people in a jihad against the Harkonnens
funny in the curious sense of the word. like this girl I had a crush on punched a guy who groped me, then when we got home she started saying how she should've curb stomped the guy and how she'd protect me from weirdos like that but I accidentally let out a "wow that's hot" and she started laughing. am I saying violent women turn me on? maybe
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im gonna go thrifting tomorrow wish me luck
Look for XL heavy cotton vintage tees (sell them) look on the label AAA Delta Heavy etc especially if it looks aged. They're cute 2 wear plus you can make money
oh thank you for the advice :3
I want to taste srsussy someday
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qott: stab someone if i can get away with it

Just leaving this hereā€¦ if any cisbians wanna go schizo hourā€¦
boxers are the hottest underwear on women tho wtf
I haven't tasted pussy in almost 16 years :(
how old are you?
Could be if you play your cards right...
i want to be a summer camp counselor... memories of camp are something i cherish, and i want to be able to help kids make memories they'll hold close for the rest of their lives... i'll work hard to become a qualified counselor... this is my dream.......... also i hope the woman i've been dating gets back to me on our next date because i really enjoy spending time with her but she's so busy i don't get to see her often...
i want to shoot myself kms kms kms
mindcontrolling a guy so he kills his own gf in cold blood is so crazy i forgot how insanely evil vriska used to be
stop repping
how ugly can you be that you're this insecure about showing your face??? or the background??!????? fucking loser
I didnt say you could reply
Its not even Halloween, whats the point?, get a job dumb neet ass
dont be mean to the cool fucking hat you bratty dweeb >:c
do you see her commenting at you? no
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>been talking to her for like only a few days on discord
>absolutely smitten
>anxious when she's busy and doesn't message me
>wondering if she's ignoring me
>wondering if one the posts I see on the board is secretly her

This is retarded behavior right?
You're right, i apologize.
puppygirl knot
why do you care about my face instead of my awesome wizard hat
white woman moment
your hat rocks and you have nice eyes :3
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shes one of the few outwardly sadistic trolls along with meehna its kinda weird how much slack she gets compared to the drug addled religous zealot who has a puppet talking to him in terms of murder

Depends how old you are. I cant relate to becoming smitten with someone that quickly, especially not online. Kinda screams naive.
Probably too old to be doing that admittedly.
Say the number
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it's time to grow up anon
If is till get carded for cigarettes it still counts. Girlmode soon I promise. I just need ffs.
if you're over the age of 25 you're too old to have 16 year old girl tranny brainworms
baszedd omg did u fuck
stop being ageist
Boymoders are hated because passers can't imagine a world where people aren't lucky...
good lord shut up already
youā€™re not cute to be this annoying
im just gonna stop shaving, maybe that'll show my social worker and my one friend that im too depressed for literally anything and want to die and they like uh do something idk lol
ah wait i just remembered my one friend is probably like ghosting me for weeks if not forever whoops
>Proves me right
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would u eat ur gf if she was a roast history chicken
how over is it if your gf calls your ffxiv character ugly
Red au ra characters... I love when I meet another in 14 and we get to jerk off abt how unique we are
>calls a depressed lateshit with A cups, a retard teen neckbeard, and norwood M2 who has the nickname "tortilla ass" hot
man idek girl leave me alone please i dont wanna be hot
I need to buy a video game that has guns, violence and lots of attractive people of the female sex... i need a really malebrained game to escape to...
Something on steamdeck
outstanding post 9/11
being a stealth transbian top is so powerful
amazing feeling knowing everyone thinks i have a pussy while i'm actually pounding pussy and tranny butt regularly
last night was awful
must be great not actually being transsexual
what happened?
Dream gf..
Spending a months wages of shiny oyster kidney stones
This is why I'm trying to get a cialis script next week
You know, I'm not even mad anymore that she left me for a straight girl, simply because when she eventually gets her heart broken (it will happen), she'll come back to me anyways so
>she left me for a straight girl
lol what
tfw no straight gf
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tfw no coworker gf
tfw no comedian gamedev gf (yet)
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tfw no gf (ever)
She's completely lost her mind, she broke up with him & morning after she cut the utter shit out of her arms and now she wants to go back with him because she feels guilty.
I've been trying to talk her into going to the ER but nothing is getting trough to her, she's at a point where she needs hospitalization not for physical injury but her mental state is deteriorating super quickly.
I was thinking how could the guy even enjoy this relationship devoid of attraction but then I remember most of my relationships have probably been just that
He's very fat so i'm assuming he has no self confidence to break up or realize he shoudn't be in the relationship in the first place
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any fellow hermits here? i think that the last time i spoke with someone was last year
what is something that's relatively easy to get into and has a good community? preferably something that's low cost / free and that's popular with women
>mental state deteriorating
>getting into a safe location where you cannot harm yourself and people there want to take care of you is le bad
Is this is some projection from past experience I don't get it
I've been hospitalized for 7months
picrel; video games and associated fandoms
probably hit or miss on the community front
I was walking down the street yesterday and some lady was walking her dog coming towards me and right before I was about to pass her she stepped off to the side in an alley like she was making way for me. Made me feel super weird, what a bitch.
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I hope she's doing ok, good even, meeting new people, expanding her horizons, foolish love, again and again.

