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Can this be a thread where we say nice things about FTMs and not start discourse or talk about transphobia. Can we all please reply stuff we like about ourselves or other trans men
what i like about myself:
well dressed
has talents
cool hair
one of a kind

what i like about other trans men:
i can discuss tranny shit with them
a lot of them are emo or scene
generally more accepting
I'll go first. Trans men are valid in all types and forms
Hell yeah! Trans men are amazing :)
There's 3 threads of this shitty gen already, fucking afabs i swear to god
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>Another ftmg has hit the board sir
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nah it dont look like that
mtf srs do be lookin like that though
How do I make FtM friends? Where do I find the fuckers?
go away hon
vrchat and roblox for gaydens/theydens
the gym for straightpoons
bait them like this but with hot topic clothing and Steven universe merch under the box
Don't intentionally go seeking them out, ftm-heavy social circles are largely full of gaydens and future detransitioners. Normal ftms can be found at random in communities for hobbies and video games that have a fairly even gender split (or occasionally in communities for hobbies and video games that mtfs and indoor cis men like - the "40% mtf 60% cis male gaming server" is my favourite type of community)
FtMs are just as cool as MtFs to me cuz being brave enough to take that leap into transitioning despite everything we stand to lose just to try and fight for happiness is just automatically cool to me no matter what.

plus its fun and enjoyable to talk and trade stories and experiences about the other side of transitioning. keep on keeping on boys, maybe we'll all find happiness eventually.
Shit i go to zero of those places
Do you guys like Steven universe? I do too but I'd feel very autistic wearing merch outside so it seems hard to signal. If I see a guy with SU merch should I assume he's a pooner and attempt to engage friendship?
i am one of the loveliest men you could ever meet in your life. i am very talented and have style.
this desu.
I personally don't like SU, but that was mostly a joke. Being emo/scene is a better indication of whether someone's a pooner than being a SU fan.
Damn this sounds like the normal way of making friends. Which is difficult and I am bad at it.
All my hobbies are in my backyard. Maybe I can go to a gardening or chicken keeping meetup. Not sure if that's too gender skewed
Try going on tumblr, there's a lot of FTMs on there from my experience.
That’s the worst kind though
Isn't it past your bedtime little doods?
It's supper time in North America

Are you the 60yo fairy hon mother?
there's three active gens now.
this shit is so fembrained
There are a lot of ftms in online art communities.
>t. artist poon
>Are you the 60yo fairy hon mother?
Is saying supper associated with old people in the US?
supper is a canadianism faggot.
I have never in my life heard supper used by anyone under the age of 50
i really hate being ftm

i just want to be a normal slightly retarded cis foid who gets dicked down by chad and never thinks about having a penis ever
Wow, I haven't seen a scene kid since the 2000s, I'll be on the lookout
Kinda hoping to make friends with someone in real life too. Where can I find pooners in the wild?
Being trans fucking sucks but if transphobia didn't exist it would actually feel really cool to change my body to better match what I want it to be. It also takes a lot of introspection to be trans and to go through everything to transition and I feel like cis people would never have that kind of self understanding or awareness.
You're clearly not from the south then
You're clearly a dyke from western mass
Yee haw sweet tea and diabeetus
I like how misogynistic trans men are. They always give me gender euphoria by how entitled they act to women’s bodies. Trans men make me confident in my womanhood because I could never act how they do.
Shut up cunt
Point proven. ^_^
I’m crawling around in your panty drawer cuz I’m so small I fit in there oooohhh
there's only one ftm for me and he hates me ;_;
it would be a shame if I stepped on and carried you in my shoe
I like my hair, my skin color, my muscles, my imagination, my ability to get along with anyone, my work ethic, my dick.
as i'm an old freak
board conquest is NOT fembrained
https://unsee cc/album#gMb1QKmX5fXD good evening brothers, i am depressed
I would shove my cock so far up you
i imagine you look like drake bell
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please do, i only find value in my body and its usability at this point and i haven't had sex in 7 years
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Hot damn. New FtM pooner slander

Honestly tho, the scars do look hot once fully healed and if the Poon was B cup or smaller
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No one cares what you think is hot mutt
Where's the conquest in crying about validity and restarting a thread Everytime too many feels are hurt?
Can you not? This gen was made so nobody had to hear from people like you. Leave us alone
Honestly not too many people's feelings were hurt. The problem was how fucking annoying all the discourse was.
They never go away man, better to just ignore posts like that
Live music bars are crawling with FtMs, usually because autistic people love shitty alt-rock bands for some reason
Do you think people are bothered by this forced meme?
it's exactly the same as imperialism wdym
jokes on you I kept all my boy undies so that's gay
hey that's a good plan, my ex is in a band maybe pooners like him, I could go check
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Take your pills
Depending how your face looks I'd let you dryhump me like an animal so hard. And then you can put your cock in my mouth in cum in it over and over
how'd you know i was into dryhumping that's like my favorite way to get off. penetration is cool but humping is so desperate looking it's great. as for my face i don't think i'm the hottest thing on the planet but definitely not the ugliest. maybe i'll post an unsee of it but idk you guys can be weird
MTF here: On Friday after my shift at work, I have a FTM guy coming over and we're gonna have sex. I'm incredibly nervous and have never actually had sex before ever. First time. Wtf do I do?
Does he know you’re a virgin?
>how'd you know i was into dryhumping
Idk but under a guy like you would be my favorite place to be. I want your lean body weighing me down and desperately digging into me hard and fast with your crotch while the bed shakes and your cock inflates in your boxers and we're both super wet, then I'll wrap my legs around you

