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Previous Thread: >>No.36280179
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
if i'm too much of a pussy to do monotherapy on injections how viable is it to do it through patches?

my coping mechanisms as to why it might be better are maybe
>patches are cheaper
>possibly lower risk of clotting compared to injecting? (only heard this once or twice so idk if it's honscience)
>transdermal might give steadier levels than injecting, especially valerate
obviously the downside is i have to wear the thing fucking 24/7 and monotherapy might not be doable on them

also it's fucking retarded that synthetic birth controls are OTC but the objectively better shit is prescription only. i feel bad for cis women who have to choose between shitty conjugated estrogen pills and getting gatekept by the system
>patches are cheaper
Injections are 40 bucks for a year's supply Anon.
>i feel bad for cis women
Stopped reading there lel
>patches are cheaper
patches are not cheaper. you aren't supposed to inject the whole vial instantly, it lasts you over a year.
>possibly lower risk of clotting compared to injecting? (only heard this once or twice so idk if it's honscience)
no proof. they're both parenteral and bioidentical. you can do monotherapy on levels around 400 pg/mL without ANY undesirable changes in coagulation factors in prostate cancer patients which are especially vulnerable.
>transdermal might give steadier levels than injecting, especially valerate
inject more often or don't buy shit esters

>also it's fucking retarded that synthetic birth controls are OTC
in my country they aren't. in other countries both are OTC.
Why is otokonoko not on the list? Should I not buy from there?
>Injections are 40 bucks for a year's supply Anon.
from where and what dosage?
>Stopped reading there lel
what's wrong with that?

>patches are not cheaper. you aren't supposed to inject the whole vial instantly, it lasts you over a year.
i'm struggling to get myself to diy but ik if you go diy injections are much cheaper. pretty sure you can't get a patch diy anyways
>inject more often or don't buy shit esters
if i go legit valerate is all they'd give me. if i go diy it's either cyprionate or ethanate
>in my country they aren't.
what country?
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ok so um kinda weird and honestly kinda embarrassing to even bring up but i was too nervous to ask my doctor about it so might as well try asking here
is it normal to...leak after taking my dose?
i was upped from 4mg estradiol a day to 6mg a day
and after i take my first dose in the morning i constantly leak this only happens after i take it and it only started once i began taking 6mg (4mg in the morning and 2mg in the evening)
no im not "aroused" or anything like that honestly i havent felt anything remotely sexual since maybe like a week after i started hrt back in march of this year
at the end of the day not a huge issue and its not alot that leaks out but still kinda gross and annoying
Honestly I think it sounds like your pelvic floor is tightening desu, this is apparently a common thing that happens on HRT according to the number of people on this board who have it lol. A physical therapist will be able to help, I saw one and she helped immensely with my pelvic floor issues :)

By "leak" we do mean precum right? If its urine its a different story
Getting prescribed prog for the first time after 13 years on spiro and e. Should I expect any changes at all since it's a new med, or don't get my hopes up cause it's been so long?
Had a friend who had stuff happen in that same time frame. I had nothing happen, also same time frame. So 50/50
This hrtgen might die as well so I'll repeat the question
I've been on HRT for ~6 months and I'm scared of getting cone tits while not knowing what is causing them at the same time. Professional research papers are inconclusive and often end at 1-3 year mark point so I cannot trust them but what is chan science conclusion or theories about what is causing them? Should I lower my dosage when I'm at 350E2 and 0 FSH;LH and T? How long does Tanner's stages take on average? Is it normal to be at the stage II or III and have a bit coney tits? Am I just imagining things and they are just erect or something if I feel cold often? Please help because at this point idk if it's the worms or if I'm fucked.
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Among the perks to trying prog, my doc listed boob growth as a big one. If you're worried about cone tits but haven't tried adding prog to the mix you might get fuller, rounder mammajammas

That's the extent of my chan wisdom.
I'm planning on getting on HRT. Got my Testosteron checked (560ng/dl) and I'm planing on buying Estradiol but i have no clue about the dosage or which one should i buy ,could anyone give me a helping hand :)?
anyone having issues logging into ihp? for the past week or two whenever it ry to log in, it goes through, then i don't log in
2mg/day is a typical starting dose when taking estradiol orally/sublingually.
I would rather buy injections since they are cheaper or should i just start with pills
I'm not experienced with injections, can't help you there. And as far as which you should start with, it's kind of a choose-your-own-adventure; all can be effective.
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I'd start w pills. Slower, but more consistent.
I hated patches. They smell awful too after a week and the area you put them will be constantly irritated. If youre gonna do transdermal get a gel.
>I hated patches. They smell awful too after a week and the area you put them will be constantly irritated.
i've never heard anyone else mention the smell. the irritation sounds annoying tho, does it at least feel good when you take it off?