Oh to be young again..
To hold her hand on that tower.
Gone are those times.
Yesterday never comes back.
Its the most bitter of pills to realize that the one you loved is far better off without you..

But its getting better.
Lewd she has her hand on the elf's bulge
I hope u r okay friend :(
probably an aggressive dog but yeah, women walking dogs are weirdos half the time I wouldn't think about it
Im getting better.. today the cashier almost accidentally slipped my chocolate into the section of the pretty lady next to me, my heart skipped, i would have given her that chocolate if that had happened.. h-haha..
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It's so over I feel like a husk
Why are you posting that beautiful twinkhon surrounded by those ugly cis women
You said not to talk to u why are u talking to me!!! Make your mind up!
>kill yourself race fetishist rapehon
>if trans women are really women, then why are you always posting about cis?
Cry about it
>but God forbid someone specifically want a trans woman or else they're a chaser
I would love for a cis Asian girl to chase me
have sex
I don't like sex or relationships I only enjoy reading toxic doomed Yuri slop
hot lesbians in your area are dying to meet you and you are reading doomed yuri slop
Nobody wants to meet a downtrodden boymoding doomcel
you are just a sad girl with bad style
dont you have a whole ass job lol how doomcel
I'd get beaten up by my dad if I even tried to be happy so why bother
My job is all I've got everyone I love is settling down and moving on while I'm still depressed @ 24
Your dad is evil
is she a hon? maybe shes just giving up and settling for a honxstraightgirl relationship
Yeah I've known that since I was a child
>still depressed @ 24
wow humble brag
im 38 and just got back from a conversation with my old and my new social worker where my new social worker reminded me very strongly of a different social worker i worked with almost 20 years ago who did basically nothing at all, tell me more about how doomed you are
trans women with mommy issues are angels but with daddy issues they're demons
what about trans women with gender-agnostic parental abandonment issues who also got parentified
they are both bad
What about girls with both h-haha asking for a friend
I don't mean to minimize anyone else's suffering, just to speak about my own.
wydag that's been neglected as a child and has really bad abandonment issues
I'm the same so it'd be too awkward
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I feel like such a nerd for knowing where this banner is from.
wydag who was a fucking nerd
I did this for one of my neighbors coming down the ramp from our front door because it's kind of narrow and she said I didn't have to be scared...
we've lost the ability to communicate as people
we gained the ability to communicate as cats meowww
it's just like that movie about monkeys
god i need to make out with her and make her laugh
Ugh wydag who had given up on ever being happy and just wanted to rot but would never say it to you or even cry in front of you so you didn't worry so instead she was really closed off and slowly you felt more and more distant until you broke up with her?
Would you?
I refuse to call trans women these evil words
Im your new gf anon
would you date a girl who doesnt real do anything except barely eat enough to survive, sleep, drugs, and take long walks in hopes of finding drugs
yeah you should support her but dont overdo it
she has other friends that are more important so it doesn't matter what i do
Why would you wanna settle down at 24? Like maybe 35. But 24? Why. Alright, 24 lads, time to call it a life, lets settle down, end of story. Like