>maybe i'll post an unsee of it
Ask him what he’s comfortable with, and discuss your own limits. Don’t be scared to ask questions as you go, don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, and don’t get stressed if one or both of you aren’t able to get off (it can be difficult the first time). Just try and focus on having fun in the moment.
real, my best friend said he couldn't stay hard enough to penetrate his first time because of nerves. i also have trouble cumming regardless
Thanks anon. He said he's gonna be using a strap, and he wants to do missionary, said it's best for a first time. I'm pre-bottom surgery, and never had anything in my butt before so I'm scared.
Reasonable fear. Make sure you have tons of water-based lube. Don’t feel like you have to “tough it out” if you’re in pain. It’s okay to ask to switch positions (including riding him) if you think something else could be easier.
Is missionary really the best? I honestly have no idea.
Depends on a lot of different factors. Missionary can be good because you can see the other person’s expressions, talk easily, and use your arms. Other positions are good for other things. Doggy (or something else from behind) can sometimes be easier for anal but doesn’t come with the benefits of missionary. Riding can be good because it puts the person bottoming in control of speed, depth, and the insertion. You usually find out what works and what doesn’t while you do it.
for my bf's first time he immediately wanted to go back to missionary after we tried doggy for a minute. seemed like it was painful
Ask him if he has wants his big boy cliddy sucked

Grab that ass and squeeze while you suck
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During the peak of my insanity it genuinely seemed like I had 3-4 different people inside my head

I am sympathetic to people who identify as multiple genders/things or sexualities or whatever, but this is only because I think insanity is real
He's said he's going to take it nice and slow for me, and be incredibly gentle and that if I want to stop, we can. We've been chatting since February roughly, and we both got a bit horny tonight, and he asked straight up if I'd like to have sex with him. He knew I was a virgin, and just wants me to be comfortable for my first time.

Why are you all so kind to us? Us being MTFs.
Hmmm... I recognize this typing from a certain discord user hmmm... who could it be?
The biggest thing I would keep in mind is that communication is key. If you're scared of something or it doesn't feel good, say so. Ask questions and answer them, don't focus on just your experience or just his, and have fun. Express how you feel honestly, and trust that he'll do the same. I hope you have a wonderful first time.
>Why are you all so kind to us? Us being MTFs.
Most of us, especially in real life, support and appreciate trans women. A lot of hate from ftms to mtfs comes from projection of dysphoria or envy, so you really shouldn't take it to heart, though I know it's easier said than done. I really do wish you the best
I've been on t for 5 years, and I'm thinking of detrooning due to the fact that I'll always look female. Even when people have he/him'd me 98% of the time for the last 4 years, im being hugboxed. That's Canadian politeness for you. Even in a Christian-owned-town, i can not escape the liberalism that has entered even 'Pentecostals'.
I'm going to a 3 day music festival/rave soon, what's the best way to bind my (small) titties without overheating?
You are fucking delusional
is it normal that a former "straight" ftm suddenly becomes interested in being fucked by 2+ men after several years on testosterone (and a dosage increase)?
in what sense?
most ftm's are trying to escape some form of abuse, and the ones that come from tumblr are either fujoshis with an AAP fetish (do not get me started on homestuck fans) , or excessive manhaters who think they'll be chad if they take enough T, and become a bald little monster. They likely believe that being male is glorifying these negative traits from their manhating phase, hence why they assume every guy is lecherous, gross, and annoying. They take pride in being obnoxious, and remain catty and effeminate when they get upset
higher test = more gay
it's like alcohol it lowers your inhibition and makes everything seem fuckable
Hi, is there a lot of difference between binder brands these days? I must go to Czech's land to get my HRT in the next 2-3 weeks and I wondering if there is a point in searching for a shop sealing binders in person as I would be going near Prague anyway.
I came here to ask about binders but fuck me I wish I could look like this without the top scars, the world is cruel
only if you have been subconsciously repressing being into guys or are autistic as far as my knowledge goes
how would this mean I'm an autist?
At least some autistic people fully learn they sexuality between 20-30. It's just a hint and you may be repressing being into men as to not be gay or smth like that too. A lot of trans people are autistic or have ADHD so it's a possibility, or it is just internalized homophobia/4chan.
You're both trans and so probably have boundaries about genitals. Just ask him directly what sort of sex he's comfortable with. Hopefully he's a rape-victim FtM so he lets you cum deep into his womb
That's fucked up but funnily enough we're both rape victims, me at 14 years old, him at 22, from his then husband.
>my best friend said he couldn't stay hard enough to penetrate his first time because of nerves.
Cis male here and I have that issue too. I can't get properly hard first time I try to have sex with someone. Something about seeing a person nude for the first time makes me nervous asf.