>If youre gonna do transdermal get a gel.
tbhon i'm trying to pussy out of injections and trying to find an excuse even though it's probably the best route
do you have to apply gel every day? and how are the levels and reliability compared to patches or injections?
It feels like taking off a bandaid :)
If you go that route get some alcohol prep pads to wipe off excess adhesive after taking them off
Idk much about gel i just switched to injections. Some girls who are afraid of needles use insulin needles to inject subcutaneously. Thats an option but idk what esther they use. Injections are just so much better than the other options, the half life of cypionate and enanthate means stable levels. I got intense mood swings on everything else.
>It feels like taking off a bandaid :)
never really had a problem with that
>If you go that route get some alcohol prep pads to wipe off excess adhesive after taking them off
is that what smells? also how do you even shower with patches?

>Some girls who are afraid of needles use insulin needles to inject subcutaneously.
isn't that the normal way of doing it?

>the half life of cypionate and enanthate means stable levels
they only prescribe valerate and cypionate here, so i'd have to diy for een and really convince my endo not to hondose me on something like valerate every 2 weeks for ec
i've heard patches are stable as well but nobody really talks about them
The patches smell from whatever sweat gets trapped underneath. Theyre waterproof so showering shouldnt be an issue but hot water can still make them come off if youre not careful.
Cypionate is good if you can get it, thats what im on. Normally you intramuscular inject it with a 25g needle. 5mg/week is all you need for mono.
Patches are stable but after 9 years of various forms of estrogen injections are by far my preferred, even if its valerate.
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Hey Hrtgen I was wondering if I’m getting hun (or hon idk im high af rn!!!???) dosed, my levels before were 238 for estradiol and test was 60, I was on 2mg weekly. My doctor moved me to 5mg biweekly and I can’t get another blood test till September. What do y’all think of 5mg biweekly, hon dosed or no? Thanks girlies :) pic unrel
I’m on estradiol cypionate btw
>day 2 on hrt
>2mg estradiol daily
>1/4th of 50mg cyproterone every 3 days
>can already feel tits growing
>they are already "budding" and getting firm and more sensitive
How long? Should be ~5mg weekly for cypionate monotherapy
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It’s been like 7 months now, but about 3 months since I went on 2mg and then 5mg. I was on 5mg weekly but my doctor won’t prescribe it cause my estradiol was like 600
Idk maybe do like 2.5-3mg weekly then, biweekly is gonna have half life issues with anything other than EEn. Play around with the calculator to find a curve you like :)
Omg thank you for your help. Imma be honest the calculator always lowballs it for me, I think it’s just cause I’m small and thin but I’m tried making a calculator based on my own body. But again THANK YOU :):):):):)
I heard you should use prog after 3rd tanner stage or at least after 2nd and I'm only 6 months into it
Its less about the actual value and more the shape of the curve that you wanna focus on. You can do anywhere from 6-8 days just adjust the dosage accordingly. Id lean towards 6/7 depending on how comfortable you are with injecting.
I'm pretty sure my vial got caught in customs might just kms, i'll get a free resend but if they catch that i truly woudnt know what to do with my life
is prog really necessary?? i want to switch to diy and go mono in a few months (im 5 months in) but I want the option open to go on prog in the future, is it possible to get prog in the US with no script even?
>Patches are stable but after 9 years of various forms of estrogen injections are by far my preferred, even if its valerate.
from what i've been told as long as you don't miss and inject often enough it should be fine. maybe a thing putting me off from hrt in general is i just don't like the idea of my mental state being dependent on constant injections every 3-5 days
i guess i'm just worried about getting cut off from hrt but i'm too dumb to stockpile raws

>tfw just cancelled my order before it even shipped
get on my level (don't)
how long should i stay on 2mg oral daily before i'm hondosing myself?
>i'm too dumb to stockpile raws
stockpiling raws is even easier. you don't even need to use crypto.
have taken my blood test last week and will finally get HRT prescribed next week (probably, public healthcare is a surprise) and realized I could already buy bica with blank receipts I have.
can/should I start bica now without E since soon I'll start it anyway?
and when I do I think I'm doing mono, should I stop taking bica then or it doesn't

yes, I am retarded.
What do you mean by stockpiling raws?
Is there a bear form of E to stockpile? Do you put it in your freezer lol?
>stockpiling raws is even easier.
how do you do that? i probably am too dumb to homebrew