normies puzzle me
>go to make a veggie smoothie
>end up eating whole vegetables and leafy greens at my computer like an animal
cute and hamster pilled
eat your carrots little hamster
stuff your cheeks
yeah you keep that up and mine won't be the only cheeks getting stuffed
i have been absolutely fucking ravenous since i started exercising again
im completely feral
Cishets usually do meet their (first anyways) life partner in their 20s.
Homos well we get to meet a poly tranny in our mid 30s and cry ourselves to sleep while they have sex with a new sti ridden man or woman every second night, and forget about settling down because all the mental illness will keep you constantly on edge
remember when you thought the worst thing anyone could be was a litterbug
you're a little bug :3
personally, as a tranny, i spent my 20s in a monogamous cishet passing relationship that ended after eight years exactly one week after i mentioned that i realized im trans a few weeks before that, but yours sounds pretty bad too
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It hurts so much
>Lose my pet in the morning
>the person I'm in love with breaks up with their partner and turns super suicidal
>I try to get her to get help & give her verbal support
>she ignores everything I say and keeps going on about her suicide and self harm fantasies
>ex messages her the same thing but in 1/10th of the words
>>instantly cares about what they said (I don't blame her it just hurts)
>cant tell her about dead pet & cant prepare for my trauma dump to my psych with her like we planned cause now I have to be on 24/7 watch to make sure she doesn't kill herself for the next few weeks
I feel like the most selfish retard ever, I will be there for her unconditionally I love her very much.
But it just hurts so much....
also wtf do I do when she just cuts her self deeper and deeper the entire time and talks over me with her fantasies while I'm trying to talk her out of it, I feel so helpless I just want her to be happy.
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Whats the point of settling down when the only reason you want to is because you're too fucking scared of being alone.
Fucking pathetic.
If you find someone worth sticking with, then sure, but just finding the best u can find because you dont think youll find better? Settling, settling for what? Whk are you trying to impress? Why wouldnyou want to live on a stage, there are no stagelight, no audience, no director, you're just playing a fucking play for fuckimg who? Settling for fucking who?

Its fucking crazy. Id rather be alone than settle out of fear.
no i dont, almost all of my early memories are about adults hurting me, usually physically
unfathomably based
first though was
>damn Linus got that buff from ltt crashing?
but idek if ltt really did crash
rich coming from the girl who said she didn't want to spend time with her girlfriend
>you just wanna settle because you're scared of being alone
>you just wanna settle to impress someone
>disjunct rambling about theater tech
>buff man still needs a gun
seems like he coulda saved on the roids imo
>disjunct rambling about theater tech
great now i have to bring up media literacy
I, too, wish to be free of the shackles of human emotionality
But no that's a misrepresentation or a misunderstanding of what I said.
I wouldn't want to spend every waking moment with a gf though true...
Who told you I was weak to Asian women with husky voices?
babe, i do know the differences between an analogy, a metaphor, a simile, and disjunct rambling, and that up there is 100% the last of those listed
it seemed pretty clear to me that it's a commentary on how marriage serves no actual function except to signal the nature of one's romantic relationship to others, as the relationship exists without regard to those who aren't in it and is free to exist in whatever state it is without invoking the mechanism of marriage
that's imposing a coherence of semantics onto the author that is evidently not present
i repeat, the target of the speech is accused of both being too scared to not settle, but also eagerly settling to impress someone, and at the same time this same act is portrait as if it was somehow special in being performative when really all social interactions are performative to that same extend, if not more so

and that's ignoring the fact that rationally agreeing to spend the rest of your life with someone who's "good enough" is in every possible way better than waiting for someone who you might never find or only ever see from a distance while slowly dying alone
you're reaching for criticisms because you disagree with their worldview, kinda incoherent of you desu senpai
new :(
pee pee poo poo, peehai >:(

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