Sex doesn't have to be do everything all at once. Progress is fine so long as you're both having fun
ive never had romantic feelings for men, only women. one woman broke my heart so bad that im afraid to love again. also, wouldnt being attracted to men make me cis?
ok let's not create a new thread ok just ignore the bait guys...
>wouldnt being attracted to men make me cis?no? it would make you gay or bi lol.
t. straight poon
>wouldnt being attracted to men make me cis?
Jessie wtf is that supposed to mean? That would make you gay but you like girls too so bi/pan. And not finding anyone of one sex attractive romantically until you meet the guy/gal is normal, sexuality is easier to find that way. Also sexuality and romantic attraction are two different spectrums so research which autism test is the good one on reddit do it to screen yourself and search for am I autistic youtube videos on channels that have medical backing or are commonly know as a good source of knowledge about autism. No matter if you're clear of tism or not try to enjoy it while it last. If you never noticed you like guys than welcome to being bi and if it's only those two guys than choose if you want to describe yourself as straight (more useful in that case) or bi (more honest but whatever) or or if you're not attracted to guys in the end and that was a mistake you will just experience different type of relationship so learn from it I guess.
tl;dr research if you're autistic and try experiencing relationship with guys to discover if you're bi or straight
4chan saying HRT can change your sexuality is ascientific as far as I know
I like other trans men I’m into other trans men somebody get me a nice trans man to take care of
I've recently started dating a FtM trans person for the first time, are there any go to readings or sacred texts you guys would recommend for someone who has never been in a relationship with someone who is FtM, or a trans person in general
Put a glock in my purse
rape you on your pissy
Metamorphosis Franz Kafka
damn to fit the urethra your dick must be so small
Readings on what? How to treat a trans person or things like what gender dysphoria is?
Idk just be mindful? Don't point out thinks that make them dysphoric and be a good partner to them... That's all.
would you like to be frens with me anon...
We can be friends :)
it'll be easier if you're laying on your stomach rather than on your back
any artists here?
what do you do about your art style being terminally fembrained? i mean mine realistically could not at all pass as being drawn by anyone but a girl.
do you try to care less? do you try to change it?
I'm not even sure what exactly it is that makes it look so girly but it kinda really bothers me...i don't want to draw super manly masculine things, i draw porn, it just comes out looking really cute and like a girl drew it...
A man should wear his scars as badges of honour. The world wasn't build by soft women. It was build by hardened men who were often gay. Once ftms accept that peak male performance is not being afraid of the marks your body has then they can be accepted as men.
just make stuff that makes you happy, only incels, pooners and hons care about being fem brained. passers and cissies don't.
is piv sex overrated?
on what
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had a dream/nightmare that my dad found out i’m on testosterone
are you comfortable with the person
are you dysphoric
is the person good at it
tdick stimulated and bussy wet
i don't care about being fembrained in general but for whatever reason it really bothers me when its my art.
i want people to see it and not immediately think "a girl drew that" :'(
is he transphobic?
why would your art imply that?
i mean he wouldn’t be chill with it ya know?
How do you know?
If you are diying probably not
i just know these things
I don't know if my art style is fembrained, it probably is but I try not to care about being fembrained because it will make me dysphoric about things I enjoy. Deliberately changing your art style is a lot of work and I wouldn't bother unless you really hate how you draw, but there are probably some smaller things you could change it if bothers you that much?
what does good at it mean? how would someone be good at it?
can the person on top listen to their partner, get a good/steady rhythm, not tap out after 5 thrusts, recognise if something isn’t right etc
>can the person on top listen to their partner
i can ya
>get a good/steady rhythm
im bad at rhythm
>not tap out after 5 thrusts
i uhh umm maybe
>recognise if something isn’t right etc
ye definitely
i would post it but some of my friends use this board and id feel pretty embarrassed.
but i have this style somewhat reminiscient of mid 2000s anime, it's sort of loli-ish/chibi-ish, round faces and big eyes with soft bodies. i use soft thick lines and soft colors.
i try to break from my habits and try new things but it always ends up looking the same.
one of my inspirations is massakasama, so imagine their art but a lot softer and "kawaii" looking. i wish my art looked closer to matemi's style instead (another one of my inspirations). that's really the kind of art i wish i were making but ive been doing this for so long that its burned into my muscle memory.