>you don't even need to use crypto.
if you order from inhouse you don't need to for diy either but it's expensive that way
>Do you put it in your freezer lol?
you put estrogen powder in mylar bags away from sun
i bought enthanate powder myself since thats what i was taking pre-prepared before
i keep it in the bag it was shipped in, in my closet in the dark and cool
>i probably am too dumb to homebrew
its literally just a powder suspended in an oil. its not possible to fuck up, really.
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I did a blood test one day after injecting (I know I should normally do my blood tests at my trough but I was given no other choice) and my E2 levels were 1200 pg/ml. Even considering that I tested at my peak, it still seems higher than expected, is this a problem? I inject 5.3mg of estradiol valerate (0.14 ml out of a 40mg/ml vial) every 5 days
Do you inject it?
>i bought enthanate powder myself
is that legal to buy? where did you even get it

>its not possible to fuck up, really.
i am literally so stupid i'm afraid of injecting and i haven't even got on hrt yet
Yes, like you would a vial you bought from someone
Not sure I can comment on that, sorry. It would take a trivial amount of searching this board to find where to get estrogen "Raws". I was afraid of injecting too, but now that i do it biweekly, i've gotten used to it (sort of)
>It would take a trivial amount of searching this board to find where to get estrogen "Raws".
you have underestimated how stupid i am
>I was afraid of injecting too, but now that i do it biweekly, i've gotten used to it (sort of)
i think i could get used to injecting but it's just like worrying that one bad injection would lead to infection or something
i hate the idea of being dependent on a chemical that might be made illegal in my lifetime though, so stockpiling sounds appealing but i am really fucking dumb
would 2.5 mg twice daily w gel mono therapy be enough? How long it would take to get cis levels with that or should i add bica or spiro?
I've been on EEn mono for a little over a year and my T levels are still in the 74-76 ng/dL range. Tried to inject more but nothing changed. What to do?
probably congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Thank you, yeah, that makes sense. At least bicalutamide is easy to get here.
bicalutamide is an androgen receptor antagonist so renders any androgens useless
you could also take dexamethasone (cortisol equivalent with long half-life) but idk how much you can afford without it starting to negatively affect your fat distribution
Hey nerds, anyone have advice or wisdoms to share?
I'm 2 and a half weeks on HRT and my nipples are larger and sore, does that mean my breasts are starting to grow?
that means nothing desu thats a normal response, im guessing only the tips? you have a few months till it becomes a whole breast but i cant really comment because people noticed in a month and a half for me
yeah jst starting
I'm dumb, what happens after the "Completion Time" for lower libido on the bar graph at the bottom? Minimizing libido is a very attractive incentive
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I want to stock up on some vials, but I have a question.
I'm prescribed .25 a week using a 100mg/5ml ev vial.
The ones I see sold online sre 400/10ml.
What would I adjust my dosing to if I got these? sorry im dumb n bad at math thanks!!
Hell yeah, what am I in for?
boob hurting
e2: 1366 pmol/L (372pg/ml)
t: 0.50 nmol/L (14.4ng/dl)
dose: 6.4mg EEn/7days
should i lower my dose? my breasts usually get more sensitive by the end of the dose, so i'm wondering if i'm fucking up my growth by having such a high dose

100mg/5ml = 20mg/ml
0.25ml*20mg=5mg (your current dose)

400mg/10ml = 40mg/ml
5mg/40mg=0.125ml (how much you would need to inject for the same dose)
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First dose of progesterone tonight. Warnings on the prescription literature has me spooked, though.

"Warning: Do not use this drug with an estrogen to prevent heart disease or dementia. A study of women taking an estrogen with a progestin showed a raised chance of heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, a blood clot, and dementia.Use this drug for the shortest time needed at the lowest useful dose. Your doctor will talk with yo on a regular basis to see if you need to keep taking this drug."

So how long before I stroke out and die?
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>be me
>18yo autistic mtf
>become friends with another autistic transfem who's the same age
>loads in common
>be attracted and into her
>she shows a collection of lewds and flashes her nudes on her phone
>both of us are hypersexual
>do the same, and get compliments on being cute and hot
>loads of headpats
>squeezes my tits in the cafe, both of us enjoy
>flirts with me often
>platonic friendship

Do I have a shot at dating her y'all?
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>squeezes my tits
>do i have a shot at dating her?

sounds like y'all been dating for a while
i honestly didn't even know... we've been friends for like 10 days?

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