yeah i wish i didnt care :( i still enjoy drawing but i cringe a little bit when i see my art.
incel style i like it
>boymoder flag
changed my mind, you’re supposed to bottom by laws of nature. go and lay down and i’ll tend to you in a moment.
i get that not to get too weird but im seeing someone and its usually liek idk service bottom for him. lots of giving head. but he wants me to try to topnhim and says it will be cute. but i only dated cis guys before and never even topped them so its like uncharted waters and im clueless and low key freaking out
what exactly does incel style mean haha
ask him to prep you a lot and finger you, that's what I do. It's hot
Dw about it too much, just try not to cum right away. Cow girl is the best position if you don't have any stamina... good luck.
Please kill the version of you that's a deluded borderline personality schizo
Pooners take good note of this thread
I'm 5'9 and have always been in a relationship from when I was 13 (came out at 14) and date women only.
My bf is a 5'3 cis guy and has been in two relationships before hitting 20. Also he is a cutie and should troon out but thats not part of the topic.
Best friend not boyfriend lol, I'm not gay.
st4t is a meme and I fell for it.
Was talking to a cute tranner who gave all signs of liking me back, constantly saying she loves me, wants hugs and kisses from me, even sent me pictures of her thighs at some point without me even asking, constantly flirts and jokingly calls me husband or calls herself my wife, today she was ranting about dysphoria to me and the topic came about relationships, and she said that she will never find a girlfriend because she's trans. I was confused and asked her why she would need a girlfriend when she has me as her boyfriend, and she told me she doesn't view me that way seriously. Said that everything she did before was just being friendly or joking.
I don't know how to feel anymore, I think I won't ever find someone I clicked with this much.
Forgot to mention, she confessed to being a transbian basically
well you just got the authentic male experience of being friendzoned
most tgirls assume tboys will leave them for another gayden or cis man also, does she know you’re legitimately straight?
I think it's just her being a cunt. Me and my gf we are st4t and winning hard.
Yes, yes I'm all for this, every cis guy shorter than me should troon
That's fucked up... like idk if I could be friends with someone who did that to me
I had a very similar experience, except she played with my feelings even harder
green text?
this should give you gender euphoria, you've been friendzoned. cis males go through this shit dozens of times in their life
There's no way cis men get told "I actually see you as a girl teehee" it's not the same experience
I want a masculine ftm bf my height or taller. I am extremely short at 168cm or 5'6'' so this should be easy. No vag, I'd accept if he was about to have SRS. He has to keep telling me I'm a valid non-ftm and beat up or at least threaten anyone mean to me. How doable is that?
The srs part is the more tricky bit because those ftms are dating cis women mostly and are stealth.
not getting that
>no vag
not getting that
>tells me I'm valid
not getting that
>beat up or at least threaten anyone mean to me.
not getting that either. Come up with some realistic wants
He can be stealth. I am not into vaginas. I want to suck a cock.
I'm all that but I'm never gonna get srs for many reasons sorry anon. Also I'm straight and you are???
I'm a hole in need of a cock. I'd never date a person with a vagona, sorry.
Nta but the end goal isn't gender euphoria, cis people don't get gender euphoria. If a real man doesn't get gender euphoria while being rejected then why should I get euphoria from being rejected?
>"extremely short"
You're average if not slightly taller, retard.
I dont live in Vietnam. I'm very short.
Motherfucker, you live in east Europe, don't you? The average female heights there are around 1.6-1.7m according to this. Unless you're saying that you're not a woman, and are reading from the men's side of the chart? Hm?
just date a cis man then retard
I dont lol.
I didn't say I'm a woman. I said I'm not a man. I'm a hole. :3
what if they strapped up tho
Ew. Dildos are gross.
A cissie will never validate me the way a tman can.
Regardless the tallest female average from any country there is 1.7, which is only 2cm taller than you
You are not short. Short for a man, yes, but you said you are not a man, so you are not short. Is this some sort of attempt at validation? Acting obtuse to make people point out how you're not short? Or is it an attempt at making others feel miserable, by calling average height "short" knowing that many people in this gen are far shorter
just admit you dont view FtMs as real men and view them as sensitive girls lil bro
theyre not really the same as dildos but if you're not into it i guess that's fine
I am not obtuse. I do feel short.
Ew no. I'm not into girls. At all. I want a bf like Laith Ashley.
I'd give it a go once but I'm decently sure it is a dildo and I'm into getting my partner off with my butt and idk how a dildo with belts would do that.
if you want a bf then date a cis man
you will find those trans men just not here on 4chan
I know. The hottest man who hit me up was a hypermasc bald German ftm in his 40s. I was too sick to get railed by him and his account. He ended up disappearing. I will never get brutalised by a German tman now. FML. I hate Germans.
i'm a bottom so i don't know a lot about it but i know there's a lot of prosthetics that actually get the guy off
>I'm into getting my partner off with my butt and idk how a dildo with belts would do that.
a strapless would do that
Wouldn't that be me fucking his vag by proxy? No amount of therapy would purge the trauma.
My art is cute. A lot of cute things are created/designed by men so I don’t care. I’m a bit embarrassed to draw in public though, I guess.
Damn, this sucks. Did you have conversations about dating each other and being boyfriend/girlfriend and shit?
can i post my face in here & ask what my chances are? ftm
The question is not if you can, but if you should (you should not)
where the fuck did the passgen threads go?
FYI there areare websites archiving all the activity on this board including the images on top of which people save and then reuse posted images.
Aren't those only on Fridays
meaning…? so what if someone has my face
>My art is cute. A lot of cute things are created/designed by men so I don’t care. I’m a bit embarrassed to draw in public though, I guess.
mm..that's true i suppose
If you dont mind then post.
change your style if you don't like it. I've disliked the attachment the online artistic community has to finding and keeping one's own "style." It prevents growth by trapping you in self-imposed borders. Copy ("do studies of") artists whose art you find appealing, and discard the things you don't like about your own works. It's that easy.
Also, send art. I can try to tell you what makes it girly.
Just saw this reply, the 2nd artist you mentioned has a more feminine style than the first one. My original advice still applies though, just change the things you don't like. You're not a rigid wall, draw more and more while referencing matemi's art until it becomes second nature.
it's not really that i have an attachment to my style, it's just hard to change my muscle memory. i've always felt bad copying art but i'll have to start trying it.

see >>36316559
if you want i can show you on discord or something though. i'd actually appreciate it because i can't tell what specific thing is doing it, it just overall looks super girly.
>i've always felt bad copying art but i'll have to start trying it.
Nta, you’re just doing it as a study. If you don’t post it, or claim that it’s original, you have nothing to feel bad about.
Women draw things too abstractly in a weird rotten corpse is cutesy ironic fashion.

Just draw a car normally for practice without trying to add woman-like bells and whistles
thanks it helps to hear that
i'm surprised you thought so, i felt the cute anime kind of look came off more girly
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Treat him like a regular male and bro outside the bedroom. Especially give him the opportunity to take initiative or make decisions about dates. Otherwise, treat him like a dumb cockslut failed male in the bedroom. Be a little rough and flood his womb with cum. Maybe let him ride occasionally and act a little submissive so he feels like he's in a "dominant" position as a man for once in sex.
Are you watching the presidential debate tonight, fellas?
Sure, send a request to sr1mt
this seems awful, sorry
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no one actually uses this meme shit right? I'm a switch but the last thing i want while topping is to be penetrated. also have fun trying to jackhammer someone when this thing shoots out of your vagina mid thrust. strapless my ass
Nobody cares about what some fat tuna pooner thinks of healthy relationships
Not my dick of choice, for sure. Sometimes fun for the novelty, but there are better solutions. This style is also designed to hug default cis female anatomy so they can end up uncomfortably squishing your actual dick, or just not fitting at all.
You bet your ass
I'll be rooting for trump with my black boyfriend
oh I've had sex with a guy before (hand and mouth stuff), but he was extremely mtf coded so i didnt see it that way. somehow i wanted his cock so badly sometimes though... i wonder if i justneed to tryand have sex again.
my mom found gay porn on my pc years ago and presented that as proof that i was cis. i always feel like im less valid unless I'm straight, so i don't present as bi.
i'm skinny, cute, and pre t though, your attitude towards people you disagree with is the reason you can't find your ultimate tomboy gf
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getting new glasses need some clear ones like picrel not only to match mr elfman but also because I’ve needed some clear frames for years.
>is the reason you can't find your ultimate tomboy gf
I'm dating a 5'4 1t FtM twink rn that lets me fuck him raw while he wears fishnets
i give it 3 months
Can someone post pictures of tranny haters face so I can draw graphic detailed artwork of him being murdered, anally raped, and eaten alive by large huge hairy ftm men?
I agree, I think you would look good in clear frames.
This person isn’t ESL enough to be TH
I didn’t read the rest of the thread I just want to do this
This is rare, but based ngl
So were you sitting there seething about him or was this an impulsive request
I don’t read the thread beyond the last few posts whenever I open the website
I just want to, also it would be nice if he was too disgusted to ever continue to shit up the thread
What are you buying your discord kitten's this summer sale?
>too disgusted to ever continue to shit up the thread
Can you make it start with him matching with a cute early T ftm on Grindr and it being a catfish? This is my ultimate fantasy.
Wanting dick =/= being into guys so remember that. And just don't overthink it, if you will find a guy you're comfortable to sleep with than go for it and explore and experiment so you will know yourself better, if you don't want to do this just think about why is that so and learn from this instead. Worst thing is you will find out you're wasting your case on guys the other case you're into some guys and have bigger dating pool woo hoo
Been 8 months so far, Poonette
> flexing 8 months like it’s a long relationship
Go back to sophomore year of high school buddy
I know of one you can sort of attach to your clit but I'm not sure how good it is, its expensive and I'm not seeing anyone so I have no chance to try it out either
Sorry am I not allowed to be happy until my bf cucks me 2yrs into the relationship?
i don't know why that person disagreed with you
i enjoy being a bro who gets filled with cum and called a failed male
No, you’re just not even past the honeymoon phase.
Your pet pooner is gonna get tired being viewed as a fetish object and leave you for someone that sees them as a person. He’ll be much better off for it too. I know this cause I’ve dated your kind before.
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Hey do I pass...
You take too much and too little effort at the same time, it's amazing
I treat him like a normal boyfriend outside the bedroom. It's weirdly pot kettle you judging someone else's sex life
i do find the male form attractive and am aap. I would also fuck a guy in the ass.
how is it not the the
>yeah dood i totally see you as a real man! now please pull your pants down so i can cum in your pussy
congrats you're most likely bi go have sex and fun also research autism just to be sure
why does everyone think i have autism?
just research it to know that :*
This is a genuine philosophical question about how our social gender identity can't ever truely match with our sexual gender identity.

My bf likes taking cock but he acts like a regular male everywhere. Idk what else to say
this is TH btw
stop giving it attention
Like the metal from periodic table?
"i let him make decisions for dates" and "i only act submissive occasionally so that he thinks he can be a little dominant too" while implying he actually isn't sounds manipulative and it's a bit demeaning towards him too
> This is a genuine philosophical question about how our social gender identity can't ever truely match with our sexual gender identity
There it is, fuck off now
Who is “our” in this context?
does he know you're straight
Aw thanks
poons u need to be more active
You've had unprotected sex with dozens of "gay" men to cuck your bf and you're upset one FtM twink has a monogamous relationship with good sex?
My total body count is 4 people. Where did you get these figures
4 people from 4chan alone maybe
Kek, you give my ability to pull too much credit
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You're an AFAB with a nice face and tummy. Getting laid should be trivial for you
G you've admitted you've been a cocksleeve for AT LEAST 8 guys including your brother, try to keep track of your lies
My bad, how could I forget king
You underestimate my autism
what i like about myself:
dont feel the need to fit in

what i like about other trans men:
when he doesnt care about being cringe
when he works out
Lol surgery scars are nothing to be proud of. "Look at these scars that doctors gave me while I was sleeping in a comfortable hospital bed!"
You will never be a battle hardened barbarian warrior with battle scars you stupid pussy. Do you point to your appendix scar when you meet new people and brag about how much of a tough guy you are too? Lol
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>fear of needles so bad i pass out after i get stuck with one
>white coat syndrome so bad i get the shakes in doctors' offices
>hypochondriac who is afraid of seeing wounds, especially ones not fully healed yet
i am overcoming many fears during transitioning. i think i should get awards or some shit desu
>400mg of test a week
feels good bros...
Just don't fucking be transphobic then.
How tf hasn’t your heart stopped
roider doses are dangerous but not as dangerous as they're made out to be
bad batches, other drug use and lifestyle are the greater fatality risk to most bodybuilders

you'd be much better off doing lower doses of T and using reasonable amounts of anabolics in conjunction bro
there is a limit to how strong an androgenizing effect you can gain from T before you're better off roiding for muscles
pervert cat
how the fuck do you actually use kt tape?
gonna feel terrible down the line
wtf are you doing
MTF who was here last night why am I so nervous for tomorrow? Is everyone nervous before they lose their virginity? I want him to feel good, I don't want him to see me being uncomfortable tomorrow.
Stretch them titties to your side abd tape them nipple forward idk
Not everyone, but a lot of people do. Since he knows you’re a virgin he probably expects nerves. Some people think it’s cute.
Just do your best and don’t be afraid to make suggestions if something isn’t working out. Dimming the lights (or switching to a lamp or something) might help with some of the performance anxiety too.
same has happned to me but earlier on in transition. Before T I used to only date girls, then went bi and now I'm not interested in feminine bodies at all.
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what the FUCK are you supposed to do when a girl is riding your strap? just sit there are watch? what do you do with your hands? fake moan? i'm too autistic for this bullshit
Grab/fondle her tits, rub her clit, kiss her, bite your lip, hold her hips, call her a good girl. Simply say “mmm”. Many options, brother.
I bought trans tape once to try it and I've only gotten it to work once. Its incredibly dysphoria inducing to try using it, it takes practice to get it right and because of that it feels like shit to not do it properly. The things we have to do to get rid of our tits is irritating.
grind into the strap and use your hands
Are you supposed to like penetrating with a strap as a trans masc? It just always makes me feel uncomfortable. I prefer holding it in my hand or using my hands to please my partner
do what you like
We talked about it a little more, and he said
>If at any point you want to stop I want you to tell me immediately. And I'm going to be nice and gentle. I want you to feel good for your first time
So why am I still so nervous?
>Every FtM in my city is either fat as fuck or a poly slut
>Every cute FtM twink I see is 300km+ away

PAIN. I swear 9/10 Pooners are fat women who transitioned because they thought hating their obese bodies meant they must be a man. JUST GO FOR A RUN AND BE A TWINK
STFU chaser you don't get a right about who's hot.
Fuck this one is so hot
Ftms are usually the most repulsive 0/10s fat hairy slobs or weak chinned girls but occasionally you get a solid 9 chiseled little twink
Unless you don’t feel ready or comfortable with doing this (if this is the case, assert that), whatever you’re feeling is just part of the experience.

It’s a meaningful thing to some people (some people even cry), some people don’t give a shit, and there are people who feel all sorts of things in between, it’s all normal.
how safe is it to have piv 5 years on t with a condom? i get so wet sometimes but im worried about atrophy
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Hi ftmg, first time visitor from mtfg here

Genuine question, not trying to incite transphobia or be a dickhead or anything but like genuinly what is that you guys see that is so much better about being a man over being a woman?
the female form is inferior in physical strength
sexual function
brain function
and socially its like permanently being treated as a child

the only women who like being women are brain dead straggots
For me at least its not a matter of living as a man being better than as a woman, but gender dysphoria. I wish I wasn't dysphoric, my life would have been way easier and less complicated if I was cis. Being trans fucks everything up and I don't understand why anyone would choose to go through this for fun.

Misogyny is real and more prevalent than hatred of men, if you are a woman in society everything you do is interpreted by others with a lens of “girl/woman” on top of it.

As a woman you are expected to exhibit certain social niceties to be pleasant and appealing to others around you and especially men. Other women will be bitchy and weird to you and try and enforce their weird female social dynamics (think of workplace bullying).

I had 0 interest being in a relationship with a heterosexual man who wants a typical heterosexual sexual relationship. It would be extremely awkward for me to pursue any kind of sexual relationship where I have sex the way that I enjoy having sex.

Man is thought of as default. Militant man hating feminists are an extremely small minority of people that you can just ignore. To everyone else you are a person before you are a Man, when you are a woman/girl you are a Woman/Girl before you are a person.

You can feel less conscious of safety in public places and travel more freely without worrying about this. You can stand on the street and not be sexually harassed and just be allowed to exist.
I could ask you the exact same thing about mtf but I won't because I don't hate women or the female form I just don't believe I should have it and so I approximate my body to the male form.
This is a woman
Why don’t you just date women, you will literally have HUNDREDS OF TIMES LARGER OF A DATING POOL

Every trans man who *actually * identifies as a man will experience twink death within a few years and you know, actually become a man. Which you are not attracted to.

The only people who can get away with perpetually being attracted to very young people and have relationships consistently and then throw them out are people who are very rich and successful. You never will be due to your autism and general patheticness and stupidity. The older you get, the less these young people will find you attractive, especially as you continue to be a pathetic and unsuccessful aging retard.

Suicide is the only option.
>Every trans man who *actually * identifies as a man will experience twink death within a few years
no...no please i cant bear it
Cool responses, ty everyone :)

> Brain function
It hasn't even happened yet but I actually have cried just fantasizing about it.
Cis male but I can give an answer.

The cold truth is that there are zero social benefits to being male unless you're a Chad or feminine twink, and the depressing, lonely, irrelevant life of an average man is the #1 reason why FtMs detrans - and 50% of FtMs end up detrans.

Gender dysphoria in AFABs doesn't operate the same as it does for AMABs. FtMs often want the perceived social benefits of manhood more than calming bodily discomfort.
You only think this cuz you’re a little elf twink sissy fembrain bitch with a little sissy penis who gets hard when you wear lipstick and panties some of us aren’t little bitches like you cocklips
>As a woman you are expected to exhibit certain social niceties to be pleasant and appealing to others around you
This is complete bullshit. Women can be drunken whores that manipulate several men for money yet suffer zero social consequences. In fact, there isn't a single common issue women face that doesn't have an immediately solution. It's life on easy mode. The average man doesn't even get 1 affectionate compliment in a given calender year.

I'm a cis male but you'd have to be a schizo retard to not realize women inherently have a way way fucking better social life than men.
me when i'm a retard
Aren't to the hairy poly manlet that likes to fill threads with his schizo bullshit? I wish you'd disappear again.
TRUMP 2024

Remember that voting for Biden makes you a woman!
I think you can only really envy women if you are a little sissy bitch that needs to be bullied for being a fucking faggot

85 percent of men don’t envy women and the ones who do are traditionally referred to as faggots and sissies etc and you envy women because you are a Queer
slap my ass and call me susan then i fucking guess
go kill yourself btw
I’m not poly unless there’s someone else but probably that description fits some people here
Eh Trump is likely going to win, Democrats fucked up by putting Biden in office at all
Where the fuck do people get the stats that 50%/most FTMs end up detransing? Can you name anyone other than the few grifters who make a career off of bitching about their own life choices?
trans girl here, just dropping in to say, you're retarded. He will literally cause us to detransition. I at least can't because I've had bottom surgery, but what are you gonna do?
>He will literally cause us to detransition
no shit
any other groundbreaking revelations that you want to share
You're part of the problem lol
uh huh
and what problem is that?
People have posted large sample sources on it several times and you girls go into a rage complaining it's fake bullshit or say it's Theyfabs skewing the data.
Sucking biden's limp old man cock
Good? Transitioning has improved my mental health dramatically. It's not just me. My roommate, who is also trans (tho ftm) needs his T every 3 days feels terrible if he doesn't do his shot. Mentally and physically.
yep you got me
he even took me on an island vacation many years ago
me and biden go way back
Hahaha delusional gorillahons shaking in their boots over a false flag . Fucking retard
Why don't you share it here so I can read through it.
People who weren't smart enough to change their documents by now, too poor to get surgery by now, and too pussy to DIY hormones even if it's illegal and vote for Biden because you are genuinely stupid enough to think Trump is going to cause tranny genocide should kill themselves
i know you're just doing your job but you should pick a different thread
we're just a bunch of doods, dood
If it were possible for a president to fully illegalize transition for all Americans, Biden would have stopped the red states that put bans on transition. Idiot trannies on this board don't understand how American politics work
Joe Biden Ice Cream Diaper Farts
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I like the small of testosterone along with the extra muscle tone and light leg/hair hair it gives FtM twinks. And honestly vagina just feels better and is way easier for spontaenous sex.

To answer the question, cis women are fucking insufferable to date. Yah, I really want to be 100% responsible for all the social success of the date while you comtribute literally nothing but judge my every little action. Oh it's so fun being dumped because I showed emotional vulnerability. Wow, you have zero interesting opinions because female socializing is all about following a sheep hivemind.

Trans boys always have interesting hobbies (usually cause of autism) and because they're wanting to be men they show appreciation in dating like initiating conversation and giving emotional support. It feels more emotionally equal with a FtM twink and not like I'm Guy #47 entertaining them that week.

Remember when Biden was first elected and signed that executive order forcing schools nationwide to allow transgender girls to play on girls sports teams and a slew of other protections for trans people, which triggered the chain of hrt bans, sports segregation and other anti-trans bills being passed across the country?

If Trump signed an executive order banning transition for all people, every state with a government that disagrees with the order will overturn it with their own bills. This includes some swing states and some red states. And notice how few red states have banned transition for adults even though they technically can. Your hillbilly shitdump might whip out protections for you, and that's assuming Trump gives enough of a shit to ban HRT for adults

Retards, pay attention to your own country's politics instead of shitting your pants over what other idiots on Reddit tell you
So what will you do when they age?

Will you dump them when they inevitably look like normal men? Or fail to transition and look like normal women?

I think you just have a sexual fetish, as this isn’t compatible with a real life relationship, it is just a sexual fantasy you have
American politics are stupid because you let the people (who are all stupid) decide
>The average man doesn't even get 1 affectionate compliment in a given calender year.
if i described my stats, you would laugh and say I'm doomed and to kms, yet i get compliments from strangers regularly. have you tried putting in any effort and not being a dickhead?
did you fucking see the debate? at least write someone in instead of voting for that corpse
the only substantial study I've ever seen posted was from years ago and cited around a 1% detrans rate
yeah that's what everyone fearmongered about last time, and nothing happened. what has Biden done for trannies exactly
>I'm not even sure what exactly it is that makes it look so girly but it kinda really bothers me
If you're still in this thread, post your art and let me see. I'm good at telling what makes art malebrained or fembrained and can explain what the problem is and how to fix it. I look at a lot of pooner art and am a pooner artist myself, except my style is malebrained/strong neutral.
democracy is unironically a mistake, but I'm not sure what the solution is
What app is this?
yep i saw it unfortunately
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Remember in 2017-2020 when we could still reasonably afford rent and groceries and didn't seriously worry about dying from a nuclear blast like it was the Cold War again? The only thing scaring libcucks out of their minds was libcuck media fearmongering about random things Trump was doing or saying in the news, mostly overblown or taken out of context. You're voting for Biden for the same reason you voted for Hillary Clinton.

>At least he's not Trump!!1

Ignoring the fact that you're voting for someone arguably much worse that hasn't done anything for your cause despite all the ass kissing in interviews and empty promises in election campaigns. You're being manipulated.
cвoбoднaя yкpaинa cмepть пyтинy
cвoбoднaя yкpaинa cмepть пyтинy
cвoбoднaя yкpaинa cмepть пyтинy
Not our problem. Ukraine can surrender or suck a dick, our taxes don't need to wipe their ass. I'm being completely serious here.
It's not us it's big businesses and the CIA. If it were really up to us, Bernie Sanders would be in office right now, not the poopy pants dementia patient.
I heard your BMI is 31.7
Highest was 28
Fuck why did I reply to this
Before you got fatter
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nta but I want to know if my art is malebrained or fembrained
am that anon
Female pubic hair
Did you tuck your flaps in for this picture?
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went to my sisters house for her birthday
she has a bench in her yard she's painted almost trans colours
we had a talk about transition
I'm certain she's only repping for the sake of her long-term cis male partner now
so everyone in my immediate family is transmasc (I've known about my mum for a long fucking time and her only reason to continue to repress is she doesn't want her libido back after menopause)
this would be so hot if you were white T.T
I have been told my inner labia are extremely small, I know you have mentioned this fantasy of having external labia many times but I do not have them

That is literally a vagina
That’s a 2 year old picture which in early transition years is a lot of time, and also the quality of photos I take reflects mental illness during that time
"People" like your mother and sister is why the tranny gene gets passed down. These people should have the decency not to reproduce and pass down their suffering, but nah, gotta fit in as normal cis women. Retards, all of them.
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does your family have a history of sexual trauma? my mother was raped by a 9 inch dick for almost a year which is why she's a "repper" . satan distracts us all with various temptations, and that is hers. the evil entered her through his semen (it was raw). I know that I was raped as a child, but I don't remember it. I must have been raped. That or I am deeply and fundamentally evil and deserve to be killed publicly
You're still fat and ugly/look the same
We all get old and ugly, Anon. That isn't a "GOTCHA!" you troons think it is when people talk about dating twinks. Notice how a big part of my post was about emotional appreciation? Because that's what I desire most in a relationship.

I don't see how wanting to date a slim, modestly smooth, and attractive FtM is sexual fantasy either. It's rare but not unrealistic demographic that fits all of my needs. I hope if I get the opportunity to date a FtM twink again I can make him happy and comforted too.
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Why do these physical qualities have anything to do with emotional qualities

Obviously you do not care about emotional qualities, because if you did you wouldn’t be CONSTANTLY RANTING about the specific physical characteristics that are sexually appealing to you

You view these people as a monolith with exactly the same personality, which I guess makes sense because you’re attracted to extremely young people with basically no developed adult personality yet
Who is this a picture of?
An ugly fat mexican chola
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>>36325763 new one freaks
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Tf you're so fucking gross
I like existence, personally
I'm not gonna carry kids but if I can hire a womb and I find a life partner I'll have surrogacy kids, 100%
Exactly as I said, ugly fat Mexican chola
Anon, take your meds. I made one post about why I think FtMs are physically desirable. Valuing someone physically does not devalue them emotionally.

Are you one of those pooner rape victims that has seperated the physical from emotional to deal with their trauma?

>attracted to extremely young people with basically no developed adult personality yet
lol the female brained gaslighing mindset in a vain attempt to remove the more desirable demographic. "THEIR BRAIN ISN'T EVEN FULLY DEVELOPED YET A 20YR OLD IS LITERALLY A CHILD"
I want to beat women.

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